A 10-Gb/s CMOS Clock and Data Recovery Circuit

A 10-Gb/s CMOS Clock and Data Recovery Circuit
with a Half-Rate Linear Phase Detector
Jafar Savoj, Student Member, IEEE, and Behzad Razavi, Member, IEEE
Abstract—A 10-Gb/s phase-locked clock and data recovery
circuit incorporates an interpolating voltage-controlled oscillator
and a half-rate phase detector. The phase detector provides a
linear characteristic while retiming and demultiplexing the data
with no systematic phase offset. Fabricated in a 0.18- m CMOS
technology in an area of 1 1
0 9 mm2 , the circuit exhibits an
RMS jitter of 1 ps, a peak-to-peak jitter of 14.5 ps in the recovered
clock, and a bit-error rate of 1 28
10 6 , with random data
input of length 223
1. The power dissipation is 72 mW from a
2.5-V supply.
Index Terms—Clock recovery, half-rate CDR, optical communication, oscillators, phase detectors, PLLs.
ITH THE exponential growth of the number of Internet
nodes, the volume of the data transported by its backbone continues to rise rapidly. The load of the global Internet
backbone is expected to be as high as 11 Tb/s by the year 2005,
indicating that the required bandwidth must increase by a factor
of 50 to 100 every seven years.
Among the available transmission media, optical fibers have
the highest bandwidth with the lowest loss, serving as an attractive solution for the Internet backbone. However, the electronic
interface proves to be the bottleneck in designing high-speed
optical systems. In order to push the speed of operation beyond the capabilities of the fabrication processes, a number of
transceivers can be fabricated on the same chip. The input and
output signals can be carried either over a bundle of fibers,
or on a single fiber that uses wave-division multiplexing. In
this scenario, both the power dissipation and the complexity
of each transceiver become critical. While stand-alone building
blocks of optical transceivers have been built in GaAs and silicon bipolar technologies [1], [2], full integration of many transceivers makes it desirable to use CMOS technology.
This paper describes the design of the first 10-Gb/s CMOS
clock and data recovery (CDR) circuit. A linear phase detector
(PD) is introduced that compares the phase of the incoming data
with that of a half-rate clock. The CDR circuit also incorporates a three-stage interpolating ring oscillator to achieve a wide
tuning range. Fabricated in a 0.18- m CMOS technology, the
circuit achieves an RMS jitter of 1 ps with a pseudorandom sewhile dissipating 72 mW from a 2.5-V supply.
quence of
Manuscript received August 21, 2000; revised December 1, 2000. This work
was supported in part by the Semiconductor Research Corporation and in part
by Cypress Semiconductor.
The authors are with the Electrical Engineering Department, University of
California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1594 USA (e-mail: razavi@icsl.ucla.edu).
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9200(01)03020-7.
The next section of the paper presents the CDR architecture and design issues. Section III deals with the design of the
building blocks. Section IV describes the experimental results.
The choice of the CDR architecture is primarily determined
by the speed and supply voltage limitations of the technology
as well as the power dissipation and jitter requirements of the
In a generic CDR circuit, shown in Fig. 1, the phase detector compares the phase of the incoming data to the phase of
the clock generated by the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO),
producing an error that is proportional to the phase difference
between its two inputs. The error is then applied to a charge
pump and a low-pass filter so as to generate the oscillator control
voltage. The clock signal also drives a decision circuit, thereby
retiming the data and reducing its jitter.
If attempted in a 0.18- m CMOS technology, the architecture of Fig. 1 poses severe difficulties for 10-Gb/s operation.
Although exploiting aggressive device scaling, the CMOS
process used in this work provides marginal performance
for such speeds. For example, even simple digital latches or
three-stage ring oscillators fail to operate reliably at these
rates. These issues make it desirable to employ a “half-rate”
CDR architecture, where the VCO runs at a frequency equal to
half of the input data rate. The concept of the half-rate clock
has been used in [2]–[5]. However, [2] and [3] incorporate
a bang–bang phase detector, possibly creating a large ripple
on the control line of the oscillator and hence high jitter. The
circuit reported in [4] inherently has a smaller output jitter as a
result of using a linear phase detector, but it fails to operate at
speeds above 6 Gb/s in 0.18- m CMOS technology. The circuit
of [5] benefits from a new linear phase detection scheme, but it
may not operate properly with certain data patterns.
Another critical issue in the architecture of Fig. 1 relates to the
inherently unequal propagation delays for the two inputs of the
phase detector: most phase detectors that operate properly with
random data (e.g., a D flip-flop) are asymmetric with respect to
the data and clock inputs, thereby introducing a systematic skew
between the two in phase-lock condition. Since it is difficult
to replicate this skew in the decision circuit, the generic CDR
architecture suffers from a limited phase margin, unless the raw
speed of the technology is much higher than the data rate.
The problem of the skew demands that phase detection and
data regeneration occur in the same circuit such that the clock
still samples the data at the midpoint of each bit even in the
0018–9200/01$10.00 © 2001 IEEE
Fig. 1.
Generic CDR architecture.
Fig. 3. Effect of clock duty cycle distortion.
Another important aspect of CDR design is the leakage of
data transitions to the oscillator. In Fig. 2, such leakage arises
in the PD; 2)
from: 1) capacitive feedthrough from
capacitive feedthrough from
to the oscillator
the multiplexer; and 3) coupling of
through the substrate. To minimize these effects, the VCO is
followed by an isolation buffer and all of the building blocks
incorporate fully differential topologies.
Fig. 2.
Half-rate CDR architecture.
presence of a finite skew. For example, the Hogge PD [6] automatically sets the clock phase to the optimum point in the data
eye (but it fails to operate properly with a half-rate clock).
The above considerations lead to the CDR architecture shown
in Fig. 2. Here, a half-rate PD produces an error proportional to
the phase difference between the 10-Gb/s data stream and the
5-GHz output of the VCO. Furthermore, the PD automatically
retimes and demultiplexes the data, generating two 5-Gb/s
. Although the focus of this work
is point-to-point communications, a full-rate retimed output,
, is also generated to produce flexibility in testing and
exercise the ultimate speed of the technology. The VCO has
both fine and coarse control lines, the latter allowing inclusion
of a frequency-locked loop in future implementations.
In this work, a new approach to performing linear phase detection using a half-rate clock is described. Owing to its simplicity, this technique achieves both high speed and low power
dissipation while minimizing the ripple on the oscillator control
It is interesting to note that half-rate architectures do suffer
from one drawback: the deviation of the clock duty cycle from
50% translates to bimodal jitter. As depicted in Fig. 3, since both
clock edges sample the data waveform, the clock duty cycle distortion pushes both edges away from the midpoint of the bits.
Typical duty cycle correction techniques used at lower speeds
are difficult to apply here as they suffer from significant dynamic mismatches themselves. Thus, special attention is paid
to symmetry in the layout to minimize bimodal jitter.
The design of the VCO directly impacts the jitter performance
and the reproducibility of the CDR circuit. While LC topologies achieve a potentially lower jitter, their limited tuning range
makes it difficult to obtain a target frequency without design
and fabrication iterations. Since the circuit reported here was
our first design in 0.18- m technology, a ring oscillator was
chosen so as to provide a tuning range wide enough to encompass process and temperature variations.
A three-stage differential ring oscillator [Fig. 4(a)] driving a
buffer operates no faster than 7 GHz in 0.18- m CMOS technology. The half-rate CDR architecture overcomes this limitation, requiring a frequency of only 5 GHz.
As shown in Fig. 4(b), each stage consists of a fast and a slow
path whose outputs are summed together. By steering the current between the fast and the slow paths, the amount of delay
achieved through each stage and hence the VCO frequency can
be adjusted. All three stages in the ring are loaded by identical
buffers to achieve equal rise and fall times and thus improve
the jitter performance. Fig. 4(c) shows the transistor implementation of each delay stage. The fast and slow paths are formed
as differential circuits sharing their output nodes. The tuning
is achieved by reducing the tail current of one and increasing
that of the other differentially. Since the low supply voltage
makes it difficult to stack differential pairs under
– , the current variation is performed through mirror arrangements driven by pMOS differential pairs. Fig. 5 depicts
the small-signal gain and phase response of each delay stage.
While providing a phase shift of 60 , each stage achieves a gain
Fig. 5. Small-signal gain and phase response of each delay stage.
Fig. 4. (a) Three-stage ring oscillator. (b) Implementation of each stage. (c)
Transistor-level schematic.
of 5.5 dB at 5 GHz, yielding robust oscillation at the target frequency.
A critical drawback of supply scaling in deep-submicron
technologies is the inevitable increase in the VCO gain for
a given tuning range. To alleviate this difficulty, the control
of the VCO is split between a coarse input and a fine input.
The partitioning of the control allows more than one order of
magnitude reduction in the VCO sensitivity. The idea is that the
fine control is established by the phase detector and the coarse
control is a provision for adding a frequency detection loop.
The coarse control is provided externally in this prototype.
The fine control exhibits a gain of 150 MHz/V and the coarse
control, 2.5 GHz/V (Fig. 6). The tuning range is 2.7 GHz
( 54%).
B. Phase Detector
Phase detectors generally appear in two different forms. Nonlinear PDs coarsely quantize the phase error, producing only a
positive or negative value at their output. Linear PDs, on the
other hand, generate a linearly proportional output that drops to
zero when the loop is locked.
Compared to nonlinear PDs, linear PDs result in less charge
pump activity, smaller ripple on the oscillator control line, and
hence lower jitter. In a linear PD, such as that described in [6],
Fig. 6. VCO gain partitioning. (a) Fine control. (b) Coarse control.
the phase error is obtained by taking the difference between the
width of two pulses, both of which are generated whenever a
data transition occurs. The width of one of the pulses is linearly
proportional to the phase difference between the clock and the
data, whereas the width of the other is constant. By using a differential error signal, pattern dependency of phase error is can-
Fig. 8.
Fig. 7.
(a) Phase detector. (b) Operation of the circuit.
celled because both pulses are present only when a data transition occurs.
For linear phase comparison between data and a half-rate
clock, each transition of the data must produce an “error” pulse
whose width is equal to the phase difference. Furthermore, to
avoid a dead zone in the characteristics, a “reference” pulse
must be generated whose area is subtracted from that of the error
pulse, thus creating a net value that falls to zero in lock.
The above observations lead to the PD topology shown in
Fig. 7(a). The circuit consists of four latches and two XOR gates.
The data is applied to the inputs of two sets of cascaded latches,
each cascade constituting a flipflop that retimes the data. Since
the flipflops are driven by a half-rate clock, the two output seand
are the demultiplexed waveforms of
the original input sequence if the clock samples the data in the
middle of the bit period.
The operation of the PD can be described using the waveforms depicted in Fig. 7(b). The basic unit employed in the circuit is a latch whose output carries information about the zero
crossings of both the data and the clock. The output of each
latch tracks its input for half a clock period and holds the value
for the other half, yielding the waveforms shown in Fig. 7(b) for
. The two waveforms differ because their corpoints
responding latches operate on opposite clock edges. Produced
, the Error signal is equal to ZERO for the portion of
overlap, and equal to the
time that identical bits of
XOR of two consecutive bits for the rest. In other words, Error
is equal to ONE only if a data transition has occurred.
It may seem that the Error signal uniquely represents the
phase difference, but that would be true only if the data were pe-
Symmetric XOR gate.
riodic. The random nature of the data and the periodic behavior
of the clock in fact make the average value of Error pattern dependent. For this reason, a reference signal must also be generated whose average conveys this dependence. The two waveand
contain the samples of the data at the rising
contains pulses as
and falling edges of the clock. Thus,
wide as half the clock period for every data transition, serving
as the reference signal.
While the two XOR operations provide both the Error and the
Reference pulses for every data transition, the pulses in Error
are only half as wide as those in Reference. This means that
the amplitude of Error must be scaled up by a factor of two
with respect to Reference so that the difference between their
averages drops to zero when clock transitions are in the middle
of the data eye. The phase error with respect to this point is then
linearly proportional to the difference between the two averages.
In order to generate a full-rate output, the demultiplexed sequences are combined by a multiplexer that operates on the
half-rate clock as well. This output can also be used for testing
purposes in order to obtain the overall bit-error rate (BER) of
the receiver.
It is important to note that the XOR gates in Fig. 7 must be
symmetric with respect to their two differential inputs. Otherwise, differences in propagation delays result in systematic
phase offsets. Each of the XOR gates is implemented as shown
in Fig. 8 [7]. The circuit avoids stacking stages while providing
perfect symmetry between the two inputs. The output is singleended but the single-ended Error and Reference signals produced by the two XOR gates in the phase detector are sensed with
respect to each other, thus acting as a differential drive for the
charge pump. The operation of the XOR circuit is as follows. If
the two logical inputs are not equal, then one of the input transistors on the left and one of the input transistors on the right
off. If the two inputs are identical,
turn on, thus turning
. Since the average
one of the tail currents flows through
current produced by the Error XOR gate is half of that generated
is scaled differently,
by the Reference XOR gate, transistor
making the average output voltages equal for zero phase differreduces the
ence. Channel length modulation of transistor
precision of current scaling between the two XOR gates. This effect can be avoided by increasing the length of the device.
The gain of the PD is determined by the value of the resistor
and the tail current sources ( ). The voltage
is generated on chip in order to track the variations over temperature and
Fig. 10.
Fig. 9.
Determination of PD gain.
process. This voltage equals the output common-mode level of
the latches preceding the XOR gate. It is generated using a differential pair that is a replica of the preamplifier section of the
raises the common-mode level of the
latch. Current source
differential signal formed by the Error and Reference signals,
compatible with the input of the charge pump.
It is instructive to plot the input/output characteristic of the
PD to ensure linearity and absence of dead zone. This is accomplished by obtaining the average values of Error and Reference
while the circuit operates at maximum speed. Fig. 9 shows the
simulated behavior as the phase difference varies from zero to
one bit period. The Reference average exhibits a notch where
the clock samples the metastable points of the data waveform.
The Error and Reference signals cross at a phase difference approximately 55 ps from the metastable point, indicating that the
systematic offset between the data and the clock is very small.
The linear characteristic of the phase detector results in minimal
charge pump activity and small ripple on the control line in the
locked condition.
The choice of the logic family used for the XOR gates and
the latches is determined by the speed and switching noise considerations. While rail-to-rail CMOS logic achieves relatively
high speeds, it requires amplifying the data swings generated by
the stage preceding the CDR circuit (typically a limiting amplifier). Furthermore, CMOS logic produces enormous switching
noise in the substrate and on the supplies, disturbing the oscillator considerably. For these reasons, the building blocks employ current-steering logic. The phase detector incorporates an
input buffer with on-chip resistive matching.
C. Charge Pump and Loop Filter
Fig. 10 shows the implementation of the differential charge
pump. The common-mode feedback (CMFB) circuit senses the
, providing correction through
output CM level by
. Both the matching and channel-length modulation
in Fig. 10 impact the residual phase error in locked
Charge pump and loop filter.
condition. Thus, their lengths and widths are relatively large to
minimize these effects.
The design of the loop filter is based on a linear time-invariant
model of the loop and is performed in continuous time domain.
The loop is in general a nonlinear time-variant system and can
only be assumed linear if the phase error is small. The timeinvariant analysis is valid if the averaging behavior of the loop
rather than its single-cycle performance is of interest, i.e., the
loop can be analyzed by continuous-time approximation if the
loop bandwidth is small. Under this condition, the state of the
CDR changes by only a small amount on each cycle of the input
A low-pass jitter transfer function with a given bandwidth
and a maximum gain in the passband is specified for a SONET
system. The closed-loop transfer function of the CDR has a zero
at a frequency lower than the first closed-loop pole. This results
in jitter peaking that can never be eliminated. But the peaking
can be reduced to negligible levels by overdamping the loop.
As derived in [8], the closed-loop unity-gain bandwidth is
approximated as
are the gains of the VCO and PD, rewhere
denotes the conversion gain of the charge
spectively, and
pump. Equation (1) can be used to determine the value of
The amount of the jitter peaking in the closed-loop transfer function can be approximated as
Equation (2) yields the required value of . In order to obtain
greater suppression of high-frequency jitter, a second capacitor
and .
is added in parallel with the series combination of
These components are added externally to achieve flexibility in
defining the closed-loop characteristics of the circuit.
Another advantage of linear PDs over their bang–bang counterparts is that their jitter transfer characteristics is independent
of the jitter amplitude. It should also be mentioned that if the
CDR is followed by a demultiplexer, the tight specifications for
jitter peaking need not to be satisfied because such specifications are defined for cascaded regenerators handling full-rate
Fig. 11 depicts the simulated behavior of the CDR circuit at
the transistor level. The voltage across the filter is initialized to
Fig. 11.
Lock acquisition.
Fig. 13. (a) Spectrum of the recovered clock. (b) Recovered clock in the time
Fig. 12.
Chip photograph.
a value relatively close to its value in phase lock. The loop goes
through a transition of 350 ns before it locks. The ripple on the
control line in phase lock is approximately 1 mV.
The CDR circuit has been fabricated in a 0.18- m CMOS
process. Fig. 12 shows a photograph of the chip, which occumm . Electrostatic discharge (ESD)
pies an area of
protection diodes are included for all pads except the high-speed
lines. Nonetheless, since all of these lines have a 50- termina, they exhibit some tolerance to ESD. The circuit is
tion to
tested in a chip-on-board assembly. In this prototype, the width
of the poly resistors was not sufficient to guarantee the nominal
sheet resistance. As a result, the fabricated resistor values deviated from their nominal value by 30%, and the VCO center
frequency was proportionally lower than the simulated value at
the nominal supply voltage (1.8 V). The supply was increased to
2.5 V, to achieve reliable operation at 10 Gb/s. While such a high
supply voltage creates hot-carrier effects in rail-to-rail CMOS
circuits, it is less detrimental in this design because no transistor
in the circuit experiences a gate–source or drain–source voltage
of more than 1 V. This issue is nonetheless resolved in a second
design [9] by proper choice of resistor dimensions. The circuit
is brought close to lock with the aid of the VCO coarse control
before phase locking takes over.
Fig. 13(a) shows the spectrum of the clock in response to a
. The effect of the noise
10-Gb/s data sequence of length
shaping of the loop can be observed in this spectrum. The phase
Fig. 14. Measured jitter transfer characteristic.
noise at 1-MHz offset is approximately equal to 106 dBc/Hz.
Fig. 13(b) depicts the recovered clock in the time domain. The
time-domain measurements using an oscilloscope overestimate
the jitter, requiring specialized equipment, e.g., the Anritsu
MP1777 jitter analyzer. The jitter performance of the CDR
circuit is characterized by this analyzer. A random sequence
produces 14.5 ps of peak-to-peak and 1 ps
of length
of RMS jitter on the clock signal. These values are reduced to
4.4 and 0.6 ps, respectively, for a random sequence of length
The measured jitter transfer characteristics of the CDR is
shown in Fig. 14. The jitter peaking is 1.48 dB and the 3-dB
bandwidth is 15 MHz. The loop bandwidth can be reduced to
supply. The VCO, the PD, and the clock and data buffers consume 20.7, 33.2, and 18.1 mW, respectively.
CMOS technology holds great promise for optical communication circuits. The raw speed resulting from aggressive scaling
along with high levels of integration provide a high performance
at low cost. A 10-Gb/s clock and data recovery circuit designed
in 0.18- m CMOS technology performs phase locking, data regeneration, and demultiplexing with 1 ps of RMS jitter.
Fig. 15.
(a) Recovered demultiplexed data. (b) Recovered full-rate data.
the SONET specifications, but the jitter analyzer must then generate large jitter and drives the loop out of lock. The loop bandwidth can be reduced to the SONET specifications if a means of
frequency detection is added to the loop [9]. The circuit is then
much less susceptible to loss of lock due to the jitter generated
by the analyzer.
Fig. 15 depicts the retimed data. The demultiplexed data
outputs are shown in Fig. 15(a). The difference between the
waveforms results from systematic differences between the
bond wires and traces on the test board. Fig. 15(b) depicts the
full-rate output. Using this output, the BER of the system can
, the BER is
be measured. With a random sequence of
. However, a random sequence of
smaller that
results in a BER of
. This BER can be reduced if
the bandwidth of the output buffer driving the 10-Gb/s data is
increased. Furthermore, if the value of the linear resistors is
adjusted to their nominal value, the increased operating speed
of the back-end multiplexer results in an improved BER [9].
The CDR circuit exhibits a capture range of 6 MHz and a
tracking range of 177 MHz. The total power consumed by the
circuit excluding the output buffers is 72 mW from a 2.5-V
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[3] M. Rau et al., “Clock/data recovery PLL using half-frequency clock,”
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[4] K. Nakamura et al., “A 6 Gb/s CMOS phase detecting DEMUX module
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[5] E. Mullner, “A 20-Gb/s parallel phase detector and demultiplexer circuit
in a production silicon bipolar technology with f = 25 GHz,” in Proc.
1996 Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, Sept. 1996,
pp. 43–45.
[6] C. Hogge, “A self-correcting clock recovery circuit,” J. Lightwave
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[7] B. Razavi, Y. Ota, and R. G. Swarz, “Design techniques for low-voltage
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pp. 332–339, Mar. 1994.
[8] L. M. De Vito, “A versatile clock recovery architecture and monolithic
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Jafar Savoj (S’98) was born in Tehran, Iran, in 1974.
He received the B.S.E.E. degree from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, in 1996 and the M.S.E.E.
degree from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), in 1998. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree at UCLA.
He spent the summer of 1998 with Integrated
Sensor Solutions, San Jose, CA, working on the
design of high-precision interfaces for sensor applications. During the summer of 1999, he was with
NewPort Communications, Irvine, CA, developing
CMOS clock and data recovery circuits for the SONET OC-192 standard.
Mr. Savoj received the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Predoctoral Fellowship for 2000–2001, and the Beatrice Winner Award for Editorial Excellence at
the 2001 ISSCC. He is also a recipient of the Design Contest Award of the 2001
Design Automation Conference.
Behzad Razavi (S’87–M’90) received the B.Sc.
degree in electrical engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 1985 and the
M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
from Stanford University, Stanford, CA, in 1988 and
1992, respectively.
He was with AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel,
NJ, and subsequently Hewlett-Packard Laboratories,
Palo Alto, CA. Since September 1996, he has been
an Associate Professor of electrical engineering at the
University of California, Los Angeles. His current research includes wireless transceivers, frequency synthesizers, phase-locking and
clock recovery for high-speed data communications, and data converters. He
was an Adjunct Professor at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, from 1992 to
1994, and at Stanford University in 1995. He is a member of the Technical Program Committees of the Symposium on VLSI Circuits and the International
Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), in which he is the chair of the Analog
Subcommittee. He is an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer and the author of Principles of Data Conversion System Design (New York: IEEE Press, 1995), RF
Microelectronics (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1998), and Design of
Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000), and the
editor of Monolithic Phase-Locked Loops and Clock Recovery Circuits (New
York: IEEE Press, 1996).
Dr. Razavi received the Beatrice Winner Award for Editorial Excellence at the
1994 ISSCC, the Best Paper Award at the 1994 European Solid-State Circuits
Conference, the Best Panel Award at the 1995 and 1997 ISSCC, the TRW Innovative Teaching Award in 1997, and the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Custom
Integrated Circuits Conference in 1998. He has also served as Guest Editor and
TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS and International Journal of High
Speed Electronics.