Viticultural zoning in Europe

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Viticultural zoning in Europe: Climate scenarios and
adaptation measures
Zonagem vitícola na Europa: cenários climáticos e medidas de
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Agronómicas e Florestais
Helder José Chaves Fraga
João Carlos Andrade dos Santos
Aureliano Natálio Coelho Malheiro
José Manuel Moutinho Pereira
Vila Real, Fevereiro 2014
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Viticultural zoning in Europe: Climate scenarios and
adaptation measures
Zonagem vitícola na Europa: cenários climáticos e medidas de
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Agronómicas e Florestais
Helder José Chaves Fraga
João Carlos Andrade dos Santos
Aureliano Natálio Coelho Malheiro
José Manuel Moutinho Pereira
Composição do Júri:
Prof. Dr. José Paulo Mourão de Melo e Abreu (Instituto Superior de Agronomia)
Prof. Dr. Joaquim Ginete Pinto (Universidade de Reading/Universidade de Colónia)
Prof. Dr. João Carlos Andrade dos Santos (Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro)
Prof. Dr. José Manuel Couto Silvestre (Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I.P.)
Prof. Dr. Aureliano Natálio Coelho Malheiro (Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro)
Prof.ª Dr.ª Maria Celeste Pereira Dias (Universidade de Aveiro)
Vila Real, Fevereiro 2014
Este trabalho foi expressamente elaborado como
tese original para a obtenção do grau de Doutor
em Ciências Agronómicas e Florestais, de acordo
com o disposto no Decreto-Lei n.º 216/92, de 13
de Outubro
alterado pelo Decreto-Lei n.º
115/2013 de 7 de Agosto.
Ao meu pai José Fraga,
À minha irmã Carmen Fraga,
À minha mãe Leonida Fraga (1940-2000).
À Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.
Aos meus orientadores, Prof. Doutor Aureliano Natálio Coelho Malheiro, Prof. Doutor José
Moutinho-Pereira e Prof. Doutor João Carlos Andrade dos Santos, por todo o apoio prestado,
pelos valiosos conhecimentos transmitidos e pela importante orientação prestada.
Ao Prof. Doutor Joaquim Werner Pinto da Universidade de Colónia/Universidade de Reading
(Alemanha/Inglaterra) por ter gentilmente cedido dados essenciais para elaboração desta
Ao Doutor José Eiras-Dias e ao Doutor José Silvestre do Instituto Nacional de Investigação
Agrária e Veterinária por terem gentilmente cedido dados para a elaboração desta tese.
Ao Engenheiro Fernando Alves da Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Viticultura
Duriense pelo valioso conhecimento fornecido ligado ao sector vitivinícola nacional.
Aos Professores José Tadeu Aranha, Manuel Teles Oliveira, José Martinho Lourenço e Ana
Alexandra Oliveira pelos conhecimentos transmitidos em unidades curriculares, essenciais
para a elaboração desta tese.
Ao Professor Doutor António Nazaré Pereira, coordenador do curso de doutoramento;
Um agradecimento à FCT pelo apoio financeiro do projeto ClimVineSafe “Short-term climate
change mitigation strategies for Mediterranean vineyards” (PTDC/AGR-ALI/110877/2009),
no qual esta tese se enquadra.
Ao CITAB (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022692) por ter fornecido as condições para a
realização desta tese.
(http:// e COSMO-CLM Consortium, cujos dados fornecidos foram
usados para a elaboração desta tese.
A todos que de alguma forma contribuíram para concretização desta tese de doutoramento.
Viticulture and winemaking are strongly governed by weather and climate and so are
highly vulnerable to climate change. For the most renowned viticultural regions in Europe,
establishing the role of climate on grapevine development, quality attributes and wine
production, is of key importance for the economic stability and growth of the sector. This is of
particular interest in some region presenting Mediterranean-like climatic conditions, such as
Portugal, given the existing climatic variability and its projected changes in the future.
In the present study, the existing bioclimatic zoning over Europe is assessed through
the computation of specialized viticultural indices, using a state-of-the art observational
dataset. By using an ensemble of climate models, future projection and associated
uncertainties are assessed on a regional scale. The resulting bioclimatic indices allow the
isolation of the most suitable zones for grapevine growth in Europe, and enable to infer on the
regional potential for wine quality, risk of contamination by pests and diseases and water
demands. It is clear that many countries in southern Europe currently present a high thermal
accumulation and moderate to high levels of dryness, with potential implications in grapevine
maturity and wine quality. Future projections, show increased thermal accumulation
throughout Europe. In southern Europe, projections point to future drying and warming,
resulting in additional threats to the winemaking sector. Conversely, in northern and central
Europe, warm and moist climates may result in higher risks for pests and diseases. Interannual variability is also expected to increase in the future, resulting in a higher fluctuation in
both yield and quality attributes. Although, the obtained projections are quite robust, they
present a certain level of uncertainty, which is higher in precipitation-based indices than in
temperature-based indices, especially in the Mediterranean-like climatic regions.
The study continued with a more detailed analysis of the implications of climate
change on Portuguese viticulture. The study focused on bioclimatic zoning assessment under
present and future scenarios for the Portuguese mainland viticultural regions. Furthermore,
due to the typical Mediterranean-like climate of the Portuguese winemaking regions, extreme
bioclimatic metrics were also analysed. These metrics have a high importance for the
Portuguese viticulture, already affected by high water and heat stress. Results show that
significant increases in thermal accumulation and dryness levels are expected to occur in the
future, particularly over the southern and innermost regions. Additionally, an intensification
of extreme weather events could result in an increased inter-annual variability in yield and
quality attributes. Thus, a reshaping of the Portuguese winemaking regions is likely to occur
in the next decades, emphasizing the need for the development of appropriate climate change
adaptation measures, in order to preserve wine styles.
Due to the large array of conditions in which grapevines are grown in Portugal (e.g.
elevation, orientation), it became necessary to enhance the spatial resolution of our results.
Therefore, a regional assessment at a very-high spatial resolution (approximately 1 km) of the
bioclimatic parameters is performed. For this purpose, a statistical downscaling method is
applied to a set of 13 regional climate models on the 12 winemaking regions over mainland
Portugal. A categorized bioclimatic index is then developed taking into account grapevine
thermal demands, water availability and ripening conditions, in each region. This index also
allows direct comparison between each winemaking region in Portugal, representing a
reference tool for viticultural zoning. Results depict the current spatial distribution of the
Portuguese vineyards and the Atlantic/Mediterranean climatic contrast over Portugal.
Nonetheless under future scenarios, increased dryness and thermal accumulation may result in
loss of viticultural suitability, lower bioclimatic diversity and earlier phenological events.
These projections may lead to changes in varietal selection and wine characteristics of each
region. These outcomes are particularly relevant for the winemaking sector, as this very-high
resolution highlights the small scale changes in the spatial variability of each winemaking
The study progressed with the analysis of the influence of climate on wine production.
These relationships are analysed using a relatively long wine production series in the Minho
wine region, in Portugal. Through the analysis of this series it is possible to isolate the main
atmospheric components that influence wine production. Several climatic elements have
shown have great impact on yield and wine production. Overall, a moderate water stress
during the growing season, high production 3-yrs before, cool weather in February-March,
settled-warm weather in May, warm moist weather in June and relatively cool conditions
preceding harvest are generally favourable to a high wine production. The linkage between
large scale atmospheric circulation/patterns and wine production was also demonstrated.
Additionally, a modelling approach is undertaken taking into account these factors, providing
a high skill, which could prove to be of great value for the winemaking sector.
In the next stage, the grapevine phenological development is studied, and its
relationship with atmospheric parameters is established. For this purpose, a phenological time
series of four grapevine varieties in the Lisbon winemaking region is used. Subsequently,
through multivariate linear regressions, it is possible to determine which climatic factors have
contributed the most for these development stages. Results show that air temperatures
preceding grapevine phenological stages have great influence on the onset and duration of
these stages. The developed statistical models show that this climatic forcing can explain most
of the variability in phenological development, confirming the existence of significant links
between climate and grapevine development stages. This study also allows a better
understanding of which of these varieties will be more adapted to future climates.
Despite the key role played by climate, other factors such as soil and topography also
acquire an important role for grapevine development and growth. Therefore, the viticultural
zoning study is extended by analysing not only the climatic conditions but also the
characteristics of soil, topography and vegetative growth, of the winemaking regions in the
Iberian Peninsula. This study allowed us to integrate all these factors towards a comparison
between various regions, while assessing the relative importance of each factor. Results show
climate plays a leading role for grapevine vegetative growth, when compared to other
grapevine-influencing elements such as soil type and topography.
The established climate-grapevine relationships and climate change projections can
prove to be of major importance to the regional viticultural sector. These projections may
enable the implementation of strategies to cope with the inter-annual variability in both
grapevine phenology and wine production. Furthermore, the awareness to the climate change
impacts in viticulture may also allow reducing the sector vulnerability. These results are
particularly important for the winemaking sector in Europe and especially in Portugal.
A vitivinicultura é fortemente influenciada pelos elementos climáticos, sendo
altamente vulnerável às alterações climáticas. Nas mais famosas regiões vitivinícolas da
Europa, estabelecer o papel do clima no desenvolvimento da videira, atributos qualitativos e
produção de vinho, adquire uma importância fundamental para a sustentabilidade económica
e social do setor. Este fator é de particular interesse em algumas regiões com climas
tipicamente Mediterrânicos, como é o caso Portugal, dada a variabilidade climática existente e
as alterações projetadas para o futuro.
No presente estudo, a atual zonagem bioclimática na Europa é analisada através do
cálculo de índices vitivinícolas especializados, utilizando uma base de dados observacional.
Através de um conjunto de modelos climáticos, as projeções futuras e incertezas associadas
são posteriormente avaliadas à escala regional. Os índices bioclimáticos permitem sinalizar as
zonas com melhor aptidão para o cultivo da vinha na Europa, e também inferir sobre a
qualidade do vinho, o risco de contaminação por doenças e pragas, bem como a avaliação das
necessidades hídricas da videira em cada região. De notar que muitas regiões do sul da
Europa apresentam atualmente uma elevada acumulação térmica e moderados níveis de
secura, com implicações na maturação e qualidade do vinho. As projeções futuras mostram
um aumento da acumulação térmica um pouco por toda a Europa. No sul da Europa, as
projeções apontam para um futuro muito mais quente e seco, resultando em riscos adicionais
para a cultura da vinha. Por outro lado, na Europa central e do norte, climas mais quentes e
húmidos podem aumentar a vulnerabilidade das videiras a determinadas doenças como por
exemplo o míldio. A variabilidade inter-anual também deverá aumentar no futuro, o que
resultará numa maior oscilação na produtividade e nos atributos qualitativos do vinho.
Embora, as projeções obtidas sejam bastante robustas, elas apresentam um certo grau de
incerteza, o qual é mais elevado em índices baseados em precipitação do que em temperatura,
em especial nas regiões que apresentam climas tipicamente Mediterrânicos.
O estudo prosseguiu com uma análise mais detalhada sobre as implicações das
alterações climáticas na viticultura em Portugal. O estudo focou-se na avaliação de zonagem
bioclimática em cenários atuais e futuros. Além disso, devido ao clima tipicamente
Mediterrânico existente em Portugal, foram desenvolvidas métricas de extremos
bioclimáticos. Estas métricas têm uma grande importância para a viticultura em Portugal, já
de si bastante afetada pelo elevado stresse hídrico e térmico. Os resultados mostram que são
esperados aumentos significativos na acumulação térmica e níveis de secura, especialmente
sobre as regiões do interior sul do país. Além disso, a intensificação de eventos climáticos
extremos pode resultar num aumento da variabilidade inter-anual desta cultura. Assim, é
expectável que nas próximas décadas ocorra uma reformulação das regiões vitivinícolas em
Portugal, enfatizando a necessidade para o desenvolvimento de medidas adequadas de
adaptação às alterações climáticas, a fim de preservar a tipicidade enológica em cada região
Devido à grande variabilidade de condições em que as videiras são cultivadas em
Portugal (e.g. elevação, orientação), tornou-se necessário melhorar a resolução espacial dos
resultados obtidos. Para tal, foi efetuada uma zonagem bioclimática à escala regional com
uma resolução espacial muito elevada (cerca de 1 km). Nesse sentido, foi desenvolvido um
método de downscaling estatístico (redução de escala), aplicado a um conjunto de 13 modelos
climáticos regionais nas 12 regiões vitivinícolas em Portugal Continental. De seguida foi
desenvolvido um índice bioclimático categorizado tendo em conta as exigências térmicas da
videira, a disponibilidade de água e as condições de maturação, em cada região. Este índice
permite também a comparação direta entre cada região vitivinícola em Portugal,
representando uma ferramenta de referência para a zonagem vitícola. Os resultados permitem
capturar a atual distribuição espacial da cultura da vinha e mostram o contraste climático
existente em todo o território. Em cenários futuros, o aumento da secura e acumulação
térmica pode resultar em perda de aptidão vitícola, diminuição da diversidade bioclimática e
antecipação de eventos fenológicos. Estas projeções poderão levar a mudanças na seleção de
castas e porta-enxertos e, por conseguinte, nas características do vinho de cada região. Estes
resultados são particularmente relevantes para o setor vitivinícola, uma vez que a elevada
resolução dos resultados permite identificar alterações na viticultura Portuguesa à escala local.
O estudo prosseguiu com a análise da influência do clima na produção de vinho. Esta
relação é analisada utilizando uma série de produção de vinho, relativamente longa, da região
vitivinícola do Minho, em Portugal. Através da análise desta série, foi possível isolar os
principais fatores climáticos com influência para a produção de vinho. Vários elementos
climáticos mostraram ter um grande impacto na produtividade e na produção de vinho. No
geral, stresse hídrico moderado durante a época de crescimento, elevada produção há 3 anos
atrás, tempo fresco em Fevereiro-Março, tempo estável em Maio, tempo quente e húmido em
Junho e temperaturas baixas durante a colheita são geralmente favoráveis a uma elevada
produção. A ligação entre a circulação atmosférica de larga escala e a produção de vinho
também foi demonstrada. De seguida, foi desenvolvido um modelo estatístico, tendo em conta
estes fatores, oferecendo uma elevada fiabilidade, podendo vir a ser de grande valor para o
setor vitivinícola em Portugal.
Na fase seguinte, o desenvolvimento fenológico da videira foi analisado, e a sua
relação com elementos climáticos devidamente estabelecida. Para tal, foi usada uma série
temporal da fenologia de quatro castas de videira, da região vitivinícola de Lisboa.
Posteriormente, através de regressões lineares multivariadas, foi possível determinar quais os
fatores climáticos que mais contribuíram para a evolução dos estados fenológicos. Os
resultados mostraram que a temperatura do ar nos meses precedentes à ocorrência dos estados
fenológicos tem uma grande influência sobre o início e a duração destes. Os modelos
estatísticos desenvolvidos mostraram ainda que o forçamento climático pode explicar a maior
parte da variabilidade no desenvolvimento fenológico da videira, confirmando a existência de
ligações significativas entre o clima e os diferentes estados. Este estudo também permitiu
compreender quais destas castas estarão melhor adaptadas ao clima futuro.
Apesar do papel fundamental desempenhado pelo clima, outros fatores como o solo e
a topografia também possuem um papel importante para o desenvolvimento da videira. Neste
sentido, o estudo da zonagem vitícola é aperfeiçoado incluindo não só as condições
climáticas, mas também as características de solo, topografia e crescimento vegetativo, nas
regiões vitivinícolas da Península Ibérica. Este estudo permitiu integrar todos estes fatores
para uma comparação entre as várias regiões, e também avaliar a importância relativa de cada
fator. Os resultados mostram que o clima desempenha um papel fundamental para o
crescimento vegetativo da videira, quando comparado a outros elementos, como tipo de solo e
As relações clima-viticultura e as projeções das alterações climáticas aqui
estabelecidas revelam ser de grande importância. Estas projeções permitem a implementação
de estratégias para lidar com a variabilidade inter-anual, tanto da fenologia da videira como da
produção de vinho. Além disso, a perceção dos impactos das alterações climáticas na
viticultura pode também permitir a redução da vulnerabilidade do setor. Estes resultados são
particularmente pertinentes para o setor vitivinícola na Europa e especialmente em Portugal.
Agradecimentos ............................................................................................................................................. VII
Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................XXXIII
Chapter 1.
An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture ................................................ 1
Viticulture worldwide........................................................................................................................ 3
Vine physiology and climate influences ............................................................................................ 6
Climate change projections in agriculture ........................................................................................ 9
Climate change impacts on viticulture ........................................................................................... 12
Adaptation and mitigation measures ............................................................................................. 14
1.5.1. Varietal and rootstock decisions .................................................................................................... 15
1.5.2. Irrigation management ................................................................................................................. 16
1.5.3. Tillage treatments ......................................................................................................................... 17
1.5.4. Vineyard microclimate .................................................................................................................. 18
Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Chapter 2.
Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and uncertainties .... 21
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 23
Materials and Methods .................................................................................................................. 25
Bioclimatic indices ......................................................................................................................... 25
Model data .................................................................................................................................... 27
Model output statistics and model uncertainties ......................................................................... 29
Inter-annual variability .................................................................................................................. 31
Results ............................................................................................................................................ 31
Recent-past viticultural zoning ...................................................................................................... 31
Composite index vs. viticultural regions ....................................................................................... 32
Future viticultural zoning .............................................................................................................. 33
Climate change signals and uncertainties ..................................................................................... 34
Categorization of CompI................................................................................................................ 38
Inter-annual variability .................................................................................................................. 40
Summary and Discussion ................................................................................................................ 41
Chapter 3.
Climate change impacts on the Portuguese viticulture from a multi-model ensemble ............. 45
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 47
Methods.......................................................................................................................................... 49
Results ............................................................................................................................................ 52
Summary and Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 56
Chapter 4.
Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present and future
scenarios .................................................................................................................................. 59
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 61
Materials and methods................................................................................................................... 63
Bioclimatic zoning ......................................................................................................................... 63
Spatial pattern downscaling .......................................................................................................... 64
Categorized index .......................................................................................................................... 65
Results ............................................................................................................................................ 66
Regional climatic zoning ................................................................................................................ 66
Projected category transitions ...................................................................................................... 72
Ensemble variability ...................................................................................................................... 72
Discussion and conclusions ............................................................................................................. 73
Chapter 5.
Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region ................................ 77
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 79
Materials and methods................................................................................................................... 82
Wine production data ................................................................................................................... 82
Climatic data.................................................................................................................................. 82
Production cycles .......................................................................................................................... 82
Weather regimes ........................................................................................................................... 83
Bioclimatic indices ......................................................................................................................... 84
Logistic model ............................................................................................................................... 85
Results and discussion .................................................................................................................... 85
Wine production series ................................................................................................................. 85
Candidate regressors ..................................................................................................................... 88
Weather regimes ........................................................................................................................... 90
Significant regressors .................................................................................................................... 92
Logistic model ............................................................................................................................... 95
Discussion and conclusions ............................................................................................................. 97
Chapter 6.
Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine Region, Portugal ... 101
Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 103
Material and methods .................................................................................................................. 105
Location and climate data ........................................................................................................... 105
Plant material and phenology ..................................................................................................... 107
Statistical analysis ....................................................................................................................... 108
Results and discussion .................................................................................................................. 109
Climatic conditions ...................................................................................................................... 109
Characteristics and relationships in phenology .......................................................................... 110
Temperature and phenology: effects and trends ....................................................................... 114
Conclusions ................................................................................................................................... 119
Chapter 7.
Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian viticultural
areas ....................................................................................................................................... 121
Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 123
Material and methods .................................................................................................................. 125
Viticultural regions and vineyard area ........................................................................................ 125
Topography ................................................................................................................................. 126
Climate ........................................................................................................................................ 128
Soils ............................................................................................................................................. 129
Vegetative growth ....................................................................................................................... 130
Results .......................................................................................................................................... 131
Mesoscale patterns ..................................................................................................................... 131
DO analysis .................................................................................................................................. 136
Discussion and conclusions ........................................................................................................... 140
Chapter 8.
Synthesis and final conclusions ............................................................................................... 143
Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 145
Summary of the research findings ................................................................................................ 146
Adaptation measures: considerations at variety level.................................................................. 149
Final remarks and future work ..................................................................................................... 152
Supplementary material 1 ............................................................................................................................ 177
Supplementary material 2 ............................................................................................................................ 181
Supplementary material 3 ............................................................................................................................ 192
List of figures
Fig. 1.1 - a) Total vine surface area and percentage of this area in Europe, Asia, USA + southern hemisphere
regions, and others, from 2000 to 2011. b) Total grape production, wine production and wine
consumption for 2000 to 2011. Adapted from (OIV 2012) .................................................................. 3
Fig. 1.2 - World Distribution of the viticultural regions (darker areas). .................................................................. 5
Fig. 1.3 - Vegetative and reproductive cycles and vine phenological stages. Adapted from Eichorn and Lorenz
(1977) and Magalhães (2008). ............................................................................................................. 6
Fig. 1.4 - Maturity groupings based on the growing season mean temperature, for a set of grapevine varieties.
Adapted from Jones (2006).................................................................................................................. 7
Fig. 1.5 - a) Schematic view of the components of the climate system, their processes and interactions. b) Multimodel averages and assessed ranges for surface warming. Solid lines are multi-model global
averages of surface warming (relative to 1980–1999) for the scenarios A2, A1B and B1, shown as
continuations of the 20th century simulations. Shading denotes the ±1 standard deviation range of
individual model annual averages. The orange line is for the experiment where concentrations were
held constant at year 2000 values. The grey bars at right indicate the best estimate (solid line within
each bar) and the likely range assessed for the six SRES marker scenarios. The assessment of the
best estimate and likely ranges in the grey bars includes the AOGCMs in the left part of the figure,
as well as results from a hierarchy of independent models and observational constraints. (a)
Adapted from Le Treut et al. (2007), their FAQ 1.2, (b) Adapted from (Alley et al. 2007), their Fig.
SMP.5 ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Fig. 2.1 - (a) Huglin Index, (b) Dryness Index, (c) Hydrothermal Index and (d) Composite Index for the baseline
period (1961-2000). (e) European wine regions (circles) with the corresponding Composite Index
value (cf. scale) for the period of 1980-2009 using the E-OBS data. Source of the wine regions
(URL: ........................................................................................ 32
Fig. 2.2 - As in Fig. 2.1 but for the future period of 2041-2070 under the A1B IPCC-SRES scenario. .................... 34
Fig. 2.3 - (a) Composite index of the more severe model (HC RCA3 (C4I)). (b) Composite index showing the less
severe model (HC RCA (SMHI)), for the time period of 2041-2070. .................................................. 35
Fig. 2.4 - Left Panel: Differences in the mean patterns (2041-2070 minus 1961-2000) of the (a) Huglin Index, (b)
Dryness Index, (c) Hydrothermal Index and (d) Composite Index. Right Panel: Normalized
Interquartile Range (third quartile minus first quartile divided by the mean at each grid point)
showing variability in the 16-member ensemble for the same Indices as in left panel. Differences
not statistically significant at the 99% confidence level are grey shaded (NS). ................................. 37
Fig. 2.5 - Leading categories in the Composite Index (HI classes 1, 2 and 3) for the baseline period (a) and the
two future periods (b, c). ................................................................................................................... 38
Fig. 2.6 - Latitudinal differences (2041-2070 minus 1961-2000) in the number of grid cells equal to or above
0.50 in the Composite Index. ............................................................................................................. 39
Fig. 2.7 - Ratio between the averages of the 16 inter-annual standard-deviations (calculated for each of the 16
ensemble members separately) in 2041-2070 and 1961-2000 of the (a) Huglin Index, (c) Dryness
Index. Normalized Interquartile Range showing variability in the 16-member ensemble for the
ratios of the (b) Huglin Index, (d) Dryness Index. No statistically significant ratios are plotted in grey
shading (NS). ...................................................................................................................................... 41
Fig. 3.1 - The wine regions of mainland Portugal (IGP- Protected geographical indication). ............................... 48
Fig. 3.2 - Huglin Index (HI; in ºC) for a) the baseline period (1961-2000), b) the future time period (2041-2070),
and c) overall differences in 2041-2070 minus 1961-2000 (under the A1B IPCC-SRES scenario). Black
areas represent the current vineyard land cover. ............................................................................. 52
Fig. 3.3 - Cool night Index (CI; in ºC) for a) the baseline period (1961-2000), b) the future time period (20412070), and c) overall differences in 2041-2070 minus 1961-2000 (under the A1B IPCC-SRES
scenario). Black areas represent the current vineyard land cover. ................................................... 53
Fig. 3.4 - a) Differences in the number of days with maximum daily temperature equal to or above 40ºC (20412070 minus 1961-2000). b) Differences in the precipitation totals (in mm) during the growing
season (2041-2070 minus 1961-2000)............................................................................................... 53
Fig. 3.5 - Dryness Index (DI; in mm) for a) the baseline period (1961-2000), b) the future time period (20412070), and c) overall differences in 2041-2070 minus 1961-2000 (under the A1B IPCC-SRES
scenario). Black areas represent the current vineyard land cover. ................................................... 54
Fig. 3.6 - Hydrothermal Index (HyI; in º for a) the baseline period (1961-2000), b) the future time period
(2041-2070), and c) overall differences in 2041-2070 minus 1961-2000 (under the A1B IPCC-SRES
scenario). Black areas represent the current vineyard land cover. ................................................... 55
Fig. 3.7 - Composite Index (CompI) for a) the baseline period (1961-2000), b) the future time period (20412070), and c) overall differences in 2041-2070 minus 1961-2000 (under the A1B IPCC-SRES
scenario). Black areas represent the current vineyard land cover. Not statistically significant
differences at the 99% confidence level are grey shaded. ................................................................ 55
Fig. 3.8 - Latitudinal differences between the periods 2041-2070 and 1961-2000 in the number of grid cells
equal to or above 0.5 in the composite index (CompI)...................................................................... 56
Fig. 4.1 - (a) Vineyard land cover over mainland Portugal using Corine Land Cover (EEA 2002). (b) Winemaking
regions in Portugal (IVV 2011). (c) Elevation in meters using the GTOPO30 digital elevation model
(, the red line
differentiates the Atlantic/Mediterranean climatic zones. ............................................................... 63
Fig. 4.2 - CatI for the winemaking regions of (a, b) Minho, (c, d) Trás-os-Montes and (e, f) Douro/Porto for (left
panel) 1950-2000 and (right panel) 2041-2070 under the A1B scenario. The current vineyard land
cover is shown in dark stipple. See Table 4.1 for class structure for the CatI.................................... 67
Fig. 4.3 - CatI for the winemaking regions of (a, b) Beira-Atlântico, (c, d) Terras-do-Dão and (e, f) Terras-deCister for (left panel) 1950-2000 and (right panel) 2041-2070 under the A1B scenario. The current
vineyard land cover is shown in dark stipple. See Table 4.1 for class structure for the CatI. ............ 68
Fig. 4.4 - CatI for the winemaking regions of (a, b) Terras-da-Beira, (c, d) Lisboa and (e, f) Tejo for (left panel)
1950-2000 and (right panel) 2041-2070 under the A1B scenario. The current vineyard land cover is
shown in dark stipple. See Table 4.1 for class structure for the CatI. ................................................ 70
Fig. 4.5 - CatI for the winemaking regions of (a, b) Península-de-Setúbal, (c, d) Alentejo and (e, f) Algarve for
(left panel) 1950-2000 and (right panel) 2041-2070 under the A1B scenario. The current vineyard
land cover is shown in dark stipple. See Table 4.1 for class structure for the CatI. ........................... 71
Fig. 5.1 - Right panel: map showing the geographical location of the Minho Wine Region (MWR) in
northwestern Portugal, along with the other Portuguese wine regions. Left panel: magnified map of
the MWR. Grid boxes represent the E-OBS original resolution of 0.25º latitude × 0.25º longitude.
Highlighted grid boxes show where data was extracted for area-mean computations. The main
current vineyard land cover is also shown in black stipple. ............................................................... 81
Fig. 5.2 - (a) On the left: chronogram of the wine production in the MWR (in 10 hl) in 1950-2010 (grey line),
along with the corresponding best-fit second order polynomial and the 11-yr moving average. On
the right: corresponding box-plot, where the median is the horizontal line within the box, the 75th
and 25th percentiles are the upper and lower box limits, and the whiskers limits are the maximum
and minimum. (b, c) The same as in (a), but for the transformed wine production series (b) and for
the percentiles of the transformed series (c). The horizontal dashed lines correspond to the 25th
and 75th percentiles, the thresholds used in the class definitions for logistic regression. ............... 87
Fig. 5.3 - Normalized power spectral density (dimensionless) of the percentile-transformed wine production
series in the MWR for 1950-2010. ..................................................................................................... 88
Fig. 5.4 - (a) Chronogram of the HyI from 1950 to 2010, using a 9 grid-box area-mean over the MWR and the
respective linear trend. (b) The same as in (a), but for the DI. .......................................................... 89
Fig. 5.5 - (a-f) Composites of the daily mean sea level pressure fields (in hPa) over the Euro-Atlantic sector (2565ºN; 60ºW-20ºE) for the six outlined weather regimes (AA, E, NW, C, R and A) and for all days in
1950-2010. ......................................................................................................................................... 91
Fig. 5.6 - Relative monthly frequencies of the occurrence (in %) of each weather regime for the period 19502010 and across the year. .................................................................................................................. 92
Fig. 5.7 - Relative monthly frequencies of the occurrence (in %) of each weather regime for the period 19502010 and across the year. .................................................................................................................. 95
Fig. 5.8 - (a) Chornogram of the observed (modeled) classes represented by black (white) circles. (b) The
number of matches (light grey bars), the number of errors (dark grey bars) and the percentage of
errors in each class are pointed out................................................................................................... 96
Fig. 6.1 – a) Average annual (left panel) and April-September (right panel) precipitation (in mm) for the 19502000 period, Lisbon Wine Region, Portugal. b): the same as a) but for the air temperature (in ºC).
......................................................................................................................................................... 105
Fig. 6.2 - Yearly evolution (1990-2011) of maximum (TX), mean (TG) and minimum (TN) temperatures
(reconstructed series) for the (a) winter (Jan-Feb-Mar), (b) spring (Apr-May-Jun), (c) summer (JulAug-Sep) and (d) autumn (Oct-Nov-Dec) in Dois Portos, Portugal. Straight lines represent linear
regressions for significant trends, LT their trends, and R their coefficients of determination. pvalues < 0.05 are shown................................................................................................................... 107
Fig. 6.3 - Annual values of maximum (TX), mean (TG) and minimum (TN) temperatures (reconstructed series)
for the 1990-2011 period in Dois Portos, Portugal. Enclosed symbols of mean temperatures
correspond to values that fell below first (squares) and above third (circles) quartiles and straight
lines represent linear regressions for significant trends, LT their trends, and R their coefficients of
determination. p-values < 0.05 are shown. ..................................................................................... 110
Fig. 6.4 - On the left: Box plots of budburst, flowering, véraison and harvest dates of Aragonez, Castelão,
Chasselas and Fernão Pires varieties from 1990 to 2011 in Dois Portos, Portugal. Medians
correspond to horizontal black lines within boxes, lower (upper) box limits to the first (third)
quartiles and whiskers to the non-outlier maxima and minima. First (second) order outliers are
indicated by circles (asterisks) and represent events above/below the box upper/lower limit by at
least 1.5 (3.0) times the respective box height (interquartile range). On the right: Time series of the
same phenophases and varieties for the outlined period. The dashed lines represent the linear
regression for the budburst of Aragonez and harvest of Fernão Pires, LT represents its trend, and R
represents the coefficient of determination. .................................................................................. 111
Fig. 7.1 - - a) Location of the viticultural regions in Iberia, along with their denomination. b) Spatial distribution
of the vineyard land cover over Iberia (dark-red), assessed using the Corine Land Cover, version 132012, along with the viticultural regions (light-grey)....................................................................... 127
Fig. 7.2 - a) Elevation (m) in the Iberian Peninsula, calculated using the GTOPO30 dataset. b) As in (a) but for the
aspect. c) Solar radiation over Iberia, mean growing season values in 1989-2012 calculated using
MERRA data at a 0.6º spatial resolution. ......................................................................................... 132
Fig. 7.3 - a) CatI over Iberia calculated according to Table 1, for the period of 1989-2012 using WRF simulations.
b) SoilT according to Table 2 using HWSD data. c) Mean EVI and EVIc for the grapevine growth
period (April-October) in 2012, using MODIS data. The spatial-average of the vineyard areas
corresponds to 0.23. Below this value the EVIc equals 1 (transparent overlay), above this value EVIc
equals 2 (hatched overlay). .............................................................................................................. 133
Fig. 7.4 - a) Circular accumulated EVIc (1 – red, 2 – green) as a function of the SoilT and CatI for all vineyards in
Iberia. b) Circular accumulated EVIc as a function of the elevation and aspect for all vineyards in
Iberia. The size of each circular chart depicts the accumulated vineyard area belonging to that EVI
class, and the inner (outer) circular class depicts the largest (smallest) EVI class. .......................... 135
Fig. 7.5 - Elevation (m) of the vineyards in each DO/DOCa in Iberia. The inner circle represents the mean
elevation and the horizontal bars represent the minimum and maximum, of the locations of the
vineyards inside the DO. .................................................................................................................. 137
Fig. 7.6 - a) Geographical aspect (orientation) vineyards in Iberia according to the mean elevation of each DO.
b) as in (a) but normalized using the vineyard area......................................................................... 137
Fig. 8.1 – Schematic representation of the main topics that contributed to the thesis. .................................... 145
Fig. 8.2 - Growing degree day (ºC) in which some grapevine varieties are grown in Portugal, calculated using the
WorldClim dataset using the varietal spatial distribution. Medians correspond to horizontal black
lines within boxes, lower (upper) box limits to the minimum and maximum of the GDD value. .... 151
List of tables
Table 1.1 - Top 16 wine producing countries in 2011(with respective growth rate from 2007). Total vineyard
area in 2011 is also shown (with respective growth rate from 2007). Table is sorted by a descending
order based on wine production. (OIV 2012) ...................................................................................... 4
Table 2.1 - List of the bioclimatic indices used for climatic viticultural zoning in Europe, along with their
corresponding definitions and references. The calculations (summations) are carried out using daily
climate variables. ............................................................................................................................... 26
Table 2.2 - Summary table of all GCM / RCM model chains used in this study. The corresponding acronyms,
institutions and original grid resolutions are also listed. In all simulations the period 2011-2070 was
used under the IPCC-SRES A1B scenario. Relevant references to each chain are also indicated. ..... 28
Table 2.3 Ensemble means, medians, minima, maxima, normalized interquartile ranges (NIQR) and total ranges
(TR) of the Composite Index in 2041-2070 and for a selection of European famous winemaking
regions (the respective grid box coordinates are also listed). Regions are ranked in ascending order
with respect to their TR values. ......................................................................................................... 36
Table 3.1 - List of all the bioclimatic indices used in this study, their definitions and references. ....................... 50
Table 3.2 - Summary of all GCM / RCM model chains, original grid resolutions, institutions and references used
in this study. ....................................................................................................................................... 51
Table 4.1. Categories of CatI, along with the corresponding classes of the combined indices: Huglin, Dryness and
Cool Night indices. A short description of the each category is also provided. ................................. 65
Table 4.2 - Wine regions with the corresponding dominant category (with the highest spatial coverage) in the
ensemble-mean CatI for the future period (2041-2070; cf. Figs. 4.2-5). The respective single-model
dominant categories are also listed, along with the percentages of occurrence across the 13-model
ensemble (ensemble-mean dominant category in bold). .................................................................. 73
Table 6.1 - Means, standard deviations and linear trend parameters (R , p-value and annual trend) of main
phenophase dates and corresponding intervals for the four varieties in Dois Portos, Portugal (19902011). ............................................................................................................................................... 112
Table 6.2 - Pearson correlations coefficients between main phenophases of the four varieties in Dois Portos,
Portugal (1990-2011). Values in bold are significant (p < 0.05). ...................................................... 114
Table 6.3 - Summary of most significant and not inter-correlated (99% confidence level) monthly (or multimonthly) temperature variables (TX, TN and TG combined and analysed separately) and
corresponding coefficients of determination after cross-validation (Rcv ) for key phenophases of the
four varieties in Dois Portos, Portugal (1990-2011). TX, TN and TG: maximum, minimum and mean
temperatures, respectively. nd: not determined. Note that all temperatures are negatively
correlated with phenophase dates. ................................................................................................. 115
Table 7.1 - Categorized Index (CatI), along with the corresponding classes of the combined indices: Huglin,
Dryness and Cool Night indices, according to Fraga et al. (2014a) .................................................. 128
Table 7.2 - Soil texture categories, along with the respective percentages of Clay, Silt and Sand, according to
USDA soil textural classification (USDA 2006). ................................................................................ 130
Table 7.3 - CatI, SoilT and EVI class for each viticultural region in Iberia. Only the predominant categories are
shown............................................................................................................................................... 139
List of abbreviations
asl – above sea level;
BI – Branas Heliothermic Index;
CatI – Categorized Index;
CCS – Climate Change Signal;
CI – Cool Night Index;
CompI – Composite Index;
DI – Dryness Index;
DJF – December-January-February;
ECA&D – European Climate Assessment & Dataset;
EVI - Enhanced Vegetation Index;
EVIc - Enhanced Vegetation Index Class;
GCM – Global Climate Models;
GDD – Growing Degree Day;
GSP – Growing Season Precipitation;
GSS – Growing Season Suitability;
GST – Growing Season Temperature;
HI – Huglin Index;
HyI – Hydrothermal Index;
IBP – Index Baseline Pattern;
IFP – Index Future Pattern;
IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change;
JJA – June-July-August;
LWR – Lisbon Wine Region;
MODIS - Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer;
MOS – Model Output Statistics;
MWR – Minho Wine Region;
NIQR – Normalized interquartile range;
OIV – International Organization of Vine and Wine;
P – Precipitation;
RCM – Regional Climate Models;
SI – Selianinov Index;
SoilT – Soil Textural Class
SRES – Special Report on Emission Scenarios;
Tavr - Mean Temperature;
Tmax - Maximum Temperature;
Tmin – Minimum Temperature;
TR – Total range;
WP – Wine Production
Viticulture and winemaking represent a sector with a high socio-economic importance
worldwide, particularly for the so called “old world” viticulture, Europe. Grapevines are a
climate sensitive crop, since its development and growth are strongly influenced by the
prevailing atmospheric conditions in each region. As such, the optimum climatic conditions
for grapevine growth are limited geographically, and very specific conditions are needed to
obtain consistent yields and balanced fruit composition. Given this climatic forcing,
grapevines are highly vulnerable to climate change. The amounting evidence for significant
climate change in the upcoming decades is expected to bring new challenges to the European
viticultural sector. Moreover, in most Mediterranean-like climatic regions, such as Portugal,
vineyards are already subjected to high levels of heat and water stress, and should face even
more challenges due in the future. Therefore, given the importance of the winemaking sector
in Europe, and especially in Portugal, the study of climate change impacts in viticulture is of
utmost importance for the future sustainability of this crop.
In the past, some studies approached the subject of climate change impacts on
viticulture (e.g. Duchene and Schneider 2005; Jones et al. 2005a; Moriondo and Bindi 2007;
Malheiro et al. 2010; Webb et al. 2007). Nonetheless, the current thesis provides several
innovative approaches. By using a multi-model ensemble for future scenarios over Europe,
and by quantifying the inherent uncertainties, it is possible to obtain robust climate change
projections. Additionally, the very-high resolution climatic zoning and future scenarios of the
Portuguese viticulture regions attained in this study, was never before achieved. The
integration of several bioclimatic indices into a reference categorized index allowed
integrating the most important bioclimatic characteristics of each winemaking region, which
is a step forward in this field of research. Furthermore, the thesis provides evidence on the
linkage between grapevine yield/quality attributes and climate, soil, topography and other
grapevine influencing elements. These relationships are extremely valuable not only for the
current scientific knowledge but also for the winemaking sector as a whole. Therefore, the
current thesis attempts to fill a gap in current state of knowledge regarding the climate change
impacts in European viticulture, and more specifically in Portugal.
The aim and objectives of the study
The current thesis focuses on the viticultural zoning and climate change impacts on
European viticulture, as well as establishing links between climatic factors and grapevine
development and growth, and wine production and quality attributes. Therefore, the current
thesis aims to i) to study the impact of climate change in European viticulture and, in
particular, in Portugal; and ii) to develop viticultural zoning for present and future scenarios,
in order to draw general guidelines for suitable adaptation and mitigation measures. The
specific objectives were to:
1. provide a complete review of the current state of knowledge regarding climate change
effects on European viticulture;
2. model and compute a set of the bioclimatic indices using observational data (recent-past
conditions) in Europe. Validate/calibrate regional climate models in simulating the
observed indices and develop future projections based on these parameters. Analyse the
corresponding model uncertainties. Assess climate change impacts in viticultural zoning
and in the inter-annual variability of this crop;
3. optimize and adjust the bioclimatic indices for the Portuguese viticultural regions.
Analyse future scenarios for viticultural zoning with emphasis on the Portuguese
winemaking regions. Develop bioclimatic extreme metrics that can be adapted to
Portuguese climate. Evaluate climate change impacts on these metrics. Analyse possible
suitable adaptation measures to future climates;
4. develop very-high resolution spatial pattern downscaling methodologies for viticultural
parameters in Portugal. Select the most suitable bioclimatic indices for viticultural zoning
and establish a reference index for assessing viticultural suitability of a given region.
Provide a regional assessment of viticultural parameter and analyse climate change
impacts, focusing on possible adaptation/mitigation measures;
5. establish the forcing of climate in wine production, by selecting the main climatic factors
that influence the inter-annual variability of grapevine yield. Quantify of cycles in wine
production and analyse trends. Identify the large-scale atmospheric patterns/regimes
associated with the variability wine production. Develop a high skill statistical model for
wine production near term prediction;
6. evaluate the influence of temperature variability on grapevine phenology. Establish
relationships between the onset and duration of the main phenological stages and their
7. enhance the viticultural zoning methodologies by assessing the prevailing conditions in
terms of climate, soil and topography in the Iberian viticultural regions. Develop an
integrated analysis of the previous three elements and their impact on vegetative growth;
8. assess the implications of the results in the definition of mitigation/adaptation measures
and sustainability in the viticultural sector.
Structure of the thesis
This thesis is organized into eight chapters, six of which (chapters 2-7), include full
original scientific research published or submitted to refereed international journals indexed
in the Thomson Reuters® Journal Citation Reports®.
In Chapter 1, the current state-of-the-art scientific knowledge regarding the impacts of
climate change on European viticulture is described. This chapter, also published in an
international scientific journal as a review article, presents an overview of the most relevant
research concerning the climatic conditions and its relationships with viticulture in Europe
and the potential climate change impacts.
Chapter 2 main objectives are to establish a viable bioclimatic zoning in Europe and to
develop future scenarios for viticulture. In this section, an historical/observational dataset and
an ensemble of regional climate models are used to calculate specialized bioclimatic indices.
Additionally, by using a 16 member ensemble of climate models, the uncertainties associated
with climate modelling were also assessed on a regional scale, enhancing the robustness of
the results. The resulting bioclimatic indices allow assessing the impacts of climate change on
European viticulture.
Chapter 3 provides a more a more detailed study of the implications of climate change
on Portuguese viticulture. This section constituted a gap in the current scientific knowledge.
Due to the typical Mediterranean-like climate of the Portuguese winemaking regions, the
study focused on future projections of extreme bioclimatic metrics. These metrics have a high
importance for the Portuguese viticulture, very affected by high water and heat stress during
the grapevine growing season. Additionally, potential adaptation/mitigation measures to
future climates are also discussed.
The assessments provided in the latter chapter are extremely valuable for the
understanding of climate change impacts in Portuguese viticulture on a mesoscale level.
Nevertheless, it became necessary to enhance the spatial resolution of our results, as
vineyards depend on many grapevine-influencing elements of the landscape (e.g. elevation,
orientation). Therefore, in Chapter 4, a regional assessment at a very-high spatial resolution
(approximately 1 km) of bioclimatic parameters is undertaken. For this purpose, a statistical
downscaling method is applied to a set of 13 regional climate models on the 12 winemaking
regions in Portugal. This very high viticultural zoning was never before achieved over the
Portuguese mainland. Subsequently, a categorized bioclimatic index is developed taking into
account grapevine thermal demands, water availability and ripening conditions, in each
region. This index also allows direct comparison between each winemaking region in
Portugal, representing a reference tool for viticultural categorization.
In Chapter 5, wine production and its relationships with bioclimatic factors are
analysed. Establishing these relationships is extremely valuable for the winemaking sector.
These relationships are analysed using a relatively long wine production regions demarcated
series in the Minho wine regions in Portugal. Through the analysis of this series it is possible
to determine the main atmospheric components that influence wine production. Additionally,
a modelling approach is undertaken taking into account these factors, providing a high skill.
These assessments are also very useful taking into account the climate change projections,
established in previous chapters.
In Chapter 6, the phenological development of grapevines and its relationship with
atmospheric parameters are established. For this purpose, a phenological time series of four
grapevine varieties in the Lisbon winemaking region is used. Subsequently, through
multivariate linear regressions, it is possible to determine which climatic factors have
contributed the most for these development stages. This study also allows a better
understanding of which of these varieties will be more adapted to future climates.
Through the previous chapters, the importance of climate is established for a suitable
viticultural zoning. Despite the key role played by climate, soil and topography also acquire
an important role for grapevine development and growth. Therefore, in Chapter 7, the
viticultural zoning study is extended by analysing not only the climatic conditions but also the
characteristics of soil, topography and vegetative growth, of the winemaking regions in the
Iberian Peninsula. This study allowed us to integrate all these factors towards a comparison
between various regions, while assessing the relative importance of each factor.
Finally, Chapter 8 provides a synthesis of the study, together with the main
conclusions of the thesis and a work plan for future research.
Chapter 1.
An overview of climate change impacts on European
Food and Energy Security, 2012, 1(2): 94-11
Impact Factor (5-yr): n/a
Helder Fraga, Aureliano C. Malheiro, José Moutinho-Pereira, João A. Santos
*This manuscript was submitted by invitation of the Journal Editor: Prof. Ricardo Azevedo and published on the
first issue of the journal.
Chapter 1. An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
The importance of viticulture and of the winemaking socio-economic sector in Europe is
largely acknowledged. The most famous winemaking regions in Europe commonly present
very specific environmental characteristics, where climate often plays a central role.
Furthermore, given the strong influence of the atmospheric factors on this crop, climate
change can significantly affect yield and wine quality under future conditions. Recent-past
trends recorded on many viticultural regions in Europe hint at an already pronounced increase
in the growing season mean temperatures. Furthermore, climate change projections give
evidence for significant changes in both the growing season temperatures and precipitations in
the next decades. Although grapevines have several survival strategies, the amounting
evidence for significant climate change in the upcoming decades urges adaptation and
mitigation measures to be taken by the whole winemaking sector. Short term adaptation
measures can be considered as a first protection strategy and should be focused at specific
threats, mostly changes in crop management practices (e.g. irrigation, sunscreens for leaf
protection). At long term, however, a wide range of adaptation measures should be considered
(e.g. varietal and land allocation changes). An overview of the current scientific knowledge,
mostly concerning the European viticulture, the potential climate change impacts and feasible
adaptation measures is provided herein.
Chapter 1. An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
Viticulture worldwide
Both viticulture and winemaking are important practices that represent a key economic
activity in many regions worldwide. In the International Organization of Vine and Wine
(OIV) most recent report (OIV 2012), it is estimated that the world vineyards reached an area
of 7.59 Mha in 2011, despite the
downward trend in the last years (Fig.
1.1a). This trend is clearly associated with
the decreasing of the vineyard area over
Europe. Although Europe has lost some of
its dominancy to Asia, USA and some
southern hemisphere areas (Argentina,
Australia, Chile, South Africa), Europe
still encompasses the largest vineyard area
in the world (38%; Fig. 1.1a). Based on
the same report, global wine production
stood at 265 Mhl in 2011 (Fig. 1.1b),
while wine consumption reached 244
Mhl. In spite of the downward trend in
underwent an upward trend over the last
years (Fig. 1.1b). The world’s top wine
producing countries (Table 1.1) are Fig. 1.1 - a) Total vine surface area and percentage of this
France, Italy and Spain, while it is worth area in Europe, Asia, USA + southern hemisphere regions,
noticing that China, Chile and New
and others, from 2000 to 2011. b) Total grape production,
wine production and wine consumption for 2000 to 2011.
Adapted from (OIV 2012)
Zealand recorded the largest increases in
production over the last years.
Chapter 1. An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
Table 1.1 - Top 16 wine producing countries in 2011(with respective growth rate from 2007). Total vineyard
area in 2011 is also shown (with respective growth rate from 2007). Table is sorted by a descending order based
on wine production. (OIV 2012)
Wine production (Mhl) / Growth rate
Vine area (mha) / Growth rate
South Africa
New Zealand
Figure 1.2 depicts the current viticultural regions of the world, including some world
renowned winemaking regions, such as Bordeaux, Burgundy, California, Cape/South Africa,
Champagne, La Mancha, La Rioja, Mendoza, Mosel, Porto/Douro, South Australia, Tuscany,
among others. The current viticultural regions are usually within areas with Recognized
Appellation of Origin (RAO; Resolution OIV/ECO 2/92) or Designation of Origin (DO;
European Community 479/2008 Art. 34 1a), which ensures the typicity of wines. In Europe,
more specifically, these famous winemaking regions are traditionally distinguishable by their
prevailing environmental characteristics, such as climate, soils and grown varieties. While
most of the regions in southern Europe have typical Mediterranean climates, with long warm
and dry summers, central and northern Europe are often characterized by more continental
and/or humid climates, with mild and rainy summers (Kottek et al. 2006; Peel et al. 2007).
According to Carbonneau (2003), the microclimatic and mesoclimatic characteristics of a
given viticultural region are key factors in understanding its varietal suitability and wine
types. These climatic aspects have been valorized and properly taken into account in all
Chapter 1. An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
ancestral wine regions, where vine growers have gradually adapted to best suite their
regional/local environmental conditions (Jones 2012).
Soil and cultural practices are also important controlling factors in the development of
viticulture. It is widely known that certain winegrape varieties produce the best results in soils
with specific characteristics. Soil chemistry and structure may indeed influence wine grape
composition (Mackenzie and Christy 2005). Moreover, management practices such as crop
Fig. 1.2 - World Distribution of the viticultural regions (darker areas).
load, girdling, pinching, pruning, rootstock and scion, thinning and topping, may also
influence winegrape growth and quality (Winkler 1974). Regarding the enological practices,
Unwin (1996) stated that they have remained nearly unchanged until recent decades, when
some technological breakthroughs have been carried out. As such, climate, soil and
management practices form an highly complex and interactive system called Terroir
(Magalhães 2008). According to the OIV (Resolution OIV/VITI 333/2010), “Terroir is a
concept which refers to an area in which collective knowledge of the interactions between the
identifiable physical and biological environment and applied vitivinicultural practices
develops, providing distinctive characteristics for the products originating from this area.
Terroir includes specific soil, topography, climate, landscape characteristics and biodiversity
features”. This system significantly affects vine development and berry composition and has
been accepted as a central aspect in determining wine quality and typicity (van Leeuwen et al.
Chapter 1. An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
Nowadays viticulture faces new challenges and threats, some of the most important
being related to climate change. Therefore, a discussion on the interconnections between vine
physiology and climate is presented in section 2. The climate change projections and their
impacts on viticulture are presented in sections 3 and 4. Section 5 is devoted to the adaptation
and mitigation strategies. Lastly, section 6 outlines the main conclusions.
Vine physiology and climate influences
The vine undergoes morphological and physiological changes resulting from different
stages of its vegetative and reproductive cycles (Fig. 1.3). The duration of each phenological
stage differs according to each grapevine variety, which is generally tied to the thermal
conditions of each region (Mandelli et al. 2005). The prediction of stage evolution is of
utmost importance in planning viticultural activities and winemaking decisions (Lopes et al.
2008). Jones (2006) showed that the length of the growing season, for each variety, is directly
related to the growing season mean temperature (Fig. 1.4). Additionally, Webb et al. (2012)
concluded that the length of the growing season could also be linked to soil moisture, air
temperature and crop management practices. In fact, climate strongly influences the
development of this crop, by requiring suitable temperatures, radiation intensities/duration
and water availability during its growth cycle, which ultimately influence yield and wine
quality (Magalhães 2008; Makra et al. 2009).
Fig. 1.3 - Vegetative and reproductive cycles and vine phenological stages. Adapted from Eichorn and
Lorenz (1977) and Magalhães (2008).
Chapter 1. An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
Air temperature is considered the
most important factor in the overall
growth and productivity of winegrapes
(Jones and Alves 2012a). In effect,
influenced by the mean temperature
along the growing season (Coombe
1987). Even though this crop has a good
adaptation to environmental stresses,
enduring extremely low temperatures in
(Hidalgo 2002), negative temperatures
during spring may severely damage the
(Branas 1974). This crop is also very Fig. 1.4 - Maturity groupings based on the growing season
mean temperature, for a set of grapevine varieties. Adapted
sensitive to late frost and hail events (e.g. from Jones (2006).
Spellman 1999). However, winter chill is
an important aspect in its growth development, since cold promotes bud dormancy (Kliewer
and Soleiman 1972), initiating carbohydrate reserves for the following year (Bates et al. 2002;
Field et al. 2009). In the same way, a 10ºC basal temperature is required for the vine to break
this dormancy and initiate its growing cycle (Amerine and Winkler 1944; Winkler 1974).
Extreme heat or heat weaves may also permanently affect vine physiology and yield attributes
(Kliewer 1977; Mullins et al. 1992), though some varieties may be more tolerant than others
(Schaffer and Andersen 1994; Moutinho-Pereira et al. 2007). Grapevines growing under
severe heat stress experience a significant decline in productivity, due to stomatal and
mesophyll limitations in photosynthesis (Moutinho-Pereira et al. 2004), as well as injures
under other physiological processes (Berry and Bjorkman 1980). Some studies argue that cool
night temperatures in the period preceding the harvest (maturation/ripening), combined with
high diurnal temperatures, stimulate the synthesis of anthocyanins and other phenolic
compounds, being thus beneficial for high quality wines (Kliewer and Torres 1972; Mori et
al. 2005).
Chapter 1. An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
Annual precipitation and its seasonality are also critical factors influencing viticulture,
as water stress can lead to a wide range of effects, yet largely dependent on the stage of
development (Austin and Bondari 1988). For instance, proper soil moisture during budburst
and shoot/inflorescence development is of foremost importance for vine growth development
(Paranychianakis et al. 2004; Hardie and Martin 2000). Water stress at this stage may also
cause small shoot growth, poor flower-cluster and berry set development (Hardie and
Considine 1976). On the contrary, excessive humidity during these early stages
overstimulates the vegetative growth, which leads to denser canopies and to more likely
disease problems in leaves and in inflorescences. From flowering to berry ripening, severe
water stress results in low leaf area, limiting photosynthesis, flower abortion and cluster
abscission (During 1986). During this development stage, moderately dry and stable
atmospheric conditions are considered favorable for high quality wines (Jones and Davis
2000b; Nemani et al. 2001; Ramos et al. 2008). Further, slower leaf canopy development may
lead to higher transpiration efficiency (Porter and Semenov 2005). During ripening, excessive
humidity is unfavorable to maturation (Tonietto 1999), due to the promotion of sugar dilution
(Reynolds and Naylor 1994). On the contrary, moderate dryness, at this stage, seems to
enhance quality (Storchi et al. 2005).
Solar radiation is also a key factor affecting viticulture. Adequate radiant energy is
required, especially during ripening (Manica and Pommer 2006). During maturation, sugar
and phenolic contents are favored by the occurrence of sunny days (Riou et al. 1994).
Regions with less sunlight tend to surmount this limitation by adjusting training systems,
optimizing solar exposure and canopy density. With more exposed leaves and grape clusters,
stomatal conductance and photosynthesis are favored, but increasing water demands (Archer
and Strauss 1990) and boosting other problems, namely sunburns in leaves and clusters. In
opposition, less exposed grape clusters result in lower berry temperatures, but at the expense
of reducing sugar and anthocyanin concentrations (Smart et al. 1985; Sparks and Larsen
1966). High canopy density can also reduce bud fertility (Morgan et al. 1985), which is
important for the next years.
To better characterize the relationship between winegrapes and climate, several
bioclimatic indices have been developed. Using the growing degree sums for a basal
temperature of 10°C (degree-days), Amerine and Winkler (1944) developed one of the
earliest indices (Winkler Index). Still using this concept, the Huglin index (Huglin 1978) was
developed to also account for maximum temperatures during the growing season and include
Chapter 1. An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
a radiation component. The cool night index (Tonietto 1999; Tonietto and Carbonneau 2004) ,
which accounts for minimum temperatures preceding the harvest, is also often used as a
bioclimatic index. The dryness index (Tonietto and Carbonneau 2004; Riou et al. 1994) was
developed to estimate potential soil water availability. More recently, Malheiro et al. (2010)
developed a composite index based on the limiting thresholds of 3 bioclimatic indices,
allowing a more comprehensive viticultural zoning and the assessment of the suitability of a
given region to grapevine growth and wine production.
In most Mediterranean-like climatic regions, vineyards are subject to high radiation
levels interacting with high temperatures and strong atmospheric and soil water deficits,
which largely constrain grapevine productivity. Frequently, leaves display permanent photoinhibition and chlorosis, followed by necrosis, exposing the grape clusters, thus leading to low
intrinsic water use efficiency (WUE; Moutinho-Pereira et al. 2004). Hence, low vigor tends to
be associated with reduced berry weight, sugar content and yield. Other berry organoleptic
properties, such as color, flavor and aroma components are inhibited by excessive solar
radiance and severe dryness too. This results in unbalanced wines, with high alcoholic content
and excessively low acidity (Jones 2004). In this context, the Mediterranean viticulture and
winemaking may be significantly challenged by climate change (Jones 2006).
Climate change projections in agriculture
Climate change is an inevitable challenge that society will have to cope with in the
upcoming decades. During the 20th century, most of Europe endured changes in numerous
climatic factors with great regional heterogeneity (IPCC 2007). Significant changes in
temperatures were found during the 20th century (Santos and Leite 2009), including increases
of 2.3-5.3ºC in northern Europe and 2.2-5.1ºC in southern Europe (Christensen et al. 2007).
Moreover, decreases/increases in the annual precipitations over southern/northern Europe
(Christensen et al. 2007) are also expected to under future higher anthropogenic greenhouse
gas (GHG) forcing. These changes were shown to occur not only in the normal values but
also in the rate of occurrence of extremes (Hanson et al. 2007). In fact, changes in the
frequency of temperature and precipitation extremes, in Europe, were related to certain
atmospheric features, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO; Santos and Corte-Real
Chapter 1. An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
The first climate theories considered climate as the mean state of the weather conditions
over a long period (Hann 1883). The modern perspective of climatic analysis may be
perceived as a system-analytic approach (Peixoto and Oort 1992; von Storch and Flöser
1999), where climate dynamics is a result of the combined interactions among the different
components of the global climate system (atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, cryosphere
and lithosphere). Due to the complexity and high non-linearity of the climate system (Fig.
1.5a), the isolation of the forcing factors
underlying climate variability is indeed a
differentiation of the human-induced from
the natural climate change is only possible
when the physical processes in the climate
system are fully understood. These processes
can be described by balance equations and
their numerical integration allows climate
The study of climate change impacts on
environmental systems usually employs data
from atmospheric models. Due to different
paleontological and present day conditions,
different approaches of climate modeling are
Fig. 1.5 - a) Schematic view of the components of the
CO2 climate system, their processes and interactions. b)
concentrations. The International Panel on Multi-model averages and assessed ranges for surface
Climate Change (IPCC) developed different
climate projections, referring to different
future scenarios of divergent CO2 emission
pathways (Fig. 1.5b), such as the A2, A1B
and B1 (Nakićenović et al. 2000). These
scenarios aim at objectively representing
likely pathways of human development until
the end of the 21st century, covering a
feasible level of uncertainty (Nakićenović et
warming. Solid lines are multi-model global averages
of surface warming (relative to 1980–1999) for the
scenarios A2, A1B and B1, shown as continuations of
the 20th century simulations. Shading denotes the ±1
standard deviation range of individual model annual
averages. The orange line is for the experiment where
concentrations were held constant at year 2000 values.
The grey bars at right indicate the best estimate (solid
line within each bar) and the likely range assessed for
the six SRES marker scenarios. The assessment of the
best estimate and likely ranges in the grey bars
includes the AOGCMs in the left part of the figure, as
well as results from a hierarchy of independent models
and observational constraints. (a) Adapted from Le
Treut et al. (2007), their FAQ 1.2, (b) Adapted from
(Alley et al. 2007), their Fig. SMP.5
Chapter 1. An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
al. 2000). The IPCC 4th Assessment Report (4AR) provides evidence on the general
agreement among observations from different measurement techniques; all documenting a
clear upward trend in the global mean surface temperature in recent decades (Trenberth and
Josey 2007). Besides the significant changes detected in the means, the frequencies of
occurrence and strength of some extremes have also increased, including precipitation
(droughts and heavy rain events) and temperature (heat waves, hot days/nights) extremes
(Trenberth and Josey 2007; Andrade et al. 2012). Further, the recent-past observed trends can
only be reproduced by climate modeling when anthropogenic forcing is taken into account
(Hegerl et al. 2007).
For future decades, ensemble projections reveal that global climate change tends to be
mostly consistent with the trends already recorded during the twentieth century, though their
magnitude is highly dependent on the emission scenario (Meehl et al. 2007). The global mean
surface temperature is expected to increase at about 0.2ºC per decade, reaching values
between 1-6ºC at the end of the 21st century for the full range of SRES scenarios (Fig. 1.5b).
These values imply remarkably different impacts on the Earth’s system, as the environmental
and socio-economic systems present non-linear responses to a certain change in temperature,
besides their limited ability to adapt to new external conditions. Moreover, the regional
impacts may be stronger/weaker than the global mean signal, which highlights the need for
regional assessment studies using regional dynamical downscaling (Christensen et al. 2007).
Lastly, it is worth mentioning that all these projections still encompass high uncertainties
(Fraga et al. 2013), not only due to model limitations and to emission scenario uncertainties,
but also due to uncertainties inherent to the climate-carbon cycle (Denman et al. 2007; Meehl
et al. 2007). A new generation of emission scenarios (Moss et al. 2010) will enable the
analysis of the interactions within this cycle in more detail.
The projected changes in atmospheric parameters are of key importance for agricultural
practices. Regarding perennial crops (such as vineyards), under future climate change, Lobell
et al. (2006) states that actual yield changes will reflect the combined influence of climatic
factors and the potentially positive effects of management, technology, and increased
atmospheric CO2 contents. For estimating impacts of climate on agricultural systems it is
needed, in addition to the first order impact of changed climate parameters on physiological
and yield indicators, knowledge about the second order effect of CO2 influence on primary
plant production. Furthermore, understanding the interactions of elevated CO2 concentrations
with changes in climatic parameters, including extremes, soil water availability, pests,
Chapter 1. An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
diseases and physiological interactions remain a key aspect for assessing climate change
impacts on agriculture (Tubiello and Fischer 2007).
Although a global assessment of climate change impacts on agriculture highlight
negative impacts due to more frequent extreme weather events (Porter and Semenov 2005),
increased irrigation demands (Doll 2002) and increased risk of pests and diseases (Alig et al.
2002), this should not occur evenly throughout the European continent. Olesen and Bindi
(2002) stated two different climate change consequences for European agriculture. For
northern Europe, positive effects can be expected from the introduction of new crop
species/varieties, higher crop production and new suitable agricultural areas, but also
experiencing disadvantages through the greater need for plant protection and increased risk of
nutrient leaching. In southern Europe, on the other hand, water scarcity and extreme climate
conditions may cause lower yields, higher yield variability and a reduction in suitable areas
for traditional crops. Moreover, Moriondo and Bindi (2007) found that the Mediterranean
crops may have earlier development stages and may experience a reduction in the length of
growing season under future climates.
As such, the development of future climate projections based on feasible future socioeconomic storylines is of great value, as they provide objective information that can be used
in developing suitable adaptation/mitigation managements to minimize climate change
impacts on environment and on human activities.
Climate change impacts on viticulture
Climate change can potentially influence vine yield and quality (Kenny and Harrison
1992; Jones 2005). Recent-past temperature trends, focusing on viticultural regions, show that
the growing season mean temperatures have increased globally about 1.3ºC in 1950-1999 and
1.7ºC from 1950 to 2004 in Europe (Jones et al. 2005b; Jones et al. 2005a). For some
European viticultural regions, in Italy, Germany and France, studies already reported
shortenings of the growing season and earlier phenological events (Bock et al. 2011; Daux et
al. 2011; Chuine et al. 2004; Dalla Marta et al. 2010; Jones et al. 2005a). Similar changes
were also reported in some Australian viticultural regions (Webb et al. 2011; Sadras and
Petrie 2011). Furthermore, advances in the phenological events resulting in ripening during a
warmer period can have negative impacts on wine quality (Webb et al. 2008a). Vrsic and
Vodovnik (2012) showed that higher temperatures during the growing season in North East
Chapter 1. An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
Slovenia promoted a significant decrease in the total acidity content of early ripening
Climate change projections for the 21th century are expected to have important impacts
on viticulture, as changes in the temperature and precipitation patterns (Meehl et al. 2007)
may significantly modify the current viticultural zoning in Europe (Malheiro et al. 2010).
Recent climate change studies by Fraga et al. (2012b) for Portugal, Neumann and Matzarakis
(2011) for Germany, and Duchene and Schneider (2005) for Alsace, France, hint at an
increase in the growing season temperature. Santos et al. (2013), using a multi-model
ensemble for the Douro Valley (Portugal), demonstrated that springtime warming may lead to
earlier budburst under a future warmer climate, which may affect wine quality. Additionally,
future projections for this same region, suggest higher grapevine yields (Santos et al. 2011)
and wine productions (Gouveia et al. 2011), but also suggest increased risks of pests and
diseases. Orduna (2010) argues that winemaking regions under extremely hot temperatures
may lead to a significant increase in the risk of organoleptic degradation and wine spoilage.
Under a future warmer climate, higher temperatures may inhibit the formation of anthocyanin
(Buttrose et al. 1971), thus reducing grape color (Downey et al. 2006) and increasing
volatilization of aroma compounds (Bureau et al. 2000). Future changes in minimum
temperatures during ripening in the Iberian Peninsula were also reported (Malheiro et al.
2012; Fraga et al. 2012b), suggesting a decrease in wine quality.
In the future scenarios a decrease in the suitability of the current winemaking regions in
southern Europe might also be expected (Jones et al. 2005b; Stock et al. 2005; Fraga et al.
2012b). Southern European winegrapes are also expected to face adverse conditions due to
severe dryness (Santos et al. 2003; Malheiro et al. 2010). In fact, these regions may become
excessively dry for high quality winemaking (Kenny and Harrison 1992), or even unsuitable
for grapevine growth without sufficient irrigation (Koundouras et al. 1999). Malheiro et al.
(2010) stated that regions like Alentejo, Andalucía, Mancha, Sicily, Puglia, Campania will
suffer from water deficits. Santos et al. (2012) also showed increased summer dryness in
southern Europe. As an illustration, Alonso and O'Neill (2011) highlighted the negative
impacts of climate change in the Spanish viticulture, which may result in increased water
demand due to irrigation. Camps and Ramos (2012) found a decrease in winegrape yield for
northeastern Spain that can be attributed to water deficits. Ruml et al. (2012), in a study for
Serbia, identified changes that may require additional vineyard irrigation. In addition to a
lowering of wine quality, expected in the future for some southern European winemaking
Chapter 1. An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
regions, changes in the inter-annual variability and extremes may increase the irregularity of
the yields (Schultz 2000; Jones et al. 2005a), with detrimental effects on the whole
winemaking sector.
In contrast to southern Europe, future warmer climates may be beneficial for many
regions in central and western Europe, such as Alsace, Champagne, Bordeaux, Bourgogne,
Loire Valley, Mosel and Rheingau (Malheiro et al. 2010; Neethling et al. 2012; Stock et al.
2005). Despite the projected increases in precipitation, which can be favorable to pests and
diseases (e.g. downy mildew), the warming will enable the growth of a wider range of
varieties (Malheiro et al. 2010). As an example, Eitzinger et al. (2009) project a doubling of
the potential winegrape growing areas in Austria by 2050s. Hungarian southern wine regions
are also expected to expand according to Gaal et al. (2012). Furthermore, the projected
warming in central and northern European regions (e.g. Mosel) will result in prolonged frostfree periods and growing seasons (Bertin 2009), which will favor wine quality (Ashenfelter
and Storchmann 2010).
The enhanced concentrations of CO2 in the future, per se, are expected to have positive
impacts on the grapevine development cycle and yield attributes (Bindi et al. 1996;
Moutinho-Pereira et al. 2009; Goncalves et al. 2009). Higher CO2 will promote a decrease in
plant transpiration, which will tend to overcompensate for the increased soil evaporation
(Rabbinge et al. 1993), resulting in a reduced evapotranspiration in the future climate
(Wramneby et al. 2010). This indirect effect of CO2 increase will be combined with the direct
effect of an increase in carbon compound accumulation (Drake et al. 1997), which may thus
provide a positive response to climate change.
Adaptation and mitigation measures
While mitigation refers to measures that require human intervention, usually over long
temporal periods, in reducing the sources or enhance the sinks of GHG (IPCC 2001),
adaptation can be either a human or a natural response to the actual or expected climate
change effects (IPCC 2001). Although the complex inter-relationship between adaptation and
mitigation measures are noteworthy, mitigation measures are mainly determined by
international agreements and national public policies, while adaptation measures involve local
entities and private actions (Klein et al. 2007).
Chapter 1. An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
Mitigation measures are crucial, since long term stabilization of CO2 concentrations
may reduce damage to yield and quality (Easterling et al. 2007). Fischer et al. (2007) found
that mitigation strategies, resulting in lower GHG concentrations, may reduce agricultural
water requirements by about 40% when compared with unmitigated climate. As for
agricultural mitigation measures, tillage systems are of key importance, as they may slightly
compensate for GHG emissions (Ugalde et al. 2007). No-till systems and minimum tillage are
considered the best for this purpose, as no disturbance of the soil surface promotes carbon
retention/sequestration (Kroodsma and Field 2006). In regions with very steep slope (e.g.
Douro Valley), no-till systems may also significantly contribute to reduce soil erosion.
Short term adaptation measures may be considered as the first protection strategy
against climate change and should be focused at specific threats, aiming at optimizing
production. These measures mostly imply changes in management practices (e.g. irrigation,
sunscreens for leaf protection), while changes in the enological practices, through
technological advances (Lobell et al. 2006), may also have positive effects on wine quality.
Long term adaptation measures mainly include varietal and land allocation changes, as some
regions may become excessively warm and dry, while others consistently show high
winemaking suitability (Malheiro et al. 2010). Changes to cooler sites, to higher altitudes or
coastal areas, may also prove beneficial for future vineyards (changes in the vineyard
microclimatic and mesoclimatic conditions). These regions may however struggle against an
increasing risk of pests and diseases, requiring more intense plant protection. In this case,
biological control agents should be preferably used, thus reducing the environmental impacts
(Butt and Copping 2000).
Adequate and timely planning of the adaptation measures need to be adopted by the
winemaking sector. The readiness to implement adaptation measures is highly correlated with
the degree of changes planned, independently of climate change (Battaglini et al. 2009). A
deeper insight into some adaptation measures is discussed in the next subsections.
1.5.1.Varietal and rootstock decisions
The optimum climate for a given variety produces consistent yields, balanced fruit
composition and acceptable vintage variation (Jones 2006). A key factor in adapting to
climate change may include the growing of varieties with different thermal requirements and
higher summer stress resistance. Currently, despite the large number (thousands) of existing
Chapter 1. An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
varieties, the global wine market is dominated by only a few of them (e.g. Airén, Cabernet
Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot,
Pinot Noir, Tempranillo, Touriga Nacional, Riesling),
owing to current trading practices (This et al. 2006).
In the future, some northern European regions may benefit from a wide range of
varieties for winegrape growth (Stock et al. 2005), while southern Europe will need to adapt
to varieties more suitable to warmer and dryer climates. Jones (2006) gives clues to some
varieties more adapted to warmer climates, such as Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon,
Malbec, Merlot, Syrah, Tempranillo (Fig. 1.4). White et al. (2006) proposes that grapevine
breeding programs should now focus on the development of heat-resistant varieties. Still with
respect to this issue, Duchene et al. (2012) developed a framework for genetic breeding of
new varieties more adapted to future climatic conditions, while maintaining some key aspects
to existing varieties. Furthermore, owing to the large number of existing grapevine varieties,
the maintenance of the natural biodiversity is essential for the better adaptation to climate
change (Tello et al. 2012).
Rootstock is another factor that may affect yield, quality and other vine physiological
parameters (Hedberg et al. 1986; Pavlousek 2011). Its effects under warm and dry climates
should be taken into account, since rootstocks show complex interaction with soil water
availability (Romero et al. 2006). Several studies have been undertaken to assess rootstock
effects under different water conditions (Harbertson and Keller 2012; Pavlousek 2011; Ozden
et al. 2010). As an example, Koundouras et al. (2008) used the Cabernet Sauvignon variety in
Greece and compared the effect of two different rootstocks, concluding that the 1103P is
better for winegrape growth under semi-arid conditions, while S04 is preferable where no
water limitation exists. As such, accessing the more adapted rootstock for each case can
improve WUE, thus improving yield and quality.
1.5.2. Irrigation management
Regions under conditions of higher water scarcity will need to improve grapevine WUE
(Flexas et al. 2010), thus lowering water usage for irrigation purposes (Chaves et al. 2010).
Deficit irrigation strategies (e.g. regulated deficit irrigation – RDI; partial root-drying – PRD;
sustained deficit irrigation – SDI) can be used to improve WUE, allowing an optimal grape
maturity and wine quality. Different deficit irrigation techniques are usually achieved by
assessing soil (water potential and moisture) and physiological parameters (leaf or stem water
Chapter 1. An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
potential, relative transpiration using sap flow techniques, trunk growth variations, canopy
temperature and chlorophyll fluorescence) as water status indicators (Centeno et al. 2010;
Pellegrino et al. 2004; Cifre et al. 2005; Sousa et al. 2006). Romero et al. (2010), using RDI
by applying 60% crop evapotranspiration (ETc) water for irrigation during the growing
season, found significant increases in WUE on Monastrell grapevines. Junquera et al. (2012)
found that irrigating at 45% of the reference evapotranspiration (ET0) shows the best results
for Cabernet-Sauvignon. Conversely, a recent study by Basile et al. (2012) reported that RDI
may also affect wine sensory attributes.
PRD is another deficit irrigation strategy that has been adapted for viticulture to
improve WUE (Chaves et al. 2007; Romero and Martinez-Cutillas 2012). In this system, half
of the plant root system is slowly dehydrating, whereas the other half is irrigated, decreasing
water usage by 50%. Using this technique, Santos et al. (2005b) reported no reduction in yield
for the Castelão grapevines. Improvements in quality were also reported using this irrigation
strategy on other varieties, resulting from increased anthocyanin concentration (Du et al.
2008; Poni et al. 2007; Bindon et al. 2008).
Chalmers et al. (2010) implemented a SDI strategy by applying a lower volume of
water at each irrigation event. These authors state that this may increase soil water tension by
not replenishing the entire root-zone. In this study, wine anthocyanin and other phenolic
compounds (for Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz) showed significant increases using this
irrigation strategy.
Along the previous lines, it can be stated that a sustainable water management (together
with available water) may be a profitable economic strategy for the grape grower (Garcia et
al. 2012), providing a compromise solution between environmental costs and plant water
requirements, which is highly pertinent under increasingly dryer and water demanding
southern European climates (Bruinsma 2009).
1.5.3. Tillage treatments
Different tillage treatments can also affect yield and quality (Bahar and Yasasin 2010).
These treatments may differ in both the start and duration of the tillage process. In the no-till
or conventional tillage (CVT), natural vegetation is usually allowed to grow spontaneously. In
a minimum tillage (MIT) treatment, periodic tillage is applied from the fruit-set to veraison.
In the conservative tillage (CST), some vegetation is always allowed to grow, although
Chapter 1. An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
periodic tillage is made from the beginning of the growing season to the end of veraison.
While most of these treatments have been used to stimulate plant competition, aiming to
increase vine performance and wine quality (Bahar and Yasasin 2010), they may be required
in order to account for future climate change too.
Monteiro and Lopes (2007) found that although intensive soil tillage increases soil
moisture during spring, cover cropping increases upper layer soil moisture from veraison to
harvest, indicating lower soil evaporation caused by the cover cropping. Moreover, Xi et al.
(2010) reported that a cover crop increased total phenols in berry and wine, thereby
improving wine quality. Judit et al. (2011) for the Tokaj region (Hungary), reported that
covering the soil with straw mulch had a positive effect on the soil water content, while using
a cover crop implied higher water demand. Celette et al. (2008) demonstrated that the use of
cover cropping is increasing throughout European vineyards except in the Mediterranean
regions, due to the possibility of competition for water resources. These authors stated that
cover crops can modify grapevine root systems in order to explore other soil zones, increasing
water intake. Also, the use of a cover crop allows better wintertime soil water renewal.
1.5.4. Vineyard microclimate
In order to account for the joint effect of increased temperature, water stress and high
solar radiation under future climates, adjustments in the traditionally settled training systems
can also be applied by optimizing canopy management (Pieri and Gaudillere 2003). Row
orientation should also be considered (if feasible), since it is one of the main factors
influencing solar radiation interception (Intrieri et al. 1998; Grifoni et al. 2008). The use of
shading nets, often used to protect agricultural crops from excessive solar radiation, can be
applied to viticulture (Shahak et al. 2008). In fact, covering the vines with a shading material
can help reducing heat stress at the cost of reduced vine biomass (Greer et al. 2011).
Furthermore, the use of mineral chemically inert sunscreens for leaf protection against
sunburns may prove to be an important alternative (Glenn et al. 2010; Pelaez et al. 2000).
Climate change is expected to bring new challenges to the European viticultural sector
(Malheiro et al. 2010). Although grapevines have several survival strategies (e.g. deep root
Chapter 1. An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
system, efficient stomatal control), viticulture is strongly dependent on climate. Hence, the
amounting evidence for significant climate change in the upcoming decades urges adaptation
measures to be taken. A lowering in the suitability of some important winemaking regions
was indeed reported (Hall and Jones 2009). Therefore, appropriate measures need to be
adopted by the viticultural sector to face climate change impacts, mainly by developing
suitable adaptation and mitigation strategies at regional scales (Metzger et al. 2008).
Winegrape growers are becoming progressively more aware of this problem (Battaglini et al.
2009), as strategic planning will provide them a competitive advantage over competitors.
Nevertheless, to effectively cope with the projected changes, short and long term strategies
deserve much greater attention in future research (Metzger and Rounsevell 2011).
Even though the full extent of the contribution of the adaptive strategies in reducing
climate change impacts is still unclear (Lobell et al. 2006), adaptation strategies to climate
change can be highly beneficial for the agricultural sector (Tubiello and Fischer 2007). As an
illustration, Reidsma et al. (2010) concluded that adaptation measures can largely reduce the
impacts of climate change and climate variability on crop yields. A selection of alternative
crop species, grapevine cultivars, rootstocks and changes in the management practices are
amongst the measures already being taken by European viticulturists to adapt to climate
change (Olesen et al. 2011).
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
Chapter 2.
Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe:
ensemble projections and uncertainties
International Journal of Biometeorology, 2013, 57: 909-925
Impact Factor (5-yr): 2.785
Helder Fraga, Aureliano C. Malheiro, José Moutinho-Pereira, João A. Santos
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
Optimum climate conditions for grapevine growth are limited geographically and may be
further challenged by a changing climate. Due to the importance of the winemaking sector in
Europe, the assessment of future scenarios for European viticulture is of foremost relevance.
A 16-member ensemble of model transient experiments (generated by the ENSEMBLES
project) under a greenhouse gas emission scenario and for two future periods (2011-2040 and
2041-2070) is used in assessing climate change projections for six viticultural zoning indices.
After model data calibration/validation using an observational gridded daily dataset, changes
in their ensemble means and inter-annual variability are discussed, also taking into account
the model uncertainties. Over southern Europe, the projected warming combined with severe
dryness in the growing season is expected to have detrimental impacts on the grapevine
development and wine quality, requiring measures to cope with heat and water stress.
Furthermore, the expected warming and the maintenance of moderately wet growing seasons
over most of the central European winemaking regions may require a selection of new
grapevine varieties, as well as an enhancement of pest/disease control. New winemaking
regions may arise over northern Europe and high altitude areas, when considering climatic
factors only. An enhanced inter-annual variability is also projected over most of Europe. All
these future changes will thereby impose new challenges for the European winemaking
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
Climate has a predominant role on grapevine growth (e.g. van Leeuwen et al. 2004;
Santos et al. 2011), as vine physiology and its development phases are mostly determined by
specific environmental conditions (e.g. Magalhães 2008). In fact, monthly mean temperatures
and precipitation totals in the growing season present significant correlations with grapevine
yield in many regions (e.g. Makra et al. 2009; Santos et al. 2013).
Grapevine is a heat demanding crop, requiring a 10ºC basal temperature for its growing
cycle onset and development (Amerine and Winkler 1944; Winkler 1974), and relatively high
solar radiation intensities (e.g. Magalhães 2008). However, prolonged exposure to excessive
heat (e.g. temperatures above 40ºC) may have detrimental impacts on some physiological
processes (Berry and Bjorkman 1980; Osorio et al. 1995), resulting in poor yields and quality
(Kliewer 1977; Mullins et al. 1992). Although grapevines are also resistant to relatively low
temperatures (lower thermal lethal limit of approximately -17ºC) during early stages (Hidalgo
2002), frost occurrences during spring can severely damage crop production (e.g. Spellman
1999). Further, excessive humidity in spring can trigger pests and diseases, such as downy
mildew (Carbonneau 2003), while severe dryness during the growing season can also lead to
harmful water stress (Koundouras et al. 1999) thus leading to reductions in grapevine
productivity (Moutinho-Pereira et al. 2004).
Along the previous lines, climate change brings new and major challenges for
winegrape growers. In fact, projected future changes over Europe under the A1B
International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – Synthesis Report on Emission Scenarios
(SRES) scenario (Nakićenović et al. 2000) include a temperature increase of 2.3-5.3ºC in
northern Europe and 2.2-5.1ºC in southern Europe until the end of the twenty-first century
(Christensen et al. 2007). In addition, for the same scenario, it has been shown that
temperature extremes are also expected to increase throughout Europe (Andrade et al. 2012).
Changes in the inter-annual variability and extremes in the climatic factors result in
shifts in grapevine phenology, disease and pest patterns, lower predictability and regularity of
the yields and wine quality (Schultz 2000; Jones et al. 2005a), being thus an additional pitfall
for the winemaking sector. Conversely, benefits coming from the increase in CO2
concentrations under future atmospheric conditions may also play a key role in grapevine
physiology and yield attributes (Moutinho-Pereira et al. 2009), though this forcing is out of
the scope of the present study.
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
Taking this climatic forcing into account, current grapevine global geographical
distribution is largely limited to regions where the growing season mean temperature (AprilSeptember in the Northern Hemisphere) is within the 12–22°C range (Jones 2006). Taking the
aforementioned delicate balance between environmental conditions and viticultural zoning
into account, climate change is likely to have considerable regional impacts not only on
grapevine attributes, but also on wine quality (e.g. Jones and Davis 2000a; Jones et al.
2005b). Due to the high socioeconomic relevance of the winemaking sector in many
European regions, the assessment of the impacts of climate change on viticulture is of utmost
importance, particularly for the most renowned winemaking regions spread over the
continent. Winegrape growers are indeed becoming increasingly aware of these changes and
their resulting impacts (Battaglini et al. 2009).
Future climatic zones are then expected to shift polewards, leading to changes in the
current regions suitable for grapevine growing and to new potential winemaking regions. In
addition, due to the projected decrease in the annual precipitations over southern Europe
(Christensen et al. 2007), grapevines are also expected to be negatively affected be severe
dryness (Koundouras et al. 1999; Santos et al. 2003).
Several studies in different areas of research used ensembles of model runs in assessing
climate change projections under anthropogenic radiative forcing. As simple illustrations,
Lobell et al. (2006) used a set of regional climate models for assessing the impacts of climate
change on perennial crop yields in California, while Heinrich and Gobiet (2011) used an 8member ensemble for future projections of dry/wet spells in Europe. The use of multi-model
ensemble projections enables to quantify numerical model uncertainties, arising from
differences in physics and modelling approaches, model parameterizations and initializations,
among others. This is important because, model uncertainty may lead to different outcomes
(Deser et al. 2012). Another advantage of this approach is that multi-model ensembles
commonly outperform studies based on projections from a single model (Knutti et al. 2010).
Besides using statistical methodologies for model validation/calibration, enabling the
correction of model bias, the quantification of the uncertainty associated to climate change
projections may be as important to the winemaking sector as the climate change signal itself.
In the present study, potential changes in the suitability of a given region for winegrape
growth in Europe under human-driven climate change are assessed. For this purpose, several
bioclimatic indices, specifically developed for viticultural zoning, are applied using datasets
from a 16-member multi-model ensemble under the A1B emission scenario for 2011-2040
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
and 2041-2070 (future periods). Hence, this study is structured as follows: 1) a multi-model
ensemble is used for assessing climate change projections in a set of viticultural bioclimatic
indices, 2) a validation with a state-of-the-art observational gridded daily dataset is conducted
and calibration techniques are then applied to the model outputs, 3) the ensemble projections
and the corresponding model uncertainties are analysed, 4) an analysis based on a categorized
Composite Index (CompI) is carried out and 5) the projected changes in the inter-annual
variability are assessed. In the next section, the bioclimatic indices are defined, model data is
presented, model output statistics (MOS) and model uncertainty are discussed. In section 3,
after an initial model skill inter-comparison, the bioclimatic indices are presented, along with
their inter-annual variability. An analysis of each individual model of the 16-member
ensemble is also performed, depicting the cost of using single models versus the use of model
ensembles. In the last section, the main outcomes of this study will be summarized and
Materials and Methods
2.2.1. Bioclimatic indices
The implications of climate change on viticultural zoning in Europe were assessed on
the basis of projections for the following bioclimatic indices: Huglin Index (HI; Huglin 1978),
Dryness Index (DI; Riou et al. 1994), Hydrothermal Index (HyI; Branas et al. 1946), Growing
Season Suitability (GSS; Jackson 2001) and Growing Season Precipitation (GSP; BlancoWard et al. 2007). The mathematical definitions of all these indices, as well as their main
references, are listed in Table 2.1, and will not be further detailed here.
Following two previous studies (Malheiro et al. 2010; Santos et al. 2012), an improved
Composite Index (CompI) is also computed in the current study. The CompI at a given
location is the ratio of “optimal years” for winegrape growth over a given time period to the
total number of years in the period. An “optimal year” must simultaneously fulfil the
following criteria: 1) HI ≥ 900ºC; 2) DI ≥ -100 mm; 3) HyI ≤ 7500ºC mm; and 4) total
absence of days with minimum temperature below -17ºC. This new CompI differs from the
previous definitions in the first and third thresholds (cf. Malheiro et al. 2010; Santos et al.
2012). A lower HI threshold (900 instead of 1200ºC) is considered herein in order to include
viticultural regions in northern Europe with marginally suitable winemaking conditions. In
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
fact, in two previous studies by Jones et al. (2010) and Hall and Jones (2010), a Winkler
Index (WI; Winkler 1974) above 850ºC was found to be already suitable for winegrape
growth in western USA and Australia, respectively. Additionally, (Santos et al. 2012) showed
a clear correspondence between the WI and HI patterns in Europe using 850ºC and 900ºC as
lower limits, respectively. The threshold in the third criterion of the CompI (HyI ≤ 7500ºC
mm) was chosen so that only climatic conditions noticeably favourable to pests/diseases in
the vineyards are excluded. Furthermore, when considering a lower threshold (e.g. 5100ºC
mm), many winemaking regions in central Europe become misleadingly unsuitable (Santos et
al. 2012).
Table 2.1 - List of the bioclimatic indices used for climatic viticultural zoning in Europe, along with their
corresponding definitions and references. The calculations (summations) are carried out using daily climate
Ratio of days with T ≥ 10°C
(Jackson 2001)
 (P)
et al. 2007)
> 900
(Huglin 1978)
(Branas et al.
P – Precipitation (mm)
(T  10)  (Tmax  10)
Sept .
Huglin index
T –Mean temperature (ºC);
Tmax –Maximum temperature (ºC)
d – Length of day coefficient
Aug .
 (T * P)
index (HyI)
T – Mean temperature (ºC);P – Precipitation (mm)
 (Wo  P  Tv  Es )
(Riou et al.
Wo – Soil water reserve (mm)a;
P – Precipitation (mm);
Tv - the potential transpiration in the vineyard
Es - Direct evaporation from the soil (mm)
Wo should be equal to 200 mm in the beginning of the growing season. For the following months Wo takes the
value of the DI in the previous month.
Dryness index
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
In order to better discriminate the optimal climatic requirements of different winegrape
varieties (Jones et al. 2005a), an innovative category analysis of the CompI is also carried out.
At each site, the CompI is first classified as a function of three pre-defined HI classes ,
namely: 900 ≤ HI < 1500ºC; 1500 ≤ HI < 2100ºC; 2100 ≤ HI < 3000ºC. Then the leading HI
category is identified an assigned to the site. HI values below 900ºC are considered unsuitable
for winegrape growth while values above 3000ºC are relatively rare in Europe (not shown).
This analysis allows a variety-dependent assessment of the climatic change impacts on the
viticultural sector.
2.2.2. Model data
Climate models remain a valuable tool in climate change assessments (Solomon et al.
2011), despite their widely reported limitations (e.g. Knutti et al. 2008; Hulme and Mahony
2010), and are used here as a source of information about future climate change, namely in
the temperature and precipitation fields in Europe.
Regarding the definitions of the selected bioclimatic indices (Table 2.1), daily mean,
maximum and minimum 2-meter air temperatures and daily precipitation totals are used in
their calculations. These four daily atmospheric variables were extracted from datasets of 16
state-of-the-art transient experiments generated by the EU-FP6 project ENSEMBLES
(; van der Linden and Mitchell 2009), in a total of 15
different Global Climate Model / Regional Climate Model (GCM/RCM) chains (for the
ECHAM5/COSMO-CLM combination, two ensemble simulations are used). Table 2.2 lists
the 16 model experiments, along with their acronym and main references. Only these 16
transient experiments provide records without data gaps in the two selected future periods
(2011-2040 and 2041-2070). However, they provide a sufficiently representative sample of
models, with different parameterizations, spin ups, physics and modeling approaches,
covering a large amount of the uncertainty inherent to numerical model simulations.
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
Table 2.2 - Summary table of all GCM / RCM model chains used in this study. The corresponding acronyms,
institutions and original grid resolutions are also listed. In all simulations the period 2011-2070 was used under
the IPCC-SRES A1B scenario. Relevant references to each chain are also indicated.
Original grid
ARP Aladin(CNRM)
25 km
(Gibelin and Deque 2003)
25 km
(Christensen et al. 1996)
25 km
25 km
18 km
18 km
25 km
25 km
25 km
(normal sens)
(normal sens)
(high sens)
(low sens)
(low sens)
(high sens)
25 km
(Kjellström et al. 2005)
(Samuelsson et al. 2011)
(Lenderink et al. 2003)
(Böhm et al. 2006)
(Steppeler et al. 2003)
(Böhm et al. 2006)
(Steppeler et al. 2003)
(Christensen et al. 1996)
(Kjellström et al. 2005)
(Samuelsson et al. 2011)
(Elguindi et al. 2007)
(Pal et al. 2007)
(Jacob and Podzun 1997)
(Jacob 2001)
(Steppeler et al. 2003)
25 km
25 km
(Collins et al. 2011)
25 km
(Collins et al. 2011)
25 km
(Collins et al. 2011)
25 km
25 km
(Jaeger et al. 2008)
(Kjellström et al. 2005)
(Samuelsson et al. 2011)
(Kjellström et al. 2005)
(Samuelsson et al. 2011)
The A1B IPCC-SRES scenario (2001-2100) was used, which corresponds to a moderate
anthropogenic radiative forcing (Nakićenović et al. 2000). Other SRES emission scenarios,
such as A2, are not available for all ensemble members and are therefore not considered for
the present analysis. However, the A1B and A2 scenarios only start to clearly diverge in their
emission pathways from 2070 onwards (Nakićenović et al. 2000), later than the
aforementioned two future periods.
Daily model data was also extracted for the 40-year baseline period (C20; 1961-2000)
so as to validate/calibrate it using an observational dataset. The daily station-based gridded
dataset (E-OBS, version-4) from the EU-FP6 project ENSEMBLES (, provided by the European Climate Assessment & Dataset (ECA&D)
project ( in the baseline period, was used for this aim. The original gridded
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
data is defined over land areas at 201 grid boxes along latitude and 464 grid boxes along
longitude (0.25º latitude × 0.25º longitude grid). This dataset, despite some limitations,
represents a valuable resource for climate research in Europe (Hofstra et al. 2009). Detailed
information about the E-OBS dataset can be found in (Haylock et al. 2008). The baseline
period (1961-2000) corresponds to the longest available common time-series amongst the
different datasets (observations and simulations).
All model datasets were bi-linearly interpolated (in latitude and longitude) from the
original rotated grids (cf. their original spatial resolution in Table 2.2) to a regular grid of
0.25º latitude × 0.25º longitude to enable model validation/calibration using exactly the same
grid as in E-OBS. Only the geographical sector [35-60ºN; 12ºW-36ºE] is considered herein
(102 grid boxes along latitude × 190 grid boxes along longitude), where viticultural zoning is
relevant. The selected bioclimatic indices were then computed for all grid points with
available data (excluding blank/missing data) in the E-OBS (11 506 grid cells). Statistically
significant differences at a 99% confidence level (using the two-sample Student’s t-test)
between the future period of 2041-2070 and the baseline period for HI, DI, HyI and CompI
are also computed and plotted.
2.2.3. Model output statistics and model uncertainties
Several studies demonstrated that equal weights are generally a better approach than
performance-based weights for computing the ensemble mean statistics (Christensen et al.
2010; Weigel et al. 2010). For this reason, only equally-weighted ensemble mean patterns for
2041-2070 (higher greenhouse gas forcing) are presented henceforth. However, an intercomparison of the model performances in reproducing the observed mean patterns of the
selected bioclimatic indices in the baseline period (1961-2000) was undertaken in order to
summarize and highlight the most important deviations (bias) between simulated and E-OBS
mean patterns. Scatterplots representing the different models as a function of their spatial
mean bias (MB) and absolute spatial mean bias (AMB; less sensitive to extremes then the root
mean square deviation) in the HI, DI and HyI patterns are shown as supplementary material
(Fig. S1.1).
Due to the model bias referred above, MOS are used to fit raw model data to
observations, as the statistical distributions of the simulated data present biases with respect to
(Wilks 2006). This is also a common procedure when assessing climate
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
projections (Mearns et al. 2001). Linear transfer-functions are applied to obtain transformed
(adjusted) data with the same mean patterns as the observational data. Taking into account the
large number of grid boxes (11 506), higher order polynomial, exponential or logarithmic
transformations were not tested. This is not a clear shortcoming, mainly because the
bioclimatic indices are defined on a yearly basis and most of them are normally distributed,
according to the Lilliefors test applied to all indices and simulations (not shown); only a few
exceptions were identified over some mountainous areas (e.g. the Alps).
The linear transformations are then applied to the yearly bioclimatic indices, at each
grid box, and for each model dataset individually. The transfer-functions between indices
calculated from E-OBS and indices calculated from the models were estimated for the 40-year
baseline period (1961-2000). This scaling procedure has been used in previous studies
(Alexandrov and Hoogenboom 2000; Santos et al. 2013; Fraga et al. 2012b; Jakob Themeßl
et al. 2011) and enables the correction of biases in the model simulations, also enabling a
comparison between the different RCMs. As such, for 1961-2000, the corrected data of each
index are equal amongst the different simulations and equal to the corresponding E-OBS data.
Therefore, for the baseline period, only results obtained using E-OBS are presented. The same
transfer-functions (coefficients) were applied to all datasets in the two future periods (20112040 and 2041-2070), leading to corrected patterns for future conditions. In this procedure,
the temporal invariance of the transfer-function between recent-past and future is a basic
underlying assumption. In any case, it must be kept in mind that the patterns of the mean
differences between a future period and the baseline period (climate change signal) are
independent of these corrections. Also, applying transfer-functions to the indices and not to
the original climatological data is a new methodology that may require further research.
Measuring model uncertainty is also crucial when assessing future impacts of climate
change. For this purpose, the 16-member normalized interquartile range (third quartile minus
first quartile divided by the mean at each grid point; NIQR hereafter) of the HI, DI, HyI and
CompI is also assessed and plotted. The spatial correlations of the CompI between the 16
simulations and the ensemble mean are also presented so as to clarify the spatial coherence
amongst them.
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
2.2.4. Inter-annual variability
As previously stated, irregularity in the yields and wine quality is an additional pitfall
for the winemaking sector. Significant alterations in the inter-annual variability could lead to
large economic impacts for this perennial crop. The ratios between the averages of the 16
inter-annual standard-deviations (calculated for each of the 16 ensemble members separately)
in 2041-2070 and 1961-2000 of the bioclimatic indices (HI, DI and HyI) are computed to
assess changes in inter-annual variability.
2.3.1. Recent-past viticultural zoning
The HI has shown to be an effective tool for viticultural zoning and has been thus
widely applied (Jones et al. 2010). Its ensemble mean pattern (Fig. 2.1a) is highly coherent
with the GSS pattern (not shown) and highlights the fact that large areas of southern and
central Europe are suitable for winegrape growth, whereas regions northwards of the 53ºN
parallel are generally unsuitable. In this context, it should also be emphasized that different
classes of the HI are related to grapevine varieties with different thermal requirements (Huglin
1978). Hence, lower values do not necessarily mean lower suitability, but rather conditions
that might be optimal for specific varieties (e.g. white grapevine varieties are generally
favoured by cooler climates; Duchene and Schneider 2005).
The mean patterns for the DI and for the HyI (Fig. 2.1b and Fig. 2.1c.) give opposite
perspectives of the humidity requirements for optimal grapevine development. Severe dryness
(assessed by the DI) and excessive humidity (assessed by the HyI) during the growing season
commonly have detrimental impacts on the different stages of the grapevine development
(Branas et al. 1946). Overall, the DI pattern depicts a remarkable contrast between southern
Europe and central and northern Europe, and shows that dryness can only be a limitation over
small areas of southern Europe and in certain years (values below -100 mm), whilst excessive
humidity levels (HyI above 5100ºC mm) are generally restricted to Atlantic coastal areas or to
mountainous areas, such as the Alps or the Carpathian range. The baseline period mean
pattern for the CompI (Fig. 2.1d) demonstrates this index usefulness in viticultural zoning,
since it is coherent with the spatial distribution of well-known traditional viticultural regions,
showing higher suitability in the southern European areas.
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
Fig. 2.1 - (a) Huglin Index, (b) Dryness Index, (c) Hydrothermal Index and (d) Composite Index for
the baseline period (1961-2000). (e) European wine regions (circles) with the corresponding
Composite Index value (cf. scale) for the period of 1980-2009 using the E-OBS data. Source of the
wine regions locations: “Wine Regions of the World - Version 1.31” (URL:
2.3.2. Composite index vs. viticultural regions
As mentioned in section 2.1, the CompI is an attempt to characterize the most relevant
atmospheric requirements for winegrape growth with a single index. According to our
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
analysis, areas characterized by values of the CompI in excess of 0.5 (50% of optimal years)
in the period 1980-2009 encloses the most worldwide famous winemaking regions in Europe
(circles in Fig. 2.1e), which are mostly located over southern and central Europe, particularly
in countries such as France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Germany). This attest the utility of this
index for the European viticultural zoning. The more recent period 1980-2009 was chosen
because it more closely reveals the present time atmospheric conditions reflected in the
current winemaking regions. As E-OBS data, used for model calibration, is available for 697
out of a total of 754 winemaking regions, only the former regions are taken into account
(most of the missing regions are islands or coastal areas). From these 697 regions, about 93%
present a CompI equal to or above 0.5, i.e., are in agreement with the CompI pattern.
2.3.3. Future viticultural zoning
The HI patterns for the future period (Fig. 2.2a) shows a northward displacement and a
stronger increase over southern and Western Europe. This reveals an apparent northward
extension of the high suitability areas for 2041-2070. In fact, new suitable regions for
grapevine development within the latitude belt 50-55ºN are projected to arise, which is in line
with the results obtained for GSS (not shown). Furthermore, important changes over southern
Europe should also be expected under anthropogenic radiative forcing.
For the DI in the future period (Fig. 2.2b) there is a significant drying over most of the
southern half of Europe, which is in agreement with the projected changes in the GSP (not
shown). These changes are likely to yield severe dryness (DI < -100 mm) in areas such as
southern Iberia, Greece and Turkey. On the other hand, the projected changes in the HyI (Fig.
2.2c) reveal an enhancement of the humidity levels over central and eastern Europe, largely
explained by the joint effect of warmer and moister conditions in the future (increase in the
GSP and in the growing season temperature). Therefore, while dryness may represent a
threat/challenge for winegrape growth in southern Europe (e.g. harmful water-stress),
excessive humidity in central and eastern Europe can potentially trigger pests and diseases in
the vineyards (e.g. outbreaks of downy mildew disease).
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
The ensemble mean pattern for the CompI (Fig. 2.2d) reveal a general decrease in
suitability in southern European regions, especially due to the increased dryness in these
areas. Conversely, large areas of central and Western Europe are projected to become more
suitable for viticulture, due to the more favorable thermal conditions.
Fig. 2.2 - As in Fig. 2.1 but for the future period of 2041-2070 under the A1B IPCC-SRES scenario.
2.3.4. Climate change signals and uncertainties
When assessing climate change projections, it is not only important to analyse the
climate change signal itself, but also the respective model uncertainties (Deser et al. 2012).
The spatial correlations for the CompI pattern among the 16-members and their mean (Table
S1.1) shows that most models are clearly inter-correlated, as well as with their ensemble mean
(correlation coefficients above 0.7). The models showing higher correlations with the
ensemble mean are the ARP HIRHAM (DMI), EH5 REMO (MPI), HC CLM (ETHZ) and HC
HadRM3Q0 (HC). On the other hand, the models showing lower correlations are BCM RCA
(SMHI) and EH5 RegCM (ICTP).
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
CompI maps for the models with the lowest (HC RCA3 (C4I); Fig. 2.3a) and highest
(HC RCA (SMHI); Fig. 2.3b) spatial means of this index are also presented. Although their
spatial patterns may show important differences, they are considered as equally probable in
the present study (equal weights in the statistical measures).
Fig. 2.3 - (a) Composite index of the more severe model (HC RCA3 (C4I)). (b) Composite index showing the
less severe model (HC RCA (SMHI)), for the time period of 2041-2070.
To assess the ensemble variability in the future projections (uncertainty) for the CompI
in 2041-2070, some statistical measures (means, medians, minima, maxima, NIQR and total
ranges – TR) are provided in Table 2.3 for a selection of well-known grapevine growing
regions throughout Europe. The means reveal CompI values always higher than 0.80 but for
two regions (Alentejo-Borba, Tokaj-Hegyalja; cf. Fig. 2.2d). The medians are consistently
higher than the means, which reflects the negative skewness of the distributions (CompI upper
limit of 1.0). The minima show a large variability, with values ranging from 0.00 (TokajHegyalja) up to 0.99 (Champagne), while the maxima are always 1.00, with only two
exceptions (Alentejo-Borba, Tokaj-Hegyalja). Regarding the ranges of variability, since TR is
more affected by extremes than NIQR, some discrepancies between them are apparent; a
higher TR does not necessarily imply a higher NIQR or vice-versa. Considering TR as an
uncertainty measure, some regions reveal more pronounced uncertainties (Rheinhessen,
Ribera del Duero, Chianti, Porto/Douro, Barolo, La Mancha, Alentejo-Borba, TokajHegyalja), whereas others present relatively low uncertainties and CompI minima above 0.70
(Champagne, Coteaux du Loire, Bordeaux, Mosel, Rioja, Rheingau, Vinhos Verdes, Alsace).
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
Table 2.3 Ensemble means, medians, minima, maxima, normalized interquartile ranges (NIQR) and total ranges
(TR) of the Composite Index in 2041-2070 and for a selection of European famous winemaking regions (the
respective grid box coordinates are also listed). Regions are ranked in ascending order with respect to their TR
Coteaux du Loire
Vinhos Verdes
Ribera del Duero
La Mancha
Latitude (º)
The HI, DI, HyI and CompI climate change signals (difference between the ensemble
means for 2041-2070 and 1961-2000) are now presented, along with the corresponding NIQR
(Fig. 2.4). The latter, is adopted as a measure of the model uncertainties. The significant
increases in the HI values over most of Europe (left panel Fig. 2.4a) is associated with a
relatively low uncertainty (right panel Fig. 2.4a), with the exception of northern Great-Britain
and the Alps. Conversely, the changes in the DI pattern (left panel Fig. 2.4b) show large
uncertainties, particularly in the regions where changes are most pronounced (the
Mediterranean basin; right panel Fig. 2.4b). The HyI shows significant increases in eastern,
northern and central Europe, while important decreases are found over southern and western
Europe (left panel Fig. 2.4c).
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
Fig. 2.4 - Left Panel: Differences in the mean patterns (2041-2070 minus 1961-2000) of the (a) Huglin Index,
(b) Dryness Index, (c) Hydrothermal Index and (d) Composite Index. Right Panel: Normalized Interquartile
Range (third quartile minus first quartile divided by the mean at each grid point) showing variability in the
16-member ensemble for the same Indices as in left panel. Differences not statistically significant at the 99%
confidence level are grey shaded (NS).
For this pattern, low uncertainty levels are displayed all across Europe (right panel Fig.
2.4c). Contrary to the DI, this index combines temperature with precipitation and its lower
uncertainty is thereby also influenced by temperature. The CompI undergoes significant
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
increases over large areas of northern, eastern and central Europe, whereas decreases can be
found in some areas of southern Europe, mainly southern Iberia, southern Italy and Greece
(left panel Fig. 2.4d). This index reveals high uncertainties in many eastern European regions
(right panel Fig. 2.4d), where the strongest climate change signal is found, changing from
recent-past climate conditions mostly unsuitable for viticulture to much higher suitability in
the future. In these circumstances, slight differences in the climate conditions and/or
projections tend to become very significant, in relative terms.
2.3.5. Categorization of
The CompI is now analyzed with
respect to three relevant classes of the HI
over Europe, namely: 900 ≤ HI < 1500ºC;
1500 ≤ HI < 2100ºC; 2100 ≤ HI < 3000ºC,
as was already explained in section 2.
Hence, the CompI is split into three nonoverlapping meaningful categories for
viticultural zoning in Europe. Each year at
a given location is thus keyed to one of
these categories. The leading category at
each location and for each selected time
period is then detected and plotted. Only
grid cells with at least 50% of optimal
years according to the total CompI (values
equal to or higher then 0.5) were
For the baseline period (Fig. 2.5a),
approximately all potential winemaking
regions northwards of the 45ºN parallel are Fig. 2.5 - Leading categories in the Composite Index (HI
keyed to the first category (associated with classes 1, 2 and 3) for the baseline period (a) and the two
future periods (b, c).
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
the HI first class, Fig. 2.5b). At lower latitudes, the most important exception is verified over
the northern Iberian Peninsula, where large areas are also keyed to the first category; other
minor exceptions occur over high altitude regions in southern Europe. The second and third
categories are widespread over southern Europe (Equatorward of 45ºN), with low altitude
(warmer) areas in the Mediterranean Basin depicting a preponderance of the third category,
such as in southwestern Iberia, northern Italy (Po valley) and many coastal areas.
For both future periods (Fig. 2.5b, c) there is strong evidence for new regions suitable
for viticulture in different parts of northern Europe (e.g. southern British Isles, the
Netherlands, Denmark, northern Germany and Poland). In fact, the projected changes in the
number of suitable grid boxes (CompI greater than 0.5) for 2041-2070 shows and increase
poleward of the 50ºN parallel (Fig. 2.6), though it gradually weakens towards 60ºN (upper
latitude limit in the present study). Conversely, many regions in southern Europe
(equatorward of 41ºN), such as southern Iberia, shift to unsuitable conditions, which can be
largely explained by the lack of precipitation and dryness (Fig. 2.2b). Within the latitude belt
of 41-50ºN there is no remarkable change in the number of suitable grid boxes, though there
are some very significant shifts amongst the three categories.
Fig. 2.6 - Latitudinal differences (2041-2070 minus 1961-2000) in the number of grid cells equal to or above
0.50 in the Composite Index.
On the whole, the new suitable regions northwards of 50ºN are mainly keyed, as
expected, to the first category (Figs. 2.5 and 2.6). Further, most regions from 46ºN up to 50ºN
tend to change from the first to the second category, while many regions within 39-46ºN are
projected to change from the first or second category to the third category. Therefore, the first
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
category (the least heat demanding) is projected to be essentially located northwards of 50ºN,
as no new regions of this category are expected to arise at lower latitudes. The second and
third categories undergo a northward displacement, leaving many current winemaking regions
in southern Europe with unsuitable conditions, primarily because of the severe dryness that is
expected to prevail in their future climates.
2.3.6. Inter-annual variability
Due to the relevance of the inter-annual variability in viticultural zoning, corresponding
climate change projections are also analyzed. As stated above, apart from some few
exceptions, the selected bioclimatic indices are normally-distributed and their inter-annual
variability can thus be assessed by their sample standard-deviation. The map of the ratios
between the ensemble mean inter-annual standard-deviations of the HI for 2041-2070 and
1961-2000 reveals values significantly above one (higher variability) over large areas of
Europe, particularly over central Europe, the British Isles and over some mountainous
regions, such as the Alps (Fig. 2.7a). These results also depict low model uncertainties, with
the exceptions of some regions of Iberia and some regions of central and northeastern Europe
(Fig. 2.7b).
The DI inter-annual variability (Fig. 2.7c) also shows an upward trend, especially in
central and eastern European regions, with larger values over Great-Britain. The projected
increases in precipitation over these regions, combined with increased inter-annual variability,
may become harmful to viticulture, with enhanced risks of pests and diseases. These results
also reveal low model uncertainty (Fig. 2.7d). In addition to the increase in the inter-annual
variability of the HI and DI, the HyI shows significant increases in its inter-annual variability
over northeastern Europe (not shown). As such, there is evidence for an overall increase in the
inter-annual variability under future climates, which may also comprise an increase in the
occurrence of extremes, though this analysis is leaved for a forthcoming study.
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
Fig. 2.7 - Ratio between the averages of the 16 inter-annual standard-deviations (calculated for each of the 16
ensemble members separately) in 2041-2070 and 1961-2000 of the (a) Huglin Index, (c) Dryness Index.
Normalized Interquartile Range showing variability in the 16-member ensemble for the ratios of the (b) Huglin
Index, (d) Dryness Index. No statistically significant ratios are plotted in grey shading (NS).
Summary and Discussion
The projected and well-documented warming over Europe (cf. Christensen et al. 2007)
leads to changes in the thermal indices (GSS and HI; Fig. 2.2a), with significant increases,
particularly over southern and western Europe (over 400ºC increase in HI for 2041-2070).
Further, dryness conditions in the growing season (GSP and DI; Fig. 2.2b) are projected to
undergo an enhancement over southern Europe, while humidity levels (GSP and HyI; Fig.
2.2c) are expected to remain relatively high over central and northern Europe. All these
changes are also corroborated by the CompI, not only by its aggregate values (Fig. 2.2d), but
also in relation to the different classes of the HI considered for category analysis (Figs. 2.5-6).
These projections are consistent with other recent studies by Neumann and Matzarakis
(2011), for Germany, and by Duchene and Schneider (2005), for Alsace, France. Analogous
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
changes in the mean patterns of HI (Fig. 2.2a) have already been reported, including an
increase of about 300 units for six winegrowing European regions over the last 30-50 years
(Jones et al. 2005a). Additionally, under a future warmer climate, higher temperatures (above
30ºC) may often inhibit the formation of anthocyanin (Buttrose et al. 1971) and thus reduce
grape color (Downey et al. 2006). All these changes may imply the selection of new
winegrape varieties and a reshaping of the European viticulture.
The analysis of the GSP and DI gives evidence for very dry climates over southern
Europe (Fig. 2.2b). Although grape quality is generally favored by moderate water stress
conditions during berry ripening (Koundouras et al. 1999; Santos et al. 2003), severe dryness
(DI below -100 mm) in many Mediterranean-like climate regions may be damaging (Chaves
et al. 2010); some of these regions are actually projected to have a GSP below 200 mm
(southern Iberia, southern Italy, Turkey and Greece). Changes in winemaking practices are
thereby expected to arise in these regions, including crop irrigation or water stress mitigation
methods (Flexas et al. 2010). In the wetter regions in central and northern Europe, however,
pests and diseases can also be a drawback to wine production, since changing climate
conditions may modify the complex interrelationships between vine, pest and disease
development (Stock et al. 2005).
Regarding downy mildew, patterns of change in the HyI suggest at first sight, low risks
of contamination in southern Europe, but moderate to high risk at higher latitudes the latter as
a result of warm and wet conditions. Nonetheless, implications of a future increase in the HyI
at the continental scale may not be too dramatic, mainly because in the emerging winemaking
areas, where thermal conditions will gradually become favorable to wine production, the HyI
will remain below the maximum threshold of 7500ºC mm in most years.
Further, a projected strengthening of the inter-annual variability in the HI and DI may
result in additional constraints for this perennial crop and for the winemaking sector as a
whole, particularly in view of an increasing irregularity and unpredictability of yields and
wine quality.
A reshaping of the European regions suitable for grapevine growing is likely to occur
taking into account the projections for the CompI. They show many regions throughout
Europe undergoing a change to a higher CompI category. As an illustration, some regions in
France and Germany will in the future present similar values to those seen today in the
Mediterranean Basin. A general decrease in the number of suitable regions below 39ºN might
also be expected. This outcome is also supported by previous findings (e.g. Kenny and
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
Harrison 1992; Jones et al. 2005b; Stock et al. 2005; Fraga et al. 2012b). Overall, shifts in the
CompI classifications throughout Europe suggest modifications in the suitability of a given
region to a specific winegrape variety and are expected to influence wine yield/quality
The assessment of the uncertainty associated with the climate change projections is of
great importance for informing decision-makers. Following the recommendations in
Christensen et al. (2010) and Weigel et al. (2010) in our study, model uncertainty for
viticultural zoning was assessed by considering all members of the ensembles on an equal
Although the ensemble means shown in the current study are in overall agreement with
a previous study that employed a single model for similar purposes (Malheiro et al. 2010),
thus generally corroborating the previous findings, future climate conditions can largely
depend on the model experiment at local/regional scales (Dessai and Hulme 2007). In fact, at
these scales, remarkable differences were found between the single-model projections and the
ensemble projections presented here, which plainly substantiate the current study.
The increase in the CO2 concentration is expected to be beneficial for winegrape growth
(Moutinho-Pereira et al. 2004; Goncalves et al. 2009; Bindi et al. 1996). Reflecting the
settings of the ENSEMBLES project (van der Linden and Mitchell 2009) in this study we
only considered the A1B emission pathway. A more pronounced increase in atmospheric CO2
concentrations is prospected by the A2 emission scenarios, especially relatively to the second
half of the century, with implications that need to be examined in future studies.
The impacts of the aforementioned changes in climate suitability for the winemaking
sector in Europe, can be summarized as follows: 1) some southern regions (e.g. Portugal,
Spain and Italy) may face detrimental impacts owing to both severe dryness and unsuitably
high temperatures; 2) regions in western and central Europe (e.g. southern Britain, northern
France and Germany), some of which are world-renowned winemaking regions, might benefit
from future climate conditions (higher suitability for grapevine growth and higher wine
quality); and 3) new potential winegrape growth areas are expected to arise over northern and
central Europe, where conditions are currently either marginally suitable or too cold for this
crop. It is still worth mentioning that the higher inter-annual variability (climate irregularity)
in the future over most of Europe may lead to additional threats to this sector.
Furthermore, the shortening of the growing season resulting in earlier phenological
events, reported by several studies (Webb et al. 2012; Bock et al. 2011; Daux et al. 2011;
Chapter 2. Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and
Chuine et al. 2004), may indicate the need to adapt the time periods and classes in which the
bioclimatic indices are commonly calculated. Since grapevine phenology and wine quality
were shown to be correlated with HI (Jones et al. 2005a; Orlandini et al. 2005), this limitation
can be, to some extent, overcome by adding new classes to the existing classical bioclimatic
indices, instead of modifying the time periods (difficult to achieve due to the extent of the
regions studied). A similar approach was indeed carried out by Santos et al. (2012) using a
new low-limit class for the HI (900-1200ºC).
Future changes in the viticultural zoning in Europe impose new challenges for the
winemaking sector. These modifications give clues for the development of appropriate
strategies to be taken by the winemaking sector to face climate change impacts. There have
already been reports of acclaimed winemaking regions that may become unsuitable for
premium wine production in the current century (Hall and Jones 2009). As the patterns
discussed in this study are available at a relatively high spatial resolution (25-30 km), regional
climate change assessments are permitted, enabling the development of local adaptation and
mitigation measures, specifically drawn for the winemaking sector. Changes in soil and crop
managements, as well as genetic breeding and oenological practices, are crucial for a better
adjustment between viticulture and future environment. These measures need to be adequately
and timely planned by stakeholders, policymakers, and by the different socioeconomic sectors
that are directly or indirectly influenced by the vineyard and winemaking activities.
Chapter 3.
Climate change impacts on the Portuguese viticulture
from a multi-model ensemble
Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola, 2012, 27(1): 39 – 48
Impact Factor (5-yr): 0.479
Helder Fraga, João A. Santos, Aureliano C. Malheiro, José Moutinho-Pereira
Chapter 3. Climate change impacts on the Portuguese viticulture from a multi-model
Portuguese vitiviniculture represents an extremely important economic activity for the
agricultural sector, particularly for some renowned winemaking regions, such as Alentejo,
Dão, Douro, and Minho. Viticultural zoning allows tying the suitability of a given grapevine
variety to the local soil and climatic conditions. Given the existing climate variability in the
Portuguese territory and its likely changes in the future, this zoning is thus of utmost interest.
In this study, the current viticultural zoning in Portugal is discussed, as well as changes
induced by climate change in the period 2011-2070. For this purpose, daily temperatures and
precipitation rates were used to calculate the Huglin, cool night, dryness and hydrothermal
indices. A composite index based on the previous indices was also calculated. For the
assessment of the recent past conditions (1961-2000), an observational dataset (E-OBS) was
used, while for future climate projections, a dataset comprising 16 simulations of regional
climate models (produced by the ENSEMBLES project) was considered. In the future
climate, statistically significant increases in the thermal indices are projected to occur in the
next decades, while for the precipitation-based indices decreases might be expected,
particularly over the south and innermost regions of Portugal. A reshaping of the main
Portuguese winemaking regions is likely to occur in the upcoming decades, therefore
emphasizing the need for the development of appropriate measures for the adaptation to or
mitigation of these climatic changes at the level of varieties and rootstocks used, as well as at
the implemented cultural practices, keeping the typicity and wine styles.
Chapter 3. Climate change impacts on the Portuguese viticulture from a multi-model
Climate is widely acknowledged as one of the major factors affecting vine physiology,
phenology and wine parameters (Santos et al. 2011; Jones and Davis 2000a). In fact, the most
worldwide renowned wine regions are located within relatively narrow latitude belts that
provide very specific climatic conditions for high-quality wine production (Jones 2006;
Spellman 1999). Although other factors, such as soils, winegrape varieties, agricultural and
oenological practices might also play a crucial role on the entire winemaking process, climate
and weather represent the most challenging factors (van Leeuwen et al. 2004), as they cannot
be directly controlled by producers (we can only predict them and take measures to adapt
and/or mitigate their effects) and vary significantly on relatively short time scales. Hence,
viticultural zoning based on climatic factors has been applied as a first approach to delineate
areas where climate is (nearly) optimal to winegrape growing, thus allowing the development
of a sustainable winemaking sector, providing that the other factors are also reasonably
Specialized bioclimatic indices can be used not only in evaluating the climatic
suitability of a specified region to winegrape growth and wine production (Malheiro et al.
2010), but also in assessing some wine quality parameters, such as the balance between
acidity and alcoholic content (Huglin 1978; Magalhães 2008). The Huglin index (HI; Huglin
1978) is a degree day index that also accounts for day length during the vine growing season.
It is used for assessing the basic thermal and radiative demands of the grapevine so as to
complete its phenological stages, including full and adequate grape maturation. In fact, the HI
classes show strong correlations with some grapevine phenological events (Jones et al.
2005a), also linking a specific grapevine variety to a given climatic region. The Cool night
index (Tonietto and Carbonneau 2004), another thermal index, accounts for night
temperatures (minimum temperatures) during the maturation stage (September). Some studies
argue that, at this stage, moderately low nocturnal temperatures combined with diurnal high
temperatures tend to be advantageous for the production of high quality wines, promoting the
synthesis of anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds (Kliewer and Torres 1972; Mori et
al. 2005).
Besides assessing the thermal conditions for grapevine development, it is also important
to take into account the soil and atmospheric water conditions. The Hydrothermal index (HyI;
Branas et al. 1946) combines the effect of air humidity (using precipitation) and temperature
Chapter 3. Climate change impacts on the Portuguese viticulture from a multi-model
during the growing season to assess the risk of grapevine exposure to certain diseases, such as
downy mildew. On the other hand, the Dryness index (DI; Riou et al. 1994) accounts for the
soil water availability, thus providing information about the water stress conditions. The
Composite index (CompI; Malheiro et al. 2010) is useful in depicting regions with suitable
climatic conditions for winegrape growth by combining critical thresholds in the previous
indices. In this context, by allowing the assessment of climate suitability for winegrape
growth, the bioclimatic indices are a widely used tool in viticultural zoning.
The awareness of a potential climate change is fundamental in order to raise adaptive
capacity (Metzger et al. 2008). Therefore, the assessment of regional climate projections is of
high pertinence for the wine industry by enabling the development of adequate measures for
both mitigating their impacts and adapting to the new climatic conditions. Under the A1B
International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – Synthesis Report on Emission Scenarios
(SRES) scenario include a global temperature rise within the range 2.2-5.1ºC (Nakićenović et
al. 2000). More specifically, climate in Portugal (typically Mediterranean, with temperature
increasing and precipitation decreasing southwards and inwards) is expected to undergo some
precipitation (Meehl et al. 2007), as
well as in their extremes (Costa et al.
virtually grown over almost all of the
country (globally about 238.000 ha for
production; IVV 2011), which is
throughout the country (Fig. 3.1). Fig. 3.1 - The wine regions of mainland Portugal (IGPHowever,
Protected geographical indication).
winemaking regions are localized within legally bounded controlled appellations (e.g. from
north to south: Vinhos Verdes, Douro, Dão and Alentejo). These winemaking areas are quite
diverse in their climates, geomorphological features, soil characteristics, and grown grapevine
varieties (Magalhães (2008). As an illustration, while Alentejo (southeast) is mostly flatland
Chapter 3. Climate change impacts on the Portuguese viticulture from a multi-model
with a relatively homogenous climate, the Douro Valley (northeast) is very mountainous and
presents a large diversity of mesoclimates. Taking into account the important incomes the
winemaking sector brings to the Portuguese economy, amounting nearly 2% of the total
national exportation revenue (IVV 2011), the present study is devoted to the understanding of
the climatic viticultural zoning in Portugal and the future implication of the climate change in
this sector. The current climatic zoning and its likely changes under future climates are
discussed using the aforementioned five bioclimatic indices. As such, this study aims at
contributing to a better planning of the measures that need to be taken by producers (grapegrowers and winemakers), associations and organizations across the Portuguese wine industry
in order to cope with climate change.
Five bioclimatic indices, specifically 1) Huglin Index (HI), 2) Cool Night Index (CI), 3)
Hydrothermic Index (HyI), 4) Dryness Index (DI) and 5) a Composite Index (CompI) were
calculated over Portugal, using the mathematical definitions found in Table 3.1. For assessing
climate change impacts, two periods were considered in this study. The baseline period
representing current-past condition (1961-2000) was calculated using data from an
observational dataset (E-OBS, version-5, Haylock et al. 2008), while for the future conditions
(2041-2070) data from a 16-member ensemble, produced by the ENSEMBLES project (Table
3.2), was considered. The future period (2041-2070) was chosen to better characterize midcentury climatic conditions under the A1B IPCC-SRES scenario, a moderate anthropogenic
radiative forcing scenario, but with already high emission levels (Nakićenović et al. 2000).
Additionally, differences in the number of days with extreme temperatures (above 40ºC) and
in the growing-season precipitations between future and current climates are also discussed.
Chapter 3. Climate change impacts on the Portuguese viticulture from a multi-model
Table 3.1 - List of all the bioclimatic indices used in this study, their definitions and references.
Bioclimatic Index
a: HI ≥ 900ºC;
Composite index
b: DI ≥ -100 mm;
Adapted from
c: HyI ≤ 7500º;
(Malheiro et al. 2010)
d: Tmin always > -17ºC
Cool Night Index (CI)
September average Tmin (ºC)
(Tonietto 1999)
 (Wo  P  Tv  Es )
Dryness index (DI)
Huglin index (HI)
(Riou et al. 1994)
Wo - Initial available soil water reserve (mm);
(Tonietto and Carbonneau 2004)
P – Precipitation (mm);
Tv - the potential transpiration in the vineyard (mm);
Es - Direct evaporation from the soil (mm)
Sept .
(T  10)  (Tmax  10)
T - Mean air temperature (ºC);
(Huglin 1978)
Tmax - Maximum air temperature (ºC);
d - Length of day coefficient, ranging from 1.02 to
Aug .
Hydrothermic index
 (T * P)
(Branas et al. 1946)
T - Mean air temperature (ºC);
P – Precipitation (mm)
All data fields, from each model run, were bilinearly interpolated from their original
resolution (Table 3.2) onto a 0.25º × 0.25º grid, the same grid as in the observational dataset.
This interpolation allowed applying a statistical error correction to the model-derived indices
(model output statistics; MOS). The application of MOS to the calculated bioclimatic indices
resulted in some losses of data along coastal areas of Portugal, where E-OBS grid-cells have
missing data (cf. Fig. 3.2). Due to the low representativeness of these littoral areas to the
national wine production, this is not an important shortcoming and no other statistical
approach was thereby applied to estimate the indices in the blank cells (e.g. nearest neighbour
with values).
For the model calibration, since the calculated bioclimatic indices are normally
distributed (according to the Lilliefors test; not shown), adjustments (transfer-functions) using
multiple linear regressions were carried out. The same linear transformations were then
applied to all future indices. This type of statistical model error correction has been used in
previous studies (Alexandrov and Hoogenboom 2000) and can be used to provide reliable
climate change scenarios (Jakob Themeßl et al. 2011). The use of a 16-member ensemble in
the assessment of viticultural zoning in the future is an innovative methodology, by taking
Chapter 3. Climate change impacts on the Portuguese viticulture from a multi-model
into account model uncertainties. Due to the large amount of outcomes, the results shown in
this study are only focused on the 16-member ensemble mean patterns.
Table 3.2 - Summary of all GCM / RCM model chains, original grid resolutions, institutions and references used
in this study.
Original grid
Danish Meteorological Institute
(Christensen et al. 1996)
Centre National de Recherches
(Gibelin and Deque
Sweden's Meteorological and
(Kjellström et al. 2005)
Hydrological Institute
(Samuelsson et al. 2011)
(Böhm et al. 2006)
Max Planck Institute
(Steppeler et al. 2003)
(Böhm et al. 2006)
Max Planck Institute
(Steppeler et al. 2003)
Danish Meteorological Institute
(Christensen et al. 1996)
Koninklijk Nederlands
(Lenderink et al. 2003)
Meteorologisch Instituut
Sweden's Meteorological and
(Kjellström et al. 2005)
Hydrological Institute
(Samuelsson et al. 2011)
International Centre for
(Elguindi et al. 2007)
Theoretical Physics
(Pal et al. 2007)
(Jacob and Podzun 1997)
Max Planck Institute
(Jacob 2001)
(Kjellström et al. 2005)
C4I Center
(Samuelsson et al. 2011)
Sweden's Meteorological and
(Kjellström et al. 2005)
Hydrological Institute
(Samuelsson et al. 2011)
Eidgenössische Technische
(Steppeler et al. 2003)
Hochschule Zürich
(Jaeger et al. 2008)
Hadley Centre
(Collins et al. 2011)
HadRM3Q16 HadRM3Q16
Hadley Centre
(Collins et al. 2011)
Hadley Centre
(Collins et al. 2011)
In order to better analyse the spatial distribution of the resulting bioclimatic indices, an
overlay of the current vineyard land cover was applied, using the Corine Land Cover Map
(CLC 2000; EEA 2002; Büttner et al. 2006). This dataset provides an inventory of the land
cover over Europe and has proven to have high accuracy in representing the cartography over
mainland Portugal (Caetano et al. 2006).
Chapter 3. Climate change impacts on the Portuguese viticulture from a multi-model
The 16-member ensemble mean pattern of the HI (Fig. 3.2a), for the baseline period,
shows relatively high values in the central and southern regions of Portugal (1800-3000ºC),
while in the northern regions it reveals much lower values (900-1800ºC), which highlights the
strong north-south contrast in the climatic conditions over Portugal. Similar results were
reported by Magalhães (2008) using weather station data. For the future period (Fig. 3.2b), an
overall increase in these values is expected (Fig. 3.2c), especially in the innermost regions,
reaching values above 3000ºC (highest HI class). This pattern is in clear agreement with
Malheiro et al. (2010) in a study for Europe and using a single model (COSMO-CLM). In
fact, these increases will indeed lead to shifts to higher classes in the HI throughout Portugal.
Fig. 3.2 - Huglin Index (HI; in ºC) for a) the baseline period (1961-2000), b) the future time period (2041-2070),
and c) overall differences in 2041-2070 minus 1961-2000 (under the A1B IPCC-SRES scenario). Black areas
represent the current vineyard land cover.
This warming is also apparent in the night temperatures, as is suggested by the CI
patterns. The CI (Fig. 3.3a) mean ensemble pattern shows a clear difference between south
and coastal regions (warmer nights) and north and innermost regions (cooler nights). The CI
future pattern shows a clearer distinction between southern (>18ºC), central (16-18ºC) and
northern (12-16ºC) Portugal (Fig. 3.3b); increases of 2-4ºC are expected to occur, particularly
over inland Portugal (Fig. 3.3c). This overall warming is also attested by an increase in the
Chapter 3. Climate change impacts on the Portuguese viticulture from a multi-model
frequency of occurrence of extreme temperatures in the future. In fact, for some regions of the
Douro Valley and Alentejo, projected changes include a significant rise in the number of days
with maximum daily temperature above or equal to 40ºC (up to 8 days, Fig. 3.4a).
Fig. 3.3 - Cool night Index (CI; in ºC) for a) the baseline period (1961-2000), b) the future time period (20412070), and c) overall differences in 2041-2070 minus 1961-2000 (under the A1B IPCC-SRES scenario). Black
areas represent the current vineyard land cover.
Fig. 3.4 - a) Differences in the number of days with maximum daily temperature
equal to or above 40ºC (2041-2070 minus 1961-2000). b) Differences in the
precipitation totals (in mm) during the growing season (2041-2070 minus 19612000).
In addition to the overall warming in both the mean temperature and its extremes, a
decrease in precipitation is also projected to occur, particularly in the northern and coastal
Chapter 3. Climate change impacts on the Portuguese viticulture from a multi-model
Fig. 3.5 - Dryness Index (DI; in mm) for a) the baseline period (1961-2000), b) the future time period (20412070), and c) overall differences in 2041-2070 minus 1961-2000 (under the A1B IPCC-SRES scenario). Black
areas represent the current vineyard land cover.
areas (Fig. 3.4b). This drying leads to changes in the DI mean pattern (Fig. 3.5), where
southern Portugal already shows moderate dryness under current climatic conditions (-100 to
-50 mm). Changes in this index thereby suggest an important threat or challenge to the
viticultural sector owing to the severe dryness that is likely to occur in the future (Fig. 3.5b),
particularly in the innermost southern regions (Fig. 3.5c). This excessive dryness is in effect
considered unsuitable for winegrape growth without irrigation (Koundouras et al. 1999).
Conversely, the mean pattern of the HyI (Fig. 3.6a) for the baseline period shows low to
moderate risk of downy mildew disease in most of the Portuguese mainland, and high risk in
a small region in north-western Portugal (Alto Minho).
The combined effect of the projected future warming and drying will yield a decrease in
the HyI (Fig. 3.6b, c), leading to lower risks of crop contamination, which may have
beneficial impacts on the sector.
Chapter 3. Climate change impacts on the Portuguese viticulture from a multi-model
Fig. 3.6 - Hydrothermal Index (HyI; in º for a) the baseline period (1961-2000), b) the future time period
(2041-2070), and c) overall differences in 2041-2070 minus 1961-2000 (under the A1B IPCC-SRES scenario).
Black areas represent the current vineyard land cover.
The CompI has proven to be effective in detecting the most suitable European regions
for winegrape growth and wine production (Santos et al. 2012). For the baseline period, its
mean pattern over Portugal highlights that most of Portugal has a very high suitability for
viticulture (values above 0.99; Fig. 3.7a). However, in the future period, a tendency for lower
values is depicted (Fig. 3.7b). In fact, the excessive dryness underlies this decrease (Fig. 3.7c)
and may represent a detrimental impact on viticulture. Further, some regions in south-eastern
Portugal (e.g. Alentejo) will have CompI values that suggest unsuitability for viticulture if
mitigation measures (e.g. irrigation) are not implemented.
Fig. 3.7 - Composite Index (CompI) for a) the baseline period (1961-2000), b) the future time period (20412070), and c) overall differences in 2041-2070 minus 1961-2000 (under the A1B IPCC-SRES scenario). Black
areas represent the current vineyard land cover. Not statistically significant differences at the 99% confidence
level are grey shaded.
Chapter 3. Climate change impacts on the Portuguese viticulture from a multi-model
From Fig. 3.8 it is clear that over most of Portugal (36-41 ºN) a decrease in the area of
suitable climate (CompI above 0.5) is expected to occur in the future, while over northwestern Portugal (polewards of 41ºN) small increases in suitability are projected instead.
Fig. 3.8 - Latitudinal differences between the periods 2041-2070 and
1961-2000 in the number of grid cells equal to or above 0.5 in the
composite index (CompI).
Summary and Conclusions
Aiming at analyzing the climatic viticultural zoning in Portugal, five bioclimatic indices
(HI, CI, HyI, DI and CompI) were computed and mapped over mainland Portugal. Their
recent-past spatial patterns allow the isolation of the most suitable regions for winegrape
growth and high-quality wine production. On the other hand, their changes under humandriven climate change (A1B SRES scenario) suggest a reshaping of the suitability throughout
the country in the next few decades (until 2070), shedding some light onto the measures that
can be adopted to adapt to or mitigate climate change impacts on the Portuguese wine
The HI pattern reveals a significant increase in the values of this index, particularly over
the inland and southern areas of the country (Fig. 3.2). Increases in the HI have already been
reported in other European countries, such as for Germany ((Neumann and Matzarakis
(2011); Stock et al. (2005)) and for France (Duchene and Schneider (2005). This is indeed a
clear manifestation of the expected warming under the A1B emission scenario, which is more
accentuated in continental rather than coastal areas (Meehl et al. 2007; Knutti et al. 2008).
Since HI values are largely tied to grapevine thermal demands, including strong correlations
Chapter 3. Climate change impacts on the Portuguese viticulture from a multi-model
with some phenological events (Jones et al. 2005a), this shift may have important impacts on
the Portuguese viticultural sector. A careful selection of the winegrape varieties to be grown
at a given location in the future, based on the new HI classes, is certainly one important
adaptation measure.
The CI pattern clearly shows a warming of the nights in September, which may have
important implications on the wine quality that must be taken into full consideration,
particularly in southern Portugal (e.g. Alentejo), where average minimum temperatures are
currently already above 18ºC (Fig. 3.3). This projected night-time warming is also supported
by previous findings of Malheiro and Santos (2011); for the Iberian Peninsula and expected to
yield altered wine typicity and quality (Bock et al. 2011). Additionally, the frequencies of
occurrence of extremely high maximum temperatures (over 40ºC) will also increase (Fig.
3.4), which enhance thermal stresses and may eventually result in severe damages or even
sunburns in leaves and berries. Grape harvest dates may also be affected by these extreme
heat events, resulting from the high sensitivity of this crop to summer temperatures (Menzel
et al. 2011; Chuine et al. 2004).
Despite the changes in the thermal conditions, changes in rainfall patterns can also
strongly impact on the winegrapes. In particular, the overall decrease in the growing season
precipitation, mainly in the northern half of Portugal (e.g. Douro Wine Region, Vinhos
Verdes Wine Region), may substantially increase water stress symptoms (Fig. 3.4). In effect,
the lack of rain may require compensation measures through irrigation. This idea is supported
by the DI pattern that displays values below the minimum threshold of -100 mm over southeastern Portugal (Fig. 3.5). Such decrease in the DI values can thus lead to great reductions in
grapevine productivity, caused by damaging water stress (Moutinho-Pereira et al. 2004). In
contrast, the decrease in the HyI values, accompanied by the lowering of the rainfall during
the growing season, mainly in north-western Portugal (Vinhos Verdes controlled appellation),
suggests a weakening of the risks of some pests and diseases in the vineyards, such as the
downy mildew disease, among others (Fig. 3.6).
The CompI summarizes the main changes in the previous indices and shows high
agreement with the current distribution of the wine types in Portugal (Fig. 3.7 and Fig. 3.8). In
the current climate, most of mainland Portugal tends to present optimal conditions for
winegrape growth, whereas in the future large areas of south-eastern (e.g. Alentejo) will
become less suitable. This outcome is supported by previous findings (Jones et al. 2005b;
Stock et al. 2005; Malheiro et al. 2010). This climatic unsuitability is largely tied to the
Chapter 3. Climate change impacts on the Portuguese viticulture from a multi-model
excessively dryness that can, however, be widely overcome by implementing both short and
long term measures. Amongst the short term measures, it is worth highlighting agronomic
practices such as soil (e.g. tillage), fertilization and irrigation management and use of
chemical sunscreens for leaf protection. With respect to the long term measures, just to
mention, changes in the altitude or solar exposure of the vineyards (vineyard microclimatic
conditions), adjustments in the training systems, rootstocks and winegrape varieties of each
region and genetic breeding of new varieties, necessarily less sensitive to water and thermal
stresses, can be carried out. Furthermore, it is also important to emphasize the genetic pool
given by a vast range (over 200) of autochthonous/indigenous varieties (Magalhães 2008),
which can provide a key tool for climate change adaptation. These measures need to be
thoroughly evaluated for each specific region, since some can be more easily implemented in
southern Portugal (plain areas more prone to irrigation) and others in northern Portugal (e.g.
changes in altitude and solar exposure). Altogether, these measures can effectively mitigate
the potentially adverse impacts of climate change on the wine production sector in Portugal
and can decisively contribute to its sustainable development in the next decades. Hence, the
present study provides some insight into future strategies for the maintenance of a highly
competitive wine industry despite climate change threats.
Chapter 4.
Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese
wine regions: present and future scenarios
Regional Environmental Change, 2014, 14: 295-306
Impact Factor (5-yr): 2.082
Helder Fraga, Aureliano C. Malheiro, José Moutinho-Pereira, Gregory V. Jones,
Fernando Alves, Joaquim G. Pinto, João A. Santos
Chapter 4. Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present
and future scenarios
Wine production is strongly affected by weather and climate and thus highly vulnerable to
climate change. In Portugal, viticulture and wine production are an important economic
activity. In the present study, current bioclimatic zoning in Portugal (1950-2000) and its
projected changes under future climate conditions (2041-2070) are assessed through the
analysis of an aggregated, categorized bioclimatic index (CatI) at a very high spatial
resolution (near 1 km). CatI incorporates the most relevant bioclimatic characteristics of a
given region, thus allowing the direct comparison between different regions. Future
viticultural zoning is achieved using data from 13 climate model transient experiments
following the A1B emission scenario. This data is downscaled using a two-step method of
spatial pattern downscaling. This downscaling approach allows characterizing mesoclimatic
influences on viticulture throughout Portugal. Results for the recent past depict the current
spatial variability of Portuguese viticultural regions. Under future climate conditions, the
current viticultural zoning is projected to undergo significant changes, which may represent
important challenges for the Portuguese winemaking sector. The changes are quite robust
across the different climate models. A lower bioclimatic diversity is also projected, resulting
from a more homogeneous warm and dry climate in most of the wine regions. This will lead
to changes in varietal suitability and wine characteristics of each region.
Chapter 4. Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present
and future scenarios
The study of possible climatic impacts on natural and agricultural ecosystems is of
major importance for a wide range of socioeconomic activities (IPCC 2001). More
specifically, the vitivinicultural sector is strongly controlled by weather and climate and is
thereby highly vulnerable to climate change (Fraga et al. 2012a; Kenny and Harrison 1992).
In Portugal, this sector plays an important role in economic stability and growth. Its
importance is evident with vineyards being grown over most of the country (Fig. 4.1a),
covering an area of nearly 240 000 ha (3% of global vineyard surface area) and producing
approximately 6×106 hl of wine (2% of world production) each year (OIV 2012). Roughly
half of this production is exported, corresponding to more than €670×10 6 (OIV 2012) and
representing approximately 2% of national export revenues (IVV 2011). In 2011, Portugal
was the 11th/10th largest wine producer/exporter in the world (OIV 2012). Mainland Portugal
is divided into 12 winemaking regions (Fig. 4.1b), many of which are world renowned such as
the Douro/Porto, Minho and Alentejo. The Douro/Porto region, renowned for its Port Wine, is
the oldest Demarcated Region in the world to be regulated by law and was designated World
Heritage by UNESCO since 2001, which has obvious implications in tourism and other
economic-stimulating activities.
Viticultural microclimatic and mesoclimatic characteristics are key factors in
determining varietal suitability and wine types of a given region (Carbonneau 2003; Jones
2006). Portuguese viticultural regions are in fact very distinct regarding their climatic
characteristics (Fraga et al. 2012b). As an example, Alentejo (in southern Portugal) is mostly
flatland (Figs. 4.1a, c), with a relatively homogenous warm and dry climate, while
Douro/Porto (in northern Portugal) is a very mountainous region, characterized by the steep
slopes of the Douro Valley. Furthermore, the Douro Valley contains a significant part of the
country’s vineyard land cover (Fig. 4.1a) and comprises a large diversity of mesoclimates
(Santos et al. 2013). Another climatically distinct viticultural region is Minho (in
northwestern Portugal), which is characterized by relatively high annual precipitation (above
1200 mm) and relatively mild summers. These climatic features provide distinct viticultural
characteristics in each winemaking region (Magalhães 2008). The combination of favorable
climatic conditions, geomorphological aspects, experienced management decisions and
numerous native winegrape varieties (e.g. Castelão, Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta
Barroca) result in unique wine types (Jones 2012).
Chapter 4. Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present
and future scenarios
Spatially interpolated climate datasets have been a valuable tool to study recent-past
climate and to assess possible climate change impacts, particularly in terms of environmental
and agricultural changes (IPCC 2001). The use of high spatial resolution datasets is of
significant importance for viticulture, since it is necessary to properly capture environmental
variability within and between regions. This is particularly relevant for regions with steep
climate gradients, where low resolution datasets cannot truly represent vineyard
mesoclimates. Furthermore, as vineyards are usually dependent on slope, aspect and other
yield influencing elements of the landscape, the complexity of the Portuguese topography (cf.
Fig. 4.1c) is also an important factor controlling both development and spatial distribution of
this crop throughout the country. The diverse climatic conditions and large spatial variability
in which vineyards are grown in Portugal must be taken into account in order to produce a
valuable viticultural zoning. Several previous studies used weather station data (Blanco-Ward
et al. 2007; Jones and Goodrich 2008), other studies used Global Climate Model (GCM) data
with spatial resolutions of about 100-250 km, and, more recently, Regional Climate Model
(RCM) data with higher spatial resolutions of about 25 km (Fraga et al. 2012b; Fraga et al.
2013; Malheiro et al. 2010). Although these studies represent a valuable tool for climatic
characterization of viticultural regions, the data used may not entirely reflect the vineyard
climate. Therefore, the use of high-resolution data (1 km or less) has proven to be an
important advance for regional/local scale assessments (Hall and Jones 2010; Anderson et al.
2012; Jones et al. 2010).
Bioclimatic indices are useful metrics for assessing climatic influences on viticulture
and thus can be used in viticultural zoning applications. One of the most widely used climatic
indicators in viticultural zoning is the concept of degree-day for a base temperature of 10°C
(Amerine and Winkler 1944). Using a degree-day approach, the Huglin Index (Huglin 1978)
allows assessing the thermal potential of a given region and links the thermal demands for the
ripening of each variety, reflecting the potential grape sugar content. The Dryness index (DI;
Riou et al. 1994) evaluates soil water availability for vine development, by estimating soil
water reserves, precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (potential water balance). This
is also a good indicator for winegrape growth, as water availability can influence yield and
quality (Hardie and Martin 2000). The Cool Night Index (CI; Tonietto and Carbonneau 2004)
accounts for minimum temperatures during September, providing a coarse estimate of the
ripening stage, as large temperature ranges during ripening tend to be favorable to highquality wines. Furthermore, by combining these bioclimatic aspects of heat accumulation
Chapter 4. Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present
and future scenarios
(HI), dryness (DI), and ripening conditions (CI) it is possible to determine optimum
viticulture suitability and direct comparison between regions.
The present study aims to improve the current knowledge concerning the bioclimatic
conditions of the Portuguese viticultural regions, also focusing on future implications of
climate change in the sustainability of this agribusiness. As such, the objectives of this study
Fig. 4.1 - (a) Vineyard land cover over mainland Portugal using Corine Land Cover (EEA 2002). (b)
Winemaking regions in Portugal (IVV 2011). (c) Elevation in meters using the GTOPO30 digital elevation
model (, the red line differentiates
the Atlantic/Mediterranean climatic zones.
are three-fold: 1) to provide a high-resolution viticultural climatic zoning and comparison of
bioclimatic indices over mainland Portugal; 2) to develop an aggregated categorized index
that provides combined information regarding the bioclimatic characteristics of each region
and; 3) to discuss the impacts of climate change on this zoning.
Materials and methods
4.2.1. Bioclimatic zoning
A very high resolution climate dataset, produced by the WorldClim project (Hijmans et
al. 2005), is used over the baseline period (1950-2000) for index computations. This gridded
Chapter 4. Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present
and future scenarios
dataset provides monthly climatic normals of precipitation, minimum, maximum and mean
temperatures over a 0.008º × 0.008º latitude-longitude grid (~1 km). The above-mentioned
variables are extracted over the Portuguese mainland (649 × 865 grid cells). Using the
WorldClim data, three bioclimatic indices CI, DI and HI are calculated over mainland
Portugal (cf. Table S2.1 in supplementary material). For validation purposes, differences
between the indices calculated using this dataset and the E-OBS observational data (Haylock
et al. 2008) are computed, revealing an overall good agreement (Fig. S2.1). Differences can
be mostly explained by the predominant location of the E-OBS stations at low-elevations,
leading to slightly warmer and drier conditions in E-OBS than in WorldClim. Although other
bioclimatic indices are also calculated (Table S2.1), their spatial patterns provide overlapping
information (Pearson correlation coefficients ≥ 0.95 with the previous three indices, Table
S2.2), and are thus not presented here.
To assess the impacts of climate change on future viticultural suitability in Portugal, the
period 2041-2070 under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on
Emission Scenarios A1B scenario is considered (Nakićenović et al. 2000). An ensemble of 13
RCM simulations driven by 3 different GCMs (Table S2.3) produced by the ENSEMBLES
project (van der Linden and Mitchell 2009) is used for this purpose.
4.2.2. Spatial pattern downscaling
As raw RCM datasets are available on a 0.22º × 0.22º latitude-longitude grid (~25 km),
which is a coarse grid when compared to the baseline pattern (BP; <1 km), a two-step
downscaling of the RCM-derived indices is undertaken. First, the climate change signal
(CCS) for each index, i.e. the difference pattern between its 13-member ensemble means for
2041-2070 and 1951-2000 (‘deltas’ or anomalies), is bi-cubically interpolated for the same
grid as in BP. Second, the interpolated climate change signal of each index is then added to
BP, resulting in an index future pattern (FP) at a very high resolution. Therefore, the entire
procedure for each index is as follows: CCS → interpolated CCS + BP = FP. This approach,
also called pattern downscaling or ‘delta method’, relies on the assumption that the CCS
presents high spatial correlations within a 25 km cell (RCM resolution). This is indeed a very
reasonable assumption and does not present a significant limitation in the methodology. In
fact, similar methodologies have been used in previous studies (Ramirez-Villegas and Jarvis
2010; Hay et al. 2000), but using GCM data (significantly lower resolutions than herein).
Chapter 4. Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present
and future scenarios
Besides the very high resolution of the downscaled fields, this approach has the important
advantage of maintaining the original baseline dataset independent variables (longitude,
latitude and elevation). Another important advantage of this methodology is that it does not
require model output statistics, since the CCS itself is independent of these corrections.
4.2.3. Categorized index
Lastly, an aggregated categorization is developed that integrates the CI, DI, and HI into
a Categorized Index (CatI hereafter). This single, multipurpose index provides combined
information regarding regional bioclimatic characteristics. The combination of classes is
indeed similar to the multi-criteria climatic classification (MCC) by Tonietto and Carbonneau
(2004). However, CatI includes only 17 different categories (Table 4.1), instead of 96 classes
in the MCC, which simplifies mapping over large areas and allows an easier regional
comparison. Also, the CatI includes limiting thresholds for viticultural suitability, namely DI
> -100 mm and HI > 900°C (Fraga et al. 2013). Area-average minima, maxima and means of
the CatI composing indices (HI, DI and CI) are also summarized for the 12 wine regions in
Table S2.4.
Table 4.1. Categories of CatI, along with the corresponding classes of the combined indices: Huglin, Dryness
and Cool Night indices. A short description of the each category is also provided.
Cool Night Index
Huglin Index
Dryness Index
(°C units)
(C° units)
(Tonietto and
(Huglin 1978) (Riou et al. 1994)
Unsuitably cold or excessively dry
< 14
> 14
< 14
> 14
< 14
> 14
< 14
> 14
< 14
> 14
< 14
> 14
< 14
> 14
< 14
> 14
-100 – 50
900 – 1500
> 50
-100 – 50
1500 – 2100
> 50
-100 – 50
2100 – 2700
> 50
-100 – 50
> 2700
> 50
Cool, dry with cool nights
Cool, dry with warm nights
Cool, humid with cool nights
Cool, humid with warm nights
Temperate, dry with cool nights
Temperate, dry with warm nights
Temperate, humid with cool nights
Temperate, humid with warm nights
Warm, dry with cool nights
Warm, dry with warm nights
Warm, humid with cool nights
Warm, humid with warm nights
Very warm, dry with cool nights
Very warm, dry with warm nights
Very warm, humid with cool nights
Very warm, humid with warm nights
Chapter 4. Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present
and future scenarios
4.3.1. Regional climatic zoning
For the different wine regions in mainland Portugal, the patterns of CatI (Table 4.1) are
depicted in Figs. 4.2-5 (cf. CI, DI and HI patterns in Figs. S2.2-S2.4). High correspondences
between CatI and MCC are found for Portugal (Table S2.5), with the classes showing a
Spearman rank correlation coefficient of 0.81 (the MCC nominal scale is converted into an
equivalent ordinal scale for computing this correlation). For Minho (Fig. 4.2a,b), CatI is
projected to undergo changes that are mainly from category 3 to 6 and from 7 or 8 to 10. This
is the most humid wine region in Portugal under current conditions and will likely retain the
maximum DI local value in the future (Table S2.4). The Trás-os-Montes region (Fig. 4.2c,d)
is characterized by a strong bioclimatic heterogeneity, with warm and dry climates coexisting
with cool and humid climates due to elevation differences over the region (Fig. 4.1c). In the
future, contrary to the results seen for other regions, where a homogenization of the climate
categories is projected, this region is expected to retain strong regional contrasts. In fact, some
areas that are currently too cold are projected to become suitable (changes from category 0 to
1 or 3). Other areas will likely see changes from category 3 to 6, 6 to 14 and 7 to 9 or 10. It is
also important to note that Trás-os-Montes exhibits the lowest minimum CI and HI in both
present and future periods for the whole of Portugal (Table S2.4). The Douro/Porto region
(Fig. 4.2e,f) presents a high diversity of bioclimatic regions due to the complex topography of
the Douro Valley. In low elevation areas, categories 9 or 10 are projected to change to
category 14, whereas categories 6 (in eastern areas) and 7 (in central and western areas) are
projected to change to category 10.
The Beira-Atlântico region (Fig. 4.3a,b) shows a large diversity of distinct bioclimatic
categories, which can be largely explained by orographic forcing inland from the coast. Most
of the region is currently in category 8, while more northern areas are category 7 (cooler
nights) and some higher elevation areas are in category 3 (due to generally cooler climate). In
the future, however, large areas of the region are projected to change to category 10, with the
exception of some higher elevation and northern areas that will likely change to category 6.
Currently, this region is the only showing category 12, combining a warm and humid climate
with warm nights. In the future, this area will likely change to category 14, as a result of
warming and increased dryness. Regarding Terras-do-Dão (Fig. 4.3c,d), shifts mainly occur
Chapter 4. Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present
and future scenarios
from categories 3, 7 and 8 to 6, 10 and 14. The small region of Terras-de-Cister (Fig. 4.3e,f)
undergoes changes from categories 3 and 7 to 6 and 10. In the future, according to HI and DI,
this region will likely become the coolest and least dry region (less affected by the overall
drying trend) in the whole country (Table S2.4).
Fig. 4.2 - CatI for the winemaking regions of (a, b) Minho, (c, d) Trás-os-Montes and (e, f)
Douro/Porto for (left panel) 1950-2000 and (right panel) 2041-2070 under the A1B
scenario. The current vineyard land cover is shown in dark stipple. See Table 4.1 for class
structure for the CatI.
Chapter 4. Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present
and future scenarios
Fig. 4.3 - CatI for the winemaking regions of (a, b) Beira-Atlântico, (c, d) Terras-do-Dão and (e, f) Terras-deCister for (left panel) 1950-2000 and (right panel) 2041-2070 under the A1B scenario. The current vineyard
land cover is shown in dark stipple. See Table 4.1 for class structure for the CatI.
Chapter 4. Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present
and future scenarios
For Terras-da-Beira (Fig. 4.4a,b), CatI clearly shows two distinct areas that either
reflect the dominance of Atlantic (north) or Mediterranean (south) influences on climate.
Southeastern areas are in category 10, with a warmer climate, while northern areas present
temperate (CatI 7) or even cool (CatI 3) climates. Intermediate areas, between these
climatically distinct zones, present CatI 6 or 8 (dry or humid temperate climates with warmer
nights; Table 4.1). In the future, the Mediterranean area is projected to change to categories
14 or 0, being the last transition always due to excessive dryness. In the more Atlantic areas,
changes are projected to be mostly to categories 6 and 10. The Lisboa region (Fig. 4.4c,d) is
mostly characterized by categories 6 and 8 (western coastal areas), which is projected to
change to category 10, though category 6 will likely remain in some coastal areas and
category 14 is likely to be residual at some easternmost locations. For Tejo (Fig. 4.4e,f),
changes are projected to be mostly from categories 6 and 10 to 10 and 14, respectively.
For the Península-de-Setúbal (Fig. 4.5a,b) region, projected changes are expected to be
similar to the Tejo region with categories 6 and 10 changing to 10 and 14, respectively.
However it is worth noting that Península-de-Setúbal is expected to have the highest CI in the
future (Table S2.4). For the Alentejo (Fig. 4.5c,d), CatI shows that most of the region is
projected to transition from category 10 to 14, resulting in a future with a dry and very warm
climate with warm nights, or even category 0, where viticulture is constrained, in this case
due to excessive dryness (Fig. S2.3). In the future, Alentejo will not only likely experience the
highest area-mean HI in Portugal, but will also keep the absolute nationwide maximum.
Furthermore, the lowest DI value over Portugal is also projected to be found in this region (127 mm), where its area-mean value is near the suitability limit of -100 mm (Table S2.4).
Although some areas will likely change from category 6 to 10, they currently show relatively
low vineyard coverage. Lastly, in the Algarve wine region (Fig. 4.5e,f), similar future changes
are visible, which is not totally surprising due to the proximity between these two regions. In
fact, most of category 10 areas are projected to change to either category 14 or 0 (mainly in
the Guadiana river basin, eastern Algarve), while category 6 areas (high elevation or
northwestern Algarve) will likely change to category 10. Algarve, in both present conditions
and future projections, shows the highest CI values in Portugal (Table S2.4).
Chapter 4. Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present
and future scenarios
Fig. 4.4 - CatI for the winemaking regions of (a, b) Terras-da-Beira, (c, d) Lisboa and (e, f) Tejo for (left panel)
1950-2000 and (right panel) 2041-2070 under the A1B scenario. The current vineyard land cover is shown in
dark stipple. See Table 4.1 for class structure for the CatI.
Chapter 4. Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present
and future scenarios
Fig. 4.5 - CatI for the winemaking regions of (a, b) Península-de-Setúbal, (c, d) Alentejo and (e, f) Algarve for
(left panel) 1950-2000 and (right panel) 2041-2070 under the A1B scenario. The current vineyard land cover is
shown in dark stipple. See Table 4.1 for class structure for the CatI.
Chapter 4. Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present
and future scenarios
4.3.2. Projected category transitions
Overall, CatI transitions will mainly occur to higher categories (Fig. S2.5), while
opposite changes will cumulatively account for less than 1% (transitions to category 0 not
included). It is visible that most changes are from category 10 to 14 (33% of all grid boxes).
This outcome is largely influenced by changes depicted in vast areas of southern Portugal.
Changes from category 5, 6, 7 or 8 to 10 are also frequent (2%, 7%, 17% and 12%,
respectively), especially in the coastal regions. Most of the changes to category 0 (with
viticultural unsuitability) come from current category 10 (8%), mainly occurring in the
innermost regions of southern Portugal, as other transitions to category 0 are residual.
Category 3 areas will mostly change to categories 6 and 10 (5% and 3%) in the north.
Moreover, remarkable climate anomalies, depicting changes from temperate to very warm
climates, are visible from category 6 to 14 (3%). Conversely, positive CatI changes from
category 0 to others, account for 1% of the total transitions over the Portuguese mainland, due
to changes from very cool to cool or temperate climates in some high-elevation areas in the
northern half of Portugal.
4.3.3. Ensemble variability
The ensemble variability in the projected CatI transitions reveals low model spread for
each region. Although other categories occur within each region, only the future dominant
categories (with the highest spatial coverage) are considered here for the sake of succinctness
(Table 4.2). The highest agreement between models is found for Lisboa, with all models
projecting the same future category as in the ensemble mean (CatI 10; Fig 4.4d), whereas for
Terras-de-Cister, only 7 from 13 models (53.8%) show the same dominant category as in the
ensemble mean (CatI 10; Fig. 4.3f).
Chapter 4. Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present
and future scenarios
Table 4.2 - Wine regions with the corresponding dominant category (with the highest spatial coverage) in the
ensemble-mean CatI for the future period (2041-2070; cf. Figs. 4.2-5). The respective single-model dominant
categories are also listed, along with the percentages of occurrence across the 13-model ensemble (ensemblemean dominant category in bold).
Ensemble-mean dominant category Single-model dominant categories
(CatI – %)
14 – 76.9%; 0 – 23.1%
14 – 69.2%; 0 – 15.4%; 10 – 15.4%
10 – 84.6%; 14 – 15.4%
10 – 84.6%; 14 – 15.4%
10 – 100%
10 – 92.3%; 14 – 7.7%
14 – 92.3%; 0 – 7.7%
14 – 76.9%; 10 – 23.1%
10 – 69.2%; 14 – 23.1%; 0 – 7.7%
10 – 53.8%; 6 – 38.5%; 14 – 7.7%
10 – 84.6%; 14 – 15.4%
10 – 84.6%; 14 – 7.7%; 0 – 7.7%
Discussion and conclusions
In the present study, a high-resolution current viticultural bioclimatic zoning over
mainland Portugal is produced using an aggregated index that combines aspects of heat
accumulation, dryness, and ripening conditions (CatI) allowing for direct comparison between
regions. The new CatI also provides an easier and more practical integration with high
resolution climatic dataset than other indices, such as the MCC, by using fewer classes more
adapted to the Portuguese climate (17 instead of 96). The index computation is based on a
very high resolution dataset (WorldClim Project) for a baseline period (1950-2000). Climate
change projections are carried out by using a 13-member GCM/RCM ensemble of transient
model experiments over 2041-2070 and following the A1B scenario. This data is downscaled
to a near 1 km grid spacing, through a two-step method of spatial pattern downscaling,
allowing the characterization of mesoclimatic influences in viticulture. Although a moderate
emission scenario is selected, the variability in the climate change projections associated to
Chapter 4. Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present
and future scenarios
more/less severe scenarios are commonly of the same magnitude as the variability across a
model ensemble (IPCC 2001).
The viticultural zoning clearly depicts an Atlantic/Mediterranean climatic contrast over
Portugal (roughly delineated by the red line Fig. 1c), highlighting not only significant spatial
variability throughout the country, but also in each winemaking region. The current vineyard
land cover in mainland Portugal takes advantage of the current bioclimatic diversity,
explaining the relatively high number of wine regions and sub-regions with Denomination of
Origin (Jones and Alves 2012b), specialized in the production of very specific wines made
from a large number of grapevine varieties grown all across the country (Lopes et al. 2008).
Current grapevine growing areas are not only determined by climate, but also by historic
factors, soil and varietal characteristics, land-use limitations, and food politics (e.g. other crop
priorities). Despite the importance of all these factors, the very high resolution maps of the
bioclimatic indices provided herein represent an important tool for better understanding
viticultural zoning in Portugal, especially if interpreted in conjunction with these factors.
Under human-induced climate change, however, the current viticultural zoning is
projected to undergo remarkable changes that can represent important challenges to the
Portuguese winemaking sector. Future shifts in the CatI to higher classes are expected, which
are in close agreement with recent and current warming reported in several European
countries (Orlandini et al. 2009; Neumann and Matzarakis 2011; Duchene and Schneider
2005; Lorenzo et al. 2012). This may also lead to earlier phenological events throughout the
country (Jones et al. 2005b; Webb et al. 2012; Jones and Davis 2000a). Future CatI spatial
characteristics may imply a lower diversity of bioclimatic categories, resulting in a more
homogeneous warm and dry climate throughout the country (mostly CatI 10 and 14), with the
exception of Trás-os-Montes, where this warming will result in more heterogeneity. A more
homogeneous climate undoubtedly will lead to changes in varietal selection and wine typicity
of each region.
In particular, in the more Mediterranean-like climatic regions (Alentejo, Algarve,
Península-de-Setúbal, Tejo, southern half of Terras-da-Beira and innermost part of
Douro/Porto), where CatI categories such as 10 characterize the current conditions, the
projected increase in HI (warmer climates) may threaten less adapted cultivars. Moreover, in
these regions, projected severe dryness (DI; Fig. S2.3) may lead to poor yields or even to
unsuitable conditions for viticulture wherever irrigation is not feasible. In fact, the combined
effect of increased warming and drying may cause damaging stresses to grapevines and
Chapter 4. Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present
and future scenarios
grapes at biochemical and physiological levels (Moutinho-Pereira et al. 2004; Chaves et al.
2010). Nocturnal warming and decreased diurnal thermal amplitude (CI; Fig. S2.2) in the last
stages of development may also reduce wine quality (Tonietto and Carbonneau 2004).
Although not covered by CatI, extreme high summertime temperatures may substantially
increase water demands, which, when unmitigated, may cause physiological issues (e.g.,
leaves and berries sun burn, dehydration). Other weather extremes (e.g. hailstorms and late
frosts) can also play a key role, but are not taken into account herein. All these changes can
ultimately result in negative impacts on wine typicity and/or quality.
On the other hand, northern and coastal regions of Portugal (Minho, Trás-os-Montes,
Lisboa, Terras-do-Dão, Terras-de-Cister and Beira-Atlântico), which are more exposed to
Atlantic air masses, where lower CatI categories are found, the results herein suggest some
beneficial impacts of climate change. While projections for HI (Fig. S2.4) in these regions
also give evidence for strong warming trends in the growing season, changes in these regions
will likely enable changes to late maturing varieties, different wine styles, and potentially
better quality. However, increased dryness in these regions, although neither excessive nor
limiting for grapevine development, may have impacts on yield and quality regularity. To a
certain extent, the overall drying in future climates can be advantageous, since lower humidity
levels in vineyard microclimates, should reduce the risk of diseases (e.g. downy mildew)
potentially requiring less chemical control measures in vineyards.
The results from this study indicate that climate change adaptation measures should be
focused on regions that are currently in category 10 (CatI; Fig. S2.5), as they are projected to
change to category 14 or 0 (unsuitable conditions). The excessive dryness in these regions
will likely require improved grapevine water use efficiency (Flexas et al. 2010). Furthermore,
changes in some traditionally developed training systems may need to be applied (Pieri and
Gaudillere 2003) to deal with lower water availability. In addition, proper selection of scion
and rootstock will become more essential under increasingly warm and dry climate regimes
(Harbertson and Keller 2012). Exploring irrigation management techniques, such as deficit
irrigation strategies (Ferreira et al. 2012; Alves et al. 2012), should also be considered to
provide an optimum yield/cost ratio. Solar radiation interception is also a major factor that
can influence grapevine physiology. In the future, the optimization of canopy geometry and
row orientation, or even employing shading materials, will likely be key measures that should
be considered. Changes in soil management practices (e.g. cover cropping) should also be
included in a broader adaptation strategy (Lopes et al. 2011). Furthermore, the beneficial
Chapter 4. Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present
and future scenarios
effect of the enhanced atmospheric CO2 concentrations in grapevine physiology may also play
an important role in future viticulture (Moutinho-Pereira et al. 2009).
In the future, warmer and dryer climates will challenge Portuguese viticulture, but may
also represent an opportunity for a more sustainable sector. Although the current study
focuses on a single future scenario (A1B), it provides robust and comprehensive projections
using a multi-model ensemble. Previous studies have established the importance of
viticultural zoning (e.g. Jones et al. 2010; Santos et al. 2012; Webb et al. 2011; Jones and
Alves 2012a) and also emphasized the relevance of various bioclimatic factors in the
geographical distribution of winegrapes, phenological developmental stages and varietal
suitability. However, until the present, due to the lack of a high resolution climatic zoning in
Portugal, direct comparisons between the winemaking regions have been based on large-scale
assessments or weather station data, which may overestimate the climatic structure in a given
wine region (Hall and Jones 2010; Jones and Alves 2012a). Although the country has a large
number of legally authorized varieties (341; Veloso et al. 2010), most of them autochthonous,
only a few studies have been devoted to their optimum suitability in some specific Portuguese
wine regions (e.g. Lopes et al. 2008). By depicting bioclimatic conditions at a very high
resolution for both current and future climates in Portugal, along with advances in
understanding the optimal requirements of the traditionally grown or autochthonous
winegrape varieties, a better understanding of adaptation strategies to climate change impacts
can be fostered within this key sector of the Portuguese economy.
Chapter 5.
Climate factors driving wine production in the
Portuguese Minho region
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2014, 185: 26-36
Impact Factor (5-yr): 4.118
Helder Fraga, Aureliano C. Malheiro, José Moutinho-Pereira, João A. Santos
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
Establishing the role of climate on wine production is one major goal of the winemaking
sector. Portuguese viticulture plays a key role in national exports of agro-food products. The
Minho Wine Region, in particular, produces a unique wine type ‘Vinho Verde’ that has been
taking its stand as a prominent international brand. The present study aims at improving the
understanding of climate-yield relationships in this region. A long wine production series
(1945-2010) is used and some transformations are undertaken for robust statistical
relationships. A stepwise methodology is applied to select regressors for logistic modeling of
production classes (low, normal and high). New weather regimes are developed to assess
large-scale atmospheric forcing and cycles in production are isolated by a spectral analysis.
Ten regressors are selected: Dryness and Hydrothermal indices, 3-yr lagged production, mean
temperatures in March and June, precipitation in June and frequencies of occurrence of two
regimes in May, and of one in February and September. Overall, moderate water stress during
the growing season, high production 3-yrs before, cool weather in February-March, settledwarm weather in May, warm moist weather in June and relatively cool conditions preceding
harvest are generally favorable to high wine production. Some of these relationships
demonstrate the singularity of Minho Wine Region and justify the present study. The model
shows high skill (72% after cross-validation), stressing not only the important role played by
atmospheric conditions, but also its value for prediction and management.
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
Wine production from Vitis vinifera L. is largely controlled by atmospheric forcings,
since wine type, yield and quality are strongly dependent on weather conditions, mainly
during the growing season (Malheiro et al. 2010; Jones and Davis 2000a). In fact, a 10ºC base
temperature is needed for the growing season onset (Winkler 1974), which should be
preferably preceded by a period of moderate cool weather, enabling an adequate bud
dormancy (Webb et al. 2007). Vine phenophases (e.g. budburst, flowering and veraison) are
triggered by adequate air temperatures, precipitation and solar exposures (Fraga et al. 2012a;
Jones et al. 2005a). Furthermore, due to the very specific climatic demands of grapevines,
suitable viticultural zones are restricted to relatively narrow areas where mean near-surface air
temperatures range from 12 to 22°C during the growing season (Jones 2006), which makes
this crop particularly suited for warm temperate climates. However, heat stress, with
temperatures above 35ºC, can severely damage grapevine leaves and grapes (Crespy 1987;
Chuine et al. 2004).
Precipitation is also a central atmospheric element, as it widely governs soil moisture
and grapevine water potential, particularly in vineyards without irrigation. Low water
availability can lead to a wide range of effects, though largely dependent on the stage of plant
development (Austin and Bondari 1988). For instance, severe water stress during the early
stages may considerably delay growth and grapevine development (Hardie and Considine
1976). In contrast, high soil moisture throughout the growing season may cause excessive
vigor, increased risks of pests and diseases and other problems related to wine quality and to
the balance between its chemical compounds (During 1986; Magalhães 2008). Overall, highquality and well-balanced wines are commonly associated with mild water stress during the
maturation period (from veraison onwards) and to relatively cool and moderately wet weather
during the early stages (Koundouras et al. 1999; van Leeuwen et al. 2004; Storchi et al.
2005). Although these basic requirements are dependent on vine variety, they are fulfilled by
Mediterranean-like rainfall regimes.
A favorable and regular climate is also crucial to stabilize yields, while high interannual variability in atmospheric conditions can strongly influence winegrape quality (Jones
and Goodrich 2008). Furthermore, extreme weather events, such as hail and frost during the
growing season, can have harmful impacts on vineyards, thus contributing to noteworthy
fluctuations in yield and wine quality. Taking into account all the aforementioned climatic
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
influences in viticultural production, further knowledge into these relationships is of foremost
relevance for modern wine industry, which aims at stabilizing wine production (WP) and
quality for brand marketing.
Apart from the direct influence of near-surface temperatures and precipitation, other
factors, such as weather regimes may also play a key role in yield prediction, as they combine
several elements in their typical atmospheric conditions (e.g. temperature, precipitation, wind,
humidity and solar radiation). Furthermore, viticultural bioclimatic indices are often used
when assessing climatic suitability of a given region to winegrape zoning (Jones et al. 2010).
Well-known bioclimatic indices accounting for water availability, such as the Hydrothermal
Index (HyI; Branas et al. 1946) and the Dryness Index (DI; Riou et al. 1994), should also be
tested as potential predictors of grapevine yield. Other factors, such as variability in wine
production resulting from commercial cycles, economic fluctuations or even physiological
constraints, may result in regular oscillations in the annual yield series. This information may
also be relevant for WP modeling.
More specifically, Portugal (the 11th wine producer in the world; OIV 2012) is divided
into several wine growing areas, with the Minho Wine Region (MWR henceforth) located in
the very northwestern part of the country (Fig. 5.1). MWR covers a broad area of about
8.8×103 km2 that geographically coincides with the ‘Vinhos Verdes’ Appellation of Origin.
Regarding its topography, MWR has a rather irregular terrain, with elevations ranging from 0
to approximately 1500 m asl, characterized by a compact valley system with a predominance
of deep granitic soils (Magalhães 2008). Despite having a Mediterranean climate, the Atlantic
influences are noteworthy. The relatively high exposure to maritime winds, high annual
precipitations (1200-2400 mm) and mild summers (summer mean temperatures ranging from
18 to 22ºC), explains the distinctiveness of the MWR, setting it apart from other Portuguese
wine regions (e.g. Alentejo, Douro), where heat and water stresses can be important limiting
factors of WP. In fact, Fraga et al. (2012b) showed that the MWR depicts the highest HyI and
DI values of all Portuguese winemaking regions. Another distinctive characteristic of the
MWR is its relatively low yearly solar insolation when compared to other Portuguese regions
(< 2500 hours). In response to these climatic features, traditional training systems, such as
pergola, stakes and tall growing vines (‘enforcado’), are still used today, which are rare in the
rest of the country. Most wines are usually made from earlier maturity varieties (e.g.
Alvarinho, Alvarelhão, Trajadura), with a predominance of white varieties, as a response to
moderate humidity levels in summer, which enhance the risk of trunk and leaf diseases (IVV
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
2011). All these characteristics explain the typicity of its famous ‘Vinho Verde’ wine, which
is largely consumed, representing the country’s second most exported wine, right after Port
Wine (IVV 2011).
Fig. 5.1 - Right panel: map showing the geographical location of the Minho Wine Region (MWR) in
northwestern Portugal, along with the other Portuguese wine regions. Left panel: magnified map of the MWR.
Grid boxes represent the E-OBS original resolution of 0.25º latitude × 0.25º longitude. Highlighted grid boxes
show where data was extracted for area-mean computations. The main current vineyard land cover is also shown
in black stipple.
Previous studies have revealed that monthly temperatures and precipitations are
significantly correlated with grapevine yield in the nearby Douro Wine Region, Portugal
(Gouveia et al. 2011; Santos et al. 2013). However, due to the aforementioned climatic
specificities of MWR, this climate-yield linkage can significantly differ from other
Portuguese regions and needs to be studied separately. The present study aims to examine the
influence of climate on WP of MWR. So this study addresses the effects of climate on the WP
of this distinct region. The objectives are three-fold: 1) Quantify the cycles in wine production
(WP) in the region over the last 60 years. 2) Differentiate the climate of the region into a set
of distinct weather regimes, and determine their relationship to WP. 3) Develop a multinomial
logistic model using weather data, previous WP and weather regimes to predict classes of WP
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
Materials and methods
5.2.1. Wine production data
A relatively long time series of WP (in hl) in MWR, from 1945 to 2010 (66 years), is
provided by the Portuguese ‘Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho’. This data is annually reported by
producers directly to this governmental institution. The current vineyard land coverage is of
about 22 × 103 ha (Fig. 5.1), estimated using the Corine Land Cover (EEA 2002), which has
previously shown a good accuracy over Portugal (Caetano et al. 2006). This vector dataset is
originally available on a 1:100 000 scale, but for display proposes it is aggregated within a 1
km range. Although significant changes in the total vineyard area might have occurred during
the study period, no reliable records are available with this information.
5.2.2. Climatic data
Four climatic elements used in this study are extracted from the E-OBS observational
interpolated/gridded dataset, version 7 (Haylock et al. 2008). Despite some already
documented limitations (Hofstra et al. 2009), this dataset provides uninterrupted and
homogeneous gridded fields of daily minimum (Tmin), maximum (Tmax) and mean (Tavr)
temperatures and daily precipitation (P) over Europe from 1950 onwards, on a ~ 27 km spatial
resolution. Since no climatic data is available before 1950, all computations are carried out in
the overlapping period between climate and WP data (1950-2010). Climatic data are extracted
for 9 grid-boxes within the MWR, which jointly enclose most of the vineyard area (Fig. 5.1).
The monthly means of Tmin, Tmax and Tavr and the monthly totals of P are computed and
spatially averaged over the 9 grid-boxes. As the WP series reflect the entire region, these areameans better represent the atmospheric conditions of the region as a whole.
5.2.3. Production cycles
In order to verify the existence of well-defined cycles in the WP series, a spectral
analysis is implemented using the Burg algorithm (Burg 1975). It has been successfully
applied in many different areas (e.g. Santos and Leite 2009). This parametric spectral
estimation method (Stoica and Moses 1997) is applied to the 2nd order stationary and normally
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
distributed time series of percentile-transformed wine productions, as will be further
explained below. The Haykin criteria (Haykin 1991) is applied to determine the optimal order
of the autoregressive filter embedded in Burg’s estimation, which is of 19 for the current WP
series. The outcomes of this method are then validated by the Fourier transform method,
revealing very similar results (not shown).
5.2.4. Weather regimes
Aiming at establishing statistical relationships between large-scale atmospheric
circulation and WP, the daily atmospheric circulation patterns over a North Atlantic-Iberian
sector are classified into a set of weather regimes. For this purpose, daily mean sea level
pressure fields in 1950-2010 from the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis are used (Kistler et al. 2001).
These fields have previously proven their effectiveness in isolating the large-scale weather
regimes over Portugal (Trigo and DaCamara 2000; Santos et al. 2005a) and, for this purpose,
are preferred over other atmospheric fields, such as geopotential height. In fact, the sea level
pressure fields better reflect surface features e.g. driven by strong land-sea thermal contracts
that are indeed important when identifying weather regimes in the Iberian Peninsula. Daily
pressure anomalies at each grid point are computed with respect to the corresponding longterm mean pressures for each calendar day.
A K-means clustering is applied to the leading 20 principal components of the daily
mean sea level pressure anomalies within a Euro-Atlantic sector (30ºW-10ºE; 25-65ºN). It not
only covers Western Europe, but also the Eastern North Atlantic, which is known to play a
key role in the weather conditions in Europe and more specifically in Portugal (Santos and
Corte-Real 2006; Santos et al. 2007). As stated before, this is particularly patent in the MWR,
as it is the Portuguese region most exposed to the Atlantic influences, owing to its location in
the northwestern corner of Portugal. The 20 retained components cumulatively explain 98%
of the total temporal variance, but substantially reduce the number of input variables for
clustering, thus increasing the signal-to-noise ratio and the robustness of the results (Wilks
The choice of the number of weather regimes (clusters) is always subjective. However,
here it is (1) based on previous studies (Santos et al. 2005a), (2) targeted to evenly distribute
days across different regimes and (3) seeks parsimony between the number of regimes and the
discrimination of different atmospheric flows. Six weather regimes are chosen to represent the
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
main features of large-scale atmospheric circulation in Eastern North Atlantic. The clustering
is based on Euclidean distances from each day to the six centroids. A preliminary clustering,
using a random 10% subsample collected from the 20 input components, is performed to
define initial centroids (seeding). This process is repeated 10 times so as to identify the best
solution that minimizes total within-cluster variance. Lastly, the resulting calendar (day vs.
regime) is used to compute frequencies of occurrence of weather regimes on a monthly basis
and over the full period (1950-2010).
5.2.5. Bioclimatic indices
The HyI considers precipitation and temperature as follows (Branas et al. 1946):
31 Aug
 (T
 P)
1 Apr
where Tavr is daily mean temperature (ºC) and P daily precipitation (mm). This index
estimates the risk of downy mildew disease, which is a common limiting factor for grapevine
yield (Carbonneau 2003). This risk is usually considered low when HyI values are below
2500ºC mm, high for values higher than 5100ºC mm and very high for values higher than
7500ºC mm (Santos et al. 2012).
The DI allows the description of available soil water content for the vine in the growing
season, taking into account precipitation and reference evapotranspiration (Riou et al. 1994),
as described below:
 (W
 P  Tv  Es ) ,
1 Apr
where W0 is soil water reserve, which should be equal to 200 mm in April and takes the
previous month DI value in the following months. P is precipitation; Tv is potential
transpiration and Es is soil evaporation (all variables in mm). Daily variables are used for this
calculation and four climate classes can be distinguished (defined in Tonietto and Carbonneau
2004): Very dry, where viticulture is limited by severe dryness (DI ≤ −100 mm), Moderately
dry (−100 < DI ≤ 50 mm), Sub-humid (50 < DI ≤ 150 mm) and Humid (DI >150 mm). For
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
the inclusion of HyI and DI in statistical modeling, their yearly values are averaged over the 9
grid-boxes (Fig. 5.1) and using the E-OBS dataset.
5.2.6. Logistic model
A multinomial logistic modeling of WP classes is developed in the present study (Wilks
2011). One important advantage of logistic over linear regression is that it delivers
probabilities of occurrence of predefined classes instead of productions. Logistic modeling
has been used in many fields, including agricultural research (Gobin et al. 2001; Meyer and
Mart ne -Casasnovas 1999), and is frequently preferred over linear or polynomial models
(Overman et al. 2003). All years are then classified in three probability classes: Class 1 - low
production years (below the 25th percentile); Class 2 - normal years (between the 25th and 75th
percentiles); and Class 3 - high production years (above 75th percentile). Their probabilities of
occurrence are thereby modeled by logistic regression using a number of regressors. Each
year is keyed to the highest probability class and the model skill ratio corresponds to the
percentage of correct matches between modeled and observed WP classes.
Owing to the high number of potential regressors, a stepwise multivariate regression is
used for a preliminary selection (Wilks 2011). The stepwise criteria for forward selection and
backward elimination correspond to p-levels of 0.05 and 0.10, respectively. The initial pool of
predictors comprises monthly Tmin, Tmax, Tavr and P, yearly HyI and DI, monthly frequencies
of occurrence of the six weather regimes and time lagged productions. As shown below, a
percentile-transformed WP series is used in the stepwise process instead of the original time
series, as this transformed series better fulfills two basic assumptions: weak stationarity and
normally distributed.
Results and discussion
5.3.1. Wine production series
Although WP shows a linear decrease of –26.4×103 hl yr-1, an 11-year moving average
suggests that a 2nd order polynomial can be more skillfully adjusted to the time series than the
linear trend (Fig. 5.2a). Therefore, prior to further statistical analysis, the best-fit least squares
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
polynomial is subtracted from the raw series, thus removing most of the long-term trends and
oscillations. Contrary to the original WP series, the transformed time series (Fig. 5.2b) is now
nearly stationary in mean (no linear trend at a 5% significance level) and normally distributed
(according to the Lilliefors test at a 5% significance level). However, this transformed time
series still presents some non-stationarity in variance (e.g. higher variance in 1960-1980 than
in 1980-2010). Therefore, in order to overcome this remaining heterogeneity, the percentiletransformed series is used (i.e. productions replaced by their corresponding percentiles),
which is also 2nd order stationary and normally distributed (Fig. 5.2c). The underlying reasons
for these heterogeneities are rather difficult to address, as many factors can have interfered
(e.g. changes in vineyard area, agricultural practices and human-driven policies).
Nevertheless, they are mostly long-term changes that are out of the scope of the present study,
as their attribution is not possible with the available data. Moreover, they do not account for
the bulk of year-to-year variability to be modeled herein, which is still well-captured by the
percentile-transformed series.
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
Fig. 5.2 - (a) On the left: chronogram of the wine production in the MWR (in 10 3 hl) in 1950-2010 (grey
line), along with the corresponding best-fit second order polynomial and the 11-yr moving average. On
the right: corresponding box-plot, where the median is the horizontal line within the box, the 75th and
25th percentiles are the upper and lower box limits, and the whiskers limits are the maximum and
minimum. (b, c) The same as in (a), but for the transformed wine production series (b) and for the
percentiles of the transformed series (c). The horizontal dashed lines correspond to the 25th and 75th
percentiles, the thresholds used in the class definitions for logistic regression.
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
Candidate regressors
As previously stated, monthly Tmin, Tmax, Tavr and P are strong candidate regressors for
WP modeling. In fact, some of them have been used in wine production/yield modeling for
other nearby wine regions, such as the Douro Valley, Portugal (Santos et al. 2013; Santos et
al. 2011; Gouveia et al. 2011) and Rías Baixas (in northwestern Spain; Lorenzo et al. 2012).
However, as will be shown below, these regressors alone are not sufficient to reach a
reasonable skill in modeling WP.
The spectrum of the percentile-transformed WP series hints at the presence of 2.5 and 3yr cycles (Fig. 5.3). A 5-yr cycle is also apparent and no further cycles are visible series after
10-yrs (not-shown). The existence of
these cycles is a remarkable result
that can be due to several causes.
One possible explanation is that
vegetative and reproductive cycles,
the later extending over 2 years.
Furthermore, production limitations
and commercial policies, enforced by
cannot be disregarded as driving
Fig. 5.3 - Normalized power spectral density (dimensionless)
of the percentile-transformed wine production series in the
MWR for 1950-2010.
factors of these cycles. Nevertheless,
this kind of assessment cannot be properly addressed using the available data. Thus, lagged
production series (1-5 yrs. lags) are tested as potential predictors of WP classes. For these
lagged time series, productions in 1945-1949 are also used.
The HyI shows some noteworthy yearly fluctuations, spanning from about 2000 up to
8000ºC mm, but reveals no statistically significant trend (Fig. 5.4a). In fact, when analyzing
the spectral density of this index a 5-yr cycle is depicted (not-shown). This suggests that the
presence of this cycle in the WP series can be attributed to climatic factors. Although this
periodicity has been detected in many time series of climatic parameters and in teleconnection
patterns, such as in the El-Niño Southern Oscillation (Latif et al. 1998), an attribution analysis
is out of the scope of the present study. Although temperature increases have been recorded in
the MWR (linear trend of 0.16 ºC yr-1 over 1950-2010), they tend to be offset by decreasing
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
Fig. 5.4 - (a) Chronogram of the HyI from 1950 to 2010, using a 9 grid-box area-mean over
the MWR and the respective linear trend. (b) The same as in (a), but for the DI.
precipitation (linear trend of -6.16 mm yr-1 over the same period). Further, the strong interannual variability in HyI highlights the irregularity of the climatic conditions in the MWR,
with potentially detrimental impacts on yields. Although a drying trend is clearly shown in DI
(Fig. 5.4b), with a downward trend of -0.59 mm yr-1, severe dryness is still not a major
concern in the MWR (DI generally above -100 mm). As such, despite the increased dryness
over the last six decades, the downy mildew risk has remained largely unchanged in the
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
5.3.3. Weather regimes
Previous studies suggest that the inter-annual variability in WP is considerably
controlled by large-scale atmospheric circulation (Jones and Davis 2000b; Lorenzo et al.
2012). Different regimes generate different weather conditions that are not entirely captured
by temperature or precipitation anomalies, as their associated conditions are also manifested
by other parameters, such as relative humidity, solar radiation and wind. In fact, some of these
weather conditions can influence vineyard microclimates, e.g. different wind speeds can
trigger different stomatal responses (Brewer 1992). Thus, each regime combines several
atmospheric parameters that can jointly have a much stronger impact on vineyards than when
analyzed separately, thus justifying their inclusion as candidate regressors. Hence, the
monthly frequencies of occurrence of six weather regimes (AA, E, NW, C, R and A) are also
considered as potential regressors for production modeling.
The composites of mean sea level pressure for each regime indicate prevailing weather
conditions (Fig. 5.5). Wind bearing and speed can be roughly estimated by the geostrophic
wind balance, in which wind is approximately parallel to the isobars, leaving the highest
pressures to the right (Holton 2004). However, it is worth noting that at near-surface levels
the wind vector can be significantly diverted due to friction. The designation of some regimes
is related to the predominant wind direction over Portugal. The AA (dual anticyclonic) regime
is characterized by two high pressure systems, one corresponding to the Azores high and
another located over Central Europe. A strong low pressure system is located at higher
latitudes over the North Atlantic (Fig. 5.5a). The E (easterly wind) regime features a strong
high pressure system over the British Isles, driving easterly winds over Iberia (Fig. 5.5b). The
NW (northwesterly wind) regime is characterized by a near-average pressure field over the
North Atlantic, which may lead to important westerly flows over Portugal (Fig. 5.5c). The C
(cyclonic) regime presents a strong low pressure system northwestwards of Iberia, inducing
westerly-southwesterly winds over Portugal (Fig. 5.5d). The R (ridge) regime exhibits a
strong ridge over the Eastern North Atlantic, producing strong northerly-northwesterly winds
over Portugal (Fig. 5.5e). Finally, the A (anticyclonic) regime reflects a positive North
Atlantic Oscillation phase, with a strong mid-latitude pressure system extending from the
North Atlantic towards Iberia (Fig. 5.5f). These regimes are in clear agreement with other
regimes developed for the same region, e.g. by Plaut and Simonnet (2001) (cf. their Figure 4).
The most noteworthy difference is the split of their AR regime into the present A and R
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
regimes. As will be shown below, this distinction is advantageous for the purposes of this
study, since the latter two regimes induce different mesoscale conditions in the MWR, with
different impacts on production.
Fig. 5.5 - (a-f) Composites of the daily mean sea level pressure fields (in hPa) over the Euro-Atlantic sector
(25-65ºN; 60ºW-20ºE) for the six outlined weather regimes (AA, E, NW, C, R and A) and for all days in
The interplay between these regimes and the associated weather conditions in Portugal
is widely dependent on month/season (strong seasonality). When analyzing the monthly
frequencies of occurrence of each weather regime in 1950-2000 (Fig. 5.6), it is clear that A
and E dominate wintertime months, while the frequency of R tends to gradually increase in
the warmer half of the year, surpassing 50% in summer months (June-August). In these
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
months, A, C and NW have very low frequencies of occurrence. In the last months of the
year, as the frequency of R decreases, A, C and NW have higher occurrences. The AA regime
presents a very uniform distribution throughout the year, but with frequencies peaking in
September-October. For the sake of succinctness, the study will be focused only on the
relevant regimes for WP in the MWR.
Fig. 5.6 - Relative monthly frequencies of the occurrence (in %) of each
weather regime for the period 1950-2010 and across the year.
5.3.4. Significant regressors
Ten predictors are selected by the stepwise process: HyI, DI, 3-yr lagged WP (Prod-3),
Tavr in March (Tavr_Mar) and June (Tavr_Jun), P in June (PJun), frequencies of occurrence of the A
regime in February (AFeb), May (AMay) and September (ASep), and frequencies of occurrence
of R in May (RMay).
The leading regressor, HyI, presents a negative regression coefficient (b = −0.005),
which means that it negatively influences WP. In fact, anomalously high HyI values may
represent high risks of downy mildew attack in vineyards. Significant correlations between
WP and this index were also found by Lorenzo et al. (2012). The second leading regressor is
Tavr_Jun, now with a positive regression coefficient (b = +10.164). As June roughly
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
corresponds to the first phase of berry growth in MWR, moderately high temperatures are
considered favorable to production (Nemani et al. 2001; Jones and Davis 2000a). The third
regressor is Prod-3, showing a positive regression coefficient (b = +0.012), i.e. production in a
given year is positively correlated with production 3 years before.
The fourth selected regressor is DI. Since this index is usually a measure of water stress
in vineyards, its negative correlation coefficient (b = −0.289) means that elevated soil
moisture during the growing season may be harmful for WP. This is in agreement with HyI,
since high precipitation levels tend to bring higher risks of diseases and physiological
problems. On the other hand, moderate dryness found in some years (Fig. 5.4b), which tends
to be beneficial for quality, may reinforce this relationship.
As referred above, excessive precipitation levels during the growing season tend to be
unfavorable to WP in the MWR. However, PJun (fifth selected regressor) presents a positive
regression coefficient (b = +0.063), which means that anomalously high precipitation in this
month tends to be beneficial for WP. This is in agreement with Lorenzo et al. (2012), where
rainfall days are usually correlated with higher production during bloom-veraison. The
seeming contradiction between the signals of the regression coefficients of HyI or DI and P Jun
can be explained by the different time spans of the whole growing season (used in HyI and DI
calculations) and of June. Other studies also found a negative impact in grapevine yield when
an increase in evapotranspiration was combined with a decrease in accumulated precipitation
from bloom to veraison (Ramos et al. 2008; Camps and Ramos 2012). Anomalously high
temperatures and precipitations in June may in fact promote berry growth through cell
division and cell enlargement, thus increasing size and weight of the fruits at harvest (Ojeda et
al. 2001). Tavr_Mar presents a negative regression coefficient (b = −10.248), which shows that
anomalously low temperatures in March tend to be favorable to WP. This is in agreement
with results for other winemaking regions in the country (Santos et al. 2013). Insufficient
winter chill may bring harmful effects, such as later and irregular budburst (Webb et al.
2007), which may in fact result in lower yields.
The frequencies of occurrence of two regimes in three months (AFeb, AMay, ASep and
RMay) are also selected. The differences in the growing season occurrences of A and R
between low and high production years (Fig. 5.7) are in accordance with their regression
coefficient signals (b = +0.498 for AFeb; b = +1.676 for AMay; b = −2.419 for ASep; b = −0.540
for RMay). Despite the relatively high anomalies in AMar and RJun, they are not selected by the
stepwise method, as they are negatively correlated with Tavr_Mar and PJun, respectively
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
(collinearity). Anomalously high (low) frequencies of occurrence of A Feb and AMay (ASep) are
beneficial for high production. The A regime tends to be associated with settled weather
conditions and relatively dry air masses, as the anticyclone over Iberia suppresses local
instability and advections (Fig. 5.5f). It is generally favorable to settled-cool weather in
February (in the winter half of the year through radiative cooling) and settled-warm weather
in May and September (in the summer half of the year through radiative warming). Therefore,
for February (May), with positive regression coefficient, settled-cool (settled-warm) weather
is beneficial, which also supports the relationship found with Tavr for the following March
(June). As ASep presents a negative regression coefficient, settled-warm weather conditions
are not favorable in this period. Further, since R tends to be favorable to WP in September
(Fig. 5.7), which is cooler and moister than A owing to the prevailing northerly maritime
winds (Fig. 5.5e), cool weather is then preferred over warm weather. Cool night temperatures
in the period preceding harvest might be indeed beneficial for high quality wines and yields
(Kliewer and Torres 1972; Tonietto and Carbonneau 2004). Lastly, the frequency of
occurrence of RMay negatively influences WP, as settled-cool weather is not beneficial during
this period of the growing season, which also corroborates the AMay-WP relationship above.
In general, R is not favorable in the period May-July, but becomes favorable in AugustSeptember (Fig. 5.7), which stresses the importance of settled-warm weather in the floweringveraison phenophase and settled-cool weather during late maturation. Additionally, the settled
weather prevailing in both regimes is commonly linked to low risks of thunderstorms and
hailstorms, which are also prominent limiting factors for WP. This can partially explain the
low relevance of other potentially favorable regimes, but being relatively unsettled their
positive contributions can be offset by hazardous events (e.g. hailstorms).
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
Fig. 5.7 - Relative monthly frequencies of the occurrence (in %) of each weather regime for the
period 1950-2010 and across the year.
5.3.5. Logistic model
The logistic model is then based on ten regressors for modeling the WP classes (low,
normal and high production years), as follows:
X t  1 DI
Prod 3 TGMar TGJun PJun
exp Bi X t 
pi ,t 
 expB X 
AMay ASep RMay
, i  1, 2
i 1
p3,t  1   p1  p2 
where Xt is the regressor matrix as a function of time t (1950-2010), Bi the regression
coefficients and pi,t the probabilities of occurrence of the i-th WP class as a function of time.
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
The modeled class (Fig. 5.8a) successfully corresponds to the observed class in 92% of the
years (61 years), failing only in five years. When analyzing the model matches/errors (Fig.
5.8b), class 1 shows one error, while 2 and 3 show two errors each. It is clear that class 3
shows a higher percentage of errors (13%), while 1 and 2 show error percentages of about
7%. A leave-one-out cross-validation scheme is also applied to take into account model
overfitting (Wilks 2011), now revealing a model skill ratio of 72%. These outcomes highlight
the skillfulness of the logistic model, allowing future applications. This is particularly
noteworthy in view of the complexity of factors governing the variability of WP, some of
them being non-climatic factors. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis leaving the frequencies of
occurrence of the regimes out of the model revealed a much lower skill (55% after crossvalidation), which hints at their importance in modeling WP.
Fig. 5.8 - (a) Chornogram of the observed (modeled) classes represented by black (white) circles. (b) The
number of matches (light grey bars), the number of errors (dark grey bars) and the percentage of errors in
each class are pointed out.
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
Discussion and conclusions
Viticulture in general is strongly influenced by weather and climate, a relationship that
is clearly reinforced by the present study for the MWR in northwestern Portugal. For
modeling its WP series, ten regressors are selected by a stepwise methodology: the Dryness
and Hydrothermal indices, the 3-yr lagged production, monthly mean temperatures in March
and June, total precipitation in June and the frequencies of occurrence of the A and R regimes
in May, and of the A regime in February and September. Although some of these regressors
are in agreement with WP-climate relationships obtained for the nearby Douro Wine Region
(Tavr_Mar and Tavr_Jun), others clearly demonstrate the singularity of the MWR. A logistic
modeling of the WP classes (low, normal and high), using these ten selected regressors,
reveals a high model skill ratio of 72 % after cross-validation. The model can prove useful for
viticulturists, as predicting WP classes provide a more reliable assessment than estimating
annual WP with a large uncertainty (large confidence interval in the estimate). Therefore, the
model not only isolates the main climatic driving factors (favorable and unfavorable) of interannual variability in WP, but may also be used as a valuable tool for WP prediction. The
relatively long WP series (1945-2010, 66 years) allows a statistically robust isolation of the
main climatic forcings on its inter-annual variability, particularly its short-term variability, as
the long-term oscillations are removed in the percentile-transformed series. However, the
selected climate-based indices show only weak trends that cannot explain the strong longterm trends and oscillations observed in WP. Other non-climatic factors, such as changes in
vineyard area and location, agricultural and enological practices, commercial decisions and
economic strategies, market policies, among others, tend to be manifested as low-frequency
oscillations owing to their gradual implementation. Nevertheless, thorough assessments of
these factors are difficult to undertake using the available information. Overall, despite other
potentially important non-climatic factors, the atmospheric factors satisfactorily explain the
year-to-year changes in WP.
Results presented herein suggest that moderate growing season dryness, high production
3-yrs before, moderate cool conditions in February and March, followed by settled-warm
weather in May, warm and moist weather in June, and settled-cool weather in September are
favorable to WP. The results suggest that the precipitation and humidity levels may be deeply
tied to WP in this region. High precipitation in the growing season seems to be harmful, while
moderate water stress is generally beneficial. This is not verified in other Iberian regions, such
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
as in northeastern Spain, where lowest yields are related to the driest and hottest years (Camps
and Ramos 2012). This different behavior hints at the specific characteristics of the MWR,
when compared to other usually much drier Iberian regions. Relatively high annual
precipitation and humidity are reinforced by deep soils, with high water holding capacity, and
by compact valley systems where most grapevines grow, with enhanced run-offs.
Another critical factor is the duality between wine quality and yield. It is well-known
that the optimum quality-yield balance is usually established by growers, since higher water
availability tends to result in higher production but lower quality (Ramos et al. 2008). Since
high yields and high quality seem extremely difficult to achieve simultaneously (and often not
economically viable), compromises are usually made through yield reduction (van Leeuwen
et al. 2009). This may have also happened in the MWR, particularly in the more recent years,
but the identification of producer decisions is not possible. In fact, the stabilization of WP
towards the end of the series suggests that the wine quality-yield balance may have been
pursued in recent years and, to some extent, successfully accomplished. It should be noted
that the assessment of wine quality and its annual variation in relation to climatic factors is
also a critical issue for winemakers, however, this assessment is out of the scope of the
current research.
The projected future warming and drying in the MWR (Fraga et al. 2012b) may bring
further challenges to local winemakers and may modify the above-mentioned quality-yield
balance. In effect, a recent study suggests that the winemaking industry should focus on
minimizing the impact of yearly fluctuations and on optimizing production of high-quality
grapes (Keller 2010a). This issue is especially relevant under scenarios of future warmer
climates (Fraga et al. 2013; Webb et al. 2008a; Duchene et al. 2010). Changes in traditional
training systems and in grown varieties are already underway in the MWR (Magalhães 2008).
Growers are currently changing traditional varieties to later maturity varieties (e.g. Touriga
Nacional), aiming to adapt to climate change, but maintaining the production of high-quality
and competitive wines.
The model here developed may be used as a valuable tool for WP stabilization, since it
provides an inherent probability assessment that may improve future planning within the
winemaking sector (Meyer and Mart ne -Casasnovas 1999). However, as it is tuned for the
transformed production series, it does not take into account long-term trends and lowfrequency oscillations. Therefore, this model can only be used in near-term predictions, as
extrapolation to the long-term future projections is not possible. Furthermore, the current
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
study provides evidence for the connection between several atmospheric factors and the WP
in the MWR, which greatly contributes to the understanding of how climate may influence
viticultural parameters.
Chapter 5. Climate factors driving wine production in the Portuguese Minho region
Chapter 6.
Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in
the Lisbon Wine Region, Portugal
Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin, 2013, 47(4): 287-299
Impact Factor (5-yr): 1.265
Aureliano C. Malheiro, Rita Campos, Helder Fraga*, José Eiras-Dias, José Silvestre,
João A. Santos
*- Author provided assistance in the statistical methodologies, climatological assessments, figure and
table preparation, and in the writing of the article
Chapter 6. Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine
Region, Portugal
Aim: To investigate the characteristics, relationships and trends in the phenology of four
winegrape varieties and associated temperature relationships in the Lisbon wine region
(LWR), between 1990 and 2011.
Methods and results: Budburst, flowering and véraison dates of red (Castelão and Aragonez,
syn. Tempranillo) and white (Chasselas and Fernão Pires) varieties were taken from an
experimental vineyard in the LWR. Harvest dates were determined based on a similar
maturity level for all varieties. From these data, varietal characteristics, temporal trends as
well as relationships between phenology and temperature were assessed through stepwise
multivariate linear regressions. Flowering was the most sensitive to temperature in the
preceding months (March-April). Differences/similarities between the phenological timing of
the different varieties are presented. With few exceptions, no trends were found in
phenophases over the 1990-2011 period, whereas several significant negative slopes were
displayed for phenological intervals, suggesting a role for accumulated thermal effects in
phenological timing. Strong correlations were observed between phenophases, especially
between flowering and véraison.
Conclusion: The study highlights the key role played by temperature on phenology,
particularly during springtime. Furthermore, an increase in temperature during that period will
cause an advance in the timing of the following phenological events. Given the significant
trends found, phenological shifts may occur in the long term, emphasizing the need to assess
varietal characteristics and responses to regional climate.
Significance and impact of the study: The present work is the first attempt to systematically
examine temporal trends in phenology and corresponding relationships with temperature in a
Portuguese viticultural area, providing valuable information on the development and
suitability of grapevine varieties, which determine viticultural practices and winegrower’s
Chapter 6. Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine
Region, Portugal
It is widely acknowledged that vitiviniculture is mainly governed by weather and
climate conditions (e.g. Due et al. 1993; Jackson and Lombard 1993; Keller 2010a; Fraga et
al. 2014a). In fact, Vitis vinifera L. is a perennial and deciduous crop, whose vegetative cycle,
morphologically described by phenological stages, is mostly driven by air temperature.
Precipitation and radiation are also important, though to a lesser extent (Jones 2003; Bock et
al. 2011; Tomasi et al. 2011; Urhausen et al. 2011). After a period of chilling temperatures in
winter for breaking dormancy, the growing season begins with budburst in early spring. A
cumulative effect of temperatures above a threshold of 10°C (base temperature) is the
classical thermal requirement for this event to take place (Winkler 1974). The following main
events are flowering, véraison (berry softening and colour change) and harvest (with fruit
ripening in summer), during which warm temperatures (dry and stable atmospheric
conditions) are required for balanced crop yield and wine quality (Jones and Davis 2000b;
Santos et al. 2013; Santos et al. 2011). Later, the vines lose their leaves (leaf fall). Mild
temperatures and considerable precipitation totals during the dormant period are critical for
the next growing season, particularly in Mediterranean winegrowing regions (Magalhães
2008). All these climatic requirements are reflected in the global geographic distribution of
this species, preferably located where growing season mean temperatures range from 12 to
22°C (Jones 2006). Within these boundaries are the typical Mediterranean climates, which
includes the Portuguese winegrowing areas, despite important regional differences and strong
inter-annual variability that may significantly influence winegrape phenology (Fraga et al.
2012b). In addition, the timing of each phenophase differs according to each grapevine
variety, and is generally tied to local thermal conditions (e.g. flowering and véraison; Parker
et al. 2011). Indeed, phenological models, based on temperature accumulations above a base
temperature between events, such as Growing Degree Days (GDD), have been extensively
reported in the literature (e.g. Chuine et al. 2003; Jones 2003). More complex models using
different threshold values and chilling requirements have also been developed (de CortazarAtauri et al. 2009; Caffarra and Eccel 2011). Taking into account these heat requirements,
different derived (bioclimatic) indices have been used for viticultural climatic zoning and
inter-regional and global comparisons (Malheiro et al. 2010; Fraga et al. 2014a; Fraga et al.
2013). Other studies linking phenology and climate variability (especially temperature) used
temperature averages rather than summations (Grifoni et al. 2006; Garcia-Mozo et al. 2010;
Chapter 6. Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine
Region, Portugal
Dalla Marta et al. 2010; Bock et al. 2011; Tomasi et al. 2011) in order to avoid correlations
between accumulated values and elapsed time (Due et al. 1993; Jones and Davis 2000a;
Urhausen et al. 2011).
Most studies that addressed these links have reported earlier phenophase dates, shorter
phenological intervals and warmer grape maturation periods, suggesting that these changes
are mostly likely due to the temperature rise observed in recent years (Jones and Davis 2000a;
Duchene and Schneider 2005; Jones et al. 2005a; Bock et al. 2011; Tomasi et al. 2011;
Urhausen et al. 2011). Furthermore, phenological changes are projected to be particularly
striking in the upcoming decades due to warming trends (Webb et al. 2007; Duchene et al.
2010; Caffarra and Eccel 2011). Therefore, shifts in grapevine varieties, wine quality and
typicity, and even in the location of the main winegrowing regions may occur in the long term
(Malheiro et al. 2010; Santos et al. 2012; Fraga et al. 2013). Most importantly, these authors
projected detrimental impacts in most wine regions of southern Europe, which would require
short term measures (e.g. irrigation; Ferreira et al. 2012) to cope with environmental stresses.
The phenological characteristics of individual grapevine varieties, as well as their
responses to climate, are of utmost importance for activity planning and decision making in
viticulture. Indeed, they may have direct impacts on vine yield and wine production, and,
ultimately, on winegrower’s income (Magalhães 2008). Therefore, the present study
evaluated the influence of temperature variability on the phenology of four winegrape
varieties in the Lisbon Wine Region (LWR henceforth), of south-western Portugal. In
addition, the relationships between the onset and duration of the main phenological stages and
their trends were analysed. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to systematically
examine temporal trends in phenology and corresponding climate links in a Portuguese
viticultural area. As the selected region is the second most important with respect to
production volume (after the Douro Valley), it also plays a central role in the Portuguese
economy (IVV 2011).
Chapter 6. Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine
Region, Portugal
Material and methods
6.2.1. Location and climate data
The study was carried out in the LWR (former Estremadura region), consisting of a
coastal north-south strip about 30 km wide, stretching from just north of Lisbon to central
Portugal (Fig. 6.1). The winegrowing area is characterized by a Mediterranean climate (warm
temperate climate with a dry and warm summer; Kottek et al. 2006), but with a noteworthy
Atlantic influence. The ‘WorldClim’ database was used (Hijmans et al. 2005), which provides
gridded data (with spatial resolution of about 1 km at the Equator) of monthly precipitation
and maximum, minimum and mean air temperatures over 1950-2000, was used for the
description of regional climate conditions. These variables were then extracted over the target
area (8183 grid cells), overcoming the considerable lack of data provided by the few weather
stations located within the region.
Fig. 6.1 – a) Average annual (left panel) and April-September (right panel)
precipitation (in mm) for the 1950-2000 period, Lisbon Wine Region,
Portugal. b): the same as a) but for the air temperature (in ºC).
Chapter 6. Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine
Region, Portugal
At the vineyard level, two sets of daily maximum, minimum and mean air temperature
records were used, for the calculation of monthly values. The first set (1999-2011) was
recorded from a standard meteorological weather station close to the experimental site (Dois
Portos: 39.0ºN, 9.2ºW, 110 m asl). As this set did not cover the entire 22 years of the study
period (1990-2011), daily data from the Lisbon meteorological station (Lisboa-Geofísico:
38.7°N, 9.1°W, 80 m asl) were selected over the study period. By applying linear regressions
between these two datasets in their common period (1999-2011), high coefficients of
determination were obtained for monthly maximum, minimum and mean temperatures (0.96 ≤
R2 ≤ 0.99). This result highlights the similarity of the inter-annual climate variability within
the LWR, which is fundamentally forced by large-scale atmospheric patterns (Santos et al.
2011). Using the regression coefficients from these linear regression equations, a third and
complete set of monthly (maximum, minimum and mean) temperature data was estimated for
Dois Portos in the extended period of 1990-2011 (reconstructed series); the correlation
coefficients between the raw and the reconstructed time series were ≥ 0.98 for the three
variables in their common period (1999-2011). The yearly evolution of maximum, mean and
minimum temperatures (reconstructed series) for the four trimesters is shown in Figure 6.2.
Even though these reconstructed series are not free of bias, the very high correlation
coefficients referred to above suggest that their inter-annual variability was reliably
reproduced, which is by far the most important property when modelling the inter-annual
variability of phenological variables. In effect, this methodology allows overcoming an
important limitation: the absence of simultaneous meteorological and phenological data in the
same location and over a relatively long time period. However, these data constraints
prevented the use of daily temperatures. Therefore, temperature thresholds (Jones and Davis
2000a), varietal thermal requirements (Duchene et al. 2010; Parker et al. 2011) and derived
indices (Fraga et al. 2014a; Jones 2003) were not computed in the present work. The monthly
series are then only related to grapevine phenology. Although precipitation was also
considered in a first exploratory study, it presented no statistically significant correlations
with phenological stages (95% confidence level) and was thus discarded from the analysis
(not shown).
Chapter 6. Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine
Region, Portugal
Fig. 6.2 - Yearly evolution (1990-2011) of maximum (TX), mean (TG) and minimum (TN) temperatures
(reconstructed series) for the (a) winter (Jan-Feb-Mar), (b) spring (Apr-May-Jun), (c) summer (Jul-Aug-Sep)
and (d) autumn (Oct-Nov-Dec) in Dois Portos, Portugal. Straight lines represent linear regressions for
significant trends, LT their trends, and R2 their coefficients of determination. p-values < 0.05 are shown.
6.2.2. Plant material and phenology
The dates of key phenophases of two red (Aragonez and Castelão) and two white
(Chasselas and Fernão Pires) Vitis vinifera L. varieties were obtained from the Portuguese
national ampelographic collection at the state laboratory ‘Instituto Nacional de Investigação
Agrária e Veterinária’, in Dois Portos (which includes the former ‘Estação Vitivinícola
Nacional’). These varieties cover the longest period of phenological records within the
collection. The vineyard, which covers about 2 ha and 724 accessions or botanical clones,
aims to preserve the native Portuguese varieties, allowing characterization, identification and
synonymy/homonymy study. It has also the goal of being used as a reference collection for
varieties and rootstocks grown in Portugal, including those widely planted worldwide. The
experimental vines, are trained on vertical trellis at a plant density of about 3200 vines/ha, and
grafted onto SO4 rootstock. The soil is classified as a calcic fluvisol (eutric) (FAO 2006).
Castelão and Fernão Pires are two native winegrape varieties, typically planted in the
study area. Aragonez (syn. Tempranillo) is largely grown in the Iberian Peninsula and
Chasselas in Switzerland (known as Fendant) and France (Magalhães 2008). Regarding
phenological precocity, budding ranges from early (Castelão, Chasselas and Fernão Pires) to
Chapter 6. Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine
Region, Portugal
average (Aragonez), and all are early ripening (Lopes et al. 2008; Magalhães 2008), though
temperature sum requirements along the growing season may vary with variety and climate
(Parker et al. 2011). The observed date of budburst, flowering and véraison of the four
varieties were monitored from 1990 to 2011 (22 years), except for Aragonez, for which no
data was available for the first four years. These phenological stages were considered to occur
when 50% of the plants had reached a particular stage. Budburst, flowering and véraison
correspond to stages 07, 65 and 81, according to the BBCH scale, respectively (Lorenz et al.
1995). In addition, harvest dates (stage 89 on the BBCH scale) were available for the 19902011 period (except for the 1994 vintage). The white varieties were harvested when probable
alcohol content of Fernão Pires fruits were about 11.5% (vol.), which is considered as a
reference, though Chasselas berries generally had lower probable alcohol content at harvest
(not shown). A similar approach was carried out for the red varieties using Castelão as a
reference (11.5% vol.). For this purpose, berry samples from these varieties were collected
from the end of August to early September (2-4 samplings) of every vintage. As the harvest
date is generally considered as a ‘false’ phenophase influenced by weather conditions,
oenological decisions and winery logistics (Petrie and Sadras 2008), a comparison of harvest
dates with similar level of ripeness was developed. Therefore, an estimated harvest date for
each variety reaching a probable alcohol content of 11.5% (vol.; hereafter designated as
harvest) was defined by taking the linear rate of change in probable alcohol content during
maturation. The observed phenological events were also used to derive the intervals between
each event (budburst to flowering, budburst to véraison, flowering to véraison and véraison to
harvest). The growing season length corresponds to the number of days between budburst and
6.2.3. Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis of phenology from the four varieties was undertaken using the tStudent’s test in conjunction with the least significant differences of means. The results are
then presented as mean estimates ± standard deviation, for inter-annual variability assessment.
In addition, medians, interquartile ranges and outliers were determined. In order to examine
linear dependencies between these variables, Pearson correlation coefficients were also
computed. The differences between means and linear regression trends were assumed to be
statistically significant at the 5% level. A multivariate linear regression model (stepwise
Chapter 6. Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine
Region, Portugal
methodology) was applied (using a least-squares approach) to grapevine phenology using the
full set of selected potential predictors (monthly maximum, minimum and mean temperatures
separately and combination) as independent variables.
Results and discussion
6.3.1. Climatic conditions
Average of annual total precipitation and mean temperature patterns within the LWR
were 780 mm and 15.4ºC, respectively, over the 1950-2000 period (Fig. 6.1). Typically, the
northern hilly areas and the western coast were much wetter and cooler than the southeasternmost area (where Lisbon is located). Indeed, the average climatic conditions in Lisbon
were warmer and drier than those typically found in the LWR. Furthermore, high elevation
areas, such as in the Montejunto mountain range and the coastal strip (sea breeze influence),
presented the coolest conditions. For the growing season (April-September), the area-mean
temperatures were clearly higher than their annual means (nearly +3ºC), and the area-mean
precipitation were significantly lower (nearly -600 mm), which is typical of the LWR
Mediterranean climate. The remarkable seasonality in precipitation can be demonstrated at the
experimental site (Dois Portos), where the long-term average precipitation from April to
September was about 160 mm, which represents roughly 22% of the total annual amount. At
the same site, annual and growing season mean temperatures were 15.7 and 18.4ºC,
During the study period (1990-2011), relevant seasonal differences between years were
found (Fig. 6.2). In fact, there were summer periods (July, August and September) presenting
anomalously high mean temperatures (e.g. 1990, 1991, 2003 and 2010, anomalies of +0.71.6ºC) and winter periods (January, February and March) presenting anomalously low mean
temperatures (e.g. 1991, 1992, 2005 and 2006, anomalies ranging from -1.0 to -1.4ºC).
Furthermore, significant temperature trends were displayed for autumn (maximum
temperature) and springtime (Fig. 6.2). Regarding the annual values (Fig. 6.3), some years
(e.g. 1995, 1997 and 2011) were anomalously warm (anomalies in the annual mean
temperature of +0.6-0.8ºC), whereas others (e.g. 1992, 1993 and 1999) were anomalously
cold (anomalies in the annual mean temperature from -1.1 to -0.4ºC). Significant positive
trends were also found for the annual means of daily maximum and mean temperatures
Chapter 6. Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine
Region, Portugal
(+0.04-0.03ºC/yr, p ≤ 0.016). This inter-annual variability is expected to have forced the
whole phenology of the winegrapes in the LWR and to be reflected in the winegrape
phenology of the study site in particular.
6.3.2. Characteristics and relationships in phenology
Overall, the time series of the main phenological events for the four selected winegrape
Fig. 6.3 - Annual values of maximum (TX), mean (TG) and minimum (TN) temperatures
(reconstructed series) for the 1990-2011 period in Dois Portos, Portugal. Enclosed symbols of mean
temperatures correspond to values that fell below first (squares) and above third (circles) quartiles and
straight lines represent linear regressions for significant trends, LT their trends, and R 2 their
coefficients of determination. p-values < 0.05 are shown.
varieties revealed a very similar behaviour, with clear inter-annual variability during 19902011 (Fig. 6.4). Furthermore, median dates were quite similar to mean dates for each
phenophase of each variety, but significant differences in means were found between varieties
(not shown). However, the mean budburst date (March 14 ± 8 days) of Castelão, Chasselas
and Fernão Pires did not differ significantly, but was distributed over nearly one month, from
February 27 (2001) to March 30 (2005) (Fig. 6.4). On the other hand, this phenological event
took place from March 8 (1998 and 2001) to April 6 (2005) for Aragonez, which was, on
average, near a week later (March 20 ± 9 days) compared with the other three varieties,
revealing its (mean) budburst precocity (Lopes et al. 2008).
Chapter 6. Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine
Region, Portugal
Fig. 6.4 - On the left: Box plots of budburst, flowering, véraison and harvest dates of Aragonez,
Castelão, Chasselas and Fernão Pires varieties from 1990 to 2011 in Dois Portos, Portugal.
Medians correspond to horizontal black lines within boxes, lower (upper) box limits to the first
(third) quartiles and whiskers to the non-outlier maxima and minima. First (second) order outliers
are indicated by circles (asterisks) and represent events above/below the box upper/lower limit by
at least 1.5 (3.0) times the respective box height (interquartile range). On the right: Time series of
the same phenophases and varieties for the outlined period. The dashed lines represent the linear
regression for the budburst of Aragonez and harvest of Fernão Pires, LT represents its trend, and R 2
represents the coefficient of determination.
Chapter 6. Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine
Region, Portugal
There were no significant differences between varieties in the mean flowering dates
(May 20 ± 9 days), with a maximum about two/three weeks later (June 2-7). Outlier minima
were also reported for all varieties in 1997 (April 24) that corresponded to an anomalously
warm March-April period (anomaly of +2.8ºC in the two-month mean). Regarding the
véraison dates, Chasselas presented higher range (42 days) compared with Castelão (34 days),
but significant earlier onsets (July 27 ± 11 days and August 4 ± 8 days, respectively; Fig. 6.4
and Table 6.1). Despite no significant differences, Aragonez and Fernão Pires tended to onset
maturation between the former two varieties. As previously, 1997 was an outlier for all
varieties, except Fernão Pires, and 2011 (anomaly of +3.0ºC in the April-May mean) was an
outlier for Aragonez and Chasselas.
Table 6.1 - Means, standard deviations and linear trend parameters (R2, p-value and annual trend) of main
phenophase dates and corresponding intervals for the four varieties in Dois Portos, Portugal (1990-2011).
Std. Dev.
p-value Trend (days/yr)
Mar 20
Mar 12
Mar 14
Fernão Pires
Mar 15
May 23
May 18
May 20
Fernão Pires
May 21
Jul 29
Ago 4
Jul 27
Fernão Pires
Ago 2
Sep 15
Sep 20
Sep 25
Fernão Pires
Sep 16
Fernão Pires
Fernão Pires
Fernão Pires
Fernão Pires
Fernão Pires
Chapter 6. Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine
Region, Portugal
Average harvesting of Chasselas occurred around 10 days later compared with
Aragonez and Fernão Pires (September 15 ± 8 days), which should be explained by its
generally lower probable alcohol content (compared with the other three varieties) at harvest.
Furthermore, Chasselas showed a high range (36 days), similar to Fernão Pires (38 days) but
lower than Aragonez (21 days) and Castelão (27 days). Importantly, despite environmental
effects, days to berry maturity is also varietal dependent (Petrie and Sadras 2008; Webb et al.
2007, 2011) and genetically determined (Magalhães 2008). An evidence of the latter
characteristic might be found for Shiraz, syn. Syrah, in Australia, where over four consecutive
seasons, ripening parameters (°Brix and berry weight) were more closely correlated with the
number of days after flowering than with GDD (McCarthy 1999).
In the present study, an assessment of the intervals between the main phenological
events showed high inter-annual variability (Table 6.1). Commonly, the flowering-véraison
interval was the longest, but with relatively low inter-annual variability, followed by the
budburst-flowering interval. The véraison-harvest interval presented the highest inter-annual
variability. The budburst-flowering interval ranged from about 50 days, for the shortest period
in 1997 to about 79 days for the longest period in 2001, averaging 67 (±8) days during the
study period. Conversely, significant differences between varieties were found for the growth
period between flowering and veraison, with the exception (no difference) of Aragonez and
Chasselas, where the averaged interval was 68 (±7) days, being also the shortest interval. On
the other hand, Castelão revealed the longest average interval (78 ±5 days), but with the
lowest range (18 days). The length of the véraison to harvest interval (47 ± 8 days, Aragonez,
Castelão and Fernão Pires) did not differ significantly between varieties, except for Chasselas,
which was the last to reach maturity (60 ± 13 days), and ranged from 30 (year 2005) to 77
(year 2011) days.
The length from budburst to harvest is particularly important for defining the growing
season period, which for Chasselas lasted from 160 (in 2005) to 209 (in 1990) days, with an
average of 195 (± 12) days. This last value was significantly extended compared to Fernão
Pires (185 ± 13 days) and Aragonez (179 ± 11 days), but not to Castelão. Significant
differences were also detected between Aragonez and Castelão for this same interval, which
tended to have shorter and longer growing seasons, respectively.
Relationships between phenophases and varieties were clear (Table 6.2). Overall,
significant correlations were observed between successive phenological stages; these were
Chapter 6. Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine
Region, Portugal
particularly strong between flowering and véraison (r ≥ 0.73 for all varieties). Additionally,
the latter phase was also correlated with harvest for Aragonez, Castelão and Fernão Pires (r ≥
0.50), whereas no significant correlations were found between budburst and harvest.
Interestingly, the spring (a critical period as discussed in the next section) of 2011 was clearly
the warmest of the study period (Fig. 6.2), promoting the shortest flowering-véraison
followed by the longest véraison-harvest interphases (indicating less suitable conditions) for
Chasselas. However, intervals between phenophases were not significantly correlated (not
shown), revealing that, for example, a shorter (longer) budburst-flowering period does not
necessarily imply a shorter (extended) flowering-véraison period. These results are in
agreement with previous studies (Tomasi et al. 2011; Bock et al. 2011; Jones and Davis
Table 6.2 - Pearson correlations coefficients between main phenophases of the four varieties in Dois Portos,
Portugal (1990-2011). Values in bold are significant (p < 0.05).
6.3.3. Temperature and phenology: effects and trends
Close relationships between main phenophases and temperature of the preceding
months were reported using a multivariate regression approach. Moreover, all variables were
negatively correlated (r < 0, not shown), meaning that increased temperatures during the
selected months anticipate a specific event. The stepwise method was used to select the most
significant predictors (individual and combined maximum, minimum and mean temperatures)
at monthly (and multi-monthly) timescales in 1990-2011 (Table 6.3).
Chapter 6. Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine
Region, Portugal
Table 6.3 - Summary of most significant and not inter-correlated (99% confidence level) monthly (or multimonthly) temperature variables (TX, TN and TG combined and analysed separately) and corresponding
coefficients of determination after cross-validation (Rcv2) for key phenophases of the four varieties in Dois
Portos, Portugal (1990-2011). TX, TN and TG: maximum, minimum and mean temperatures, respectively. nd:
not determined. Note that all temperatures are negatively correlated with phenophase dates.
Regressor Rcv
Regressor Rcv
Regressor Rcv2
TX, TN and TG as variables
Aragonez TN Jan-Feb-Mar 0.46
TX Mar-Apr
TG Mar-Apr
TG Mar-Apr
TX Apr
Castelão TN Jan-Feb-Mar 0.69
TX Mar-Apr
TN Jun
TN Jun
TX Jul
TX Sep
TG Mar-Apr
TN Mar-Apr
TG Mar-Apr
TN Feb-Mar
TN Apr
TN Jul
TN Aug
TX Mar
TN Mar-Apr
TX Apr
TN Feb-Mar
TX Mar-Apr
TN Jul
TX Jun
TX Aug
TX as variable
Aragonez TX Jan-Feb-Mar 0.29
TX Mar-Apr
TX Mar-Apr
TX Mar-Apr
TX Mar
Castelão TX Jan-Feb-Mar 0.41
TX Mar-Apr
TX Jun
TX Apr
TX Jul
TX Jun
TX Feb-Mar
TX Mar-Apr
TX Mar-Apr
TX Apr
TX Mar
TX Apr
TX Jan-Feb-Mar 0.45
TX Mar-Apr
TX Mar-Apr
TX Jun
TX Aug
TN as variable
Aragonez TN Jan-Feb-Mar 0.46
TN Mar-Apr
TN Mar-Apr
TN Mar-Apr
Castelão TN Jan-Feb-Mar 0.69
TN Mar-Apr
TN Mar-Apr
TN Jun
TN Mar-Apr
TN Mar-Apr
TN Feb-Mar
TN Mar-Apr
TN Jul
TN Aug
TN Mar-Apr
TN Apr
TN Feb-Mar
TN Mar-Apr
TN Jul
TN Jun
TG as variable
Aragonez TG Jan-Feb-Mar 0.43
TG Mar-Apr
TG Mar-Apr
TG Mar-Apr
TG Mar-Apr
Castelão TG Jan-Feb-Mar 0.62
TG Mar-Apr
TG Jun
TG Jun
TG Jul
TG Mar-Apr
TG Mar-Apr
TG Feb-Mar
TG Mar-Apr
TG Apr
TG Aug
TG Apr
TG Jan-Feb-Mar 0.61
TG Mar-Apr
TG Mar-Apr
TG Jun
TG Aug
Combining the three temperatures increased the coefficient of determination in several
cases, though the selected months were generally the same. In fact, the discrepancy in the
selection of the combined climatic variables can be primarily explained by the stepwise
methodology. As maximum and minimum temperatures (besides mean temperature) for a
given month were highly correlated (0.76 ≤ r ≤ 0.89 for all months, except September with r =
Chapter 6. Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine
Region, Portugal
0.56), this method automatically selects the variable with better statistical performance in
order to avoid multi-collinearity and overfitting. Hence, after the selection of one of the three
variables for a given month, the others for the same month are automatically excluded,
regardless of the physiological responses. Therefore, the isolation of the predictor months is
greatly important, though multiple variables should be tested (avoiding previous selection of
variables) in a statistical analysis (Due et al. 1993).
Average minimum temperatures of the two-month February-March period (Chasselas
and Fernão Pires) or the three-month January-February-March period (Aragonez and
Castelão) were the major variables controlling grapevine budburst for the studied varieties
(0.46 ≤ Rcv2 ≤ 0.69), with Aragone presenting the lower response. Only the latter variety
displayed a significant trend of +1.1 days/yr (p = 0.002, Table 6.1), indicating that this event
has been delayed along the period of study (Fig. 6.4). Nonetheless, the results need to be
cautiously interpreted as the data series is shorter for Aragonez (18 years) and may be
substantially influenced by anomalously high (or low) values (e.g. April 6, 2005). In fact,
Petrie and Sadras (2008) highlighted similar times series constraint using a 1993-2006 period.
Additionally, budburst is projected to occur later in a warmer area of Australia (Margaret
River) in response to future warming (Webb et al. 2007). The authors pointed out the
insufficient winter chilling for breaking dormancy in the region for these projections.
However, no significant temperature trends were found over the winter periods in our study
(Fig. 6.2), though short term (e.g. daily) responses may not be totally expressed in monthly
averages (Due et al. 1993). Practices such as pruning should not have a determinant impact on
that response, as it was performed in similar time periods of each year (early January). On the
other hand, other factors, such as soil temperature, soil water availability (precipitation effect)
and starch content in the roots should influence this stage (Jackson and Lombard 1993; Lavee
and May 1997; Keller 2010a). These results highlight the importance of developing
phenological models (Chuine et al. 2003; Parker et al. 2011) quantifying the precise base
temperatures and thermal requirements (defining varietal suitability), which may vary with
variety and location (de Cortazar-Atauri et al. 2009; Oliveira 1998). As an illustration,
calculated (budburst) threshold temperature may vary from 5.1 to 6.9ºC for Müller-Thurgau
in cool winter climates (Nendel 2010). Conversely (and similarly to our results in three
varieties), no significant budburst trends were described for a long-term (1964-2009) dataset
of eighteen varieties in the Veneto region, Italy (Tomasi et al. 2011) and in Lower Franconia,
Chapter 6. Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine
Region, Portugal
Germany (Bock et al. 2011), whereas earlier budburst were reported in Alsace (Duchene and
Schneider 2005) and Burgundy (Jones et al. 2005a), France, as a result of temperature rise.
Flowering timing also showed to be mostly influenced by March temperature, but now
combined with April (preceding two-month period). Regarding the analysis of the combined
three climatic variables, maximum March-April temperature was chosen for all the varieties
except Chasselas, for which mean March-April and minimum April temperatures were
selected. The model explained 75-84% of the total variance of this event, which was generally
the highest significance. The effect of springtime thermal conditions was particularly clear in
the advanced flowering of 2007 (outlier for all varieties) as described above. Other studies
(Jones and Davis 2000a; Bock et al. 2011; Tomasi et al. 2011) have reported that both
flowering and budburst are mainly controlled by (maximum) March and April temperatures.
The former result may be ascribed to the warmer climate conditions within the LWR (and
then earlier budburst) compared with the above studies (e.g. Germany). Moreover, strong
linear relationships between flowering dates and spring temperatures were also found for
other plant species (e.g. Menzel et al. 2005).
Véraison was still mainly driven by March and April temperatures (0.57 ≤ Rcv2 ≤ 0.87
for the combined analysis), which is consistent with the strong correlation between flowering
and véraison onsets detailed above. Another determinant variable was late monthly
temperature (e.g. July). Once again, April temperatures were crucial for harvest, though
preceding months/variables were also selected (0.61 ≤ Rcv2 ≤ 0.77 for the combined analysis),
suggesting the increased influence of cultural practices over the season. However, no
significant predictors could be isolated for the harvest of Aragonez, due to its smaller sample
size (17 years). Therefore, the strong link between winegrape phenology and springtime
thermal conditions, as well as the increased influence of viticultural practices (non-climatic
drivers) during maturity, are determinant in the LWR, as in other regions (Jones and Davis
2000a; Duchene and Schneider 2005; Webb et al. 2007; Petrie and Sadras 2008; Bock et al.
2011; Tomasi et al. 2011).
Significant positive trends in temperatures were found for the spring period (Fig. 6.2).
However, no significant trends were observed for flowering, véraison and harvest onsets, with
the exception of Fernão Pires where anticipation in harvest (negative trend) of roughly -1.0
days/yr was depicted (p ≤ 0.001, Table 6.1). This result may be ascribed to a higher climatic
sensitivity over maturation, which was also exposed in interphase trends (as described below).
Indeed, based on acid and sugar levels over a 45-year period, Jones and Davis (2000a)
Chapter 6. Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine
Region, Portugal
concluded that Merlot is a more phenologically and climatically sensitive winegrape variety
compared with Cabernet Sauvignon in Bordeaux, France.
Additionally, negative trends (shortest interval) in the time series were mostly found for
interphases: flowering to véraison (Aragonez and Castelão), véraison to harvest (Fernão Pires)
and budburst to harvest (Aragonez, Chasselas and Fernão Pires) (Table 6.1), which are
generally linked to better climatic conditions for growth and development (Jones and Davis
2000a). However, in warmer Portuguese regions, harvest dates may be brought forward into a
warmer period of the year, with detrimental effects on yield and quality (Jones 2006; Duchene
et al. 2010; Santos et al. 2011).
The significance of the apparent discrepancy in slopes between dates of events and
intervals in phenology may be attributed to the accumulated thermal effect along the season
(Tomasi et al. 2011), which cannot be clearly disclosed by the date of each phenophase.
Though generally not statistically significant, all seasonal (and yearly) mean temperatures
displayed positive slopes (not shown). Furthermore, a persistent effect of spring (near
budburst) temperatures was also reported to influence the vegetative growth of Cabernet
Sauvignon grapevines in Washington, USA (Keller and Tarara 2010). Other studies (Jones
and Davis 2000a; Duchene and Schneider 2005; Bock et al. 2011; Tomasi et al. 2011;
Neethling et al. 2012; Webb et al. 2012) showed significant phenological shifts, particularly
for the last events (véraison and harvest) and intervals (e.g. budburst to harvest). However,
these authors generally reported lower rates (e.g. roughly -0.3 days/yr, for the budburstharvest interval in Germany and northern Italy), which may be attributed to the different
temporal windows and lengths used for the trend assessments in the different studies. In fact,
Webb et al. (2012) computed significant higher trends in maturity (e.g. -1.25 days/yr for
Shiraz in Central Victoria, Australia), when a shorter and common period in their study
(1985-2009) was defined. In the same country, Sadras and Petrie (2011) concluded that the
early maturity of Chardonnay, Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon varieties was mostly related to
early onset (86% of the variation in maturity) rather than faster ripening in response to
warming. Moreover, increases in potential alcohol level at harvest were reported during the
last decades in Alsace (Duchene and Schneider 2005).
It is worthwhile noting that, contrary to usual wine production practices (e.g. harvest
dates are varietal and oenological dependent), the trends in maturity were assessed by a
biophysical parameter (potential alcohol content) similar to all varieties, which diminishes the
effect of non-climatic drivers (Webb et al. 2011; Webb et al. 2012). Nevertheless, the period
Chapter 6. Winegrape phenology and temperature relationships in the Lisbon Wine
Region, Portugal
between budburst and véraison was also determined in order to disregard the harvest date.
Non-significant trends were displayed in the former interval for the white varieties (Chasselas
and Fernão Pires), indicating the major influence of the later phase (i.e., harvest) (Table 6.1).
Conversely, for the red varieties, which are commonly more heat demanding, significant
trends were found between budburst and véraison (e.g. -1.5 days/yr for Aragonez), revealing
that effects may occur at earlier periods (flowering to véraison) of the cycle (Table 6.1).
This study presents the first analysis of the temporal trends in winegrape phenology and
corresponding connections to temperature in a major Portuguese wine region. Our results
highlight the key role played by springtime thermal conditions in phenology, particularly in
flowering, which in turn influence the following phases, though non-climate drivers (e.g.
viticultural practices) are also important during ripening. While only a few trends were found
for phenophases, several significant negative slopes were displayed for interphases, which
was a reflection of the accumulated thermal effects along the seasons. This issue is especially
relevant under a scenario of projected future warmer climates (where these relationships may
be changed), although this assessment is out of the scope of the present study. As a result,
phenological shifts may occur in the long term, emphasizing the need to assess varietal
characteristics and responses to climate at regional level. Despite the considerable lack of
relatively long time series of phenological data for the Portuguese wine regions, further
analysis on the impacts of climate change in winegrape phenology is currently underway,
which may provide crucial information on the development and suitability of grapevine
varieties, determining viticultural practices and winegrower’s income.
Chapter 7.
Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and
vegetative growth in Iberian viticultural areas
Impact Factor (5-yr): 2.837
Helder Fraga, Aureliano C. Malheiro, José Moutinho-Pereira, Rita M. Cardoso,
Pedro M. Soares, Javier J. Cancela, Joaquim G. Pinto and João A. Santos
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
The Iberian viticultural regions are convened according to the Denomination of Origin (DO)
and present different climates, soils, topography and management practices. All these
elements influence the vegetative growth of different varieties throughout the Iberian
Peninsula, and are tied to quality and wine type. In the current study, an integrated analysis of
climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth is performed for the Iberian DO regions,
using state-of-the-art datasets. For climatic assessment, a categorized index, accounting for
phenological/thermal development, water availability and ripening conditions is computed.
Soil textural classes are established to distinguish soil types. Elevation and aspect
(orientation) are also taken into account, as the leading topographic elements. Using a spectral
vegetation index, all the previous elements are then integrated as a function of the vegetative
growth of the Iberian vineyards. Results show that most Iberian vineyards are grown in
temperate dry climates with loamy soils, presenting low vegetative growth. Other vineyards,
in temperate humid conditions tend to show higher vegetative growth. In these climates, soil
type and topography play a minor role for grapevine growth. Conversely, in cooler and
warmer climates, soil type and water availability acquire more important roles. Soils with
higher clay content limit vegetative growth, whereas higher sand content provide better
growing conditions. These assessments allow direct comparison between DO regions and may
be of great value to viticulturists, as they play a key role when including vineyards into a
given DO. This is particularly important taking into account the projected climate for future
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
The most renowned viticultural regions in the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal and Spain)
have a long standing tradition in winemaking and are considered world-class grapevine (Vitis
vinifera L.) producing regions. Spain, which currently has the largest vineyard area in the
world (over 1×106 ha), is the 3rd wine producer worldwide, while Portugal ranks in the 11th
place, with internationally acclaimed wines, such as the Port wine (OIV 2012). In these
countries, viticultural regions are convened according to Denominations of Origin (DO), or
Qualified Denomination of Origin (DOCa), which are imposed by governmental institutions
and controlled by strict regulations. In fact, the Portuguese Douro/Porto DO was the first
viticultural region worldwide to implement these regulations (in 1756; Magalhães 2008).
Such regulations aim at obtaining a superior wine quality, while establishing the specific wine
characteristics of each region (IVV 2011). The concept of terroir, which includes specific
soil, topography, climate, landscape characteristics and biodiversity features of each
winemaking region (OIV 2010), is entrenched within the classification of a DO. Each DO is
expected to be a recognized trademark, whilst other vineyards/products not included in the
DO are not allowed to bear this denomination.
Being part of the terroir, soil is one of the most important factors for a sustainable
viticulture (Magalhães 2008). It supports the root system, which accumulates carbohydrates,
water and other nutrients, being crucial for grapevine growth, physiology and yield attributes
(Winkler 1974; Morlat and Jacquet 2003). Soil structure and chemistry can influence
grapevine composition and consequently wine quality (Mackenzie and Christy 2005).
Compact and shallow soils can obstruct root access to oxygen, water and nutrients, limiting
root growth and development and inhibiting proper grapevine behaviour (Jackson and
Lombard 1993). In grapevines, nutrient and water uptake occur mostly within 0.5–1.0 m soil
profile (Magalhães 2008; Keller 2010b). Therefore, deep soils with good drainage (either
natural or manmade) are usually preferred for vineyard implementation (Morlat and Jacquet
1993). Additionally, soil heat and water retention properties are also important, as they can
affect the phenological development of grapevines (Yau et al. 2013; Field et al. 2009). A high
soil water storage capacity is indeed important in regions where grapevines are subjected to
high levels of heat and water stress, as is the case of the Mediterranean regions (Flexas et al.
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
Climate, also an important component of the terroir, is widely acknowledged as one of
the most important factors for grapevine development and growth (Fraga et al. 2014b, 2013;
Jackson and Lombard 1993; Keller 2010a; Malheiro et al. 2010). During the growing season
(April–October in the Northern Hemisphere) of this perennial and deciduous crop, climatic
conditions are responsible for numerous morphologically and physiological changes. One of
the most well-known climatic limitations of grapevine is the 10°C base temperature, needed
for the onset of its yearly vegetative cycle (Winkler 1974). Throughout its different stages of
development, sunlight, heat and water demands vary, so as to guarantee optimum and
balanced grape ripening. In fact, it has been shown that the timings and duration of the
grapevine phenological stages are deeply tied to the prevailing atmospheric conditions (e.g.
Jones and Davis 2000a; Malheiro et al. 2013), which also contribute to variability in
grapevine yield (e.g. Santos et al. 2011; Bindi et al. 1996), wine production (e.g. Fraga et al.
2014b; Santos et al. 2013; Camps and Ramos 2012) and quality (e.g. Jones et al. 2004b; Jones
and Goodrich 2008). All these climatic factors limit the geographic distribution of this crop
(Jones et al. 2005b; Jones 2006; Fraga et al. 2013), being also key factors in determining the
varietal suitability and wine type of a given region (Carbonneau 2003; Jones 2006; Fraga et
al. 2014a).
The topographic elements represent yet another key factor that influences viticultural
and oenological characteristics of a given region. In Europe, vineyards are traditionally grown
in a large array of orographic conditions, from extended flatland areas to steep mountainous
regions (Nascimbene et al. 2013). Amongst the most important topographic elements for
viticulture are elevation, slope and aspect/exposition (Yau et al. 2013; Jones et al. 2004a).
These elements further enhance the singularity of viticultural regions, since the cultural and
management practices are deeply related to these elements (Magalhães 2008). As an example,
growers tend to select row orientation according to the geographical aspect (orientation) of the
vineyard, e.g. horizontal direction to which a terrain slope faces. Usually, in the Iberian
viticulture, growers generally tend to prefer southern facing areas, increasing the solar
radiation interception by foliar organs (Magalhães 2008). While elevation is generally a
determining element for site selection, due to the decreased (increased) thermal accumulation
at higher (lower) altitudes (e.g. Fraga et al. 2012b), steep-slopes can be overcome through the
implementation of agricultural practices, such as walled terraces or vertical planting.
The Iberian Peninsula presents a wide range of all these grapevine-influencing
elements. From a climatic perspective it delivers a relatively large set of mesoclimates,
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
spanning from dryer regions, in the inner south, to more humid regions, in the north and
northwest (AEMET/IMP 2011; Santos et al. 2012). Topography and soils are also quite
distinct throughout the peninsula, influencing crop selection and settlements in each region.
All these elements are reflected in the different varieties grown throughout the peninsula
(Böhm 2010). While in southern Iberia, red varieties usually prevail, in the north ,white
varieties are more common (Malheiro and Santos 2011). Thus, each Iberian viticultural region
presents a large number of autochthonous grapevine varieties, best adapted to the different
climates, soils and topographic elements (Fraga et al. 2012b). Given the heterogeneous
conditions in which grapevines are grown in Iberia, understanding the complex relationships
between all these factors represents a serious concern for grapevine growers and winemakers.
The present study aims to evaluate the conditions of the viticultural regions in Iberia,
regarding the main features of the terroir, also focusing on the sustainability and development
of this valuable agribusiness. This is first integrated analysis of this kind over the entire
Iberian Peninsula. Therefore, the objectives of this work are three-fold: 1) to assess the
prevailing conditions in terms of climate, soil and topography in the Iberian viticultural
regions; 2) to develop an integrated analysis of the previous three elements and their impact
on vegetative growth; and 3) to establish a zoning of homogeneous climate-soil-topographyvegetative growth areas.
Material and methods
7.2.1. Viticultural regions and vineyard area
As previously referred, the Iberian DO regions are subjected to strict regulatory
requirements. Although the spatial distribution and limits of each DO are subjected to
different rules in Portugal and Spain, the significance of the DO is nearly the same. In
particular, the law enforcements are similar to both Portugal and Spain, but they still differ in
certain aspects of national legislation. To assess the spatial characteristics of each DO region,
boundaries of each DO or DOCa (Rioja and Priorat) are defined using data available in the
Portuguese ‘Instituto do Vinho e da Vinha’ (IVV; and
Spanish ‘Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente’ (MAGRAMA; The viticultural regions in the islands of Madeira, Azores (Portugal)
and Canarias (Spain) are not assessed due to limitations in the soil and climatic datasets.
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
Other viticultural regulated regions, such as, quality wine with specific geographical
indication, estate wine, qualified estate wine and contry wines, Indicação de Proveniencia
Regulamentada (in Spain) and Vinho Regional (in Portugal), are out of the scope of the
current study, since DO regions are usually considered of higher importance. Note that the
DO regions of Málaga and Sierras de Málaga (in Spain) are two different DO regions that
coincide geographically and therefore are treated jointly (henceforth DO Málaga & Sierras de
Málaga). As a result, the spatial boundaries of 81 DO regions (82 effectively), 25 in Portugal
and 56 (57) in Spain, are identified within Iberian Peninsula (Fig. 7.1a).
In order to analyse the spatial distribution of the vineyards in Iberia, the Corine Land
Cover Map, version 13–2012, is used (EEA 2002; Büttner et al. 2006). This dataset, last
updated in 2012, provides an inventory of the land cover over Europe and has previously
proven to have high accuracy in representing the land cover over mainland Portugal and Spain
(Caetano et al. 2006; Genovese et al. 2001). The vineyard fraction of the land cover over
Iberia extracted from this dataset for subsequent analysis (Fig. 7.1b).
7.2.2. Topography
For the topographic analysis, elevation and geographical aspect are selected as the
leading topographic elements to be studied, due to their importance in Iberian viticulture.
Although slope is also considered a key landscape element, it is not included in the current
analysis, as in European vineyards certain practices, such as walled terraces, often adjust to
natural slopes. As detailed information such practices like walled terraces is not available, this
cannot be taken into account. For the elevation assessment, the GTOPO30 digital elevation
( Elevation ranges are isolated inside each region
(according to Fig. 7.1a, b). Aspect is calculated using the same GTOPO30 DEM and
geographical information systems.
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
Fig. 7.1 - - a) Location of the viticultural regions in Iberia, along with their denomination. b)
Spatial distribution of the vineyard land cover over Iberia (dark-red), assessed using the
Corine Land Cover, version 13- 2012, along with the viticultural regions (light-grey).
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
7.2.3. Climate
In order to analyse the climatic conditions of each region, a categorized bioclimatic
index for viticultural zoning is used (CatI; Fraga et al. 2014a). CatI establishes climatic
categories by combining three bioclimatic indices (Table 7.1): Huglin Index (Huglin 1978),
Dryness Index (Riou et al. 1994) and Cool Night Index (Tonietto and Carbonneau 2004). The
Huglin Index expresses the thermal potential of a given region and relates the heat
accumulation to the physiological development of grapevines. The Dryness Index assesses
water availability for grapevines, by estimating potential water balance over the growing
season. The Cool Night Index accounts for minimum temperatures at the end of the vegetative
cycle (September in the Northern Hemisphere), as lower nocturnal temperatures during this
stage tend to be favourable for wine quality. Thus, CatI allows determining the optimum
climatic suitability in terms of phenological development, heat and water stress, as well as
ripening conditions (Supplementary Table S3.1). Although these conditions may vary
according to each variety, it is taken into account that grapevines in Iberia are well adapted to
their local climatic conditions.
Table 7.1 - Categorized Index (CatI), along with the corresponding classes of the combined indices: Huglin,
Dryness and Cool Night indices, according to Fraga et al. (2014a)
Cool Night Index
Huglin Index
Dryness Index
(Tonietto and
(Huglin 1978) (Riou et al. 1994)
Carbonneau 2004)
Unsuitably cold or excessively dry
-100 – 50
900 – 1500
> 50
-100 – 50
1500 – 2100
> 50
-100 – 50
2100 – 2700
> 50
-100 – 50
> 2700
> 50
< 14
> 14
< 14
> 14
Cool, dry with cool nights
Cool, dry with warm nights
Cool, humid with cool nights
Cool, humid with warm nights
< 14
> 14
< 14
> 14
Temperate, dry with cool nights
Temperate, dry with warm nights
Temperate, humid with cool nights
Temperate, humid with warm nights
< 14
> 14
< 14
> 14
Warm, dry with cool nights
Warm, dry with warm nights
Warm, humid with cool nights
Warm, humid with warm nights
< 14
> 14
< 14
> 14
Very warm, dry with cool nights
Very warm, dry with warm nights
Very warm, humid with cool nights
Very warm, humid with warm nights
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
For CatI calculation (and combining indices), data from a regional climate model
(RCM) Weather Research and Forecast model (WRF; Skamarock et al. 2008) version 3.1.1 is
used. The WRF model is a non-hydrostatic model and has been widely used for dynamical
downscaling regional climate. For the present climate, a simulation with a horizontal grid
resolution of 9-km (nested in a 27-km grid) was used, with both grids centred in the Iberian
Peninsula. The RCM simulation started at 00 00 UTC 1 January 1989 and ended at 18 00
UTC 31 January 2013, with initial, lateral and lower boundary conditions derived from ERAInterim. From the model output, precipitation and temperature over Iberia are considered for
this study. A more detailed description of the model set-up can be found in Soares et al.
(2012) and Cardoso et al. (2013), where the simulation results were validated for inland
maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation, showing a good agreement with
observations. Patterns of the simulated CatI are them compared to previously established
patterns using observational data (Fraga et al. 2014a), showing a good agreement.
Additionally, solar radiation (surface net downward shortwave flux), from the Modern Era
(MERRA; at a 0.6º × 0.6º longitude/latitude spatial resolution, is also
obtained. Mean values over the growing season are calculated for 1989-2012.
7.2.4. Soils
For soil analysis, the predominant soil texture (SoilT) is assessed according to the
United States Department of Agriculture soil textural classification (USDA 2006). The texture
of a soil refers to its relative content of clay, sand and silt particles (Table 7.2). Each soil
texture class presents its own properties in terms agricultural applicability. Clay soils have
fine particles and retain large amounts of water, but are poorly drained and usually difficult to
manage (Juma 1999; McKenzie et al. 2008). Conversely, sandy soils are coarse and usually
excessively drained, with low water retention capacity (Juma 1999; McKenzie et al. 2008).
With relatively even proportions between particles, the loamy soils are typically well drained
and provide sufficient nutrient retention and are thus usually preferable for agricultural use
(Juma 1999; McKenzie et al. 2008). Soil texture is a fundamental soil property used as a
qualitative classification tool to determine other soils properties (USDA 2006). Therefore, soil
texture establishes relationships between textural classes and soil plasticity, drainage,
available water content, amongst others (McKenzie et al. 2008). Soil texture classes (SoilT)
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
Table 7.2 - Soil texture categories, along with the respective percentages of Clay, Silt and Sand, according to
USDA soil textural classification (USDA 2006).
Clay (%)
Silt (%)
Sand (%)
heavy clay
silty clay
silty clay loam
clay loam
silty loam
sandy clay
sandy clay loam
sandy loam
loamy sand
7.2.5. Vegetative growth
The Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) is used for the analysis of the vegetative
growth. Spectral vegetation indices are based on visible and near-infrared radiation fluxes,
captured by sensors on-board of polar orbiting satellites, and are a measure of the
concentration of green leaf vegetation (Huete et al. 2002). The EVI algorithm accounts for
canopy background (e.g. soil and bare earth) and atmospheric effects (e.g. clouds), while also
being barely affected by manmade structures (Huete et al. 2002; Pennec et al. 2011). Applied
to viticulture, spectral vegetation indices have shown relationships with production and wine
attributes (Usha and Singh 2013; Johnson et al. 2001), also assisting management activities
(Johnson et al. 2003).
In this study, the EVI from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
(MODIS - MOD13A2 Collection 5) is extracted from the National Aeronautic and Space
Administration (NASA) Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC; Four MODIS tiles (h17v04, h17v05, h18v04 and h18v05), covering
all of the Iberian mainland are obtained at a 1-km spatial resolution for the 2012 growing
season. This single year was selected to match the latest available land cover update
(described in section 2.1), which ensures land cover changes do not interfere with the analysis
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
of grapevine vegetative growth. The mean growing season EVI is then calculated (AprilOctober mean) and the spatial average for the vineyard areas over Iberia is 0.23. For
categorization of each DO according to the vegetative growth, two EVI classes (EVIc-1 and
2) are defined: EVIc-1 (EVI ≤ 0.23), for low vegetative growth areas, and EVIc-2 (EVI >
0.23), for high vegetative growth.
7.3.1. Mesoscale patterns
Overall, topography over Iberia displays large differences in both elevation and aspect
(Fig 7.2a, b). Effective solar radiation depicts a strong north/south contrast, with higher solar
radiation values in the south (Fig. 7.2c). Noticeable is the relatively low solar radiation in
centre western Iberia (near La Mancha DO, #33), when compared to the surrounding areas.
Grapevines in these areas are generally less affected by excessive solar radiation.
CatI (Fig. 3a) depicts a clear distinction between the northern regions, generally
cooler, and the southern regions, with higher thermal accumulation. In fact, most of northern
Iberia presents CatI-3 (cool, humid, with cool nights), making this the predominant category
regarding all of Iberia. Also in the north, CatI-0 climates are present, showing the lack of
viticultural suitability owing to insufficient thermal accumulation. Apart from the CatI-0
areas, the lower category, CatI-1 (Cool, dry, with cool nights), is observed in an isolated area
near the centre of the peninsula. Conversely, the warmer climatic region CatI-14 is located in
the centre-south. CatI-10/9 (warm, dry, with warm/cool nights), represent the 2nd/3rd dominant
climatic categories, scattered across the south and northeast. CatI-5 occurs over a large area in
centre/northern Iberia, being the 4th dominant category (taking into account all of the
mesoscale pattern in Iberia). Other secondary categories appear in transitional areas, between
cool and warm climates. For example, CatI-11/12, with warm and humid climates, appear
isolated in opposite sides of the peninsula (east/west), depicting the singularity of these
Soil textural classes present a very homogeneous pattern (Fig. 7.3b and Table 7.2).
Loamy soils (SoilT-9), which are commonly considered highly suitable for agriculture, are
prevalent in most of the Iberian Peninsula. However, in central Iberia, sandy-loam soils
(SoilT-11) are more frequent, whereas in southwestern Iberia loamy-sand soils (SoilT-12) are
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
also common. Clay loam soils (SoilT-5) are isolated in a small region in southwestern Iberia.
Clay soils (SoilT-3) dominate most of southern and eastern Iberia. In northwest Iberia, some
intrusions of silt-loam soil (SoilT-7) are also depicted.
Fig. 7.2 - a) Elevation (m) in the Iberian Peninsula, calculated using the GTOPO30 dataset.
b) As in (a) but for the aspect. c) Solar radiation over Iberia, mean growing season values in
1989-2012 calculated using MERRA data at a 0.6º spatial resolution.
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
Fig. 7.3 - a) CatI over Iberia calculated according to Table 1, for the period of 1989-2012 using WRF
simulations. b) SoilT according to Table 2 using HWSD data. c) Mean EVI and EVIc for the grapevine
growth period (April-October) in 2012, using MODIS data. The spatial-average of the vineyard areas
corresponds to 0.23. Below this value the EVIc equals 1 (transparent overlay), above this value EVIc equals 2
(hatched overlay).
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
Regarding the vegetative development, represented by EVI and EVIc (Fig. 7.3c), the
north/south and west/east contrasts are clear. Northern and western areas generally present a
much higher EVI than southern and eastern areas. This is particularly clear in the EVIc, where
the coastal areas in northern and western Iberia are classified as EVIc-2, while the rest of
Iberia is generally keyed to EVIc-1. This distinction in the vegetative growth could in fact be
tied to the strength of the Atlantic influence in the Iberian Mediterranean-like climates, with
much higher precipitation amounts over northern and western Iberia than over central and
eastern Iberia (Fraga et al. 2014b).
Spearman ranked correlation coefficients between the previous mesoscale patterns
(Supplementary Table S3.2) reveal weak to moderate correlations. The highest positive
correlation is found between CatI and surface net solar radiation flux (0.61), as both indirectly
reflect the latitudinal effect over temperature and incoming solar radiation. The strongest
negative correlation (-0.66) is found is between CatI and elevation, undoubtedly reflecting the
temperature lapse rate already embedded into this climatic index. Regarding the grapevine
growth, a negative moderate correlation (-0.35) is found between EVI and CatI, while a weak
positive correlation is found between EVI and SoilT (0.12).
Fig. 7.4a depicts the grapevine vegetative growth in Iberia (EVIc) as a function of
their climates (CatI) and soil characteristics (SoilT). It is clear that most vineyard areas are
keyed to SoilT-9 (loam). This soil type reveals a strong influence of the climatic conditions on
grapevine growth, in which water availability is fundamental. Grapevine growing in regions
with SoilT-9 seems much more dependent on water availability than other soil types, such as
SoilT-3 and SoilT-11/12, with predominantly EVIc-1 and EVIc-2 (respectively). Vineyards
with SoilT-3 tend to show much lower vegetative growth, when compared to other soils with
less clay content (SoilT-11/12), and regardless of the prevailing climatic conditions (with the
exception of CatI-6 and CatI-8 areas).
Concerning the climatic influences on vegetative growth, the CatI-6 and 8 regions
predominantly EVIc-2. These two climate categories seem to induce higher grapevine
vegetative growths, independently of the SoilT category, which is also true for CatI-7
vineyards (except in SoilT-3 areas). This suggests that in temperate climates (CatI-6, 7 and 8),
water availability, thermal amplitudes and soil characteristics tend to be less relevant for
higher vegetative growth than in cooler or warmer climates. While both climate and soil
characteristics seem to induce different responses on grapevine vegetative growth, in terms of
importance, the prevailing soil textural class seems to overpass climatic conditions in regions
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
with SoilT-11 and 12, where all vineyards show higher grapevine vegetative growths,
regardless of the prevailing climatic category. Conversely, in temperate climates soil
characteristics loses some of its influence on grapevine growth.
Fig. 7.4 - a) Circular accumulated EVIc (1 – red, 2 – green) as a function of the SoilT and CatI
for all vineyards in Iberia. b) Circular accumulated EVIc as a function of the elevation and
aspect for all vineyards in Iberia. The size of each circular chart depicts the accumulated
vineyard area belonging to that EVI class, and the inner (outer) circular class depicts the largest
(smallest) EVI class.
The same integrated analysis is also performed taking into account grapevine
vegetative growth as a function of elevation and aspect (Fig. 7.4b). The largest vineyard
concentrations are located at 600 - 800m elevation ranges. It is clear that low elevation
vineyards (most of them along coastal strips) present much higher vegetative growths, which
can be partly explained by the more humid coastal local climates. Regarding geographical
aspect, it is visible that growers tend to prefer southern orientation for their vineyards. No
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
other strong relationship can be established between elevation /aspect and vegetative growth,
suggesting that these factors play a minor role, when compared to climate and soil.
7.3.2. DO analysis
With respect to vineyard locations (Fig. 7.1b), they are mostly confined by the DO
boundaries, with the largest visible concentrations of vineyards in La Mancha and Rioja
(Spain, #33 and #60) and Douro (Portugal, #28). Overall, 81 DO are depicted in Fig. 7.1a.
These regions show large differences in terms of shape and area (Fig. 7.1a; Table S3.3). The
largest DO is La Mancha (Spain) and the smallest is Carcavelos (Portugal, #17).
The elevation means and ranges of the vineyard areas for each DO (Fig. 7.5) highlight
the large spatial variability in which vineyards are grown, ranging from near sea-level (e.g.
DO Tavira, #65) to elevations over 850 m (DO Arlanza, #6). Near coastal regions tend to
have vineyards at much lower mean elevations, while in the innermost DO regions vineyards
show higher mean elevations and ranges (Fig. 7.2a). The largest vineyard areas are indeed
located at mean elevations ranging from 600 to 800m, with the most heterogeneous being DO
Valencia, which is also one of largest in terms of surface (Table S3.3). As expected, small DO
regions, such as Tavira (#65), Pla i Llevant (#51), Lafões (#34), Monterrei (#43), Mondéjar
(#42) and Arlanza (#6), tend to show much lower spatial variability. It should be noticed that
La Mancha (with the largest vineyard area; Table S3.3) shows relatively low variability in
elevation (relatively flat area) when compared to other smaller regions in mountainous areas
(e.g. Douro, Table S3.3).
When analysing the geographical aspect of the vineyards within each DO (Fig. 7.6), it
is clear that terrains with an S-SW aspect are preferred for viticultural activities. This outcome
mainly reflects the largest vineyard area located at 600-800 m elevations (Fig. 7.6a). Despite
this fact, vineyards in 800-1000 m elevation tend to have S-SE aspects (Fig. 7.6b), while
vineyards at lower elevations (0-200 m) have N-NW aspects (Fig. 7.6b). For elevations in the
200-600 m range, no clear distinction on aspect preference can be made. Regarding the solar
radiation, while most DO regions in Portugal present a high solar radiation, DO regions in
Spain are usually located in areas with lower radiations (with the exception of some regions in
the south).
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
Fig. 7.5 - Elevation (m) of the vineyards in each DO/DOCa in Iberia. The inner circle represents the mean elevation
and the horizontal bars represent the minimum and maximum, of the locations of the vineyards inside the DO.
Fig. 7.6 - a) Geographical aspect (orientation) vineyards in Iberia according to the mean elevation
of each DO. b) as in (a) but normalized using the vineyard area.
In Table 7.3, the 81 DO are defined according to their predominant categories of CatI,
SoilT and EVIc. The cool, dry, with cool nights DO regions (CatI-1) of Tierra del Vino de
Zamora (#70) and Toro (#71) exhibit similar clay soils (SoilT-3) with low vegetative growth
(EVIc-1), while the also CatI-1 DO Rueda (#61) exhibits sandy-loam soils (SoilT-11) and
high vegetative growth (EVIc-2). This may indicate that regions with similar climatic
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
conditions, but with different soil types, can indeed present different vigour and yield
attributes. This effect is less visible in the equally cool, but more humid, CatI-3 regions of
Ribera del Duero (#57), Arlanza (#6), Cigales (#22), Chacolí de Álava (#19), Chacolí de
Guetaria (#20), Tierra de León (#69) and Valdeorras (#76). While in the first two regions,
SoilT-3 is predominant, each one shows a different EVIc (1 and 2 respectively). The other
CatI-3 regions depict SoilT-9 (loam) and EVIc-2, with the exception of Cigales that exhibits
As previously mentioned, CatI-5 (Temperate, dry, with cool nights) was the 4th
leading category (regarding all Iberia). Nonetheless, it is the dominant category with respect
to just the vineyard area, being present in 19 DO regions (Bullas (#14), Conca de Barberà
(#24), Manchuela (#39), Ribera del Júcar (#59), Mondéjar (#42), Penedès (#49), Alicante
(#4), Almansa (#5), Cariñena (#18), Douro (#28), Priorat (#53), Trás-os-Montes (#73), Uclés
(#74), Utiel-Requena (#75), Yecla (#81), Calatayud (#15), Távora-Varosa (#66), Arribes (#7)
and Dão (#27)). These regions have SoilT-3, 9 and 11. For CatI-5, only SoilT-11 seems to
present higher vegetative growth (in more than 50% of these DO regions). However, for CatI6 regions (same as CatI-5 but with warm nights), all SoilT-9, 11 and 12 regions are keyed to
EVIc-2 (Alella (#1), Alenquer (#2), Arruda (#8), Colares (#23), Montsant (#45), Bucelas
(#13), Obidos (#47), Torres Vedras (#72) and Lourinha (#37)). This suggests higher nocturnal
temperatures may be beneficial for vegetative growth.
The CatI-7 regions show the same relationship with soil as previously seen for CatI-3.
Since these regions present humid conditions, SoilT-9 is clearly beneficial for vegetative
growth when compared to SoilT-3. CatI-8 regions (Encostas d'Aire (#30) and Bairrada (#9))
are the only regions where EVIc-2 is present, regardless of SoilT. This suggests that
temperate climates, with humid conditions and warm nights, are the ideal conditions for a
higher grapevine growth. CatI-9 and CatI-10 regions display similar characteristics to those
already reported, higher vegetative growths for SoilT-9, 11 and 12 than for SoilT-3. The only
DO regions in Iberia that currently present very warm, dry, with warm nights climate (CatI14) is the DO Jerez (#31), that also exhibits clay soils (SoilT-3) and consequently low
vegetative growth (EVIc-1).
Table 7.3 - CatI, SoilT and EVI class for each viticultural region in Iberia. Only the predominant categories are shown.
Tierra del Vino de Zamora
Ribera del Duero
Chacolí de Álava
Chacolí de Guetaria
Tierra de León
Conca de Barberà
Ribera del Júcar
Torres Vedras
Campo de Borja
Chacolí de Vizcaya
Rías Baixas
Ribeira Sacra
Vinho Verde
Encostas d'Aire
La Mancha
Ribera del Guadiana
Vinos de Madrid
Costers del Segre
Pla de Bages
Beira Interior
Terra Alta
Málaga & Sierras de Málaga
Pla i Llevant
Condado de Huelva
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
Discussion and conclusions
In the current study, an integrated analysis of the climate, soil, topography and
vegetative growth is undertaken for the Iberian viticultural areas, using state-of-the-art
datasets. Until present, studies on viticultural zoning were mainly focused on climatic
conditions (e.g. Jones and Davis 2000b; Fraga et al. 2013; Duchene and Schneider 2005;
Webb et al. 2008b), while the combination of the terroir composing elements is still
underexplored. While in the last decades great advances have been made regarding the quality
and availability of these spatial datasets (Jones et al. 2010), few studies have been devoted to
integrating these factors into viticultural zoning (Yau et al. 2013; van Leeuwen et al. 2004;
Taylor 2004) and none for Iberia. Thus, understanding the spatial variability of these factors
provides the basis for a viable characterization of each viticultural region. To our knowledge
this is the first study in which climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth, are studied
jointly to analyse the viticultural region in the Iberian Peninsula.
Overall, temperate, dry climate, with cool nights (CatI-5) is the dominant climatic
category for vineyards in Iberia. The DO regions with this climate tend to present lower
vigour. Nevertheless, these conditions of moderate water stress and high diurnal temperature
ranges during ripening are often beneficial for the production of high quality wines (Fraga et
al. 2014b; Jones et al. 2004b; van Leeuwen et al. 2009). This may in fact explain some of the
variability behind vineyard settlements, as grapevine quality attributes is usually favoured
over yield and vegetative growth. Other temperate climate types (CatI-6, 7 and 8) tend to
present higher levels of vegetative growth, regardless of soil type, topography or water
availability. In warmer and cooler climates water availability is more important for vegetative
growth than in temperate climates. This is in fact corroborated by other studies (Chaves et al.
2007; Chaves et al. 2010; Lopes et al. 2011; Koundouras et al. 1999; Zsofi et al. 2011).
Results suggest soil plays a key role in grapevine growth and development. Soils with
higher clay content seem to induce lower growths. Although clay soils retain large amounts of
water, grapevine water uptake is more difficult, resulting in increased water stress
(Tramontini et al. 2013). In opposition, soils with higher sand and lower clay contents seem to
provide a better growing structure for roots, resulting in higher absorption capacity for water
and mineral nutrients. Although these soils retain less water than clay soils, they are better
drained, which may in part explain this outcome. Loamy soils are the most widespread in
Iberia. Grapevines growing in these soils seem to depend much more on climatic factors,
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
mainly on water availability, than in other soil types. As such, water availability becomes the
leading element to govern vegetative growth in loamy soils. This enhances the importance of
the type of soils in determinant for the wine characteristics and quality of each region.
Topography seems to play only a minor role regarding the vegetative growth in Iberia.
Although a clear distinction is apparent between lower and higher elevations, this can might
explained by the proximity to coastal areas with enhanced Atlantic influence (Fraga et al.
2014b). For geographical aspect, no conclusions can be drawn.
Results show the relative influence of climate, soil and topography on grapevine
growth. Many previous studies indicate the predominant role played by climate on grapevine
development (e.g. van Leeuwen et al. 2004; Fraga et al. 2014b). Other studies suggest that
soil texture can influence grapevine physiological attributes (Carey et al. 2008) and may
determine the spatial heterogeneity in grapevine biomass (Winkel et al. 1995). In the present
approach, it is also clear that vineyards in Iberia are grown in a large range of terroir
conditions. When considering the mesoscale patterns over Iberia, climate seems to play a
more important role than soil (Table S2). However, this influence is balanced when analysing
only the current vineyard areas. When comparing the characteristics of the DO regions, some
similarities between them are clear. As an example the renowned Douro DO shows
predominantly the same climatic, soil and growth categories as seen in Alicante, Almansa,
Cariñena, Priorat, Trás-os-Montes, Uclés, Utiel-Requena and Yecla. Conversly, some regions
succeed in maintaining their singularity regarding these factors, such as Jerez and Rueda. It
should be noted that this assessment does not directly include other important terroir
elements, such as the oenological and viticultural practices. However , some of these factors
are inherent to the current assessment, as over the centuries winemakers have gradually
adapted to best suite their local environmental conditions (Jones 2012).
The assessments provided herein may be of great value to viticulturists and may also
play a key role when including vineyards into a given DO. Usual methods for DO delineation
rely on onsite analysis of climate, soil and topographic attributes. Although these traditional
approaches are extremely useful, they are often based on erratic, insufficient or unreliable data
(e.g. outdated land cover, soils surveys and topographic maps, assessments made on nearby
weather station records), making comparison between regions rather difficult. Furthermore,
taking into account the climate change projections (Fraga et al. 2014a; Fraga et al. 2013;
Malheiro et al. 2010; Jones et al. 2005a), these delineations may require and more continuous
update. Our fully integrated approach provides a feasible method for DO comparison on a
Chapter 7. Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian
viticultural areas
mesoscale basis. This may allow growers to identify new management practices and
grapevine varieties that can be easily adapted to other regions that share the same terroir
elements. Additionally, the methodologies implemented can be extended to other viticultural
regions of the world.
Chapter 8.
Synthesis and final conclusions
Chapter 8. Final conclusions and future work perspectives
Chapter 8. Final conclusions and future work perspectives
The current research intended to expand the knowledge on how climate influences
grapevine development, wine production and quality attributes, such, while accessing
potential climate change impacts. In this final chapter, a synthesis of the performed research is
provided, along with the final conclusions. To do so, it becomes essential provide a
comprehensive and integrated overview of the work accomplished.
As shown, the climatic forcing is one of the main factors that influence winegrape
geographical distribution, physiology and development, and yield and quality attributes.
Bearing this in mind, climate change can significantly affect the already delicate balance in
the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum and thus, research on this field has shown to be of the
utmost importance. Chapter 2 through 7, describe a planned research that started in a regionalscale assessment of viticultural zoning in Europe, moving on to a local-scale assessment of
the main viticultural regions in Portugal using a very-high resolution dataset developed for
this purpose, and case-studies of the wine production and phenological development in very
specific winemaking regions in Portugal. Additionally, a viticultural zoning of the DO regions
in Iberia is assessed taking into account the vineyard climate, soils, topography and vegetative
growth. All the elements that contributed to the construction of the current doctoral thesis are
thus represented in the Figure 8.1.
Soil, topography
and remote
Yield and
Regional Climate
Spatial pattern
Weather regimes
Fig. 8.1 – Schematic representation of the main topics that contributed to the thesis.
Chapter 8. Final conclusions and future work perspectives
The abovementioned elements, allow a deeper understanding of winegrape growing
conditions in Europe, and especially in Portugal, while also allowing a direct comparison
between regions with different viticultural suitability and assessing the impacts of climate
change on this crop (variability in yield and in quality).
Summary of the research findings
The main conclusions can be summarized as follows:
1. The use of bioclimatic indices enables the characterization of different winemaking
regions, at both regional and local scales. The analysis of the selected bioclimatic indices
ensures the selection of the most suitable zones for winegrape growth in Europe, and
enables to infer on the regional potential for wine quality, risk of contamination by pests
and diseases, water demands, amongst other key issues.
2. According to historical/observational data applied to viticultural bioclimatic indices, it is
clear that many countries in southern Europe already present a high thermal accumulation,
with potential implications in grapevine maturity and wine quality. Some of these regions,
with a Mediterranean-like climate, already present moderate to high levels of dryness and
warming, which resulted in the introduction of some adaptation practices, such as
irrigation (e.g. southern Iberia, southern Italy). Future projections, based on a multi-model
ensemble, showed higher thermal accumulation throughout Europe. In southern Europe,
projections point to future drying and warming, resulting in additional threats to the
viticultural sector. Conversely, in northern and central Europe, warm and moist climates
may result in higher risks for pests and diseases. In the latter regions, an enhanced thermal
accumulation can actually increase the suitability of new winemaking regions, with
implications on wine quality. Inter-annual variability in these bioclimatic indices, are also
expected to increase in the future throughout Europe, resulting in a higher fluctuation in
both yield and quality variables. All these projections present a certain level of
uncertainty, inherent to the climate modelling approaches. These uncertainties remain
higher in precipitation-based indices than in temperature-based indices, especially in the
Mediterranean-like climatic regions. Despite the abovementioned uncertainties, these
projections are quite robust due to the use of multi-model ensemble. Changes in
viticultural suitability in Europe are thus expected under future climates with a high
Chapter 8. Final conclusions and future work perspectives
3. Focusing on the Portuguese winemaking regions, significant increases in the thermal
accumulation and dryness in the growing season are expected to occur in the next decades,
particularly over the south and innermost regions. Additionally an intensification of
extreme weather events could result in an increased inter-annual variability in yield and
quality attributes. Results indicate that a reshaping of the main Portuguese winemaking
regions is likely to occur in the upcoming decades, emphasizing the need for the
development of appropriate climate change adaptation measures, in order to preserve wine
4. The use of high spatial resolution datasets has demonstrated to be of great importance in
viticultural zoning research, since it is necessary to capture the effect of environmental
variability on this crop. The very-high resolution categorized index (CatI) developed in
this study acts as a reference index, which can be used for regional characterization of the
viticultural regions. In future climate conditions, the viticultural zoning is projected to
undergo significant changes. Results depict the Atlantic/Mediterranean climatic contrast
over Portugal and allow capturing the current vineyard spatial distribution. Nonetheless,
under human-induced climate change, increased thermal accumulation and dryness may
result in loss of viticultural suitability, lower bioclimatic diversity and earlier phenological
events. These changes may lead to changes in varietal selection and wine characteristics of
each region. These climate change projections are robust across the different climate
models, and highlight future changes in grapevine development and wine quality
parameters of each region. These outcomes are particularly relevant for decision-makers in
the winemaking sector, as this very-high resolution illustrates the small scale changes in
the spatial variability of each region.
5. Several climatic elements have shown have great impact on yield and wine production.
Results indicate that a moderate water stress during the growing season, high production
3-yrs before, cool weather in February-March, settled-warm weather in May, warm moist
weather in June and relatively cool conditions preceding harvest are generally favourable
to a high wine production. Our study highlights the key role played by precipitation and
humidity levels in wine production. The linkage between large scale atmospheric
circulation/patterns and wine production was also demonstrated. Furthermore, the
developed logistic model provides a high skill in predicting wine production, which could
prove to be of great value to the winemaking sector.
Chapter 8. Final conclusions and future work perspectives
6. This study also confirms the existence of significant links between climate and grapevine
development stages. Temperatures preceding certain grapevine phenological stages have
shown to have great influence on the onset and duration of these stages. Flowering as
shown to be the most climatic sensitive phenophase, since its timings have shown to be
deeply tied to air temperature in the preceding months (March-April). The developed
statistical models show that this climatic forcing can explain most of the variability in
phenological development. The increase in temperature during the study period, has also
shown to be keyed to the advances in phenological timings. Given these significant trends,
shifts may occur in the long term, highlighting the need to assess varietal characteristics
and responses to climate change.
7. Climate has also shown to play a leading role for grapevine vegetative growth, when
compared to other grapevine-influencing elements such as soil type and topography.
Results show that most Iberian vineyards are grown in temperate dry climates with loamy
soils, presenting low vegetative growth. Regarding grapevine growth, water availability
has shown to be of be of utmost importance, especially in warm or cool climatic
conditions. As such, taking into account the climate change projections provided in this
thesis, the development of appropriate mitigation and adaptation measures if of utmost
importance to cope with future impacts on this crop and improve sustainability of the
winemaking sector.
All these links can prove to be of major importance to the regional viticultural sector, by
enabling the implementation of suitable strategies to cope with the inter-annual variability in
both grapevine development and wine production and are particularly pertinent when
planning the viticultural activities throughout the year. Furthermore, these assessments can
support timely projections that can enable a suitable array of adaptation measures to cope with
the inter-annual variability associated to viticultural practices. The assessments provided
herein have demonstrated to be of crucial importance to the winemaking sector, as this
knowledge may allow decision-makers to develop, and potentially adopt, suitable adaptation
and mitigation measures that ensure the future sustainability of this sector. Also, the
awareness to the climate change impacts in viticulture may also allow reducing the sector
vulnerability. These results are particularly important for the winemaking sector in Europe
and especially in Portugal.
Chapter 8. Final conclusions and future work perspectives
Adaptation measures: considerations at variety level
Several adaptation/mitigation measures have been suggested throughout this study.
Some of them can be implemented on a short-term basis such as, irrigation management,
soil/tillage treatments and canopy microclimatic control, while other would require a much
greater effort and time, namely the varietal and rootstock selection. Although these adaptation
measures were already discussed throughout the thesis, the varietal suitability and adaptation
to future climates requires special attention. In Portugal the large number of native varieties of
Vitis vinifera L. (341; Portaria nº 428/2000 de 17 de Julho, changed by Portaria nº 380/2012
de 22 de Novembro), are considered a valuable asset due to their adaptive capacity different
regions and climates. Therefore, based on the methodologies and results provided in this
thesis, the adaptive capacity of the Portuguese grapevine varieties are now assessed and
discussed, taking into account climate change impacts.
Over the time, genetic mutations, coupled with environmental forcing and geographical
spread, lead to differentiation of Vitis vinifera L. in several varieties, increasing the genetic
heritage of this species. However, the geographic expansion, based on a global commercial
scale, focused mainly on varieties of French origin (e.g. Cabernet-Sauvignon, Pinot-Noir),
which are currently among the most renowned and most used in winemaking. However, these
varieties have very different characteristics from the native Portuguese varieties, which have
unique characteristics that greatly contribute to the distinctiveness of the national wines.
Although each variety has its own unique characteristics, the same variety can produce
wines with different properties depending on the region where it is grown, in particular taking
into account the existing climatic conditions. As was previously shown, grapevines have
remarkable adaptation strategies to various climatic conditions. Therefore, the concept of
regional plasticity, i.e. the ability of each variety to adapt to different regions/climatic
conditions, it is indeed important. Despite the effort to identify the climatic conditions in
which some varieties are grown in specific regions (Lopes et al. 2008; Malheiro et al. 2013),
the lack of a multi-regional assessment is still a major shortcoming in identifying the most
suitable grapevine varieties to a future climate. The very-high resolution climatic information
provided in this thesis, combined with the location of the most important grapevine varieties
in Portugal (Böhm 2010), allows a multi-regional assessment of the thermal conditions in
which these varieties are grown (Growing Degree Day – GDD; Fig. 8.2).
Chapter 8. Final conclusions and future work perspectives
As expected, white varieties exhibit the lowest GDD mean values. However, they also
show the largest ranges of GDD, with particular emphasis on the Alvarinho and Bical
varieties, which attests to their high regional plasticity. Moreover, white varieties also present
the highest GDD mean values, through Síria and Antao-Vaz varieties. These results are
somewhat surprising, since red varieties are traditionally considered better suited to warmer
climates. Nonetheless, these last two white varieties present a low regional plasticity, which
may indicate that they are perfectly adapted to their current climatic conditions.
Amongst the red varieties, Touriga-Franca and Tinto-Cão show a very high regional
plasticity, while Malvasia-Preta shows the lowest GDD mean values. However, this latter
variety presents a high GDD range, which suggests a high adaptability to different climatic
conditions. The red variety with the lowest regional plasticity is Jaen (originally from the
region of Bierzo, Spain), reflecting its relatively recent introduction into the national territory
and little genetic variability. Also noteworthy are the Touriga-Nacional, Aragonez,
Trincadeira and Castelão, presenting GDD values that fall in the optimal thermal range for
obtaining high quality wines (Fraga et al. 2014a).
While it is clear that some varieties have a higher adaptability to changes in climate then
others, most Portuguese varieties indeed show a high range of GDD values (Fig. 8.2), which
proves the high adaptability of Portuguese grapevine varieties to a wide range of climates and
regions (1150-2300ºC). The projected future warming can increase GDD levels by about
600°C until 2070 (Chapters 2-4). It is likely that varieties with low GDD values and low
regional plasticity face further challenges adapting to the future climates. In this category are
varieties such as Azal, Avesso, Loureiro and Trajadura (white), and also Borraçal, Vinhão,
Espadeiro and, to some extent, Jaen (red). It is expected that these varieties are less
used/grown in the future, as they can achieve much faster or unbalanced ripening, leading to
the production of low quality wines. Nonetheless, the selection of future varieties will be very
dependent on the interest by oenologists/winemakers in their maintenance, for the production
of specific wines. Given this context, the existing cultural practices may be used to adapt the
negative impact of climate change.
Chapter 8. Final conclusions and future work perspectives
Fig. 8.2 - Growing degree day (ºC) in which some grapevine varieties are grown in Portugal,
calculated using the WorldClim dataset using the varietal spatial distribution. Medians correspond
to horizontal black lines within boxes, lower (upper) box limits to the minimum and maximum of
the GDD value.
Other varieties, such as Síria, Antão-Vaz, Moscatel-Graúdo (white) and Alfrocheiro
(red), despite having relatively low regional plasticity, are expected to have increased demand
in the future, due to their good adaptation to warmer climates. Red varieties such as Touriga-
Chapter 8. Final conclusions and future work perspectives
Franca, Touriga-Nacional and Aragonez (Tinta Roriz/Tempranillo) should remain as the elite
varieties for winemaking in Portugal, due to their oenological characteristics and good
adaptation to warm climates. It will also be interesting to verify the future suitability of white
grapes with high regional plasticity, such as Alvarinho and Bical.
Despite the existence of a large number of varieties worldwide, it is known that the
market demand falls primarily on a very narrow group of varieties (e.g. Cabernet Sauvignon,
Chardonnay, Merlot, Pinot-Noir, Aragonez/Tempranillo, Riesling). For the reasons described
above, the Portuguese varieties offer an advantage, since they are already grown in conditions
of high heat accumulation, when compared with other winemaking regions in other world
(Fraga et al. 2013). This aspect, combined with the high regional plasticity/climatic
adaptability of most of the Portuguese varieties and their high quality, can result in the
expansion of Portuguese grapes to other regions in the world. However, the very strict
regulations, specific to each wine region, regarding the varieties used in winemaking, and the
oenological trends, can pose a strong resistance to this expansion.
Final remarks and future work
The conclusion of this thesis fully complies with the planned objectives. This can be
attested by the scientific productivity: 7 articles accepted or already published in international
scientific journals, 14 communications in international meetings/conferences, including
several oral presentations and 3 technical articles published in national journals of the
winemaking sector. Lectures/seminars on some thesis topics were also given in the Oenology
and in Agronomic Engineering graduation courses of the UTAD.
The vast know-how acquired, during this doctoral course, in agricultural/viticultural
sciences, computational sciences and programing (e.g. Matlab®, Python®), geographical
information systems (e.g. ArcGis®), statistical analysis (e.g. SPSS®, R®) and methodologies,
field trials, data mining and in human/social skills, were key points for the conclusion of this
thesis. Furthermore, on a personal level, since this is my region of origin, I hope the results
provided could prove useful for the winemaking sector and decision-makers in the
Douro/Porto DO region, which is expected to face further threats due to climate change.
Future work, as a Post-Doc, is now being prepared. New methodologies for a higher
spatial resolution viticultural zoning could be achieved in the future. By integrating soil
characteristics and other topographic elements at a very high spatial resolution we could
Chapter 8. Final conclusions and future work perspectives
provide a more robust viticultural zoning on a microscale level. This could lead to new
statistical modelling of grapevine yield attributes and development parameters. Furthermore,
in the next years, the development of new future scenarios and advances in climate model
simulations can improve our results. Additionally, based on our previous experience in
grapevine zoning and its climate change projections for Europe and Portugal, as well as on
grapevine yield and phenological modelling, we aim at applying these innovative
methodologies to other Mediterranean crops. Our purpose is to apply similar methodologies
to the most important crops in Portugal and to assess the impacts of climate change on them.
Even though the entire methodology was already successfully tested for grapevine,
adjustments to other crops are required, including the selection of proper bioclimatic indices
for each crop. Furthermore, new climate model simulations, emission scenarios and crop
models need to be tested and validated. These issues are vital for a strategic planning of the
Portuguese economy, particularly in a highly and increasingly competing world and can be an
opportunity to develop eco-innovative procedures towards a more sustainable agriculture.
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Supplementary material 1
Table S1.1. Spatial correlations between the Composite Indices for each pair of the 16 simulations and the ensemble mean.
ARP Aladin
Q0 (HC)
Q3 (HC)
HC HadRM3Q16
Fig. S1.1. Scatter diagrams between the mean and absolute mean bias for the 16 ENSEMBLES regional
climate models, relative to the baseline period (1961-2000), in the (a) Huglin Index, (b) Dryness Index
and (c) Hydrothermal Index.
Supplementary material 2
Table S2.1. List of the bioclimatic indices computed for this study, their corresponding mathematical
definitions, units and classes.
Mathematical definition
Cool Night Index (CI)
September average Tmin (°C)
Very cool nights: < 12
Cool nights: 12 – 14
Temperate nights: 14 – 18
Warm nights: > 18
Excessively dry: < 100
Moderately dry: -100 – 50
Sub-Humid: 50 – 150
Humid: > 150
Unsuitably Cool: < 900
Too Cool: 900 – 1200
Very Cool: 1200 – 1500
Cool: 1500 – 1800
Temperate: 1800 – 2100
Warm/Temperate: 2100 – 2400
Warm: 2400 – 2700
Very Warm: 2700 – 3000
Too Hot: > 3000
°C h
Unsuitable below 2.6
Too Cool: <1111
Cool: 1111 – 1389
Temperate: 1389 – 1667
Temperate/Warm: 1667 – 1944
Warm: 1944 – 2222
Very warm: 2222 – 2500
Too Hot: > 2500 – 2778
Too cool: < 12
Cool: 12 – 15
Intermediate: 15 – 17
Warm: 17 – 19
Hot: 19 – 21
Very Hot: 21 – 22
Too Hot= > 22
°C mm
Low risk of contamination: < 2500
Medium risk of contamination: 2500 –
High risk of contamination: 5100 – 7500
Very high risk of contamination: > 7500
mm °C -1
Insufficient hydric regime: < 1
Normal hydric regime: 1 – 3
Excessive hydric regime: > 3
 (Wo  P  Tv  Es )
Dryness Index (DI)
Wo - Initial available soil water reserve (mm) on
the first month / DI on the following months;
P – Precipitation (mm);
Tv - Potential vineyard transpiration (mm);
Es - Direct evaporation from the soil (mm)
Tv; Es are assessed using the Thornthwaite method
(T  10)  (Tmax  10)
Sept .
Huglin Index (HI)
T - Mean air temperature (°C);
Tmax - Maximum air temperature (°C);
d - Length of day coefficient, from 1.02 to 1.06
Oct .
Branas Heliothermic
 ((T  10)  H ) 10
T - Mean air temperature (°C);
H – Astronomical insolation (h)
Oct .
Growing Degree Day
 (T  10)
T - Mean air temperature (°C);
Growing season
 (P)
P – Precipitation (mm)
Growing season mean
 (T )
T - Mean air temperature (°C)
Aug .
 (T  P)
Hydrothermic Index
T - Mean air temperature (°C);
P – Precipitation (mm)
Selianinov Index
 ( T  10 )
P – Precipitation (mm);
T - Mean air temperature (°C)
Table S2.2. Spatial correlation matrix (Pearson correlation coefficients) of nine bioclimatic indices over the Portuguese mainland in
values equal to or above 0.95 are highlighted, all correlations are statistically significant at a significance level of 5% (p-level of 0.05).
Hydrothermal Index Huglin Index
1950-2000. Correlations with absolute
Growing Season Precipitation
Branas Heliothermic Index
Selianinov Index
Hydrothermal Index
Huglin Index
Dryness Index
Cool Night Index
Growing Season Temperature
Growing Degree Day
Table S2.3. GCM-RCM chains used in this study, along with their development institutions.
Hadley Centre
Hadley Centre
Hadley Centre
Centre National de Recherches
Danish Meteorological Institute
Danish Meteorological Institute
Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch
Swedish Meteorological and
Hydrological Institute
International Centre for Theoretical
Max Planck Institute
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule
Swedish Meteorological and
Hydrological Institute
C4I Center
Table S2.4. Huglin Index (HI), Dryness Index (DI) and Cool Night Index (DI) minimum, maximum and mean for the 12 Portuguese mainland wine regions shown in Fig. 1b.
Highlighted values represent the extremes of each index for the whole country (minimum of the minima, maximum of the maxima and maximum/minimum of the areameans).
HI (in C° units)
DI (in mm)
CI (in C° units)
Wine Regions
Table S2.5. Comparison between the Multi-criteria Climatic Classification (MCC) and the Categorized Index
(CatI) for the 12 Portuguese Wine Regions in 1950-2000. All calculation are done using area averages of the
composing indices (HI, DI and CI) in each region.
Fig. S2.1. Differences between the mean patterns of the Cool Night Index (CI; in ºC), Dryness Index (DI; in
mm) and Huglin Index (HI; in °C) calculated using the E-OBS and WorldClim datasets for the same period
(1950-2000). The WorldClim dataset was bilinearly interpolated to the same grid as the E-OBS observational
dataset in these computations.
Fig. S2.2. Mean patterns of the Cool Night Index (CI; in ºC) for (a) 1950-2000 (WorldClim baseline) and (b)
2041-2070 (13-member ensemble mean for the A1B scenario) over Portugal
Fig. S2.3. Mean patterns of the Dryness Index (DI; in mm) for (a) 1950-2000 (WorldClim baseline) and (b)
2041-2070 (13-member ensemble mean for the A1B scenario) over Portugal
Fig. S2.4. Mean patterns of the Huglin Index (HI; in C° units) for (a) 1950-2000 (WorldClim baseline) and (b)
2041-2070 (13-member ensemble mean for the A1B scenario) over Portugal
Fig. S2.5. Percentages of category changes in CatI between 1950-2000 and 2041-2070 (A1B scenario) over
Portugal. Black (white) bar for changes to (from) category 0. Only category transitions above 1% are represented
Supplementary material 3
Table S3.1 - The Cool Nigh, Dryness and Huglin indices, along with their mathematical
definition, units and classes.
Mathematical definition
Cool Night Index
September average Tmin (°C)
(North hemisphere)
Very cool nights: < 12
Cool nights: 12 – 14
Temperate nights: 14 – 18
Warm nights: > 18
Excessively dry: <-100
Moderately dry: -100 – 50
Sub-Humid: 50 – 150
Humid: > 150
Unsuitably Cool: < 900
Too Cool: 900 – 1200
Very Cool: 1200 – 1500
Cool: 1500 – 1800
Temperate: 1800 – 2100
Warm/Temperate: 2100 – 2400
Warm: 2400 – 2700
Very Warm: 2700 – 3000
Too Hot: > 3000
 (Wo  P  Tv  Es)
Dryness Index (DI)
Wo - Initial available soil water reserve (mm) on
the first month / DI on the following months;
P – Precipitation (mm);
Tv - Potential vineyard transpiration (mm);
Es - Direct evaporation from the soil (mm)
Tv; Es are assessed using the Thornthwaite
(T  10)  (Tmax  10)
Sept .
Huglin Index (HI)
T - Mean air temperature (°C);
Tmax - Maximum air temperature (°C);
d - Length of day coefficient, from 1.02 to 1.06
Table S3.2 - Spearman ranked correlation coefficient between the EVI, CatI, SoilT, elevation,
aspect and solar radiation in all of Iberia.
Elevation Aspect
Table S3.3 - Area (km2) of each DO region in Iberia.
# Region
Beira Interior
Campo de Borja
Chacolí de Álava
Chacolí de Guetaria
Chacolí de Vizcaya
Conca de Barberà
Condado de Huelva
Costers del Segre
Encostas d'Aire
Area (km2)
Area (km2)
La Mancha
Málaga & Sierras de Málaga
Pla de Bages
Pla i Llevant
Rías Baixas
Ribeira Sacra
Ribera del Duero
Ribera del Guadiana
Ribera del Júcar
Terra Alta
Tierra de León
Tierra del Vino de Zamora
Torres Vedras
Vinho Verde
Vinos de Madrid
Area (km2)