The Business Case For Power Storage In Buildings Catherine Luthin and David Pospisil September 18, 2014 Overview • • • • • • • Electricity prices Peak demand Cost of energy storage Consume electricity at one time (off peak hours), and use it at another (on peak), via a battery and software to control it Electric bills Profitability of on-site renewable power Pursuing these options involves understanding your tariff rates, NYSERDA/Con Edison Demand Management Program incentives, and your facility’s load profile 1 Forms Of Energy Storage Energy storage at the utility level to manage grid loads is not new: • • • pumped hydro storage (~99+%) compressed air storage (~.3%) various types of batteries (~.3%) Energy storage for commercial buildings: • Thermal storage for A/C in buildings (using chilled water or ice made overnight) reduces electric chiller kW demand • Energy storage in buildings to cut peak demand (using batteries) 2 What is a Battery? When a device is connected to a battery, a reaction occurs that produces electrical energy. This is known as an electrochemical reaction. Italian physicist Count Alessandro Volta first discovered this process in 1799 when he created a simple battery from metal plates and brine-soaked cardboard or paper. Batteries can also be fashioned from other systems such as the … 3 The Lemon Battery 4 Types of Batteries • Modern batteries use a variety of chemicals to power their reactions. Common battery chemistries include: – Zinc-carbon and Alkaline battery: Used in many AAA, AA, C and D dry cell batteries. – Lead-acid battery (rechargeable): This is the chemistry used in a typical car battery. An analysis of density, cost and longevity should be undertaken (10 year required). – Lithium-ion battery (rechargeable): Lithium chemistry is often used in high-performance devices, such as cell phones, digital cameras and even electric cars. This battery has been the most widely used in buildings. 5 Understanding Peak Demand Electric rates are based on how fast, how much and when electricity is consumed (time of day, day of week, and season). How fast you consume electricity is kW How much you consume is kWh Billed peak demand (kW) is based on the most kWh consumed in a time interval (15 – 30 min) during an on-peak period. It is NOT instantaneous load. Very brief surges don’t affect billed demand. ‘Smart’ meter data is needed to profile loads. 6 Battery Storage Technology in Buildings • Charge battery at off-peak times when cost of electricity is lower • Discharge battery during on-peak times to shave peak demand or replace expensive grid power • Batteries can be used to: – – – Directly power specific equipment Flow into the building’s grid Load optimization (eliminate demand spikes during the day) • Demand Response • Support renewable generation 7 Batteries Are Getting Cheaper And REV Envisions a Different Future This is ~$300/kWh Today’s PHEV batteries range from ~$600 to ~$500 per kWh. Tesla claims it will make lithium ion units for $175/kWh in its new “gigafactories” (2016-17). 8 What to Look For • Cost to purchase and install • Cycle Life – how many times can it be recharged? • High Energy and Power Density – the amount of energy or peak demand that can be produce in a cycle per measure of weight or size. • Safety • Grid interconnectability 9 Ballpark Economics • • Potential to cut peak by 100 kW To reduce the peak each day need 4+ hours of storage With 20% charging and inverter losses, we then need to store 100 kW x 4 hrs + 20% = 480 kWh per daily charge 600 500 400 kW • 300 200 100 0 Hour 10 Con Edison/NYSERDA Demand Management Program Information: Project DMP Incentives Thermal Storage $2,600/kW Battery Storage $2,100/kW HVAC/Controls/P rocess Lighting/LED DR Enablement $1,250/kW + $0.16/kWh $800/kW + $0.16/kWh $800/KW To learn more, register for the Energy Storage Expo: Oct, 2014 Nov, 2014 Jan, 2015 For more information, visit: Incentives for Non-Electric AC & CHP 11 Making The Numbers Work Energy storage payback may be acceptable where: • $2,100/kW incentives for equipment (+ maybe demand response) • • • Annual demand charges ~ 42% of total bill Average on/off-peak $/MWh differential ~ $2 At least 1.5 MWs of common load (usually above 300,000 SF) 12 A typical generic business case for the owner / operator: 1. Supplier installs, owns, and operates an energy storage asset in a building owner’s unused, back-of-house space at no upfront or incremental ongoing cost. Supplier is the interface/applicant with ConEd (and monetize any incentives) and bears the M&V, operating, technology, etc. risk. 2. Supplier shares savings created by the asset from reducing base-building or common load costs. Supplier structures these savings contractually to best fit a building owner’s preferences. A typical deal will yield between $100 and $400 k (depending on the size of the building and the asset) per year in value for the building owner. 13 A typical generic business case for the owner / operator: Essentially the supplier provides a value proposition to the building owner at no upfront or ongoing incremental cost, while removing the hassle and risk of applying for, building, owning, and operating an energy storage asset. The supplier typically targets commercial and residential buildings with at least 1.5 MWs of common load (usually above 300,000 SF) to achieve appropriate scale on the assets. 14 15 Contact Information • NYSERDA: – – Ariella Cohen,, (212) 971-5342 x3017; Joshua Clyburn,, (212) 971-5342 x3071 • Luthin Associates: – Catherine Luthin, , (732) 774-0005 • Willdan Energy Services: – Zachary Suttile,, (212) 701-7275 • Con Edison: – David Pospisil,, (212) 460-2429 16 Thank you for your time and attention. 17 Types of Batteries • Modern commercial batteries use a variety of chemicals to power their reactions Battery chemistry Can the technology be deployed in the market by 2015? Can it discharge Can it discharge over 4 hrs? over 6 hrs? Vanadium redox Yes, already have several installations in US, as well as over seas yes yes Sodium nickel chloride Yes, already have several installations in US, as well as over seas yes yes Li‐ion Yes, already have several installations in US, as well as over seas yes yes Sodium sulfur Yes, already have several installations in US, as well as over seas yes yes Lead acid Yes, already have several installations in US, as well as over seas yes yes 18 Permanent Load Reduction • Target predictable, consistent spikes during all hours • Continuous peak-clipping and DR, no switching between the two modes • Scale kW to peak clipping in 6 hour window 19 Peak Clipping • Target predictable, consistent spikes – Elevators, water pumps, industrial equipment, etc. • Controls work like a kW “thermostat” – Algorithms have a kW “setpoint” • Low kWh keeps costs down – Most cost-effective and popular project model 20 Peak Clipping with Demand Response • Target predictable, consistent spikes during peak demand hours • Switch between peak-clipping and DR mode – • 95%+ of the time is peak clipping Scale kW to peak clipping in 4 hour window – Profile expands pool of eligible building loads 21