Scaling of SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors JAE-SUNG RIEH, SENIOR MEMBER, IEEE, DAVID GREENBERG, MEMBER, IEEE, ANDREAS STRICKER, MEMBER, IEEE, AND GREG FREEMAN, SENIOR MEMBER, IEEE Invited Paper Scaling has been the principal driving force behind the successful technology innovations of the past half-century. This paper investigates the impacts of scaling on SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs), which have recently emerged as a strong contender for RF and mixed-signal applications. The impacts of scaling on key performance metrics such as speed and noise are explored, and both theory and data show that scaling, both vertical and lateral, has mostly beneficial effects on these metrics. However, it is shown that the scaled devices are increasingly vulnerable to device reliability issues due to increased electric field and operation current density. Bipolar transistor scaling rules are reviewed and compared with accumulated reported data for verification. A review of scaling limits suggests that bipolar scaling has not reached the physical fundamental limit yet, promising a continued improvement of bipolar performance in the foreseeable future. Keywords—Heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs), scaling, silicon germanium. I. INTRODUCTION The performance of semiconductor devices tends to improve as the device dimensions shrink. This simple principle of scaling has been the key to the spectacular success of semiconductor industry over the past half-century. It has worked for virtually all types of transistors, including the Si-based bipolar transistor as will be detailed in this paper. Historically, scaling has run into apparent hard limits multiple times in the course of bipolar technology evolution, which have been successfully overcome with help from material and structural innovations, such as the self-aligned base, poly emitter, epitaxial base, and, most recently, the Manuscript received August 18, 2004; revised March 16, 2005. J.-S. Rieh is with the Dept. of Electronics Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 136-701, Korea (e-mail: D. Greenberg is with the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 12533 USA (e-mail: A. Stricker is with IBM Microelectronics, Essex Junction, VT 05452 USA (e-mail: G. Freeman is with IBM Microelectronics, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533 USA (e-mail: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPROC.2005.852228 Fig. 1. The trend of cutoff frequency f over the past two decades, categorized by conventional implanted-base Si BJTs (I/I Si BJT), epitaxial-base Si BJTs (Epi Si BJT), SiGe HBTs (SiGe HBT), and SiGe HBTs with carbon-doped base (SiGeC HBT). SiGe base. SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs), which incorporate such a SiGe base, benefit from the availability of “bandgap engineering” owing to the smaller bandgap of SiGe than that of Si. This adjustable bandgap provides an entirely new dimension for device design and serves as an enormous leverage for performance enhancement, especially when combined with the excellent scalability of Si technologies. Such improvement is evidenced by the recently reported SiGe HBTs exhibiting exceeding 350 GHz [1], [2]. The purcutoff frequency pose this work is to discuss the impacts of scaling on the performance of Si-based bipolar transistors, with a main focus on SiGe HBTs. It would be helpful to first take an overview of the performance trend of Si-based bipolar transistors. Fig. 1 shows since the early 1980s, which accumulated data points for include traditional implanted-base Si bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) [3]–[24], epitaxial-base Si BJTs [25]–[32], SiGe HBTs [27]–[60], and SiGeC HBTs (a variation of 0018-9219/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE 1522 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 93, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2005 that compose the system. The speed of a device can be represented by various measures and corresponding speed parameters. Although some alternatives have been proposed [75], the most widely used speed parameters for transistors are the and the maximum oscillation frequency cutoff frequency , which are defined as the frequency point where the current gain and the power gain become unity, respectively. In this section, the impact of scaling on speed is discussed for and separately, and then experimental data will be presented. A. Impact of Scaling on Fig. 2. The trend of the gate delay over the past two decades for Si-based bipolar transistors. SiGe HBTs which incorporate a carbon-doped SiGe base) [1], [2], [59]–[74] (These sets of references will be reused for trend charts throughout this paper). Over the span of was increased by a factor of 30, almost two decades, doubling every four years. It is noted that the trend can be characterized by a “double wave,” the first wave having reached the peak in the early 1990s, while the second one is still going on. The saturation of the first wave was caused by the rapid replacement of bipolar logic with CMOS logic due to the excessive heat generation in highly integrated bipolar digital chips, which resulted in power dissipation densities exceeding 10 W/cm (it is interesting to note that the most advanced CMOS chips of today have already reached this point, too). However, Si-based bipolar technologies were quick to discover another attractive application field, RF and mixed-signal applications, which favor high device speed yet which do not require as high a device density as the digital applications. This fueled another round of research and development activities on Si-based bipolar technologies, generating the second wave in the trend that continues through today. Shown in Fig. 2 is the trend of the gate delay, which is a measure of technology performance rather than of individual device performance. It also approximately follows the performance trend doubling every four years (delay reduced by half) over the past two decades. These trends for speed parameters are the evident results of incessant vertical and lateral scaling efforts, supported by material and structural innovations in parallel. This paper is divided into five parts. In Section II, the impact of scaling on the speed of Si-based bipolar transistors is discussed, followed by Section III, which covers the scaling impact on the noise performance of the devices. The relation between scaling and reliability issues are described in Section IV, and an overview of the bipolar scaling rules are presented in Section V. Finally, scaling limits for bipolar transistors are discussed in Section VI. II. SPEED AND SCALING Excellent speed performance is favored for most practical semiconductor applications of today. The efficiency of information processing strongly depends on the speed of devices RIEH et al.: SCALING OF SiGe HETEROJUNCTION BIPOLAR TRANSISTORS The effect of device scaling on can be more effectively viewed through a parameter , the emitter-to-collector delay time, defined as the reciprocal of multiplied by a factor of , which can be expressed in terms of bipolar device parameters as (1) where is the Boltzmann constant, is temperature, is unit electronic charge, is collector current, and are emitter-base and collector-base capacitances, and are collector and emitter resistances, is neutral base width, is base-collector space charge region (SCR) width, is electron diffusion constant, is the saturation velocity, and is the field factor which is a measure of the quasi-electric field established in the base. Both vertical and lateral scaling affect the device parameters presented in (1), with vertical scaling having the primary impact because typical bipolar transistors are vertically layered as shown in the schematic cross section of a modern SiGe HBT (Fig. 3). For vertical scaling, collector scaling and base scaling have the major impacts in practical device structures. The primary effect of collector scaling is the reduction of , which is usually achieved by increasing the collector doping concentration , resulting in a reduction in the transit time across the B-C SCR, . The reduction of , however, necessarily involves an increase in , leading to increased RC delay. Therefore, collector scaling requires a precise balance between these two conflicting parameters for the optimal speed improvement. A commonly practiced approach for Si-based bipolar transistors to minimize the increase due to the increased is to selectively implant the intrinsic portion of the collector [the resultant pedestal-shaped structure is called the selectively implanted collector (SIC)], suppressing the extrinsic component of . A secondary effect of the collector scaling with increased is the increase of the Kirk current , the collector current at which a base-widening known as the Kirk effect takes place. As the Kirk effect occurs when the mobile carrier concentration becomes comparable to the background doping concentration, higher doping concentration effectively delays the onset of the base-widening, 1523 Fig. 3. Schematic cross section of a modern SiGe HBT. thus increasing the maximum driving current level and reand . Another effect ducing the minimum values of of collector scaling is an increase in the average velocity across B-C SCR due to enhanced ballistic transport [76], . and tend to decrease leading to a reduced with vertical scaling as the resistive parasitic vertical paths for current are shortened. and The key effect of base scaling is the decrease of resultant reduction of the transit time across the neutral base region, , which is usually achieved by reducing as-grown boron-doped layer thickness along with the suppression of boron outdiffusion in the subsequent process steps. For the outdiffusion suppression, reduced thermal cycle and the inclusion of carbon in the SiGe base region (for SiGeC HBTs) are currently the most viable options [61], [77]. A secondary effect of base scaling, especially for devices with graded base bandgap such as typical SiGe(C) HBTs, is the increased quasi-electric field in the base region that leads to reduced (when the peak Ge composition is assumed fixed). Base scaling, however, tends to increase the intrinsic base sheet resistance and, therefore, the total base resistance . Although is insensitive to variation, it will affect , as will be discussed shortly. One advantage of base scaling over collector scaling is the fact that it does not degrade the B-C breakdown voltage, which makes base scaling a more favored option for the speed enhancement in power devices. The impact of lateral scaling on is not as pronounced as vertical scaling, but a certain level of lateral scaling needs to accompany vertical scaling. Most evidently, the inevitable increase from vertical scaling can be effectively compensated by lateral scaling. Such compensation applies to , too. However, lateral dimension reduction leads to the degradation of and as a result of the laterally pinched vertical current paths. The fringing current component due to increased emitter P/A ratio also tends to grow when emitter stripe width is decreased. 2 Since is positively correlated to , as indicated by the expression, the benefits of vertical scaling on also apply to , although the impact level is relatively lower. Howdepends on and , too, which are actually ever, degraded by vertical scaling as briefly described earlier. As a is complicated result, the impact of vertical scaling on and may turn out either positive or negative, depending on structural details of the given device. On the other hand, lateral scaling, which has only limited influence on , plays a major role on . Base current is supplied laterally to the intrinsic device, unlike emitter or collector currents, and lateral scaling reduces the resistive current path for base, rereduction. B-C junction area decreases with sulting in lateral scaling, too, leading to a reduction in . As has a direct correlation with and , it greatly benefits from lateral scaling. C. Measurement Data B. Impact of Scaling on of bipolar transistors can be approximated as follows: (2) 1524 Fig. 4. Effect of the SIC total implant dose variation on: (a) peak f and f , and (b) W (B-C SCR width), C (B-C capacitance), and J (collector current density) at peak f . The values of SIC dose, W , C , and J are normalized to the control device values. Emitter size is 0.12 2.5 m . Experiments have been performed to explore the effects of scaling (vertical and lateral) on IBM’s SiGe HBTs with GHz [1], [2], [78], [79]. For collector scaling study, devices with three different SIC implant dose levels were implemented: a control device and two scaled devices with total implant dose increased up to 1.7% and 3% of the PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 93, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2005 Fig. 5. Effect of the as-grown base width (boron-doped layer width) variation on peak f and f . Also shown in the inset is the effect on R and C . The values of the as-grown base width, R , and C are normalized to the control device values. Emitter size is 0.12 2.5 m . 2 control case. As shown in Fig. 4(a), exhibits a significant increase with increased implant dose, which can be ascribed to reduced . On the other hand, shows a slight degradation with increased dose, mostly due to increased . No noticeable change in was observed with the dose variation. Fig. 4(b) depicts the effect of collector scaling and , which are responsible for the observed on opposite trends for and . The B-C SCR width was estimated from the intrinsic capacitance density of the B-C junction. Also shown in the plot is the collector current at peak , which is raised with increased SIC implant dose owing to the delayed onset of the Kirk effect, partially responsible for the increased peak . The effect of base scaling was investigated with devices with three different as-grown boron-doped layer widths. A control device and two scaled devices with as-grown borondoped layer widths reduced by 22% and 44% from the control case were fabricated and characterized. As-grown boron concentration was kept identical for the three cases. Note that the final values of the boron-doped layer width and the concentration will be different from the as-grown values due to the thermal cycles that follow the base layer growth step. Fig. 5 clearly shows an improvement in with reduced base thickness, apparently from reduced . exhibits an overall degrading trend with base scaling, which can be attributed to increased (see inset of Fig. 5) with reduced base width, resulting from the increased intrinsic base sheet resistance. exhibits a small but finite reduction with the reduced as-grown base width (see inset of Fig. 5), stemming from a finite reduction in as the boron-doped layer was shrunk from both emitter and collector side. The impact of lateral scaling on speed performance is illustrated in Fig. 6, in which emitter stripe width was scaled from 0.2 m down to 0.12 m. Unlike the vertical scaling case, peak values show only a limited change over variation, implying that the effect of the reduced and RIEH et al.: SCALING OF SiGe HETEROJUNCTION BIPOLAR TRANSISTORS Fig. 6. Effect of emitter stripe width W f . variation on f and are canceled out by the increased and for the scaled devices, leaving the RC delay largely unchanged. On the other hand, exhibits a substantial increase with the lateral scaling, which can be attributed to the reduced base spread resistance due to the shortened lateral current path. from the reduced B-C Reduced intrinsic component of junction area also contributes to the increased . It is notable from Fig. 6 that the current level does not scale linearly , the current ratio being smaller than ratio bewith tween different scaling levels. For example, the current level GHz is reduced by only 20 for the for scaling from 0.2 m to 0.12 m. At low-current regime, it can be ascribed to the fact that does not scale linearly with due to the perimeter and fixed components. Note that , along with , comprises most of the delay time in this regime in conjunction with . At high-current regime, it is attributed to the base push-out being a function of the carrier density in the B-C SCR, which scales linearly 1525 Fig. 8. Simplified small-signal equivalent circuit model for a bipolar transistor, including the dominant sources of broad-band noise. Fig. 7. Evolution trend of IBM’s SiGe HBT technologies. with the effective B-C junction width rather than the emitter stripe width. As is clear from the measured data, vertical scaling, which has been the major driving force for bipolar transistor evoluenhancement. However, tions, is an obvious enabler for , which is a key parameter for analog and RF applications, does not always benefit from vertical scaling and may be adversely influenced depending on the structural details. This implies that a blind vertical scaling may not necessarily improve the speed performances of bipolar transistors for every aspect, and appropriate lateral scaling needs to be accompanied to achieve a balanced performance. In addition, parasitic reduction and thermal cycle reduction are also to be carried out along with the scaling. A typical bipolar technology evolution, such as the one from IBM as depicted in Fig. 7 as an example, is mostly driven by vertical and lateral scalings supported by additional structural/process innovations. It is noted that the discussions so far have been made for vertical transistors only, as they are the exclusively adopted type of SiGe HBTs for practical applications of today. For lateral SiGe HBTs, as extensively described in [80], lateral scaling would be a major driver for improvement while vertical dimension optimization would also be required for balanced speed enhancement. III. NOISE AND SCALING A. Broadband Noise The scaling and structural advances aimed at improving RF figures of merit such as and provide a direct benefit for broad-band noise performance as well [81], which is typically described through four parameters: the minimum noise figure , the noise resistance and the real and imaginary components of the optimum noise impedance . These test metrics may be related to more basic device design parameters such as and thus to the scaling of these parameters, by representing each physical noise source as a component in a small-signal equivalent circuit model and using this model to determine each noise parameter. An HBT contains several such physical noise sources. Electrons moving from emitter to base approach the p-n junction with 1526 a statistical distribution of directions and energies and a probability of crossing the energy barrier. This process gives rise to collector current shot noise, , where is the measurement bandwidth [82]. Holes moving in the opposite direction lead to a similar base current shot . Since both space-charge region and noise neutral base recombination are low in a modern HBT, these two noise sources are typically uncorrelated [83]. Parasitic resistances, dominated by base resistance and emitter resistance , contribute uncorrelated thermal noise voltages and , respectively. Fig. 8 includes these noise sources in a common-emitter equivalent circuit noise model that is simple yet works remarkably well for capturing the essential bias and frequency behaviors of the HBT noise parameters. The parameter to which circuit designers often turn first in evaluating the noise performance of an RF technology is , which can be expressed in terms of the model parameters as [83], [84] (3) where and is the ideality factor. This expression can be simplified for modern HBTs in which is very close to one, is typically greater than 100 and is much larger than (4) For an HBT biased at a given current, exhibits distinct frequency dependencies at low and high frequency. In the low-frequency regime at which , is constant over frequency, with a value given by (5) and inHere, scaling for low noise requires reducing creasing . The value of at the device bias is less important, as long as it remains much greater than . In the high-frequency regime at which , however, rises linear with frequency, as expressed by (6) PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 93, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2005 p 2 While each of these device parameters is influenced by deproduct varies as a function of vice structure, the layout as well. Since and vary in reciprocal fashion with total emitter stripe length , itself is actually . The intrinsic portions of both and insensitive to are increasing functions of stripe width , however, bringing great benefit to scaling down this dimension. Proper matching is essential to achieving low noise in a circuit. Ideally, the real part of the optimum noise impedance will be equal to the system impedance (typically 50 ), allowing a simplified matching network. This real part can also be calculated from the equivalent noise circuit model Fig. 9. Equations for F optimized over I in the f = ) regime, related to the F versus high-frequency (f I curve for a sample (0.2 19.2) 2 m HBT. Smaller plot illustrates a graphical means of determining the noise-optimal I using the device f versus I relationship. 2 (10) In this regime, reducing and increasing at bias become the critical scaling goals and becomes unimportant. When designing a low-noise circuit, a circuit designer will typically target an application-specific frequency and examine the bias dependences of the noise parameters in aporder to select an optimal bias. Although bias current pears in (4) directly, contains an implicit dependence as well, which may be expressed in reciprocal form as (7) where input capacitance sets the versus slope at low bias and determines the upper limit that would be approached by at high if there were no high-level injection or the Kirk effect. This relationship may be substituted into (4) to yield an expression containing fully explicit references to , which may then be minimized with respect to and simplified according to frequency regime. In this manner, the bias-optimized in the low-frequency regime is found to be opt. (8) while the same result simplified for the high-frequency regime becomes opt. (9) Fig. 9 illustrates these results of this optimization over bias for the high-frequency case, plotting versus at 15 GHz for a 120-GHz 0.18- m HBT, with an inset connecting the noise-optimal bias value to the behavior of versus [85]. Note that this bias value is not near peak , but rather near the 50% of peak- point (for a device designed for high rather than for breakdown), or at about 10% of peak current. These expressions emphasize the importance of scaling the product of and , which impacts the bias-optimized value of at all frequencies. In addition to minimizing this product, maximizing remains important at low frequencies while minimizing becomes key at higher frequencies. RIEH et al.: SCALING OF SiGe HETEROJUNCTION BIPOLAR TRANSISTORS The first factor in this expression, equal to the noise resis, is simply a combination of the base resistance with tance the emitter-base diode small-signal resistance and is dominated by the former at high currents and the latter at low. and are decreasing functions of , Since both optimum match can be tuned through overall emitter length scaling, unlike . The theoretical noise parameter expressions described above can be used to predict noise scaling trends based on the expected trends for the related device parameters. Although in the low-frequency regime can be improved by increasing , continued scaling with technology generation is limited by the adverse impact on breakdown voltage . In contrast, and are each expected to scale linearly with , paced by lithographic generation, in both low- and high-frequency regimes to allowing continue to scale down linearly with . Finally, as vertical scaling of the HBT structure continues to scale down and thus peak , in the high-current regime is expected to decrease as the square root of this scaling factor. Note that product closely tracks in devices optimized for peak (optimized to delay the onset of the Kirk effect at the expense of breakdown voltage), which, in turn, is proportional to . Thus, efforts already in place to increase with each technology node will naturally lead to a reduction in . The scaling of expected from the modeling treatment is borne out in practice. Fig. 10 compares versus frequency for several generations of SiGe HBT technology ranging from 0.5 m GHz down GHz [85]. drops with each to 0.13 m generation at every frequency, with an approximately 0.8 dB overall improvement at 5 GHz and a greater than 3-dB decrease at 25 GHz. The range of reported values for production GaAs PHEMT devices is shown for reference and indicates that low-cost, high-integration silicon technology can now attain the levels of noise performance previously associated with a more esoteric process. Equation (9) indicates that is expected to scale linearly with in the high-frequency regime. To evaluate this expectation, Fig. 11 plots bias-optimized versus at 15 GHz for the 0.13–0.5 m nodes, including two variants of the 0.13- m node in which has been varied through a processing split. The measured 1527 Fig. 10. F versus frequency for three generations of SiGe BiCMOS technology, with the range of reported GaAs PHEMT values included for reference. Fig. 11. F versus [R C ] at 15 GHz for three generations of SiGe BiCMOS technology, including two 0.13-m 200-GHz variants with different base resistance values. The straight line indicates a strong correlation between the axis variables, validating the scaling predictions of the simple equivalent circuit model. data indeed conforms quite well to the theoretical scaling trend, validating the use of a relatively simple model for predicting HBT noise as the technology evolves. B. Low-Frequency Noise Despite operating at high carrier frequencies or data rates, wireless and optical communications systems are impacted not only by broad-band noise but by low-frequency noise as well. For example, in the local oscillator circuit central to both types of systems, low-frequency noise is upconverted by the nonlinear nature of the circuit to create phase noise skirts around the fundamental frequency. This phase noise can be downconverted subsequently in the mixer, combining with the low-frequency noise from the baseband amplifier to degrade the baseband signal in a direct-conversion receiver. Although there are several sources of low-frequency noise, the variety most dominant in modern HBTs is noise, so called because it falls approximately inversely with frequency before ultimately merging into the broad-band noise background at higher frequencies. This character is actually the composite result of a individual noise generators, each displaying a Lorentzian noise power spectrum that is 1528 constant below a characteristic frequency and which falls off above this frequency [86], [87]. For a large number as of such generators distributed uniformly in characteristic frebehavior. quency, the combined spectrum tends toward a Due to advantages in gain, an HBT in a wireless circuit is most typically connected in a common-emitter configuration. For a modern, polysilicon-emitter HBT wired in this mode, noise is generated primarily in the base current , with base current noise power found to increase proportionally with . This noise stems from carrier number fluctuation arising from several trap-related mechanisms [88]–[91]. At medium-to-high bias, carriers are trapped and released by defects that are typically spread across emitter area , concentrated near the thin interfacial oxide layer at the polysilicon-to-silicon emitter interface. Devices with large (e.g., 1 m ) contain a large number of traps (e.g., 30–60 for a 1- m device [88], [91]) and thus display a relatively smooth spectrum with little device-to-device variation. Smaller devices, on the other hand, may contain relatively few traps and thus show wiggles in versus , with spectra that vary considerably between devices. At very low biases, the dominant noise mechanism may shift to recombination and generation along the emitter stemming from defects in the emitter-base perimeter spacer layer. The number of such defects may be small in virgin devices but can increase significantly as the result of stress-related damage [88], [89]. can be written emWhere area-related traps dominate, pirically as (11) is a coefficient dependent on areal trap density as where well as on the strength of the carrier-trap interaction. Typical values for from the recent literature fall within the 2–4 10 range, independent of the Ge mole fraction in the base [91], [92]. This relationship can be used to predict a scaling trend as well as to guide device optimization specifically for low noise. The scaling down of emitter width with lithography generation may be expected to impact low-frequency noise through at least two mechanisms. To the extent that emitter area scales down along with , (11) predicts either an increase in if and are help constant or a decrease in noise if the current density is held constant instead. A smaller emitter area also implies a larger perimeter to area ratio, enhancing the role of perimeter noise mechanisms at low bias such as the generation-recombination from stress-induced traps. Both of these mechanisms are under the control of the designer, who can select layout and bias appropriately. From a technology design perspective, may be reduced by increasing , although this design choice can lead to a reduced breakdown voltage . In addition, since the dominant source of traps at medium-to-high bias is the emitter-base interfacial oxide layer, noise should yield to efforts to reduce the thickness of this layer or to move toward a single-crystal emitter. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 93, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2005 IV. RELIABILITY ISSUES AND SCALING A. Avalanche and Scaling Avalanche multiplication due to impact ionization in semiconductor devices affects not only breakdown voltages but device reliability as well. In bipolar transistors, avalanche-generated carriers tend to attain sufficient kinetic energy while traveling along the high field region and interact with dielectric or semiconductor-dielectric interfaces, thus damaging the devices. A typical degradation signature at due to such damage is an increase in base current range, which is an indication of trap generation lowwithin E-B SCR or at interface/surface exposed to E-B SCR. Carriers generated at the reverse-biased E-B junction, which affect dielectric interface along the emitter periphery, are degradation, while it is also mainly responsible for such reported that avalanche-generated carriers at the reverse-biased B-C junction possibly travel to the emitter region and induce similar damage [93]. For devices with oxide isolation such as shallow trench, the avalanche-generated carriers at B-C junction may induce an increase in B-C junction leakage as well, by degrading the isolation oxide interface. Scaling tends to enhance avalanche multiplication in general. Vertical scaling typically involves increased doping concentration, which strengthens the peak electric field inside space charge regions. Since avalanche multiplication has a positive correlation with the peak electric field, it is enhanced by increased doping concentration and thus by vertical scaling. Compared to implanted-base Si bipolar transistors, SiGe HBTs typically maintain a lower doping concentration at E-B junction owing to the in situ doped epitaxial base layer. This suppresses avalanche multiplication as well as band-to-band tunneling, making the devices less vulnerable to reliability concerns (This is true also for epitaxial-base Si homojunction bipolar transistors, which never took off as a mainstream device before the rapid emergence of SiGe HBTs). Lateral scaling of emitter width has no first-order impact on avalanche multiplication. However, overall shrinkage of lateral dimensions may lead to increased multiplication, as the lateral overlap of highly doped regions is enhanced. For instance, the overlap of extrinsic base and diffused emitter and the overlay of extrinsic base and SIC region can cause a local increase of the multiplication rate. The effect of vertical scaling on avalanche multiplication was explored with three different levels of SIC doses implemented on IBM’s 300-GHz SiGe HBTs (identical set of devices as used in Section II-C). Multiplication factor was measured as a function of for one control device and two scaled devices with increased SIC doses, as illustrated in exhibits a clear Fig. 12. As is obvious from the plot, increase with SIC dose, indicating enhanced avalanche multiplication rate with vertical scaling. Corresponding breakdown voltage variation is also plotted in Fig. 13 in terms of (open-emitter B-C breakdown voltage) and (open-base E-C breakdown voltage), which tend to decrease with increasing multiplication factor and thus with vertical scaling. RIEH et al.: SCALING OF SiGe HETEROJUNCTION BIPOLAR TRANSISTORS 0 Fig. 12. Measured multiplication factor M 1 for three devices with different levels of the SIC total implant dose. M 1 was extracted from I values while I is fixed at 10 A. 0 Fig. 13. Measured breakdown voltages shown as a function of the normalized SIC total implant dose. The decreasing trend of the breakdown voltages with vertical scaling naturally establishes a tradeoff relation with the device speed which tends to improve with scaling. Such a tradeoff has received attention from the early stage of bipolar device development, and, in the 1960s, Johnson proposed an upper limit of —breakdown voltage product for Si bipolar transistors, which was estimated to be 200 GHzV [94]. As is apparent from Fig. 14, however, the performance of some devices, especially recent SiGe(C) HBTs, already has exceeded such limit (note that the small amount of Ge in the base has negligible effect on the limit). Recently, Rieh et al. [95] sug(collector doping concentragested that such limit has an levels of modern Si-based tion) dependence and typical bipolar transistors would lead to a much greater value than originally estimated. B. Current Density and Scaling Increased operation current density of a device is favored for current drivability as well as speed improvement. From the reliability perspective, however, it imposes mostly adverse effects on the device. Several types of degradations have been reported for bipolar transistors operated under 1529 Fig. 14. Correlation between peak f and BV for Si-based bipolar transistors, shown along with the Johnson limit. It is clear that recent high-speed SiGe(C) HBTs as well as some Si BJTs have already exceeded the limit. elevated collector current density : base leakage current increase [96]–[98], emitter resistance variation [96], [97], range base current level shift [97], [98], [99], and mid[100]. Although complicated, most of these degradations can be attributed to the damage of Si-dielectric interface around the emitter and the instability of the thin oxide layer inserted at the emitter poly-mono interface. Also aggravated is the electromigration in the metal by the increased lines attached to devices, potentially leading to disconnected wiring or a shift in the operation current due to induced strain , too, [101]. Self-heating becomes severe with increased resulting in junction temperature rise and the acceleration of device degradation, as will be discussed in more detail in Section IV-C. Vertical scaling tends to increase the collector current increase, level. Both base and collector scalings promote but by distinct mechanisms and from different aspects. Base for a given , scaling generally leads to an increase in decreases the base Gummel number. since the reduced In actual circuit design, however, there is no hard constraint tuning in most cases, and preferred level can be for . Hence, increase due to recovered by readjusting base scaling is not quite a practical reliability issue. On the would raise other hand, collector scaling with increased at peak condition, due to the delayed onset of the Kirk effect. Therefore, for device operations near peak condition, raised from collector scaling would actually enhance the overall operation current level, leaving a device potentially more susceptible to the reliability issues. at peak over Fig. 15 illustrates the trend of for Si-based bipolar transistors, which is princithe peak pally driven by collector vertical scaling. was typGHz, ically around 1 mA m for devices with but it was pushed up to near 20 mA m for the recent deGHz. This apparently excessive current vices with density, however, is still much lower than typical density for the channel current in most advanced nMOS devices, which is 50–100 mA m when channel conducting path width nm is assumed. It is also noted from the trend that of 1530 Fig. 15. Increasing trend of J transistors. with f for Si-based bipolar Current per unit length I and current per unit area compared for various generations of IBM SiGe HBT technology. If W is reduced from 0.13 to 0.1 m for the 375-GHz device, I increase would be substantially suppressed. Fig. 16. J for epitaxial-base Si BJTs is slightly higher than that of SiGe HBTs with a similar speed. In other words, epitaxial-base Si BJTs is slower than SiGe HBTs for a similar , which is a clear evidence of the superior speed performance of SiGe HBTs, largely due to their smaller . Lateral scaling leads to a slight apparent increase in , as the relative contribution from the fringing current becomes more pronounced. However, the most influential impact of lateral scaling comes from the fact that the current per unit decreases linearly with reduced emitter width. length Electromigration, the greatest current level-related reliability concern for modern SiGe HBT technologies, is dictated by , rather than , as emitter and collector currents are typically provided from the longer side of the stripes. Fig. 16 and for various generations of IBM SiGe compares HBT technology. It is apparent from the plot that the increase in the overall trends, owing of is not as steep as that of reduction) performed in parallel to the lateral scaling ( is slightly steeper for with vertical scaling. The slope of transition from 200 to 375 GHz, since reduction the PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 93, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2005 did not accompany the (and ) transition. If is reduced from 0.13 to 0.1 m for such transition, increase is substantially suppressed, as shown in Fig. 16 as a dotted reduction due to lateral line. In theory, if the pace of increase from vertical scaling, scaling is same as that of should remain constant over the generation [102]. C. Self-Heating and Scaling Junction temperature rise due to self-heating is another reliability concern related to the raised device operation current level, since increased temperature accelerates most is expressed as of device degradation mechanisms. As and dissipated power a product of the thermal resistance , the strategy for the suppresbecomes rather straightforward—the reduction sion of and . In general, of a device is closely of both related to the horizontal cross-sectional area of the device, since a wider cross section facilitates the vertical heat dissipation from the device toward substrate [103], [104]. As and a result, there exists a close correlation between for devices lateral scaling in general. Fig. 17(a) plots with various emitter stripe lengths , implemented on the IBM’s 200-GHz SiGe technology [105]. It shows a sharp with decreasing , as a result of the reincrease in duced cross-sectional area for shorter devices. In contrast, the actual increase in junction temperature exhibits an opposite trend, showing smaller junction temperature rise for shorter devices, when constant power density for different sizes of devices is assumed. Such trend is due to the larger cross-sectional area-to-emitter area ratio for shorter devices, which roughly indicates a larger heat dissipation-to-power also results in an increase in application rate. Scaling of as shown in Fig. 17(b) based on thermal model [103], scaling case due but the variation is not as strong as the to the relatively small change in the cross-sectional area. As penalty for scaled devices is smaller with scaling the scaling, suppression for scaled devices is more than scaling case for a typical range of dipronounced for mensional variation. Overall, lateral scaling imposes positive impacts on devices in terms of self-heating management. Vertical scaling is expected to have a much less impact than lateral scaling, since it does not alter the heat on of vertically dissipation path significantly. Increased level leading scaled devices, however, results in raised to an increase in , although remains roughly unchanged. SiGe alloys exhibit substantially smaller thermal conductivity than Si due to enhanced scattering rate of phonons (1.41 versus 0.08 W/cmK for Si and Si Ge , K [106]). However, its impact on respectively, at of SiGe HBTs is not significant, since SiGe alloy does not block the major heat dissipation path in the device. Note that in bipolar transistors, heat is mostly generated in B-C SCR where electrons lose most of their kinetic energy, and the majority of generated heat is dissipated downward to substrate, which path is more conductive than upward path. RIEH et al.: SCALING OF SiGe HETEROJUNCTION BIPOLAR TRANSISTORS 1 Fig. 17. R and T for devices with (a) various emitter stripe lengths L and (b) various emitter stripe width W . Constant power density was assumed for various device sizes. Symbol is measured data point and line is estimation from a thermal model. V. SCALING RULES A scaling rule provides a set of preferred device design parameters and expected performance parameters for a given scaling factor, based on requirements for proper device operation and assumed constraints. The scaling factor commonly pertains to the lateral dimension which is typically limited by the lithography. Scaling rules for CMOS devices, the performance of which is dictated by lateral scaling, have been extensively developed and served as a precious tool for the successful evolution of CMOS technologies [107]–[109]. For bipolar transistors, the dependence on lateral scaling is less critical and their scaling rule has been of lower interest than CMOS case. Nevertheless, there have been appreciable efforts to establish useful scaling rules for bipolar transistors, too, as is reviewed below. Solomon et al. [110] proposed a bipolar scaling rule for ECL circuits assuming constant voltage (CV) and constant current (CI), and expected that the gate delay tends to decrease at the same rate as lateral scaling. Bellaouar et al. 1531 Table 1 Summary of Bipolar Scaling Rules [110]–[113] [111] developed a bipolar scaling rule based on CI scheme, but with an extended set of independent scaling factors, each corresponding to lateral dimension, vertical dimension, and voltage across base and collector. Rosseel et al. [112] took a slightly different approach in developing a scaling rule for bipolar transistors embedded in BiCMOS logic gates (which consist of both bipolar and CMOS devices as inverter components), in which greater performance of BiCMOS gates over CMOS gates was taken as a constraint. Raje et al. [113] also established a scaling rule for bipolar devices employed for BiCMOS gates, but took into account the fact that bipolar and CMOS devices in a gate cannot be considered independently and interactions should exist between these devices in terms of scaling. The bipolar scaling rules from these various approaches are summarized in Table 1. Despite the different constraints and approaches assumed, overall trends suggested by these scaling rules for key bipolar parameters are not significantly far apart. For example, a scaling factor is expected for the gate delay, while current of from most scaling density is expected to increase by rules. Bipolar scaling rules have taken slightly different path than CMOS case in terms of the constraints assumed. For CMOS scaling rules, constant electric-field (CE) [107] or relaxed 1532 (generalized) CE [111] have been widely accepted as constraints. For bipolar transistors, on the other hand, CI scaling has been the most popular one. Another probable scaling scheme for bipolar transistors, the constant current density (CJ) scaling, is expected to be more susceptible to device reliability issues related to emitter periphery degradation than CI scaling [114]. The difference in scaling constraints for bipolar and CMOS devices stems from the different device structures and operation principles. It would be intuitive to compare the trends suggested by the bipolar scaling rules to the actual data accumulated over a long time period. The correlation between the collector and emitter width are presented in current at peak Fig. 18(a), which shows compiled published data obtained from Si-based bipolar transistors over the past two decades. Contrary to the widely adopted CI assumption for scaling, shows a slightly decreasing the collector current at peak . trend with emitter width scaling, with a factor of It should be noted, though, that the data points in the plot is only 0.15, are wide spread and the correlation factor leaving the trend not highly decisive. Fig. 18(b) shows the over the emitter trend of the current density at peak width, which is better correlated than the current trend. is extracted, which is slower A scaling factor of PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 93, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2005 Fig. 19. Scaling trend for the gate delay . Trend equations over W are obtained for Si BJTs and SiGe(C) HBTs separately. Si BJTs show 2.4 longer delay than SiGe(C) HBTs for a comparable scaling level (W ). 2 Fig. 18. Scaling trend for: (a) the collector current I at peak f and (b) the collector current density J at peak f . Trend equations over W are also shown, along with correlation factor R . than expected from most scaling rules based on CI scaling. Recalling the fact that the current density at peak is driven by , this observed slower factor indicates too fast. the reluctance of device designers to increase The trend of the gate delay is plotted in Fig. 19, which for both Si BJTs and exhibits a scaling factor of SiGe(C) HBTs. This is a slightly lower rate than suggested from most scaling rules. It is interesting to note that the extracted factor is almost identical for both types of bipolar transistors, indicating that there is no fundamental difference in scaling mechanisms for the two kinds. However, the trend line of Si bipolar transistor is shifted up by 2.4 compared to that of SiGe(C) HBTs, which number can be interpreted as the average performance difference between the two types of devices. VI. SCALING LIMITS While in CMOS the scaling is mostly limited by lateral dimensions and doping profiles [115], [116], state-of-the-art SiGe HBTs experience more vertical limitations due to their design and manufacturing [117]. It is clear that the scaling of RIEH et al.: SCALING OF SiGe HETEROJUNCTION BIPOLAR TRANSISTORS HBTs will end at a single atom level, but the onset of scaling limitations happens much earlier, if the technology has to comply with the requirements of industrial mass-production [118]. Manufacturability means that, besides the electrical specifications, also reliability, yield, and tolerance criteria have to be met. These additional boundary conditions favor Si-based technologies, which rely on the well developed and understood mechanisms of CMOS manufacturing, avoiding exotic processing steps or materials. The scaling limitations may be classified into four categories: 1) limitations affecting the vertical profile and the film stacks; 2) restrictions on the lateral dimensions; 3) thermal issues; and 4) constraints due to manufacturability. In traditional implanted-base Si BJTs, the most prominent vertical scaling limit was the punch through across the base layer [119]. It usually occurs when an aggressive scaling of the base is done without raising its doping concentration. But the increased doping level in the base, which also induces raised doping level at the metallurgical E-B junction, results in a much steeper doping profile at the junction leading to excessive band-to-band tunneling and thus to a reduced current gain. Because SiGe HBTs are grown with an in situ doped epitaxial base, the profile at the E-B junction can be controlled more favorably, enabling a base concentration that are higher at the peak and lower at the E-B junction. Combined with the reduced base bandgap due to the incorporation of Ge, this avoids punch through as well as excessive tunneling currents, allowing sufficient current gain even with base doping concentrations higher than those of the emitter. Therefore, punch through is much less a limitation for SiGe HBTs than it used to be for implanted-base Si BJTs. For SiGe HBTs, the vertical scaling limit is envisioned to come from material- rather than electrical-related issues. Through optimized cleaning before the LTE growth and the inclusion of carbon into the base layer [77] to suppress doping diffusion, the electrically active impurities could have been constrained to very thin layers of typically less 1533 than 25 nm. A further reduction of the base thickness, however, requires epitaxial layers in the range of some few nanometers, which make a reliable reproduction of the film very difficult. In addition, the solid solubility of the dopants in the SiGe layer puts a limit to the sheet resistance of the transistor’s three layers. Even if those problems could be overcome, the compression of the vertical profile leads to another problem. The small dimensions of the vertical doping distribution require steep junction profiles, resulting in high electric fields and therefore low breakdown voltages. For example, a space charge region width of 3–5 nm results in a breakdown voltage of less than 0.2 V [120]. Operating circuits at such low voltages makes them very susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electrical over stress (EOS) [121]. Limitations to the lateral scaling may go beyond the emitter width and include the whole layout of the device. In a SiGe HBT, the lateral scaling mostly affects the total and the collector base capacitance . base resistance as shown in (2). A low Together with , they define is therefore essential to achieve good control over the intrinsic base resulting in a high gain at maximum speed. Because of the vertical arrangement of the SiGe HBT, the base and collector layers are buried. To contact these two layers a laterally staggered approach is necessary in order to arrange the C, B, and E contacts next to each other (refer to Fig. 3). While the collector is connected to a low ohmic buried layer, the base doping usually is extended laterally and then merged with a source/drain type diffusion. All three terminals may be silicided to provide the lowest possible resistive path to the transistor’s active area. Such a and : contacting scheme adds parasitic resistance to a portion resulting from the buried layer in the case of and it’s diffusion to the surface have to breaks down to an intrinsic part , a be added. , part under the isolation between emitter and base . and to a link portion to the diffusion to the contact Lateral scaling may reduce these parasitic resistances, but a complete elimination is impossible due to the need to bring the terminals to the surface. As outlined earlier, electromigration and EOS also set a limit to the minimal dimensions of the contacts, which have become a major part of the transistors layout. Besides the linear reduction of the dimensions, scaling imposes additional stress on the emitter contact because smaller emitter widths have a higher fringing to area current ratio, which leads to an increase of the current density and therefore to an earlier failure of the contact. As described in Section IV-C, the reduced trench-enclosed area, paired with low thermal conductivity, may cause the junction to overheat and to fail. Self-heating has not been one of the limiting factors in the scaling of SiGe HBTs so far, but it may become crucial since the silicon volume of and the C-B junction needs to be reduced to control thus gain speed. With a reduction of the vertical profile as well as the transistor’s width and length, the heat absorbing volume shrinks in all three dimensions leading to an increase 1534 in the effective thermal resistance. Also the trend to higher resulting from the relentless vertical scaling leads to even higher power densities in the device and therefore to a further increase of the junction temperature. Although alleviated by a proper lateral scaling, this may emerge self-heating as one of the vertical scaling limitations in the future. Currently, the scaling of HBT is clearly limited by technology and the requirements of an industrial manufacturability, which includes reliability, high, yield, and low tolerances of the specifications [122]. In the vertical dimension, limitations arise from insufficient control of thin-film growth parameters as well as from the tradeoff between deposition speed and film quality [123]. The control of the emitter profile depth also appears to be a limitation as it causes fluctuations in collector current and therefore device mismatch, especially for steep Ge concentration gradients in the base. Limitations on the lateral scaling are similar to the ones encountered in CMOS technology [115], [116]. However, as bipolar performance is modulated more by the vertical profile than its lateral dimensions, the limitations on lateral scaling from a manufacturability point of view is less severe than those for CMOS devices, which suffer from device mismatch due to lateral dimension variations. Instead, one of the biggest problems in SiGe HBT manufacturing is a close contacting of the transistor’s E, B, and C areas. Lithography [124], reproducibility of the targeted geometry, and film quality currently prevent a drastic reduction of the layout and its associated parasitic parameters. In addition, the interconnecting metal lines with their tight ground rules also prevent too aggressive lateral scalings, if the transistor has to be reliably manufactured with high yield. VII. CONCLUSION In this paper, the impacts of scaling on SiGe HBTs have been overviewed with an extensive data set collected from literature and recent experiments on IBM SiGe HBTs. It is shown that the scaling, both vertical and lateral, has mainly beneficial effects on key device performances such as speed and noise. On the other hand, device reliability is expected to be a growing concern for scaled devices due to increased electric field and operation current density, which lead to enhanced avalanche multiplication and raised junction temperature. Bipolar scaling rules were reviewed, indicating that the scaling factors predicted from reported scaling rules roughly follow the actual measured trend, if not precisely. Overview of scaling limits suggests bipolar technology has not reached an ultimate limit yet, although manufacturability consideration increasingly imposes practical limits. Looking back, bipolar scaling seemed to have reached the limit repeatedly in the course of technology evolutions, but they were overcome with material and structural innovations that opened new spaces for further performance improvement. As it is apparent the bipolar scaling has not reached the physical fundamental limit yet, the efforts for scaling and the march for performance improvement will continue for the foreseeable future. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 93, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2005 REFERENCES [1] J.-S. Rieh, B. Jagannathan, H. Chen, K. T. Schonenberg, D. Angell, A. Chinthakindi, J. Florkey, F. Golan, D. Greenberg, S.-J. Jeng, M. Khater, F. Pagette, C. Schnabel, P. Smith, A. Stricker, K. Vaed, R. Volant, D. Ahlgren, G. Freeman, K. Stein, and S. Subbanna, “SiGe HBTs with cut-off frequency of 350 GHz,” in Tech. Dig. Int. Electron Devices Meeting, 2002, pp. 771–774. [2] J.-S. Rieh, B. Jagannathan, H. Chen, K. T. Schonenberg, S.-J. Jeng, M. Khater, D. Ahlgren, G. Freeman, and S. Subbanna, “Performance and design considerations for high speed SiGe HBTs of f =f = 375 GHz=210 GHz,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, 2003, pp. 374–377. [3] D. D. Tang, P. M. Solomon, T. H. Ning, R. D. Isaac, and R. 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Dr. Rieh is a recipient of 2005 IBM Faculty Award and a corecipient of the 2002 IEEE EDS George E. Smith Award. 1538 David Greenberg (Member, IEEE) received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering at Columbia University, New York, under a Pulitzer scholarship in 1988 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, under Hertz and Intel Foundation fellowships in 1990 and 1994, respectively. He is a semiconductor device researcher working in advanced RF technology development and assessment. During his graduate school tenure, he explored the use of GaAs and InP-based FETs for power and laser driver applications and completed two summer internships at AT&T Bell Labs performing software and board design for ISDN and DSP chipsets. He joined the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, as a Research Staff Member in 1995, where he has played key roles in the development of several generations of SiGe BiCMOS and RF CMOS technologies, including device design and evaluation, power transistor development, noise measurement and modeling, technology versus application assessment, and interfacing with customer circuit design groups. He is an author or coauthor of seven issued patents and over 35 technical papers. Dr. Greenberg is a Member of Tau Beta Pi. Andreas D. Stricker (Member, IEEE) was born in Bern, Switzerland, in February 1965. He received the M.S. degree in applied physics from the University of Bern in 1992, where he worked in the field of laser interaction with solid state materials, and the Ph.D. degree from the Integrated Systems Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, in 2000, working on on-chip ESD protection circuits as well as their development using process and device simulations. He published his thesis, “Technology Computer Aided Design of ESD Protection Devices,” in 2000. He is currently with the IBM Systems and Technology Group, Burlington, VT, where he joined the Device Development and Modeling Department. Dr. Stricker won the IEEE Electron Device Society’s George Edward Smith Award in 2002 together with other members of IBM’s SiGe technology team for the development of the first 200-GHz hetero bipolar transistor in a manufacturable technology. Greg Freeman (Senior Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University, Stanford, CA, in 1991. Since 1991, he has been with IBM Microelectronics, Hopewell Junction, NY. He has worked in a variety of areas at IBM, including characterization, yield diagnostics, high-speed SiGe HBT device characterization and design, and FET design. He is currently a Senior Technical Staff Member, managing a department with responsibility for designing high performance devices for IBM’s 65-nm SOI technology. He is an author or coauthor of four patents and over 50 technical papers. His research interests are in the field of high-performance device design and application. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 93, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2005