A SINGLE-PHASE SINGLE-STAGE BUCK-BOOST INVERTER INTENDED FOR LOW POWER ALTERNATIVE ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEMS: ANALYSIS, DESIGN AND EXPERIMENTATION José C. U. Peña, Guilherme de A. e Melo, Moacyr A. G. de Brito, Carlos A. Canesin São Paulo State University – UNESP – Power Electronics Laboratory – Electrical Engineering Department Av. Prof. José Carlos Rossi, 1370, 15385-000, Ilha Solteira-SP josecarlos84@gmail.com ; canesin@dee.feis.unesp.br Abstract – This paper presents the operational analysis of the single-phase integrated buck-boost inverter. This topology is able to convert the DC input voltage into AC voltage with a high static gain, low harmonic content and acceptable efficiency, all in one single-stage. Main functionality aspects are explained, design procedure, system modeling and control, and also component requirements are detailed. Main simulation results are included, and two prototypes were implemented and experimentally tested, where its results are compared with those corresponding to similar topologies available in literature. Keywords - Buck-Boost inverter, integrated inverters, single-phase inverters, single-stage inverters. I. INTRODUCTION Increasing utilization of low power, small-scale alternative energies conversion systems is encouraging the development of new inverter topologies. Main functionalities and topologies for this application are summarized in [1], as follows: - Power conversion from variable DC into fixed AC with voltage values either lower or greater than the input one with low THD and minimum frequency deviation. - Protection of the energy source (which may include antiislanding and electrical isolation). - Power management to improve the energy conversion (MPPT techniques, optimal efficiency, etc.). Xue [1] also proposed a classification for the different inverter the topologies, these can be: - Single stage, those are the inverters with only one stage of power conversion to boost and invert the low DC input voltage. Single stage converters are typically sub-classified by the number of active switches being the most common the topologies with 4 and 6 switches. Some single-stage inverters are introduced in [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]. - Any other DC-AC converter with more than one power stage is considered as a multiple-stage inverter. Different energy sources and loads lead to different requirements. However, there are some key issues relative to any inverter topology. These are: - Power decoupling between energy source and the load. This is usually made by using large electrolytic capacitors, intermediate DC lick capacitors [4] or small film capacitors. However, some authors have proposed the inductive power decoupling as a possible alternative [7]. - Grid connected or stand-alone applications. Grid connected inverters are typically unidirectional current sources, on the other hand stand-alone inverters are voltage source and may require bi-directionality. - Considering safety and protection concerns, grounding could be required. Some grid connected applications include a ground reference at the utility and thus dual grounding becomes necessary. In recent years the trend is to develop topologies with a reduced components count, wide range of input voltage, increased efficiency and modularity. In order to achieve these goals the single-phase, single-stage buck-boost inverter was introduced as a converter with five active switches, very large range of input voltage and reduced size. This paper emphasizes the operational analysis of a single-stage single-phase buck-boost inverter topology in order to propose its design and the components requirements to improve the performance in stand-alone applications. II. ANALYSIS OF THE BUCK-BOOST INVERTER A. Power Stage The proposed inverter results from the integration of the DC-DC buck-boost converter and a voltage source inverter (VSI), as detailed in [8]. The synthesis of the converter is described in Fig. 1 [9]. Full bridge inverter Buck-Boost DCDC converter Db S0 S1 S2 Lo Vin Lb Cb Co S3 S4 (a) S0 Vin S1 Db L S2 Vin C S3 (b) S1 S0 S2 R VL L Vout IL C S4 S3 S4 (c) Fig. 1. Synthesis of the single-stage single-phase buck-boost inverter. B. Operation The operation consists in two half-cycles, a positive one and a negative one; these are established by either the S1-S4 or S2-S3 transistors pairs respectively. The four transistors at the inverter side are driven by low frequency pulses (frequency of the AC output voltage), moreover pulses are complementary to each other (pair to pair). S0 is driven by a high frequency pulse in order to establish the two subintervals due to the CCM operation at any of the two halfcycles. During the first subinterval S0 is ON while all diodes remain OFF. Hence, input voltage is applied on the inductor in order to storage energy meanwhile at the load side capacitor (C0) supplies the demanded energy. In the second subinterval S0 is OFF while diodes D1-D4 (at the positive half-cycle) or D2-D3 (at the negative one) are ON. Energy stored in the inductor flows as current to the load and output capacitor is charged. Switching scheme is shown in Fig. 4. Figure 5 shows the two subintervals corresponding to the positive half-cycle (devices and sections with current flow have been highlighted in red) and their respective equivalent circuits. Positive Half-Cycle S0 S1-S4 S2-S3 time Fig. 4. Logic pulses for each active switch. D1 S0 Vin G E metal G Fig. 2. Chip structure and symbol of an NPT-IGBT (left) and a RBIGBT (right). D2 S0 S1 Vin L Vout S2 R D3 D4 Co S3 L Vout Co S4 Fig. 3. Schematic of the single-stage single-phase buck-boost inverter, based on diode-MOSFET series association. Vin Vin Co VL Vout R iC iL D2 S1 L D4 S4 D1 S0 iR S2 RAC VL D 3 S3 oxide p guard ring C n+ pn G p+ C metal E D1 D2 S1 E metal oxide p guard ring C n+ pn G p E C metal Negative Half-Cycle Logic value Initially the buck-boost converter (polarities have been inverted) is loaded by a VSI, as shown in Fig. 1(a). As converter is supposed to operate on continuous conduction mode, power flows from source to VSI only when S0 is blocked, then VSI output inductor should be removed. Capacitor Cb supply power to VSI when S0 is ON, hence instead supplying power to VSI and then to load; it could be supplied directly by the output VSI capacitor. Then Cb could be suppressed too. This simplification is called the reactive element reduction resulting in the layout of Fig. 1(b). The buck-boost output diode imposes direction to the VSI input current. Thus, considering unidirectional switches on the inverter this diode could be removed. So, the corresponding layout of the single-stage single-phase buck-boost inverter with a resistive load is shown in Fig. 1(c). Because the resulting inverter is an inductive accumulation converter, the switches at the inverter side should have reverse blocking capability. Theoretically, IGBTs are able to block reverse voltage, however these devices are manufactured neglecting this capability in order to improve the conduction performance [10]. Reverse Blocking capability is also required in Current Source inverters (CSI), matrix converters and as auxiliary device in soft switching cells. For these applications some manufactures offer reverse blocking IGBTs (RB-IGBTs) as [11-13]. These RB-IGBTs are made from a non-punchtrough (NPT) IGBT where the collector p+ layer is modified to become a large isolation layer as shown in Fig. 2. The result is a new p-n junction at the collector and, in practice, it means a series diode. Unfortunately, this additional diode is unsuitable for high frequency applications, for the most of commercially available devices, because of its high reverse recovering time and current. So, in addition, in this paper were considered the utilization of the diode-MOSFET association to perform the RB device, as shown in Fig. 3. Vout RAC VL D 3 Co S3 D4 S4 iR iC S2 Co VL R Vout iL Fig. 5. Subintervals during the positive half-cycle and equivalent circuits. It should be pointed out that switching scheme should consider a short interval time during which all the inverter side switches are ON, in order to avoid an open circuit condition in the inductor. This interval is analogous to the dead time required in voltage source inverters. The stresses in semiconductor devices at each sub-interval are listed in Table I in function of the input voltage (Vin), output voltage (Vout) and the inductor current (IL). TABLE I Main stresses at semiconductor devices Device Stress VCE IS VR IF VDS IS S0 D1 S2 1st Subinterval 0 IL -(Vout+Vin)/2 0 (Vout-Vin)/2 0 2nd Subinterval Vout+Vin 0 0 IL Vout 0 C. Steady state design 1) Duty cycle - Ideal conversion ratio for the buck-boost DC-DC converter (G) [14] is modified including time-variant output voltage according to (1), considering the absolute value. V (t ) D(t ) (1) G(t ) out Vin 1 D(t ) Where ω is the desired angular frequency. Rearranging terms and defining α as the ratio of the input voltage to the peak value of the output one (VP), it is possible to define the duty cycle (D) as a function of time (2), this is shown on Fig. 6. sen (t ) sen (t ) (2) D(t ) V sen (t ) sen (t ) in VP 1 α=0,05 α=0,2 0,8 Duty Cycle α=0,4 α=0,6 α=0,8 0,6 0,2 π/4 π/2 ωt dI L (t ) (4) Vin dt Linearizing (4), defining the current ripple as ΔIL(ωt), considering the time-variant duty cycle and rearranging terms, one can obtain (5). V D(t ) (5) L in f S I L (t ) Thus, with the input voltage, the output peak voltage, switching frequency and the desired current ripple the required inductance is calculated. This is the same expression for the inductance in a DC-DC buck-boost converter. Considering the maximum value of the duty cycle expression (5), one can obtain (6). Vin 1 (6) L f S I L 1 On the other hand, the capacitor is responsible for supplying power to the load during the first subinterval. So, the corresponding volt-ampere relation for this time interval is given by (7). dV (t ) V (t ) (7) C out I LOAD out dt R AC Linearizing and including the time-variant duty cycle (7) could be solved in terms of the capacitance, as given by (8). L dVout (t ) Vout (t ) D(t ) (8) dt f S Vout R AC The required capacitance could be calculated considering the peak maximum value of the duty cycle and defining the desired voltage ripple, as given by (9). VP 1 (9) C f S Vout R AC 1 The specifications to be considered in developing the prototypes are listed in Table II. These values correspond to a typical small wind energy conversion system. C 0,4 0 3) Reactive elements – Inductor and capacitor are designed to operate at the switching frequency. The inductor is responsible for the power accumulation during the first subinterval. Along this time interval, the input voltage is directly applied over inductor terminals, resulting volt-ampere equation given by (4). 3π/4 π Fig. 6. Plots of duty cycle for different values of α. In Fig. 6 it is evident that, despite of the α value, it is always possible to define a duty cycle. This means that the proposed converter can operate adequately over a wide range of input voltage. 2) Inductor Current – Based on (2) and considering no losses it is possible to deduce the expression for the mean value of inductor current along a switching period, as given by (3). VP sen (t ) sen (t ) I L (t ) (3) R AC If current ripple is considered as a triangular waveform it is also possible to compute the ideal RMS value. Moreover, the assumption of efficiency and current ripple is enough to obtain the peak, average and RMS values of the currents for all the devices in the converter. With these values, the listed stresses in Table 1 and setting the switching frequency (fS) the specification of the semiconductor devices is complete. TABLE I System specifications Parameter Input voltage (Vin) Output voltage (Vout) Output power (Po) Voltage ripple (ΔVout) Current ripple (ΔIL) Switching frequency (fS) Value 48 V 127 Vrms @ 60Hz 300 W 10% 3A 48 kHz By substitution of the specified values in (6) and (9) the required reactive elements are obtained: L 263 H (10) C 3.05 F (11) These are low values, so reduced size and weigh are expected. 10 100 5 0 0 -5 -200 -10 Current (A) -100 20 10 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (ms) Fig. 8. Main simulation results. 300 200 Voltage (V) 100 0 200 100 0 Vref +- Cv iref +- ei Ci d Buck-Boost equivalent model iL PWM Gid 0 vout Gvi -50 -100 Ki Abs 0 Kv 10 20 30 Time (ms) 40 50 Fig. 9. The voltage waveforms at semiconductor devices. Fig. 7. Block diagram of the control strategy. IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS III. SIMULATION RESULTS In order to verify the functionality of the proposed inverter and the adopted control strategy a computational simulation was performed. A model of the inverter was developed in MatLab-Simulink® based on available models of switching devices and electrical components. Control was developed using continuous transfer function blocks. Main results corresponding to output voltage (highlighted in blue), load current (red) and inductor current (green) are shown in Fig. 8. Moreover, a load step from 50% to nominal load was applied at the peak of the sinusoidal waveform. Output voltage has the desired amplitude and frequency. Total harmonic distortion was of only 2.5%. Inductor current has a waveform according to the analytical expression (3). Dynamic response proves the validity of the adopted control strategy. The voltage waveforms at S0, S1 and D1 along 50 ms (equivalent to three periods of the output voltage) are plotted in Fig. 9. These waveforms are totally agreed with stresses values listed in Table I. Typical values of leakage and dispersion parameters were included in the simulation in order to compute the efficiency. Output power was 300 W for an input power of 325 W; this means an overall efficiency of 92.3%. Two prototypes of the single-stage single-phase buckboost inverter were developed and tested. The first prototype was implemented based on the RB-IGBT IXRH40N120. The second prototype considered the series association of the Shottky diode MBR40250-D and the MOSFET IRFPS43N50K for the inverter side switches, the same MOSFET without series diode was used as input switch (S0). Reactive elements were the same for the two prototypes. A DC regulated voltage supply was used as power source. Control was performed digitally by the dSpace® DS1104 real time control board. Experimental setup is shown in Fig. 10. This includes the power supply (right), the inverter (middle), resistive load (lower middle), the real time control system (CPU at the left) and the measurement equipment (two wattmeter at both sides of the inverter and an oscilloscope at the right side). A. Results from the prototype based on RB-IGBTs Main results from the prototype based on RB-IGBTs are shown in Fig. 11. Output voltage is highlighted in blue and plotted in a 100 V/div scale, load current (red) is in a 2 A/div scale while inductor current (green) is in a 5 A/div scale, where time scale is 10 ms/div. Corrente (A) Voltage (V) 200 Current (A) D. Modeling and control The state of space averaging method was applied to obtain an equivalent linear model. Neglecting non idealities, the resulting model is similar to the corresponding one of DCDC buck-boost converter (but with alternated output voltage at steady state). This means a right half-plane zero which limits the compensator design. In order to overcome this limitation the selected control strategy was the programming current mode, according to [15]. This means two control loops, the first one is the inner loop which includes the inductor current to duty cycle transfer function (Gid); its compensator (Ci) is designed with a high crossover frequency (a quarter of the switching frequency) in order to provide the signal to modulate the duty cycle (PWM) with high dynamics, this is called the current loop. The second control loop includes the previous closed current loop and the output voltage to inductor current transfer function (Gvi). In this case the compensator (Cv) is designed to provide the reference signal for the current loop, thus its crossover frequency is set as, at least, a decade lower. The control strategy is depicted in Fig. 7. Additional blocks Ki and Kv represent the sensors used to measure inductor current and output voltage. An absolute value block is necessary because of the alternating polarity of the output voltage. Output voltage has the required amplitude and frequency with a THD of only 3.9%. However, load was limited to 125 W because of excessive stresses above that value. Reverse current of the associated diode is 28.5 A, and the reverse recovering time is 2.1 µs, these values are too high for this high frequency application. Output voltage has the required amplitude and frequency with a THD of only 2.7% (at rated power). Measured power at the output was 305 W for an input of 344 W, so the achieved efficiency was of 88.66%. Several measurements of the input and load power were performed in order to compute the efficiency as a function of the load, as shown in Fig. 13. Efficiency (%) 92 91 90 89 88 87 80 130 180 230 Load power (W) 280 330 Fig. 13. Interpolated curve of efficiency versus load power. Fig. 10. Experimental setup. Even though efficiency at rated power is 88.66% higher values are achieved for loads within 180 W. The maximum efficiency was 91.18% corresponding to a load of 186 W. Figure 14 shows the waveforms of the current (red, 5 A/div) and voltage (blue, 200 V/div) stresses at S0, where time scale is 5 ms/div. Despite of transient spikes (due to switching) these waveforms are agreed with the stresses listed in Table I and those obtained in the simulations. Fig. 11. Main waveforms from the prototype based on RB-IGBTs. Measured power at the input was 184 W. Thus the efficiency was of 68%. This means that the selected RBIGBT was inappropriate for this application because of its reverse recovery limitations. B. Results from the prototype based on diode-MOSFET series association Main results obtained with this prototype are shown in Fig. 12. Output voltage is highlighted in blue and plotted in a 100 V/div scale, load current (red) is in a 5 A/div scale while inductor current (green) is in a 10 A/div scale, where time scale is 10 ms/div. Moreover, a load step from 50% to 100% of the rated power is applied to verify the dynamic response. Fig. 14. Current (red, 5 A/div) and voltage (blue, 200 V/div) at S0 across the time (5 ms/div). High frequency details of the current and voltage at S0 are shown in Fig. 15. Scales and color remains the same except by the time which now is in the 5 µs/div scale. Fig. 15. High frequency details of current and voltage at S0. Fig. 12. Main results from the prototype based on series association of diode and MOSFET. Waveforms of current and voltage stresses at S1 and D1 are shown in figures 16 and 17, respectively. Both figures were plotted with scales of 5 A/div for current (red), 200 V/div for voltage (blue) and 5 ms/div for the time. classical two stage topology (Boost + VSI), and the proposed single-phase single-stage buck-boost inverter. These parameters are the considered by Xue in [1]: input voltage range, reported power, efficiency at rated power (η), switching frequency (fs), component count considering transformers (Tx) and its type (either low or high frequency), capacitors (C), diodes and active switches (D/S); also the power decoupling load type and MPPT capability are considered. VI. CONCLUSIONS This paper presented the operational analysis, design procedure, modeling and control of the single-phase singlestage buck-boost inverter. Obtained results prove the validity of the proposed converter as an alternative to be used in small scale alternative energy conversion systems. Implementation based on RB-IGBTs resulted in an inefficient inverter. However, prototype based on diode-MOSFET performed the DC-AC conversion with the desired amplitude and frequency, very low THD and acceptable efficiency that eventually could be improved if this semiconductors association can be made available as an integrated chip, or, considering the use of the next generation for the RB-IGBTs with fast and soft recovery. Fig. 16. Waveforms of current and voltage at S1. Fig. 17. Waveforms of current and voltage at D1. ACKNOWLEDGMENT With the obtained results it can be conclude that the best option to implement the single-stage single-phase buck-boost inverter is the utilization of the diode-MOSFET series association. The authors would like to thank FAPESP, CAPES and CNPq for the financial support given to the development of this work. V. COMPARISSION WITH OTHER TOPOLOGIES References [2-6] are proposals of single-stage inverters intended for low power distributed generators. 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