€x - 3- szg EXPERTUENT TRANSFORMF:R VOT,TAGE, CITRRENT ANn I{O. 2 TMpr':nANcF: RATTOS P URP O S F :: To study the rerationship transformer. between vort,age and current in a I ' T T S CUS S T O N : when a road is connected to the secondary of a transformer, the current which flows sets up an MMF which opposes the flux produced by the.appried prirnary voltage. As a result, the primary flux and the prirnary counter EMF (primary induced voltage) are reduced. The prirnary current increases because the appried prinary voltage has less opposition from the induced prinary voltage. This increase in primary current supplies the energy required by the load. Note that the prirnary ampere-turns increase the flux while the secondary ampere-turns decrease the flux. The ne t effe ct re rn a in s p ra e t ic a ' l ly u n c h a n g e d f o r is that tfte fluv ar ior r s c o n d i ti o n s of 'load- Neglecting the smarl exciting current and other transformer losses, the primary and secondary ampere-turns are egual: flil" w he r e : Thus, tu r n s Io I, No N, the relationship i s as follows: : = = : = I"Ng primary amperes Secondary amperes primary turns secondary turns between voltage, E^ iV. r" E, /V, -=a I^ J =J = currents, and number of Where a is calIed the transformation ratio. The voltaqes E^ and E" are the primary and secondary vortage values r"=pec-ti.r"fy. The impedance, or total opposition oo p -T- F: -p to z"=+ P Conbining the last current two equations gives flow under load is: tfti'2" zo= t7 4^ And solving for v = d' 2, Z" gives o ," = L. a' zp t\ll 2-t2 / tts APPARA.rUS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. RRQUTRF:N: on e Hampden Transforme r (E T -1 0 0 , T -1 o o A , One Hampden RLC-100 Resistance-Reactance Three 0-1 anp AC ammeters One O-15O volt AC voltmeter One O-75 volt AC voltmeter One O-L?O volt AC power source o r T -i-0 0 -3 A ) Load PROCF:NIIRF: l-. Make the connections shown in figure 7. Apply approximately O.4 amperes resistive 1oad to the secondary of-thL transformer. Record the prirnary and secondary voltages and amperes in table 2. 2- Ca lculate Enter the 3. Make the connections shown in figure B. Apply approximately 0 .5 amperes, 0.8 ragg in g p o we r f a c t o r ro a d t o t h e s e c o n da r y g for a simple method of of the transformer. Refer to figure applying a 0.8 power factor load. Record the pr-imary and secondary volts and amps in table 2. 4. calcul-ate th9 voltage, for the lagging power 2. 5. Determine the power dissipation, a n d 3. E nter the data in t a b le the voltage, c u rre n t , data in table 2. t u rn s a n d imp e d a n c e ra t io s . current, turns and impedance ratios factor 1oad. Enter the data in table p, of the load in steps 2. Q UF S T T O N. q : l-. 2. 3. What load conditions mu s t b e me t s o t h a t Z p rs e e s r a n irnpedance match in the secondary? What commercial use is made of impedance transformation? what apparent effect did power factor have on turns, voltage, current, and impedance ratios? 2 1 Prepare a report containing: 1-. Diagrams of each circuit. 2. A Il calculatio n s a n d re q u ire d 3. A n error an a ly s is 4. Ansrarers to questions. data. n_1 n H1 HJ 0-150v RESI ST IVE L!AD H4 H5 I'i g,rrre 7 H1 H3 H4 F " ' igr r r e c ^r i na 1 OOO R TS IS TIV f LOA D IN D UCTI VE LIA D I Iab2-1.w p5 Ta b le 2z Load Re s is t iv e 0.8 P.F. Lagging Eo I E, I E./8" T"/I N../N z z" z./z PI qnr i nd 1 O qq 4 1ab2 -l .w p5 A lagging or leading .8 power factor load is easily obtained graph below. This graph is a 3-4-5 right using the trianglar triangle. it provides the correct relative magnitudes of resistive, reactive and total current vectors for a 0.8 power factor load situation. The power factor may be either lagging Ieading. The inductance load bank would provide the reactj-ve power factor current for a lagging load. The capacitance load power bank would provide the reactive current for a leading factor load. or To obtain a 0.8 lagging power factor load, first apply the desired nurnber of resistive load steps, next, travel vertically (from an ammeter in from the value of resistive current obtained series with the resistance load bank) to the hypotenuse of the trj-angle. The value indicated on the scale is the value of total (as indicated current by an ammeter in series with the line) to produce 0.8 power factor. required Adjust the inductance load bank to yield this value of total current. Recheck the resistive load current to determine if voltage variations have changed the va lu e s1ightly. If so read ju s t the total c u rre n t a c c o rd in g ly . L!, (_) Z O { L! u.( .rQ \2 a\ (h" I RIS IS TA NCE zG a..$?\2 i RES = 0,8 i TDTA L 4 - 0 ,8(5) 0,5 V) LJ u LJ L,-J u nr ..r { U u 0.? 0,3 -.ll n 0 .5 - RI S ] S T ] V T A MP E RI S Sp ring 19 99 l -ab2-1.w p5 ET332b l' 2' DiscussionPointsfor Lab 3 Define in words and mathematical equationsthe turns ratio of an ideal transformer. Definein wordsandmathematical equationstherelationshipbetweenthe transformerswindings andwindingcurrents.(Curent ratio) 3. How areimpedances affectedby the turnsratioof the ideal 4' transformer? How doesthepowerfactorof the load affectthecurrentand the voltageratiosin actual transformeroperation ? 5. what is therelationship for primaryandsecondary powerin an ideartransformer? 6. List or discussusesof tmnsformers in industrv. Spring2002 dpJab3.doc