14th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment OPTIM 2014 May 22-24, 2014, Brasov, Romania Implementation of PLL and FLL trackers for signals with high harmonic content and low sampling frequency L. Mathe, F. Iov, D. Sera, L. Torok, R. Teodorescu Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark Abstract The accurate tracking of phase, frequency, and amplitude of different frequency components from a measured signal is an essential requirement for many digitally controlled equipment. The accurate and robust tracking of a frequency component from a complex signal was successfully applied for example in: grid connected inverters [1], sensorless motor control for rotor position estimation [2], grid voltage monitoring for ac-dc converters [3] etc. Usually, the design of such trackers is done in continuous time domain. The discretization introduces errors which change the performance, especially when the input signal is rich in harmonics [4, 5] and the sampling frequency is close to the tracked frequency component. In this paper different discretization methods and implementation issues, such as Tustin, Backward-Forward Euler, are discussed and compared. A special case is analysed, when the input signal is reach in harmonics and the sampling frequency is only 10 times larger than the tracked frequency component. Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 presents the block scheme of a PLL respectively the QSG and the FLL. The key issue for such a PLL is the digital implementation of the SOGI block which is used in the QSG and it can also be used in the VCO. Fig.1 Structure of the PLL based on quadrature signal generation Fig.2 Diagram of the: (a) SOGI-QSG, and (b) FLL Two discretization methods, the Backward-Forward Euler (BE-FE) and Tustin, are used in order to convert the continuous time domain transfer function to a discrete. The BE-FE method requires less calculation power than the Tustin method for parameter calculation of the second order transfer function. However, for applications where the PLL is not adaptive to frequency variations these calculations can be made offline. At low sampling frequency the BE-FE method cannot ensure the quadrature between the alpha and beta component, thus Tustin method is advised to be used. For the case when the PLL is adaptive to frequency variation a FLL feedback is used. In this case the parameters have to be recalculated at each sampling, which requires more calculation in case of Tustin implementation. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] P. Rodriguez, J. Pou, J. Bergas, J. I. Candela, R. P. Burgos, and D. Boroyevich, "Decoupled Double Synchronous Reference Frame PLL for Power Converters Control," Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 22, pp. 584-592, 2007. Y. Li, L. Haifeng, Q. Wenlong, and S. Shuang, "A novel sensorless control method of IPMSM using dual PLL structure," in Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC), 2012 7th International, 2012, pp. 1216-1220. L. Torok, L. Mathe, and S. Munk-Nielsen, "Robust control of boost PFC converter using adaptive PLL for line synchronization," in Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2013 - 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE, 2013, pp. 7098-7102. P. Rodriguez, A. Luna, I. Candela, R. Mujal, R. Teodorescu, and F. Blaabjerg, "Multiresonant FrequencyLocked Loop for Grid Synchronization of Power Converters Under Distorted Grid Conditions," Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 58, pp. 127-138, 2011. I. Carugati, P. Donato, S. Maestri, D. Carrica, and M. Benedetti, "Frequency Adaptive PLL for Polluted Single-Phase Grids," Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 27, pp. 2396-2404, 2012. 97