Application and Undertaking Form - Australian Bureau of Statistics

TableBuilder Application and
Deed of Undertaking for an Individual User
Registering for access to TableBuilder
Access to Census data through the TableBuilder application is subject to an Undertaking to abide
by the conditions of access and use. By signing this Undertaking, the Registered User agrees to
abide by these conditions of access.
On receipt of this form and payment you will be emailed with details on how to:
Create a password which will meet the required security conditions.
Access the online training modules
Log in and access TableBuilder
Your email address and password will form your credentials to access TableBuilder. The secret
question and answer you provide in this application will be used as a secondary method of
Note: If multiple licenses of TableBuilder are purchased under the same payment, or within the
same organisation, each individual user must read the terms and conditions set out in this
document, and complete a separate application and undertaking form (Sections A, B & C).
Only one order/payment form is required.
Submitting this Undertaking
Please complete sections A, B, C, D and E. The completed application and undertaking form/s
together with your payment details should be mailed, faxed or emailed back to the ABS National
Information and Referral Service as follows:
Mailing address:
ABS Bookshop
GPO Box 796
Sydney NSW 2001
Fax number:
1300 135 211
Email address:
(Please write "TableBuilder Registration" in the subject field of your email.
Emailed forms must be signed)
For any queries about accessing TableBuilder, contact the Census Technical Helpline by phone:
1800 676 646 or email:
The National Information Referral Service is also available to assist with general enquiries on
1300 135 070.
Please retain the following information for your records.
TableBuilder has been created by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for the purpose of
disseminating Census data for the benefit of the public.
The ABS has taken great care to ensure that the information on the Census Output Record File is
as correct and accurate as possible. However, the ABS does not guarantee, or accept any legal
liability whatsoever arising from, or connected to, the use of any material contained within, or
derived from TableBuilder.
The ABS has provided an online training package for TableBuilder which all users must complete
before commencing to use TableBuilder. A link to the online training will be emailed to you
following the processing of registration. The ABS further recommends that users exercise their
own skill and care with respect to their use of TableBuilder and that users carefully evaluate the
accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance of the material developed with the use of
TableBuilder. Users of TableBuilder should also be aware of Census Data Quality information
available on the ABS website:
Fair Use Policy
While the ABS does not specify download or usage limits of the TableBuilder product (e.g. the
number of tables a user can create) a fair use approach should be maintained during the use of
the product. ABS reserves the right to limit a user’s use in future should it assess that a fair use
approach is not being applied.
Single Licence
TableBuilder is distributed on a single use basis. The registered user is required to ensure that
their access details are not provided to another party. Access may be restricted if it is found that
access details have been shared with the full knowledge of the registered user. The ABS has put
in place special arrangements for the transfer of the licence from one party to another if, and
when, this is required. The ABS reserves the right to refuse the transfer of a licence from one
registered user to another.
Privacy Policy
The ABS is committed to ensuring the privacy of the information you provide to us. It does so by
conforming to the Privacy Commissioner’s Guidelines, which require transparent collection,
appropriate and ethical use, and secure storage of personal information, and adhering to the
Information Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act of 1988.
The personal information we collect from you includes the name and contact details (including
phone numbers and addresses) of the registered user and the contact officer, and method of
payment information, which may include credit card details. All activity within TableBuilder,
including tables created, will be logged against your registered email address.
This information is collected for the purposes of:
• processing your registration;
• confirming your identity when you log in;
• processing changes of registration or forgotten passwords;
• addressing any feedback or answering any queries you have;
• providing you with important updates about the TableBuilder product and;
providing the ABS with management information to improve TableBuilder in the future.
To assist in keeping your information accurate, please advise the ABS if there are any errors or
changes in your personal information. The ABS will endeavour to take all reasonable steps to
keep any personal information secure from unauthorised access, and to keep information
accurate and up to date. Information provided in the registration process is stored on facilities that
are secured against unauthorised access. On request, we can provide access to the information
we collect and store about you, subject to exceptions allowed by law. Please contact the Census
Technical Helpline for more information.
We will not disclose your personal information without your consent unless disclosure is
authorised or required by law.
Communication from the ABS
From time to time, the ABS may send emails to all users containing information related to the
TableBuilder product such as updates or details of system outages. If you do not wish to receive
these emails, please email: or contact the Census Technical
Helpline by phone: 1800 676 646.
Roles and Responsibility
1. Registered User
The registered user is the person who will access TableBuilder and create, store and analyse
data extracted from the Census Output Record File. This person must undertake the provided
online TableBuilder training prior to using TableBuilder. The registered user has the authority to
request a transfer of registration to another user with the agreement of the contact officer.
2. Contact Officer
This person is responsible for the TableBuilder licence and acts as an alternate point of contact to
the registered user. It is recommended that they hold, in a secure location, the TableBuilder
licence number, the details of the link to the TableBuilder online training and any other material
relating to the licensing of the product. The contact officer also has the authority to request a
transfer of registration.
Note: Individual users of TableBuilder can nominate themselves as the contact officer if a change
of registration will not be required during the life of the product.
Please retain the following information for your records.
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) products are sold by the Commonwealth of Australia ('The
Commonwealth') through the ABS. Prices are subject to change without notice.
Copyright in ABS products is owned by the Commonwealth. The Client agrees not to
reproduce, distribute or commercialise TableBuilder. Tables, maps and graphs created from
TableBuilder are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia licence. Please see
the ABS Website Copyright statement for more information:
The price includes Goods and Services Tax (GST) for that part of the supply made by the ABS
to the Client under this Agreement which is a taxable supply as determined under A New Tax
System (Goods and Services Tax ) Act 1999 (GST Act).
In relation to taxable supplies made by ABS to the Client under this Agreement, the ABS agrees to
issue the Client with either:
(a) a tax invoice in accordance with the GST Act; or
(b) a document satisfying the minimum information requirements to entitle the recipient of a taxable
supply to claim an input tax credit without holding a tax invoice.
The Commonwealth gives no warranty, other than a warranty that may be implied by law, that
the products are free from errors, are complete, have any particular quality, are suitable for any
purpose or otherwise.
Subject to any warranty which may be implied by law, the Commonwealth's liability to the Client for
any loss, damage or injury howsoever caused by the Commonwealth, whether due to negligence
or otherwise, in relation to a product shall be limited to providing a replacement copy of that
The Client agrees to indemnify the Commonwealth (and its servants and agents) in respect of all
liability for loss (including all legal costs) or liability from any claim, suit, demand, action or
proceeding brought by any third person in connection with these Conditions of Sale or from a
Client's use of the products.
This limitation of liability provisions shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of these
Conditions of Sale.
This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the law of the Australian Capital Territory
and the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts in that Territory (including the federal courts).
If the Client wishes to commercialise the product, or reproduce the product other than as permitted
by these Conditions, or has any further questions relating to these Conditions, they should contact:
The Manager
Secondary Distribution
Australian Bureau of Statistics (2N 225)
Locked Bag 10
Telephone : 02 6252 6998 Fax : 02 6253 6062 Email:
TableBuilder Application Form
Registered Person Details
Note: Bold denotes required information
Title: □ Mr
First Name:
Organisation: ______________________________________________ _____________
Division/Faculty: ___
(e.g. Director, Senior Researcher, Lecturer, Personal Assistant etc)
Telephone Number: (______)
Email Address:
Note: Your email address will form your credentials to log in to TableBuilder.
Post Code:
Country (if not Australia):
Select Secret Question from the following:
□ What is your mother’s maiden name?
□ What is your favourite TV show?
□ What is the name of your first pet?
□ What is your favourite holiday
□ What is the name of your first
Secret Answer to the above question:
□ What is your favourite food?
(Please print answer clearly. Response will be case sensitive.)
Undertaking by Registered User
I undertake to abide by the conditions set out in this document and any future conditions notified
to me as the registered user. I am aware that all data extracted from the Census Output Record
File through TableBuilder will be confidentialised prior to being supplied to me, and that as a result
no reliance should be placed on data cells of small value.
I agree to complete the online training provided and to maintain my access details securely. I
understand that the TableBuilder licence is a single user licence, and further agree not to provide
my access details to any other party.
Contact Officer Details (must be employed by the organisation)
Note: Bold denotes required information
□ Contact Officer is the same as the Registered User. (If yes, go to Section D).
□ Application is part of the Universities Australia agreement.*
(e.g. Mr, Ms, Dr etc)
Given Name(s):
Organisation: ______________________________________________ _____________
Division/Faculty ___
(e.g. Director, Senior Researcher, Lecturer, Personal Assistant etc)
Telephone: (______)
* For applicants under the Universities Australia agreement:
• Check that your university is a participant of the Universities Australia agreement.
• Contact Officer must be a permanent employee of the university, who is authorised to
enter into financial arrangements with external agencies.
The TableBuilder licence will be owned by the university/organisation, and managed by the
Contact Officer.
2006 Census TableBuilder License: AUD $1655 (incl GST).
Payment can be made by cheque, money order, or credit card. Please see attached form for
** Not Applicable for Universities Australia agreement.
ABS ABN: 26 331 428 522
Order Form
(Includes GST)
(Including GST)
(A x B)
2006 Census:
TableBuilder License
AUS $1,655
* If multiple licenses are being purchased, separate application and undertaking forms must be
included for each individual user.
Payment Details
Mode of Payment
Please find enclosed my Cheque or Money Order for AUD $...............................
(Cheques can be made payable to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Collector of Public Monies)
Credit Card debit
Please debit my:
□ MasterCard □ Visa □ Amex □ Diners
To the value of: AUD $
Card Number:
Expiry Date: (MM/YY)
Name on card (please print):
Please call me so that I can provide my credit card details.
Request for Invoice
I wish to be invoiced on the basis of my official Purchase Order with the application.
(Please Note: These orders must be accompanied by an official purchase order or signed
agreement to proceed on business letterhead. Tax Invoices will be sent to the address
indicated on the purchase order.)
ABS ABN: 26 331 428 522
Please forward completed, signed application and undertaking form/s, together with payment
details, to:
Mailing address:
ABS Bookshop
GPO Box 796
Sydney NSW 2001
Fax number:
1300 135 211
Email address:
(Please write "TableBuilder Registration" in the subject field of your email.
Emailed forms must be signed.)