General Characteristics of Detectors § Sensitivity capability of producing an usable signal for a given type of radiation mass of the detector, noise level, … § Energy resolution § Response Function § Timing § Efficiency § Dead Time Energy Resolution d R = FWHM / E = ΔE / E for E = 1 MeV NaI HpGe R ∼ 8-9 % R ∼ 0.1 % • Two peaks are considered as resolved when d > FWHM • R is a function of E: it improves with higher energy (Poisson statistics) E = n w, with w = average energy per ionization, n = # ionization Partial deposition of energy Poisson σ2 =n R = FWHM / E = 2.35σ / E = 2.35 2 [independent charge carriers Formation] n 1 w = 2.35 = 2.35 n E n 2 det (ΔE ) = (ΔE ) 2 elect + (ΔE ) + ... Full deposition of energy σ 2 = Fn Not fully Poisson R = FWHM / E = 2.35σ / E = 2.35 F< 1 Fano Factor Fn Fw = 2.35 n E F ≡ observed variance in n Poisson predicted variance Detector Response HpGe NaI Compton Edge only ! Eγ = 661 keV S ( E) = ∫ S ( E' ) f ( E, E' )dE ' DETECTOR response function Best Response: f ( E, E ' ) = δ ( E − E ' ) Response Time Time taken to form the signal after arrival of radiation GOOD timing: signal quickly formed in a sharp pulse almost vertical rising flank ⇒ precise moment in time marked by the signal Duration of the signal: No second event can be fully accepted (insensitive detector or pile up) Dead Time: it is strongly related to the efficiency Methods to estimate dead time Methods to estimate dead time m = true count rate K = number o counts registered in interval T τ = dead time due to a single event à mkτ = lost counts à mT = true number of counts More Difficult only counts arriving at t > τ are recorded Distribution of time interval between events decaying at a rate m Efficiency events registered ε TOT = = ε int × ε geom events emitted by source events registered depends on radiation, material, … ε int = events impinging dΩ ε geom = fraction of solid angle: pure geometry 4π cos θ dA r2 ⎛ ⎞ d ⎟ = 2π ⎜⎜1 − 2 2 ⎟ d + a ⎠ ⎝ A = 2 for d >> a d dΩ = ∫ a A MonteCarlo simulations are needed for complex geometry … Simplified Detector Model τ = RC Current output R=input resistance C=input capacitance+ detector capacitance + cables … τ = RC << tc τ = RC >> tc operation mode for time information, high rates, … operation mode for energy information Vmax ~ Q tc charge collection time ~100 ns Ge τ =RC decay time ~ 50 µs ⇒ output is a string mainly due to preamplifier Current flowing through the load resistance R is equal to current flowing in detector Little Current flowing through the load resistance R during collection time à Detector Current momentarily integrated on C of pulses each one resulting from interaction of single quantum of radiation Preamplifier τ = RC R=input resistance C=input capacitance+ detector capacitance + cables … Amplifier (RC-CR shaping) RC-integrator (low-pass filter) Ein = iR + Eout ... Eout = E (1 − e −t /τ ) operation mode for time information, high rates, … CR-differentiator (high-pass filter) operation mode for energy information Ein = Q + Eout C ... Eout = Ee −t /τ tc charge collection time ~100 ns τ =RC decay time ~ 50 µs for Ge Pulse shaping (in Ge) FET energy Preamplifier : FET (at 130 K, to minimize noise) Amplifier: CR-RC shaping circuit time if C1R1=C2R2=τ true pulses from preamp mV τ ~ 50µs t Eout = E e t −τ τ pile-up after shaping V τ ~ 15 µs τ ~ 15 µs is a good compromise between reduced pile-up and good energy resolution (depending on large charge collection)