WS . r ! s £ | iffi J i O

w i t e n p o r t '3
,1 .waTr'■ui«i»» t.' i ''
ESr € H A I< N D E » tir.
Gaius B. Rich,
- ^
pbrsoaff^dfiii de
if e j u s ilj ? esteemed for
ibeir easy ppemliBnii' and^^^
effecl?, as a
mild> saff'aifd'aoveref^ti^remedy*biiious
pains in llie head, stUmaCljaUd
|he jttblcrii^r in, ialayif thrd *
1 7 IO R
om thu fiafdn;|'^ comm«nciU|| Oifc idyydf- 7 -in removing bbsfrucirons o f every
the first.dny :m.'M%y5n|xli;4dd''>•ktiidi By dissolving and dlschargiug morbid
jbliliims, mn# Co
U^atier,-helping digestion, restoringa lost ap'
0|i the 4fh day Of July
petite, hnd a.sure relief for costive habits.—"of
t%htnt|ei| or jstricfure T E «.V S --Six Dollars |b e
are sp accommodated to. alLages, sea
«0!S»ifc?^6 brcMt, obsjructlon$ Jpga ulcers Dollajta the season, and X # t :©uJlars’tp insui^ ions and
li^urs, that they may be taken In
fVitb foal. Owners o f Mare* pjrUng with
itf the
chest, them before foeling time, \Vill ;be accountable^ winter or Summer, at any time o f Ihe^iday,
for the. liisurancei - OS^AII aepidents at Uje witbp.ut regard to diet Or hindrance o f bUsirisk o f the owneri o f Mares. * M^SSR^iLER irtess. Their operation issogeJillP, plSasant
J)UfWC is a d«rk:beautifu! chesnut, without atrd effectual, that by experience they, are
the least white: „#ineiand tdif o f the same found !o exceed any other physic heretofore
colouri hoofaRiaeJe; I f Rands 8inche? high > offered to the public.
a horse of great muscle, power and action.
Mr. Danielt,— I have ..rpode use o f various
Toaled May, 1820. *Hei .was sired by Dunoc; kinds o f bilious pills in my family, and I hesi
In the side,. 4 i% u lly oi* breathing, liis dam Vincenta, was by old Impoi ted Mes­ fate not to say Dr. Davenport’s are the best
hiP whht ojT yeel
and senger, grand dam By imported blender, g. g family medicine 1 have ever used.
- m ^ it O o n m m 0 m i are not relieved in a dam by imp. DatB» g< g. g. dam by imp, VVil‘
few h o a rs-^ h ^ dliinratel^ e^^^^
by the dair, g. g f • g* dam imp. Waters’ True Briton,
ElttsHeld, Mass. 1S2S.
g. g. g. g. g. dam an imported full Bred mare.
Mr. Daniell,—
may cerlify that I have
u s e o f t h e s e J P to fii : i - ^
EDWARD STEjrENS;^ made use o f Dr.‘ Davenport’s celebrated bili­
ipoinBion coldf are*re^^
e few
ous pills m yself as well as iff my praciice,and
March 10,1831.
^ h d e ta By the:ear|y Use o f this medicine*
not to say they are a very safe, mild
i^ E R ttF lC A T E S .
medicine,andsuperior io any Ihave
T h e Ihllowtn^ interesting certificates R R A R D W A R E S T O R E .
A . ]B|JJL]j is nOiW receivingrin ad*
s r e ^ le c t e d frorn a great nLumheP- in the'
Exeter, N. H. March 12, 1830.
hands o f thehroprietor, and are respect* dJtion to hi? former stock o f Hard-W are,
a general and well selected assortment, w a t e r , whiph has been applied with great
hdfe wihniitted*
* i^rom
Heath, Missionary which .will render his. assortment a s com­ success to weakysore and inflamed eyes, in
plete as any in the western part o.f th e all stages.'
From Dr Townsend
Mr. H. H. Reynolds
Mr. Daniell,— I have prescribed Daven­
"i ' . E ir^ In the'year 1820, a youpg lady by portations, will enable him to offer to his port’s celebrated Eye-Water to those afflicted
the name o f Sinitb, in jBetM ure, ^ a s s . friends and the public in general, at lower with sore eyes, and have never known it to fail
(where t then livedr)>^ severely afilict- prices than ever before offered in this vi­ to cure in any Instance. A. TOW NSEND.
e d with a edn^h^^^
in the side, difficul­ cinity. He pledges himselfto sell as low
Norridgevvack, Me. Feb. 23, 1630.
ty^ o f hreathmg, together with all the
usuai Sy mptchna o f a seated consumption.
She was a tten d ed by eminent Physicians,
who. jraye her up,, and despaired o f her
ever rncoyedilg. In this .sta g e p f the
Coniplajnt..#ne procured Dr. Pierson’s
W elch p o p g h Hrbps, apd by the use of
o a half^ldottle only, her complaint was reraoved, and she was restored to health
, and strength.
'I have been acquainted with the above
Cough Drops for ten years, during which
time^I have frequently taken th^era for
co^pamon. cpTds, and have always found
immediate relief.. I have seen the henefidal effects o f.t’hesp Drops in a great
mimher 0/ casps, some o f which vyere
given over by their physicians, and by
the use o f the^e Cough vdrqpsdthey were
restored 10 a good state o f health, and
enabled to assume their agricultural pur^
s u h s f j I HEATH.
Alexander, December 28, 1830.
Mr. H. H. R eyn old s:
,^ir—This may certify that I am tho­
roughly acquainted w'rrh the above men‘ tipoed cough drops—haying a knowledge
o f their medical qualities,^and from w it­
nessing their beneficial effects in my
practice, feel m yself perfectly warranted
in recommending them t^ a il po,r§ans.afflicted with coughs->. cblps,^iasthmas or
consumption,^as being-i^Re best article
now before thepublic for such complaints.
E L IJ A H P A R K , M. D.
Vernal (A ttiea,) Dec. 20th, 1830.
a ll cases where the Cough D rops f a i l
in affording reliefs the purchase money
Aoill be rffunded.
iCFiVice one d o lla r f o r whole B o ttles ^
a n d f f ty : cents f o r h a lf B o ttles.
Aged people who are troubled with
pain iitlh e side, asthma, or want of sleep,
arising -from universal debility, will find
.-aU; Immediate remedy in these Cough
Dropa^ Observe that each bottle has H.
H#: Reynolds-stamped in letters on the.
© P le b c ffte ir
in the curing
'o f those loathsome diseases, the SaltJjlkeum andScaid-Tlearl. A great number
baffled the skill o f the
and withstood
BigHly recommended Mfedical
preparations, and which would not yield
under the effects o f the M ineral-W aters
o f Saratoga, hare been checked, removed
and cured in a few days by the use o f this
Mr. Reynolds:
^ Qct. 23d, 1830.'
—For ten years past I have
been greatly afflicted with an eruptive
disease, commonly called the Salt Rheum
WjhiCh covered nearly every part o f iny
Have used many nostrums or
apecificks, & the prescriptions o f several
eiBfneOt physicians to no purpose. When
I Was at your place in August last, I pur-chased. a box o f Pinch’s Salt Rheum Oint­
ment, by tile use o f which my disease has
%een romovied,^&; as far
judge, not
a ves|igejp(tho c
remains. Con
to be an invaluable
4p r# * riilo B for ^
most loathesome and
• ^ is lc i^ n g ^ ^
I hope soon to see it
^ c) "
", Yours respectfully,
E. P . SM IT H .
^ AlBionj March 27, 1830.
may certify that ray
|^%ng: fur a ^
years been
a ^ r c le d witB t
to an alai-ming degree, a i^ after having used the
;• prescriptidna o f aeyeral eminent Physi­
cians to no purpbfse, w e resolt/ed in the
ybar 1818 to try-the M ineral-W aters of
bqt pt^n'thi^ did npt have the
d ssir e d fie c L W nffeat Saratoga, Pinch’s
^aftrR heum Ointment and Bitters, were
flfeom m endedlo m^^^^: l immediately pro.^i^ared them vlht u se o f whicl]^affl^
.. :
felieL and soon restored her to
I have Been ab^uaintediwith several
afflicted with
the SaltjWhe haYe heen cured % the use
bove Ointmentmnd Bitters, and I
confidently recommend it to all afflicted
j^atdisease^ m a safe and efifectual
B .H E N S H A W ,
- f e o i f t for whole bojEes^ 50 cents for
if h a i f h f o f o n ^ 1 .
nhmre li^ediciheeare^o
G yN iiee co.,
4 f
and nUne are genuprinted wrapper is
liiddfohUry^ A, Ijfildoiv Attica*
afl the:Frincipal ji^uggista throL
trt^BIed w ith W eafe ao^e ojr
W S .r ! s £ |
as can be bought west o f Albany o f equal
quality, at w holesale,or retail: among
which may be found a general assortment
o f S H E L F G O O D S, Sadlers Hardware,
brass and wire Fire Fenders, Brass And­
irons, Shovel and T ongs, Brass Kettles,
Cabinel; Hardware, Carpenters, Joiners,
Cabinet & Blacksmith’s Tools, W rought
andCut N ails, Iron and S teel, among
which will be found American, English,
Germ an and Cast S te e l, English Rolled,
S w edes, Old and N ew S a p le Iron, Coach
and Wag:gon Tire, AxJetree Draughts,
Brasiei’s Spike and Nail Rods, a few
C O O K ING S T O V E S at reduced pri­
ces, Stc. &c. &c.
i n
t m
Alfred Fcm berA by «ie
direction o f the subsGriberL^®'’*^?®’« 4 l
tba 6th Circuit, will be sold under , the direc-'
Off the 21st day of
‘ick a i
lion oflhesjnbscj’ibB^r, a! publiplk auction, on tbe. county of Genesee, on the'thirty first day o f ^ ^ R o o f f ia t the b (4 e
the S lit day of May next, at eleven o ’clock March, eighteen hundred and twenty nine, af
in Ihe t(
ititbd forenoon, at Ibe.bouse now occupied 12 o’clock at noon, in liber 8 of mortgages at
by Gideon F. Smith, in tbe town o f Atiica» in page 375, execuied by Ephraim Judd and Aihedouhfy o f Genesee, all that certain tract of manda hfs wife, o f the town o f Middlebury,
land, situate lying and being in the_towii of county o f Genesee and state o f New York, t o ”
Attica,in ih e county o f Genesee, in the state James C. Ferris o f the same town—of all that ^ey o f diver, iraeu o r to w l? " ’ "»
of New York, being part or parcel o f a certain certain tract o f land situate in the town of Mid­ tor Ibe. Holland Land
township which on a map or survey p f divers dlebury, county o f Genesee and slate of New Ellicotf. purveyor, i s d i s S t « i
tracts or townships of land made for the H ol­ York, being a part ofJot number eleveniff the
land Land Company by Joseph EllicoUj Sur­ third section of.said township as surveyed by
v e y o r ,d is t in g u is h e d by township number Joseph Ellicott for the Holland Land Compa­
ten in the second range of said townships; ny, bounded as.follows,— Begiffping at a post
and which said tract o f land on a certain in (he north east corner o f §aid lot—thence
other map or survey o f said township, into running west bounding on lot numbertwelve,
sections and lots, made for the said Holland ninephains eighty four link* to a post— thence teen in said township, and
Land Company by the said Joseph Ellicott, is south through the cen le^ of said lot number to wit •.—Beginning al the
distinguished by lots or parts ol lots numbers eleven, seven chains to a posl^thence noith of land formerly 0wne4 b
ten,eleven and twelve, in the twelfth section sixty degrees west, eighty five links to a post —thence running north oath!
o f said township which is described as follows: — (hence west seventy eight links lOt a post— of fifteen rods and sixteen li
— Beginning at a post standing on the north thence north eleven degrees west,twenty links
bounds of the states road, being the southeast to a post— thence ivest twenty two jinks to a
corner of land owned by Doctor Hiram Ad­ post— (hencesouth eleven degrees east, Iwenams,—thence north thirty minutes west, on '(y links (o a post—thence south sixty four de­
the eastern boundary o f said Hiram Adams’s grees west, one chain, sixty links to*a post—
land one chain and .eighlytwo links—thence Ihence south three degrees west, seventy se- biglnvay to (ht
north one degree west, seven chains & twenty ventinks to a post—thence south twenty three about one acre and forty
links to a post, being the norlheast corner of degrees west, sixty six links to a post—Ihence same more or less. AlL, all
said Hiram Adams’s land— Ihence south eigh- ^oulh thirty four and a iialf degrees east, fifty ev piece or parcel of land lyi!!
tynine degrees and thirty minutes west, on seven links to a post— thence north seventy the town, county and state
the north Jine of said Hiram Adams’s land, three degrees east, one chain six'y links to a pari or parcehof a certain j
six chains and eighty links, being the north­ post— thence north twenty .seven at»d a bajf a map or survey of divers i
west corner o f said Hiram Adams’s land— degrees east, ninety links to a post—theijce of land made for iljje H o lk Z f
thence south tw o chainsand hvenlyfive links south forty two degrees east, seven chains by Joseph Ellicoli suHeyof
to a post oh the west line o f said Hiram Ad­ (billy six links to a post—(hence south fifty five by township number feo in lh
ams’s land—ihence no’*th eightynine degrees degrees east, eight chains io a post in the eas­ of said townships, and bein.
and fifteen minutes west, six chains and se- tern bounds of said lot number eleven—thence known and distinguished L
venty links, to a post on llie eastern bank of north bounding on lot number nine, seventeen map or survey of said townshl??^'"
the Tonnawanlee Creek—Ihepce north five , d,ains fifty links to th<^ place of beginning, and lots made for the said H oZ ?
degrees and fort j five minutes east, five chains containing thirteen acres and sixty nine hund- pany by (he said Joseph El lou
and seventy links— Thence north four degrees redihs ofan acre. Also, the north east part of number sixteen in said ownshin
and thirty minutes east, three chains and fifty said lot number eleven, Beginning at a post as follows, to w it> -B e g in n f„ ? S ^
links—thence north Iwentyeight degrees and standing in the north west corner of said lot— west corner of land owned by Corn
thirty minutes east, one chain sixtyeight links thence east, bounding on the n<»rtb line thereof thrup—(hence running souffl Uvent '"*''
—thence south eighty seven degrees and for­ nine chains, eighty four links to the middle of p e s and fifteen m inuiseZ t. n r
ty five minutes east, one chain and fifty link.s he said lot— thence south (lirougb the center line of land owned by said Abi lhru, ?
— thence north forty degrees and fifteen min­ of the said lot seven chains to a post —thence along rbe west line oftaml owned
utes east, one chain and twelve links—thence north sixty degrees west, eighl^ five links— Alfred Pen,her eight chains and tW
north nine degrees and fifteen minutes east, thence w^est seventy eight links— thence north b n k s l o the h ig h w a y - th e n c e
one chain and seventeen links—thence north eleven degrees west, twenty links—thence west north line o f the highway five I I 4
twenty seven degrees and thirty minutes east, twenty two links— ihence south elevenflegrees stake and s l o 1 . e s - thInoe L r l "I?
east, twenty links to a post—thence south six- w h l U h e f l r r t . m e n l i o n e d l i n e e S i ?
A T his shop two doors east
of h. Swift’s store, on the North side arrangement made with J. Wheaton, Ihe bitGenesee street, is (ers will hereafter be offered with J. D stam'j ’ ? , ^'■’fictions signed by J.
now receiving a new
of .7. Uheaton, as formerly.
assortment of
, i^ b isc«
.....u ^ * b^y 1 ^
gage bearing dhlethe 26th
1^ Eleanor his wife, jourable
hunner, Vice-Chancellor o f
Price reduced to 25 Cents.
Which cures in less than one hour’s applica­
tion. (See Directions )
The character of this celebrated ointment
stands unrivalled for being a safe, speedy mid
certain cure for'hat loathsome disease called
the Itch—and for alt kinds o f pimples on the
skin. It is also a vafaable article for the Salt
Rheum and Chilblains.
DICE BIT I'ERS, which are so eminently u.sefill for removing all Jaundice and bilious com ­
thirty lir.ks, and ihence north liftvfiveL
Harvey Putnam, three chains and forty links post—thence so nth three degrees west, seven- east, five chains to the place o f beginniDH
— thence north sixty five degrees and thirty ty seven links to a post— thence south twenty
tam in g fonr acres of land, be the s a 4
j minutes east, two chains and ninety six links three degrees w’est, sixty six link.*! to a post— o r less.— Dated April 2,1831.
|.—ih en ceso u lh eig h ty d eg reesa n d th irty m i' Ihence south fiOy seven and a half degrees west,
ilL M A N J. R EDFIE^,
links—thence j two chains ninet'y links to a posT—ThenJesoutli
?das(er in Cha^
Balaiia bj/ H, H. Reynolds, and Cotes 8,^ Sea- go„t|j gf,y three degrees east, three chains and 1seventy five and a half deerees west sixtv ‘<ix
eigbleen^link... ,o I pos,
Ihe so,.th side of | L k ,
o posri"he„ce sfuTh
in ills line o f busi­
^ ^ ***^^^^ Gt o n e execii
ness, consisting, in t l i IV Lnc
j T j Iv^'b m
| I ' « “' f . k ’ “'''“ "I vy-bijli » b “tlon wood tree greeswesi, one chain sixly four links l o a posi
issued out of the Clerk’s Ofcch^
bears south sixty eight degrees and thirty nii- '
part, of the fo llo w ­ ter, O'nine / andenoerg/i, f iy J tv Bay
south fifty nine degrees west, one u e se e , and to me directed and delivti?J
by the druggists m Troy and through the conti'f
fifty links—thence north eighty chain sixty four links to a post— (hence west gainst the g ood s and chattels, land^andli
ing a rticles:
five chains and fifty nine links one chain sixty seven links to a post in the west merits o f Calvin Carroll in my hflilhvid.
W atches, a great variety.
on (he cast bank of said bounds o f said lot—(hence north bounding on h a v e seized and taken all the rietil, liiltg
Gold 6’eals, Keys, Slides, and Rings,
sixty seven degrees and said west bounds twelve chainsand five links,
Gold finger rings, jew els and pins,
interest of the said Calvin Carroll, of,jii,|
chains and twenty
A variety of silver and.plated spoons, h e.
to the place o f beginning, containing nine acres to all that certain tract of land, situate,Im
orders directed ioJ.
, (jyg
q the centre of (he creek—thence
five links (to
Violins and V iolin Strings , ol a superior iti*LiLj^ L/ciiii(X7iiy JuCisSd
wtlL tccc^vc
citlcfi'* north twelve degrees and thirty minutes east, and one .quarter. Also the northwest part of and b e in g -in the town o f Perry, comli
k,*nd, and cheaper than ever before offered in tion.
lot number nine in the said third section, Be­ G e n e se e , in the stale o f New York,aad^
six chains and sevnty one links to (he north ginning at a post in (he northwest corner of fortyfive acre? on the sontbeasl m m /k
this place.
Batavia, Nov. 2,1830.
line of the said town of Auica—Ihence south said lot number nine— thence east bounding on nU|tnberlhiriyfive in U illiam She|MisjW\
nij’Watches carefully repaired and warran­
nine degrees east, four chains on the lot number tensix chains fifteen links to a post vision o f liie Ogden Tract, in Ihe loHacSfu
ted to keep time.
T ^ E F A U L T having been made in (he payO ’C ash paid for O ld Gold and S ilver . J L ^ menl of a certain sum of money, secured town line, and to the centre of said creek— — thence south forty degrees east, three chains r y ,a n d is bounded as follows,(hat isio.w,
100 sheets of fashionable Piano Music, by a mortgage bearing date the sixteenth day thence up said creek, in the centre thereof, tbiiteen links to a post—Ihence south forty
B e g in n in g at the southeast corarrofe
for sale at one shilling per sheet.
of June, in the year of our Lord one thoiisnnd south twenty one degrees and thirty minutes two degrees w'est, eleven chains twenty links lot, running th en ce north on theea:iliiiti
f ^ h a i n and fifty links (hence south to a post in the west bounds of said lot number the lot, e ig h ty rods— (hence
Batavia, Oct. 18, 1830
tf.5 eight hundred and thirty, executed by Calvin i
Carroll, of the town ofLockport. in the countwo degrees andthir y minutes east, (wo nine—thence north, bounding on lot numlier let with tfie soutli line of s ai ont l raoi ?
and pardl
Im k s-th en ce south eighty eleven, ten chains seventy links to the p lace rokts to a stak e—^thence
r W lH E
fo llo w in g
F a lu a M e ry o f Niagara and Slate of New York, to Silas
d ep ees and thirty minutes east, two of beginning, containing five acres Also one with the east line, forty ifixb—ibenctm
J L Medicines are just received and for sale Olmstead, the subscriber, of the village of RoChester, in (he county of Monroe and state a chains—-thence south sixl> four degrps and other part of (he said lot number nine, Begin tw e n ty rods— th e n c e souly'ftrty.rods,toS
by C O T E S Si S E A V B R .
ning in the center of Ihe
highway -------leading
from south line o f said l ot —
. foresaid—the
with the
» ----_ said
_ i thenee south forty ’ degrees east, fift^y links— i the village
^ of Wyoming
therein contained,
having _
to Wright’s
tavern south line o f said lot, eigh','‘'™fs, (nthefisi
1 1 • .I
.. °
h c n n o c o n t h <w p l V P n P< r r P P « ! a rift f i l t P P n m m
. L n - o <1. „
.1 I
r _____ t . i
. 1. - .
A sovereign remedy fur W orm s. S trange j. recorded
iii the office
of ih
ra.r,.e T k. of. the
coun" i1thence
south twelve depees and fifteen min |. .where
the road
ftom Judd s railTinTero f b eg in n in g ,— (ogethei" -''’ti hH»ik!
west, one chain—^thence south fifty t« o sects said liigliway — Ihence south fn ity two t lie h e r e d ila tn e n U a u d iip"U'teiwnrt‘slhertt
and incredible are the effects of these de ty of Genesee and state aforesaid, in Llber“9” J
west, (wo chants and thirty four links ^decrees west, eleven chains t\\ei:ty links, to to hfeloiigiuj;, wli'udi I ihall eiynse «
testable vermin, and few persons, it is of mortgages, at page “354” and there being j
thought none, are free from them, particu­ due upon the said naortgage at the date of this /Opposite to a post on (he soulhein boiind-. of { the west line ol said lot — thence along the puhlick v en d u e at ilje-'Oint hniM-ih the:
lage o f Batavia, on fhe^'^urlh (lay ol Mavau
larly females and children, and the unfor­ notice, the sum of four hundred and eight dol- 1 ihosaid creek, being (be, corner of lands ov^ n - j A’est line of said lot number nine, south o n e al ten o'c lo ck in the (.'renurin,—n.iii-d Vm
lars and eighty cents of principal and interest i
Nelson Beemans -tbenc^ south one de- degree thirty minutes west, seventeen chHiii>
tunate persons often go through a distres­ — Notice Is therefore given, that by virtue of a )
west,on the w es,ern line of said Bee man s a n d fifty links toa post—thence norl h eight \ 22, lt:U .
. . •
_ -1
___ __ . .
. la
n d . plirht
ain s and n
in eteen lin
k s— Ihenop dorr,.ooc
^ a pos'—iheiicL
sing course o f medicine without any bene­ power
I’nder .■'lieiiif.
in the said mortgage coritamed, and
fit, when they migh( be relieved by using pursuant to the startute in such case made and south two degrees west, on (he wertern line south sixty seven degrees east' five rhaiiis to a
the Worm Tea.
lu 'i'c h y i:i\e0
provided, I shall sell at public auction, to the of land owned by James Adams, fifteen chains post— (hence north sixty three d eg ree s east, . I ^ ^ O T i C ’ K
bidder, at the court house in the viU !
thirty five links to the northern boundary three chains fifty links to a post— t h e n c e n^rtli ^ 4
The symptoms of worms are, swelling
to the #Ver!ilnr« (it D-Wli) .(i!!ilr
of the abdomen, violent pains and cramp lage of Batavia, in the said counly'of Genesee of the slate road—thence westerly on the three degrees, three ch ain s eig h iy .-eveii late o f the | # " n ol Castile, in ll r un'o
in llie stomach and! bowels, itching o f the and state afoiesaid,on the twenty-first day of northern boundary of said road, eleven chains | links to a post—thence north fifty degree,? wesi G e n e se e , d e c e a s e d , to enl ibil ilirin'oiif,
and thirty five links t& a post,.being the south , s e v e n ch a in s sixty links to a post— ihence gainst l l i ^ e s l a l e t d the said l)a\'d mill
nose, offensive and fe v e r is h b r e a th , d r o w ­ June next, bet .veen the hours of nine and len east
corner of laird conveyed to the first con- i north thirty two degrees east, fen chain.' tweii' v o u c h e r ^ h 't reof, lo ./o‘pj li \\ ilf'
sin ess, s ic k n e s s o f th e s to m a c h , g r in d in g o f
ises in I h e a f o r e s a i d m o r t g a g e m e n t i o n e d and gregatioffal society of the town of Attico— )|y linkf, to the center of the first mentiotied utor oft.^'fie last W illai.d 1 e>ianiet.o,iih.-d
the teeth, faintness, cold sweats, delirium, described'therein as being ‘tall (hat certain thence north by a line p erp en d icu lar with the h ig h w a y — ih e n c e mi said h i- h w a y north f o r t y David-', at his d w e l l i n g lie.use in ll.f'M'ti
starting in sleep, convulsive shocks, flush­ piece or parcel ofiand, situate, lying and being State road two ch ain s and fifty links to a post one degrees w e st, ten chains fifty links to the C as’ d e , in said cou iily, on or lit'fori:iKif|
ing heats, flying pains, paleness, thirst, in the (own o f Perry, county of Genesee and •^—thence westerly by a line parallel with Ihe j niace of beginning, containing t w e n ty seven day )l June next.
sometimes epileptick fits, wasting of the stale ofNew-Yoi k, kiiownand distinguished as state road one chain and ninety links to a post; acres. Also the north pan of lofmimber one in
JO S E P H U II,D:\I A>,
flesh, leading to consumption and diarreea. follow^s, viz.— lot number thirty five or apart -thence south ten degrees and fifteen minute.s' the seventh section in the said town ofMiddleofsaid lot, containing forty-five acres, it being west, two chains and fifty seven links to a post j bury, bounded as f o l l o w s - Beginnir g at a stake
D.-^'cenitier r>, Ib3<i.
the said forty-five acres that the said Calvin on the northern boundary of said stale road, in the west line of said lot number one in the
ICE is lieret.y gii eii to iheunifit^
This valuable remedy, so much esteem­ Carrol purchased of A. McCuller.” A Deed so as to make the front of the lot of ihe said , bottom of the ogulf on (lie south west side
___ _of_
_L I E b en ezer Prfitl, late of iheUHnti^
ed for the follow ing diseases, is now offered will be exhibited to the purchaser of the said society two chains and thirty five links wide— | the stream—thence north twelve chains'fifty dieihnry, in the co n n iy o f Gein sir dftfiS
for sale, viz :—Rheumatism, sore throat, premises, pursuant to the powers of sale in thence westerly on the north boundary ofsaid links to the notih west corner ofsaid lot rinm- (o'exhibit their claim s against Uieh'iw'
sprains, bruises,, Cramp, swelled said mortgage contained. Dated December state road six chains to the place of beginning, ; ber one—Ihence east twenty chains forty se sa/id E b en ezer, with the vou ih ersW
legs or joints, pains o f the cords and joijits, 24,1830. SILAS OLMSTEAD, Mortgagee. containingsevenlythreeacresandforly three I ven links t o a stake— ihence south thirteen .f'Ohtl B. Skin n er, one of the execiilorsfi'
hundredths of an acre; and also a piece of' chainsand ninety one links, to the bottom of llast will and ie-^latnent o f the said EM
E. D a r w i n S m i t h , Att’v for Mortgagee.
stiffness of the back or limbs, chilblains or
land described as follow s:—Beginning at a j said gulf—thenre along the bottom of »aid jBt his office In the tow n o f Midtlitl'arysl
frost bites, cuts, burns, and scalds, pinches,
Y virtue o f one writ o f Fieri F acias post on the south boundary of said stifle, road, j gulf north, fifty two degrees west, one chain
wounds of the fioge»s, and chaps o f the B
issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of being the north east corner of a lot conveyed seventy five links—thence west eight chains— c o u n t y , on or b efore the first day olduijt
hands, and the bite of venomous insects. Genesee County, and to me directed and deliver­ by the sl id Parmenio Adams to Ovvm j thence south seventy five degrees west, two D ated D e c e m b e r 23, 1830.
ed, against ihe Goods and Chattels, Lands and Colton— thence easterly on the southern bour| ] chains and ninety lin k s-Ih en ce south eigidy i
SCOTCH p e r f u m e d OINTMENT.
Tenements of the Trustees of the fifst Methodist
The most sovereign Ointment ever used Episcopal Church, in llie town of Batavia, t have dary of said road two chains and eighty thrF | five degrees west,three chains and fifteen links
for that unpleasant disease called the Itch, seized and taken all the claim, right, title and in­ links, to land owned by Alden S. S le v e n s -|' — thence north fifty eight degrees west, two
and for ail breaking out on the skin, par terest, ot the said Trustees, to the following piece thence south on (he western boundary o f s a if chains sixty nine links—thence north sevent ^ T O E X O N K R A T E
land eleven chains and sixty links (ff|o n e degj-ees west, one chain& sixiy four link
___ S O N A I E N T .
ticulaily the salt rheum, scald head aruj or parcel ofiand, being all that part of lot mnn- aStevens’s
post— Ihence south eightynine degrees and ttihArma norih forty five degrees west, fifty nii
her nine lying west of the Oak Orchard Road, in
[Pursuant to lie vised ^ilat ti Its, yarl
ring worms. No person should be' wiihoiu the village of Batavia, and on which tlie Metho­ thirty minutes west, six chains and fifty links
- - ■
V. title /. art. 5 ; reJalivg lo “ro/ui#
this Ointment, either by sea or land, as i dist Episcopal Chapel now stands, containing to a post, being the south east corner o f the
signmevls by an insolvent, for IhtfT.
is a sure preventive against taking the itch. twelve acres, be the same more of less—All the burying yard—thence north forly five minutes |
exonerating his person from iiriyrhi)'®.
claim, right, title and interest of the trustees of west, three chains to a post, being the north
Batavia, Jan. 18, 1831.
H E L D O N C A M P , noiic^'P
the first Methodist Episcopal Church in Batavia, east corner of said burying place—thence
iish ed March 29, 1631—-crPiid^«
B Y in and to the above described premises, I shall ex­ norih eighty nine degrees west, eighty five,
pear before Sim eon Cuming?)
JO H N F O O T Si Co. a large as­ pose to sale at public vendue, at the Court lloiise links to a post, being »he southeast coi'ner of]
in the village of Batavia, on the twenty-fifth day land owned by Gaius B. Rich—ihence north
sortment o f C O O P E R W A R E , compri- of May next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon. Da­
i on th e 2 1St day o f May next aj^H^
fory five minutes west, three chainsand seven­
sirjg Churns, C helse and Wash Tubs, ted April 11,1831. EARLL KIDDER,Sheriff.
ty two links—(hence south eighty nine de­
Pails and Keelers, ail sizes.
_____________ By A. S. STEVENS, Und. Sh’ff- grees east, four chains and fifty six links to a ]
O H N W .
The above jyare is painjed and varnished l Y f O T I C E is hereby given to ibe creditors post, being the south eagt corner of said Owen
J published February 2'2,
in snperiour style. It was turned out of J. V o f John Degroff, late o f the town of Cotton’s land—Ihence north fifteen minutes]
appear before Simeon
’ -.j
solid timbe^, and is very substantia!.
Cast-lie, in the conniy pf Genesee, deceased, west, on the east boundary of said Cotton’s:
I;G en esee C om ity Courts, at
° . p-fii
Batavia, Mond. eve’g, Jan. 17, 1831to exhibit (heir clai ms against tha estale o f the land five chains to (he place of beginning, con
I v ia , on the 7ib day o f May next.* ^ ,wi>
'.said.rohn,wUh the vouchers thereof, lo George (aining six acres and eight rods of land —-Also,
in the forenoon.________
M A l L S T A G E f r o m B. Cbace, executor o f the last will and testa­ another pafeel of land described as follows
.e n j a m i n b o t h W V ^ ^
Beginning at a post on the south boundary o f
-M. Medina to Batavia, will leave Me­ ment of the said John, at his dwelling house said swte road, being the norfh west Corner o f |
the tovvn of Castile, iu said county, on or
dina Off Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri­ in
appear before Simeon
before the twelfth day of October next. Da­ land owned t>y iVfoses DesbrovV— thence sou­
days; and leavet. Batavia on Tuesdays, te d April 12,1831.
Genesee conniy courts, bI
, fii(5
therly on the western boundary o f said Des*
Thursdays and Saturdays. For Seats, __________GEORGE B. CHACE, Executor.
via, on the ninth day
brow’s land twenty i^ven chains and. fifty
apply at the Ea^le Tavern in Batavia.
links, to a post on the nol’lUvTn boundary o f j
n r t H E s e c o n d t e r r a o f M i s s ;D. Wright s land-lhence westerly
U. D. M O O RE.
J l. H. H. North’s BOAEDING Si DAY (hern bp tindary oT^aid Wright’s landeid^#:ff
Bata,via, N p y .9 , 1830.
* n3 t f SCHOOL will commence on the 1st day o f chains and fifty links to a post on (he northern­
Simeon Cuining!, » ’’“‘' f
May; but'pupilscan be received in the inter­ boundary of s&id Wright’s lanff-thence north.:]
fourts. M bis office j" “ i,’.j HeH
erly oh (he eastern bounds o f land lately ow’h 1
S M - K P I I has just r e c e iv e d mediate time.
of May next at
50 per w eek, Tuition from
to ed by Henry Akillis Iwenly seven'cbeios sind|
assortment o f H O L fifty links t o a post on the southern boundary1
per Quarter.
TO m S C H X B o S '^ ^ ^ J
L O l Y i ^ A R E v e r t Jow for c ash .------of
the said stale road—thence east«rly;pnl'thV^
Batavia, March 7, 1831.
Wh%ty Kye, Cfffn, Butter, Cheese, Blax
i P lir a m l lo il“
southern boundary pf said road ejeven c h a in i|
and Grass Seed received ib payment for
O T i C E i s h e r e b y g i v e n and fifty links to, the place of beginning, i^qj;
to the creditors o f James Brown, late
B a ta y ia , J a n . 2 4 ,1 8 3 1 .
o f the town o f Batavia, in the county o f Ge- redths o f an acre-^or so htUch the^g||||fl
d ^ e e , deceasetj; to exhibit their claims against be suffleient to raise ih ea m o j
the estate'ofthelhid James, vt'itii the vouchers complainant for the princir
(hereof, io Joseph W. Cburcbill, one of the In thir cause, an^ wfflj ’
rately without in
due (be subscriber mult bjfrsetiR
^Kfeculors o f the-Lasl Will and Testament of
interested" “*
beferff the Ifieenfo day of April n elt or (hiy ihe^aid Jatnes) at bisoffle
(he town o f Bawill be left with 4 magistNtlefor oolleciioit-^- taviain said county, bn or.before (fae 22d day
Q fJ u n e r lsa i.
^ * ^E W lS^SW irL
Batavia, Marclrfo 188 L. c
^ - fqr
. _ ’
TO T5XECOTOR9i A D M R »9T B A T 0ll8Jb
E W. G H U B crnL L ,
December 2 0 ,1 8 3 0 .
6m 14
rp U E
ffiJ i
m H O $ E who have hpMii mife^redtorBiir^
wiil And ni»i|«iduahlle i»ll wilpiA thf^e aioatl^ir^
l e i a i i n fey e li^ a ter l
r V>f i^ M e B l s y i r o f H f i .
Parmenio Adams
M B N E r E R M IX
S iM n il
1O O 0 0
Ihff datp, and
. %
r; ;
■- f
, JV A G G I
■# # '’
,1,19, IS’ !0
ia ti'