CARROLL WHITE RURAL ELECTRIC MEMBERSHIP CORPORATION Monticello, Indiana SMALL POWER SERVICE – MULTI-PHASE SCHEDULE SPMP AVAILABILITY: Available to members located on or near the Corporation’s multi-phase lines for all types of usage, subject to the established Service Rules and Regulations. APPLICABILITY: Applicable to all multi-phase members with less than 75 kW average billing demand during a 12-month period. TYPE OF SERVICE: Multi-phase, 60 Hertz, at the following standard voltages: 120/240, 120/208, 277/480, or other voltage as might be mutually agreeable. MONTHLY RATE: Access Charge: ………………………………………………… Demand Charge: All kW of billing demand per month @………………… Energy Charge: All kWh ………………………………..……………….. $68.00 $9.62 $0.05388 per kWh DETERMINATION OF BILLING DEMAND: The billing demand shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established by the member for any period of fifteen (15) consecutive minutes during the month for which the bill is rendered, as indicated or recorded by a demand meter installed by the Corporation and adjusted for power factor as provided below. POWER FACTOR: The member agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. The Corporation reserves the right to measure such power factor at any time. Should such measurements indicate that the average power factor is less than 90%, the demand for billing purposes shall be the demand as indicated or recorded by the demand meter multiplied by 90% and divided by the percent power factor. The REMC reserves the right, at its option, to utilize kVA meters, RkVA meters, and/or other appropriate meters in those metering installations where the customer’s power factor is believed to be unsatisfactory according to the REMC’s standards. If such meters are installed, the billing demand in KW may be computed from such instruments. CARROLL WHITE RURAL ELECTRIC MEMBERSHIP CORPORATION Monticello, Indiana TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE: 1. The applicant will be required to give satisfactory assurance by means of a written agreement as to the character, amount, and duration of the business offered. 2. In general, motors having a rated capacity of ten horsepower (10hp) or more must be three-phase. A motor of 20 horsepower (20hp) or more requires approval by the utility. 3. Members may connect incidental lighting to power circuits from the power meter, provided that the connected load and kilowatt hour consumption of the incidental lighting shall not exceed 20% of the active connected power load and kilowatt-hour consumption. Any transformers or regulating equipment which may be required for such lighting shall be furnished by the customer. 4. The Corporation will furnish and maintain at its expense one transformation and service drop, unless otherwise provided for in the Rules and Regulations. All wiring, pole lines, wires and other electrical equipment beyond the point where the service wires of the member, which extend from the weatherhead of the service entrance installed by the member, connect with the service wires of the Corporation, is considered the distribution system of the member and shall be furnished and maintained by the member except that the outdoor meter base and meter shall be furnished and maintained by the Corporation. 5. Should the electrical energy furnished under this schedule for any reason be metered on the primary side of the service transformers that the utility owns, the Corporation shall deduct 1½% of the kilowatt hours so metered before computing the bill. 6. In those cases where the member is not located where multi-phase service is available, the Corporation may elect to extend its facilities to make such services available, in accordance with the Corporation’s Service Rules and Regulations. 7. The member shall be responsible for installing under voltage or loss of phase relays for the protection of the member’s equipment. MINIMUM MONTHLY CHARGE: The minimum monthly charge shall be $68.00 where 25 kVA or less transformer capacity is required. For members requiring in excess of 25 kVA of transformer capacity, the above minimum charge shall be increased $0.20 for each additional kVA or fraction thereof supplied by the Corporation. ELECTRIC THERMAL STORAGE OFF PEAK RIDER: This rider is available to any customer currently served under rate schedule SPMP who agrees to participate in Demand Side Management Programs designed to move load from the on-peak hours to the off-peak hours based on the following requirements. CARROLL WHITE RURAL ELECTRIC MEMBERSHIP CORPORATION Monticello, Indiana 1. The customer must currently receive electric service from the REMC and be willing to have their ETS loads separately metered for the purpose of implementing this rider. 2. The customer must be willing to allow the REMC to install and operate load control devices to ensure that the loads are operated only during off-peak hours. The application of this rider shall be based on the following definition of on-peak and off-peak hours. On-Peak Hours Monday thru Friday 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM Off-Peak Hours All Other Hours The charge for service under the off-peak rider shall be $0.073426 per kWh for the kWh metered for the load that is subject to load control. All other kWh will be billed at the charges outlined in the applicable rate. All customers will pay the applicable monthly “Access Charge”. All kWh will be subject to adjustment by an amount in accordance with the Power Cost Adjustment Formula. WHOLESALE POWER TRACKER: (refer to Appendix A) REFER TO APPENDIX B FOR: Reconnect Charges, ‘Insufficient Funds’ Check Charges, Collection Charges, Late Payment Charges. APPROVED: APRIL 24, 2014 BOARD MEETING Effective: May 1, 2014