Modeling the Behavior of Automotive Embedded Systems with EAST-ADL Lei Feng, DeJiu Chen, Martin Törngren Embedded Control Systems/Mechatronics, KTH 2012-02-06 1 Outline Basics on EAST-ADL Behavior Modeling in EAST-ADL The Behavior Annex Model transformation from EAST-ADL to SPIN Conclusions and Future Works 2 What is EAST-ADL? A domain specific Architecture Description Language (ADL) to support Model-Based Development of automotive embedded systems Motivated by the increasing complexity and criticality of vehicle electronics Errors caused by engineering flaws are major threat to safety Improved engineering methods are necessary Model-based Management of Engineering info. 3 Developers’ Wishes Describe the overall “system” in one language Specify both hierarchy and interactions Allocate SW components to HW components Explore and evaluate design solutions Model based analysis and reasoning Consistent interfaces, error propagation, timing analysis, etc. Communicate and report generation Generate the code automatically …… 4 As Time Goes By ADAMS T2U SAFE EDONA CESAR TIMMO EAST-EEA ATESST ATESST2 MAENAD AUTOSAR JASPAR Volvo Exploitation 2000 EEA AIL UML2 Titus SYSML AADL 2005 EAST-ADL UML2 SYSML AADL AUTOSAR EAST-ADL 2010 EAST-ADL2 UML2 SYSML AADL AUTOSAR EASTADL2 EAST-ADL 5 EAST-ADL Abstraction Levels Vehicle & Analysis Levels are special for EAST-ADL Support for the OEM’s views Features of the vehicle, Variability Vehicle Level Analysis Level Abstract functions, requirements Design Level Implementation Level HW topology, SW component, allocation System implementation by AUTOSAR 6 Vehicle and Analysis Levels 7 PedalAngle <<Function>> BrakePlantModel <<EnvironmentModel>> DemonstratorEM WheelSpeedFL BrakeForce Design Level Function interaction End-to-end Autosar support 8 Implementation Level A straightforward mapping from the design level model to the Autosar model 9 Outline Basics on EAST-ADL Behavior Modeling in EAST-ADL An illustrative example The Behavior Annex Model transformation from EAST-ADL to SPIN Conclusions and Future Works 10 Leader-Follower Decision 2 pursuing vehicles in the same lane Each vehicle periodically broadcasts its own position and velocity and listens to the other The vehicles decide their roles locally according to the position The follower must have the identical velocity as the leader 11 Behavior Modeling in EAST-ADL Asynchronous components (Function type) Run-to-completion Triggers of components Periodic, event (data receive event and client server event) Communication ports A message buffer at each incoming FlowPort The semantics of the buffer is fixed in EAST-ADL o o o o Buffered message queue of length 1, Non-blocking Over-writable Persistent data 12 A Snapshot of the Behavior Model Functional block Output data port Input data port 13 Limitations of Standard EAST-ADL The behavior modeling is limited to attributes at the component level, such as Operational modes Communication Execution triggers The details within the component are supplied by external tools, e.g., Simulink, UML, C code, etc. Wanted: Early verification of the functional correctness of automotive embedded systems 14 Behavior Annex Proposed by KTH through ATESST2, being further developed through MAENAD A formal modeling approach to capture the dynamics inside components A core for defining mapping rules and algorithm to transform the behavior model to various analysis tools 15 16 Integration with External Analysis Techniques Analysis of EAST analysis modeling support Related External tools (analysis model/engine) System Discrete Behaviors BehaviorAnnex BehaviorModel VFM/FAA/FDA/HWA; BehaviorAnnex BehaviorModel EnvironmentModel; BehaviorAnnex RequirementsModel; SPIN; UPPAAL; StateMate; Petri-net… System Physical Dynamics BehaviorAnnex BehaviorModel Environment Model; BehaviorAnnex BehaviorModel HWA ; BehaviorAnnex RequirementsModel; Modelica; Multisim, VHDL-AMS; Safety BehaviorAnnex ErrorModel VFM/FAA/FDA/HWA; PANDORA/HiPHOPS; AltaRica… Reliability BehaviorAnnex ErrorModel VFM/FAA/FDA/HWA; Markov Model… Faultinjection BehaviorAnnex V&V Model VFM/FAA/FDA/HWA; Simulink Tool-box (e.g., Mogentes)… Timing BehaviorAnnex TimingModel VFM/FAA/FDA/HWA; MAST, RT-DRUID… StateFlow & Simulink; HRC; AADL; 17 Outline Basics on EAST-ADL Behavioral Modeling in EAST-ADL The Behavior Annex Model transformation from EAST-ADL to SPIN Conclusions and Future Works 18 The Principle of Model Checking System: L(S), the set of all possible executions of S Property: L(p), the set of valid/desirable executions Prove that: L(S) ⊆ L(p) Method: to prove L(S) ⊆ L(p), We can prove L(S) ∩ (U\L(p))=∅ That is, L(S) ∩ L(¬p)=∅ If I = ∅, then S sat. p Otherwise, elements in I are counter examples I U L(S) L(p) 19 Logic Model Checker SPIN SPIN: a powerful open-source software tool for detecting software defects in multi-thread software Exhaustive verification No quantitative consideration on time Properties of the SPIN model Finite-state: guarantees decidability Asynchronous: no hidden synchronization btw processes Non-deterministic: multiple execution choices may be valid and the choice is arbitrary 20 Elements of SPIN Model 3 basic objects in SPIN model: process1 process2 Message channels 21 Essential for EAST to SPIN Mapping A behavior state machine is mapped to an asynchronous SPIN process A parameter is mapped to a SPIN data SPIN allows: bit, bool, byte, short, int, unsigned, and structure A message queue inside a receiver FlowPort is mapped to a buffered SPIN message channel Function triggers are mapped to message channels preCondition and postCondition of a Transformation are mapped to assertion 22 Model Transformation Example SPIN process Buffered msg. chan. Execution trigger Modeled by synch. chan. • 5 asyn. Processes • About 10 msg. chan. • Each proc. has about 20 states 23 24 25 Requirements on the System Free of deadlock There can be at most 1 leader at any time When a leader is elected and maintained, the two vehicles will eventually have the identical velocity The vehicle velocity is always in a given range A counter example is identified by SPIN 26 Free of Deadlock Free of deadlock 27 At Most 1 leader Valid only if two actions at TakeLeaderRoleAction are atomic 24,195,561 states; 38,683,842 transitions 8.293 M memory Elapsed time 176 seconds 28 Conclusions & Future Work A brief introduction to EAST-ADL behavior modeling and behavior annex Consistent with the existing definitions Sufficient for various analysis techniques Friendly to external verification tools Model transformation method from EAST-ADL to SPIN Future works Refine behavior annex and the SPIN transformation Investigate the transformation to other verification tools, especially UPPAAL Formal analysis on timed properties 29