October 26, 2011 Anton Foss, AIA, Principal 360 ARCHITECTURE 300 W 22nd Street Kansas City, MO 64108 Re: Milwaukie Oregon Baseball – Preliminary Lighting Analysis WSP Flack + Kurtz Project No.: S11.20330.00 Dear Anton: As requested, please find below a preliminary analysis of the field lighting for the proposed minor league baseball stadium in Milwaukie, Oregon. The lighting analysis is based on planning information received from your office on the 21 October 2011. LIGHTING STANDARDS Lighting design for sporting events at Minor League baseball fields is typically designed in accordance with the Illumination Engineering Society of North America’s recommended practice guideline RP-6-01 “Sports and Recreational Area Lighting” and the “Lighting for Minor League Baseball Playing Fields” published by the Office of the Commissioner of Baseball and the National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues Inc. Minor League fields are recommended to be lit to the following average illumination levels (measured in footcandles (fc)) on the field of play: Class A – Horizontal Illuminance: The infield is to be lit to 70fc with a maximum to minimum ratio of 1.5:1 or less The outfield is to be lit to 50fc with a maximum to minimum ratio of 2:1 or less Milwaukie Oregon Baseball October 26, 2011 WSP Flack+Kurtz Project No: S11.20330.00 Page 2 TYPICAL FIELD LIGHTING INSTALLATION Pole locations are typically determined in such a manner as to avoid placement within the players primary field of view to avoid direct glare that may impede play. The diagram on the following page indicates the primary sightlines for players and the corresponding typical pole locations to avoid these zones. A typical installation therefor involves four infield pole locations (A1, A2, B1, B2 above) and four outfield pole locations (C1, C2, C3, C4 above). Typical floodlight quantities per pole for these locations are as follows: “A” Position Poles: 18-20 floodlights “B” Position Poles: 35-40 floodlights “C” Position Poles: 16-20 floodlights Each floodlight is typically lamped with a 1500W-2000W metal halide lamp with rated average lumens of approximately 130,000. Typically the highest minimum pole height is determined based on established, formulaic design ratios and applied to all pole locations for a consistent floodlight elevation for both aesthetic reasons and to ensure that most fixtures are aimed at a downward angle. Standard pole heights will typically range from 100-150ft depending on the available locations relative to the field. In situations where the floodlighting is to be integrated with the stadium structure, the stadium roof height often determines the final floodlight positioning. If the roof height is below the minimum height as determined from the guidelines listed above, this typically results in an increased pole height to ensure that the stadium roof structure does not create any shadowing on the field from the floodlight positions above. Milwaukie Oregon Baseball October 26, 2011 WSP Flack+Kurtz Project No: S11.20330.00 Page 3 Floodlights are aimed such that the top of the floodlights beam spread lies, at a minimum, 10 degrees below a horizontal plane level with the maximum pole height. In addition to helping avoid glare for players on the field, this approach results in a more efficient floodlighting layout, with all fixtures directed down towards the field itself. LIGHT TRESSPASS CONCERNS Spill light or light trespass is considered any illumination occurring beyond the boundaries of the field being illuminated and the surrounding stadium proper. Despite the height and aiming criteria mentioned above, spill light can still be an issue for the lighting design if the installation is in close proximity to adjacent properties. This can be controlled in a variety of ways and should be a carefully considered element of the design. The stadium lighting layout, the stadiums orientation on the site, and the architectural design itself may all be designed in such a manner as to mitigate light trespass onto adjacent properties. For example the field may be set below the surrounding grade, landscaped berms may be built up, trees may be strategically placed, ancillary buildings may be positioned in such a way as to shield adjacent areas from potential spill light, using low reflectance materials on the stadium surfaces, etc. Selection of appropriate luminaires (floodlights) also plays a key role in reducing light trespass. Luminaires with optical systems having defined beam spreads and careful aiming at the appropriate mounting heights will help to reduce any potential spill light. Additionally many manufacturers offer shielding options including external shields, internal louvers, baffles, etc. all of which serve to reduce glare and potential light trespass outside the stadium. An example of such a shielding device specifically addressing this issue is shown below. In all sports lighting installations some spill light, as the result of light reflected off the field and the stadium structure, is inevitable. A general glow can be observed at any existing installation as a result of reflected light from the target surface (the field in this case) interacting with particulates in the air. Many environmental factors contribute to this effect including air quality, climate, humidity, etc. The best way to qualify this effect is through direct observation of a similar installation under similar environmental conditions. Milwaukie Oregon Baseball October 26, 2011 WSP Flack+Kurtz Project No: S11.20330.00 Page 4 LOCAL CODE RESTRICTIONS A review of the Milwaukie, Oregon Municipal Code (website: qcode.us/codes/milwaukie) did not identify a specific light trespass requirement for commercial construction. However, section 19.606.3 PARKING AREA DESIGN AND LANDSCAPING Additional Design Standards requires “lighting luminaires in parking areas to have a cutoff angle of 90 degrees” and for “lighting trespass not to exceed 0.5 footcandles measured vertically at the boundaries of the site”. PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS The following diagram provides a preliminary field lighting analysis for the project and is based on the following assumptions. 1. Field lighting will be designed per RP-6-01 for Class A baseball sporting events (preliminary values shown in the diagram are adequate for all levels of Minor League Baseball play). 2. Eight pole positions will be used to locate the sports lights per the diagram included above with four infield and four outfield locations. Floodlights are located approximately 90 feet above field level and use a mixture of 1000W and 1500W metal halide lamps. 3. The preliminary study does not take into account shielding due to stadium structure, nearby buildings, fences/walls, or landscape nor does it account for field design set beneath surrounding grade. Very truly yours, Jonathan Plumpton Vice President WSP FLACK + KURTZ Erik Crowell Senior Lighting Designer WSP FLACK + KURTZ Milwaukie Oregon Baseball October 26, 2011 WSP Flack+Kurtz Project No: S11.20330.00 Page 5