Using `Attachments` on Forms in R12

Using ‘Attachments’ on Forms in R12
Attachments in R12 : In R12, some attachment screens have moved to HTML/Web pages, however others are
still using ‘Forms’ as used in 11i. See below where Attachments are available on Forms or Web Screens in R12.
(HTML/Web Screens introduced in R12)
Requisition Header – Checkout: Approvals and Notes
Requisition Lines – Attachments TAB
Supplier Header – Organization TAB
Supplier Address – Address Book – Manage Sites
Internet Expenses Lines
Buyer Work Center (PO Header, Lines)
Customers Header and Sites
Form Based Screens (Old 11i Screens)
Form Based Purchase Order Header and Lines
Invoice Headers
Projects, Tasks
How to Use ‘Attachments’ on Forms in R12
There is slight different navigation to use ‘Attachments’ in Forms R12. Please refer to steps below to attach in
forms R12.
Forms Based Screens in R12
 Click on
at top toolbar on the screen
where you want to use ‘attachment’. It will
open up the ‘Attachments’ screen.
 Put your mouse cursor in Category column
and press on
to see available list of
 Enter % in Find and press <Enter> or
 Select appropriate category and press
Note: If you want to send out attachment to
Supplier in email alongwith approved
Purchase order, select ‘To Supplier’.
(Applicable only for Purchase Orders
 Add a meaningful ‘Title’ to your attachment
For further details on Oracle documentation, please refer to …URL
For any support issues, please enter an incident on ‘DISD Remedy Force at
Using ‘Attachments’ on Forms in R12
 Click on tab ‘Source’and select appropriate
Data Type .
Data Type ‘File’
 If you select type ‘File’ it will open up
another web screen. Browse the file to be
attached and press
 You will see the message as shown after the
upload is completed successfully.
 Press ‘Yes’ on the alert on ‘Attachment’
Screen and Press
 You will see the Attachment name
appearing in column ‘File or URL’
Date Type ‘Long Text/Short Text’
 If you select data type ‘Long Text/Short
Text’ in datatypes, you can see the
additional screen below.
 Type in the free text and press
the record.
to save
Date Type ‘Web Page’
 If you want to attach a web URL, select type
‘Web Page’ and enter the URL in column
next to it. Press
once completed.
Opening Attachment
You can always open up attachment for a
record on the screen by pressing
top tool bar. You can then click on
in the
to open up
attachments with type ‘file’.
For further details on Oracle documentation, please refer to …URL
For any support issues, please enter an incident on ‘DISD Remedy Force at