DOI 10.4010/2015.380 ISSN2321 3361 © 2015 IJESC Research Article June 2015 Issue A Single Phase Single Stage Boost Inverter for 1-Ph Motor Drive System M.Pakkiranna1 , B. Ramanjaneyulu Naik2 Sri Sai Institute of Technology & Science pakkiranna786786@g m1 , m2 Abstract: In this paper, a boost converter to wander up the informat ion voltage of the inverter interceded between the Fuel cell and singlestage activation motor is made. The model was completed using MATLAB/Simu link with active (P) and reactive (Q) p owers using a count in light of a second-demand summed up integrator which g ives a speedy banner embellish ment to single -stage systems. The organized showing of the parts of proposed arrangement has been taken up. The made reinforce converter boost up the voltage conveyed by the Fuel cell to a value which is suitable to run a single stage deceitfulness engine. The inverter supporters DC to AC is controlled by using active (P) and reactive (Q) powers. By utilizing a LC-channel flawless sine wave is gotten which can be particularly used to drive a singular stage inciting motor. Test examination presented gives the utility of such a drive structure. Index Terms: Boost inverter, fuel cell, g rid-connected inverter, Po wer conditioning system (PCS), PQ control, PMSG. I. INTRODUCTION greatest passable force, as for this situation, the FC module may not just neglect to supply the obliged energy to the heap additionally stop to work or be harmed [10]– [12]. Subsequently, the force converter needs to guarantee that the obliged force stays inside of the most extreme b reaking point [10], [12]. This One of RECENTLY, vitality sources, for examp le, wind power framewo rks, photovoltaic cells, and energy units have been widely contemplated in light of a dangerous atmospheric devation and ecological issues. The energy component is an essential innovation for new versatile applications and force lattice conveyance frameworks. For force appropriation, energy unit framework obliges a matrix interconnection converter to supply energy to the force network. A lattice interconnection converter utilizing a confinement transformer is best for force framework dispersion frameworks regarding surge insurance and clamor decrease. What's more, size diminishment and high proficiency are vital prerequisites. One of the issues in the power device framework is that the lifetime is dimin ished by the swell current. Consequently, keeping in mind the end goal to broaden the lifetime, the energy unit swell current must be lessened in the framework interconnection converter. Then again, when a solitary stage beat widthadjusted (PWM) inverter is utilized fo r network association framework, the force swell is double the recurrence of the force lattice. For Examp le, fro m the current–voltage qualities of a 72-cell proton trade layer FC (PEM FC) power module, the voltage fluctuates somewhere around 39 and 69 V. Also, the hydrogen and oxidant can't react the heap current changes quickly because of the operation of parts, for examp le, pu mps, heat exchangers, and fuel preparing unit [6]–[8]. Caisheng et al. [9] displayed the icy begin which takes over few mo ments. The target of this paper is to propose and report full test aftereffects of a lattice joined single-stage FC framework utilizing a solitary vitality transformation arrange just. Specifically, the proposed framewo rk, in view of the support inverter with a reinforcement vitality stockpiling unit, settles the already specified issues (e.g., the lo w and variable y ield voltage of the FC, its moderate progress, and current music on the FC side). The single vitality change stage incorporates both boosting and reversal capacities and gives high power transformation productivity, dimin ished converter size, and ease [17]. The proposed single stage matrix associated FC framework can work either in network joined or remain solitary mode. In the lattice associated mode, the help inverter has the capacity control the dynamic (P) and receptive (Q) controls through the matrix by the proposed PQ control calculation utilizing quick flag mo lding for single-stage framewo rks II. PROPOS ED FC EN ERGY S YS TEM An energy unit is an electrochemical cell that changes over a source fuel into an electrical current. It produces power inside a cell through responses between a fuel and an oxidant, activated in the vicinity of an electrolyte. The reactants stream into the cell, and the response items stream out of it, while the electrolyte stays inside of it. Energy units can work consistently the length of the essential reactant and Along these lines, the moderate flo w of the FC must be considered when outlining FC framewo rks. This is urgent, particularly when the force drawn from the FC surpasses the 1495 oxidant streams are kept up. Power modules are unique in relation to traditional electrochemical cell batteries in that they expend reactant from an outer source, which must be replenished[1] – a thermodynamically open framework. By difference, batteries store electrical vitality artificially and subsequently speak to a thermodynamically shut framework. Nu merous mixes of powers and oxidants are conceivable. A hydrogen power device utilizes hydrogen as its fuel and oxygen (as a rule fro m air) as its oxidant. Different fills incorporate hydrocarbons and alcohols. Different oxidants incorporate chlorine and chlorine dio xide Fuel cells come in numerous assortments; notwithstanding, they all work in the same general way. They are co mprised of three frag ments which are sandwiched together: the anode, the electrolyte, and the cathode. Two synthetic responses happen at the interfaces of the three distinct sections. The net consequence of the two responses is that fuel is devoured, water or carbon dioxide is made, and an electrical flo w is made, which can be utilized to power electrical gadgets, ordinarily alluded to as the heap. At the anode an impetus oxidizes the fuel, generally hydrogen, transforming the fuel into an emphatically charged particle and a contrarily charged electron. The electrolyte is a substance particularly outlined so particles can go through it, yet the electrons can't. The liberated electrons go through a wire making the electrical current. The particles head out through the electrolyte to the cathode. When coming to the cathode, the particles are brought together with the electrons and the two respond with a third substance, normally o xygen, to make water or carbon dioxide. A. Fuel cells Fuel cells are likewise very much utilized for d ispersed era applications, and can basically be depicted as batteries which never get to be released the length of hydrogen and oxygen are constantly given. The hydrogen can be supplied straightforwardly, or by imp lication created by reformer fro m energizes, for examp le, co mmon gas, alcohols, or gas. Every unit extends in size fro m 1-250 kW or b igger MW size. Regard less of the possibility that they offer high productivity and low outflows, today's expenses are high. Phosphoric corrosive power module is monetarily accessible in the scope of the 200 kW, while strong oxide and liquid carbonate energy units are in a precommercial phase of improvement. The likelihood of utilizing fuel as a fuel for cells has brought about a noteworthy improvement exert ion by the car organizations. The late research work about the energy components is centered towards the polymer electrolyte layer (PEM) power modules. Energy units in sizes more noteworthy than 200 kW, hold guarantee past 2005, yet private size power modules are unrealistic to have any huge business sector affect at any point in the near future. Fig.1 demonstrates a square outline of power module framework which comprises of a reformer, energy component stack and a PCU. Fig 2. Basic Layout of FC System with 1-ph motor drive system In addition, the adaptability of power modules has considered applications in every field. Energy unit frameworks can be effortlessly set at any site in a force framework for lattice fort ification, along these lines conceding or killing the requirement for framework redesigns and enhancing framewo rk uprightness, unwavering quality, and proficiency. In this way, fitting controllers should be intended for a power module framework to make its execution attributes as wanted. Advancement of a standalone, lessened request, element model of power device force plant jo ined with a dispersion matrix through dc/air conditioning converter. The proposed model incorporates the electrochemical and warm parts of concoction responses inside the power device stack however the progress model of DC/ DC and DC/AC Converters are not considered. A novel various leveled control building design for a mixture conveyed era framework that comprises of element models of a battery Fig 1. Proposed Block Diagram. In this piece graph the models reinforcement unit and the FC power module are associated in the unregulated dc transport and the support inverter yield is joined with the neighborhood load and the network. The representation of the force are specified as takes after, P1: FC yield power P2: reinforcement unit information/yield power, P3: inverter yield power P4: power between the inverter and the matrix and P5: energy to the air conditioner burdens. 1496 bank, a strong oxide power module and force electronic converter has been displayed. The power device force plant is interfaced with the utility lattice and a three stage beat width balance (PWM) inverter. Accepted SOFC element model utilized as a part of this tas . mode control, for examp le, nonlinear burdens, unexpected burden varieties, and transient short out circumstances. Utilizing this control system, the inverter keeps up a steady working condition by method for constraining the inductor current. In light of this capacity to hold the framework under control even in these circu mstances, the inverter accomplishes an exceptionally dependable operation [16]. The reference voltage of the help inverter is given fro m the PQ control calculation having the capacity to control the dynamic and responsive force. The voltages crosswise over C1 and C2 are controlled to track the voltage references utilizing relative thunderous (PR) controllers. Contrasted and the traditional relative vital (PI) controller, the PR controller can min imize the disadvantages of the PI one, for example, absence of follo wing a sinusoidal reference w ith zero enduring state mistake and poor aggravation. III. B OOST INVERTER Help dc–ac inverter actually creates in a solitary stage an air conditioner voltage whose top worth can be lower or more noteworthy than the dc info voltage. The principle disadvantage of this structure manages its control. Help inverter comp rises of Boost dc–dc converters that must be controlled in a variable -operation point condition. The sliding mode control has been propos ed as an alternative. On the other hand, it doesn't specifically control the inductance arrived at the midpoint of current. This paper proposes a control system for the Boost inverter in wh ich every Boost is controlled by method for a twofold circle regulation plan that comprises of another inductor current control internal circle and a likewise new yield voltage control external circle. These circles incorporate remunerations so as to adapt to the Boost variable operation point condition and to accomplish a high power to both informat ion voltage and yield current aggravations. As indicated by recreation and model trial results, the proposed control technique accomplishes a high dependable execution, even in troublesome transient circumstances, for example, nonlinear burdens, unexpected burden changes, shortcircuits, and so forth., which sliding mode control can't adapt to. C. Control Block Diagram Fig 4.control b lock for boost inverter The control plan proposed in this proposition is the decoupled PQ control. This controller controls the stage point and sufficiency of the voltage over the transformer. The distinction in the stage point between the voltage over the transformer and the utility side voltage decides the bearing of the genuine and receptive force stream. Since the stage edge on the utility side is zero, stage point of the voltage over the transformer decides the bearing of the force stream. This control is essentially a genuine force control subsequent to the receptive force is thought to be zero. A. General Circuit Fig3. Circuit diagram for boost inverter B. Control Scheme A twofold circle control plan is decided for the support inverter control being the most suitable technique to control the individual help converters covering the extensive variety of working focuses. This control strategy is in light of the found the middle value of nonstop time model of the support topology and has a few points of interest with exceptional conditions that may not be given by the sliding Fig 8. Block diagram of the overall control system of the inverter The figure comprises of different sub pieces to be managed, aside from the P-Q controller. The line-line voltage over the transformer and the utility side are measured fro m the framework to ascertain the genuine and responsive force stream. The P-Q controller contrasts the real values and the 1497 reference genuine and receptive forces to get the stage point of the transformer voltage and the balance list, separately. These control variables are utilized to focus the obligation cycle control signals which when contrasted and the triangular wave, deliver the exchanging signs for the inverter. This subsection comprises of the genuine and responsive force estimation and the decoupled P and Q controller. The line-line voltage on the utility side (VLL rmsu) and the transformer (VLL rmst) are measured fro m the framework. The genuine and responsive force streams are given by Equations C. Control Block For PQ Control Fig 10. PQ control block IV.S IMULATION Simu lation is performed using MATLAB/SIMULINK software. Simu lin k liabrary files include inbuilt models of many electrical and electronics components and devices such as diodes, MOSFETS, capacitors, inductors, motors, power supplies and so on. The circuit co mponents are connected as per design without error, parameters of all co mponents are configured as per requirement and simulation is performed. Where φi is the stage point of the voltage on the inverter side and Lt is the spillage inductance of the transformer. For estimat ion purposes, the transformer is thought to be perfect; subsequently the edge slack because of Y- Y association is disregarded. The P-Q controller essentially comprises of PI controllers to control the stage edge and the adjustment list. The principle necessity for the inverter exchanging signs is the stage point and abundance of the inverter voltage. Figure 3 demonstrates the genuine and receptive force control framework. The genuine force stream is given by Equation (8). the voltages and the reactance terms are pretty much consistent. The genuine force is straightforwardly relative to the stage edge if the point is little. Consequently the genuine force stream can be utilized to control the stage point of the inverter. Responsive force stream controls the sufficiency of the transformer voltage. The mistake between the reference and the deliberate genuine force is bolstered into a PI controller to control the stage edge of the inverter as demonstrated in the figure beneath. The inverter voltage, thusly, relies on upon the responsive force. The blunder between the reference and the deliberate receptive force is sustained into the PI controller. The control of the transformer voltage is corresponding to the control of the inverter is utilized to focus the plentifulness of the regulation signs. Fig . Main b lock simu lation Diagram for 1-ph motor drive FC system Fig 9. Control Diagram for Real and Reactive Po wer 1498 Circuit parameters: d) Motor Speed and torque FC input=50V DC Motor parameters: 1-Ph Asynchronous motor Capacitor start No minal power= 100VA No minal Vo ltage=100V rms No minal frequency= 50Hz Winding parameters: Stator resistance Rs= 2.02Oh m Inductance, Ls=7.4mH Rotor resistance=4.12 Oh m Inductance=5.6mH Mutual inductance=0.177H No. of poles=2 Starting capacitor= 254.7uF a) V. COCNLUS ION A single-phase single power stage motor drive FC system based on the boost-inverter topology with a backup battery based energy storage unit is proposed in this paper. The simulation results verify the operation characteristics of the proposed FC system with motors speed and torque variations. In summary, the proposed FC system has a number of appealing co mponents, for examp le, single power change stage with high efficiency, simplified topology, low cost etc. REFERENCES Vo 1 of converter-1 [1] J. Padulles, G. W. Ault, and J. R. McDonald, ―An Approach to the Dynamic Modeling of Fuel Cell Characteristics for Distributed Generation Operat ion,‖ IEEE- PES Winter Meeting, vol. 1, Issue 1,pp. 134-138, January 2000. b) Vo2 of converter-2 [2] S. Pasricha, and S. R. Shaw, ―A Dynamic PEM Fuel Cell Model,‖ IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion, vol. 21, Issue 2, pp. 484-490, June 2006. [3] P. R. Pathapati, X. Xue, and J. Tang, ―A New Dynamic Model for Predict ing Transient Phenomena in a PEM Fuel Cell System,‖ Renewable Energy, vol. 30, Issue 1, pp. 1-22, January 2005. c) [4] Z. Miao, M. A. Choudhry, R. L. Klein, and L. 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AUTHOR 2: B.Raman janeyulu Naik has comp lited his B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2007 fro m Annamacharya Institute of Technology & science affiliated to JNTUA. M.Tech in Power System operation and control in SV University, Tirupati 2011, and working as a Asst. Prof of EEE Depart ment Sri sai Institute of Technology & Science affiliated JNTUA, Rayachoty, kadapa(Dist). His areas of interest includes Power System. AUTHOR 3: V.PRATAPA RAO has completed his B.Tech ELECTRICA L & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING in 2003 fro m R.G.M COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY affiliated to JNTUH Un iversity M.TECH in POW ER SYSTEM fro m A.I.T.S Rajampet affiliated to JNTUA University and presently he is interested to ---topics includes POWER SYSTEM especially in ELECTRICA L DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM working as ASSISTA NT PROFESSOR and HOD o f EEE Depart ment at SRI SAI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY A ND SCIENCE affiliated to JNTUA University, Rayachoty, Kadapa(DIST) ANDHRA PRA DESH,INDIA. 1500