IJREE - International Journal of Research in Electrical Engineering ISSN: 2349-2503 WIRELESS POWER TRANSFER USING ZCS QUASI RESONANT CONVERTER Athira Jose1 | R.Francia skyline felictous2 | M.Varatharaj3 1 (UG Scholar of EEE, Christ the king engg college, Coimbatore, India, jose athira001@gmail.com) ( Assistant Professor of EEE, Christ the king engg college, Coimbatore, India, franciarayan@gmail.com @gmail.com) 3 (Head of the department of EEE, Christ the king engg college,Coimbatore,india, varatharaj_ms80@rediffmail.com) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Abstract— Day to day the use of electric vehicle is increasing which causes noise pollution and air pollution in the environment.so people like to use the electric vehicle which has high charging power for a longer period which avoids noise and air pollution completely. There are different types of rechargeable battery packs available in the market. In the existing system model multiresonant LC converters are used to produce charging current for the battery chargers which produces low output voltage of about 4V Dc .To overcome this problem, in proposed system model zero current switching quasi resonant converters are used to produce free ripple charging voltage of about 8V DC for the rechargeable battery chargers. The use of quasi resonant converters eliminate the burst mode of operation which in turn increases the life of the battery. ZCS quasi resonant converters produces less switching losses which offers high efficiency reduced electromagnetic interference and low radio frequency interference with good reliability .By using the ZCS resonant converter it give (80 % - 95 %) efficiency. This efficiency is beneficial to increasing the running time of battery operated devices. A drawback to switching converters is the electronics noise they generate at high frequencies, which must sometimes be filtered. The voltage decline as its stored power is drained. ZCS converters offer a method of generating multiple controlled voltage from a single variable battery voltage, thereby saving space instead of using multiple batteries to supply different parts of the devices. Keywords— Battery charger, full soft switching conditions, multi-resonant LC resonant converter, wide output voltage regulation ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. INTRODUCTION In the past decade years, the use of electric vehicles have increased rapidly were electric vehicles are propelled by electric motors powered by rechargeable batteries. Implementation of smart battery chargers has gained attention for electric vehicle system. Using batteries for energy storage impose challenging design constraints for chargers due to the different operating modes like current, constant voltage, constant power and no load condition of the battery. The battery chargers should not work in different loading conditions from zero to maximum output power but regulate output from zero to nominal voltage. Generally burst mode control is employed under light and no load condition to improve the Regulation and efficiency of the battery. Operating the battery chargers for the low switching frequency leads to low quality output voltage following a burst mode operation. There by decreasing the life span of batteries. Fig. (1), more subintervals of each switching period. The chief advantage of resonant converter is reduced switching losses and soft switching. Resonant converters can operate at higher switching frequencies than comparable PWM converters. In specialized applications, resonant network may be unavoidable. Resonant converter is based on the electrical current oscillations. It is used for high frequency applications. Among power converter topologies, considerations of phase shift full bridge converters and resonant converters have attracted more attention. Ensuring soft switching operations, several approaches for phase shift full bridge converters including hybrid converter, fixed variable duty cycle, self-sustain oscillating control have been studied. To extend output voltage regulation, provide soft switching for semiconductor elements. Fig (1) shows the structure of LC resonant converter. Theoretically it is possible to decrease the output voltage of LC resonant converter by increasing the switching frequency. 2. RESONANT CONVERSION Fig (1) Block diagram of resonant converter Resonant converter contain resonant LC network whose voltage and current waveform vary sinusoidal during one or Resonant power converter contain L-C networks whose voltage and current waveforms vary sinusoidal during one or subinterval of each switching period. These sinusoidal variations are large in magnitude, and the small ripple approximation does not apply. • Dc to dc high frequency ac inverters • Resonant dc-dc converters. IJREE - International Journal of Research in Electrical Engineering Volume: 03 Issue: 02 2016 www.researchscript.com 32 IJREE - International Journal of Research in Electrical Engineering 3. L3C2 RSONANT TOPOLOGY The main problem regarding LC resonant converter in a low voltage cannot regulate the output voltage. Can optimize performance at one operating point, but not with wide range of input voltage and load power variations. Significance currents may circulate through the tank elements, even when the load is disconnected, leading to poor efficiency at light load. Quasi-sinusoidal waveforms exhibit higher peak values than equivalent rectangular waveforms. These consideration lead to increased conduction losses, which can offset the reduction in switching loss. Resonant converters are usually controlled by variation of switching frequencies can be very large. The junction capacitances of the output rectifier are considered in parallel with diodes. According to Fig. 2 the parallel resonant capacitor in the transformer secondary side can integrate parasitic capacitances into the resonant circuit. Since there is no inductor at the output of the converter, in the off-state interval of the output rectifier, Ct is disconnected from the output filter, charged and discharged. There are four states for the output rectifier in each switching period, and all of them are illustrated in Fig.2. The charging algorithm used in the method is complex therefore circuit also complex. Charges should not work under the different loading condition such as constant current, constant voltage and no load but also regulate in wider range. Operating frequency increases its signal are able to carry more data so, if the operating frequency is low it can able to carry some data. It effect the output of L3C2 resonant converter can produce only 400V DC. Batteries cannot used for long times and number of charging time is increased. Through this way life of the battery is decreased. ISSN: 2349-2503 the Ac voltage into dc voltage. Fig. (2), shows the LC resonant converter with non-ideal transformer. In a transformer each leakage induce are used in primary and secondary side due to this it reduces the leakage induces (Lip and Luks).winding capacitance is used in the receiving side for store current for the winding. Cap is control voltage in the receiving side. The junction capacitances of the output rectifier are considered in parallel with diodes. According Fig. (3), the parallel resonant capacitor in the transformer secondary side can integrate parasitic capacitances into the resonant circuit. Since there is no inductor at the output of the converter, in the off-state interval of the output rectifier, Ct is disconnected from the output filter, charged and discharged. There are four states for the output rectifier in each switching period, and all of them are illustrated in fig (2) . 4. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF L3C2 RESONANT CONVERTER Fig(3) Block Diagram of L3C2 Resonant converter Fig (2) Circuit Diagram of L3C2 resonant converter A 230 v ac is given to the input. In a transmitting side two MOSFET are used for reducing the gate pulses and oscillations .To parallel this two MOSFETs are placed ,it act as filtering purposes and also it store current. The inductance control the current and passes to the receiving side. By using coupling transformer current from the transmitting side transferred to the receiving side .In a receiving side full wave bridge rectifier are used to convert In an existing system model give the single output and low efficiency. The output of the ac supply produce some ripple, to remove this ripple filters are used (L, C).Resonant power converters used in electric vehicles work under different loading conditions to operate from zero output power to maximum power output. Not possible to decrease the output voltage by increasing the switching frequency. Resonant converter used in soft transitions resulted in giving low efficiency, less reliability and more high noise operation Ac supply is given to the input. For a designing of a battery dc voltage is required.so rectifier is introduced to convert the ac voltage into dc voltage. Pic controller are used to generate the gate pulses, for this separate 5 v dc voltage is placed. Through the driver circuit gate pulses are fall into the ZCS quasi resonant converter. In a driver circuit opt coupler and isolation amplifier are contain. The purpose of the isolation is eliminate the fault current. Opt coupler couple the two circuit. By using the ZCS Quasi resonant converter, multiple dc voltage is produced. Battery life can be produced and ageing of devices can be reduced producing increased efficiency of about 93 parentage. Wide IJREE - International Journal of Research in Electrical Engineering Volume: 03 Issue: 02 2016 www.researchscript.com 33 IJREE - International Journal of Research in Electrical Engineering switching frequency regulate the output voltage under loading and non-loading conditions without employing the burst mode. 5. MULTI-RESONANT ZCS QUASI CONVERTER ISSN: 2349-2503 Fig. (4.b), shows the circuit diagram of ZCS quasi resonant converter. The inductor current never reaches the zero and the transistor cannot switch off at zero current, if requirement is violated. The resonant switch operate with zero current switching only for load current less than the above the value. I2<V/R 6. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS In the performance analysis the simulated output results are obtained using the version of MATLAB 2010A.The simulation of the L3C2 quasi resonant converter give 70-80 percentage result. The maximum operating frequency is limited. Regulation is lost in low output voltage. Generally resonant converters are soft switching it reducing the switching losses. In an existing system model more number of switches are using there by losses also increased. Fig(4.a) Block diagram of ZCS quasi resonant converter A DC input voltage is given to the inductor filter to remove the harmonics. Then the output of the filter is given to the MOSFET. When MOSFET is switched on the diode D1 conducts in forward biased condition. The produced current has the presence of ripples. To remove the ripples the current is sent to second inductor to remove produced ripples. The capacitor is used for controlling the generated voltage and the resistor is used for controlling the generated current across the load. Fig(5) Simulation output of L3C2 resonant converter ZCS quasi resonant converter help the switching network to on-off at zero current.it can achieve very low switching loss thus enabling the resonant topology to work with a high switching frequency. ZCS quasi resonant converter are driven with constant pulse duration at a variable frequency to maintain control over output voltage. At zero current switching the pulse duration is required to be equal to half of the time of resonant period In order to analysis and compare the performance of designed resonant converter, software simulation have been employed to extract the voltage gins under load conditions. During the turn off transition the reverse recovery current of output rectifier diodes leads to high voltage peak across output diodes and as a result, diodes with more withstand voltage should be selected, which means more conduction Fig (4.b) Circuit diagram of ZCS quasi resonant converter IJREE - International Journal of Research in Electrical Engineering Volume: 03 Issue: 02 2016 www.researchscript.com 34 ISSN: 2349-2503 IJREE - International Journal of Research in Electrical Engineering losses. For output rectifier diodes ZCS is provided and voltage peak is eliminated. battery cannot increased .Due to overcharging of the battery life cycle is decreased and devices are ageing. TABLE I COMPONENTS OF RESONANT CONVERTER Components Part number Inverter MOSFET Ixfx64N60 600VDC,64A SeriesResonant Cap. SeriesResonant Ind. Film Cap. 10Nf,2000VDC 3F3 *** 3F3 *** Film Cap. 10Nf,1000VDC Rectifier Diode MBR40250 250VDC,40VDC Output Cap. Film 1.5Nf,250VDC Parallel Resonant Cap. Fig(6) Simulation output of ZCS quasi resonant converter 7. COMPARISON OF THE L3C2 AND ZCS QUASI AS A BATTERY CHARGER From the both simulation output give the soft switching, it reduces the switching losses. The L3C2 resonant converter produces more switching losses compare to ZCS quasi resonant converter. The L3C2 resonant converter give only 70-80 percentage efficiency but, the ZCS quasi resonant converter give more efficiency than L3C2 is about 93 percentage. Battery charger must able to respond to different modes of charger algorithms and it cover almost all plane. In a L3C2 resonant converter, the output voltage cannot decreases by increasing the switching frequency. The switching frequency is the maximum possible number of switching operations per second. Switching frequency have the capability to reduce the gate pulses. Because, the switching frequency have maximum speed to sense the pulses. The switching frequency is dependent on target size, target speed and switch type. Resonant converter used in soft transitions resulted in giving low efficiency, less reliability and more high noise operation of the charger. In a ZCS quasi resonant converter give wide switching frequency than the L3C2 resonant converter. The operating frequency is not limited in a ZCS quasi resonant converter. Operating frequency increases its signal are able to carry more data. By using L3C2 resonant converter, the life of the Rating TABLE II TOOLS USED IN THE SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE Compone nts L3C2 Quant ity ZCS Quant ity MOSFET IXFX64N 60 2 IRFP 250 1 Inductor 13uH 1 63uH 1 Capacitor 10nF 9 10nF 1 MBR 40250 6 MBR 40250 2 Diode In a proposed system model system less number of components are used and it give higher efficiency than L3C2 resonant converter 8. CONCLUSION This paper introduced the multi-resonant ZCS quasi converter topology as a power converter that can regulate the output voltage in a wide range, from zero voltage current to the maximum output power, without using burst mode operation thereby increasing the life of the batteries. Due to wide output voltage regulation, the proposed resonant converter can respond to charge batteries for high IJREE - International Journal of Research in Electrical Engineering Volume: 03 Issue: 02 2016 www.researchscript.com Normalized f 35 IJREE - International Journal of Research in Electrical Engineering switching frequencies in real time applications. Thus the LC Resonant converters used in the existing system model used a burst mode of operation with low switching frequencies are overcome by the ZCS quasi resonant converters .ZCS quasi resonant converter are used to produce free ripple charging current for the rechargeable battery chargers. ISSN: 2349-2503 [7]. R .Erickson and D. 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