Inductive loop sensors IRV / IRT with control unit IRV10 The system is designed principally to detect metal rods and tubes, and consists of a control unit IRV working in conjunction with one of a range of sensing coils IRT. The effect of surrounding metal structures and objects can be cancelled by appropriate adjustments at the control unit, and an overall sensitivity control enables different tube/rod sizes to be detected. In general, the smallest rod of ferrous material that can be detected is one whose diameter is 5% of the internal diameter of the sensing coil. For non-ferrous metals and stainless steel, 15% of the coil diameter represents the minimum tube size. The sensing coil is connected to the IRV10 control unit by a 2m cable with waterproof connector. Longer cables are available on request. The coil is embedded in a robust plastic housing and is resin sealed. A range of sensing coils are available, please see table of dimensions for types currently produced. Operating Instructions 24 volts AC or DC to terminals '24VDC/AC' and '0V': If DC is used, please note the correct polarity must be observed. The green LED '24V' shows there is a supply voltage connected. Switch Output: The output is conducting when the material to be detected is inside the sensing coil. This situation is shown by the red LED 'Output' on. Sensing Coil The sensing coil is plugged into the supplied cable connector (2 core screened cable). When the equipment is first installed, or when coils are changed, the adjustments described in section below should be carried out. Setting-up: The 3 adjustment controls are balance (B), phase (A) and sensitivity (E). Each of these is a 4-turn potentiometer without end stops. Clear sensing coil of tube/rod. Set for maximum sensitivity, by turning (E) 4 full turns clockwise. Alternately adjust potentiometers A and B until their respective associated LED, above each control, extinguish. Repeat this process until all 4 LED are dark. If necessary optimise the sensitivity (E) setting as described in next section. Setting sensitivity (E): The best setting for any material is set as follows: Bring the rod or tube axially to the center of the sensing coil so that the front end of the material is level with the front end of the coil. Turn the potentiometer (E) anti clockwise until the 'Output' LED goes out. Then turn clockwise until the LED just turns on again. OPTRONIC AG CH-9403 GOLDACH UNTEREGGER STR. 53 TEL +41 71 8440200 FAX +41 71 8440210 Control Unit IRV10 Opto-isolator output: Terminals: Rating: 30VDC / 100mA Max. wire cross section: 2,5mm²; strip length: 6mm Protection to: Permitted ambient temperature: IP65 0 to +60°C IRT... Sensing Coils Available versions Type code IRT 25 IRT 40 IRT 50 IRT 60 IRT 75 IRT 100 IRT 150 IRT 200 IRT 250 IRT 300 D 25 40 50 60 75 100 150 200 250 300 A 90 100 100 120 135 150 210 260 310 380 B 97 106 112 120 135 153 210 260 310 380 Measurements (mm) C E F 32 45 52 32 50 56 32 50 62 32 60 60 32 67,5 67,5 32 75 78 32 105 105 32 130 130 32 155 155 35 190 190 G 21 21 21 21 21 21 35 45 50 90 X 70 80 80 95,5 109,6 125 180 220 270 300 d 7 7 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 12 Other types on request. Protection to: Permitted ambient temperature: IP65 0 to + 80°C The product specifications are based on theoretical and experimental data, and we also have a policy of continuous improvement in performance. Thus although we attempt to provide equipment which in all respects meets specifications, this cannot be ensured in all cases without written confirmation from OPTRONIC AG. 499.023.19