Curriculum Vitae - Khalifa University

Curriculum Vitae
Abraham Q. Wang, Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, F.ASME, F.ASCE, FInstP
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Khalifa University
June 2015April 2008-
Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering.
University of Manitoba, Professor and Canada Research Chair
May 2006-March 2008
University of Manitoba, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Associate professor and Canada Research Chair
June 2003-May 2006
University of Central Florida, Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace
Engineering Department
Associate Professor
January 2002-June 2003
The National University of Singapore, Civil Engineering Department
Associate Professor
April 1999-Dec. 2001
The National University of Singapore, Civil Engineering Department
Assistant Professor
Aug. 1998 – April 1999
Purdue University, Aeronautics and Astronautics School
Research Assistant
Jan. 97- Aug. 1998
University of South Carolina, Mechanical Engineering Department
Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant
June 95- Jan. 97
Nanyang Technological University, Mechanical and Production Engineering
Research fellow
Sept. 1994- June 1995
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Research Fellow
Sept. 91-June 94
Peking University, Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science,
Beijing, P.R. China
Degree of PhD
Sept. 88-June 91
Peking University, Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science,
Beijing, P.R. China
Degree of M.S.
Sept. 84-June 88
Zhejiang University, Department of Mechanics, Hangzhou,
P.R. China
Degree of B.S.
Journal of Modeling in Mechanics & Materials (Associate Editor, Multi-Science, UK, 2015-)
ASME Journal of nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine (Associate Editor, ASME, 2011-)
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (Editor, Springer, 2012-)
Current Nanoscience (Regional Editor, Bentham Science Publishers, 2010-2011)
Smart Materials and Structures (Associate Editor, Institute of Physics Publishing, 2008- 2014)
Editorial Board Member
Carbon (Elsevier, 2011-)
Journal of Sound and Vibration (Elsevier, 2009-)
Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group, 2013-)
Journal of Nanotechnology (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2008-2012)
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience (American Scientific Publishers, 2008-2009)
Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Hikari Ltd, 2008-2009)
Professional Membership
Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE)
Fellow of Institute of Physics (IOP)
Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Fellow of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Expert Consultations
Reviewers for promotion and tenure applications of universities (NTU, CityU, et al).
Reviewer for grant applications (Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), et al.).
Referee for fellowship applications (ASME).
Expert for Canada Research Chair Program and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Reviewer for publishes on book plans (World Scientific Publishing Co., Kluwer Academic Publishers,
et al.).
External committee member for PhD dissertations of universities in Australia, Canada, US, et al.
Professional Interviewers for International Journals
Carbon; ACS Nano; Physical Review Letters; Chemical Science; Energy; Chemistry - A European Journal;
Energy, Wind Energy, Langmuir; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; Applied Physics Letters; Physical
Review B; Physical Review E; Proceedings Royal; Society A; Scripta Materialia; Journal of Physical Chemistry;
Journal of Applied Physics; Journal of Elasticity; Journal of Chemical Physics; Journal of Physics D: Applied
Physics; Smart Materials and Structures; Materials and design; Physics Letters A; Europhysics Letters;
Nanoscale Research Letters; IEEE on Nanotechnolohy; Structural Health Monitoring; Nonlinear Dynamics;
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures; Applied Surface Science; European Journal of Mechanics
- A/Solids; ASME Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine; International Journal of Solids and
Structures; Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience; Journal of Mechanics of Materials and
Structures; International Journal of Mechanical Sciences; ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics; ASME Journal
of Engineering Materials and Technology; ASCE Journal of structural engineering; Europe Journal of Mechanics
A; Physica B; Physica E; Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures; AIAA Journal; Journal of
Sound and Vibration; Structural Control and Health Monitoring; Advances in Structural Engineering- An
International Journal; Advances in Engineering Software; Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures;
ACTA Mechanica; Applied Mathematics modeling; The Open Civil Engineering Journal; The Open Mechnaical
Engineering Journal; The Open Cardiovascular Medicine Journal; Computational Mechanics; Engineering
Structures; Thin Solid Films; Steel & Composite Structures: An International Journal; International Journal of
Structural Stability and Dynamics; Advances in Acoustics and Vibrations; Stress analysis for engineering design;
Finite elements in analysis and design; Measurement Science and Technology; International Journal of Materials
and Product Technology; Computer methods in applied mechanics engineering; Computational Material
Science; Material Science and Engineering B; Advanced Science Letters; ACTA Mechanica SINICA, et al.
International Conference Organizing Committee and Advisory Committee Member (9)
2nd International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics, ICSSD 2002, 18-20 December,
2002, Singapore.
3rd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, SHMII-3,
November 14-16, 2007, Vancouver.
The 5th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region and Australasian Structural Engineering
Conference 2010, 2010, August 8-12, Sydney. International Scientific committee.
BIT' s 1st Annual World Congress of NanoMedicine-2010 (NanoMedicine-2010), October 23-25, 2010,
Beijing, Advisory Board Member.
International Conference on Advances in Computational Modeling and Simulation (ACMS2011), 1416 December, 2011, Kunming, Yunnan, Scientific committee.
The 2012 International Conference on Advance Materials Design and Mechanics (ICAMDM2012),
Xiamen, China, Jun 5-7, 2012, International Program Committee.
1st International Conference on Nonlocal Mechanics of Composites (NONMECH2013), Istanbul, 23-25
October 2013, Scientific committee.
2nd Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE 2013) , Xianning, China, Nov.
20~22, 2013, Technical Program Committee Chair.
International Conference on Applied Science and Technology, ICAST 2015, December 19-21, 2015
Sanya, China, Technical Program Committee.
Major Awards
Merit award in research of University of Manitoba (8 awardees)
Technology Transfer Award: sponsored by University of South Carolina
Intellectual Property Award: sponsored by University of South Carolina
Outstanding Young Scientist: sponsored by University of Peking University
Research Interests
Nano-technology in engineering and medicine;
Energy harvesting from winds, sea waves, and high-rise buildings;
Repair of structures with smart materials;
Structural health monitoring with wavelet transform and smart materials;
Structural mechanics;
Patents (3)
Provisional Patent Application, Serial # 61/223,232, filed July 6th, 2009.
Quek S T, Jin J., and Q. Wang Mobile double-sides Interdigital transducer and multi-strip wave shield
US patent and trademark office, 2003, 35 U.S.C. 184
Public Interviews (2):
Radio Canada International in April of 2009 by Spanish and Chinese channels;
American Chemical Society interview on the work on water transportation with carbon nanotubes in
ACS Nano 4, 2010.
Highlighted on Websites (2):
Research on atomic transportation with carbon nanotubes was highlighted on webpage of the University
of Manitoba on 11 Feb. 2009.
Atomic transportation with carbon nanotubes, Nano Letters online cover page 2009.
Disclosures (2):
Structural Damage Detection And Health Monitoring Methods Using Spatial Signals
Inventors: Xiaomin Deng and Quan Wang
A Simple and Accurate Method for Determining Wave Velocities in Solids and Structures
Inventors: Xiaomin Deng, Quan Wang, and Victor Giurgiutiu.
Invited Lectures and Keynote Talks (23)
Applications of nanoresonators in sensors and molecular transportation: a review
Invitations for keynote speakers, IEEE Nano 2014, 14th International Conference on Nanotechnology,
August 18-21, 2014, Toronto.
2. Simulations on instability of carbon nanotubes and their applications in atomic and molecular transport
Q. Wang, Invited keynote talk at International Conference on Advances in Computational Modeling
and Simulation (ACMS 2011), Dec 14-16, 2011, Kunming, China.
3. Atomic and molecular transport with carbon nanotube
Q. Wang, Keynote talk at BIT' s 1st Annual World Congress of NanoMedicine-2010 (NanoMedicine2010) at Nanomechanics from Simulation, Computation to Cell and Tissue Modeling, Oct., 23-25,
2010, Beijing.
4. Study of carbon nanotubes: From continuum mechanics to atomic simulations
Q. Wang, Invited keynote presentation in International Centre for Materials Physics of Chinese
Academy of Sciences on July 8-9 2009, China.
5. A device & strategy for local non-destructive evaluation
S.T. Quek, J Jin, Q. Wang, P. Tua, Invited talk, Special Samsung Forum On Advanced Technologies
For Civil Infrastructure, December 8-10, 2003, Korea
6. Flexural Analysis of Piezoelectric Coupled Structure:
Q. Wang and S.T. Quek, IUTAM-Symposium on Smart Structures and Structronic Systems (SMART
2000), 26 – 29 September 2000, Magdeburg, Germany
7. A Criterion on Modeling of Wave Control in Lumped Parameter System
Q. Wang and D. Wang, Invited talk, International Conference on Vibration Engineering, June 1994,
8. Stability Analysis of a Beam Structure and its Control with Piezoelectric Layers
Q. Wang, Invited talk in Northeastern University, Shenyang, August 1, 2006.
9. Application of continuum mechanics in nano-science
Q. Wang, Invited seminar in University of Hong Kong, February, 2007.
10. Repair of engineering structures with smart materials
Q. Wang, Invited talk in Sydney University, May 20, 2007.
11. Structural Stability and Control with Smart Materials
Q. Wang, Invited presentation in Zhejiang University, June 7, 2007.
12. Application of carbon nanotubes
Q. Wang, Invited presentation in Zhejiang University, June 8, 2007.
13. Applications of Nano-materials
Q. Wang, Invited presentation in Yangzhou University, June 10, 2008.
14. Applications of Smart Materials
Q. Wang, Invited presentation in Jiangsu University, June 12, 2008.
15. Application of Smart Materials in structural repair
Q. Wang, Invited presentation in Guangxi University, June, 2008.
16. Atomic simulations of nano-materials
Q. Wang, Invited presentation in Shanghai University, June, 2008.
17. Nano-materials and smart materials
Q. Wang, Invited presentation in Xi’an Jiaotong University, July 16, 2009.
18. How to write an professional scientific paper
Q. Wang, Invited presentation in Wuhan University, October 27, 2010.
19. Mechanics in nanotechnology
Q. Wang, Invited presentation in Tianjin University, May 5, 2011.
20. Smart materials and repair
Q. Wang, Invited Talk, Northwestern University, July 4, 2013.
21. Scientific report
Q. Wang, Shenyang Building University, July 5, 2013.
22. Structural repair and health monitoring with smart materials,
Q. Wang, Invited talk in Shenyang Industrial University, July 10, 2014.
23. Nanotechnology in composites
Q. Wang, Invited Talk, Northwestern University, July 8, 2014.
Supervised Post Doctoral Fellows (5)
Dr. G.Y. Zhou: Application of magnetorheological elastomer; 2004-2006
Dr. W.H. Duan: nano-mechanics; 2006-2007
Dr. Y.H. Wen: Xiamen Univ., Nano-wires; 2008-2009
Dr. N. Wu: Univ. Manitoba, Nanotechnology; 2012Dr. Xiangdong Xie; Smart Materials, School of Civil Eng, Hubei University of Arts and Science
Supervised PhDs (10)
Dr. J. Jin: Interdigital transducer; 1999-2003
Dr. W.H. Duan: Piezoelectric motor; 2002-2005
Dr. P.S. Tua: Structural damage detection with Lamb waves; 2002-2005
Dr. Abdul Mahmoud: Scattering of waves for structural damage detection; 2003-2010
Dr. Y.G. Hu: Application of nonlocal elasticity in modeling of nano-materials; 2007-2010
Dr. Nan Wu: Structural repair with piezoelectric materials; 2008-2011
Mr. Behrouz Arash: Applications of nano-materials as gas sensors; 2011Mr. Darabi, Mohammad: Nano-sensors manufacturing and designs, 2014Mr. Ali Khosrozadeh, Nanotechnology, 2012Mr. Viet Nguyen, Modelling of nano-composites, 2015-
Supervised Masters (10)
Mr. Wang, Z.Q, Mr. Liu, X., Ms. Zhang, L., Mr. Chen, H.B., Mr. Xu, Z.J., Mr. Han, H.P., Mr.
Nazmul, I. M., (during 1999-2003) Mr. Chopra, Hari and Mr. Kunal, A Navale (2003-2006), and Mr. D
Shi (2010-2011) all were graduate students supervised by my colleagues and me. They conducted
research on smart materials and structures, nano-mechanics, structural mechanics etc.
Courses Taught as a Primary Teacher (15)
MECH 702 Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering at Khalifa University
MECH 4650 Stress and Mechanical Design at University of Manitoba (UM), Canada
MECH 3420 Vibration and Acoustics at UM
MECH 7780 Applications of Smart materials and nanotechnology at UM
MECH 3482 Kinematics and Dynamics at UM
EML 4220 Vibration analysis at University of Central Florida (UCF), USA
EML 6085 Research Methodology at UCF
EML 5237 Advanced (intermediate) Mechanics and materials at UCF
EML 6223 Advanced vibrational analysis at UCF
CE 2406 Engineering Mechanics II at National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
CE 4255 Structural stability and dynamics at NUS
CE 5503 Plate structures at NUS
CE 5506 Shell structures at NUS
CE 6603 Numerical methods in engineering mechanics at NUS
CE 5504 Finite element analysis and applications at NUS
Services in Committees
Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee; External Relation Committee; Faculty Selection Committee;
PhD and Master’s candidate Committees (University of Manitoba)
Graduate Study Committee (University of Central Florida)
Board of Exam Committee, External Planning Committee (National University of Singapore)
H: Value: 40
Google scholar citations received (>5900)
Book (1):
Recent Developments in Modeling and Applications of Carbon nanotubes,
Editors: Q. Wang, B.I. Yakobson, and K.M. Liew, Transworld Research Network, 2009.
Editorial (3)
Announcement of a virtual special issue on computational carbon nanoscience
Quan Wang and Behrouz Arash, Carbon 93, November 2015, 370–372.
Editorial 1: Simulation and Experimental Studies and Applications of Carbon Nanotubes and Graphenes in
Engineering and Medicine, Quan Wang, J. Nanotechnol. Eng. Med. 3, No. 1, 010201 (2012) (1 page)
Editorial 2: Simulation and Experimental Studies and Applications of Carbon Nanotubes and Graphenes in
Engineering and Medicine, Quan Wang, J. Nanotechnol. Eng. Med. 3, No. 2, 020201 (2012) (2 page)
Referred Journal Papers (188):
Review papers (6)
A review on applications of carbon nanotubes and graphenes as nano-resonator sensors
Q. Wang and B. Arash, Computational Materials Science 82 (2014) 350–360.
A Review on Structural Enhancement and Repair Using Piezoelectric Materials and Shape Memory Alloys
Q. Wang and N. Wu, Smart Materials and Structures 21, 2012, 013001.
Applications of nanoresonators in sensors and molecular transportation: a review
Q. Wang, B. Arash, IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine 8 (2014) 29-37.
A review on the application of nonlocal elastic models in modeling of carbon nanotubes and graphenes
B. Arash and Q. Wang, Computational Materials Science 51 (2012) 303–313.
A Review on Repair of Cracked and Delaminated Structures with Piezoelectric Materials
Q. Wang and N. Wu, CSME Bulletin, 2011, 11-19.
Applications of Piezoelectric Materials in Structural Health Monitoring and Repair: Selected Research
Duan, W.H.; Wang, Q.; Quek, S.T., Materials 2010, 3, 5169-5194.
Nano-mechanics and medicine
A high-capacitance solid-state supercapacitor based on free-standing film of polyaniline and carbon particles
A. Khosrozadeh, M. Xing, Q. Wang, Applied Energy153, 1, 2015, Pages 87–93
Molecular separation with carbon nanotubes
B. Arash and Q. Wang, Computational Materials Science, Volume 90, July 2014, Pages 50–55.
Mechanical properties of carbon nanotube/polymer composites
Arash, B., Wang, Q., and Varadan, V. K., Scientific Reports Volume: 4, 2014, DOI: 10.1038/srep06479.
10. On non-conservativeness of Eringen’s nonlocal elasticity in beam mechanics: correction from a discretebased approach
Challamel N., Zhang Z., Wang C.M., Reddy J.N., Wang Q., Michelitsch T. and Collet B., Archive of
Applied Mechanics, 84, 9, 1275-1292, 2014.
11. Molecular simulations on separation of atoms with carbon nanotubes in torsion
Khosrozadeh, A.; Wang, Q.; Varadan, V. K, Computational Materials Science 81, 280-283, 2014.
12. A Review on the Application of Nonlocal Elastic Models in Modeling of Carbon Nanotubes and Graphenes
Arash, Behrouz; Wang, Quan; Tserpes, KI; et al., Modeling of Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene and Their
Composites Volume: 188 Pages: 57-82, Published: 2014.
13. Nanoresonators in Sensors and Molecular Transportation: An Introduction to the Possibilities of Carbon
Nanotubes and Graphene Sheets
Q Wang, B Arash, Nanotechnology Magazine, IEEE 8 (4), 2014, 29-37.
14. Detection of gas atoms with carbon nanotubes
B. Arash & Q. Wang, Sci. Rep. 3, 1782; DOI:10.1038/srep01782 (2013).
15. Dispersion of a bundle of carbon nanotubes by mechanical torsional energy
Nan Wu, Quan Wang , and Su-Seng Pang, Carbon 59 (2013), 229-236. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2013.03.013
16. Modeling of vibrations of carbon nanotubes
Y.G. Hu, K.M. Liew, Procedia Engineering 31, 2012, Pages 343–347.
17. A study on interaction of DNA molecules and carbon nanotubes for an effective ejection of the molecules
N. Wu and Q. Wang, Physics Letters A 376 (2012) 3267–3271.
18. Gene detection using oscillations of double-walled carbon nanotubes
B. Arash and Q. Wang, Smart Nanosystems in Engineering and Medicine, Vol. 1, No. 2, 20-28, 2012.
19. Gene Detection With Carbon Nanotubes
B. Arash, Q. Wang, and N. Wu, J. Nanotechnol. Eng. Med. 3, No. 2, 020901, 2012.
20. Buckling and Vibration of Carbon Nanotubes Embedded in Polyethylene Polymers
Dai Shi, Quan Wang, Vijay K. Varadan, and Wenhui Duan, J. Nanotechnol. Eng. Med. 3, No. 2, 020904,
21. Ejection of DNA molecules from carbon nanotubes
Nan Wu, Quan Wang, and Behrouz Arash, C A R B ON 5 0 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 4 9 4 5 –4 9 5 2.
22. Detection of gas atoms with graphene sheets
B. Arash and Q. Wang, Computational Materials Science 60 (2012) 245–249.
23. Driving Forces and Transportation Efficiency in Water Transportation Through Single-Walled Carbon
MZ Sun, WH Duan, Q Wang, M Dowman, J Kodikara, Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and
Medicine 3 (2), 2012, 020904.
24. Wave propagation in graphene sheets with nonlocal elastic theory via finite element formulation
B. Arash, Q. Wang , K.M. Liew, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 223–224 (2012) 1–9.
25. Dispersion of carbon nanotubes with SDS surfactants: a study from binding energy perspective
W.H. Duan, Q. Wang, F. Collins, Chemical Science (Journal cover), 2011, 2 (7), 1407 – 1413.
26. Detection of gas atoms via vibration of graphenes
B. Arash, Q. Wang, and W.H. Duan, Physics Letters A 375, 2411-2415, 2011.
27. Controlling the formation of wrinkles in a single layer graphene sheet subjected to in-plane shear
Wen Hui Duan, Kai Gong, Quan Wang , Carbon 49, 3107-3112, 2011.
28. Carbon Nanotube-Based Sensors for Detection of Gas Atoms
B Arash, Q Wang, and V.J. Varadan, ASME Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine 2,
021010 (1-4), 2011.
29. Vibration of Single- and Double-Layered Graphene Sheets
B Arash and Q Wang, ASME Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine 2, 011012 (1-7),
30. Buckling of carbon nanotubes wrapped by polyethylene molecules
Q. Wang, Physics Letters A 375, 624–627, 2011.
31. Compressive buckling of carbon nanotubes containing polyethylene molecules
Q. Wang, Carbon 49, 729-732, 2011.
32. Water transport with a carbon nanotube pump
W.H. Duan and Q. Wang, ACS Nano 4, 2338-2344, 2010.
33. Time Constants of Cardiac Function and Their Calculations
X.F. Bai and Q. Wang, The Open Cardiovascular Medicine Journal, 2010, 4, 168-172.
34. Compressive mechanical behavior of Au nanowires
Wen YH, Wang Q, Liew KM, et al., PHYSICS LETTERS A 374 , 2949-2952 , 2010.
35. Orientation-dependent mechanical properties of Au nanowires under uniaxial loading
Yu-Hua Wen, Yang Zhanga, Quan Wang, Jin-Cheng Zheng and Zi-Zhong Zhu, Computational Materials
Science 48, 513-519, 2010.
36. Dynamic Instability of Nanorods/Nanotubes Subjected to an End Follower Force
Xiang Y, Wang CM, Kitipornchai S, Q. Wang, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS-ASCE 136,
1054-1058, 2010.
37. Simulations of the bending rigidity of graphene
Q. Wang, Physics Letters A 374, 1180-1183, 2010.
38. Modeling the Instability of Carbon Nanotubes: From Continuum Mechanics to Molecular Dynamics
Wen Hui Duan, Qing Wang, Quan Wang, and Kim Meow Liew, ASME Journal of Nanotechnology in
Engineering and Medicine 1, 1-10, 2009.
39. Nonlocal elastic beam models for flexural wave propagation in double-walled carbon nanotubes
Yan-Gao Hu, K. M. Liew, and Q. Wang, Journal of Applied Physics 106, 044301, 2009.
40. Separation of atoms with carbon nanotubes
Q. Wang, Carbon 47, 2754-2757, 2009.
41. Transportation of hydrogen molecules using carbon nanotubes in torsion
Q. Wang, Carbon 47, 1870-1873, 2009.
42. Atomic transportation via carbon nanotubes
Q. Wang, Nano Letters 9, 245-249, 2009.
43. Torsional instability of carbon nanotubes encapsulating C60 fullerenes
Q. Wang, Carbon 47, 507-512, 2009.
44. Nonlocal shell model for elastic wave propagation in single- and double-walled carbon nanotubes
Y.G. Hu, K.M. Liew, Q. Wang, X.Q. He and B. I. Yakobson, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of
Solids 56, 3475-3485, 2008.
45. Self magnetism and persistent photoconductivity
M.Vaezzadeh, Q. Wang, M. Saeidi and A. Seeabi, Communications in Theoretical Physics 50, 999-1002,
46. Instability analysis of double-walled carbon nanotubes subjected to axial compression
Q.Wang, Journal of Applied Physics 104, 036102, 2008.
47. Torsional buckling of double-walled carbon nanotubes
Q. Wang, CARBON 46, 1172-1174, 2008.
48. Molecular dynamics simulations of the torsional instability of carbon nanotubes filled with hydrogen or
silicon atoms
Q. Wang, K.M. Liew, and V.K. Varadan, Applied Physics Letters 92, 043120, 2008.
49. Molecular mechanics modeling for properties of carbon nanotubes
Q. Wang and K.M. Liew, Journal of Applied Physics 103, 046103, 2008.
50. Modeling of the mechanical instability of carbon nanotubes
Q. Wang, K.M. Liew, W.H. Duan, Carbon 46, 285-290, 2008.
51. Molecular simulations of in-plane stiffness and shear modulus of double-walled carbon nanotubes
Q. Wang, Molecular Simulation, November, 1-5, 2008.
52. Estimate of material property of carbon nanotubes via nonlocal elasticity
Q. Wang, Q.K. Han and B.C. Wen, Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1, 1-10, 2008.
53. Length dependent material properties of carbon nanotubes
Q. Wang, Q.K. Han, and B.C. Wen, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences 5, 2008, 1454–
54. The alternating electrostatic force needed to optimize growth of a carbon nanotube
M. Vaezzadeh, Q. Wang, M. Shahbazi, S. F. Atashzar, M. Saeidi, and D. Akbarzadeh, Journal of
Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences 5, 1-6, 2008.
55. Effect of atomic vacancy on stability of carbon nanotubes
Q. Wang, V.K. Varadan, Q.K. Han, and B.C. Wen, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences
5, 2008, 1997-2003.
56. On instability of single-walled carbon nanotubes with a vacancy defect
Q. Wang, V.K. Varadan, Y. Xiang, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 8, 357-366,
57. Induced local buckling of carbon nanotubes by a point loading
Q. Wang and M. Vaezzadeh, Advanced Studied in Theoretical Physics 2, 2008, 23-35.
58. Using Model of Strain Gradient Membrane Shell to Characterize Longitudinal Wave Dispersion in MultiWalled Carbon Nanotubes
L. Wang, K. M. Liew, X.Q. He, Y. Hu, Q. Wang, W. Guo, and H. Hu, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 5, 2008,
59. Local buckling of carbon nanotubes under bending
Q. Wang, K.M. Liew, X.Q. He, and Y. Xiang, Applied Physics Letters 91, 2007, 093128.
60. Modeling of fracture of carbon nanotubes with vacancy defect
Q. Wang, W.H. Duan, N. Richards, and K.M. Liew, Physical Review B (Rapid communication) 75, 2007,
61. Inelastic buckling of carbon nanotubes
Q. Wang, W.H. Duan, K.M. Liew, and X.Q. He, Applied Physics Letters 90, 2007, 033110.
62. Application of nonlocal continuum mechanics to static analysis of micro- and nano-structures
Q. Wang and K.M. Liew, Physics Letters A 363, 2007, 236-242.
63. On constitutive relation and small scale parameter of nonlocal continuum mechanics for modeling carbon
Q. Wang and C.M. Wang, Nanotechnology 18, 2007, 075702 1-4.
64. Torsional buckling of carbon nanotubes
Q. Wang, S.T. Quek, and V.K. Varadan, Physics Letters A 367, 2007, 135-139.
65. Wave propagation in carbon nanotubes via elastic shell theories
K.M. Liew and Q. Wang, International Journal of Engineering Science 45, 2007, 227-241.
66. Flow-induced instability of double-walled carbon nanotubes based on an elastic shell model
Y. Yan, X.Q. He, L.X. Zhang, and Q. Wang, Journal of Applied Physics 102, 2007, 044307.
67. Molecular mechanics modeling of carbon nanotube fracture
W. Duan, Q. Wang, K.M. Liew, and X.Q. He, Carbon 45, 2007, 1769-1776.
68. Application of Nonlocal Elastic Shell Theory in Wave Propagation Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes
Q. Wang and V.K. Varadan, Smart materials and Structures 16, 2007, 178-190.
69. Bending Instability Characteristics of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Q. Wang, T. Hu, G. Chen and Q. Jiang, Physical Review B 71, 2005, 045403 1-8.
70. Wave propagation in carbon nanotubes via nonlocal continuum mechanics
Q. Wang, Journal of Applied Physics 98, 2005, 124301.
71. Small scale effect on elastic buckling of carbon nanotubes with nonlocal continuum models
Q. Wang, V.K. Varadan, S.T. Quek, Physics Letters A 357, 2006, 130-135.
72. Scale Effect On Wave Propagation Of Double Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Q. Wang, G.Y. Zhou, and K. Lin, International Journal of Solids and Structures 43, 2006, 6071-6084.
73. Vibration of Carbon Nanotubes Using Nonlocal Continuum Mechanics
Q. Wang and V.K. Varadan, Smart Materials and Structures 15, 2006, 659-666.
74. Nonlocal continuum models for carbon nanotubes subjected to static loading
Q. Wang and Y. Shindo, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 1, 2006, 663-680.
75. Stability analysis of carbon nanotube probes for an atomic force microscope via a continuum model
Q. Wang and V.K. Varadan, Smart Materials and Structures 14, 2005, 1196-1203.
76. Stability Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes via Continuum Models
Q. Wang and V.K. Varadan, Smart Materials and Structures 14(2), 2005, 281-286.
77. Effect of the van der Waals interaction on analysis of double-walled carbon nanotubes
Q. Wang, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 5(3), 2005, 457- 474.
78. Wave characteristics of carbon nanotubes
Q. Wang and V.K. Varadan, International Journal of Solids and Structures 43, 2006, 254-265.
79. Axi-Symmetric Wave Propagation Of Carbon Nanotubes With Non-Local Elastic Shell Model
Q. Wang, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 6, 2006, 285-296.
80. Continuum model for the stability analysis of carbon nanotubes under initial bend.
Q. Wang, F. Xu, and G.Y. Zhou, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 5, 2005, 579595.
81. Effective in-plane stiffness and bending rigidity of armchair and zigzag carbon nanotubes
Q. Wang, International Journal of Solids and Structures 41, 2004, 5451-5461.
Energy Harvesting
82. Energy harvesting from a vehicle suspension system
X.D. Xie and Q. Wang, Energy 86 (15), 2015, Pages 385–392.
83. A mathematical model for piezoelectric ring energy harvesting technology from vehicle tires
Xiangdong Xie, Quan Wang, International Journal of Engineering Science 94, 2015, Pages 113–127.
84. Ocean wave energy harvesting with a piezoelectric coupled buoy structure
Nan Wu, Quan Wang, Xiangdong Xie, Applied Ocean Research, Volume 50, 2015, Pages 110–118.
85. Energy harvesting from transverse ocean waves by a piezoelectric plate
X.D. Xie, Q. Wang, and N. Wu, International Journal of Engineering Science, Volume 81, 2014, 41–48.
86. A ring piezoelectric energy harvester excited by magnetic forces
X.D. Xie , Q. Wang , N. Wu, International Journal of Engineering Science 77 (2014), pp. 71-78.
87. Potential of a piezoelectric energy harvester from sea waves
X.D. Xie , Q. Wang , N. Wu, Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (2014) 1421–1429.
88. Wind energy harvesting with a piezoelectric harvester
N. Wu, Nan; Q. Wang; XD. Xie, SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES 22, 095023, 2013.
89. Energy harvesting from high-rise buildings by a piezoelectric coupled cantilever with a proof mass
X.D. Xie, N. Wu, K.V. Yuen, Q. Wang, International Journal of Engineering Science 72 (2013) 98–106.
90. Optimal design of a piezoelectric coupled beam for power harvesting
Q. Wang and N. Wu, Smart Materials and Structures 21, 085013, 2012.
Smart Materials, Structural health monitoring and repair
91. Nonlinear thermal stability of geometrically imperfect shape memory alloy hybrid laminated composite
H. Asadi , M. Eynbeygi, and Quan Wang, Smart Mater. Struct.23(2014) 075012.
92. Nonlinear thermo-inertial instability of functionally graded shape memory alloy sandwich plates
Asadi, H, Akbarzadeh, AH, Wang, Q, Composite Structures 120 (1), 496-508, 2015.
93. An experimental study on the repair of a notched beam subjected to dynamic loading with piezoelectric
N. Wu and Q. Wang, Smart Mater. Struct. 20 (2011) 115023.
94. Experimental studies on damage detection of beam structures with wavelet transform
N. Wu and Q. Wang, International Journal of Engineering Science 49 (2011), 253–261.
95. Detecting the delamination location of a beam with a wavelet transform: an experimental study
Q. Wang and N. Wu, Smart Mater. Struct. 20 (2011) 012002.
96. Repair of a delaminated plate under static loading with piezoelectric patches
N Wu and Q Wang, Smart Materials and Structures 19,105025, 2010
97. Repair of vibrating delaminated beam structures using piezoelectric patches
N. Wu, Q. Wang, Smart Materials and Structures 19, 035027, 2010.
98. Free Vibration Analysis of Piezoelectric Coupled Circular Plate with Open Circuit
N. Wu, Q. Wang and S.T. Quek, Journal of Sound and Vibration 329, 1126-1136, 2010.
99. Acoustic Wave in Piezoelectric Coupled Plates with Open Circuit
Q. Wang, N. Wu and S.T. Quek, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 10 (2), 299-313,
100. FE-PML modeling of 3D scattering of transient elastic waves in cracked plate with rectangular cross section
A.Mahmoud, N. Rattanwangcharoen, Y. Luo, and Q. Wang, International Journal of Structural Stability and
Dynamics 10, No. 5 (2010), 1123-1139.
101. A novel ring type ultrasonic motor with multiple wave numbers: design, fabrication and characterization
W. H. Duan, S. T. Quek and Q. Wang, Smart Materials and Structures 18, 125025, 2009.
102. Finite element simulations on application of piezoelectric materials to the repair of a delaminated beam
W.H. Duan, S.T. Quek, and Q. Wang, Smart Materials and Structures 17, 015017, 2008.
103. Application of Piezoelectric Materials on Repair of Delaminated Structures
Q. Wang, Open Civil Engineering Letters 1, 2007, 13-17.
104. Buckling Enhancement of Epoxy Columns Using Embedded Shape Memory Alloy Spring Actuators
H.P. Han, K. K. Ang, Q. Wang and F. Taheri, Composite Structures 72, 2006, 200-211.
105. Repair of cracked column under axially compressive load via piezoelectric patch
Q. Wang and S. T. Quek, Computers and Structures 83/15-16, 2005, 1355-1363.
106. Repair of delaminated beams subjected to compressive force via piezoelectric layers, Advances in Structural
Q. Wang, G.Y. Zhou and S.T. Quek, Advances in Structural Engineering: An International Journal 8, 4,
2005, 411-425.
107. Design of interdigital transducers for crack detection in plates
J. Jin, S.T. Quek, and Q. Wang, Ultrasonics 43, 2005, 481-493.
108. Detection of cracks in cylindrical pipes and plates using piezo-actuated Lamb waves
P S Tua, S T Quek and Q Wang, Smart Materials and Structures 14, 2005, 1325-1342.
109. Analytical solution for shear horizontal wave propagation in piezoelectric coupled media by Interdigital
Q. Wang, S.T. Quek, and V.K. Varadan, ASME Applied Mechanics 72, 2005, 341-350.
110. On the jump of buckling capacity of beams via piezoelectric layers
Q. Wang, Advances in Structural Engineering-An International Journal 7, 2004, 363-370.
111. Repair of delaminated beams via piezoelectric patches
Q. Wang and S.T. Quek, Smart Materials and Structures 13, 2004, 1222-1229.
112. Repair of notched beam under dynamic load using piezoelectric patch
Q. Wang, W.H. Duan, S.T. Quek, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 46, 2004, 1517-1533.
113. Detection of cracks in plates using piezo-actuated lamb waves
P. S. Tua, S. T. Quek, and Q. Wang, Smart Materials and Structures 13, 2004, 643-660.
114. Analytical solution of excitation of Lamb waves in plates by inter-digital transducers
J.Jin, S.T. Quek, and Q. Wang, The Royal Society, Proceedings Mathematics, Physics & Engineering
Sciences 459, 2003, 1117-1134.
115. Detecting anomalies in beams and plate based on the Hilbert-Huang transform of real signals
S.T. Quek, P.S. Tua and Q. Wang, Smart Materials and Structures 12, 2003, 447-460.
116. Buckling analysis of cracked column structures and piezoelectric-based repair and enhancement of the axial
load capacity
Q. Wang and G. Chase, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 3, 2003, 17-33.
117. Buckling Enhancement of Column Strips with Piezoelectric Layer
Q. Wang and D.J. Wang, Computational Structural Engineering 3, 2003, 49-59.
118. Transition of the buckling load of beams by the use of piezoelectric layers
Q. Wang and V.K. Varadan, Smart Materials and Structures 12, 2003, 696-702.
119. Enhancing flutter and buckling capacity of column by piezoelectric layers
Q. Wang and S.T. Quek, Int. Journal of Solids and Structures 39, 2002, 4167-4180.
120. On the repair of a cracked beam with a piezoelectric patch
Q. Wang, S.T. Quek, and K.M. Liew, Smart Materials and Structures 11, 2002, 404-410.
121. On Buckling of Column structures with a pair of piezoelectric layers
Q. Wang, Engineering Structures 24, 2002, 199-205.
122. Wave propagation in piezoelectric coupled plates by use of Interdigital transducer,
Part 1: Dispersion Characteristics.
Q. Wang and V.K. Varadan, Int. Journal of Solids and Structures 39, 2002, 1119-1130.
123. Wave propagation in piezoelectric coupled plates by use of Interdigital transducer,
Part 2: Wave excitation by IDT.
Q. Wang and V.K. Varadan, Int. Journal of Solids and Structures 39, 2002, 1131-1144.
124. Practical issues in the detection of damage in beams using wavelets
S T Quek, Q Wang, L Zhang and K H Ong, Smart materials and structures 10, 2001, 1009- 1017.
125. Sensitivity Analysis of Crack Detection in Beams by Wavelet Technique
Ser-Tong Quek, Quan Wang, and Kian-Keong Ang, Int. J. of Mech. Sciences 43, 2001, 2899-2910.
126. A note on wavelet-based method for damage detection
L. Zhang, S.T. Quek and Q. Wang, ASME Applied mechanics 68, 2001, 812-814.
127. Damage detection with spatial wavelets
Q. Wang and X. Deng, International Journal Solids and Structures 36, 1999, 3443-3468.
128. Crack Detection of Structure for Plane problem with Spatial Wavelets
Q.Wang, D.J.Wang and X.Y.Su, ACTA MECHANICA SINICA 15, 1999, 39-51.
129. Crack Detection using Spatial measurements and wavelet Analysis
X. Deng and Quan Wang, Int. J. Fracture 91, 1998, L23-L28.
130. Application of Wavelet Theory for crack Identification in structures
K.M. Liew and Q. Wang, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics 124, 1998, 152-157.
Wave propagation and vibration of piezoelectric materials
131. Free Vibration Analysis of Piezoelectric Coupled Thin And Thick Annular Plate
D. H. Duan, S T Quek, Q Wang, Journal of Sound and Vibration 281, 2005, 119-139.
132. A note on possible flutter of piezoelectric layers
Q. Wang, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 5 (1), 2005 March, 125-133.
133. Analysis of wave propagation in piezoelectric coupled cylinder affected by transverse shear and rotary
Q. Wang and K.M. Liew, International Journal of Solids and Structures 40, 2003, 6653-6667.
134. A model for the analysis of beam embedded with piezoelectric layers
Q. Wang and S. T. Quek, J. of Intelligent systems and structures 13, 2002, 61-70.
135. Axi-symmetric wave propagation in a cylinder coated with a piezoelectric layer
Q. Wang, Int. J. of Solids and Structures 39, 2002, 3023-3037.
136. SH wave propagation in piezoelectric coupled plates
Q. Wang, V.K. Varadan, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 49, 2002,
137. Analytical Solution for Free Vibration of Piezoelectric Coupled Moderately Thick Circular Plates
X. Liu, Q. Wang and S. T. Quek, Int. J. of Solids and Structures 39, 2002, 2129-2151.
138. Lamb wave propagation in a metallic semi-infinite medium covered with piezoelectric layer
J. Jin, Q. Wang, and S.T. Quek, Int. Journal of Solids and Structures 39, 2002, 2547-2556.
139. Wave Propagation in a Piezoelectric Coupled Solid Medium
Q. Wang, ASME Applied Mechanics 69, 2002, 819-824.
140. Propagation of a shear direction acoustic wave in piezoelectric coupled cylinders
Q. Wang, S.T. Quek, J. Jin, ASME Applied Mechanics 69, 2002, 391-394.
141. Longitudinal wave propagation in piezoelectric coupled rods
Q. Wang and V.K. Varadan, Smart Materials and Structures 11, 2002, 48-54.
142. Love waves in piezoelectric coupled solid media
Q. Wang, S.T. Quek, and V.K. Varadan, Smart Materials and Structures 10, June, 2001, 380-388.
143. Analysis of Piezoelectric Coupled Circular Plate
Q. Wang, S.T. Quek C.T. Sun, X. Liu, Smart Materials and Structures 10, April, 2001, 229-239.
144. A Controllability index for optimal design of piezoelectric actuators in vibration control of beam structures
Q. Wang and C.M. Wang, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 242(3), 2001, 507-518.
145. Wave propagation in a piezoelectric coupled cylindrical membrane shell
Q. Wang, Int. Journal of Solids and Structures 38, 2001, 8207-8218.
146. On dispersion relations in piezoelectric coupled beams
Q. Wang and S.T. Quek, AIAA Journal 38, 2000, 2357-2361.
147. On dispersion relations in piezoelectric coupled plate structures
S.T. Quek and Q. Wang, Smart Materials and Structures 9, 2000, 859-867.
148. Optimal placement and size of piezoelectric patches on beams from the controllability perspective
Q. Wang and C.M. Wang, Smart Materials and Structures 9, 2000, 558-567.
149. Flexural Vibration Analysis of Sandwich beam Coupled with Piezoelectric Actuator
Q. Wang and S.T. Quek, Smart Materials and Structures 9, 2000, 103-109.
Other researches on structural mechanics
150. Reduction approaches for vibration control of repetitive structures
W. Chen, D. Sun, D. Wang, J. Wei, L. Tong, Q. Wang, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 27, 2006,
151. A Study of Interaction between Embedded SMA Fibers and Host Material
Z. J. Xu, K. K. Ang, Q. Wang, mechanics of advanced materials and structures 13, 2006, 32-42.
152. Wave boundary element to study Lamb wave propagation in plates
J. Jin, S.T. Quek, Q. Wang, Journal of Sound and Vibration 288, 2005, 195-213.
153. Generalized hypergeometric function solutions for transverse vibration of a class of non-uniform annular
Duan, W.H., S.T. Quek, and Q. Wang, Journal of Sound and Vibration 287, 4-5, 2005, 785-807.
154. Finite Element Studies on Field-Dependent Rigidities of Sandwich Beams
With Magnetorheological Elastomer Cores
G.Y. Zhou and Q. Wang, Smart Materials and Structures 15, 2006, 787-791.
155. Study on the adjustable rigidity of magnetorheological-elastomer-based sandwich beams
G.Y.Zhou, and Q.Wang, Smart Materials and Structures 15, 2006, 59-74.
156. Magnetorheological elastomer-based smart sandwich beams with nonconductive skins
G.Y.Zhou, Q.Wang Smart Materials and Structures 14, 2005, 1001-1009.
157. Design of a Smart piezoelectric actuator based on a magnetorheological elastomer
G.Y.Zhou, Q.Wang, Smart Materials and Structures14, 504-510, 2005.
158. Use of Magnetorheological elastomer in adaptive sandwich beam with conductive skins. Part I:
Magnetoelastic loads in conductive skins
G.Y. Zhou and Q. Wang, International Journal of Solids and Structures 43, 2005, 5386-5402.
159. Use of Magnetorheological elastomer in adaptive sandwich beam with conductive skins. Part II: Dynamic
G.Y. Zhou and Q. Wang International Journal of Solids and Structures 43, 2005, 5403-5420.
160. A linear time-variant system for signal modulation by use of magnetorheological elastomer-suspended
G.Y. Zhou and Q. Wang, Smart Material and Structures 14, 2005, 1154-1162.
161. Stability analysis of a delaminated beam subjected to follower compression
Q. Wang, F. Moslehy, and D.W. Nicholson, AIAA Journal 43, 9, 2005, 2052-2059.
162. Bending Solutions of Sectorial Thick Plates Based on Reissner Plate Theory
C.M. Wang, I.M. Nazmul, T. Matsumoto, and Q. Wang, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and
Machines 33, 2005, 51-77.
163. Complex Analysis of Flutter and Buckling of Beams under Rotational and Transverse Spring Constraints
Q. Wang and T.C. Lim, Advances in Structural Engineering 7, 2004, 21-31.
164. A comprehensive stability analysis of a cracked beam subjected to follower compression
Q. Wang, International Journal of Solids and Structures 41, 2004, 4875-4888.
165. On concentrated masses and stiffness in structural theories
A Leung, D Wang, and Q. Wang, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 4, 2004, 171179.
166. Exact Bending Solutions of Axisymmetric Reissner Plates in Terms of Classical Thin Plate Solutions
C. M. Wang, I. M. Nazmul and Q. Wang, Advances in Structural Engineering-An International Journal 7,
2004, 129-145.
167. On the region of flutter and buckling instability for a cracked beam
Q. Wang and C. G. Koh, AIAA Journal 41, 2003, 2302-2304.
168. On complex flutter and buckling analysis of a beam structure subjected to static follower force
Q. Wang, Structural engineering and mechanics, An International Journal, 16, 2003, 33-556.
169. Effects of the follower force on the static buckling of beams
Q. Wang, Int. Journal of Structural Stability and dynamics 2, 2002, 425-430.
170. Axisymmetric Buckling of Reddy Circular Plates on Pasternak Foundation
C.M. Wang, Y. Xiang, and Q. Wang, ASCE Engineering Mechanics, ASCE 127, 2001, 254-259.
171. A Reduced Order Model about Structural Wave Control based upon the Concept of Degree of
Q. Wang and D. Wang, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 39 (8), 1994, 1711-1713.
172. A Theory for Reduced Order Control Design of Plate Systems
Q. Wang and K.M. Liew, Trans. ASME J. Applied Mechanics, 64, 1997, 532-537.
173. The Method of Successive Decrease and the Harmonic Wave Filter for Wave Control in Structures
Q. Wang , D. Wang and A.Y.T. Leung, Sci. in China, 39, 1996, 647-656.
174. A Note on Wave Control in Lumped Parameter System
Q. Wang, Y. Zhi, and D. Wang, Computers & structures, 57, 1995, 177-181.
175. Researches of Wave Domain Control and a Reduced Order Model of Structure
Q. Wang and D. Wang, SCIENTIA SINICA, 24, 1994 .
176. Singularity under a Concentrated Force in Elasticity
Q. Wang and D. Wang, J. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 14, 1993.
177. Wave Control of Euler Beams
Q. Wang and D. Wang, Chinese Sci. Bullitin, 41, 1996.
178. Some New Concepts about Structural Wave Domain Control
Q. Wang and D. Wang, ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 27, 1995.
Referred Journals papers in China:
179. The Decrease Method in Wave Control of Structure
Q. Wang and D. Wang, J. Advance of natural science, 4, 1994.
180. The Controllability and the Degree of Controllability in Wave Control of Structure
Q. Wang and D. Wang, Chinese Science Bulletin, 39, 1994.
181. A Survey on Wave Control
Q. Wang and D. Wang, J. Advance in Mechanics, 24, 1994.
182. Some Problems and Challenges in Control of Structure
Q. Wang J. Exploration of Nature, 12, 1993.
183. Fast Dynamic Reanalysis Method of Large Structure
D. Chen and Q. Wang, Acta Scientiarum Maturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 28, 1992.
184. The Rational Problem of Point Control Acting on Distributed Parameter Systems
Q. Wang and D. Wang, Proc. Theory and application in control, April, 1992, Nanjing
185. A Note on the Research of Fish Basin
Q. Wang and D. Wang, Nature J. (China) 15, 1992.
186. The Solution of Two Sorts of Multi-degree Freedom Nonlinear Equation
Q. Wang, D. Wang and Q.Wu, J. Neimenggo Normal Institute, 2, 1992.
187. A Confusion on the Paper 'Some Results on Multi-degree Freedom System
Q. Wang, J. Vibration and Shock, 9, 1990.
188. A New Method for Computing Dynamic Response of Viscoelastic Structures
Q. Wu, B. Xu and Q. Wang, J. Computational Structural Mechanics and Application 6, 1989.
A Chapter in Published Books (3):
Q. Wang and K.M. Liew, Chapter 6 in Book: Carbon Nanotubes: New Research, 2008 Nova Science
Publishers, Inc.
Enhancement of buckling capacity of column strips with piezoelectric layer
Q. Wang, Electro-Magneto-Mechanics of Advanced Material Systems and Structures, WIT press, 2003.
Research on Bifurcation and Chaos in Duffing Equation by Using Harmonic Wave Balance Method
Quan Wang, Decheng Chen and Dajun Wang, A chapter from “Progress in Mechanics”, Edited by Bin
Chen, Science Press, 1993.
International Conference Papers (40):
A high-capacitance solid-state supercapacitor based on polyaniline and ground carbon fibers
A Khosrozadeh, Q Wang, M Xing, Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2014 IEEE 14th International
Conference, Toronto, 602-607, August 2014.
Recent studies on applications of nanoresonators in sensors and molecular transportation
Quan Wang, Behrouz Arash, Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2014 IEEE 14th International Conference,
Toronto, 1035-1038, August 2014,.
Buckling and Vibration of Carbon Nanotubes Embedded in Polyethylene Polymers
D. Shi and Q. Wang, 2011 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy
(ICMEME 2011), Gloria Plaza Hotel, Dalian, China, 19-21 October, 2011
Atomic and Molecular Transport and Partition with Carbon Nanotubes
Q. Wang, Keynote talk, 1st AnnualNanoMedicine-2010, October 23-25, 2010, Beijing, China.
Repair of vibrating delaminated beam structures using piezoelectric patches
N. Wu and Q. Wang, 5th WCSCM/5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 12-14 July
2010, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan.
Analysis of elastic wave in carbon nanotubes using continuum mechanics and molecular dynamic
Y. Hu, K.M. Liew, and Q. Wang, Second International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology
in Engineering, July 2009, Weihai, China.
Study of carbon nanotubes: From continuum mechanics to atomic simulations
Q. Wang, Invited presentation in International Centre for Materials Physics of Chinese Academy of
Sciences on July 8-9 2009, China.
Stability analysis of carbon nanotubes
Q. Wang, K.M. Liew, X.Q. He, and Y. Xiang, Fifth International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics,
Shanghai, 11-14 June, 2007.
Finite element modeling on repair of delaminated beam via piezo-patches
W,H, Duan, S.T. Quek, and Q. Wang, The 3rd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of
Intelligent Infrastructure, Nov. 14-16, 2007, Vancouver.
10. Repair of delaminated beams via piezoelectric patches
Q. Wang and S.T. Quek, 3rd Third MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Boston,
June, 2005.
11. Effect of the van der Waals interaction on analysis of double-walled carbon nanotubes
Q. Wang, International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics, Kissimmee, June, 2005.
12. Detection of crack in thin cylindrical pipes using piezoactuated Lamb waves
S.T. Quek, T. Pua, and Q. Wang, 12th SPIE Annual International Symposium, San-Diego, California, 2005.
13. Stability Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes via Continuum Models
Q. Wang, V.K. Varadan, G.Y. Zhou, 12th SPIE Annual International Symposium, San-Diego, California,
14. Design of smart actuator based on magnetorheological elastomer sandwich beam
G.Y. Zhou and Q. Wang, 12th SPIE Annual International Symposium, San-Diego, California, 2005.
15. Property of magnetorheological elastomer based sandwich beam
G.Y. Zhou and Q. Wang, 12th SPIE Annual International Symposium, San-Diego, California, 2005.
16. Comparison of hilbert huang, wavelet and fourier transform for selected applications,
S.T. Quek, P.S. Tua, and Q. Wang, Mini-Symposium on Hilbert-Huang Transform in Engineering
Applications, October 31 - November 01, 2003, Newark, Delaware.
17. Enhancement of buckling capacity of a complex cracked column by a piezoelectric layer
Q. Wang, S.T. Quek, The Fifteenth KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, December 19-20, 2003,
18. Design of Interdigitial Transducers for Non-destructive Evaluation in Plates
J Jin ST Quek, Q Wang, Electromagnetic Materials: Proceedings of the Symposium F, International
Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, SUNTEC, Singapore, 7-12 December 2003, 197,
World Scientific, 2003
19. Free vibration of piezoelectric-coupled thick circular plates
X Liu, Q Wang, Ser-Tong Quek, SPIE's 9th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and
Materials, 2002/7/10, 505-513.
Q. Wang, S.T. Quek, The Fifteenth KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, December 19-20, 2002,
Q. Wang and C.M. Wang, The 2nd International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics
December 16-18, 2002, Singapore
22. Analysis of Lamb modes dominance in plates via Hilbert-Huang transform for health monitoring
PS Tua, J Jin, Q Wang, ST Quek, The Fifteenth KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, December 1920, 2002, Singapore, S157-S162.
23. J. Jin, S.T. Quek, and Q. Wang” Computationally efficient analytical solution of Lamb Wave Propagation
excited by Interdigital Transducer”, Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 7-12, 2002,
Vienna, Austria.
24. Q. Wang “Effects of the follower force on the static buckling of beams ”, Advances in Structural
Engineering and Mechanics, July 21-23, 2002, Pusan, Korea
25. Flexural analysis of piezoelectric coupled structures
Q Wang, ST Quek, IUTAM Symposium on Smart Structures and Structronic Systems, 2001/1/1, 161-168.
APCOM’01, 20-23 Nov. 2001, Sydney, Australia.
27. L. Zhang, S.T. Quek, and Q. Wang, “Damage detection via wavelet transform”, Compilation of abstract for
the First Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 12-15, June 2001(Edited by K. J. Bathe),
Cambridge, MA, USA, pp 144.
28. Q. Wang and C.M. Wang, “ Buckling of Column Strips with Piezoelectric Patch Actuators”,
International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics, pp. 273-278, December 7-9, 2000, Taipei,
29. C.M. Wang and Q. Wang, “Buckling of Laminated Column Strips with Piezoelectric Patches”, Proceedings
of The Thirteenth KKNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, pp. 157-162, December 7-8, 2000, Taipei,
30. C.M. Wang, I.M. Natmul, and Q. Wang, “Relationships Between Axisymmetric Plate Solutions of Reissner
and Kirchhoff Plate Theories”, Proceedings of The Thirteenth KKNN Symposium on Civil Engineering,
pp. 163-168, December 7-8, 2000, Taipei, Taiwan.
31. Q. Wang and C.T. Sun, “Wave Propagation in Piezoelectric Coupled Circular Plates”, Fourth Asia-Pacific
Conference on Computational Mechanics for the Next Millennium, Apollo Hotel, Singapore,15 - 17
December 1999.
32. X. Deng, Q. Wang, and V. Giurgiutiu, "Structural Health Monitoring Using Active Sensors and Wavelet
Transforms", SPIE's 6 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, pp. 3667, 1-5
March 1999, Newport Beach, CA.
33. X. Deng, Q. Wang, C.A. Rogers and etc., “Damage Detection Methods Based on Wavelet Analyses of
Sensor Signals”, FAST Workshop on Intelligent NDE Sciences for Aging and Futuristic Aircraft. The
University of Texas at EI Paso EI Paso, Texas 79968, 1998
34. Q. Wang, K.M. Liew and D.J. Wang, “Some issues of Control of Structures Using Piezoelectric Actuators”,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. v2921 1997. Society of PhotoOptical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, WA, USA. p 425-430. International Conference on
Experimental Mechanics: Advances & Applications, Singapore 4-6 December 1996.
35. Dajun Wang, Quan Wang and A.Y.T. Leung, "Method of Successive Decrease and Concept of Harmonic
Wave Filter in Structural Wave Control", in Proceeding of The 15th ASME Biennial Conference on
Mechanical Vibration and Noise, DE-Vol. 84-3, Sept. 1995, Boston, pp.247-253.
36. Quan Wang, Dajun Wang and A.Y.T. Leung, "A new reduced order design of control based on the concept
of wave domain control", 1995 IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics, Oct. 1995,
Vancouver, British Columbia
37. Quan Wang and Dajun Wang, "Some Researches and New Concepts about the Controllability of Structural
Wave Control", ISTS'94-s-10, International Symposium on space Technology and Science, May , 1994,
38. Quan Wang and Dajun Wang, "Some Methods and Problems in Structural Wave Control", Asia and Pacific
Conference on Aerospace Technology and Science, Oct., 1994, Hangzhou, China.
39. Quan Wang and Dajun Wang, "Research on Bifurcation and Chaos in Duffing Equation by Using Harmonic
Wave Balance Method", International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics (ICNM/II), June, 1993, Beijing
40. Quan Wang and Zhuping Huang, "The Plastic Buckling Mode of a Thick Cylindrical Shell under Axial
Compression", International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics (ICNM/II), June, Beijing, 1993.