FINISHED LENS PRICE LIST 2015 FINISHED LENS PRICELIST 2015 PLASTIC MATERIAL CR39 DESCRIPTION RX RANGE SPH CYL SPH Super Hardcoated. 70/65mm CYL SPH Anti Reflection Superhard Hydrophobic AR 70mm CYL Uncoated. Fast Tint. 70/65mm Seiko® CR39 Ultra Hard Coat* CR39 AR Superpass ECP AR Easy Clean Plus. Super Seiko® CR39 Ultra Surpass® ECP AR* Hydrophobic AR. 70mm 0.00 - 6.00/+6.00 0.00 - 2.00 (up to+4.00 sph only) 0.00 - 6.00/+4.00 0.00 -2.00 0.00 - 4.00/+4.00 0.00-2.00 SPH 0.00 -6.00/+4.00 CYL 0.00 -2.00 Material Description Rx Range Price Per Pair TRANSITIONS® VII & PHOTOCHROMIC CR39 Transitions® VII Superhard Coated (+) 65mm (-) 70mm SPH (-) combined to 4 CYL 0.00 - 2.00 SPH (+)0.25 to +4.00 CYL 0.00 - 2.00 $26.58 Seiko® CR39 Transitions® VII Surpass ECP AR Premium Super Hydrophobic AR Aspheric Design (+) 65mm ( -) 70mm SPH (-) combined to 4 CYL 0.00 - 2.00 SPH (+)0.25 to +4.00 CYL 0.00 - 2.00 $49.98 $1.20 CR39 Transitions®* Xtra-Active® Grey NEW Superhard Coated. Aspheric (+) 65mm (-) 70mm SPH (-) combined to 4 CYL 0.00 - 2.00 SPH (+)0.25 to +4.00 CYL 0.00 - 2.00 $46.58 $5.76 Seiko® Polycarbonate Transitions® VII Superhard Coated. Aspheric (+) 65mm (-) 70mm SPH 0.00- 6.00/+4.00 CYL 0.00 - 2.00 $43.98 Seiko® Polycarbonate Transitions® VII Surpass® ECP AR Superhard Hydrophobic Multicoated Aspheric (+) 68mm ( -) 72mm SPH 0.00- 6.00/+4.00 CYL 0.00 - 2.00 $55.98 Polycarbonate Transitions®* Xtra-Active® Grey NEW Superhard Hydrophobic Multicoated (+) 68mm ( -) 72mm SPH 0.00- 6.00/+4.00 CYL 0.00 - 2.00 $59.98 PRICE PER PAIR $3.24 NEW PRICE $10.20 TRIVEX Hoya® Trivex Phoenix Tintable Trivex 1.53 Aspheric Super Tintable Hard Coat 70/65mm (available Hardcoated non-tintable) SPH +3.00 -6.00 / CYL 0.00 -2.00 $18.50 Polycarbonate LifeRx® Superhard Coated (+) 65mm (-) 70mm SPH 0.00- 4.00/+2.00 CYL 0.00 - 2.00 SPH -4.25/-6.00 sph only $35.00 Seiko® Trivex Surpass® ECP AR Trivex® Ultra 1.53 Aspheric. Super Hydrophobic Topcoat. Anti-Static. 70/65mm SPH 0.00 -7.00/+4.00 / CYL 0.00 -2.00 $25.50 Polycarbonate Photochromic Superhard Coated (Gray only) (+) 65mm ( -) 70mm 1 Year Warranty SPH 0.00- 6.00/+4.00 CYL 0.00 - 2.00 $15.00 Polycabonate Photochromic extended range Aspherical Superhard Coated (Gray only) 70mm SPH 0.00 - 6.00 SPH -6.25-8.00 $23.00 Polycarbonate Photochromic Armor Guard AR Superhard Super Hydrophobic Multicoated (+) 65mm ( -) 70mm 2 Year Warranty SPH 0.00- 6.00/+4.00 CYL 0.00 - 2.00 $20.00 1.56 Polycore Sunsensors® by Corning - Grey Superhard Hydrophobic Multicoated (+) 65mm ( -) 70mm SPH 0.00- 6.00/+4.00 CYL 0.00 - 2.00 $18.48 $10.98 $5.48 1.56 Photochromic Middle Index. Superhard Coated (+) 65mm (-) 70mm SPH 0.00- 6.00/+4.00 CYL 0.00 - 2.00 $13.00 156 Photochromic AR Middle Index. Superhard Hydrophobic Multicoated (+) 65mm ( -) 70mm SPH 0.00- 6.00/+4.00 CYL 0.00 - 2.00 $17.00 $14.48 Seiko® 1.67 UltraThin Transitions® VII Aspheric Design. Superhard Coated (+) 65mm up to (-) 80/75mm HC Grey* Seiko® 1.67 UltraThin Transitions® VII Surpass® ECP Super Hydrophobic AR Aspheric Design (+) 65mm up to (-) 80/75mm ECP AR Grey* SPH -2.00 -8.00 CYL 0.00 -2.00 $74.90 SPH -2.00 -8.00 CYL 0.00 -2.00 $92.98 SPH -3.00 -10.00 CYL 0.00 -2.00 NEW PRICE POLYCARBONATE ASPHERIC Polycarbonate Superhard Coat Seiko® Diamond Clear HC* Polycarbonate extended range Superhard Coated. 75% Tintable Aspherical 70/65mm Super Hardcoated. 70/65mm Superhard Coated. 75% Tintable Aspherical 70/65 Anti Reflection Superhard Hydrophobic Multicoated Aspherical 70/65mm Anti Reflection Superhard Hydrophobic Polycabonate AR extended range Multicoated Aspherical 70/65mm Premium Super Hydrophobic AR (2 year warranty) Premium Polycarbonate with Aspherical Design 70/65mm Armor Guard® AR Surpass® AR with EasyClean® Plus. Super Seiko® Diamond Clear ECP AR* Hydrophobic, Oileophobic & Anti-Static. 70/65mm Polycarbonate AR SPH 0.00 - 6.00/+6.00 CYL 0.00-2.00 SPH 0.00 -6.00/+4.00 CYL 0.00 -2.00 $2.99 SPH +6.00/ -6.00 CYL -2.25 -4.00 SPH -6.00/ -8.00 CYL -0.00 -4.00 $7.98 SPH +6.00 -6.00 CYL -4.25 -6.00 SPH CYL SPH SPH SPH CYL 0.00 - 6.00/+4.00 0.00-2.00 0.00 -6.00 CYL -2.25 -4.00 -6.25-8.00 CYL 0.00-4.00 0.00 - 6.00/+4.00 0.00-2.00 SPH 0.00 -6.00/+3.00 CYL 0.00 -2.00 $4.90 $6.48 NEW PRICE $10.40 MIDDLE INDEX Seiko® 1.74 Transitions® VII ECP AR Grey* NEW Surpass® ECP Super Hydrophobic AR Aspheric Design (-) 65mm CYL 2.25-4.00 CYL 0.00 -0.75 POLARIZED 1.56 Superhard Coated Tintable 72/65mm 1.56 extended range Superhard Coated Tintable 72mm SPH 0.00 - 8.00/+6.00 CYL 0.00-2.00 SPH 0.00 - 7.00/+4.00 CYL 2.25-3.00 1.56 AR Superhard Hydrophobic AR 72/65mm SPH 0.00- 8.00/+6.00 CYL 0.00 - 2.00 1.56 AR extended range Superhard Hydrophobic AR 72mm SPH 0.00 - 7.00/+4.00 CYL 2.25-3.00 $3.20 $6.98 $4.48 $7.98 High Index. Superhard Coated Tintable. with New Aspheric Design 72mm blank SPH - 2.00 - 10.00 CYL 0.00 - 2.00 $7.48 Seiko® Super 1.60 Dual Aspheric SuperClean™ Super Hydro AR* Digital back surface free-form design with dualsided aspheric provides highest optical performance. 75/70mm SPH 0.00 -8.00 (up to -8.25 to -10.00) CYL 0.00 -2.00 $34.98 1.6X Premium AR (Drillable) High Index. Ultra-Vex Impact Resistant Material. Super Hydrophobic AR. Drillable 72mm SPH 0.00 - 11.00 CYL 0.00 - 2.00 (up to-9.50 sph only) $9.48 Hyper High Index. Superhard Coated Tintable with New Aspherical Design 75/80mm Hyper High Index. Super Hydrophobic AR w/ New Aspherical Design 75/80mm SPH - 3.00 - 10.00 to -12.00 (0.50 D Steps) CYL 0.00 - 2.00 (up to-10.00 sph only) $17.48 Concord Finished SPH - 3.00 - 10.00 to -12.00 (0.50 D Steps) CYL 0.00 - 2.00 (up to-10.00 sph only) $18.48 FINISHED BI FOCALS 1.67 Armor Guard™ AR extended range Hyper High Index. Super Hydrophobic AR w/ New Aspherical Design 75/80mm SPH -2.00 -8.00 CYL -2.25 -4.00 SPH -10.50 -12.00 SPH ONLY $21.48 Bi-Focal Finished Seiko® 1.67 SuperClean™ AR* SPH plano to -7.50 CYL 0.00 -3.00 Patented MX aspheric low-base design, high index hardcoat w/ ECP super-hydro AR 75/70mm SPH -10.00 to +6.00 CYL to -2.00 $38.98 Cleaning Solution Cleaning Solution. Drop bottle 1oz - Special Formula for AR coated lenses Super Cleaner Microfiber Cleaning cloth 7"X 6" Seiko® 1.74 MX SuperClean™ AR* SPH -2.00 -10.00 (up to -15.00) Patented MX aspheric low-base design, high index hardcoat w/ SuperClean™ super-hydro AR. CYL 0.00 -3.00 SPH +2.00 +6.00 CYL 0.00 -2.00 75/70mm (-) 70/65mm (+) $59.98 Cases Durable Metal case. Available in two colors HIGH INDEX ASPHERIC 1.60 Hard Coat NEW 1.67 Superhard Coat 1.67 Armor Guard™ AR $138 *Special order lenses available between 2-3 business days *1.74 MX SuperClean AR - After -10.00 Sphere the Cylinder decreases by 0.25 Diopters every 0.50 Diopters of Sphere Poly TAC Poly TAC Polycarbonate Plano Polarized with Front Side Mirror & Back Side Super Hydrophobic AR. Available in 6 Base. Colors: Fire Red, Ice Blue, Emerald Green, Gold, Silver Polarized Plano lenses base 6 Drillable (three piece rimless mount) 1.4 mm central thickness Antistatic coating, Brown, Gray, G-15, Yellow Polarized Plano lenses base 8 Drillable (three piece rimless mount) 1.4 mm central thickness Antistatic coating, Brown, Gray, G-15 CR 39 Tintable CR39 Polarized Plano lenses base 6 Gray-A CR 39 Gray/Brown/G15 CR39 Polarized Plano lenses base 6/8 Tintable to any color #2,3,4 or gradient $16.95 $5.48 $8.75 $11.30 $10.40 TINTED UV PLANO SUN LENSES Prices effective starting from September 1st 2015 We accept orders: Monday-Friday 9:00am-6:00pm PST (t) 800.296.1551 (f) 800.296.4660 (w) Polycarbonate Polarized w/ Front Side Mirror & Backside AR NEW 16430 Vanowen Street Van Nuys, CA 91406 (T) 800-296-1551 (F) 800-296-4660 (W) CR 39 base 6 -- Dark Gray, G15, Dark Brown,Dark Blue, Emerald Green, Raspberry Pink, Sniper Yellow, Sky Blue, Violet Purple. CR 39 Tinted Plano $1.38 FINISHED PROGRESSIVES RX Range Add Powers -0.00 to +3.00 +1 to + 3.00 in 0.25 steps $10.98 RX Range Add Powers -0.00 to +3.00 +1 to + 3.00 in 0.25 steps $3.26 ACCESSORIES Medium Large $0.54 $0.24 $1.10 $1.20 We accept orders: Monday - Friday 09:00am-06:00pm PST // Order Online 24/7 365 16430 Vanowen Street Van Nuys, CA 91406 (T) 800-296-1551 (F) 800-296-4660 (W) 2015 UNCUT PRICELIST K-MARS OPTICAL Y O U R L A B PA R T N E R TRANSITIONS®/PHOTOCHROMIC CLEAR CR39 PC 1.56 1.60 1.67 1.74 TRIVEX CR39 PC 1.56 Clear DIGITAL PAL $29.95 $39.95 1.60 1.67 POLARIZED 1.74 TRIVEX CR39 $99.95 1.67 TRIVEX CR39 PC 1.67 TRIVEX Xtra-Active® / Vantage® Polarized Transitions® Signature VII $69.95 PC SPECIALTY $59.95 $79 $89 $115 $119 $169 $119 $75 $85 $140 $105 $95 $120 $125 $185 $125 $40 $55 $64.95 $75 $85 $115 $65 $90 $85 $95 $150 $115 $89 $99 $129 $110/$130 $115/$150 $140 $50 $65 $85 $95 $125 $75 $105 $115 $130 $140 $195 $130 $95 $105 $160 $125 $120/$140 $130/$170 $150 $130 $75 $85 $95 $110 $150 $75 $120 $130 $150 $160 $205 $140 $110 $125 $175 $135 $125/$150 $135/$180 $165 $150 $75 $85 $95 $110 $150 $75 $120 $130 $150 $160 $205 $140 $110 $125 $175 $135 $125/$150 $135/$180 $165 $150 $60 $75 $85 $125 $75 $60 $75 $85 $125 $75 $125 $135 $160 $170 $195 $150 $175 $185 $200 $215 $250 $215 $160 $170 $250 $180 $185/$195 $195/$215 $230 $215/$230 Attitude III Sport/Attitude III Fashion $125 $135 $160 $170 $195 $150 $175 $185 $200 $215 $250 $215 $160 $170 $250 $180 $185/$195 $195/$215 $230 $215/$230 Autograph II Fixed $95 $95 $135 $145 $170 $125 $140 $160 $180 $190 $225 $170 $130 $140 $235 $170 $150/$180 $170/$190 $220 $180/$215 KM Instant® 17,19, 21mm KM Explorer® 16, 18, 20mm KM KM KM KM KM Explorer® HD 14, 16, 18mm NEW Explorer® HD Ultimate 14-18mm NEW Explorer® HD Active 14-18mm NEW Explorer® HD Office 18,14mm NEW Explorer® HD Computer 18,14mm NEW ® Autograph III Fixed & Variable ® ® ® NEW NEW NEW $95 $95 $135 $145 $170 $125 $140 $160 $180 $190 $225 $170 $130 $140 $235 $170 $150/$180 $170/$190 $220 $180/$215 NEW $95 $95 $125 $135 $160 $120 $140 $150 $170 $180 $220 $170 $125 $135 $235 $160 NEW $75 $85 $110 $120 $150 $95 $130 $140 $160 $170 $205 $160 $110 $130 $220 $150 $150/$180 $170/$190 $220 $140/$160 $150/$170 $190 $180/$190 $160/$180 NEW $135 $90 $115 $130 $150 $160 $195 $150 $95 $110 $205 $140 $120/$150 $130/$160 $180 $150/$170 Autograph II Attitude/Attitude Short ® Shamir InTouch™ Shamir Spectrum™ Shamir Element™ & Element™ Short NEW Autograph II™ Office $70 $75 $95 $110 $50 $60 $85 $95 $80 $105 $120 $140 $140 $90 $110 $120 NEW $60 $70 $95 $100 $80 $110 $130 $150 $150 $95 $110 $120 Shamir Workspace™ NEW $60 $70 $95 $100 $80 $110 $130 $150 $150 $95 $110 $120 Shamir Golf™ NEW $130 $140 $180 $190 $190 $85 $95 Shamir Computer™ $75 Seiko® Supercede II Seiko® Seiko® $140 $115 $140 $150 $170/$190 $90 $120 $130 $150 $160 $205 $140 $110 $120 $185 $125 $125 Supernal $85 $95 $105 $120 $130 $105 $130 $140 $160 $170 $125 $150 $120 $130 $190 Surmount/Surmount Ws $95 $100 $110 $130 $150 $110 $140 $150 $170 $180 $125 $150 $135 $140 $195 DIGITAL SINGLE VISION Single Vision KM HD® SV 70/75mm $109 $120 Transitions® Signature VII Clear N - NuPolar TM $38 $40 $65 $75 $95 $60 $70 $80 $110 $125 $150 $110 $60 $70 $150 Single Vision Autograph III®80mm SV NEW $45 $45 $70 $80 $105 $65 $75 $90 $115 $125 $150 $105 $60 $70 Attitude III® SV NEW X-Xtra-Active® $180/$215 V-Vantage® $90/$110 $95/$125 $150 $119 $175 $85/$105 $95/$115 $140 $105/$120 $95 $60 $70 $85 $95 $125 $80 $90 $105 $125 $140 $160 $125 $75 $85 $185 $95/$105 $110/$125 $170 $130/$145 Autograph II® SV As-Worn Technology™ $45 $50 $75 $85 $105 $60 $70 $80 $120 $130 $150 $90 $55 $70 $145 $85/$105 $95/$115 $140 $105/$120 Autograph II® Attitude SV $45 $50 $75 $85 $105 $70 $80 $90 $135 $150 $170 $105 $75 $85 $185 $95/$105 $105/$115 $160 $115/$120 $50 $55 $75 $95 $115 $65 $80 $90 $115 $150 $190 $105 $75 $85 $195 $85/$95 $105 Shamir Relax™ NEW NEW NEW PROGRESSIVE Clear Image® 18mm $23.98 Outlook 18mm ® $49.98 $42.98 $89.98 $12.98 FT28 75mm $13.98 FT28 80mm $22.98 $30.98 $25.98 Tri Focal (7x28) $19.98 $36.98 Tri Focal (8x35) $36.98 $47.00 Round Top 22, 24 $19.98 $115 T $131.98 D $75.98 $86.98 $81.98 T - Transitions® D-Drivewear® Polarized L - LifeRx® $105 T $47.98 P $45.98 $109.98 D $72.98 T $92 L/ $98 T $110.00 D-Drivewear® V-Vantage® $89.98 $86.00 T $97.98 L $92.98 T $104.98 L $149.98 T $50 $85 $125 T $95.98 D $91.98 $125.00 $25.98 Blended Bifocal NEW $40 $45 $60 $80 $110 Clear SINGLE VISION Single SingleVision Vision80mm 80mm Polarized $95 / $105 $160 $45.98 $55.98 $18.98 Prices effective starting from September 1st 2015 L - LifeRx® $147.98 T P - Photochromic $52.98 $24.98 FT35 75mm Single SingleVision Vision70/75mm 70/75mm $79.98 T $96.98 T Clear FT28 70mm Shamir $60.98 T - Transitions® $89.98 L MULTI FOCALS Duo™ P - Photochromic $120 $9.98/$10.98 $17.98 $18.50 $24.98 $40.50 T $95 T $115 T P - Photochromic $55.00 $105.00 $34.98 $49.98 T $54.98 $75.98 L $36.98 T $150 T T - Transitions® P $115 T $190 T $105 T $70 $74.98 T $185 N - NuPolar TM L - LifeRx® $119.98 T $150.00 $75 $38 N $51 N $140 N $80 N $95/$105 $105/$115 $160 $115/$125 D-Drivewear® X-Xtra-Active® V-Vantage® $79.98 D $79.98 V $88.98 D $88.98 V $104.98 V COATINGS & FINISHING 2015 ANTI-REFLECTIVE COATINGS FINISHING Armor® AR [hydrophobic] Armor® Sapphire AR [super hydrophobic] $18.00 Edging Single Vision- Metal, Zyl $7.00 $35.00 Edging Multifocals - Metal, Zyl $8.00 Armor® Diamond AR [super hydrophobic & oileophobic] $55.00 Rimlon Groove $5.00 $8.00 Strip AR Polish Edges 3 Piece Drill Mount ADDITIONAL COATINGS KM300 Super Hydrophobic Hard Coating (2 YR WARRANTY) $12.00 UV Coating (per pair) $6.00 Hard Coating (each side per pair) $6.00 Scratch Coating (per pair) $6.00 $32.00 Mirror Coating POWER/PRISM Prism per diopter per lens $1.00 Overpower per diopter $1.00 TINTS Tint Solid Tint Gradient $5.00 Tint Matching (additional) $3.00 Blue Guard™ Polycarbonote Polarized Solid Tint $65.00 Polycarbonate Polarized AR or Mirror Coating $85.00 Swarovsky Crystals (per pair) $10.00 $7.00 $20.00 SPECIALTY SERVICES $7.50 String Groove (Repair) Roll & Polish Edge MAGNETIC CUSTOM SUN CLIP (Chemistrie®) $4.00 $18.00 $10.00 Resizing Per Pair $5.00 Nose Pads Per Pair $5.00 Screws (each) $1.00 Rush Service Charge K-MARS OPTICAL Y O U R L A B PA R T N E R $15.00 POLICIES & WARRANTIES TO INSURE TIMELY TURNAROUND ORDERS MUST BE COMPLETE (ie. PD, Materials, Seg Heights etc.) BEFORE SUBMITTING. 1. ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR OVERPOWER PER DIOPTER: CR-39 SPH over +/-6.00 Cyl above -2.00 1.56 SPH over +6/-8.00 Cyl above -3.00 1.60 SPH over +6.00/-10.00 Cyl above -2.00 1.67 SPH above +6.00/-12.00 CYL above -2.00 1.74 SPH above +6.00/-12.00 CYL above -2.00 PC SPH above +4/-6.00 CYL above -2.00 2. HARD COAT Included at no charge for all Hi-Index, Polycarbonate and Trivex lab jobs. 2015 Price List September 1st 2015 3. RUSH SERVICE CHARGE $15 service charge will be added per request for expedited orders. 4. PATIENT'S OWN FRAME AND LENSES We do not assume responsibility for patient own frames or lenses. 5. NEW FRAME POLICY New frames may be defective and break during lens fabrication. If a frame breaks at a solder point, barrel or any stress point, we are not responsible and frame should be returned to the manufacturer for credit. 6. NON RX-ABLE FRAMES Additional charge will be applied on jobs with non RX-able frames, non standard base curve or non standard rimless frames. Please call for details. 7. DOCTOR'S REDO 100% Credit for Dr.'s Redo with lenses and invoice returned in 60 days. Freeform products qualify for a second redo at 50% within 30 days from date of first redo. Stock Lens products are not qualified for Dr.’s Redo. 8. LAB ERROR K-MARS must be notified of redo within 30 days after job has been received and defective lenses returned for credit with original invoice. 9. OPTICIAN ERROR 50% credit for Optician error covers lenses ordered incorrectly with invoice returned within 60 days. One redo per job is allowed. Stock finished lenses are also covered only with our in-house AR warranty (Armor™ AR, Sapphire™ AR, Diamond™ AR). 10. OUTSIDE LENS PROCESSING We are not responsible for any errors due to work done outside our lab such as tints, edging or AR coatings voids all warranties. 11. NON ADAPT All PAL’s are covered under 60 days 100% non-adapt warranty. Any progressive non-adapt upgrades will be billed the difference in price. Rx change is considered as Dr. Redo. 12. COATINGS Coatings covered for regular wear & tear for one (1) year for Armor AR and two (2) years for Sapphire AR & Diamond AR no questions asked. Original lenses must be returned for AR warranty claims processing. KM300 is warranted for 2 years. 13. POLYCARBONATE/TRIVEX Polycarbonate comes with a 90 day warranty against cracking & breaking. Trivex has a lifetime guarantee against breaking. 14. CANCELLATION Lenses not yet processed may be canceled at no charge. To cancel a job in process 50% of the full invoice will be billed. 15. PAST DUE ACCOUNTS Are subject to suspension of service. 16. INSURANCE Add $10 to any finished stock SV lab job and $20 for any surfaced job for an unconditional extended, no questions asked warranty for one (1) year. K-Mars supplied frame also covered in the insurance. 17. PHOTOCHROMICS. All photochromics lenses including Transitions® come with a one (1) year manufacturer warranty for discoloration and performance. 18. STOCK LENS AR Stock lenses with Anti Glare coating are covered up to 1 year (Armor Guard AR covered for 2 years) for scratching, peeling, crazing under normal use. Lenses that are abused, chipped, broken or damaged during processing are not covered. KM300 is warranted for 2 years. 19. STOCK LENS RETURNS Credit issued for original lenses with invoice in 90 days. Lenses must be in resellable condition and in original packages. Prices subject to change without notice. Prices effective starting from September 1st 2015 16430 Vanowen Street Van Nuys, CA 91406 (T) 800-296-1551 (F) 800-296-4660 (W) 16430 Vanowen St Van Nuys, CA 91406 Tel: 800-296-1551 Fax: 800-296-4660