The Boisset Wine Collection The Boisset Wine Collection is revolutionizing the world of wine by offering Wine Ambassadors the unique opportunity to partner with our diverse collection of family-owned wineries, with deep historical roots in many of the world’s most prestigious terroirs, including France and the US. These wineries include DeLoach, Raymond, JCB, Bouchard Aine & Fils, and the first commercial winery in the US Buena Vista to name a few. BWC also represents high-end and exclusive wines created with a commitment to sustainability through the use of biodynamic farming practices to protect our environment for generations to come. We are seeking to recruit creative, confident, enthusiastic people, driven by their professional and personal goals. The wine industry you have chosen to study is the perfect blend of education, know-how and passion that we are looking for to join our Ambassador team. We are seeking professionals both part time as well as full time limited only by your desired level of commitment. Contact Janet Maxwell for more information at