Recent Advances in Circuits, Systems, Signal Processing and Communications Impact of High Power DC Drive on Conditions of Operation of MV Electric Supplying Network JULIAN WOSIK, MARIAN KALUS, ARTUR KOZLOWSKI, BOGDAN MIEDZINSKI, MARCIN HABRYCH* Department Research and Development Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG Str. Leopolda 31, 40-189 Katowice, POLAND *Wroclaw University of Technology Institute of Electric Power Engineering 50-370 Wroclaw, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego27, POLAND;; Abstract: - The paper discusses the specifics of work of high power DC motors supplied from the MV network on the example of selected hoist drive in a mine. The key assumptions of operation of such machine and its way of supplying are considered. Results of simulation studies on the impact of the converter on medium voltage grid conditions are presented and possibilities of improvement of such situation are indicated. The effects of the application of the compensation of both passive and active depending on the location of the compensator unit are discussed. Key-words: DC high power drive, rectifier, high harmonics, passive LC filter, active power, reactive power, active power filter, power loss, compensation. η = ηSM × ηGDC × ηDCM 1. Introduction where: ηSM - efficiency of synchronous motor, ηGDC - efficiency of DC generator, ηDCM - efficiency of DC motor. In industrial electrical power installation are used quite often large drives with a DC motor. Examples of this are drives of mining hoists. In the past they were mainly drives operated in system developed in 1911 by Leonard (Fig. 1). It consists of three interconnected shaft electrical machines, namely: - synchronous motor (SM), - DC generator (GDC), - DC motor (DCM). Development and dissemination of thyristors at high current levels, at the end of the 60 s of the last century, made it possible to replace successfully the two machines DC generating system (SM+GDC) by static-controlled thyristor rectifiers (1968) (Fig. 2). 6 kV 6 kV SM GDC LV DCM DCM Fig.2.Simpified scheme of thyristor drive system. Fig. 1. Diagram of the Leonard drive system (SM-synchronous motor AC, GDC-DC generator, DCM- DC motor). It is characterized by higher (by about 18%) resultant efficiency. This fact caused the rapid spread of this type of systems to power DC motors drive of high power. However, it should be noted that the power converting systems drawn, from supplying network, currents The system together with the DC engine (motor) runs at 6kV. Resultant efficiency of such system is a product for all machines: ISBN: 978-960-474-359-9 (1) 137 Recent Advances in Circuits, Systems, Signal Processing and Communications The safety factor K value can be found from following formula (5): [2], significantly distorted from the sine wave. According to the Fourier representation it can be expressed in a form: i( t ) = I1m cos(ω1t + ϕ1 ) + (2) + ∑ I ⋅ cos(ω + ϕ ) h ≥2 hm ht 1/ 2 2 2 e I1 h = N q I h (5) K = 1+ ⋅ ∑ h 1 + e I h = 2 I1 where: e - losses due to eddy currents for sine wave of basic frequency (50 Hz) related to losses under DC current value equal to rms of sinusoidal current at reference temperature, h - harmonics order, I - rms value of sinusoidal current or for non-sinusoidal wave but containing all higher harmonics estimated as bellow: h where: I1m - amplitude of basic harmonic, ω1 - angular frequency of basic harmonic, ϕ1 - initial phase of basic harmonic, Ihm - amplitude of the current harmonic of h-order, ωh - angular frequency of h-order harmonic, ϕh - initial phase of h-th harmonic. Deformed current flowing through the network causes deformation of voltage drops that rms values can be specified from formula: ∆U = (I1 ⋅ Z1 )2 + (I h ⋅ Z h )2 1/ 2 Ih q (3) where: Ih - rms of h-th harmonic, Zh - network impedance for h-th harmonic. As a result the voltage waveform at “transitive points” of busbar in particular substations is also distorted. Since, ”sensitive receivers” are connected (powered) to the “transitive”, (common), points therefore, their operation under non-sinusoidal conditions constitutes a risk for them. An additional negative effect is due to increased active power losses in electric devices what, in turn, reduces their ampacity comparing to rated sinusoidal supply. Examples of these are power transformers. Power that can be loaded the transformer under distorted current must be respectively reduced to avoid overheating and related potential failure. For example, for oilimmersed transformers this reduced power value can be estimated from form: S Snh = n (4) K where: Snh - authorized apparent power under distorted currents flow, Sn -rated power of transformer (for sinusoidal current), K - safety (reduction) coefficient. ISBN: 978-960-474-359-9 h=N I = ∑ I 2h h =1 - rms current harmonics of h-order, - exponent, that value experimentally estimated is equal respectively: q= 1.7 for transformers with round or rectangular cross section of wirings, q=1.5 for transformers with foil winding at low voltage side. As a result permissible load may be lower than the rated power of up to several tens of percent. 2. Way to Reduce the Impact of Converting Units for MV Power Supply Network To power a DC load (DC motor) can be used simple 6-pulse bridge rectifiers. The shape of the supply is then significantly distorted. Therefore, in order to reduce the defomations commonly are used two transformers (operating in parallel) of different vector group value what results in α=300 phase shift between voltage vectors. As a result the number of pulses of the rectifier is increased and the deformation of the current waveform drawn from the network is respectively smaller. Simplified scheme of such a system is shown in Fig. 3. 138 Recent Advances in Circuits, Systems, Signal Processing and Communications 6 kV - TR1 TR2 6/0,44 kV 1,6 MVA Dy 11 6/0,44 kV 1,6 MVA Dd 0 R1 The analysis was performed for an angle modulation equal to α=600 (rectifier operation; the cage is moving up). To evaluate the efficiency of the high harmonics compensation such methods were compared: - application of respectively selected passive filters (LC type) of 11th and 13th harmonics connected to the 6kV substation busbar (Fig. 4), - connection of active power filter (APF), to the 6 kV substation busbar, controlled by an algorithm developed on the basis of the Current Physical Components (CPC) theory [3], [4], [5]. R2 M 2 MW Fig. 3. Schematic of power supply of DC motor by means of controlled rectifier. . Depending on the number of pulses of the rectifier system applied the current waveform in the network contains high harmonics of h number equal to: h=kn+/- 1 (6) where: n - number of pulses, k=1, 2, 3, ….. 3. The Results of Simulation Study Waveforms of current and voltage in the supply network, active, reactive and apparent power, power factor (cos α) as well as high harmonics spectra of voltages and currents are presented for example in Fig. 5-Fig. 7. (The simulation model was based on MATLAB/SIMULINK package [6]). For the system presented in Fig. 3 were carried out respective simulation studies regarding the current and voltage waveforms at various points of the system (Fig.4). These quantities are shown for example in Fig. 5. The study was performed for a simulation model developed using MATLAB/Simulink package. The cage hoist drive motor and transformers data were as follows: TR 110 kV/6 kV 5 h, 11 h 6 kV Drive DC motor: - (type PW-124/02,DFME WROCLAW) separately excited, - rated power Sn =2000kW, - rated voltage Un = 870V. MDC Fig.4. Compensation system of reactive power and high harmonics of current (11th and 13th) by means of passive LC filters. Converter supplying transformers: TR1 and TR2 (type RESIBLOC, ABB): - rated power Sn = 1600 kVA, - rated voltage Un = 6/0.44 kV, ISBN: 978-960-474-359-9 rated current In =154/2099A, vector group of the transformer TR1 was Dyn-11 whereas, this of TR2 was Dd-0 respectively. 139 Recent Advances in Circuits, Systems, Signal Processing and Communications a) f) b) g) c) h) d) i) e) j) Fig. 5 Current and voltage waveforms in supplying network (6 kV) of a DC motor before compensation.(a-voltage, b-harmonics spectrum ISBN: 978-960-474-359-9 140 Recent Advances in Circuits, Systems, Signal Processing and Communications of voltage, c-enlargement of voltage spectrum, dphase current waveforms, e-current harmonics spectrum, f-enlargement of current spectrum, gpower factor (cos ϕ), h-active power, i-reactive power, j-apparent power). e) a) f) b) g) c) h) d) i) ISBN: 978-960-474-359-9 141 Recent Advances in Circuits, Systems, Signal Processing and Communications j) b) Fig. 6. Results of compensation of high harmonics of current (11th and 13th) by means of passive LC filters, (a-voltage waveform, bharmonics spectrum of voltage, c-enlargement of voltage spectrum, d-load current, e-harmonics spectrum of current, f-enlargement of current spectrum, g-power factor (cos ϕ) value, h-active power, i-reactive power, j-apparent power.) c) TR 110 kV/6 kV d) APF 6 kV e) DCM Fig. 7. Compensation system of reactive power and high harmonics of current by means of active power filter (APF). f) a) ISBN: 978-960-474-359-9 142 Recent Advances in Circuits, Systems, Signal Processing and Communications g) obtain effective compensation of both reactive power and high harmonics level it is necessary to use active power filters (APF). 4. Conclusions Use of effective high current harmonics compensation can significantly reduce the content of high harmonics of both voltage and current waveforms in supplying network of MV. Passive filters (LC) however, allows only for slight improvement of power factor value. Although, they visibly limit the value of reactive power but don’t reduce it completely. The current waveform is however, improved. Application of active power filters (APF) controlled by algorithm developed on basis of CPC theory allows effectively: - ensuring a sinusoidal waveform of current provided from the supplying MV network, - providing the highest power factor value (cos α equal to 1), - almost complete elimination of the reactive power flow in supplying network (apparent power=active power). h) i) References: [1] Strzelecki R., Supronowicz H.: Power factor in Supplying Systems and Methods of its Improvement, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2002 (in polish), [2] EN 464-3:2007 Three phase oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 50 kVA, to 2500 kVA with highest voltage equipment not exceeding 36 kV – Part 3: Determination of the power sating loaded with non-sinusoidal currents. [3] Czarnecki L. S.: Orthogonal Decomposition of the Current in Free Phase Non-linear Asymmetrical Circuit with Nonsinusoidal Voltage, IEEE Trans. on IM, Vol-37, No 1, pp 30-34. j) Fig. 8. Results of compensation of high harmonics of currents and reactive power by means of active power filter (APF) controlled according to CPC theory (a-current waveforms generated by APF system, b-voltage waveforms, c-high harmonics spectrum of voltage, denlargement of voltage spectrum, e-current waveforms, f-current high harmonics spectrum, g-enlargement of current spectrum, h-power factor (cos ϕ), i-active power, j- reactive power, j-apparent power). From the investigated results (confirmed by experiment Fig. 6, Fig. 8) one can see that to ISBN: 978-960-474-359-9 [4] Wosik J., Kalus M., Kozlowski A., Miedzinski B, Habrych M.: The Efficiency of Reactive Power Nonlinear Loads. Electronics in Electrotechnika. Vol. 19, No 7, 213 pp. 29-32. [5] Wosik J., Kalus M., Kozłowski A., Miedzinski B.: Improvement of the Electric Energy Quality by Use of the Active Power Filters. Proceedings of International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality ICREPQ 13. Bilbao, 20-23 March 2013. [6] Piatap. Getting started with Matlab 7. Oxford University Press Inc. 2006. 143