M4OJ09CO19W eVGNING BULLGT tes Advertising Medium. Ifyou Don't Head the Bulletin you Don't Gel ALL the News. It Reaches ALL theTeople. Pnv,s.U Evening Paper Published on the Hawaiian Islands. N iJltVJlsl HONOLULU, No. 754. GRAND THE ART LEAGUE EXHIBITION .NO.TIK It H. nl mini) I inn n Imirn n lnm I IttllUIIU Will Be the Most Elaborate Ever in Honolulu. At Cyclomere Park. Season of Three Weeks Howard Hitchcock Studies of Superior Merit tributions Saturday Evening,NoY. AT at 7 &3ST DontB iippn 1' M. at Wall, Nichols Co. Mile MlutifH run to the Gte 73S3w 0. H.LGEAB, GEAR D. BEAR, 210 KlriR St., fill Saruomo St., 8. F. 11 I. GEAR & lawyers. aii Francisco and jJonohilu Having offices In Sim Fnuiulsco and Honolulu we are prepared toatteml promptly to all mutter eutriMo'l to us In either of nl'l places. -- D. G-EA- LAWYER. , Comer of KIiir awl Bethel Streets, Second Floor. William A. Henshall, at Law A-ttorney Street KiuiUumntra 113 SAMUEL J. ther Con- Scenery. In advance, it may bo stated - 2jc. General Admission, Admission and Grand Stand, - - - 30c. 'Boxes for Tarties of Six or Nine. Seal on Hawaiian -O- 6 00 LOCK. 8 Will Hang Fifteen New MACDOHALD, L, IV A rt: STOCK Illlf lllock ill I'lonerr I R w pi. IjJIIUH I i IIUJIHIK V froooooaoott iou0OtlC000"'l Vol. IV. fid till w...w.. Til . ,. A FRIDAY, MALUM. NOVEMBER 5. of Mary E. Foster nnd others. Its principal denial is of tho allegation that n leaso mndo by Mn knnui, of kuln land, to the deto the Jury fendant wns tho result of n conspiracy to dofraud the Hui of Ku-hnCecil Brown is attorney for defendant. CLOSING ARGUMENTS NOW ON Mill Olnuicc. iiiuiiu mi sino. Somo big private purchases of sugar stock wero mndo yesterday. Sountor J. A. McCaudless bought 140 shares of Pioneer Mill duriug tho day at S1G0. Other parties bought a total of 1G0 shnros at tho same figure, making 300 shares sold altogether. A block of 15 shares of nssosan bio Oahu, 835 paid, also found a purchaser at $50. Twenty-liv- e shares of Houoknn chauged hnuds at S200, a lino bargain. Five shares of People's Ico Company went for Slu'O. Iwilel Murder Case Will Tonight. Go Prum 5 Cents. 1897. i FOUL MURDER AT Japanese Laborer Cuts Hts Plantation nn. Mistress LAHAINA to Pieces. m m More Complications In Sumner Estate Other tiik And Then Makes mtiLL i.Asr i'.vimm:. Matters of Interest In the Higher cide- Anil Oilier Iiilcrekllni; Courts. ifnppeiiliis in of Wilful Murder Major Jones, nnd Inter Cnptnin Zeiglor, conducted tho drill of tho first battalion on Armory squaro Inst ovoning. Tho exercise was iu open order movements. All tho companies showed up woll aud tho drill wns very creditnblo In the Sui- by the Coroner's Jury. lrcli. .tlllllnry a Bungling Attempt at Yerdlct Iwilei murder enso Auother wilful murder at was tho most important Oreightou commenced argument for 'tho defense this nows itora .brought by tho Mntvnn Lon this morning. Deptity Sheriff morning nnd nt 2:30 p. m. wns Omstod, who hf Id tho inquest on still talking, Ho will be followed tho victim nnd enmo ovor on the by Deputy Attorney Genornl to olllcors nud men. steamer, was seen by a Bulletin' lrnirclirft on llio Wnrrlnioo. Dole, Judge Perry will deliver Arraugomeuts nro comploto for roportor nnd gnvo tho particulars his charge, nud the enso will likeTwenty Klondikors from Austho big pri.o contest between of tho tragedy. tralia are through passengers on ly go to tho jury somo time this companies 13 nnd D nt Knknnko At 9 o'clock yesterday morning evening. final afternoon. The tomorrow tho Wurriuioo. Thoy are all will tnko placo todny. a Japaueso named Yoshidit sudpractise is being still Testimony takou miners aud are a hardy, dotormin-ewill begin at 1 p. in. denly nttnckod tho woman ho vu3 looking set. Most of them are in tho case of A. Fernando, vs. Scoring sharp tomorrow. living with, Yosho by name, with British, though there are some S. O. Dwight, beforo Judge StanAs yet Corporal Wright nud Americans, Germans aud Frouch ley and a uativo jury. nu ordinary jack knife and cut hjr Sorgt. Athorton aro the only men in tho party. Thoy intend Deputy Mnrshnl Hitchcock hns tho lieutenancies in 13. iu several places about the tin oat, for to bravo tho ardors of wiuter, mnde return of survico of sum Lieutenants Jncobseu nud Giles breast aud arms. So furious was aud . will press us far into tho rnotis on defendants in tho enso of will both retire. the attack aud no fast did tho snows ns possible beforo tho Kailikolo Knihiknpu nud husbnnd each Compnuy D's "HighJiuks" will blows of the kuifo' follow less trail opens up in April. other that, iu than Kaulau ngaiust Knikniunhnolo, week plnco from tonight. a take ... the thrco minutes, woaiau executrix, nud others, mi notion (lend. The wns murderer WtIsM'h Villn, Wiilklkl. iu ejectment to quiet title to laud .Ilnrn illurllm Ituvl" 0iliim, then turned tho knife on his own Tom. Wright has mndo great known as tho "Apana Kalo," in In addition to tho elovon tins person, inflicting u fow cuts ou improvements to his bathing es- Ewa district. a uum-bo- r Tho samo officer has also mado of opium fouud by luspector his throat and arms whenwho tablishment at Waikiki, tho of his countrymen woro of sorvico of return summons tho in Mncuulny's watch last night near attracted to the seeue by tho principal of which is an addition S nud of sister Davis, Maria tho bark Martha Davis, twolvo in rear of tho house, supplied with case cries overpowered him nnd four elegant bay windows, to be next friend of J. K. Sumuur vs. more woro found upon sonrohiug took tho kuifo nwny. which iu peti K. tho I. Sumner, used as a sitting room. At this Deputy-Shorit- f that vessol by tho customs gunrds Omstod wns sent point a splendid viow of surf aud tiouor represents to tho Court nud this morning. They wero fouud for nud nrrested the murderer, sen is obtained, aud tho plnco has says in rufereuco to tho motion on in tho forecastle, iusido of the nnd after lookiug him up had his tho full sweep of tho cooling file iu tho suit of Sumner vs. Cruu false bottom of a chest belonging wounds attended to. They wero dall mado bp J. K. Sumner for the to a sonmuu named Franco. Tho found to bo iusiguiiicaut aud will winds from tho mountains. discharge of tho receiver J. A. fnlBO bottom was clovorly con- probably heal up in n week. After King, that tho said J K. Sumner structed so ns to hold about thirty arresting tlio murderor, The .Tin. m In lliiiiuliilii. tho de- is incapable of taking care of tins. France was promptly puty-Brill impaneled a jury una Davoy exhibits a large plato himself and is incompetent to expresbOd. nud put in choky nnd n hold nu inquest, at which very little "Eventide A Hawaiian Idyl," picturo of tho moon on a quarter manage, enro for nud protect bail of 1000 is demanded for his wns dovuloped. Tho parties wore most ambitious his is, hounvor, taken by Prof. Holdeu and othon his estato nud property by reason release. plantation laborers li.viug together canvas for tho coming exhibition. m of m memloss the Lick Observatory a few of mental decay aud ns mnu nud wile, uud hnd heen It bhoiva two tjpical Hawaiinns at ory duo to old ago, aud asks that celebrating tho birthday of tho Nmnll Oil Milpmeiit Arrive. at the sonsido in tho uncertain mouths ago. Tho geographical as tho said J. A. King is unwilling lines aro clearly nnd portrayed, bmperor of Japan the day heforo, light of the soft dusk. Antho by Among imports of tho as said longer to act receiver Other paintings show studios of the mountains are quite promiu estato somo compotout person drew "Wolch, which arrived this duriui! which copious draughts off sake wero imbibed. Iu tho morn-iu- g skies with a fow bright, sunny ent. Mr. Davey values tho pic- bo appointed iu his stead as perKero-seadof morning, cases 700 ture highly, are it being thoy were still under its influan quito Noticeable views about Hilo. manent guardian or receivor and y ence nnd iu n suddou lit of 150 cases of GasoOil and among them will bo a sunset from dition to his col lent inn. that the motion of the said J. K. line. This shipment will tempodeod wns done. Tho tho "Twilight," Islnnd; Coconuut Sumner for the discharuo of the rarily ward oil' tho famiuo which corpse, when viowsd by the jury, Kn.tlii li llio Klmiillkc. "Fiahormou," "Cascade," "In PuKiuney it receivor bo deuied. has threatened for some days. It presented a horrible flight, the a na," "Light and Shadow," Kealin, Kauai, will soud a party ballon for petitioner. neck, arms, nud breast being cut" will be several weeks beforo anPunchbowl scouo, returning of a to the Klondike. No less n In tho libel for divorce of other lurgo lot urrivos from Nuw and slashed in a fearful mnuuor. typical Hawaiian marine subject, Win. Eassio is at the Isabel E. Davis vs. L'ostor A. York. Tho jury roturued nveidictof wil"On the Island," aud a glowing head of than it. is solllug out now. Davis, libollaut has Bled n motion ful murder ngaiust tfoshida. picture of Iho Volcauo duriug its The party He will bo composed of that tho libellee bo ordered to pay Tho preliminary examination ot activity. jicvroi'iu:it. coLLKCiiiit some twelve persons, all moneyed an additional attorney's feo on tho murderer will come oil beforo Otboi prominent contributors to men. They will lenvo April tho ground that tho allowance the District Mngistrnto of Laua-i- na tho exhibition will be Mis3 Frouch, for tho Coast nnd willinlose made was insufficient, Haw Noniellilnu tu Sny on III ITHlllc uo heretoforo ns soon ns tho murderer's College; at Oahu art iustruotor III lllrd Mild l.lqiiiiroii Menmera. nnd also that her former attorney, wouuds nro sufficiently healed for Philip H. Dodge, Mrs. Graham time in getting to Diwkhu City. W. L. Stnuloy, hnviug been Collector General McStockor him to nttond court. and Mrs Tucker. to the Circuit Court desires Green llorn rreiv OiBiled Tho Bullutin'h Lnhainn cor- m that the public may not bo A green horn crow has boon put bench can uo longer nppenr ns misled by tho article iu this morn-iug- respondent bends further particuDr. Carter. .Son lloiiae. her couiiboI. The deed whs lars, ns follows: paper iu legurd to tho future evidently premeditated Dr. Carter's fino house near into active training' by tho Ilealaui Tho nsHumpit enso of W. H. hh the Hauulu is finished aud will be Yacht aud Boat Club ns n menus OiimraiugH vs. 0. Holt hns beon entry through tho custom house man had prepared his weapon. of developing is soma strong talent coutiuued for the term. occupied next week. It a very of nil urticlos without exceptiou It wns an ordinary siugle blade large woodon structuro, one floor, tor the noxt rauo moot. W. IS. Jns. A. Kim;, receivor of tho urrivinc fiom foreign ports. It I. X. L. knife aud ho bad wrapped and is built in tho form of three Wall is coaching. Tlio crew estato of J. K. Sumner, hns filed cloth about it t" pi event slipping, Tho dining practises on Tuesday and Thurs a statement of tho uccouuts of the is tho intention of tho customs and the clasp turning back upoii sides of a square. placo in to obstacles uot bureau day evenings of eaoh week. hall is a large one, aud tho parestate from April 30, 1895, to tho way of the importation of his hand. lors aud living rooms are emblems November 3, 1897, showiug an in- goods by merchants and others The woman was nlunn when Jliiy Nutlle Here. of convenieuco and comfort. debtedness of tlio estato amouut-iu- g but to put n stop on the truflic attacked nnd wns first struck on to $20(1151. Charles Clark, n promiuont which has tjeen goiug qu more or the ack, between the shoulder Olnwulil Will lima Muter. In Julia Spoonor Hico vs. Jona lebs iu such things ns birds, blades. Then u large giwli across lawyer of Now York, is n Into tlio throat wavered tlio artery nnd in this city. Though horo than Spoouor, defendant's attor- bottles of liquor aud small par0. A. Fogarty has returned from Olowulu plantation, whero especinlly for tho henlth of his ney, A. S Humphreys, has filedde-a cels, many ot which should go in throe minutes she nwis dead. he has buou assisting tho Pacific wife, whom ho accompanies, ho is bill of exceptions to tho iiirecent through tho parcels post, thus favor of snviug both tho consignee nud Woll Boring Co. in sinking two looking up tho opportunities for cision of Judge Perry woik ib its own best . First-olnHo roports that his profeshion nud may douido to plaiutilT. ton inch wells. customs otlicor much troublo nnd udvertisemout, is the motto of the by Co. Kati3oho Ranch The water wns struck in tho first woll remain permanently in Honolulu. bother. It is much cheaper to Hawaiian Cycle it Manufacturing m its president, J. P. Mendouca, has ordor small last week. Mr. Fogarty is in bad packages by purcelB Company, and they allow no poor filed an nnswer to the complaint post than by regular freight. iinrriiiilliii' U Tmiiurrotv. health. jobs to leave then shop. m Tho qua'rnntiuo period tho on Tnko I'ormuiiciit Quarters. Jnpauosq. laborers brought by tho WhIUhc l.ir it Sleiiuier. Awarded Royal makes the looj pure, Captain Nichols, of tho U. S. S. Riojun Mnru will bo up tomorrow. wholcaomo and delicious. Highest Honors World's Fair. is on Health tho of Board Tho took wifo up Ueuuington, aud They will bo shipped out next Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. nlort for tho arrival of tho Lehua their resideuco yestordny at tho Monday nud Tuosday. Tho preArlington hotel. They will re- sent lot is an orderly ouo nud hns or tho'Kilauen Hou from Hawnii. Dlfc; main there duriug tho stay of tho boon little tax upon buponutond-on- t Both mo ubout due, nnd tho first tomporury flagship in port. McVeigh and his guards. one in will be engnged for tho trip to Molokui. II eitnor nrrivo toIleulunl lluiiee l'otuiiud. night tho Board will got nway at Good baking powder h 9 o'clock Moudny evening. Tho danco committeo of tho cheaper than " cheap " baking Healani bont and Ynoht Club det'olmed lMiolna. this afternoon to postpone powder, because itdoesn'tmuke cided tho hop scheduled for tonight for Wo desire to correct n fnlso im doctor's bills. ouo week. Exteusivo piepara-tioncolored regarding pression will bo mndo for tho success "Cheap" baking powder rjholo8. Thoro is no such .thing of tho ntTnir at tho tirao Inst men PDWOER generally contains alum bad tioned. ns photographing tho colors of Absolutely Pur Schillings Tho best that enn bo for the stomach. natnro. iB cle"an to color tho photo uf tor it'a a shavo'drop For nice in done I Best is at your ijfrocer's. A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powder. nt tho "Elito liarbor Shop," King mndo and we Hint to do perfection. A S. IiiI"iii. C'nmiuii) CO.. streot, near Alakou. i:oi 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. King Bros., Hotel streot. ban riaiit.iiu that tlio Autumn exhibition of the Kilobnuu Art Lcnguo will bo the moat olnborato and interesting yet attempted. It will 'open a week Thero from Mouday evouiug. will bo much new work aud the public will bo treated to-- surpriso in tho general advancement that hns been mndo nil along tho line. Mr. Hitchcock will display a vaiietyof striking subjects). His work, as tho average critic might view it,shows what may bo termed higher capabilities than ho has In tho heretoforo exhibited. selection of subjects nnd tho treat nieut of effects, his new work gives a fooling of ropoto nnd sentiment that is vory pleasing. Tho (olection of titles of many of his paintings discloses tho ambition of each though many of thorn go beyoud tho moro objects taken ns subject matter. 'I ho ouo caDvas tho artist most enjoys is his"Symphouy" n study in greens aud grnyB tho subject boiug n liuuo oncoming wnvo at the uoiut of breaking. Another soft ntmospheric effect has for its subject a group of fishermen hauling a seiuo on tho bench. In this tho feeling of twilight aud the night stealing on is very wall Chnrlos Ln-hni- a d cnu-didn- tcs wo-man- 's Ut uo jenl-ous- Counsellor at Law. 204 Merolinnt Street (ona dnor from Fort Btroot), llonolnln. CHARLES F. PETERSON, Attorney at Law and Public. ISTotarv por-soun- go U ted tret. Kiiatnimanu GILBERT LITTLE. V. ATTORNEY AT LAW IIILO, HAWAH A. WALL, D. C. D. S., DENTIST. 'Jew Lovo'g HulldlriR, Fort Btreet. 434. FKLEl'HONK DR. T. MoMILLAN, 01 tliH Royal Colieno of PhyHlclnus ami 8urgeoimof Edlnlmrg'i, Eto. Berotania St., Opposite Hawaiian Hotel (Dr Ryder's.) 3 ami 7 to Houus: 0 to 10 a. m., 1 to 244. 8 p. m Telephone Office: DR. G WaLDJ BURGESS, Physician and Snrgann. Residence1 Houus Street. 433 Punchbowl 10 a. m. 7 .SO p. m to 12 ni.i TELEI-nON- 1 to3nna7to 852. , 's i nr-ri- vnl ss . 3 L The Elite Ice Cream Parlors lOB HOTBI.. STRIiETS. CREAM &AKiB0 s Cakes and Candies, Fine Ice Cream. Our KstnUtslimeut ia tlio Finei.tltef.ort Call nnd seo w. Open till 11 o'clock!'. 51, In tho City. BAKING POWDER .S. HOVAL BAMNO FOWOtD NfW V0RK. 1 UiiiImWi .it lit TRW1' HHHHHHM!WP3 wwc ', " , r "r,fi1 'lr y 2 i Wo .11 in Operation av a. ."Now uul arc; prepared to furnish freshly 'round Our Holler is run by FEED Electric Power and Not by Steam GRAIN HAY. lull line of AND FEED KINDS constant lv on hand. lorn Comp W 3 A Telerhonft 121. Queen Street. Kltiil WuriN mill I'utlic-il- r f Iliimill. Murl in Aii iijjetir on tlm Hlii'ets of Honolulu taking mlvuuco subscriptions for Murk Twniu's new book, "Following the Equator." Critics who havo be, u euppli.il with niivniii'i HlnH'ta of tho work tleau ibc Mr. OIhiucub' lntet effort iid n iniuvt'l of vig i mid wit. Mr. Bliss of Now York, who rend tin proofs, says, iu speaking of tho work: "IHh wit is as sprightly ns ovnr." This Into misfortunes of tho niswl humorist havo uot stnjrd his lmnd, mid tho wnmo soul thut divined 'ltouyliiii: should mrivo hero dutiu winter. $40,000 $40,000 Dry Goods TO BE High Grade SACRIFICED IN THE Lubricating v Sixty y Days Next thid StocTwI Entire Why tlm Ntr ft Cnr Cii'.nltirtnr Wnuld Not Cut tl.ti l'.i'.'imit In A lioiiin trowed tlm tincK ami tlm nintoueer put o.i tlm br.il.-c- ko smith uh that tho cur ntiuly idood on its noe. Then lio sut ilnun on tho front pent to nwnit tlio ii.ihiuB of tho loiitfHtihiRof cnrriimi's lollowliiR tho black drnixil vchiclo. A fut iiuiu who had nciily Lecii thrown over tho front rail by tho Midden stopping of tho car snorted : "Why don't you rut ncioss? I'vo pot to catch u train. T can't wait hero nil day " "Can't help It. bos. You'll lmvo to wait and catch another train." "Well, I'll repoit jon to tho company. That procession will t.iko flvo GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR minutes in passing us." "Ilcport away. I can't help it if tho procccsion tal.es 20 minutes. Yon No 316 couldn't hiio mo to run this car across that funeral procession for tho best job on the line. Tlint'H tho worst hoodoo a man conld mu up apaim-t- . " Pins and "Buhl" Faid Iho fat mail, "All right, bu-- s. I know what I'm talking about. Ouo of tho best mcu on this line crossed n funeral procession CnlV toon after tho trolley system was put in. A live wlru dropped on tho back of his neck nud electrocuted him bofure Made of Hnuuiinn Siivor Coins ho'd gono a block. A littlo wlillo latir another poor fellow cut acros b.ick of find R"nuti fully ISiuinvllwl in a hearse. Ho rau over thrto ehiltlrcu in colors. Soo his Show Windows. as many weeks. IIo quit tho road as crazy as n loou. Now tho conductor on that sjuio cur Ii.tj lost every cent he Books, Stationery, Island Views, hud in tiio world, and his wife and child lmvo died. Bah, youiself! I'd hko to seo you get off this car and walk Funs and Curios, across in front of onoof thosocarriagis. Sheet Musio, I'll bet you'd bo eatchiu your last train Papers and Typewriter in this world pretty quick. Jest hop off School Supplies. and try it now," But tho fat man only shifted uneasily about on ll.o hard car seat and waited silently until tho lat carrlugo had All passed. Now York Telegram. Commencing Monday, Nov. 1st. J. J. EGAN, lort Street. un-ril- Firsts J. ai Fastest Pro- - Oiie-- M i ll UUUUUi & Manufacturing Pacific Cycle mm Mons Co. Ehlers Building, Fort Sreet. HEALTH is I I SCHLITZ BEER Is a Voicano of Health ! On Account of Its Purity ! Sorair I lit Prices Always Right Ills Littlo MUtake. sho said, aud she lookod at him rathor sharply as sho said it, "I have an idea thut you didn't behavo yoursolf very well whilo you wero Beer SchSitz "John," FAT The Uuncu Man Id I'olltlo. Walts Tho business muu iu politics is h doal pf a fiilo. What can a business man know about politics? I'otts At least you must admit that n good business man would not soil n $1,000,000 frauchii-- for a paltry littlo $3,000 or so. Indianapolis Journal To the Ribs of its Consumers. A ROLL GET ! & Co., MaofSarlane S( le A srents. Lt'd, - PACIFIC HARDWARE C0,Ld HAVE JUriT RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF ' PICTURE MOULDINGS, They if al-- n make tpecialtles of Vacuum Oils, Cyclone Windmill, Howe's Scales, Giant and Blasting Powder, Fuse and Caps, Etc. Pacific Hardware "Fort Rtreet. Bulletin. 75c. Co., Ltd Per Month Tho biggest prico over paid for n boreo in America was $125,000, given by J. Malcolm Forbes of Boston for Stuufoid's Ariou, a trotter Tho enterprising highwayman relieves many a man the doctors cauuot touch. Ilarrisburg Patriot. Not So Iu Practice. "Do you accept tho theory that man is a fron ninrnl nireiit?" "Well, it may bo all right iu theory, been married U0 years." Chi- but euyo .Toinn i! that tlieO.hu Lumber For Cylinders, Etc. & upon and clm'teli nf lot rem in in rear uml & ('n , duo l lie mild 0liu Lumber & Build lllg Cll.. L'.l, l).V IllHMllll T..1 dlllK & Co , uiU'iuutiiig ti Four Hundred uml Eighty Dollar., for I lit- - rent nf eerlulu Fieinl-t- s kimwii uh (Iih "New ReHlail-runi- ," mid Hitimte on Bethel ntreet, in Honolulu O.iIhi, to wit: I Imx , 1 looking rugur, img rlcf, 2 g as-- , 2'li lii,3:t barso p, 25 tins , ,J bug yugur, 4 puiiti 2 try vegetubu-.)hiib 1 lure iit, 47 cli Iih, 10 cruet stuml- - uml cruei, 17 nugir bowN, 2 large tuble-- , (18 knlve , a tot Wotce-te- r rhlrt- - siiict u d uu'eup, 301 spoou, 3 plcturer, 12 u t i elluiM, 62 litrgf plalt-s- , (iO hi' , 2 up- -, 1 wiiler plleli er, 6 potM, 209 iiltiif. 1 ife i hem, 1 boil' r, 0 curving kui vep, 2 Iiuuh rail, 10 tiim ineui and Hull, & box tea, dip uif, 1 suv, 8 llv olib'k-eii1 illiei, 13 iiniiiii uible-- , 62 fork", itiuger le, 8 Ii iih vliieK ir, G I uirucke, Cylinder. Castor Mineral. For Stoum Plows. , Summer Black. Fur Cat BoxevEtc., AL0t x-- Coal Tar, -- mii-.I- gio-Curl- tumliler", 2 eyiun pitchers, 62 0 milk plic'i' n, Ctf itiblocloti 8,21 Ai.d notice uliairx, 0 bugs cum iuu.1. Is llellllj given thut ettl goods Utlll Olat oIh will Iih sold ut publiouu--tionf the ii tii-- i Ion room ol Juh. F Morguu, nu Quern utieel, Ho mlulu, H I , on Momiiy, November 15, 1897, at 12 o'clock I ti, lo eailrfy Hie rent logeth-e- r due and in utiear uh a o.o-iiiwith the iitK of i ires-mi- d su'e. 70 Stockholm Tar; fau-eei- Fire Clay. I O. t 29, ("O , : GRAPHITE. L'D. n 18117 DIXON'S Graphite Compound. 748-t- For Ben rl n us. Brokers dy. Open tho door of learning to tho yonngstpr. Tho lussoiis ou good olothos should bo his first. It's tlm ii, b, o,of cirumon senso and vu aru helping hiui to that economy. AI1 & Dealers Containing uothlng Injuiloui to the leath.r; Strengthens it uml prevents trom slipping Graphite Paint REAL ESTATE For Iron Rnofn, 8mokpstnck8, Boilers, All Iron work exposed to heat or Estate in wet; Also for exposed wood work, h bridges, Reason-ibu- CiT We will Bay or Bell Heal ill parts of the groan . "tST We will dell Properties on Commissions. OFFICE. 10 hnuseH, pileH, HlC. T West King Street "The Kash," Building Lots! Color Curds und Directions on plication. ap- GRAPHITE Is 0110 of the purest. of earlmu nud is Impervious cold, alkali, unit air, acld-- i and rust, and It Is claimed will lait longer formH t, than any other imlot. WAIEIK1 on car line and on PA LAMA HOAD near fertilizing Plant. Fhese Lots are Very Cheap and Sold on Easy Terms. Desirable Acre Tracts near the city and ithor Properties for sale. Kt 9 Hotel Street : AecntH for Dr. : Wayerley Block Llnen-Mn- sh Underwear. Send fur Catalogue. We Make Shirts to Order. Cm ! What a Drop BBUCE, WAKING & CO., ! $85 Bicycles for $47 A Capitol lierpby given Surprising Shirt vn lues dpou ti Engine. W. C. ACH1 & CO., Dixon's Belt Dressing. Inland VIohh. Ovor our establish mont on Hotel street is tho Bigu Inland Views. For tho benefit of those who may These blejclcs wero uot nindo to sell at not know, King Bros.havo oponed BUi.li low price but nro regular SS5.00, 1S'J7 tho placo as a branch to their stock,a and tlm remains ol a Chicago bauU-ru- pt Colored and uncolored store. stock. Wo liavo only got a fow nrnl won't last long at our price, H7.U0. photos, oil paintings, water colors, thoy Come In and get 3 oar pick of three color for pnstels and menu cards of Island Gent's wheels; maroon ilnleli for tho Ladles' Wheels. sceuory ivro specialties. $50.00 will furnish Lamp and Dell, i Til Slug Red Especially Adapted to Centrifugal Machinery uml High Speed Engines. C.,IjI, liuwiliNlrum.il following gnoiiH Honolulu, i'orcolniu coins wero for a long time For a nice clean shavo drop in at tho "Elite Barbor Shop," King street, near Alakoa. tho Ih Pro-lilei- lmvo a good W'rd fur us nil youi fnoiidH. If ou fi ill tt fault, tnll us nli'Uti, Wo can direct it Bonhor tli it M your fnomls I'o current in Siniu. Public) imtloi tho uuilerHlgii.il BulMIni; OaIIU I.UMI1EU & BlJII.DINO 1,i:k n kw, te away." "Kow nb,urdl" ho protested "What in tho world has given you that idea?" "Well," sho returned iu a quizzical kind of a way, yi noticed in tho telegram yon fcut mo you had paid thb regular tariff chargos ou tho words 'excuse, writiug. ' " Chicago Fost ADDS OF IF YOU Atlantic Landlord's Sale. M. WEBB'S Fort Street. la Ileal SILTA-- Om flOLLS Be Sold ! s REMINGTONS X OILS AFRAID OF THE HOODOO. They Ride ALSO OF1 ' WORTH bo trnced in Inn Intent produutiou. Tho author's lofeii'iices to Hawaii uro brief, but veiy friendly. On one of the piies ho speaks fueling!) of the work of Jj'uther Datnieu, and follows it up with n pathetic story of ti young man, "Billy" Itasdale, a Hawaiiun court iuterproter, who, on almost tho ovo of his imirriiige, found himself to bo n It pur nud his happiness shuttered forover. The book is on tho press anil Tln. JONES-T- wo 18J7. 5, iiihhc, It" and "Tom Sawyer" can ALL OF rw ain'h. m:h III CiiiiIhIm 0 P ALL KINDS. A. a ittt . Dri Boiler Fee d Crusher G BULLETIN, NOVEMBER KVEN1NU For Honolulu Cyclery, 231 King St., oppo. Arlington Hotel. Denlerg in ljotB and Lnntls, 312 Fort Street, near King rntiKPIIONK 607 P. O. Box 821. To Let. Two Houses on Punaliou street, opposite College buildings, containing seveu and nine rooms, Puutry, Bath, Closets, etc., with Stable. Apply ou premises to J. A. BUTTERFIELD, 713 8m 470 Punuhou street. For Rent. Two Unfurnished Rooms on, King street, near Alakea street. Apply at A. V. GEAR & CO', 712-t- f 210 King street. p&to&ii&n Fertilizing COMPA.JSTY Is prepared to furnish Nitrate of Soda for fertilizing. In Quantities liTery. to Suit: Orders Bollcltod for a future de. A. F. COOKE, Manager, A EVENING BULLETIN, VVM. Sl'llECKELS. C'LAUS U. lllWlH. tilaug$pneckeluo. HONOLULU H. I. lancbco Agcntnlaa Nevada Bank or Ban Ban Fbancisco. draw exciianob on Ban Francisco Tho Ncvadn Dank of Ban Francisco. London Tie Union Dank of London, Ltd. New Yohk American Kxcbnimo National Unnl;. Chioaoo Merchant National Dank. Comptolr National d'Escompt de I'Amu Paris. Drcsdncr Hanki Berlin Hongkong & Honokono and Shanghai Uanklng Corporation. New Zealand and Australia Bank of Now Zealand. Victoria and Vancouver Bank of British North America. YoKonAMA Transact a General Banking awl Eichange Business Dcpolsts Received. Loans mudo on ApCommercial and Travelers proved Security. Bills of Exchanpo bought Credits Issued. and pold. Collections I'romitlt accounted For. E. A. JONES F. O. JONC8. Your money back at your grocer's if you don't think that Scfiiiliiiifs Best is the cheapest of all the baking powders that you ever knew of. 11 But," you may say, "I can get baking powder for half the money." Yes, but Schillings Best is worth more than twice as much, because it does more work and does no harm as alum and other cheap baking powders da Tjje Subscribed Capital Paid Dp Capital KosorvoFnnd Stock Brokers AND Eire Insurance Agents. Yon 12,000,000 Yon 7,500,000 Yen 0,464, COO HEAD OFFICE, DRANCIIES AND AGENCIES. New York, London, Lyons, Shanghai, San Francisco, Hong Kong, Bombay, Transacts a General Banking and Ex- - chungo Business. Specie Dank Agoney Yokohama ill mi Ballling. New Republic St, Honolulu Stmr. "KINAU, CLARKE, Commander, Will leave Ilonolulu at 10 a. m., touching r4 Lnlmina, Maulaca Bay and Miikenn tUt sumo day; llnhukoua, Kavmihno und Lan. ptibooUoo tlio following day, arriving at Uilo the Bamo evening, Friday Tuesday.... (Jiipanotto) Friday Painter & Paper Hanger Tuesday... M ker, versmith. Perfect Kit (Guaranteed THOEOUGH MECHANICS ' Las a & and Repairing a Specialty Gleaning Company, Cor. Alakea Tuesday Friday. Tuesday... Friday W. W. AHANA. Holekauwila Sts. Elec- Constantly on band, Eatiinutos givon for house ing aud Electrical plants. Marino Wiring a specialty. THEO. HOFFMANN, Manager. 82-t- d Established 1853 moil-iciu- Stmr. HELENE, FREEMAN, Commander, Will leave Ilonolulu Tuesday at Gp.m.i touching at Kahului, iiaua, Ilamoaand Kipabuln, Maui, Returning arrives at ilonolulu Sunday mornings. Will call nt Nun, Kanpo, on second trip of each month. KTNo Freight will bo received afloi 4 f. M. on nay of sailing. This Company will reserves tho right to make changes in the timo of departure and arrival of its uteamors without notice auri it will not bo responsible for any consequences arising therefrom. Consignees must be at the Landings to receive thoir Freight! this Company will not hold itself responsible for froight aftoi It has been landod. Live Stock only at owner's risk. This Company will not be rosponsibli for Money or Valuables of passongen nnless placed in tho care- of Pursers. Passongeni are requested to purchase tiokets before embarking. Those failing to do so will bo subject to an additional per oent. charge of twenty-liv- e 2Z Co. BISHOP BANKERS. PlninMng and Tinsmitbins: 742-3- Sing Tie Yee Large Wicket Transact a General Banking and iUxchnnge .Business. Commercial and Traveler's Letters of Credit issued, avail- -' ablo in all the principal cities of tho world. Pioneer Building and Loan Association. Assets July, 1807, $118,708.25. Money Loaned on Approved Security. A Savings Dank for Monthly Doposits. Houses Built on tho Monthly Installment Plan. Fifteenth Serios of Stoek now open. For furtbor particulars apply to A. V. G 15 Alt, Secretary. Chamber of Commerce Rooms. Office hours. 12:30 1:30 P.M. 373-t- f WILLIAM KAMALI, Jbain.ter, Chairs of the Latest Island Orders attondod to with dlspatob All work oarefully and promptly ei ccutod. CiT Office! Smith street, with Samtu Palami Kabolnokalanl Pna. Residence: Kona Coffee SJST Apply to W. Dre83 BROKKI1 No. 45 Queen Street. Export Appraisement Estato and Furniture. Dry Goods, Em;llsh, and Chinese, American Making a Specialty. u li u 5;o am J" O ff JJ. G Kfr ?! SO torn ri,;,-A5- . H mmmmrfi,iAr- WWiwK HOW TELEPHONE 157. This tlrm was formcrlr known as 'Shun Lov," Fort street. & CO., Bath Tubs, Kitchen Utensils, Tinware, Lamps, Etc. . PLUMBING of Real No. 321 A. SPECIALTY. Nuuanu Street. 715-C- HDTTE u-i- SUIT CLUB. A Holiday Goods Just Opened ! IDEIROST DECKER, The Hotel St. Tailors, Wavcrlvy llulldlui;. Telephone Oil. P. O. Box KCOasrOIjTT3LiTT A-O? I'roui Sydney. Wellington anit Kun, for From Victoria anil Vancouver, It. C to Vlrtitrln anil Vancourer. II. C.i Suva. Wi'llliiKlou anil Hyilneyl Stmr "AOHANGI" Kovembcr 2C Stmr "WARKIMOO" November SO Stinr"MIOWEHA" Ueccmbcx'21 Deceniber2l Btmr "AOKANQI" I Tlirough Tickets Issued from Honolulu to Uniimltt, United States ami Kuroito. tSJ" For Freight and rnesofjo and bH General Informntiou, apply to PltKinHT ANDrAS3ENOEllAOENTS: D. MoNiooll, Montreal, Canada. Hoheut Kr.mi, Winnipeg, Onnndn. THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., M. M. Stp.kn, San Francisco, Cnl. K. J. CYI.E, Vancouver, B. O. Aeontu for the Hawaiian Inlands. DO V4 LIKE CURBY YOU .f TRUE INDIAN CURRY IS 1 NOT THE STUFF SOLD USUALLY AS CURRY (Jurry Powder ns made 'y ub is prepared after the Originak. Kecipo from tho Purest Ingredients. isr THY IT OJSTO ll -- : 3 Fort Street, corner Hotel. Bssj TiiS CONSISTINO OK Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also, SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER. Money back it yon don't liko tbeui, Also, jnst received Butter, Kits Creamery Butter, Fidelity Brand Bacon, Hums, Crackers and Cakes, Mild Cheese, Smoked Beof, Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc. Choice Block "tih: For w iiiul or tiii: towk." Now York Journal. Bnlo nt tho Pnoifio Oyolo Chas. it Oity Ourriage Co.. J. 8, And. ratio, manager. If you want a hack with good horBO and oaro-fdriver ring up folopbono 113, corner of Fort and Merohnnt itreetp. Hnolt at all hours. ul FULL LINE OF -- On or about tho dates below stnted, viz.: ... ,;1! Manufacturinc Company's store, And you can wear tho Finest Clothes Ehlors building, tho greatest lu- by Joining our 1, 1 II U.;nn.n V. MW nrrn UllUlllIU "II nt '?") "ftv in LAI SING ICEE, Dealer in CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Between Vancouver, B. O., and Sydney, N. 8. W., nnd calling nt Victoria, B. O. Honolulu, Suva (Fiji), nnd Wellington, N. Z,, Give thorn a trial. Almna. 214 Nuuanu Street, tlonolnln. Co. Hteamors of the above Lino running in connection with the - LUCKY! near Hotel street, opposlto W. W. WING WO TAI Royal Mail Steamship an Invoice of SelJILLlfUq'S u WingHingLoy Only $1 T .Per Week Received Just Crookory and Ivorywaro, Embroidered Fans, Shmvla, dorcous, Wicker and Stottmor Obtiirs, Canadian-Australi- an Just Ouened. ."Up . VH DC I: & Co., Limited, Since Wc Must Eat to Live, Let's Have the TSest. , i.i - AUSTRALIA f -- r s L MOANA Irwin G. 527 can NOV. 11th NOV. 17.th DEO. 9th DEC. 15th BENSON, SMITH & 00. g Og B M Low Prices to suit tho times. In and eco our New Stock and O. ACHT & CO. STOCK Of all kinds. Wm. s8i-sso MA1HPOSA AUSTRALIA For further particulars apply to f?f Come Store. JAS. F. MOKGAN, AND Furniture NEW STORE. Imported c - NOV. 9th NOV. 18th DEO. 7th DEO. loth In connection with tho sailing of tho abovo stennierp, tho Agents aro prepared to issue, to intending passengers, coupon through tickets by any railroad from Snu Francisco, to all points in the United States, and from Now York by any steamship lino to all European ports. A Theatrical Term. S ..AND.. Port Street, opp. Club Stables FOR SALE. 730- - tf Styles iijll Nuuanu Paper Hanger and OecoratO' 222. Stoves ami Hoihh Furnlaliliii; Arlloles of all kinds. Wo nro prepared to do ss AUSTRALIA ALAMEDA AUSTRALIA MARIPOSA For San Francisco: mii-nu- Tinware, Glassware, China ware, Hardware, First-cla- From San Francisco: Story nt tlm I.'itnc florae ami tli Ynunc Doctor. il "Ono rc;ul.i so liumy stories about intelligence that it would bo hazardous for u (louhter to express his disbelief in nhiiot any ;;:tlicriiif- - of men nt tlio present day," rvniurkcd Dr. W. W. Wntkius. "A littlo instance caiun within iny own observation a number of ycarc ngo when I was HtudyiiiK nud whicli convinced mo that tlm lui'iub a of tlio horso family nt lraxt miglit to bo credited with the possession of ii very considerable quantity of power. It was tho custom for tho BtudcutA nt tho medical institution at which I pursued my studies to wear a small badge upon their coats to distinguish them from others at tlio col Icfje. A horso belonging to tho estab lishment was utcil n great deal about tlio medical department, nud tho aui inul seemed to have a special prcfcrcnco for tlio embryo doctors moro than for nuy other people about tlio establishment. "Ouodny, whllo a number of us wero gathered in a littlo knot upon a small campus in tlio rear of tlio college, the animal iu question, which used to nip tlio grass in tiio location, caiuo toward tho group limping very badly. Ho camo to u stop a dozen or moro feet from tho crowd and, carefully surveying tho lot of us, finally niiulo up his mind as to what ho wanted to do find without any hesitation limped directly to my side, whinnied, stuck his uoso against my body and hold up his left foreleg. Looking down, I discovered a largo nail imbedded in tho frog of his hoof. This had evidently caused tho lameness. I then realized tho interesting fact that tho animal desired attendance. I extracted tho mill with somo difficulty, und tlio horso whimpered with relief and wnlked away. Rather curious as to why tlio beast had picked mo out to attend to his wound, I glanced at the boys aud found tlio solution to the problem. Not otic of tlio group had his medical badgo upon his coat but myself. The horso hud recognized tho insignia, rea lived its significance and noted accordingly." Now Orleans Tlmos-Dom- ocrat. 109 wir- TIME TABLE. Tho Fino Passongor Steamers of This Lino Will Arrive at and Loave This Fort aB Hcrouudor. Till SING CHAN CO King St., near Muutuiltea. P. O. Box TKLEI'IIONE 015. Company. OF COURSE IT'S TRUE. large assortment of Chandeliers and trical Goods Steamship General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co. Nov. 9 Nov. 1!) .Nnv M Uco, 10 lOHo No. 417 Nnuanu street, next to Love's W. W. Ahana Hawaiian Electric Nov. 12 Nov 23 Deo. ;i l)eo. 14 IWASHITA, Bakery. The HONOLULU. Iteturnlng, will leave iiilo at 1 o'clock p. m., touching at Laupakockoe, Mabn 133 Nuuami Avenue, Ilonolulu, kona and Kawaihno biuo day; JIakcna, ILL Msaluea Hay and Lahuinn tho following day; arriving at (lonolulu the afternoon of I neatlny nud Fridays. S. Will call at Poholki, Pnna. Gold & Sil- Watchma- Freight will be rccsived aftai 9a.m. on day of silling. RT Cheapest i.v Town jgl Anyono wishing to oithor buy or sell Stocks or Bonds would do woll to givo us it cull. Wo h.ivo Sato Doposit Rosos of several sizes for rentoithor by tho mouth or your tit vory reasonable Makes Clothing to ORDER of th very best materials and iu tho vory rates. Mom-y- , jowolry, nud valu. . , latest style. able pnpci'8 doposittd in otio of theso boxes will be nuifoctly safe A. from buiglaraand fire. UJF" Monny to loiuonapprov cd security. ALL, OF MY WORKMEN AFB . . . S. B. ROSE, See. L. WIGHT, PreT Capt. J. A. KING, 1'ortSupt. AMSIVKB Oceanic At 8 o'clock lust niyht ctiBtorna guard liiinuu suw n miui Innd from tho bark Martha Davis nt the Fishmarkot wharf, nod as he acted suspiciously headed him oS nud searched him but found nothing. He afterward searched a pile of waterpipo which tho innn hud passed and found a parcel. K'liiun then notified Inspector Mmviulny, captain of the first ttiiii'li. 'At 12 o'clock Macaulay relieved guard Kitiiuu but sout hjui buck to the wharf aud placed him so aB to bo able to see any ono coming to take the parcel. Two guards wero also placed to wat'h tho ship. Nothing occurred, howevor, and at daylight the inspector and guards went and took the parcel, which turned our to bo eleveu tint) of Houukoug opium tied up iu un old undershirt. A thorough was givou tho Martha Davis again this morning. . TIME TABLE O. 1807. Kli'vcii TIiih ,'niluri'il ail ii I )Mtr 4lir till ,1liirUii llnvlx. Go's Steamship LEAVES HONOI.01.0. KICKI, S. Wilder) YOKOHAMA. Kobo, Sign Investment Co. Banl LIMITED, SAFE DEPOSIT AKD- Specie Yokohama 5, A.oriu:it oviu.ii m:iziikk. 2AN The Hawaiian - NOVEMBER Hustace, 212 King street, next to tho Arlington. Main OfHco Telephone No. 53. P. O. Box No. 222 Kronen Offlco Telephone No. 858. 5 Oahu Lumber and Building Co., Ld. Lumber Merchants, Can,tractor & Builden. Tho Oliver Typowntor is proAND DEALERS IN -I- MPORTERS nounced by oxperts, the best maIt has many Doors, Sashes, Paints, Oils, Builders' Hardware, Wall Papers and chine in tho world. Matting, Etc. Mnnufnotiiro All Kinds of Moulding. valnablo features, whioh have to bo seen in ordor to bo appreciated. Main Offlco. Icleo, King street. Branch Offlco unit IManlnR Mill, comer TUng and Tho Oliror can bn Beon nt tho Bethel atreots. Lninber Vards, Leleo and Lot near It. U. Douot. lrivnt traok connect. onico of A. V. Goar, No. 210 Inn with O. It. & L. Co. K. K. rnnn thronRh onr ynrrtH to 11, B. wlmri unit any part of Ewa nnd Wftiauae Btations. King street. , ,. St HHbHIHKHHHIHMVwxB 1TWWR & Tut? inC t ptim nut DULLCIII1. rMrjMiM--- " CVC1NUNVJ Mrs. T. May was ndded as tho (iftli member of the committee Homo changes of kindergarten Pdbllshcd every day except Sunday nt directors woro mnde. Mrs. Ilray 210 KinR Street, Honolulu, H. I. wns transferred fioiu uhnrgo of SUIISCRU'TION ItATES. tin Palamn to that of the Hawaiian room, iu phice-o- f Miss KinPar Month, unywhere In the lln- 8 76 ney, whoso resignation was wni Inn Islands BOO P- -t Year nt Inst meoliug. Miss Aun Por Yenr, postpaid to America, ID IK) E. Pope, who comes from ChicaCanada, or Mexico go, was placed in charge of Pain Per Year, nootpnld, Cihor Foreign 13 00 Countries inn. A series of recommendations Pnynlilo Invnrlablr lu Advances was mnde by Mrs. Colemau, finan!25fi. P. O. Oox 104. cial secretary, relative to increasing tho salaries of tho various A. Y. GEAR. Manager. teachers. It was agreed to adopt DANIEL LOQAN, IIEditor. ,H... ..!. Mi I. a schedulo of salaries, graded acWll cording to nequiremenH and ex-- pt If 111 DAY, NOV. .",, 18!)7. rienee, like that lately adopted K? It ten-deie- Ill . . foi the public schools. The question of assuming the is very gratifying to record the continued pUcOpba of tho kind hitpport of tho Paladin kinfieigfU'-to- u tor the euhUiiiL' year came up. ornnrten movement in tin city Just n year ago the Association ' doubt it tills n was tendered tho use of the oliup mid coii'itry. hinhly iniportuut function in (liv- building during school hours by ing children n good start iu mi ml tho Central Uuiou church, and suHicieut money to carry it on for mid manners a year wns raised nud tendered to the Association. The Board acin Doubtless the Government cepted the tender of the chapel, ns possible, and with tho fund so kindly pronoting ns "under till the citoumstancos, in itR vided the school has thus far been A motion was now dealing with the doiuaud of tho maintained. thnt the Association as canted Tho planters for more labor. sumo of the suppoit tho Iraiiyition of is in sort u country Palntim kindergarten for stnge. There must coino bomo the curreut year, as nn experi chnup.e iu the regulation of labor, mout, the sum of $200 having nlannexation boon or Into iu the rendy been rnised for tho purpose. Any ngitntiou nt this future. Donations and ordinary rejuncture, however, would bo boot ceipts have amounted to S1001 for loss ns well as cnlculnted to pro-du- co tho past month, which is gratify-iug- ly largo iu comparison with injuiiouH compliuntions. tho monthly avorago of tho year. A contemporary prints n homo Pledges nud donations counted up so well that the salary raise recipo for diphtheria, uuder the deoided upon is regurded as a safo it 1 Ju imprimnturof tboLondou Lancet. in sulphur stirred up iu water ub n gargle, ami, where tho throat is cloned ngaiust gnrgling, tho sulphur blowu into the thront with a quill or other tube. This is nn old uewepnper rounder, but in not I'Kiiir I'AK.ti I'ou waiii;. to bo despised for thnt. Twouty years ngo tho writer published tho Product) y Noon Ciii II Couni ealno mutter to the samu credit exIons nni MilpluHiU. actly, nud received the thanks of D. G. Camariuos, tho King n mother for the saving of n child, streot fruit merchant', is negotians sho firmly believed, by thouso ting local pnrties for the with of tho remedy. Aa tho woman had of purohnso a very large traot of child loss of a tho nlrendy suffered from tho fell disense, when tho laud near tho city to bo used for best skill nvnilablo wns employid tho cultivation of small and largo for foreign markets. Thero in vain, perhaps hor testimony fruits will bo 500 acres in the tract. ""had especial value. Mr. Camariuos has tho best channols to the eastern markets, Tin: vnr.i: HiMii:uAiti-Ksand will undoubtedly make a big success of his enterprise. He nt Moutlily purposes establishing a general , liltrrc'Hliic rrniiaiictliin Jlrt'liiii; ol Miprrvlnora, agency in San Fruncisco to con Tho regular monthly meeting nect directly with the trade. Pineapples, raeloub of all kinds, of llio Board of Supervisors of the bananas, beriics vegetables Freo Kindergarten Association will ho specinliies.andStrawberries, was held at Queen Emiuii Hull tostiiko between seasons, will bo this morning. There wiib a large a strong card. Experiments will attendance, presided over by Mrs. be made in the cultivation to a W. F. Alleu, iu the absence .! profit of apples, peaches, ornnges, Mrs. Hyde, president. Rending dates and grapes. If successful iu getting tho land, of minutes, receiving of reports nd now business mndo a buxy tho tihoino will doubtless go into effect enrly in tho coming yenr. session. From the visiting committees s Tin: roiiuiuiiKNK ixlmiiiation. the reports on the various were for the most part en cournging. Very few requisitions Cnnimltlrp AppolnK'd to Day fur for repairs were presented. The Portuguese school is full to over Tho oflicera of tho Portugueso flowing, and nn nfteruoon sessiou Union and a few friends held a This wns fouud meeting last night to urrango for wjaa suggested. as Mrs. Tnrboll impracticable, would not bo ablo to do tho extra tho proper observance of their inwork, besides the funds being dependence day, which falls on wanting. Tho idea may bo enr December 1. ried out Inter. M. A. Gonsalves, J. P. Ew plantation kindorgarten Kodrigues and 0. Perroira woro was in a tlourishing condition, alappointed a committee to raise though the attendance was not so money and arrange a program large as it is hoped to become. for the celebration. Special mention was mnde of tho In view of tho mauy demands employment there of a Japauose upon the colouy during tho year woman ns janitor and nursory for charitable and other purposes, maid, which was deemed au ex- it has been practically decided ample worthy of following iu that the progiam shall not bo so other schools. elaborate as beforo. It will, howDr. Howard had examined all ever, includo a number of intertho children in tho kindergartens, esting events and tho observance vacoiumiug (lijio weeding that will be entered upon with tho ' done. customary eclat and spirit. Mrs. O.B.Cooper was put on tho publication eommiteo in place of Denied II y tile HIuruiil. Mrs. Mis- - O. P. Emerson. Marshal Brown denies that any Arthur B. Wood wns nssigned to tho Japanese committee in place Jnp turned up at tho polico station of tho Into Mrs. Henry Water-Loo- yesterday morning with a eako Mibh Frances Kinuoy wns yarn to tho effect that he had boon plnced on tho Kindergarten Club robbed of S2000 but had recovered committee instead of Mrs. Dumas, the amount ii3 stated in this mornwho has left the country. ing's paper. Tho Marshal says Mrs. A. Mackintosh, in chargo that tho dreaming waadono by the of tho Foreign Kindergarten coin reporters who got badly scoopod niittee, having much to tho Asso- by two afternoon papers, and ciation's regret been obliged toro vouohes for the correctness of tho eiAn, Mrs. H. W. Schmidt wns Btory of tho robbery at Miss place as told by them, given ' tho chairmanship, while rr lint llii! J'll.v . kinder-gluteu- lildi'jH-llilpiici- ) se. Pea-bod- y's i . NOVEMBER niis. itKMiiir.s 1 Milium" Mini Wa lli Not There. The STERLING Still Leads GEOKGE SUAllAOK with a sprained foot, tnkes second plnco iu tho third milo nud third plnco in the hnudicnp, starting aud under all conditions iu Koua. from scratch. It will grow from tho sands of tho beach to tho mountain tops. It GEORGE MAltTIN takes second placo iu tho milo. will grow in Koua straight or FHED DAMON won tho half mile amateur aud milo amatour, sideways, or if planted bottom up it will grow. I kuow n man who starting from scratch iu both oveuts. cut, soaped, painted nud enrriod STERLING ROADSTERS are as strong and easy runuiug n doffee slick for two yenrs. Oue rond wheels as tho rnccrs air on tho track. da he stuck it iu the ground, and KG)" Sold ou tho instalment plau or a discount for cash. in two weeks it had spiouted out." "Nothing," reported tho man from tho uew colTo" bolt, with a disdaiufdl grin; "why, Olna coffee bticks bprout aud bear while they carry tlieni around in Hilo." ihu party loilhnilli oupaiatcd nud tool; tho three roads to tho races at Cyclomore park. : : C. A.Tl-li3RTO.two-mil- e Household Supply Department Oastle & CJooke, Ltd. HY P0L1CK A.T CALLAO. Inquiry hero conllrins tho Hory com. liif fioni Limn to the effect that the deState Department tins lodged mand with the United States charge of legation at Lima for tho rclcise of the mute of the American bark "Uncle John." Ua "'s arliore on December ID lust at CallLo, nnd was nrrested of his constant demand for "Rainier Beer." On taj, or in lxttles at the Criterion Saloon. iNlHIld Posr HONOLULB ) UFFICR, 4, 1897 N'veiniiei Notice ntou It from Jniiuury lowed in xci-si- Aiient. N, EST Try the STERLING TANDEM thnsn moonlight uiuhts. aamrommmmTnmmnnnmmmnHf: u week wo allowed you how you fitted tho old fashioned saddle and today you can see how much of nn improvement the new stylo saddles such as tho Christy, liny f tlit iutero-.- ! still mil lie hI Five Humlred Dol- - 18!)8, 1, i jg jnsfc VICMH. M g -- - jg jj Beck, etc., are over the old hard uft'uirs. There J is no case on recotd of" a J mini's spine coming out through tho top of his J head after a century on a modern saddle Our Colunibins and Umnblers have options on saddles. and you can have nny of the best modern ones on want. Many like Sprint; Sat Posts ns well, wo soil 5 them Tr the latost thing in chain denning J rushes, they will clean a chain thonughly and ZZS quickly. Up Wheels and Sundries at 5 rg 3 g ;J r2 to-dat- o E. d. HALL 3 & SON'S, 2 ) J03. M. Damon, Minister of Finance. 1101 1284 - - MH2 .fI,'J3ll 118 I l'J3 t!7 1,13(1 7o l,lb!l 75 1014 2891. 1,(177 2.1 .(i 2!i95 oM4i 33!J(J 5014033 10i7 8 Ki'tl 3101 321ftl 01131(1(1 1750 1871 l.hW Kl 3482 fi(l'l4l 3MW 1(181 2,082 "' lh98 1040 lOlU 1059 2010 213.2 2250 2284 2310 .'344 2527 2528 2558 - 919 14 3013 Oil O 2,133 110 l,3iK) 03 JOUl 3o2) 1,028oH3o82 2,131 31 Amount. No. Amount Hint 3(174 3MI2 1,259 6J 1,310 115 3010 592 0(1 019 1,3.12 0 40V1 1000 00 4291 505 85 4338 2,350 93 475 080 33 6394 2,400 00 5395 2 lOOtm 558 '.. 2.377 00 5540; U 2,141 02 014' 1,62(1 95 G278 2,155 00 0453.. 1,01195 6768 650 29 7010 1,003 03 7201 1,811 90 7343 CU3 28 754 It ..- ALLEN JONES, essional WKI III) 711 h73 73 7n3 7U 5J1 Whitman and Sharack on ;?j Prof- Milo record from 40 sec to 39 sec. flat. The Cleveland Tandem is Fast. WM. LYLE wins tho One Mile Handicap on a" 1,157 81 b'l) p iced by the " Cleveland Worm's liecord Tandem " lowered tho I old-fashio- Hawaiian Hardware Oipositp Sprockels' Bank Thrum's Clove-land.- " Book 15 WM. LYLE on a " Cleveland " paoed by Fred Damon and H. K. W.nlkor on the " Cleveland faiidoiu " lowered tho 1,13! 3j sec. to 41 5 sec. Amateur J Vlile rec rd from 43 :','.'5(l8(i 1,01.303 1230 1,30.5 H7 tor They 52025 lO'OOO 50(1 00 2 10020 2 257 74 cost no more than other wheels. H. 21 2,025 00 1 130 33 2,500 00 780 70 777 80 2,532 05 020 2) 900 00 4-- Lyle and the Cleveland are Champions. 14 920 01 8 Store. 5 3-.- 1) In ono of our windows we aro displaying a fow samples from which our Holiday Stock of Cards E. lo, LIMITED, NO. 307 FORT STHET, 538 35 1,5013(1 2,tl!M ned TfcL K ! IS No 131)7- Again the CLEVELAND Wins General. Approved: Sd M. OAT, "Fourteen dollars a month is what it cobts me lor electric lights for my house, and wish I had never had them put in," said a lady yesterday when she was giving us her experiences on the question of lights. I hese are long nights and the housekeeper may well worry over her lighting bills. Electric lights are all very well for people with long purses but for people of average means there is nothing like the lamps. They give a softer light, are not so wearing on the eyes, and are not all the time jumping and bobbing about. Of those who still use coal oil lamps we ask attention to a stock that can-I- V it be excelled in Honolulu. They come in all sizes, st) les, We have Hangand prices. ing Lamps, from moderate cost to elaborate designs; Hall Lamps; Piano Lamps; banquet lamps; lamps for the bnu-donickel-platelamps for students; bracket lamps; two, three and four-lig- ht chandeliers. We have mammoth Rochester Lamps and little metal night lamps that are very convenient where there are children around. Piano lamps are still as fashionable as ever. We have them in new and attractive styles, together with a large assortment of beautiful shades in culors to suit. If there is anything required in the shape of a lamp for outside use, on the verandah or about the stable, we have tnem in stock and at very low rates. No trouble to show our lamps or anything else we have in stock. ir; j J; J; 4, 1S97. d lire, on lllH IoIIOaI )j PrtHS Il'mk-- nf the Purtttl riuviiigs Bituk, lepreoeullun doM'altn numbered us brlow men tipned LS'l mely Jopiej November h f Ml '&$&" ' 1897 5. A Koua man nud n denizen of Olna had a button hole apioco on tho strnugor from Colorado. ' ''Coffee," began tho first man, "Coffeo, I Bay, will grow any whoro ,11 -- U ii wiui.t Over our establishment on Hotel street is tho sign Island Views. For tho bouefit of thoso who may not kuow, Kiug Bros.havo opened tho place ns a branch to thoir Colored and uncolored store. photos, oil paintings, water colors, measure. This afternoon tho members of pastels nnd menu cards of Island tho kindergarten truiniug school scenory are specinlties. are (jiving a treat in tho Child Garden. Beretauin streot, to tho AUTHORITY. teachers of the first gindc iu tho various bchools of the city. It 'i BUliliKTlN, KVJUWINu MUli K -- T IT US' W''m, 9fliHHiHHnHHiiHHHHHBiaHHHBHBHHHHHHHHMBiHHN 'jWf WsWF irwJF$rwwrn w'f'TW'fF w'wmKfW '''W, WALKER, and Calendars WEItE SELECTED. Santa Claus' Headquarters has always carried tho largest and most select stock in tho city. This year we have had tho advantage of buying early direct from tho Eastern markets nud at bettor prices, and patrons will receive tbo benefit of this. ED. A. Wo havo largo invoices of dolls Judicial Notice. direct from Europe's Doll Centre Tho Only Fully Equipped, Complete and EXCLUSIVELY already nt hand, with others on In tho mutter of tho Estate of UNDERTAKING Establishment on the Islands. Every- tho way from ho Eastern markets, consisting of Fine Leather Goods, John Grace, Into of Honolulu, thing New and of the Latest and Most Improved Styles. Souvenirs, Books, New Styles and O ihu, deceased, intosiuto. Peti Designs in Stationery and everytion having been filed by Sirali thing in tbo Toy Lino. of widow u.iid iutcstnto, J. Graco, We respectfully ask our praying that Letters of AdminisA Specialty! No Bungling! No Failures! patrons to examine our largo tration upon said Estate bo ispurchasing NOTE: Mu. Ed. Williams Is a Graduate of Clark's Hctiool of Perfect stock beforo sued to herself, uotico is hereby by which proctitis tiiu body retalun Its natural appearance foryears. Emhuliuluc givon that Monday, tho 6th day of Docomber, A. D. 1897, at 10 ( Ifiice and Parlors: 514 and 516 Fort St., near Hotel. o'clock a. oi., in luo uudioiuiy and Residence 179. Night Telephone 815. Telephone Building, Honolulu, is uppointed the timo and placn for hoaring Tho Leading Toy and StaPure Willi ami t'roli L'uiin. said petition, wuou und where all Eleotion of Officers. tionery House. persons concerned may appear refresh-shinis nnd nicer more What and show cause, if auy thoy havo, than a fresh ogc shaken up Tho following Officers of Hart & Co., why said petition should not bo with puro milk, shavod ico and Ltd., havo been elected to servo until tho gr.mtod. flavored to suit your taBto with First Annual Meeting: I3y tho Court: fresh syrups; invest 10c. and try Jan. Steiner .AND. President GliOKGlS J.UOAS, Clerk. ono. Also shako made with puro Geo. W. Bmith Vico Presidont Clay Co. Honolulu, Nov. 5, 1897. 5t)l-3- t flavor Ice P. J. any desired and milk Secretary Cream O. J. Luil wigsen Troasnrer Palaua Grooeiiy, A. V.Qear Auditor RBopeaeti N. FERNANDEZ las at tta did Slani, Opposito Itailway Depot, King ' The abovo with Ed. Towso and Wm. ItBformrr excellence with improveNOTARY PUBLIC and TYPEWRITER etreot. LH.41" 2'75 2J02 2707 2720 2740 2h21 2623 .... ...; Masonic Temple. A.lakea Sr.reor. HodoIuIu Undertaking Co. F.L I olso-who- g Par'or OrriOEi 208 Merchant street, Campbell Elook rear of J. O. Carter's offloe. P. O, Box 338 The Evening BtUletin, 75 eenti per wonth. Savldga will constitute the Board of Directors. J.P CLAY, Honolulu, Nov. 5, ments is guaranteed for the future. Socretary. 1897, 7M-3- t 73Wm E. Poppleton, Manager. ro. EVENING BULLETIN, NOVEMBER LOCAL AND GENERAL. Chicken tit Occidental tomorrow. ic The Knsh bus a" change o today. The Hculani tlimco is tho ovont of tonight. Cheater A. Doylo returned on ihoMauun Lou today. Officers of Hart & Co., Ltd., aro eloowheio advertised. Court Luunlilo, No. G000, A. O. F., litis rcuulnr meeting touiyht. J. A. Maunou baa Govornraunt bonds of 188G for side. Sou notice. Tho Immigration Boitrd is in' session this nfternoou it tho Interior Oflieo. mu-fl- F. McCheanoy W. ie homo again aftor a business trip to tho other islands. Mrs. A. Mo Way no and tamily and Mrs. E. EI. Wodehouso cutne ovor on lliu Manna Lon. Tho Sharack Jouns race will bo the leudor at tho Cyclomcro raco track tomorrow evening. Doputy Sheriff Otnstcd says that a very heavy rain fell on Maui last Vodu('Kl..y., extending to all parts uf the island. Secretary Colemnu found a place yentorday for a worthy young man whoao uamo was on the employment list of iho Y.M. 0. A. Fraua Forroira, tho noted run- catcher, has been given a special police commission with, duties in tho department of Sam 3Incy. It is more- than likely that the dairy business projected by tbo late Jahn Gruco will be continued by friends for tho benefit of his family. Kalusi, a 13J year old trnnnt, vhib committed to tho Industrial fichool by .ludgo Wilton this morning for tbo balance of ids minority. Tho charge of gross cheat against Ah Yon and t'nalicione mischiof agaiubt Manual Bishn woro both dismissed in tbo police court today. The franchise of the Hawaiian Tramways Company will be one of tbe important mattors to occupy tbo attention of tbo coming Legislature. away - .Mtiuiiaiiiutf H mo, corui-- i TUB ttV.V. Tho articlo in Wednesday's of this paper, auent tho now hospital being built in Falama for a sect of Chinese, with comments upon tho customs and rolativo position of tbo clan with respect to tho race, created an interesting flutter among tbo sous of tho Flowory Kingdom in tho western half of tho city. Tho article was road far and wide, and copies of tbo paper will bo sout to all parts of tho world. Mr. Mouwar, Paul Neumann's right bower, called at thin offico and rouueoted that tbe public bo given a few additional facts about the Soo Yops, the clau that is now at work upon tho beautiful homo for tho unfortunate nmoug tbair countrymon. The statement ho wishes to mako is as follows: "The See Yeps occupy Canton provinoa togothor with threo othor clans, spoakiug diffeient dialects. Thoy aro an honest, industrious and rospootcd people. Tbe clau is frequontly honored by tbo Government, tho present Minister to tho Unitod States, Mr. Wu Ting Fang, boing an instance. Thoy livo in pcaco with thoir neighbors: Mr. Monwar belongs to tbo clan, and is an oxcollent example of its thrift and progressive spirit. is-s- Naval 1897. AdtlN. VKVH uo Standard N. S. SACHS' Honolulu! Healthful. 520 Fort Street, Great Amount of Knowledge for tho Least Monoy. ONLY $1.00 A WEEK Anil You Soon Heuome the Owner of Thin Great Work. Every boing who has suffered from caused by of tho stomach can appreciate a propitiation which will at onco give relief and doos not, los its effect aftor taking a fow (Iohos, the result generally experienced after' taking many salino aporionts. Tho cooli. g and rofroshing produced by taking a doso on rising will convinco cvon tbo skcptin that it ia just the thing for this climnto. It hits u pleasant tasto and novor fnls to not. A doso taken before breakfast ly will insuro good health. MM Extra quality, DOTTED Dictionary SWISS Vocabulary Terms; Illustrations; 2238 Quarto Pace. 6000 firinformation atexhibition ther barber shop in tho Hotel stroot Arlington building will bo quito Work of remodelelaborate. ling tho promises and painting up is aow undor way. Tbo shop will carry five chairs and will solicitor. N. R. have an up to data boot black ar- KELSEY, Our will soon ctiil rangement in front. proHpectU!). CURTAINS, with rullles, 3J yards long, $ 1.5(1 a pair. wide, for CI inches Our Stock of Fine Curtains. Point De Esprit, Brussels Net. Battenberg and Antique Ourtaimj, For 50cts. on the Dollar. -- ASK YOUR Frutas. and fur- WallicMsCo Mb. II. E. on you with NOTMNG BU- IV0UNG TENDER C0f):i Grocer fo- r- fHfiMf9 tmmmmmktm Hn'Vrr'BBlB.VT :.kia vki n ovhtrh 2Smmu&ssB&Eam 'wmv iifga'i wrzis vtWI CAM The ingredients that eutor into tho composition of MAGNESIA SAL FltUTAS aro salts obtained from fruit and arc harmless wlxn taken into the system. Tho preparation can bo tukon indefinitely without injury. Editors; Book" on CURTAINS, yards Iour and full width, $1.50 a pair. ofl't-c- t Has No Real Competitor. 301,805 LACE 31 All ready made, finished Sal 247 : 50ots. on the Dollar. NOTTINGHAM rogn-lar- Standard : FINE PARLOR CURTAINS, sicU-ho;idn- elui Magnesia p Will He n Fine Simp. Tho now Pecbeco & Fernandez at Wall, Nichols Co., Proprietors. Clinuicc. Dr. Howard E. Ames, recently attached to tho United States cruiser Detroit, has been appointed to succeed Dr. Fitzsimmons in charge of the United States Naval Hospital at Yokohama. Dr. Ames is of tho expedition that found JLioutonant Peary and tho survivors of his Arctic expedition. IN Lace Curtains and Curtain Materials AND Dictionary wlUD .J BARaAINS SPJ2CIA.L Refreshing JOIN THE Mr. Itloiiuiir .Italic Miiionii'iil Itcs. licctlnir llin C'lnn. A 5, uiwtnco . f mmMd MiZ-j'ZJ l .L ' -- GOo and 1.00 Don't forgot tho numo MAGNESIA SAL FllUTAS. ALL Hotel Street, ttaf ati-llu- KINDS SUITS OF from $1G to $18. Money returned If you are not All work guaranteed. l. The Honolulu Sanitarium 1032 Hollister Drug ' Go, SOLE AGENTS. USED USED aCO. COMT IS KKADY TO MAKi: The sale for this preparation has surpassed all others of a similar nnturo. Put up in two sizes ONCE ALWAYS yyt en it.ACtllli iw riuaMA J.A.FAELA, 200 ' fRANK B.PCTER50 .- -- i- -" Great Reduction in Pxino of Salt. The unduralftned Is prepared (o'rnr Fine and Conree Unit in JtiU ulsljcd oriuliHgj, at ton Honolulu, Oct. King Street. Uomellko Place, whoro Trained Nurses, Mnnsaee, "Swodish Movement," UntlM, Eloctrkity and 1'hynlciJ Training may bo obtained. Ult. O. L. GARVIN, Telopbono 639. In Charge. from $6 00 to 510 of 2 000 ivoumls. J. I. nOWgBTV. 76J- - 16, 1807 For A Qulot, O par Sale. Hawaiian Government G rr cefit ItomN (10 Wu). iBBue 1660. DuotnV nntlniiH $1,000 and $5,000. Anply to 733-t- f J. ALFRED MAGOOH. i Hotel and Nuuanii struts, lodging by day, week or month. Tortus: 25 and 50 cents por night. $1, and $1.26 oer Harry Corson Olaiko, ono of tho most valuable members of tbo Frawley company, will havo some strong character parts during tho coming season. Tho third team of football play-or- s of Oabu College and tho team of tho High School will have a garao on Makiki grounds at 3 o'clock this afternoon. A. N. ,Hayselden will bo apof Labaina, pointed deputy-sheri- ff to succeed Win, Sheldou, resigned. He has been for two years postmaster at that place. David Watson, a on tho Pali road, is having troublo with bis Japanese laborors and has asked for polico protection. of wages due appears to bo tho cause. At Thrum's thoy havo boon savorul uveuingo opening tho splendid assortment of Christmas novoltioB purchased by tbo head of tho house during his recent visit to eastern markets. Eroegor Fianos.Bwootost in tone, Jas.W. Bergstrom, solo agent, cash Warorooms at or installments. G. Wost's, Masonic Temple. Office at Thrum's Book Store. TunW& Teleing and repairing. phone 347. Shenandoah, tho second play to bo presented by tho Frawley Co., will recoivoan elaborate representation FpRrk Worthing should be particularly well suitod to tbo rolo of Kerchival West, tho military horo, and Gladys Wallis will prove a delight as tho little soldier girl whoso ono rogrot is that sho was not born a boy. wni-k- . Non-paym- vi A ) 4 FRENCH ORGANDIES In entirely now designs, aro tho latest conceits in Dress Goods for tho present THEY WILL BE NEW IN PAK1S NEXT SPRING. season. Our store is headquarters for LADIES' CLQTH" and COLORED CASH"Wo havo these in beautiful shades, tho bottlo green boing especially beauWo havo secured advance shipments and thoy will tiful. This lino is entirely now not bo worn on tho Coast until next year. MERES. ent i.-- "1 1 Our New Portierres on-ga- ged ff Imported to replace tho old stylo chenille curtains that aro to bo found ovory whero. These Are New Goods i HANDSOME SHADES and DESIGNS. If you aro refurnishing, now is tho opportunity to secure absolutely now stylos. B. F. EHLERS & CO. jw Fort Street. iw A common orror that pooplo who own oil painting mako, is in allowing them to go too long without uttention. A paintings should novor go moro than a year without overhauling especially in this country whero the air is so laden with salt, thoy should bo protected with varnish. King Bros, do this kind of work at very rooBon-abl- o prices. -- ! .. r W -. s. $! -:- Y M g : A ..- - V ' jVp..'tM ' .' va:'.. - ... .t it.fts.j'.!lf Jti't .yi&'-- ,;. jii.'iiX-- ' "iMiikwiiw.lS-V- . ': . ' --, stUhu lC!4Aur' CWifc8SU !'' SHHflHHIHflMMIflHHIHBBilBMHMMBiBMHBnki ') JCMiCHHHaHnaMBH,. "PJEfr 4FV-- ' EVENING BULLETIN, NOVEMBER HAW Havana Cigars n & CO. La EsiDanola, 3La African a, TnTenrv Clay & IBocik & Co. Corner Fort Merchant Sts. & Tho H. E. McINTYBE & BRO., Groceries, Provisions ,G Telephone 477 m O'CLOCK A. ArtinlpR. Kameha- - at . t,;,( E" NOTICE Pabst r BUTCHERS lav Milwaukee Contractors. Beer Refrigerated Poultry . is slill in the Jield, and leads all other -- AHD- Fresh Salmon CONSTANTLY brands for quality and purity. It is vol offered as the cheapest, but as ON HAND. ftoopolita ISJe&fc Go. Telephone 45. BIN8 Ifhe J04"! UP fair mar feet rales Central Meat Market 214 Nutjahd 73 absolutely the best Beer in tho market, and will be sold at as heretofore. Stheet. or Your Olioice Orders W. C. PEACOCK & CO. Limited. Tho finest OF leMgefated Aro is a matter of feeling, not of years. - Qeorpe William Cm tin. -- Carriage Manufactory the Aiiclinr. '11 1. l. uynn fltill ei)iitinueB in elmrce o the Aiiohor ami is ably nsBistPil by William Carlylo. At the Anolior, Seattle heor on draught rim nlwiys ho had ns well Owing to tho illness of Jas. us the hest hrftndfl o wldskies, etc, inoliuiinij John Dewnr's Nott, Jit his Tinsmith and Scotch whirtlcy. A full Htook of other linunra. winen. oto.. is bnnt Plumbing Business will be on hum) o -. .- Msafig HERBERT GARES. tiole Proprittor. - - DSTOTICIE. al-- 1LATEST STYLES JEWELRY closed until further notice. Join our Suit Olub at oneo. .fe Decker, SI per MedeiroB week. By hist sleamer from the Const. THE REGULAR THING funuslmil roomn (it the 154 Fort atroot, At my Htore, whore the Inquiry hero confirms tho s'ory from Sl.flO nor weed uii fiom Lima to the elVect that the diugorb ieuil tUo world. Over OEST CUSTOA1 WORK State Department has lodged 'i de- 13,000,000 mude uud sold. Hiyh-eat RwardB at tho World', uolum-liiiiIs ilone ami new work mand with tho United States charge both. Tins, rings, bracelet-- , whIuIi- -' of legation at Lima for the of Expoaitiou for excollonee of maklufr, etc. the mate of tho American bark "Uncle ('.oiiBtruction, regularity of motion, .lohn." He s achore on December eufiO of motion, irrnnt- Hnnnrl nrl. 1'd.jG. B1ART, - 404 Fort St. Id Inst at CallLO, and wns nrrested lie- - justnbility, durability, easo' of of his constant demand for r lenruiug nud convomonoo of ar- Subaoribe for tho IIl' Kecr." On tap or in bottlea at tho raueomoiit B. Borceraeii. arnt. iZflTVJ 7G oenta .. nci, m.mtli. ... Saloon. Htrootu. Bethel 16J fftrn-rMfl'-ilrVy 'aL'iiiij,wjurfjifefe1iAa mrfl- " .Nicely UY POLICE Popnlnr VT CALLAO. Houi-e- , com-in- r Bhcksmithing in All Sts branches. W. W. Kona, Hawaii. I havo received instructions to hell nt pulillu auiitlon ut my salesroom In Honolulu, on AT 12 Nov. 20, M l - ..,. Crlti-rlo- n AMERIOAN Livery and Boarding LIVERY bourn. B. apply Tea and CoOgc OFFER FOR SALE OaliTornia, street- - between resilience of W. A llowen mid lot of W. M. Giffard, havine frontage on Beiilu stroet SCO feet. "ud 7 w,lh IIonf,e. Kalia. road. 11. Half Aero Lot in Bllo Town. LEASE. 1. 3 Cottnges nt Old Wulkiki. 2. Storo nnd Dwelling, corner Wyllle nud XHuiiuuii, ready lor ocenpnnoy. 3. Lot corner Mcrcbnnt nnd Bichnrdi streets . Properties Mannged, Collec-tio- r. of Rents, Loans Negotiated and Advances nmdeon Real Estate. ON riANll. HOTEL, P.O.Box. S. Block, Honolulu. Tel. 331. John Mott, importers nnd Dealers in Comer King and Alakca Streets, Honolulu, H. I Mrs. Gns FrotionsB, Proprietress. RooniH or RIiikIo, with or without Boanl,f5.50 per week ami a cording to reciulr meiita of the giieHtx. The only Promeumle Roof Garden In the uliy. Call ami examine the evt-rcomfort guaiunUtd. Hot and cold MRS.GUSFROBOESE, PO. Box 475. 'IVleiiniiie 051 WALKER, 331). Em-uit- pro-ml-e- y French and German Wines kd Liquors Quarts and Pints by (he Case or by tho Keg, vuch as Cabernet, Biiwunily, Zliitainlel, Yimem, Guteilel, Nierslelner, Llebfrnueii-milc- h Miiiqaux Pootel Cnet Brnune berger, Gmcher Himmelreioh, Uerzlger Herzloy Port, .Madeira, Sherry, Sau-tern- - etc. Latou rot Ills Cognac, Quid Medal Hour Mash, Kentucky Beaoh Fork. Hibernian and Ry0 VVhUkf-yBlackberry Gold Finch and Pulin Tree Gin, eli;., etc. Also, , B.C. Beer, Rainier Beer, QimriH and PIiuh. Commencements Will Soon Be Coming Of Graduating classes want class photos made. Lower classes ought to havo them, too. Wo want to do all tho college work this year. Our posing and grouping aro not surpassed anywhere. Y) know our prices arc as low as tho finest work is worth. THE "ARLINGTON" Pot Day c JJ.WILLIAMS' Art Studio, 10 Steel and Iron Ranges, STOVES, AGATEWARE. FAMILY HOTEL. A DIMOND 2.00 The Best of Attendauco, the Bodt Situu-tioand the Finest Meala iu this Oit BLOCK. 121 h 123 Oeneiui. Agent roa Hawaiian itOVnl Islands. flnmtmnu Alliuuco Assurance Company. Alliance Marine and General Assurance Company, Bnu Lifo Assurance Company of Canada. Wilbolma of Madgeburg Insnrunoe Company. Scottish Dnion nnd Nntional Insurance Company, Koom IllSlll-iinP- 12 flpreckcls Block, Honolulu, H. I. .'. Ml HAVING ESTAUUSHED A MODERN plant for hnlling, polishing nnd nssortinir coffee, we nro prepared to buy and cleaa couoo In tho parchment. MODERATE IW CHARGE The Equitable Islands. H, HACKFBLD Merchant street, Honolulu Estate Broker. Keal 209lt Morohnnt Street. FOR SALE. 12 Ohiueso Granito Hitching Posts; $5 each 1 Surrey in lino order; prico 5200. Ilouso and Lot, 75x155 ft., on No. 71 Voting street; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitchen , cfo. Lot on Wilder nvonno 100x300 ft., fenced: prico $2100. TO LET. ,P?nso ! Robello Lane; kitohou, bathroom, oarrlago stables; large yard. Evening Bulletin- 7Bo dining-room- , houso nnd & CO. Co., L'fl Esplanade, Corner Alien David Dayton, ! Apply to Consolidated Soda Water Life Assurance Society Of tho United States for the Hawaiian Of'oki MADE FOR CLEANIM OoJECeo BRUCE CARTWRIGHT, General Manager of King Street. n J. S. WALKER, dining-room- Fort Street. Honolulu. 4. Lot on Kiunu strict botweeu Alnpal nnd Knpiolaui streets 140 ftet frontngo. 0. Lot on Lnunlilo strtut between Alnpal and Buckfeld streets 6. 3 largo Lota on Prospect street. 7. The llnildlng known niThoiniis'Block, 2 stories and 'embracing 5 (leuted) storeg on leased ground. 8. Bico Lund at Wnllinno, Koolnn. 0. Lot on ccrner of Benin and n Spreckels Cigars and Tobacco ALWArB 1. 2 Houses and Lot on Nnuann streets, between Viueyanl ami School streets. 2. 1 T.nrnn T.nl nn X'.i.i...... ni...i t.- twecn Vineynrd nud School streets. 3. Largo Lot, Mukiki Btioet. foncod, 228 JOHN AT ALL UOTJliS. THE FINEST BBANDb OI' Auctioneer H.W.midlsong . The Best, Lunch in Town OCCIDENTAL JAS. F. MORGAN, 750-t- d Proprii-to- on wnf0'8,0 and Hackn at all TELEPHONE 4!W. .1. cofTee fieliic "." 8urrcy Beaver - Lunch ROOMS. NOLTE, e, aro well fenced mid roads built to the various portions of the ostuto. A large portion of the cofleo troes aro DOW ill hesrllil' hiiiI itn nriiirlntr fliu nCTM td nrniltlnil muYlninm nrrinu . . .7 rur :." lunnor ptriieinars in'"Iregani 10 lea-e- s and all necessary information, Stables and BOARDING STABLES. Carriages, Lcnfce Liberal Terms. Koeou-mok- Corner Merchant and Itlcbards Sts. J3T O'CLOCK NOON, All the property of the above Company, comprising about 790 ucres of lean"! luuiln ami 182 acres In iW Sim ple OI the above area, about 'JOOaeres aro planted in eolIVe, t he I rei-- varying from nbout 1 tofiyeais In ago. There Is a lam.- - mill on the place, fully equipped, from which an Ineomo can he Derived liii'leuiiinguiKl market-iiit- f i'iiUjh finni tlicti'jueeiit plaulers. The plieo is well equlppvil with water lank-- , tools and Implement, wagons, hor-emules, maiiager'H aim laborer's lioief, pIplliK, otlicu luriilture, etc., eta The WllIUHT, Proprietor. (Successor to (i. West) n "Hal-nle- Fort Street AND REFAIREII. rn rele-vs- - 613 to 621 The Property of the SATURDAY, Has for Sulu mid SALE. HONOLULU Auction Sale of Carriage Builder SI, Louis A. i- Always on Hand Orders promptly and enref tilly attended to 4 Sole Agents. A Mlllliiimlre' Kxtrutusnuiu. An example of CNtriiviigiiiicu by a woll known millionaire who built him Fclf a castlo in ono of the Engli.ili midland counties is reported by Tho UrgJish Illustrated Tlm im.ii- - V ,i, place was pure mid suilicicnt, bat a case oi scanet lever occurring iu tho village at a littlo distance from his resilience ho took a disliko to tho local water hup ply and ut a cost of over 100,000 pro vided himself with a fresh supply fiom a distance of 18 miles. Without children or wifo and a great traveler, lie does not inhabit his own country phico for moro than threo months iu the yau Although ho drinks no wine, his water is an expeusivo beveragu Allow ingonly 0 per ;ent on tho money, with I per cent sinking fund, his water coMs him for every day ho vibits his casllo This supply, it hhould bo milled, is Jim ited to tho ono hoiihu Thrm in nmiiv no reason why it should bu shared with others, for tho local supply is amplo uud of good quality HORSE 0LTPPING A SPECIALTY. E&. TELEPHONE 310. E3 Stand: Fort anil Merchant ritreot?. Auctioneer. i! u FURNITURE D A SPECIALTY. Sales- dis-tiu- XL Dealer in 'Breaking Horses Real Property, Finest Turnouts in City. Improved Wagonettes and Surries or Unimproved. Haoks at All Hours. Nbv. 17, JAS F. MORGAN, "50-t- ASSBT. With Careful Drivers always on ham). Glass Ware, China Ware Silver Ware, satis-factor- and Feed, 18, L, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. in. MAHOUT Livery. THURSDAY, Nov. 10 AND IBoarding, Sale, ( from tho Uuder iuBtruetione Hawaiian Government, I will soil nt Public Auction, at my Salesroom, Queen street, Houolulu, AT ll FOOT STREET, WARE! On Walker, S. Limited. -- OF- 0 Stables, J. Club Sale And other Historic, from tho Hoifjne of the FIREFLY FLASHES. moha's and Kalakaua. Articles on viow Mitlio.l l,y Wlilih tin. Incct rmlli , B room on Wednesday, IU INauIlful Light, "By what prorem do ilicflies prod. tho beautiful (binbes nf light?" That question fi fluently asked, and as rn tautological books fail to give a IMP0KTEH3 AND DEALERS IN reply tho following cxplauatiov may bo interesting: have. I malo a special Mtidy of tin light, mid carefully examined tliomecb-nnihii- i of tho illuminating segments in Now Gcods Itocoivod by Every Packet from the Eastern Stntes and both initio and female specimens 'flic Europe, light emitted, when tcSted by tho fikc- FEE8H CALIFOIINIA PEODUOK BY KVERY STEAMEl troscopc, gives a brilliant spectrum, Which is continuous through all the All Oidora inltbiuUy attended to and Goods Delivered to any colors from tho red to tho violet rays Part of tho City FUEE Tho illuminating organs consist of busa Oarau nolioird Kplierical SAtisrAcrioB QgAKtra.! cells, each ono of EAST OOBNEB FOBT AND KING STJiEKTH which is about 1.2000 of an inch in ammeter, mill tho beetlo has power to illuminate ono or many of thou cells at P. Oi Box 480. Tklkpiio.sk 478. Will, producing light of corresponding intensity. Tho cells contain a fluid S. W LEDEBEB, Corner King and Nuu-anwith phosphorus, and tho cover Prop. iug of tho cell is mi thin thatatmosphrrr Sts. coming in contact with it m.v nT.i tho contents. Housekeepers wishing to buy NEW or FIRST-CLAS- S It has been Micncstrd Hint tlm imnri produces tliu Hashes of light or rendua SECOND-HANtho phosphorm suddenly luminous by Tu Bedroom Sets, Sidobonrda, by tho injection of warm Wardrobes. Tables, Chairs, Ico electricity or by friction. But it is certain M(bcf9' Mntbletop Bowl WnahstanclH, Bod Lounge, fluids that tho llah of l.ght is niudu in Stoves, Honmng Lumps, Writing Desks, Cases way. Wo may cleaily trace u conCounters, etc etc will 8vo money by buying ut tho I.Book X. L., cornection between tho fcpiraclcs mid ner Nim.inu nnd King streets. trachea (spiral air tubes) of tho heotlo and each of tho illuminating cells, and Amorican nntl Hawaiian Flags nil sizos sold cheaper than find that tho littlo creaturo renders tho Snstcrn prices. phosphorus contained in tho colls luminous by forcing air upon them. Tho colls when thus excited emit light from thoir surface. ! Wo may imitato tlm net nf tlm iwntin by dissecting ono and placing the illumi108 KING STREET. nating organ under a microscope, cov G. J. Wallkii - . . .Manaohii. ered by a thin glass cover. When tho cover is lifted so as to admit a littlo air, tho colls become luminous. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Wo may add that tho nanio "firefly" is a monomer, as tho "lightning bug" is a true beetle, belonging iu tlm natural order ealeoptera, ami in tho family AtJD lampyrida-- . D K. Winder in Detroit Frco Pi ess. Morgan, 1 Auction g Intimidad, a ltictioii Sales by Jas. rilixpn In Mlglhlc lor III ii lllull I'iiiIIIdii. Any of tho childrau now run-niuabout the strootn of this city may livo to becomu Governor of tho State of Hawaii and a future President of tho United Statea may be hoi u iu these inlands. Tho American political syBtem loavcfl tho very lnglient positiou in the land open to the very loweat of its citizens. Take tho nowly nppoiuted Gov eruor of the Territory of Alaska as an example. Hid unmo in Johu Buuly and he was one of a number of street arabs sent to In (liana thirty yours ngo by a chil Ireu'a aid sooiety of New York. Ho is 'fluid to have boeii tho most uuprepoBfeOesing one of the lot, nit had the good fortune to bo akou by a kiud hearted judge, wijo gave mux every advantage. From tho Factories of I--- (JOVI.It.MHt. Any Alllcrlciiii JUST RECEIVED BY HOLLISTER tll'S 18!)7. 5. & Fort Sts., Honolulu. HOLLISTER Agents. Hawaiian & CO., Soda Works, Factory: Sunny South. Tolophone G32. FAMILIES SUPPLIED. ROBERT GRIEVE. Book and Job Printer M'erchuut Stroot, Honolulu, H. I. Ovor Hawniinn Novs Company's per month. Book Store. mv 13, n. EVENING BULLETIN, ncmmaunwtaTTnvu aemmMarMMVKfmtni0mmi ft vy u .... XaUBdBSSR, Paints, Oils and Glass Mattings, Wall Paper, Etc., Etc., Etc. LEWERS & COOKE, ... - 473 Fort Strcot, Telephone 20, &6o. W. G Irwin Limited. Agents for Wvstora Sugar Refinery Oo. of Son Frnucisco Baldwin Locomotive Works ot 1'hlln- dolphin, Pino.. U H A Nowell Uulvortal Mill Co. (National t!ano Shredder), New York, U. 8. A. N.Ouluudt & (Jo's Ohoudcal Fertilizers. Alex Cross & Sous, high grade fertU- izors for Uaue and Coffee. Reeds Stcnm t'ijio Covuriug For more than fifty years has PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER stood the test against all remedies prepared to eradicate pain, and today stands at the head of the list among the medicines that aro so essential to Uocp at hand in the home. It is not a now fanglo remedy nor do the proprietors lay claim to any wonderful revelation of the ingredients that enter into tho manufacture of this ever popular remedy. It is perfectly harmless, you need have no fear of becoming hubituully inclined to its use. For Colic, Cramps, Dysentery, Colds, and all painful affections, a few doses will certainly givo relief. You cannot afford to bo without a bottle in the house. Your forefathers used ir, and found it beneficial. Why experiment with some remedy that is new and its effect on the system unknown? It has many rivals but no equal. The new 35c. size con- ttf tains over double tho quantity of tho 25c. size. Hollister Also -:- Drug - Company, Offer for Sale 0 i's P & 15 WHOLESALE GROCERS ANj WINE MERCHANTS. street, Honolulu, H. 225 Queen I AGKNIW Just received ex Imrk "Martha Dnvin" a fresh lot of OF ALL KINDS. (limited). nt Corner Fort Wholesale AND Commission Agents. OV THE AOENT8 & COMPANY, LIMITED, Queen street, Honolulu, AGENTS and 515 & 517 Port $ CO., Retail Groceries, St.. Honolulu TVlnjihoner 22 OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF SAN PKAN01800. OAL. 0. BREWER Queen Sis. H. MA.Y Factors Sugas? P.O. Box 47(1 F. H. REOWARD, Contractor and Builder. n.I. OQlces and Stores lit ted up and Estimates clvcn on FOR Hawaliin Agricultural Company, Onomea Sugar Company, llonomu Sugar Company, Walluku Sugar Company, Walhee Sugar Company, Makee Sugar Company, IIMcalcala Ranch Company, Ka. papala Ranch. Planters' Line San Franclaco Packets, Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of Bolton and Shop: No. 010 Fort street, 3T OUlcu Packets "Agent Boston Hoard of Underwriters. adjoining W. W. Wrifjlit's Carrlaire Shop. Agents Philadelphia Board or Underwriters. ALL KINDS OF WORK. LIST Or OFTIOKIW! A P 0 Jones, President; GOOD THING 4 CO. & u a c AlbO. STOVE, STEAM & BLACKSMITH COAL COMMISSION AGENTS. WHITE AND BLACK SAND At Lowest Prices, dollvcrod to any part ol the City. WKtEPHONB Oor. Fort and Qneen Streets, Honolulu, M. PHILLIPS & Wholesale Importers and Jobbers of Baropean and American Dry & ROBINSON. Doalors in Lumber and Coal and Building Materials of all kinds. Qaeen Shoot, Honolulu, .a & I 414 CO., 31 Qneen Street. Dandruff Killer! Goods Fort and Queen Streets. ALLEN HUSTACE CO., I A New and Thoroughly Effluent Destroyer for all Dandruff In the Head. Honeycomb and Toilet Quilts, a little better than tho ordinary and at less cost. PA0HECO& FERNANDAS, Prop. Fort St., Opp. Pantheon Stables. w Brw-tani- n J Hove Building, H'ort Street. i A FULL LATEST STYLES. ASSORTMENT. REASONABLE! ?RKJSS' - The UNDERTAKINO DEPA11TMENT Latest Facilities in its lino. is fully equipped with all tho buililiug. T. H. Gibson was elected president of the Amouiutimi for tho Mih. Fraihor Our Silk counters are re- enduing jear, 11. M. Welltt, secretaiy, plete with tho finest grades of and Mtris Julia Peiry tieasurur, silk ever shown in Honolulu. and together coustitute tho executive committee. These include light or heavyweights and in all colore, the THE DUEL AT BlLLVILLE. combination of which would tlioUIil on licnrubouttliutlucllii Ulllvtlle-ullend rival a rainbow in beauty. II. II. WILLIAMS, Manager, Linen, Turkish, Cotton Towels at way down prices. Undertaker nndi Embuluicr. vice-pit'Miil- fnt, Rksidknok: KIiik ards. How Black and Figured Silks. It is possible to have shirts made to order in Honolulu for less than ready-to-weprices and you can have a choice of designs. We sell Ieo. J. 19 51 N, Louie. 165 0 They find for an hour as fust an they could load. They wounded nil tho wiikoiis that wcro rum- bill) down tho rond, Tlicy xliot tho ishcrltf In tho Ux nnd rolled lum on llioLlovir, And thin they lilt tho coronir nnd tumid him over. u, 81, For Sale. House and I ot on King street. Lot 75x150 feet. A bargain, A. V. GEAR & CO., 723-t- f 210 King streot. V'.nivJi a. 'i? i . . H. HACKFELD & CO. Tlio peopto w lred tho governor, ho calleil out tha brlKiidm, And tho boys bora down upon 'cm with muv kits nnd with bladCH, And tliu wild inn) or nnd tho major thoy left tho town by stenlth, But not 'foro tluy hnd both fIiooIc liands nnd drunk e.uli other's huiltli. h U, titnntoii In Atlanta Constitution -- Tlio rrnf(Ksorit AlUtahv"- An nniusnii! story is told about ti profet-sor- . Tliu lcnriicil guiitli'iuuu has u wifu mid family; but, ptofcssorlike, hii tbouguts tiro always with li is book. Ouu evening his wifo. wlio had boon out for houio liouw, rrtnrncd to Had tho had left house remarkably (pilot, tho diildrcu plnyiiiR about, but now thov were nowhoro to bo sieu. Slio demanded to bo told what hnd become of them, nnd tlio professor explained that as they hud uiado n good deal of uoixu liu had put them to l:cd without waiting for her or culling u maul. "1 hope they ruvo you uo troublo," Importers and Dealers in- - QENEL JVEEICjiDIE o AND- Plantation Supplies. slio h.i id. H. HACKFELD & CO. "No," replied tlio professor, "with tho uxcoptinu of the ono in tlio cot hero. Ho objected a good deal to my undress-luhim and putting him to bed." Tho wifo went to inspect tho cot. "Why," sho exclaimed, "that's littlo Johnny Green from next doorl" g 3 to 201 Tit-Bit- s. 'SSV Mechanics' Homo, corner Hotel and Nuunnu streets, lodging by day, woek or month. Terms: 25 And 50 cents por night. $1, and . 51 '6 ner First-clas- B work is its own best advortisoraont, is tho motto of tho Hawaiian Oyclo & Manufacturing Company, and thoy allow no poor jobs to leave thoir shop. Kroogor Pianos,sweotoBt in tone, Jas.W. liorgstrom, solo agent, cash Warorooms at or installments. G. West's, Masonio Teraplo. Office at Thrum's Book Store. Tuno WST ing and repairing. 215 Fortv Street. Photoaranh Com- oanv. Ltd. M Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. w-k- Is opou for business. Portraits of every description upon the best Papers, Flatluum, Iridium, Mezzo tint, Carbon, and all other papers known in Photography, lievt uork!uaraiitred at moderate prlren. Cabinets from $6 00 per Dozen. Pictures made Life Size direct. Appointments mudo by Telephone 402. 8olo proprietors of the and Iridium processes. Large collection of recent Island Views. Specimens can be seen on the ground Hoor,MO'rr-BMITHuiLDg. Bas-lteli- ef H THE ONLY PRACTICAL Tolo-phon- Saw Filer in This Country 847. orror that pooplo who own oil painting mako, is in allowing them to go too long without attention. A paintings should novor go moro than a yoar without overhauling espoomlly in this country whero tho air is so ladon with salt, thoy should bo protectKing Bros, do ed with varnish. this kind o work at very roaBon-abl- o prices. A common .3W "& " tW!ja A, . -- ' 753 and Groceries. . Notice to Tax Payers. The Tux Payers are hereby notified for 1S97 are now due uud payable to the Deputy AiHrssors of the sevorul districts, ut the times uud places ineutlonedlu the uotices posted throughout the districts. Seetloti 29, Act 51, Session Laws, 1890 "If any Property Tux shall unpaid utter the 15th duy of November lu uuy year 10 per cent of the amount o' neh tuxei hImU he added by the Assessor io the amount of suoh TuxeH at said dute, and ahull become due and be collected as part of such Tuxes." All Property Taxes not paid by November 15th will be doliuquout. The Delinquent List will bo published after December 1st, 1897. JONATHAN SHAW, Assessor, 1st DIvIbIoii, Island of Ouhu. Co51?;. Agents! . Dry Goods, Hardware Riptlst Uiurih, V Diim$ Commission And ll funirnl proceinlon tint v.n btrUKKlwi; through tho tlironu Had hovornl tnourncru w oundi d nnd took ono luoio corp'-- atonic. Elevuil'ou uiiove oca level 65ft. Vial bio 10 wiles. (3j Ou Kuuholu point, west of Keo keu hurbor, District of Kohalit, Ha wuii Towir uu open wooden fruoie, surmounted hy uu enclosed lump room, painted white. Lut. 20 15 N, IB W. Long. 155 Elevutlou 00ft Vivlule 10 mile JAME- - A. KING, Minister of thb Interior. Department of the In'erin , Hmio-ltil753 3t H. I., November-!- , 1897 TeWnltoiio AND They shot a train n runnln and left It tu tho lurch, HroLo his iiostolllco windowH und tvlngeil tho Fixed while Unlit have lieeii established on the Islands uf Kuuul uuil tin nini nt foU'iW'f: (1) Nlulnl point, north of tlio en truiiee to Niviliwili buy, Island nf Ktunl Tower mi open wooden frame, wuriuoutited iy mi oncloed luiu 57 N, room, pulnied white. Lut 21 20 W. Long 151) Elevation above sua level "(lit. Visible 10 mllee. (2) On Keawemuu, near Allu point, Huwuil, ulno unleH N J W from Iiilo Buy ninl N. 3 W magnetic) fruui an IlKlit ou Paiikiia Bluir open wooiltin frunir--, ruriiiounteil lj an ouoione i luinprooiij, (minted whit-La- i'. . Tlio mayor hid told tha major lio wns no rr In tho wir, Had iicmt liuinl n drum beat or n battlo ciin lion ronr. hilo bin roun Had Btnld nt homo hnrrnlilni; try fnuijht nnd bled. And tlio imjor In hi anger broko a feneo r.ill on hU head tuo, AUTHORITY. BY Ijovc niilMlnc. No. 810. Ofkioi:: Uow they .ct tlio women scrinmln nt the donlly (jUtol'd koutkI Anil w ouiuUil nil tlio barn doors for many )uriU n round? And tlity Kt a dozen umplrcti nnd stood uhiu tho Mjuaro And ih'pim red ivcry thing In Klelit nnd wound cd lotM of air. I. WATERHOUSE I IiI3iviCI,XE3XD. cruel foiiKlit tlw IlKlit Then tlio mayor ho wnt a challunKU for to lluht till thoy wcru blue. And both Bclcoted pUtoli and a whisky Juk or Hats various e coinlnt'iutK tu unto tliu vnd; Mreet, near Rich Telephone No. W0 i - Guaranteed to Cuto tho Sculp ol all BUn Diseases. 1'nt up In ooo size liottlo only. Criterion Barber Shop, Havo romoved from the Old Stand, corner Port nnd Street, to tho will havo iicltiBrt forarithuio lie for primary and grammar til mien and Mihh Ki'lloy in road mg and dictation at it p. in. ou Tuesday, all at tho Hjgh School in GENERAL Undertaking Pallors ro llociH that tho Property Tuxes Georgo H Robertson, Mauagerj E F Bishop, Treasurer and Ool. W F Allen, Auditor; OM Cooke, Ohia, Algeroba and Pine Firewooo H WaterUonso, A W Carter, Directors, Cnt and Split ready for tho Stove). H. HAOKFELD new lino of a h.-iv- Notice to Mariners. Wm. G. Irwin & Co. Hay and Feed Stuffs Wm. O. Irwin, Prcsidont nnd Manager Clans Sprockets, W. M. Giflurd, Secretary and Treasurer Auditor Theo. 0. Porter, - - No scarcity of material, nothing lucking in colors and designs complete. TJio opportunity for bargains N here. We AND al leo-tu- shapes. GONSALVES & CO, The City Furniture Store Deputy - luapeutor'-GonorQibsou bIiouIiI ivo Inn fiist to teachers oif the uewcourso of study adopted for tho schools on Thursday next at 2:I?0 p in. nt the Uiyb school. At tho biwiik plnct uud hour on Mondtiy nftt'iu on I'tofcHsor M. iM Kcott will oiuiiize ti history clnBH uud Mr. Htukor ono in m On Tuchdtiy at 2:1)0 p. m. Dr. O. T. llodyptb will take up a c!hh in phyHiolng and by (iicno at the? ollico of the Board of MisH Latuptnun will Education. liavn charyp of a uiamtiinr cIiihb ut 3 oVInck ou WodtiL'day; Miss Remnants Galore. Native-mad- . Removal Notice ! Touchers' Association Unit in a hundred different designs. bolt.. New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Boston. tna Fire Insurance Company 'of Hartford. lb'J7. hold liiht evening, it wiih arranged KINO AND NC0ANU STREETS, Bottles. PLAICE JUjE, 5, him! Oilier I'riiccril-liisr- t lerllnii nrilllli l.u.t Mrnlimi. At the annual meeting of tho Honolulu Ceylon Shirting Flannels The celebrated Enterprise Beer on Draught and in KIJR.E Queen. Street. MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE HrickH. LIFK and I ar Solo Agents for tho Islands. Pain ta and Paix-rn- ; Lucol and Linsoed olla, raw uud bodud. Indarine (n cold water paint) in white and colors. Filtor Prosti Cloths, Coment, Lime and Parufflno Paint NOVEMBER rA!iii:uH' Assort t nor. Just Like Gold Coin, .T.WAifcRHOUSE fl IN ..DKALEKb . trtvtntmjmBittitimt Ull Kinds of Saws Sat, FilBd nr RBtnatliBd. Call and Seo GEO. W. LINCOLN, i f ibhW$M'M$itfwvt,M Builder, King Strootr .; T.I. . J i . . " BBBWBWJMBWEBWfflBJaBBMBi ' ""' WF'WWM'Frm y3l'wp'"JH"' W' '"'? rmnrrwif, ?w mM! ?Tl!$!iWvmr w tfW'"i ? 'raHnBHBjpJBJBJBJBjPJBJBJNB TWV'WjWn'? 'H!W,WrwmBHBpBJBlMPW SBJBMBKKf)7j!7J 5r BULLETIN, NOVEMBER KVENING ITEMS FROM HARBOR FRONT Br Our Prices Have Made Us Known Liner Yelch JUboplr ft Andrew Muceieitts for tie Week MOVEMKNT8 Kaala's Log Loa Kona-Ka- Notes u Plenty Rain From Bark Ircdale Uellc Cruiser Biiltimoro Sundny. Bniuing torrouts nt Wuinlun, Kough weather on Konn const. All tho sugar in Kau is cleared We Offer: by Lnird, Sohober Co.; MISSES TAN GOAT, SPUING HEEL BUTT. Best wearing dfcoo rnndr; reduced to S1.85 pair. Eual Bargain in Infants' and Children's Shoes In Men's Shoes We are Offering Special Prices I ! -- Moknlll Liverpool. IV O nil rrnncleo MnlnKal WO 3 b. iinl Manna Loa - Kona Mariposa San Krnncljco., Nov" Nor U Nov U Nov U Vov 7 Nov U Nov 11 ihl'AItT. Foil. Stcami:iis. lklnlc Yiikonatnn Hails. Nov 5 Pallida mill has finished grindMoltolll Molokal and l.anal Nov 8 ing. Nov llclvnc Knhululand way ports... Nov lilo tie Janeiro Sun Francisco Plonty of rain in Uonokun nud Klnau-lNov 13 lll nil over Hawaii. IV (1 Hall Leeward Kamil ports .... Nov Nov II Tho stoamor Nooau is, discharg- Mariposa Colonics ing coal at Lahaiun on her way to A.UIIVI-.AT llONOLi-LUllamnkua. ' Kacna, Parker, from Watalua. Stmr Considerable damage has been Htmr Koala. Moslier, from Ualiu ports. done to tho rice crop on this islCASS Warrimoo, Hay, 17 days from and by the wind nud rain.. Sidney h Wellington N '., pacnj;era nud Tho long bridgo nt Puunluu has muse lo T Dalles iV Co l.hl. Mauna l.oo, Simerson, from Hawaii settled down on tho mnukn side andStmr .Mam. oven with the water nnd tho founIHw bk Andrew Weleb, Turner, !Jo days dation is gone. fiom San Franclseo, pass nud mdsu to C Ltd. Captain Simerson of tho Mnuun IlrenerAOo 14o days from lir bk Iredale, Loa sprained his nuklo severely Liverpool mdse to1'lunkettt, llnckleld A Co. this morning by slipping on tho deck of that steamer. SAILED 1'IIOM HONOLULU. The steamer Mnuun Lou, 30 l'arkcr, for Walalua, l'uulkl, hours from Houunpo, is at Fort andStmrKaena, Jfukulcla. street wharf with a small enrgo of Pallida aud Houunpo sugar, Konn CLEAltEI) I'ltOM HONOLULU. U U U A m Wi chjar-ttlL- KING STS. P. O. Box 1122. lioods, SJpk furniture, a pkgs ulassnarc, l!l pk;s II 11 Knods, Ho pktts hardware. 4o baU hay, a borje , I o cs brandy, 7 cs dry goods, aurii lbs lard, loo pkijs machinery, 1 pkts musical Instrument, la mules, 21 kei;s nails, 1 cs nil, J? cllsoals, 15 pkjjs provisions, 'Jl rolls paper, I pki;s print lti(; mitel, lad pes pipe, la bxs aslc, ,in cika rosin, IU pkus U.")i'J stiitionarp, His soda, !17 cs scwiiiK machines, 35 bbls salmon, 5 )$ bbls, ai pkus mnU'l tank, ao,..'o Ins tobacco, U,&jo lbs tea, 55 bids tar, HI pl 15 kcs venlaar, 0 etls wheat, l'Js'jfjaU wine, I pkffs hardware, Kals wine. to, Spues, ' Br & ,f $111. .. f -r. . V ar-liv- ui 50 V -- y, - i i jj !ihl-- , LEWIS ft. ' Eioncline: To & Ctvocjovs. ill Rnt As HuniliiCD. CO., WW I In- tl-OP- For Sale f) u.ui Two Houses contulm'ti 7 P""""0 on Jmlil Htrcet known itom nltilute on Putmlinti itrent opim--Uft'e Diukou Outrun, i.ci'iirlv Mlt-iPuimlinu Prices, $4000 etjitd liy Mr. S. M. Hullmi Apply to ml S'fiOO Term-- , $1000 chhIi euiih VV V ALLAN, ami lialiuiiio In niiiri8iH Apply to Over Wallop & Co 'a Hunk. A V. GBAH&CO., 707-t- f 7!flMm 210Kluir street. tfrJL I'iV. ' iirtff Vuirti' Trie h 3D -- v ' thMmfiib$is bNlIl H . BEER & H. HACKFELD CO,. Sole Agents. H H H H U H H H H H M H-4- - Papa Pays tThfit Rilk t t t Tho wholo family wear shoes. Thero may bo halt a dozen pairs all going along on the wide road to destruction at once half a dozen pairs of foot holping to pilo up tho figures on tho expense side of Papa's ledger. Papa i tho one who knows what it is worth to save a quarter on the price of overy pair nf shoes ho buys. Hence Papa buys hero. is The Manufacturer's Shoe Co. Honolulu, H. I. TH- -H- -H- r- - H - f 4H - 4H- -H - t t$ $ th:f - AT. JORDAN'S 4iMi 1:-15 r 1 11 ond. The steamer Kuala five hours from Puuiki empty arrived last niulit leporting rough weather on the windward Oahu coast siuco LAIIGE AND COMPLETE last Monday. After finishing cargo at Kahuku ou BTOOK OF Wednesday tho Kaala moved to the inner ancnoinge there" nud romninod until the next day when an unsuccessful attempt was made , to laud freight nt Puunluu. Tho Kuala will sail again for windward Oahu ports next Monday and try ignin to land the lumber aud Puunluu freightstill on board. Purser Uelleinaiun fumishos tho following meinornudum: After a quick run from the Colonies tho 11 M S Warrimoo, Clns Win Hay, cominaudei, arrived hero this morning at 8:30 o'clock, hav; Price, ing left Sydney at p m Oct 18, experiencing uortuorly to N W winds and moderate sen to Wellington, N Z, which wns reached at 10:30 p in Oct 22. Left again at 1 p in following day, encountering 6troug N W nnd westerly winds up tho Now Zealand .coast, thenco linn weather to nl e Carry Sell Only Harness Our Own laiofactare. nt Suva, Fiji, at 7:30 a in Oot 28. Proceeded ou name voyage nt uoou same day, parsing xilofa Islaud nt noon uext dny. Moder-u- to For those nwny from homo It is vary fino to seo to fresh trade wiuds with'fiuo tho sumiso and the dow wh olIV r perfected fucilili'M weather wero experienced from GpiirMo like yoms in for prompt shipmont of mnil Suva to nrrivnl as above. tho enrly morn iu tho country, orders. hut n little Inter in tho small orders shipped quickor IUHSENQEllS AllUIVED. day com os that thnn big hungry feeling. From the Colonies, per 11 M S ones nnd just ns cheerfully. Do nn wo do got tho bent for Miowora, Nov 5 Mr Geo Gurr. your money. A hpuutiful supply of From Hawaii aud Maui, per Qimntity counts; but what is the hearty foods will nssist nature stmr Mnuun Loa, Nov A uhh of food if it isn't good? iu mnkiug your stny iu Doyle, E Otiwted, G I Sawyer, Truo of Hnwaii nnd l'' W MoChertiiey. Mr Euan, A K tho country pleasant. the wlinli oouutry: A wick, U Lee, Mrs A MoWnyno Plenty of food, not plonty nud child, Muster McWuyue, .Mrs good of food. Diminutiva sized To livo well need not menu ex Wodehouse, Miss L Ward, Miss tins of meat nud fishes, littlo travnganco; it means good tnste P Hurrison, Miss J Murray, Mrs tins of fruits and cheese, Lewis, and 49 on deck. and knowing where to buy. 8 mull tins of biscuits From San Francisco, per bk Our storo is tho whore to buy. nnd puree of foio grns, Audrow Welch, Nov G -- M L big, bu-It's bright, to up dnto, individual bottle- olivos for n Mrs Luther, E M Scholefield, H alivo to tho of march prosperity; bioycle luncheon or importing direct from the fountain Soholefield excursion. heads of production, nud boiling direct to fnmilios KxroitTH. Tho latest novolty in biscuits That ought to count, and it does. KxBlnir .Mniiii.1 (,u.i iia'jj Iu.jj siiur, lU"J Especially for bicyclists. Our prices tiro tho lowest. Pi bills 2$ liuad cuttle, loo FORT flMIM- - Guaranteed to bo Absolutely Without Adulteration. . The Manufacturing Harness Co. Telephone 228. $?$? 'mX HOlOMLU r f,4 R fam Shipment of the famous Nov 11 Novfl This lino MEN'S OASCO CALLS' BALS, NEW COIN TOES. menu to closo nt S'2.45. Wo buvo n lino of Men's Tnu Laco Shoes iu pointed, Bqunro nnd Yule toes. All now blocks. Small sizes, Is, 5s, nnd Gs. Wo have cut lUem to 2 95. Exceptional value. You know tho Tnu Shoes you hnvo boon paying 80.50 for hure in town? Wp will soil tho eiuue shoes iu nil shapes aud toes threo abodes tor $3.95. KJ57 Como get tho beueiit of our "Opening Prices." Wo give cotfen nud 28 hend of Nnpoopoo VuliiL-nud cut pneos to tho coro. bk Columbia, (love, l'ort Tonncend. cattle and a number of pusseugers. Am O A S o Warrimoo, Hay, for Vancouver la What was written in a certain i Victoria. SHOE HODSE. FAIRCHILD'S paragraph yesterday was that tho IMPORTS. steamor Knoua went nlongsido the JC J. Mnui'liv fe .7. S. Lvnch, Mnnncers, 12G and 12GA Fort street, disubhd stenmer Iwn "aud wns Ex schr Alice Cool.e-C- M OJrt ft rousli and It Uresed lumber, fl pickets, Corner of Hotel street. requested to enrry word to Hono- 3IU.I: lalhs, VJ5.ll ui shinnies nml I5u cedar i,W lulu for a machinist to come down poles for Lower it Cooke. immediately Captaiu Parker of Ev W (! Irwin 'i bxs apples, S curbots acid, II tanks, llloo lbs beans, bio ells barley, J. J. COUGHLLN. ALEX. OHISHOLM. tho KneiiH offered n tow to Hono40,s.;o lbs rolled uirlcj-- , MU lbs bread, I'.'o lulu, which was declined," etc. sks bran, J liules lidtlng, U colls cordnne, lot The printer left out nil tho words ctls corn, liDto lhs eiuekcd corns 6 Co lit tons ciml, ,'o pills randy, 8cs cannbetween "Honolulu" in tho first ed kooiIs, n pkus tiilua iiulsu, i cs dry o lbs drlul fruit, 5 ukirs electric p;ooJs, sec"which" tho sentence and in Ki r$fr&s Tin Due. Kiilitilul Kltmu llllo ami windward ports AKntralln San Frnnclnco Hlo dn Janeiro Yokoliamn linlt-Ki- "Ex Irmgard" 8TEAJIE8. Kiiom. Steamf.iih. ! now SIJ.Do. VICl" KID OXFOKDS, Cloth nnd Kid tops. FINE LADIES' Sainted nud Squnro toos, piiti'tit lenthor tips; nil sizes reduced to SI .95 jar ii; cold olsewbero for $3.00. L D1ES' ItUSSET nud TAN OXFOKDS. Pointed nnd squnro foes, nt COo., 95c. nnd $1.15. Ensily wortb double he OK 1 ' HIIIVE. By the Hauna LADIES' ALL PATENT GALE FKENOH HEEL OXFORDS. up. & novor sold bo-- ro iimdo Hhud Turned Soles for lean thnu S5.00 INTELLIGENCE. Bteamors ituu ami to tall tomorrow nnd (or the next six iliiyn nro as (ollowt, We Mean to Sell Cheap As Special y 1897. Dlnmomt I trail Signal Station, Nov 5, p m, The wentber liayt tlnd ll;ht N E. Arrived In Port. Appreciate Good Value ! We Have Been Crowded All Week! Our Warfare on Prices Continues ! v Bark and Warrimoo SHIPPING G, Wi A Full Line of P. D. Corsets. Fine Black Laces. Wool Work Slipper Patterns. Stamped Doylies and Tea Cloths, New Patterns Iloniton and Jiattenberg Lace Braid. Linen Lace Thread, Draper Silcs. Roman Stripe and Plaid Ribbons. Kid Gloves, New Sliades, Full Assortment of Colors and Makes. SPECIAL M INTIOISri Wo Have at tho Present Time tho LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF RUGS Evor Shown in Honolulu. Aiiilmr. P. T. Rynn still continues iu chargo of thu cYuohor and is ably assisted by William Cnrlylo, At tho Anchor, buattlo beer ou draught enn alwnys bo had ns well as tho best brnudB of whiskies, etc., including John Do war's Scotch whisky. A full stock of other liquors, winea, etc., is kopt on hand also. ,'ikte ALL 1 ABOVE ABE FRESH IMPORTATIONS. lOJForfc Street. jlfV-r- t i