TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page no: Minister’s Foreword 3 Permanent Secretary’s Statement 4 Corporate Profile 5 Role & Responsibilities Vision Mission Values Organisational Structure 6 Linkage of the Roadmap for Democracy and Sustainable Socio-Economic Development 2009-2014 7-8 Ministry’s Outputs and Performance Targets 9-13 Human Resources Management/Development Issues 14-16 Capital Projects for the Year 17 Financial Issues 18 Glossary 19 2 MINISTER’S FOREWORD The role of the Ministry to stimulate growth and development in the rural communities, and realising Fiji‟s economic potential has become more defined with Government‟s emphasis on rural development, empowerment and in building resilience within our communities. As Minister responsible, I am committed to maximising yields from these potential through the implementation of the Integrated Rural Development Framework and other assertive strategies that is cemented on holistic and sustainable development. The „Roadmap for Democracy and Sustainable Socio-Economic Development 2010 – 2014‟ explicitly details the many opportunities that are available to us as a nation. We need to unlock these opportunities and develop new ones to assist rural communities raise their standards of living. This will be achieved, in part, through the implementation of various projects budgeted for this year. Additionally, we should also modernise rural communities through investment-based infrastructure and resourcebased exports to strengthen our economy, and promote public/private partnerships to ensure sustainability of development. We also need to be smarter to allow us build a safe and disaster resilient Fiji. This encompasses multihazard planning, use of technology for disaster mitigation and empowerment of key stakeholders and communities by enhancing their capacities to prepare and mitigate hazards. Furthermore, we also need to be strategic in our approach to enable us to build a safe and disaster resilient Fiji. This encompasses multi-hazard planning, use of technology for disaster mitigation and empowerment of key stakeholders and communities by enhancing their capacities to prepare and mitigate disaster risks. I therefore challenge the Ministry to make good of its budget allocations and to re-commit to the aspirations of Government in implementing its plans for 2014.I have full confidence in the Ministry‟s leadership and capabilities to deliver the outputs defined in this Annual Corporate Plan. We cannot fail if we all truthfully commit ourselves to the task at hand. It is our collective duty to contribute positively to our national vision of „Building a Better Fiji for All‟. I take great pleasure in endorsing the Ministry‟s 2014 Annual Corporate Plan. Inia B. Seruiratu Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and National Disaster Management 3 PERMANENT SECRETARY’S STATEMENT It is my pleasure to present to you the 2014 Annual Corporate Plan. The plan provides the strategic direction for the current year. The 2014 operating year is expected to be an exciting and challenging one for the Ministry as we renew our efforts to achieve Government‟s national objectives through the implementation of this plan. This plan incorporates the vision, mission, and intrinsic values that will guide the Ministry to achieve Government‟s expectations to drive growth in rural communities and improve their quality of lives by realising the opportunities through the resources available. The Ministry‟s Annual Corporate Plan is guided by the “Peoples Charter for Change Peace and Progress” and the “Roadmap for Democracy and Sustainable Socio-Economic Development 20092014”. Much of the work to be carried out this year is geared towards re-enforcing Government‟s vision to facilitate rural empowerment and development through the implementation of various budgeted programmes including the self-help; rural housing scheme; non-cane access road; rural and outer islands development programme and poverty alleviation programme. As in the last year, we are recommitting ourselves this year towards achieving Government‟s national objectives. At the operational level, we are endeavouring to improve our service delivery by reengineering our systems and processes, and strengthening our monitoring and evaluation strategies. We are also undertaking to be more responsive to the needs of the rural communities in the year ahead. I therefore urge all staff to refocus for there is much to be accomplished. We will build on our achievements and learn from our mistakes of the past, and synchronise our efforts to achieve the outputs detailed in this plan. I am confident that the Ministry will rise to the challenge to carry out its responsibilities effectively for the betterment of all Fijians. Filipe Alifereti Permanent Secretary, Rural & Maritime Development and National Disaster Management 4 CORPORATE OVERVIEW ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES_______________________________ The Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and National Disaster Management is mandated to manage and coordinate governments effort in rural and maritime development programmes under the Integrated Rural Development Framework (IRDF) to support the aspirations of the Peoples Charter for Change, Peace and Progress and further to support the “Bill of Rights” provisions of the 2013 Constitution of the Republic of Fiji. These are targeted to generate economic growth and improving the standards of living in our rural communities, include the Self-Help Programme, Non Cane Access Roads, Rural Housing Assistance Scheme, Emergency Water, Maritime Roads Programme and facilitates the administration of the Committee for Better Utilisation of Land. Furthermore, the Ministry is also responsible for the implementation of the National Disaster Management Strategy as required by the 1995 National Disaster Management Plan and the National Disaster Management Act 1998 covering disaster prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, emergency operations, relief and rehabilitation. In addition, the Ministry provides other ancillary and support services to rural and peri-urban communities. These services include births, deaths and marriage registrations, issuance of licences and collection of licence and permit fees. CONSTITUTIONAL POWER__________________________________ Chapter 6, Part A, Section 127 of the 2013 Constitution deals with the State Services and Public Services and the devolution of power of the Public Service Commission to Permanent Secretary. Under Section 127 (7), Permanent Secretary has the authority to appoint, remove, and institute disciplinary action against all staff of the Ministry, with the agreement of the Minister responsible for the Ministry. Section 127 (8) has authorised Permanent Secretary to determine all matters pertaining to the employment of all staff of the Ministry, including: a) the terms and conditions of employment; b) the qualification requirement for the appointment and the process to be followed for appointment, which must be open, transparent and competitive selection based on merit; c) the salaries, benefits and allowances, payable in accordance with the budget as approved by Parliament; and d) the total establishment or the number of staff that are required to be appointed, in accordance with the budget as approved by Parliament. VISION__________________________________________________________ „A world class development organisation empowering Fiji‟s Rural Sector towards a Better Fiji for All‟ MISSION_________________________________________________________ „Building the Integrated Rural Development Framework for productive, progressive, safe and resilient communities in Fiji‟ VALUES_________________________________________________________ In addition to the PSC Values, the Ministry aspires to achieve the following: 5 Integrity: As individuals, we will display personal integrity and this will translate to our organisation Honesty: We will execute all our dealings with sincerity and truthfulness Customer Focus: We will remain focused on our customers‟ needs Professionalism: We will be accountable for our actions Inclusiveness: We will aspire to work with all sectors of society, especially the poor and marginalised Equality and Diversity: We will give our customers equal opportunities recognising the strengths in our diversity Trust: We will respect each other‟s integrity and ability in keeping our agreements as we share information Result-Focus: We are committed to adhering result that satisfies the expectations of the people ORGANISATION STRUCTURE MINISTRY OF RURAL & M ARITIM E DEVELOPM ENT and NATIONAL DISASTER M ANAGEM ENT Minister Permanent Secretary (US01) Deputy Secretary (US02) Director Corporate Serv. (US04) Director DM (US04) 4 Divisional Commissioners (US02) Director Research/Dev. (US04) Planning & Coordination Cell 4 DPO (SS01) Divisional HQ (Admin/Finance) Provincial Administrators 6 LINKAGE OF THE PCCP and RDSSED and MINISTERIAL OUTPUTS TABLE 1: Linkage of Outputs with Government’s Targeted Outcomes (RDSSED) Key Pillar(s) PCCP PILLAR 3 Ensuring effective, enlightened, and accountable Leadership PILLAR 4 Enhancing public sector efficiency, performance and service delivery PILLAR 5 Achieving higher economic growth while ensuring sustainability PILLAR 6 Making More Land available for productive and social use PILLAR 7 Establishing an integrated structure at Divisional Level Targeted Outcome [Goal/Policy Objective – RDSSED] Rural and Outer Islands Development [Promoting equal opportunities and access to basic services, livelihoods and markets (4.2.13)] Outcome Performance Indicators or Measures [Key Performance Indicators – RDSSED] Family Assistance Scheme beneficiaries in Eastern and Northern Division reduced by 1500 from current level of over 7600 by 2014 Endorsement of all four Divisional Development Plans by Cabinet by 2014 Minimum of 2 trips per month on each of nine franchised outer island shipping routes 1500 newly registered tax payers on Vanua Levu annually 2000 newly registered FNPF members on Vanua Levu annually At least 5 companies established under tax free zone initiative in Vanua Levu by 2014 Ministry’s Outputs Output 1 Portfolio Leadership, Policy Advice and Secretariat Support Output 2 Coordinate Rural & Outer Islands Development Output 3 Provision of Rural Housing Output 4 Construction and maintenance of non-case access roads Output 5 Provision of emergency water PILLAR 8 Reducing Poverty to a Negligible Level by 2015 7 Key Pillar(s) PCCP Targeted Outcome [Goal/Policy Objective – RDSSED] Land Resources Management and Development [Effective management of land resources whilst ensuring sustainable development (3.38)] Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Management [Building national resilience to disasters and adapting to climate change (4.2.12)] Public Sector Reform [Improved public sector efficiency, effectiveness and service delivery (2.2.5)] Outcome Performance Indicators or Measures [Key Performance Indicators – RDSSED] Strengthened coordination between agencies involved in land development to ensure land I put to its most productive use Government responds to disaster situation within the first 24 hours Causalities reduced from 30 per cent year to none Everybody to receive timely warning One third of all villages and settlements in Fiji have disaster plan and committees in 2014 Models of best practice developed and adopted to support disaster risk reduction Cost for disaster emergency relief food ration reduced by Promote innovation and best management practices in service delivery Ministry’s Outputs Output 6 Better utilisation of leased land through CBUL Output 7 Implementation of National Disaster Management Strategy Output 8 Ancillary and Support Services Output 9 Human Resources and Knowledge Development 8 MINISTRY OUTPUTS and PERFORMANCE TARGETS TABLE 2: Output Specification and Performance TARGETED OUTCOME: RURAL and OUTER ISLANDS DEVELOPMENT Output Output 2 Coordinate Rural and Outer Islands Development Programme Strategy Coordinate the implementation of infrastructure plans on water & sewerage, electrification, alternative sources of energy, and telecommunications and other economic projects: i. Provision for accessibility to health services CENTRAL Waivaka Health Centre WESTERN Cuvu Health Centre Nagatagata Nursing Station NORTH Lagi Health Centre ii. Improved accessibility to government services CENTRAL Namosi Govt. station NORTH Kubulau Govt. station EASTERN District Office – Gau District Office - Koro iii. Provision for roads and/or foot crossing access NORTH Korosi/Balaga Road EASTERN Nalotu,Gasele & Nauciwai village foot crossing Vunisei to Daku/Soso/Dravuwalu Road Jioma foot crossing iv. Provision of renewable energy EASTERN Kadavu Feasibility Study (renewable energy,land marine) v. Improve accessibility to water WESTERN Waya/Nacula Tikina projects Ra Tikina water project KPI Quantity No. of projects implemented: Health:4 Govt. service:4 Road/foot crossing:4 Energy:1 Water:2 Quality Build according to standards Timeline st 31 October,2013 Cost $5.7m 2013 Actuals 3 while the rest are roll over projects to 2014 2014 Target 15 Responsible Division HQ & all Divisions 9 Facilitate provision for disaster risk reduction through a. Seawall Construction CENTRAL Beqa Island seawall Improve provision of basic services to the rural areas through facilitation of: i. Self-Help Program ii. ROI Program – agriculture extension program Coordinate of Rehabilitation work on: i. TC Tomas NORTH WEST TC Evan i. NORTH ii. WEST Output 3 Provision of Rural Housing Delivery of more affordable, accessible housing for rural dwellers under the Rural Housing Programme Provision of houses for registered welfare clients ref. Schedule 12 of the Social Justice Act 2011 Quantity No. of disaster risk reduction project implemented Quality According to standard Timeline st 31 October Cost $100,000.00 Quantity No. of projects implemented Quality Sustainable/viable projects Timeline st 31 October Cost $2.5m Quantity No. of houses constructed Quality Construction of standard housing Timeline st 31 October Cost $2.7m Quantity No. of houses constructed Quality Construction of standard housing Timeline st 31 October,2013 Cost $2m Quantity Number of families assisted Quality Cyclone proof Timeline st 31 October Cost $0.7m Quantity Number of families assisted Quality Resilient structures Timeline st 31 October,2013 Cost $50,000.00 2 Central Division 1 Divisions SHP: 91 SHP: 100 ROI: 20 ROI: 40 Divisions 107 100 71 50 69 45 26 20 Northern Divisions [West; North; Central & East] [West; North; Central & East] 10 Output 4 Construction and Maintenance of non-cane access roads Output 5 Provision of emergency water Strengthen interagency coordination to facilitate the construction and maintenance of non-cane access roads Improve water accessibility to communities by providing better water source Quantity No. of non-cane access road implemented Quality Upgrade of roads to FRA standard Timeline st 31 October Cost $1.5m Quantity No. of families assisted Quality According to standard Timeline st 31 October Cost $350,000.00 27 25 - Divisions [West; North; Central & Eastern] All Divisions 5 TARGETED OUTCOME: LAND RESOURCES MANAGEMENT and DEVELOPMENT Output Output 6 Better utilisation of leased land through CBUL Strategies KPI 2013 Actual Encourage partnerships between iTLTB, landowners and Government to encourage better utilisation of land Quantity % of increase in lease renewal Quality Productive use of land Timeline st 31 October Cost $6.4m 2014 Target 50% lease renewal Responsible Division HQ & all Divisions TARGETED OUTCOME: DISASTER RISK REDUCTION and DISASTER MANAGEMENT Output Strategies KPI Review of National Disaster Act Review of National Disaster Management Plan Policy paper on Disaster Preparedness, Response and Early Relief Quantity No. of policies reviewed Quality Approved & endorsed by relevant authorities Timeline th 30 October Cost Enhance knowledge, information, Output 7 Implementation public awareness, training & education: of National i. Officers (Civil Disaster servants/other agencies Management and partners in disaster Strategy management) Quantity No. of courses for civil servants/other agencies Output 1 Portfolio, Leadership and Secretariat Services i. ii. iii. ii. No. of community awareness 2013 Actual 2014 Target Responsible Division - 3 HQ[Dismac] 6 6 HQ [Dismac] 6 6 Community 11 Quality An informed & resilient community Timeline st 31 October Cost Financial budget Aid-in Kind TARGETED OUTCOME: PUBLIC SECTOR REFORMS Output Output 1 Portfolio, Leadership and Secretariat Services Strategies KPI Review and formulate policy papers/Cabinet papers on: IRD SOP CBUL CIRDAP Quantity 4 Quality Papers noted by Cabinet office Timeline st 31 Dec Cost N/A Quantity No. of meetings Quality Efficient secretariat services Timeline th 30 October Cost Provision of secretariat support to the following committees: CBUL DISMAC Council Output 8 Ancillary and Support Services Facilitate ancillary services in the four Divisional to improve revenue management & delivery of service through the facilitation of the following activities: i. Births, Deaths, Marriage Registrations ii. Liquor Licenses iii. Issuance of Permits iv. Government Quarters v. Gaming Applications vi. After Care Fund vii. Fishing Permits viii. ix. x. Issuance, renewal, cancellation of Business Licenses Protocol Services Arrears of Revenue Quantity i. No. of BDM registered ii. No. of licenses issued iii. No. of permits issued iv. No. of quarters managed v. No. of gaming application processed vi. No. of funds client served vii. No. of fishing permits issued viii. No. of business licenses issues, renewed, cancelled ix. No. of protocol services attended to x. % of reduced revenue arrears Quality Efficiency and effectiveness of service 2013 Actual 2014 Target Responsible Division 4 4 HQ CBUL:2 CBUL: 4 HQ DISMAC Council:1 DISMAC Council: 3 2642 1500 907 900 1215 1000 2126 2000 207 30 5098 5000 1267 1000 2726 2000 All Divisions 9 32 31% 16% 12 Output 9 Human Resources and Knowledge development Implementation of PSC deliverables Roadshow to remote rural locations Timeline Shortest possible turnaround time depending on service required Cost N/A Quantity Qtrly updates to PSC Quality A productive and efficient workforce Timeline st 31 October Cost Quantity No. of roadshow Quality Improve customer focus Timeline st 31 October Cost $50,000.00 2 2 HQ/All Divisions 2 All Divisions 13 7. PSC DELIVERABLES and INDICATORS TABLE 3: PSC Deliverables and Indicators PSC DELIVERABLES STRATEGIES KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI) PLATFORM 1: Human Resources Management and Development Effective Human Resources Planning and Development Alignment of Organisational and Peoples objectives Compliance with PSC Values and Code of Conduct Performance Review: Formulation of Agency Performance Review procedure Implementation of agency performance review procedure Training and NPTC Levy Grant Compliance Compilation and Standardisation of HR Management procedures Effective administration of training activities in accordance with NTPC Levy & Grant Scheme & Training Policy TIMELINE Formulation, implementation, monitoring and review of: Agency Strategic Workforce Plan Agency Succession Plan Agency Disciplinary Report submitted on a quarterly basis Formulation of Agency Performance Review Procedure Quarterly report on the implementation of agency performance review procedure Agency HR Manual Submission of Agency payroll updates for NTPC Levy Payment Agency Learning & Development Plan Nominations for Training programmes RESPONSIBLE DIVISION st Plans formulated by 31 March 2014 Implementation, monitoring and review st report on 1 week of each new quarter Reports submitted on the st 1 week of each new quarter Performance review procedure formulated by th 28 February Performance review report st 1 week of each new quarter Compilation of manual by st 31 March 2014 st st List of 1 payment by 31 March 2014 nd th List for 2 payment by 30 September 2014 st L & D Plan by 31 January TNS 2 weeks before the conduct of training CS CS CS 14 PSC DELIVERABLES STRATEGIES KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE DIVISION i. CS PLATFORM 2: Organisational Management Effective, Planning and Accountability Planning and Accountability Framework Compliance Formulation, implementation monitoring and reviewing of: Strategic Development Plan Annual Corporate Plan PSC Deliverables Agency 2013 Annual Report i. ii. iii. iv. v. Strategic Development Plan Annual Corporate Plan PSC Deliverables Draft un-audited 2013 Annual Report Agency 2013 Audited Annual Report ii. iii. iv. v. vi. PSC DELIVERABLES STRATEGIES KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Implementation of ACP st from 1 January of 2014 ACP reviewed quarterly against the SDP 2015 ACP draft by October 2014 PSC Deliverables report st 1 week of new quarter Draft un-audited 2013 Report March 2014 Audited 2013 Annual Report by June 2014 TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE DIVISION PLATFORM 3: Productivity Management Implementation of the Service Excellence Framework Advancing towards best in class organisations through the adoption of business excellence principles Adherence to Service Charters Formulation,implementation,monitoring and reviewing of Agency Service Charter for improved service delivery against service standards Compilation of agency desktop submission Participation of Officers in the SEA evaluation process Adoption of strategies for improvement Agency Service Charter th Desktop submission by 15 June 2014 Evaluators released according to agency quota 30% of OFIs from Feedback Report attempted CS/Divisions Service Charters formulated st and implemented by 31 March Divisions 15 PSC DELIVERABLES STRATEGIES KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE DIVISIONS Documentation of processes by st 31 March 2014 All Divisions All Divisions PLATFROM 3: PRODUCTIVITY MANAGEMENT Effective Business Process Re-engineering Adherence to Service Level Agreements with ITC/GIRC Effective risk Management Formalisation of establishment charters Documentation and review of business processes for improved performance substantially on key processes for consistent, high quality and costeffective services for customer satisfaction Strengthening of GIRC focal points and SLA compliance Formulation and implementation of an appropriate risk management infrastructure and culture, and applying logical and systematic risk management processes to all aspects of an agency by minimising losses and maximising gains Formulation of Ministry’s establishment charter as per PSC circular 21/2013 i. Standard Operating procedure ii. At least two (2) BPR implemented Appointment of primary and secondary focal point Compilation of SLA report Risk Management Policy Ministry’s Establishment Charter st Appointments by 31 March 2014 SLA compliance report on st the 1 week of new quarter Risk management policy th formulated by 14 September 2014 Charters formulated by 31 December 2014 All Divisions st 16 8. CAPITAL PROJECTS FOR THE YEAR (2014) TABLE 4: Capital Projects/Items SEG LOCATION PROJECTS COST [$] 8 – Capital Construction Eastern Headquarter Central Western Northern Eastern Construction of District Administration Office (Gau & Koro) Upgrading of Non Cane Access Roads Institutional Strengthening for Divisional and Provincial Offices Institutional Strengthening for Divisional and Provincial Offices Institutional Strengthening for Divisional and Provincial Offices Institutional Strengthening for Divisional and Provincial Offices Purchase of Landing Craft Committee on Better Utilisation of Land (CBUL) Grant to Self- Help Projects Rural & Outer Island Agricultural Programme Rural Housing Assistance Disaster Rehabilitation Fund Disaster Risk & Mitigation TC Evans Rehabilitation – Final Phase Beqa Island Seawall Namosi Govt. Station Waivaka Health Centre Cuvu Health Centre Nagatagata Nursing Station Waya/Nacula Tikina Water Project Ra Tikina Water Project Korosi/Balaga Bay Road Kubulau Government Station Lagi Health Centre Kadavu Feasibility Study (renewable Energy, Land & Marine) Relocation of Kadavu Provincial Council Office Nalotu,Gasele & Nauciwai Village Foot Crossing Vunisei to Daku/Soso/Dravuwalu Rd Jioma Foot Crossing TOTAL 738,000.00 1.5m 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 7,000,000.00 6.4m 1.5m 1.0m 700,000 1.0m 1.0m 2.0m 100,000.00 100,000.00 400,000.00 610,000.00 500,000.00 590,000.00 669,900.00 572,815.00 500,000.00 376,753.00 100,000.00 509,845.00 200,000.00 300,000.00 100,000.00 28,667,300 9 – Capital Purchase 10- Capital Grant Headquarters Central Western Northern Eastern 17 9. MINISTRY OF FINANCE DELIVERABLES and INIDICATORS TABLE 5: MoF Deliverables and Indicators MoF Deliverables Strategies KPI Timeline Planning & Management of Budget Compliance Budget Request Formulation Budget Request Submission 2 Qtr Accounts Requests to Incur Expenditures (RIE) Timely/Efficient Management of RIE As and when before closing of accounts in Finance Circular Accounts Financial Performance Reporting Compliance Bank TMA Trust RFA Salaries Wages IDC CFA Analysis Collection of Revenue Monthly reconciliation 15 of every month Monthly revenue returns 15 of every month Collection of Arrears Reduction by 5% Annual Stock Take/Board of Survey Agency Revenue/Arrears Report Asset Management Report Audit Report Procurement Compliance Reports Vehicle Returns Implementation of Audit Report Recommendations Quarterly Reports to PS and Minister nd Responsible Division th Accounts th Accounts 15 of every month th Accounts Physical stock take against inventory Monthly vehicle returns Number of Issues resolved 31 January Accounts Fls: Division 2 & 3 Part 12 Division 1 Section 68 2 th 5 of every month 31 December nd week after every quarter Accounts Accounts Accounts 18 10. GLOSSARY i. BDM: Births, Deaths & Marriages ii. BP: Business Plan iii. CBUL: Committee on Better Utilisation of Land iv. DC: Divisional Commissioners v. DCS: Director Corporate Services vi. DDB: Divisional Development Board vii. DDM: Director Disaster Management viii. DMC: Disaster Management Council ix. DRD: Director Research and Development x. DS: Deputy Secretary xi. IRDF: Integrated Rural Development Framework xii. IWP: Individual Work Plan xiii. NSC: National Steering Committee xiv. PAP: Poverty Alleviation Programme xv. Position Description PD: xvi. PDB: Provincial Development Board xvii. PMS: Performance Management System xviii. PSIP: Public Sector Investment Program xix. PSRMDM: Permanent Secretary for Rural & Maritime Development and National Disaster Management xx. ROI: Rural and Outer Island Programme 19 20