Overhead Conductors Our Business & Products Energy Transmission Our Group pursues stable, efficient electricity transportation, while at the same time contributing to the sustainable development of society through energy supply. With demand for electricity surging on a global scale, it is crucial for all of society to generate electricity efficiently and deliver energy stably without losses. As a comprehensive manufacturer in the area of energy transmission, the Furukawa Electric Group has developed cables and technologies that enable resources to be conserved and the environment to be preserved, and it has supplied them all over the world. Power transmission lines We play a significant role in stable supply of electric power from power stations to different cities. We also contribute to overseas infrastructure construction. ACSR – Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced Technical Scope Used as bare overhead conductor for primary and secondary distribution. Standard The ACSR bare conductor meets or exceeds the following ASTM specifications: • B-230 Aluminum Wire, 1350-H19 for Electrical Purposes • B-231 Aluminum Conductors, Concentric-Lay-Stranded • B-232 Aluminum Conductors, Concentric-Lay-Stranded, Coated Steel Reinforced (ACSR) • B-341 Aluminum-Coated Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR/AZ) • B-498 Zinc-Coated Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR) • B-802 Code Word Turkey Swan Swanate Sparrow Sparate Robin Raven Quail Pigeon Penguin Waxwing Partridge Ostrich Merlin Linnet Oriole Chickadee Brant Ibis Zinc-5% Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy-Coated Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR) Weight Per 1000 ft. (lbs.) Content (%) Diameter (ins.) Size Stranding (AWG or Individual Wires Steel Complete (Al/Stl) Al Stl Total Stl Al kcmil) Core Cable AL STL Rated Resistance OHMS/1000 Ampacity Strength (Amps) (lbs.) DC @ 20°C AC @75°C 6 6/1 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.198 24 12 36 67.89 32.11 1190 0.642 0.808 105 4 6/1 0.083 0.083 0.083 0.250 39 18 57 67.86 32.13 1860 0.403 0.516 140 4 7/1 0.077 0.103 0.103 0.257 39 28 67 58.20 41.80 2360 0.399 0.520 140 2 6/1 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.316 62 29 91 67.90 32.10 2850 0.253 0.333 184 2 7/1 0.097 0.130 0.130 0.325 62 45 107 58.12 41.88 3640 0.251 0.340 184 1 6/1 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.354 78 37 115 67.88 32.12 3550 0.201 0.268 212 1/0 6/1 0.133 0.133 0.133 0.398 99 47 145 67.89 32.11 4380 0.160 0.220 242 2/0 6/1 0.149 0.149 0.149 0.447 124 59 183 67.88 32.12 5310 0.127 0.176 276 3/0 6/1 0.167 0.167 0.167 0.502 156 74 230 67.87 32.13 6620 0.100 0.144 315 4/0 6/1 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.563 197 93 291 67.89 32.12 8350 0.080 0.119 357 266.8 18/1 0.122 0.122 0.122 0.609 250 39 289 86.43 13.57 6880 0.644 0.079 449 266.8 26/7 0.101 0.079 0.236 0.642 251 115 367 68.51 31.49 11300 0.064 0.078 475 300 26/7 0.107 0.084 0.251 0.680 283 130 412 68.51 31.49 12700 0.057 0.069 492 336.4 18/1 0.137 0.137 0.137 0.684 315 49 365 86.43 13.57 8680 0.052 0.063 519 336.4 26/7 0.114 0.088 0.265 0.720 317 146 462 68.51 31.49 14100 0.051 0.062 529 336.4 30/7 0.106 0.106 0.318 0.741 318 209 526 60.35 39.65 17300 0.050 0.613 535 397.5 18/1 0.149 0.149 0.149 0.743 373 58 431 86.43 13.57 9940 0.043 0.053 576 397.5 24/7 0.129 0.086 0.257 0.772 374 137 511 73.21 26.79 14600 0.043 0.053 584 397.5 26/7 0.124 0.096 0.289 0.783 374 172 546 68.51 31.49 16300 0.043 0.052 587 Sparrow 2 7/1 0.097 0.130 0.130 0.325 62 45 107 58.12 41.88 Sparate 1 6/1 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.354 78 37 115 67.88 32.12 Robin 47 67.89 32.11 1/0 6/1 0.133 0.133 0.133 0.398 99 145 Raven 2/0 6/1 0.149 0.149 0.149 0.447 124 59 183 67.88 32.12 Quail 3/0 6/1 0.167 0.167 0.167 0.502 156 74 230 67.87 32.13 Pigeon Weight 1000 ft.291 (lbs.) Content (%) Diameter (ins.) 67.89 32.12 4/0 6/1 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.563 197 Per93 Penguin Size Stranding Code 39 86.43 13.57 266.8or 18/1 0.122 0.122 0.122 0.609 250 289 Individual Wires Waxwing (AWG Steel Complete Word (Al/Stl) Al Stl Total Stl Al kcmil) 266.8 26/7 0.101 0.079 0.236 0.642 251 115 367 68.51 31.49 Core Cable Partridge AL STL 6 6/1 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.198 24 12 36 67.89 32.11 300 26/7 0.107 0.084 0.251 0.680 283 130 412 68.51 31.49 Turkey Ostrich 18 67.86 32.13 4 6/1 0.083 0.083 0.083 0.250 39 57 49 86.43 13.57 336.4 18/1 0.137 0.137 0.137 0.684 315 365 Swan Merlin 4 7/1 0.077 0.103 0.103 0.257 39 28 67 58.20 41.80 146 68.51 31.49 336.4 26/7 0.114 0.088 0.265 0.720 317 462 Swanate Linnet 2 6/1 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.316 62 29 91 67.90 32.10 336.4 30/7 0.106 0.106 0.318 0.741 318 209 526 60.35 39.65 Sparrow Oriole 45 58.12 41.88 2 7/1 0.097 0.130 0.130 0.325 62 107 58 86.43 13.57 397.5 18/1 0.149 0.149 0.149 0.743 373 431 Sparate Chickadee 37 67.88 32.12 1 6/1 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.354 78 115 137 73.21 26.79 397.5 24/7 0.129 0.086 0.257 0.772 374 511 Robin Brant 1/0 6/1 0.133 0.133 0.133 0.398 99 47 145 67.89 32.11 397.5 26/7 0.124 0.096 0.289 0.783 374 172 546 68.51 31.49 Raven Ibis 2/0 6/1 0.149 0.149 0.149 0.447 124 59 183 67.88 32.12 247 60.35 39.65 397.5 30/7 0.115 0.115 0.345 0.806 375 622 Quail Lark 3/0 6/1 0.167 0.167 0.167 0.502 156 74 230 67.87 32.13 70 86.44 13.56 477 18/1 0.163 0.163 0.163 0.814 447 517 Pigeon Pelican 93 67.89 32.12 4/0 6/1 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.563 197 291 477 24/7 0.141 0.094 0.282 0.846 449 164 614 73.21 26.79 Penguin Flicker 39 86.43 13.57 266.8 18/1 0.122 0.122 0.122 0.609 250 289 207 68.51 31.49 477 26/7 0.135 0.105 0.316 0.858 449 655 Waxwing Hawk 115 68.51 31.49 266.8 26/7 0.101 0.079 0.236 0.642 251 367 296 60.35 39.65 477 30/7 0.126 0.126 0.378 0.883 450 746 Partridge Hen 130 68.51 31.49 300 26/7 0.107 0.084 0.251 0.680 283 412 82 86.43 13.57 556.5 18/1 0.176 0.176 0.176 0.879 522 603 Ostrich Osprey 336.4 18/1 0.137 0.137 0.137 0.684 315 49 365 86.43 13.57 556.5 24/7 0.152 0.102 0.305 0.914 524 192 716 73.21 26.79 Merlin Parakeet 146 336.4 26/7 0.114 0.088 0.265 0.720 317 462 556.5 0.146 0.114 0.341 0.927 524 214 765 68.51 31.49 Linnet Dove 209 336.4 30/7 0.106 0.106 0.318 0.741 318 526 556.5 0.136 0.136 0.409 0.953 525 345 871 60.35 39.65 Oriole Eagle 397.5 18/1 0.149 0.149 0.149 0.743 373 58 431 86.43 13.57 209 73.20 26.80 605 24/7 0.159 0.106 0.318 0.953 570 779 Chickadee Peacock 137 73.21 26.79 397.5 24/7 0.129 0.086 0.257 0.772 374 511 262 68.51 31.49 605 26/7 0.153 0.119 0.356 0.966 570 832 Brant Squab 172 68.51 31.49 397.5 26/7 0.124 0.096 0.289 0.783 374 546 375 60.35 39.65 605 30/7 0.142 0.142 0.426 0.994 571 946 IbisDuck Wood 397.5 30/7 0.115 0.115 0.345 0.806 375 247 622 60.35 39.65 367 60.86 39.14 605 30/19 0.142 0.085 0.426 0.994 571 939 Lark Teal 70 86.44 13.56 477 18/1 0.163 0.163 0.163 0.814 447 517 94 86.43 13.57 636 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.940 596 690 Pelican Kingbird 477 24/7 0.141 0.094 0.282 0.846 449 164 614 73.21 26.79 636 36/1 0.133 0.133 0.133 0.930 596 47 643 92.72 7.28 Flicker Swift 477 26/7 0.135 0.105 0.316 0.858 449 207 655 68.51 31.49 219 73.22 26.78 636 24/7 0.163 0.109 0.326 0.977 599 818 Hawk Rook 296 60.35 39.65 477 30/7 0.126 0.126 0.378 0.883 450 746 275 68.51 31.49 636 26/7 0.156 0.122 0.365 0.990 599 874 Hen Grosbeak 556.5 18/1 0.176 0.176 0.176 0.879 522 82 603 86.43 13.57 636 30/7 0.146 0.146 0.437 1.019 600 395 995 60.35 39.65 Osprey Scoter 556.5 24/7 0.152 0.102 0.305 0.914 524 192 716 73.21 26.79 636 30/19 0.146 0.087 0.437 1.019 600 386 987 60.85 39.15 Parakeet Egret 556.5 26/7 0.146 0.114 0.341 0.927 524 214 765 68.51 31.49 230 73.21 26.79 666.6 24/7 0.167 0.111 0.333 1.000 628 858 Dove Flamingo 556.5 30/7 0.136 0.136 0.409 0.953 525 345 871 60.35 39.65 666.6 26/7 0.160 0.125 0.374 1.014 628 289 916 68.51 31.39 Eagle Gannet 605 24/7 0.159 0.106 0.318 0.953 570 209 779 73.20 26.80 715.5 0.173 0.115 0.345 1.036 674 247 920 73.21 26.79 Peacock Stilt 605 26/7 0.153 0.119 0.356 0.966 570 262 832 715.5 0.166 0.129 0.387 1.051 674 310 984 68.51 31.49 Squab Starling 375 60.35 39.65 605 30/7 0.142 0.142 0.426 0.994 571 946 715.5 30/19 0.154 0.093 0.463 1.081 676 435 1110 60.85 39.15 Wood Duck Redwing 605 30/19 0.142 0.085 0.426 0.994 571 367 939 60.86 39.14 58 92.72 7.28 795 36/1 0.149 0.149 0.149 1.040 745 804 Teal Coot 94 86.43 13.57 636 18/1 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.940 596 690 795 26/7 0.175 0.136 0.408 1.107 749 344 1093 68.51 31.49 Kingbird Drake 636 36/1 0.133 0.133 0.133 0.930 596 47 643 92.72 7.28 795 45/7 0.089 0.266 1.063 749 146 895 83.67 16.55 Swift Tern 219 73.22 26.78 636 24/7 0.163 0.109 0.326 0.977 599 818 795 54/7 0.121 0.121 0.364 1.092 749 274 1023 73.21 26.79 Rook Condor 636 26/7 0.156 0.122 0.365 0.990 599 275 874 68.51 31.49 483 60.86 39.14 795 30/19 0.163 0.098 0.488 1.140 751 1234 Grosbeak Mallard 636 30/7 0.146 0.146 0.437 1.019 600 395 995 60.35 39.65 165 83.67 16.33 900 45/7 0.141 0.094 0.283 1.131 848 1013 Scoter Ruddy 636 30/19 0.146 0.087 0.437 1.019 600 386 987 60.85 39.15 900 54/7 0.129 0.129 0.387 1.162 848 310 1158 73.22 26.78 Egret Canary 230 73.21 26.79 666.6 24/7 0.167 0.111 0.333 1.000 628 858 954 45/7 0.146 0.097 0.291 1.165 899 175 1074 83.67 16.33 Flamingo Rail 666.6 26/7 0.160 0.125 0.374 1.014 628 289 916 68.51 31.39 954 54/7 0.133 0.133 0.399 1.196 899 329 1227 73.21 26.79 Gannet Cardinal 247 73.21 26.79 715.5 24/7 0.173 0.115 0.345 1.036 674 920 1033.5 45/7 0.152 0.101 0.303 1.212 973 190 1163 83.67 16.33 Stilt Ortolan 715.5 26/7 0.166 0.129 0.387 1.051 674 310 984 68.51 31.49 1033.5 54/7 0.138 0.138 0.415 1.245 973 356 1330 73.21 26.79 Starling Curlew 435 60.85 39.15 715.5 30/19 0.154 0.093 0.463 1.081 676 1110 1113 45/7 0.157 0.105 0.315 1.259 1048 205 1254 83.67 16.33 Redwing Bluejay 795 36/1 0.149 0.149 0.149 1.040 745 58 804 92.72 7.28 1113 54/19 0.144 0.086 0.431 1.293 1053 375 1430 73.72 26.28 Coot Finch 344 68.51 31.49 795 26/7 0.175 0.136 0.408 1.107 749 1093 1192.5 45/7 0.163 0.109 0.326 1.302 1123 219 1342 83.67 16.33 Drake Bunting 795 45/7 0.133 0.089 0.266 1.063 749 146 895 83.67 16.55 1192.5 54/19 0.149 0.446 1.338 1129 402 1531 73.72 26.28 Tern Grackle 795 54/7 0.121 0.121 0.364 1.092 749 274 1023 73.21 26.79 234 83.67 16.33 1272 45/7 0.168 0.112 0.336 1.345 1198 1432 Condor Bittern 483 60.86 39.14 795 30/19 0.163 0.098 0.488 1.140 751 1234 1272 54/19 0.154 0.092 0.461 1.381 1204 429 1634 73.71 26.29 Mallard Pheasant 900 45/7 0.141 0.094 0.283 1.131 848 165 1013 1351 0.173 0.116 0.347 1.386 1273 248 1521 83.67 16.33 Ruddy Dipper 900 54/7 0.129 0.129 0.387 1.162 848 310 1158 73.22 26.78 1351 54/19 0.158 0.095 0.475 1.424 1279 456 1735 73.72 26.28 Canary Martin 954 45/7 0.146 0.097 0.291 1.165 899 175 1074 1431 0.178 0.119 0.357 1.427 1348 263 1611 83.67 16.33 Rail Bobolink 954 54/7 0.133 0.133 0.399 1.196 899 329 1227 73.21 26.79 292 83.67 16.33 1590 45/7 0.188 0.125 0.376 1.504 1498 1790 Cardinal Lapwing 1033.5 45/7 0.152 0.101 0.303 1.212 973 190 1163 83.67 16.33 1590 54/19 0.172 0.103 0.515 1.545 1505 536 2042 73.72 26.28 Ortolan Falcon 356 73.21 26.79 1033.5 54/7 0.138 0.138 0.415 1.245 Curlew High973 Strength ACSR1330 1113 45/7 0.157 0.105 0.315 1.259 1048 205 1254 83.67 16.33 Bluejay 80 8/1 0.100 0.167 0.167 0.367 75 74 149 50.48 49.52 Grouse 1113 54/19 0.144 0.086 0.431 1.293 1053 375 1430 73.72 26.28 Finch 101.8 12/7 0.092 0.092 0.276 0.461 96 158 254 37.79 62.21 Petrel 1192.5 45/7 0.163 0.109 0.326 1.302 1123 219 1342 83.67 16.33 Bunting 110.8 12/7 0.096 0.096 0.289 0.481 104 172 276 37.75 62.25 Minorca 1192.5 54/19 0.149 0.089 0.446 1.338 1129 402 1531 73.72 26.28 Grackle 209 335 37.79 62.21 134.6 12/7 0.106 0.106 0.318 0.530 127 Leghorn 1272 45/7 0.168 0.112 0.336 1.345 1198 234 1432 83.67 16.33 Bittern 159 12/7 0.115 0.115 0.345 0.576 150 247 396 37.79 62.21 Guinea 1272 54/19 0.154 0.092 0.461 1.381 1204 429 1634 73.71 26.29 Pheasant 274 441 37.79 62.21 176.9 12/7 0.121 0.121 0.364 0.607 167 Dotterel 1351 45/7 0.173 0.116 0.347 1.386 1273 248 1521 83.67 16.33 Dipper 190.8 12/7 0.126 0.126 0.378 0.630 180 296 476 37.78 62.22 Dorking 1351 54/19 0.158 0.095 0.475 1.424 1279 456 1735 73.72 26.28 Martin 211.3 12/7 0.133 0.133 0.398 0.663 199 328 527 37.80 62.20 Cockhin 263 83.67 16.33 1431 45/7 0.178 0.119 0.357 1.427 1348 1611 Bobolink 1590 45/7 0.188 0.125 0.376 1.504 1498 292 1790 83.67 16.33 Lapwing 1590 54/19 0.172 0.103 0.515 1.545 1505 536 2042 73.72 26.28 Falcon 3640 0.251 0.340 184 3550 0.201 0.268 212 ACSR – Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced5310- continued 0.127 0.176 4380 0.160 0.220 6620 0.100 0.144 242 276 315 8350 0.080 0.119 357 Rated Resistance OHMS/1000 Ampacity 6880 0.644 0.079 449 Strength (Amps) (lbs.) 11300 0.064 475 DC @ 20°C AC 0.078 @75°C 1190 12700 0.642 0.057 0.808 0.069 105 492 1860 8680 0.403 0.052 0.516 0.063 140 519 2360 14100 0.399 0.051 0.520 0.062 140 529 2850 17300 0.253 0.050 0.333 0.613 184 535 3640 9940 0.251 0.043 0.340 0.053 184 576 3550 14600 0.201 0.043 0.268 0.053 212 584 4380 16300 0.160 0.043 0.220 0.052 242 587 5310 20300 0.127 0.043 0.176 0.052 276 594 6620 11800 0.100 0.036 0.144 0.044 315 646 8350 17200 0.080 0.036 0.119 0.044 357 655 6880 19500 0.644 0.036 0.079 0.044 449 659 11300 23800 0.064 0.035 0.078 0.043 475 666 12700 13700 0.057 0.031 0.069 0.038 492 711 8680 19800 0.052 0.031 0.063 0.038 519 721 14100 22600 0.051 0.031 0.062 0.038 529 726 17300 27800 0.050 0.030 0.613 0.037 535 734 9940 21600 0.043 0.028 0.053 0.035 576 760 14600 24300 0.043 0.028 0.053 0.035 584 765 16300 28900 0.043 0.028 0.052 0.034 587 774 20300 30000 0.043 0.028 0.052 0.034 594 773 11800 15700 0.036 0.027 0.044 0.033 646 773 17200 13800 0.036 0.027 0.044 0.033 655 769 19500 22600 0.036 0.027 0.044 0.033 659 784 23800 25200 0.035 0.027 0.043 0.033 666 789 13700 30400 0.031 0.026 0.038 0.033 711 798 19800 31500 0.031 0.027 0.038 0.033 721 798 22600 23700 0.031 0.026 0.038 0.032 726 807 27800 26400 0.030 0.026 0.037 0.031 734 812 21600 25500 0.028 0.024 0.035 0.029 760 844 24300 28400 0.028 0.024 0.035 0.029 765 849 28900 34600 0.028 0.024 0.034 0.029 774 859 30000 16710 0.028 0.022 0.034 0.027 773 884 15700 31500 0.027 0.021 0.033 0.026 773 907 13800 22100 0.027 0.022 0.033 0.027 769 887 22600 28200 0.027 0.022 0.033 0.027 784 889 25200 38400 0.027 0.021 0.033 0.026 789 918 30400 24400 0.026 0.019 0.033 0.024 798 958 31500 31900 0.027 0.019 0.033 0.024 798 961 23700 25900 0.026 0.018 0.032 0.023 807 993 26400 33800 0.026 0.018 0.031 0.023 812 996 25500 27700 0.024 0.017 0.029 0.021 844 1043 28400 36600 0.024 0.017 0.029 0.021 849 1047 34600 29800 0.024 0.016 0.029 0.019 859 1092 16710 39100 0.022 0.015 0.027 0.197 884 1093 31500 32000 0.021 0.014 0.026 0.018 907 1139 22100 41900 0.022 0.014 0.027 0.018 887 1140 28200 34100 0.022 0.014 0.027 0.017 889 1184 38400 43600 0.021 0.014 0.026 0.017 918 1187 24400 36200 0.019 0.013 0.024 0.016 958 1229 31900 46300 0.019 0.013 0.024 0.016 961 1232 25900 38300 0.018 0.012 0.023 0.015 993 1272 33800 42200 0.018 0.011 0.023 0.014 996 1354 27700 54500 0.017 0.011 0.021 0.014 1043 1359 36600 0.017 0.021 1047 29800 5200 39100 10400 32000 11300 41900 13600 34100 16000 43600 17300 36200 18700 46300 28400 38300 0.016 0.207 0.015 0.158 0.014 0.145 0.014 0.120 0.014 0.101 0.014 0.091 0.013 0.085 0.013 0.076 0.012 0.019 0.294 0.197 0.250 0.018 0.235 0.018 0.204 0.017 0.181 0.017 0.169 0.016 0.160 0.016 0.150 0.015 1092 204 1093 237 1139 248 1140 273 1184 297 1187 312 1229 324 1232 340 1272 42200 0.011 0.014 1354 54500 0.011 0.014 1359 High Strength ACSR Grouse Petrel Minorca Leghorn Guinea Dotterel Dorking Cockhin 80 8/1 0.100 0.167 0.167 0.367 75 74 149 50.48 49.52 5200 0.207 0.294 204 101.8 12/7 0.092 0.092 0.276 0.461 96 158 254 37.79 62.21 10400 0.158 0.250 237 110.8 12/7 0.096 0.096 0.289 0.481 104 172 276 37.75 62.25 11300 0.145 0.235 248 134.6 12/7 0.106 0.106 0.318 0.530 127 209 335 37.79 62.21 13600 0.120 0.204 273 159 12/7 0.115 0.115 0.345 0.576 150 247 396 37.79 62.21 16000 0.101 0.181 297 176.9 12/7 0.121 0.121 0.364 0.607 167 274 441 37.79 62.21 17300 0.091 0.169 312 190.8 12/7 0.126 0.126 0.378 0.630 180 296 476 37.78 62.22 18700 0.085 0.160 324 211.3 12/7 0.133 0.133 0.398 0.663 199 328 527 37.80 62.20 28400 0.076 0.150 340 AAC – ALL ALUMINUM CONDUCTOR Technical Scope Used as bare overhead conductor for primary and secondary distribution. This conductor is designed to operate at a higher temperature, up to 250°C. Standard AAC bare conductors meet or exceed the following ASTM specifications: • B230 Aluminum Wire, 1350-H19 for Electrical Purposes • B231 Aluminum Conductors, Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum 1350 conductors Stranding Code Word Size (AWG or kcmil) No. of Wires Class Diameter (ins.) Individual Wires CrossWeight Sectional Per Complete Area (Sq. ins.) 1000 ft. (lbs.) Cable Ratedl Strength (Lbs.) Resistance OHMS/1000 ft. DC @ 20°C AC @ 75°C Allowable Ampacity+ (Amps) Peachbell 6 7 A 0.0612 0.184 0.0206 25.00 563 0.658 0.805 103.00 Rose 4 7 A 0.0772 0.232 0.0328 39.00 881 0.414 0.506 138.00 Iris 2 7 AA, A 0.0974 0.292 0.0522 62.00 1350 0.260 0.318 185.00 Pansy 1 7 AA 0.1093 0.328 0.0657 78.00 1640 0.207 0.252 214.00 Poppy 1/0 7 AA, A 0.1228 0.368 0.0829 99.00 1990 0.164 0.200 247.00 Aster 2/0 7 AA, A 0.1379 0.414 0.1045 125.00 2510 0.130 0.159 286.00 Phlox 3/0 7 AA, A 0.1548 0.464 0.1317 157.00 3040 0.103 0.126 331.00 Oxlip 4/0 7 AA, A 0.1739 0.522 0.1663 198.00 3830 0.082 0.100 383.00 Sneezewort 250 7 AA 0.189 0.567 0.1964 234.00 4520 0.069 0.085 425.00 Valerian 250 19 A 0.1147 0.574 0.1963 234.00 4660 0.069 0.085 426.00 Daisy 266.8 7 AA 0.1952 0.586 0.2095 250.00 4830 0.065 0.079 443.00 Laurel 266.8 19 A 0.1185 0.592 0.2095 250.00 4970 0.065 0.079 444.00 Peony 300 19 A 0.1257 0.628 0.2358 281.00 5480 0.058 0.071 478.00 513.00 Tulip 336.4 19 A 0.1331 0.665 0.2644 315.00 6150 0.051 0.063 Daffodil 350 19 A 0.1357 0.679 0.2748 328.00 6390 0.049 0.061 526.00 Canna 397.5 19 AA, A 0.1446 0.723 0.312 373.00 7110 0.044 0.053 570.00 Goldentuft 450 19 AA 0.1539 0.769 0.3534 422.00 7890 0.038 0.047 616.00 Cosmos 477 19 AA 0.1584 0.792 0.3744 447.00 8360 0.036 0.045 639.00 Syringa 477.0 37 A 0.1135 0.795 0.3744 447.00 8690 0.036 0.045 639.00 Zinnia 500 19 AA 0.1622 0.811 0.3926 469.00 8760 0.035 0.043 658.00 Hyacinth 500 37 AA 0.1162 0.814 0.3924 469.00 9110 0.035 0.043 658.00 Dahlia 556.5 19 AA 0.1711 0.856 0.4369 522.00 9750 0.031 0.038 703.00 Mistletoe 556.5 37 AA 0.1226 0.858 0.4368 522.00 9940 0.031 0.038 704.00 Meadowsweet 600 37 AA 0.1273 0.891 0.4709 562.00 10700 0.023 0.036 738.00 Orchid 636.0 37 AA, A 0.1311 0.918 0.4995 596.00 11400 0.027 0.034 765.00 Heuchera 650 37 AA 0.1325 0.928 0.5102 609.00 11600 0.027 0.033 775.00 Verbena 700 37 AA 0.1375 0.963 0.5494 656.00 12500 0.025 0.031 812.00 Flag 700 61 A 0.1071 0.964 0.5495 656.00 12900 0.025 0.031 812.00 Violet 715.5 37 AA 0.1391 0.973 0.5623 671.00 12800 0.024 0.030 823.00 Nasturtium 715.5 61 AA 0.1083 0.975 0.5619 671.00 13100 0.024 0.030 823.00 Petunia 750.0 37 AA 0.1424 0.997 0.5893 703.00 13100 0.023 0.029 847.00 Cattail 750 61 AA 0.1109 0.998 0.5892 703.00 13500 0.023 0.029 847.00 Arbutus 795 37 AA 0.1466 1.026 0.6245 745.00 13900 0.022 0.027 878.00 Lilac 795.0 61 A 0.1142 1.027 0.6248 745.00 14300 0.022 0.027 879.00 Cockscomb 900 37 AA 0.156 1.092 0.7072 844.00 15400 0.019 0.024 948.00 Snapdragon 900 61 AA 0.1215 1.093 0.7072 844.00 15900 0.019 0.024 948.00 Magnolia 954.0 37 AA 0.1606 1.124 0.7495 894.00 16400 0.018 0.023 982.00 Goldenrod 954.0 61 A 0.1251 1.125 0.7498 894.00 16900 0.018 0.023 983.00 Hawkweed 1000 37 AA 0.1644 1.151 0.7854 937.00 17200 0.017 0.022 1010.00 Camellia 1000 61 AA 0.128 1.152 0.7849 937.00 17700 0.071 0.022 1011.00 Bluebell 1033.5 37 AA 0.1671 1.17 0.8114 969.00 17700 0.017 0.021 1031.00 Larkspur 1033.5 61 AA 0.1302 1.171 0.8122 969.00 18300 0.017 0.021 1032.00 Marigold 1113.0 61 AA, A 0.1351 1.216 0.8744 1043.00 19700 0.016 0.020 1079.00 Hawthorn 1192.5 61 AA, A 0.1398 1.258 0.9363 1118.00 21100 0.015 0.018 1124.00 Narcissus 1272.0 61 AA, A 0.1444 1.3 0.999 1192.00 22000 0.014 0.017 1169.00 Columbine 1351.5 61 AA, A 0.1488 1.34 1.0608 1267.00 23400 0.013 0.016 1212.00 Carnation 1431 61 AA, A 0.1532 1.378 1.1244 1341.00 24300 0.012 0.016 1253.00 Gladiolus 1510.5 61 A 0.1574 1.416 1.1869 1416.00 25600 0.014 0.015 1294.00 Violet 715.5 37 AA 0.1391 0.973 0.5623 671.00 12800 0.024 0.030 823.00 Nasturtium 715.5 61 AA 0.1083 0.975 0.5619 671.00 13100 0.024 0.030 823.00 13100 0.023 0.029 847.00 13500 0.023 0.029 847.00 0.027 878.00 Petunia 750.0 37 AA 0.1424 0.997 0.5893 703.00 AAC – ALL ALUMINUM CONDUCTOR – continued Cattail 750 61 AA 0.1109 0.998 0.5892 703.00 Arbutus 795 Lilac 795.0 37 Snapdragon Size 900 (AWG or 900 kcmil) Code Cockscomb Word AA 0.1466 StrandingA 61 Diameter 0.1142 37 AA 0.156 No. of 61 Wires AA Class Individual 0.1215 Wires 1.026 0.6245 745.00 13900 0.022 (ins.) 1.027 0.6248 745.00 14300 0.022 0.027 OHMS/1000 ft. CrossWeight 0.7072 844.00 Per Sectional Complete 1.093 Area0.7072 (Sq. ins.) 1000844.00 ft. (lbs.) Cable 1.092 0.1606 Ratedl 15400 Strength 15900 (Lbs.) Resistance 0.019 0.024 DC @ 0.019 20°C AC @ 0.024 75°C 0.018 0.023 879.00 Allowable 948.00 Ampacity+ 948.00 (Amps) Magnolia 954.0 37 AA 1.124 0.7495 894.00 16400 Goldenrod Peachbell 954.0 6 61 7 A 0.1251 0.0612 1.125 0.184 0.7498 0.0206 894.00 25.00 16900 563 0.018 0.658 0.023 0.805 982.00 983.00 103.00 Hawkweed Rose 1000 4 37 7 AA A 0.1644 0.0772 1.151 0.232 0.7854 0.0328 937.00 39.00 17200 881 0.017 0.414 0.022 0.506 1010.00 138.00 Camellia Iris 1000 2 61 7 AAA AA, 0.128 0.0974 1.152 0.292 0.7849 0.0522 937.00 62.00 17700 1350 0.071 0.260 0.022 0.318 1011.00 185.00 Bluebell Pansy 1033.5 1 37 7 AA 0.1671 0.1093 1.17 0.328 0.8114 0.0657 969.00 78.00 17700 1640 0.017 0.207 0.021 0.252 1031.00 214.00 Larkspur Poppy 1033.5 1/0 61 7 AAA AA, 0.1302 0.1228 1.171 0.368 0.8122 0.0829 969.00 99.00 18300 1990 0.017 0.164 0.021 0.200 1032.00 247.00 Marigold Aster 1113.0 2/0 61 7 AA, A 0.1351 0.1379 1.216 0.414 0.8744 0.1045 1043.00 125.00 19700 2510 0.016 0.130 0.020 0.159 1079.00 286.00 Hawthorn Phlox 1192.5 3/0 61 7 AA, A 0.1398 0.1548 1.258 0.464 0.9363 0.1317 1118.00 157.00 21100 3040 0.015 0.103 0.018 0.126 1124.00 331.00 Narcissus Oxlip 1272.0 4/0 61 7 AA, A 0.1444 0.1739 1.3 0.522 0.999 0.1663 1192.00 198.00 22000 3830 0.014 0.082 0.017 0.100 1169.00 383.00 Columbine Sneezewort 1351.5 250 61 7 AA, AAA 0.1488 0.189 1.34 0.567 1.0608 0.1964 1267.00 234.00 23400 4520 0.013 0.069 0.016 0.085 1212.00 425.00 Carnation Valerian 1431 250 61 19 AA, AA 0.1532 0.1147 1.378 0.574 1.1244 0.1963 1341.00 234.00 24300 4660 0.012 0.069 0.016 0.085 1253.00 426.00 Gladiolus Daisy 1510.5 266.8 61 7 A AA 0.1574 0.1952 1.416 0.586 1.1869 0.2095 1416.00 250.00 25600 4830 0.014 0.065 0.015 0.079 1294.00 443.00 Coreopsis Laurel 1590.0 266.8 61 19 AA A 0.1614 0.1185 1.453 0.592 1.248 0.2095 1490.00 250.00 27000 4970 0.011 0.065 0.014 0.079 1333.00 444.00 Jessamine Peony 1750.0 300 61 19 AA A 0.1694 0.1257 1.524 0.628 1.3748 0.2358 1640.00 281.00 29700 5480 0.010 0.058 0.013 0.071 1408.00 478.00 Cowslip Tulip 2000.0 336.4 91 19 A 0.1482 0.1331 1.631 0.665 1.5697 0.2644 1875.00 315.00 34200 6150 0.009 0.051 0.012 0.063 1518.00 513.00 Sagebrush Daffodil 2250 350 91 19 A 0.1572 0.1357 1.73 0.679 1.7662 0.2748 2130.00 328.00 37500 6390 0.008 0.049 0.011 0.061 1612.00 526.00 Lupine Canna 2500.0 397.5 91 19 AA AA, 0.1657 0.1446 1.823 0.723 1.9623 0.312 2366.00 373.00 41900 7110 0.007 0.044 0.010 0.053 1706.00 570.00 Bitterroot Goldentuft 2750 450 91 19 A AA 0.1738 0.1539 1.912 0.769 2.1589 0.3534 2603.00 422.00 46100 7890 0.006 0.038 0.009 0.047 1793.00 616.00 Trillium Cosmos 3000 477 127 19 A AA 0.1537 0.1584 1.998 0.792 2.3564 0.3744 2839.00 447.00 50300 8360 0.006 0.036 0.008 0.045 1874.00 639.00 Bluebonnet Syringa 3500 477.0 127 37 A 0.166 0.1135 2.158 0.795 2.7486 0.3744 3345.00 447.00 58700 8690 0.005 0.036 0.008 0.045 2024.00 639.00 Zinnia isis 500using 19 standard AA 0.1622 0.3926 469.00 0.043 Resistance calculated using ASTM standard increments of stranding metal conductivity of 52.5% lACS,8760 AC resistance Resistance calculated ASTM increments of stranding and0.811 metaland conductivity of 52.5% lACS, AC resistance at 60 Hz 0.035at 60 Hz. Hyacinth 500 on 75°C 37 AA temperature, 0.1162 0.814 0.3924 469.00 9110 0.035 0.043 Current ratings based conductor temperature, 25°C ambient Current ratingsare are based on 75°C conductor 25°C ambient. Dahlia 0.4369 522.00 9750 0.031 0.038 703.00 AAAC – ALL ALUMINUM CONDUCTOR Meadowsweet 600 37 AA 0.1273 0.891 0.4709 522.00 9940 0.031 0.038 704.00 562.00 10700 0.023 0.036 738.00 596.00 11400 0.027 0.034 765.00 Mistletoe 556.5 19 556.5 37 Technical Scope Orchid AA 636.0 0.1711 AA 37 0.856 658.00 658.00 0.1226 AA, A 0.858 0.1311 0.918 0.4368 0.4995 Used as bare overhead conductor for primary and secondary distribution. The conductor is designed using a 775.00 Verbena 700 37 0.963 0.5494 656.00 12500 0.025 0.031 high-strength aluminum-alloy toAAachieve0.1375 a high strength-to-weight ratio. Aluminum-alloy 6201-T81 gives AAAC 812.00 Flag 700 61 A 0.1071 0.964 0.5495 656.00 12900 0.025 0.031 812.00 higher resistance to corrosion than ACSR. Heuchera 650 37 AA 0.1325 0.928 0.5102 609.00 11600 0.027 0.033 Violet 715.5 37 AA 0.1391 0.973 0.5623 671.00 12800 0.024 0.030 823.00 715.5 61 AA 0.1083 0.975 0.5619 671.00 13100 0.024 0.030 823.00 Petunia 750.0 37 0.997ASTM specifications: 0.5893 703.00 AAAC bare conductors meet or AA exceed 0.1424 the following 13100 0.023 0.029 847.00 13500 0.023 • B398 Aluminum-Alloy 6201-T81 Wire for Electrical Purposes 795 37 AA 0.1466 1.026 0.6245 745.00 13900 0.022 Core for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Lilac • B500 795.0 Metallic 61 Coated A Stranded 0.1142 Steel 1.027 0.6248 745.00 14300 Reinforced 0.022 Cockscomb 37 AA 0.156 Aluminum-Alloy 1.092 0.7072 844.00 15400 0.019 • B399900 Concentric-Lay-Stranded 6201-T81 Conductor 0.029 847.00 0.027 878.00 0.027 879.00 0.024 948.00 Snapdragon 900 61 AA 0.024 Magnolia 954.0 37 Diameter AA (ins.) Nasturtium Standard Cattail 61 750 AA 0.1109 0.998 0.5892 703.00 Arbutus 0.1215 1.093 0.7072 0.1606 Cross- 1.124 Weight 0.7495 Rated 0.7498 Strength (lbs.) 0.7854 Sectional Code Size 954.0Strand- 61 Goldenrod A 0.1251 Area Word (kcmil) ing Individual Complete Hawkweed 1000 37 AA 0.1644 (Sq. ins.) Wires Cables 1.125Per 1.152 0.7849 Akron Bluebell 30.581033.5 7 1.1728.5 1110 0.8114 Camellia 1000 61 Alton 48.69 7 Ames 77.47 7 Azusa 123.3 7 Anaheim 155.4 7 Larkspur Marigold Hawthorn Narcissus Amherst 1033.5 1113.0 1192.5 1272.0 195.7 7 AA 37 0.0661 AA 61 61 61 61 0.0834 0.1052 0.1327 0.1490 0.1672 AA AA, A AA, A AA, A 0.128 0.198 0.1671 0.0240 0.250 0.0382 0.1302 0.316 0.398 0.447 0.502 0.0608 1000 ft. 1.151 (lbs.) 45.4 1.171 72.2 0.023 Stranding 0.022 (AL/STL) 0.022 1011.00 6 1031.00 1760 18300 0.017 4 6/1 2800 0.260 191 2 6/1 4460 0.163 256 1/0 6/1 5390 0.130 296 2/0 6/1 1.258 0.9363 1.3 0.999 182.5 0.018 0.017 Size 948.00 982.00EC Approx. Cond. With 983.00 Equivalent 1010.00 Resistance 6/1 0.021 0.1444 0.1537 Allowable 16900 Ampacity+ (Amps) 17200 ACSR With 0.023 Equiv. Diam. 6 0.017 0.8122 6790 937.00 0.018 0.071 0.1398 144.9 DC @ 937.00 AC @ 20°C 75°C 16400 107 17700 0.8744 0.1221 894.00 0.019 17700 1.216 115.0 Resistance 894.00 OHMS/1000 ft. 15900 0.659 969.00 0.785 0.414 0.493 0.1351 0.0968 844.00 969.00 0.103 0.310 1043.00 0.195 143 19700 1118.00 21100 1192.00 22000 0.154 0.123 342 0.016 0.015 0.014 3/0 0.021 0.020 4 1032.00 2 1079.00 1/0 0.018 1124.00 0.017 1169.00 1212.00 4/0 6/1 2/0 3/0 Columbine Alliance 246.91351.5 7 61 0.1878 AA, A 0.563 0.1488 0.1939 1.34 230.2 1.0608 8560 0.082 1267.00 0.097 23400 395 0.013 4/0 0.016 6/1 Carnation Butte 312.8 1431 19 61 0.1283 AA, A 0.642 0.1532 0.2456 1.378 291.7 1.1244 11000 0.064 1341.00 0.077 24300 460 0.012 266.8 0.016 26/7 1253.00 266.8 61 0.1441 1.416 367.9 1.1869 13300 0.051 1416.00 0.061 25600 532 0.014 336.4 0.015 26/7 1294.00 336.4 Gladiolus Canton 394.51510.5 19 A 0.720 0.1574 0.3099 Cairo Coreopsis 465.41590.0 19 61 0.1565 AA 0.783 0.1614 0.3655 434.0 1.453 15600 1.248 0.043 1490.00 0.052 590 27000 397.5 0.011 26/7 0.014 397.5 1333.00 Darien Jessamine 559.51750.0 19 61 0.1716 AA 521.7 1.524 18800 1.3748 0.036 1640.00 0.043 663 29700 477.0 0.010 26/7 0.013 477.0 1408.00 Elgin Cowslip 652.42000.0 19 91 0.1853 0.858 0.1694 0.4394 0.927 0.1482 0.5124 608.4 1.631 21900 1.5697 0.031 1875.00 0.037 729 34200 556.5 0.009 26/7 0.012 556.5 1518.00 Flint 740.8 24400 0.027 790 636.0 26/7 Greeley 927.2 30500 0.022 908 795.0 26/7 Sagebrush Lupine 2250 2500.0 37 37 91 91 0.1415 0.1583 A A A 0.990 1.108 0.5818 0.1572 0.7282 0.1657 690.8 1.73 864.6 1.823 1.7662 1.9623 0.033 2130.00 0.026 2366.00 37500 41900 0.008 0.007 0.011 0.010 636.0 1612.00 795.0 1706.00 Resistance is calculated calculated usingASTM ASTM standard increments ofstranding, stranding, andmetal metal conductivityof of52.5% 52.5%IACS. IACS. ACresistance resistance Hz. Resistance standard increments conductivity AC atat6060Hz. Bitterroot is 2750 using 91 A 0.1738 of 1.912 and 2.1589 2603.00 46100 0.006 0.009 1793.00 Current on 75 75°C conductor temperature, temperature,25 25°C ambient, 22 ft/s ft/s wind, wind, 96/watts/sq.foot 96/watts/sq.foot sun, sun, 0.5 0.5 coefficients coefficients of of emissivity emissivity and absorption. Current ratings ratings are are based based on C conductor C ambient, and absorption ˚ Trillium 3000 127 A 0.1537 Bluebonnet 3500 127 A 0.166 ˚ 1.998 2.3564 2839.00 50300 0.006 0.008 1874.00 2.158 2.7486 3345.00 58700 0.005 0.008 2024.00 Resistance is calculated using ASTM standard increments of stranding and metal conductivity of 52.5% lACS, AC resistance at 60 Hz Current ratings are based on 75°C conductor temperature, 25°C ambient ACSS – ALL ALUMINUM CONDUCTOR Technical Scope Used as bare overhead conductor for primary and secondary distribution. This conductor is designed to operate at a higher temperature, up to 250°C. This conductor delivers higher current carrying capacity than same-size ACSR and reduces sag. Standard ACSS bare conductors meet or exceed the following ASTM specifications: Standard for Concentric Neutral cable Rated 5 Through 46kV. • • • • B500 B802 Metallic Coated Stranded Steel Core for Use in Overhead Electrical Conductors Zinc-5% Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy-Coated Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced High-Strength Zinc-5% Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy-Coated Steel Core Wire for Use in Overhead Electrical Extra-High-Strength and Ultra-High-Strength Class A Zinc-5% Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy-Coated Steel Core B803 B958 Weight Per Diameter (in) Code Word Size (kcmil) Stranding (Al/St) Individual Wires Al Steel Steel Core Complete Cable Al Steel Resistance OHMS/1000 ft Rated Strength 1000 ft (lb) Total Standard High* Strength lb Strength lb DC @ 20°C AC @ 75°C Ampacity at 200°C (AMPS) Partridge/ACSS 266.8 26/7 0.1013 0.0788 0.2363 0.642 251.3 115.5 366.8 8880 9730 0.0619 0.0761 812 Junco/ACSS 266.8 30/7 0.0943 0.0943 0.2829 0.660 251.9 165.5 417.4 11700 13000 0.0615 0.0756 822 Ostrich/ACSS 300.0 26/7 0.1074 0.0835 0.2506 0.680 282.6 129.9 412.4 10000 10900 0.0551 0.0677 877 Linnet/ACSS 336.4 26/7 0.1137 0.0885 0.2654 0.720 316.8 145.7 462.5 11200 12300 0.0491 0.0604 945 Oriole/ACSS 336.4 30/7 0.1059 0.1059 0.3177 0.741 317.6 208.7 526.3 14800 16300 0.0488 0.0600 957 Brant/ACSS 397.5 24/7 0.1287 0.0858 0.2574 0.772 374.4 137.0 511.4 11000 12100 0.0417 0.0514 1047 Ibis/ACSS 397.5 26/7 0.1236 0.0962 0.2885 0.783 374.4 172.1 546.5 13000 14200 0.0416 0.0512 1054 Lark/ACSS 397.5 30/7 0.1151 0.1151 0.3453 0.806 375.3 246.5 621.9 17500 19300 0.0413 0.0508 1068 Flicker/ACSS 477 24/7 0.1410 0.0940 0.2819 0.846 449.3 164.4 613.6 13000 14200 0.0348 0.0429 1180 Hawk/ACSS 477 26/7 0.1354 0.1053 0.3160 0.858 449.3 206.5 655.8 15600 17100 0.0346 0.0427 1188 Hen/ACSS 477 30/7 0.1261 0.1261 0.3783 0.883 450.4 295.9 746.3 21000 22700 0.0344 0.0424 1204 Dove/ACSS 556.5 26/7 0.1463 0.1138 0.3413 0.927 524.2 240.9 765.1 18200 19900 0.0297 0.0366 1315 Eagle/ACSS 556.5 30/7 0.1362 0.1362 0.4086 0.953 525.4 345.2 870.6 24500 26500 0.0295 0.0363 1331 Peacock/ACSS 605 24/7 0.1588 0.1058 0.3175 0.953 569.8 208.5 778.3 16500 18100 0.0274 0.0339 1379 Squab/ACSS 605 26/7 0.1525 0.1186 0.3559 0.966 569.8 261.9 831.8 19700 21300 0.0273 0.0337 1389 Wood Duck/ACSS 605 30/7 0.1420 0.1420 0.4260 0.994 571.2 375.3 946.5 26000 28300 0.0271 0.0334 1407 Teal/ACSS 605 30/19 0.1420 0.0852 0.4260 0.994 571.2 367.4 938.6 26600 29300 0.0272 0.0335 1406 Rook/ACSS 636 24/7 0.1628 0.1085 0.3256 0.977 599.0 219.2 818.2 17300 19000 0.0261 0.0322 1425 Grosbeak/ACSS 636 26/7 0.1564 0.1216 0.3649 0.991 599.0 275.4 874.4 20700 22400 0.0260 0.0321 1435 Scoter/ACSS 636 30/7 0.1456 0.1456 0.4368 1.019 600.5 394.5 995.0 27400 29700 0.0258 0.0318 1454 Egret/ACSS 636 30/19 0.1456 0.0874 0.4368 1.019 600.5 386.3 986.8 28000 30900 0.0258 0.0319 1453 Flamingo/ACSS 666.6 24/7 0.1667 0.1111 0.3333 1.000 627.9 229.7 857.6 18200 19900 0.0249 0.0308 1470 Gannet/ACSS 666.6 26/7 0.1601 0.1245 0.3736 1.014 627.8 288.6 916.4 21700 23400 0.0248 0.0306 1480 Stilt/ACSS 715.5 24/7 0.1727 0.1151 0.3453 1.036 673.9 246.5 920.5 19500 21300 0.0232 0.0287 1540 Starling/ACSS 715.5 26/7 0.1659 0.1290 0.3871 1.051 673.9 309.8 983.7 23300 25200 0.0231 0.0286 1550 Redwing/ACSS 715.5 30/19 0.1544 0.0927 0.4633 1.081 675.6 434.6 1110.1 30800 34000 0.0230 0.0284 1570 Cuckoo/ACSS 795 24/7 0.1820 0.1213 0.3640 1.092 748.8 274.0 1022.7 21700 23300 0.0209 0.0259 1650 Drake/ACSS 795 26/7 0.1749 0.1360 0.4080 1.107 748.8 344.2 1093.0 25900 28000 0.0209 0.0257 1662 Macaw/ACSS 795 42/7 0.1376 0.0764 0.2293 1.055 748.8 108.7 857.5 11800 12600 0.0211 0.0262 1621 Tern/ACSS 795 45/7 0.1329 0.0886 0.2658 1.063 748.8 146.1 894.9 14200 15200 0.0210 0.0263 1618 Condor/ACSS 795 54/7 0.1213 0.1213 0.3640 1.092 748.8 274.0 1022.7 21700 23300 0.0209 0.0266 1618 Mallard/ACSS 795 30/19 0.1628 0.0977 0.4884 1.139 750.6 482.8 1233.4 34300 37900 0.0207 0.0255 1683 Ruddy/ACSS 900 45/7 0.1414 0.0943 0.2828 1.131 847.7 165.4 1013.1 15800 17000 0.0186 0.0233 1755 Canary/ACSS 900 54/7 0.1291 0.1291 0.3873 1.162 847.7 310.1 1157.8 24600 26400 0.0184 0.0236 1756 Redbird/ACSS 954 24/7 0.1994 0.1329 0.3987 1.196 898.5 328.7 1227.3 26000 28000 0.0174 0.0217 1859 Rail/ACSS 954 45/7 0.1456 0.0971 0.2912 1.165 898.5 175.3 1073.9 16700 18000 0.0175 0.0220 1824 Towhee/ACSS 954 48/7 0.1410 0.1097 0.3290 1.175 898.5 223.7 1122.3 19700 21300 0.0175 0.0218 1842 Cardinal/ACSS 954 54/7 0.1329 0.1329 0.3987 1.196 898.6 328.7 1227.3 26000 28000 0.0174 0.0223 1825 Canvasback/ACSS 954 30/19 0.1783 0.1070 0.5350 1.248 900.7 579.4 1480.1 41100 45400 0.0172 0.0214 1897 Snowbird/ACSS 1033.5 42/7 0.1569 0.0871 0.2614 1.203 973.4 141.3 1114.7 15400 16500 0.0162 0.0204 1924 Ortolan/ACSS 1033.5 45/7 0.1515 0.1010 0.3031 1.212 973.4 190.0 1163.4 18100 19500 0.0162 0.0204 1921 Curlew/ACSS 1033.5 54/7 0.1383 0.1383 0.4150 1.245 973.4 356.2 1329.6 28200 30300 0.0161 0.0206 1924 Bluejay/ACSS 1113 45/7 0.1573 0.1048 0.3145 1.258 1048.3 204.5 1252.8 19500 21100 0.0150 0.0190 2017 2015 Finch/ACSS 1113 54/19 0.1436 0.0861 0.4307 1.292 1053.4 375.5 1428.9 30400 33200 0.0150 0.0193 Bunting/ACSS 1192.5 45/7 0.1628 0.1085 0.3256 1.302 1123.2 219.2 1342.4 21400 23500 0.0140 0.0178 2110 Pheasant/ACSS 1272 54/19 0.1535 0.0921 0.4604 1.381 1203.9 429.2 1633.0 34100 37300 0.0131 0.0169 2200 Dipper/ACSS 1351 45/7 0.1733 0.1155 0.3465 1.386 1272.5 248.3 1520.8 23700 25500 0.0124 0.0158 2289 Martin/ACSS 1351 54/19 0.1582 0.0949 0.4745 1.424 1278.7 455.8 1734.5 36200 39600 0.0123 0.0160 2288 Bobolink/ACSS 1431 45/7 0.1783 0.1189 0.3566 1.427 1347.8 263.0 1610.8 25100 27000 0.0117 0.0150 2375 Cuckoo/ACSS 795 24/7 0.1820 0.1213 0.3640 1.092 748.8 274.0 1022.7 21700 23300 0.0209 0.0259 1650 Drake/ACSS 795 26/7 0.1749 0.1360 0.4080 1.107 748.8 344.2 1093.0 25900 28000 0.0209 0.0257 1662 Macaw/ACSS 795 42/7 0.1376 0.0764 0.2293 1.055 748.8 108.7 857.5 11800 ACSS Tern/ACSS– ALL 795 ALUMINUM 45/7 0.1329 0.0886CONDUCTOR 0.2658 1.063 748.8 - continued 146.1 894.9 14200 12600 0.0211 0.0262 1621 15200 0.0210 0.0263 1618 Condor/ACSS 795 54/7 0.1213 0.1213 0.3640 1.092 748.8 274.0 1022.7 21700 23300 0.0209 0.0266 1618 Mallard/ACSS 795 30/19 0.1628 0.0977 0.4884 1.139 750.6 Weight Per 482.8 1233.4 34300 37900 1683 0.1414 0.0943 0.2828 1.131 847.7 1000165.4 ft (lb) 1013.1 15800 Rated 17000 0.0207 0.0255 Resistance 0.1291 Individual0.1291 Wires 0.3873 1.162 847.7 310.1 1157.8 24600 Steel 0.3987 Ruddy/ACSS 900 45/7 Canary/ACSS Code Word Size 900 (kcmil) Stranding 54/7 (Al/St) Redbird/ACSS 954 24/7 Diameter (in) 0.1994 0.1329 Complete 1.196 Cable 328.7 1227.3 Steel Core 898.5 Al Al Steel Total Strength 26400 26000 28000 Standard High* Strength lb Strength lb 0.0186 0.0233 OHMS/1000 ft 0.0184 0.0236 0.0174 DC @ 20°C AC @ 0.0217 75°C Ampacity 1755 at 1756 200°C 1859 (AMPS) Partridge/ACSS Rail/ACSS 266.8 954 26/7 45/7 0.1013 0.1456 0.0788 0.0971 0.2363 0.2912 0.642 1.165 251.3 898.5 115.5 175.3 366.8 1073.9 8880 16700 9730 18000 0.0619 0.0175 0.0761 0.0220 812 1824 Junco/ACSS Towhee/ACSS 266.8 954 30/7 48/7 0.0943 0.1410 0.0943 0.1097 0.2829 0.3290 0.660 1.175 251.9 898.5 165.5 223.7 417.4 1122.3 11700 19700 13000 21300 0.0615 0.0175 0.0756 0.0218 822 1842 Ostrich/ACSS Cardinal/ACSS 300.0 954 26/7 54/7 0.1074 0.1329 0.0835 0.1329 0.2506 0.3987 0.680 1.196 282.6 898.6 129.9 328.7 412.4 1227.3 10000 26000 10900 28000 0.0551 0.0174 0.0677 0.0223 877 1825 Linnet/ACSS Canvasback/ACSS 336.4 954 26/7 30/19 0.1137 0.1783 0.0885 0.1070 0.2654 0.5350 0.720 1.248 316.8 900.7 145.7 579.4 462.5 1480.1 11200 41100 12300 45400 0.0491 0.0172 0.0604 0.0214 945 1897 Oriole/ACSS Snowbird/ACSS 336.4 1033.5 30/7 42/7 0.1059 0.1569 0.1059 0.0871 0.3177 0.2614 0.741 1.203 317.6 973.4 208.7 141.3 526.3 1114.7 14800 15400 16300 16500 0.0488 0.0162 0.0600 0.0204 957 1924 Brant/ACSS Ortolan/ACSS 397.5 1033.5 24/7 45/7 0.1287 0.1515 0.0858 0.1010 0.2574 0.3031 0.772 1.212 374.4 973.4 137.0 190.0 511.4 1163.4 11000 18100 12100 19500 0.0417 0.0162 0.0514 0.0204 1047 1921 Curlew/ACSS Ibis/ACSS Bluejay/ACSS Lark/ACSS Finch/ACSS Flicker/ACSS 1033.5 397.5 1113 397.5 54/7 26/7 45/7 30/7 54/19 24/7 0.1383 0.1236 0.1573 0.1151 0.1383 0.0962 0.1048 0.1151 0.4150 0.2885 0.3145 0.3453 0.4307 0.2819 1.245 0.783 1.258 0.806 1.292 0.846 973.4 374.4 1048.3 375.3 1053.4 449.3 356.2 172.1 204.5 246.5 375.5 164.4 1329.6 546.5 1252.8 621.9 1428.9 613.6 28200 13000 19500 17500 30400 13000 30300 14200 21100 19300 33200 14200 0.0161 0.0416 0.0150 0.0413 0.0150 0.0348 0.0206 0.0512 0.0190 0.0508 0.0193 0.0429 1924 1054 2017 1068 2015 1180 0.3256 0.3160 0.4604 0.3783 0.3465 0.3413 1.302 0.858 1.381 0.883 1.386 0.927 1123.2 449.3 1203.9 450.4 1272.5 524.2 219.2 206.5 429.2 295.9 248.3 240.9 1342.4 655.8 1633.0 746.3 21400 15600 34100 21000 23700 18200 23500 17100 37300 22700 25500 19900 0.0140 0.0346 0.0131 0.0344 0.0124 0.0297 0.0178 0.0427 0.0169 0.0424 0.0158 0.0366 2110 1188 2200 1204 2289 1315 36200 24500 25100 16500 38400 19700 39600 26500 27000 18100 41900 21300 0.0123 0.0295 0.0117 0.0274 0.0117 0.0273 0.0160 0.0363 0.0150 0.0339 0.0151 0.0337 2288 1331 2375 1379 2375 1389 26500 26000 40400 26600 23400 17300 28100 28300 44200 29300 25000 19000 0.0111 0.0271 0.0110 0.0272 0.0105 0.0261 0.0143 0.0334 0.0144 0.0335 0.0136 0.0322 2459 1407 2460 1406 2543 1425 27900 20700 42600 27400 35400 28000 29600 22400 46600 29700 38200 30900 0.0105 0.0260 0.0105 0.0258 0.0094 0.0258 0.0136 0.0321 0.0137 0.0318 0.0122 0.0319 2543 1435 2545 1454 2751 1453 27200 18200 31700 21700 42100 19500 28900 19900 33900 23400 45500 21300 0.0083 0.0249 0.0082 0.0248 0.0078 0.0232 0.0110 0.0308 0.0108 0.0306 0.0103 0.0287 2960 1470 2992 1480 3106 1540 29000 23300 35600 30800 38700 21700 30800 25200 38100 34000 0.0078 0.0231 0.0073 0.0230 0.0104 0.0286 0.0098 0.0284 3080 1550 3218 1570 41400 23300 0.0067 0.0209 0.0092 0.0259 1113 477 1192.5 477 1272 477 45/7 26/7 54/19 30/7 0.1436 0.1410 0.1628 0.1354 0.1535 0.1261 0.0861 0.0940 0.1085 0.1053 0.0921 0.1261 1351 556.5 1351 556.5 1431 605 45/7 26/7 54/19 30/7 45/7 24/7 0.1733 0.1463 0.1582 0.1362 0.1783 0.1588 0.1155 0.1138 0.0949 0.1362 0.1189 0.1058 0.4745 0.4086 0.3566 0.3175 1.424 0.953 1.427 0.953 1278.7 525.4 1347.8 569.8 455.8 345.2 263.0 208.5 1431 605 1510 605 54/19 26/7 45/7 30/7 54/19 30/19 42/7 24/7 0.0977 0.1186 0.1221 0.1420 0.1003 0.0852 0.4884 0.3559 0.3664 0.4260 0.5017 0.4260 1.465 0.966 1.465 0.994 1.505 0.994 1354.4 569.8 1422.2 571.2 1510 605 1590 636 0.1628 0.1525 0.1832 0.1420 0.1672 0.1420 482.8 261.9 277.5 375.3 509.5 367.4 1590 636 1590 636 45/7 26/7 54/19 30/7 0.1946 0.1628 0.1880 0.1564 0.1716 0.1456 0.1081 0.1085 0.1253 0.1216 0.1030 0.1456 0.3243 0.3256 0.3759 0.3649 0.5148 0.4368 1.492 0.977 1.504 0.991 1.544 1.019 Chukar/ACSS Egret/ACSS Mockingbird/ACSS Flamingo/ACSS Roadrunner/ACSS Gannet/ACSS 1780 636 2034.5 666.6 2057 666.6 84/19 30/19 72/7 24/7 0.1456 0.1456 0.1681 0.1667 0.1645 0.1601 0.0873 0.0874 0.1121 0.1111 0.4367 0.4368 0.3362 0.3333 0.3839 0.3736 1.601 1.019 1.681 1.000 1.700 1.014 Bluebird/ACSS Stilt/ACSS Kiwi/ACSS Starling/ACSS 2156 715.5 2167 715.5 0.4806 0.3453 0.3470 0.3871 1.762 1.036 1.735 1.051 Thrasher/ACSS Redwing/ACSS Joree/ACSS Cuckoo/ACSS 2312 715.5 2515 795 0.4070 0.4633 0.4245 0.3640 1.802 1.081 1.880 1.092 Bunting/ACSS Hawk/ACSS Pheasant/ACSS Hen/ACSS Dipper/ACSS Dove/ACSS Martin/ACSS Eagle/ACSS Bobolink/ACSS Peacock/ACSS Plover/ACSS Squab/ACSS Nuthatch/ACSS Wood Duck/ACSS Parrot/ACSS Teal/ACSS Ratite/ACSS Rook/ACSS Lapwing/ACSS Grosbeak/ACSS Falcon/ACSS Scoter/ACSS 76/19 26/7 84/19 24/7 72/7 26/7 76/19 30/19 76/19 24/7 0.1602 0.1727 0.1735 0.1659 0.1744 0.1544 0.1819 0.1820 0.0768 0.1245 0.0961 0.1151 0.1157 0.1290 0.0814 0.0927 0.0849 0.1213 1429.2 571.2 1497.6 599.0 1497.6 599.0 1504.9 600.5 1684.7 600.5 1925.6 627.9 1946.9 627.8 2040.6 673.9 2051.0 673.9 2188.2 675.6 2380.4 748.8 217.4 219.2 292.2 275.4 536.5 394.5 386.1 386.3 233.7 229.7 298.3 288.6 467.6 246.5 248.9 309.8 335.3 434.6 364.7 274.0 1520.8 765.1 1734.5 870.6 1610.8 778.3 1837.2 831.8 1699.8 946.5 1938.6 938.6 1715.0 818.2 1789.8 874.4 2041.4 995.0 2070.8 986.8 2159.3 857.6 2245.2 916.4 2508.2 920.5 2299.9 983.7 2523.5 1110.1 2745.1 1022.7 795 manufactured 26/7 0.1749 0.1360 1.107 748.8 344.2 1093.0 25900 28000 0.0209 0.0257 DataDrake/ACSS based on a nominal cable in accordance ASTM B0.4080 856. Data based on a nominal cable manufactured inwith accordance with ASTM B 856. Macaw/ACSS 795 on an42/7 0.2293 1.055 748.8 857.5 11800 based12600 0.0262 Resistance and ampacity based aluminum 0.1376 conductivity 0.0764 of 63%, IACS at 20°C, and a steel conductivity of108.7 8% IACS at 20°C. (3) Ampacity on a 200°C 0.0211 Resistance and ampacity aluminum0.0886 conductivity of 63%, IACS at 20°C, and conductivity (3) Ampacity Tern/ACSS 795 based 45/7on an0.1329 0.2658 1.063 748.8 146.1a steel 894.9 14200of 8% IACS 15200 at 20°C. 0.0210 0.0263 3390 1650 1662 1621 based 1618on a 200°C. Condor/ACSS 795 54/7 0.1213 0.1213 0.3640 1.092 748.8 274.0 1022.7 21700 23300 0.0209 0.0266 1618 Mallard/ACSS 795 30/19 0.1628 0.0977 0.4884 1.139 750.6 482.8 1233.4 34300 37900 0.0207 0.0255 1683 Ruddy/ACSS 900 45/7 0.1414 0.0943 0.2828 1.131 847.7 165.4 1013.1 15800 17000 0.0186 0.0233 1755 Canary/ACSS 900 54/7 0.1291 0.1291 0.3873 1.162 847.7 310.1 1157.8 24600 26400 0.0184 0.0236 1756 Redbird/ACSS 954 24/7 0.1994 0.1329 0.3987 1.196 898.5 328.7 1227.3 26000 28000 0.0174 0.0217 1859 Rail/ACSS 954 45/7 0.1456 0.0971 0.2912 1.165 898.5 175.3 1073.9 16700 18000 0.0175 0.0220 1824 Towhee/ACSS 954 48/7 0.1410 0.1097 0.3290 1.175 898.5 223.7 1122.3 19700 21300 0.0175 0.0218 1842 Cardinal/ACSS 954 54/7 0.1329 0.1329 0.3987 1.196 898.6 328.7 1227.3 26000 28000 0.0174 0.0223 1825 Canvasback/ACSS 954 30/19 0.1783 0.1070 0.5350 1.248 900.7 579.4 1480.1 41100 45400 0.0172 0.0214 1897 Snowbird/ACSS 1033.5 42/7 0.1569 0.0871 0.2614 1.203 973.4 141.3 1114.7 15400 16500 0.0162 0.0204 1924 Ortolan/ACSS 1033.5 45/7 0.1515 0.1010 0.3031 1.212 973.4 190.0 1163.4 18100 19500 0.0162 0.0204 1921 Curlew/ACSS 1033.5 54/7 0.1383 0.1383 0.4150 1.245 973.4 356.2 1329.6 28200 30300 0.0161 0.0206 1924 Bluejay/ACSS 1113 45/7 0.1573 0.1048 0.3145 1.258 1048.3 204.5 1252.8 19500 21100 0.0150 0.0190 2017 2015 Finch/ACSS 1113 54/19 0.1436 0.0861 0.4307 1.292 1053.4 375.5 1428.9 30400 33200 0.0150 0.0193 Bunting/ACSS 1192.5 45/7 0.1628 0.1085 0.3256 1.302 1123.2 219.2 1342.4 21400 23500 0.0140 0.0178 2110 Pheasant/ACSS 1272 54/19 0.1535 0.0921 0.4604 1.381 1203.9 429.2 1633.0 34100 37300 0.0131 0.0169 2200 Dipper/ACSS 1351 45/7 0.1733 0.1155 0.3465 1.386 1272.5 248.3 1520.8 23700 25500 0.0124 0.0158 2289 Martin/ACSS 1351 54/19 0.1582 0.0949 0.4745 1.424 1278.7 455.8 1734.5 36200 39600 0.0123 0.0160 2288 Bobolink/ACSS 1431 45/7 0.1783 0.1189 0.3566 1.427 1347.8 263.0 1610.8 25100 27000 0.0117 0.0150 2375 Plover/ACSS 1431 54/19 0.1628 0.0977 0.4884 1.465 1354.4 482.8 1837.2 38400 41900 0.0117 0.0151 2375 Nuthatch/ACSS 1510 45/7 0.1832 0.1221 0.3664 1.465 1422.2 277.5 1699.8 26500 28100 0.0111 0.0143 2459 Parrot/ACSS 1510 54/19 0.1672 0.1003 0.5017 1.505 1429.2 509.5 1938.6 40400 44200 0.0110 0.0144 2460 Ratite/ACSS 1590 42/7 0.1946 0.1081 0.3243 1.492 1497.6 217.4 1715.0 23400 25000 0.0105 0.0136 2543 Lapwing/ACSS 1590 45/7 0.1880 0.1253 0.3759 1.504 1497.6 292.2 1789.8 27900 29600 0.0105 0.0136 2543 Falcon/ACSS 1590 54/19 0.1716 0.1030 0.5148 1.544 1504.9 536.5 2041.4 42600 46600 0.0105 0.0137 2545 2751 Chukar/ACSS 1780 84/19 0.1456 0.0873 0.4367 1.601 1684.7 386.1 2070.8 35400 38200 0.0094 0.0122 Mockingbird/ACSS 2034.5 72/7 0.1681 0.1121 0.3362 1.681 1925.6 233.7 2159.3 27200 28900 0.0083 0.0110 2960 Roadrunner/ACSS 2057 76/19 0.1645 0.0768 0.3839 1.700 1946.9 298.3 2245.2 31700 33900 0.0082 0.0108 2992 Bluebird/ACSS 2156 84/19 0.1602 0.0961 0.4806 1.762 2040.6 467.6 2508.2 42100 45500 0.0078 0.0103 3106 Kiwi/ACSS 2167 72/7 0.1735 0.1157 0.3470 1.735 2051.0 248.9 2299.9 29000 30800 0.0078 0.0104 3080 Thrasher/ACSS 2312 76/19 0.1744 0.0814 0.4070 1.802 2188.2 335.3 2523.5 35600 38100 0.0073 0.0098 3218 Joree/ACSS 2515 76/19 0.1819 0.0849 0.4245 1.880 2380.4 364.7 2745.1 38700 41400 0.0067 0.0092 3390 Data based on a nominal cable manufactured in accordance with ASTM B 856. Resistance and ampacity based on an aluminum conductivity of 63%, IACS at 20°C, and a steel conductivity of 8% IACS at 20°C. (3) Ampacity based on a 200°C ACSS-TW – ALL ALUMINUM CONDUCTOR Technical Scope Used as bare overhead conductor for primary and secondary distribution. This conductor is designed to operate at a higher temperature, up to 250°C. This conductor delivers higher current carrying capacity than same-size ACSR/TW and reduces sag. Standard ACSS/TW bare conductors meet or exceed the following ASTM specifications: • B857 Shaped Wire Compact Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Coated-Steel Supported (ACSS/TW) • B803 High-Strength Zinc-5% Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy-Coated Steel Core Wire for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy • B500 Metallic Coated Stranded Steel Core for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced • B958 Extra-High-Strength and Ultra-High-Strength Class A Zinc-5% Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy-Coated Steel Core • B802 Zinc-5% Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy-Coated Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced Stranding Code Word Size (kcmil) Diameter (in) No. of No. & Diameter Complete Aluminum Individual Steel Steel Core Cable Wires Wire Weight (lbs/1000 ft) Alum. Steel Total Rated Breaking Strength Standard High Strength Strength Resistance DC @ 20°C Ampacity (amps) AC @ 75°C @ 75°C @ 250°C Linnet/ACSS/TW 336.4 18 7 x 0.0884 0.2652 0.659 315.9 145.5 461.4 11,200 12,300 0.2588 0.3181 523 1021 Oriole/ACSS/TW 336.4 16 7 x 0.1059 0.3177 0.693 316.1 208.7 524.8 14,800 16,300 0.2565 0.3151 533 1043 Flicker/ACSS/TW 477.0 18 7 x 0.0940 0.2820 0.776 447.8 164.5 612.3 13,000 14,200 0.1831 0.2255 648 1279 Hawk/ACSS/TW 477.0 18 7 x 0.1053 0.3159 0.789 448.1 206.4 654.5 15,600 17,100 0.1825 0.2247 652 1289 Hen/ACSS/TW 477.0 16 7 x 0.1261 0.3783 0.825 448.3 296.0 744.3 21,000 22,700 0.1809 0.2225 663 1315 Parakeet/ACSS/TW 556.5 18 7 x 0.1015 0.3045 0.835 522.4 191.8 714.2 15,200 16,600 0.1569 0.1935 713 1415 Dove/ACSS/TW 556.5 20 7 x 0.1138 0.3414 0.852 522.9 241.0 763.9 18,200 19,900 0.1564 0.1928 719 1427 Rook/ACSS/TW 636.0 18 7 x 0.1085 0.3255 0.890 597.0 219.1 816.1 17,300 19,000 0.1373 0.1696 775 1544 Grosbeak/ACSS/TW 636.0 20 7 x 0.1216 0.3648 0.908 597.6 275.2 872.8 20,700 22,400 0.1369 0.1689 781 1557 Scoter/ACSS/TW 636.0 18 7 x 0.1456 0.4368 0.953 597.6 394.6 992.2 27,400 29,700 0.1356 0.1672 795 1591 Tern/ACSS/TW 795.0 17 7 x 0.0886 0.2658 0.960 745.2 146.1 891.3 14,200 15,200 0.1105 0.1373 878 1762 Puffin/ACSS/TW 795.0 18 7 x 0.1056 0.3168 0.980 745.9 228.5 974.4 17,700 19,200 0.1101 0.1365 886 1778 Condor/ACSS/TW 795.0 20 7 x 0.1213 0.3639 0.993 746.3 273.9 1020 21,700 23,300 0.1098 0.1361 890 1789 Drake/ACSS/TW 795.0 20 7 x 0.1360 0.4080 1.010 747.0 344.3 1091 25,900 28,000 0.1095 0.1355 896 1803 Canary/ACSS/TW 900.0 20 7 x 0.1291 0.3873 1.055 844.9 310.2 1155 24,600 26,400 0.0970 0.1205 962 1942 Phoenix/ACSS/TW 954.0 30 7 x 0.0837 0.2511 1.044 897.7 130.4 1028 14,200 15,200 0.0927 0.1187 967 1940 Rail/ACSS/TW 954.0 32 7 x 0.0971 0.2913 1.061 898.6 175.5 1074 16,700 18,000 0.0926 0.1183 972 1953 Cardinal/ACSS/TW 954.0 20 7 x 0.1329 0.3987 1.084 895.5 328.7 1224 26,000 28,000 0.0915 0.1138 997 2016 Snowbird/ACSS/TW 1033.5 30 7 x 0.0871 0.2613 1.089 972.5 141.2 1114 15,400 16,400 0.0856 0.1098 1016 2048 Ortolan/ACSS/TW 1033.5 32 7 x 0.1010 0.3030 1.102 972.5 189.9 1162 18,100 19,500 0.0854 0.1095 1021 2058 Curlew/ACSS/TW 1033.5 20 7 x 0.1383 0.4149 1.129 970.1 356.0 1326 28,200 30,300 0.0845 0.1053 1048 2126 Avocet/ACSS/TW 1113.0 30 7 x 0.0904 0.2712 1.129 1047 152.1 1199 16,300 17,500 0.0794 0.1022 1063 2150 Bluejay/ACSS/TW 1113.0 33 7 x 0.1049 0.3147 1.143 1048 204.8 1253 19,500 21,000 0.0793 0.1019 1068 2161 Finch/ACSS/TW 1113.0 38 19 x 0.0862 0.4310 1.185 1051 376.1 1427 30,400 33,200 0.0789 0.1010 1084 2196 Oxbird/ACSS/TW 1192.5 30 7 x 0.0936 0.2808 1.167 1122 163.1 1285 17,500 18,700 0.0741 0.0957 1108 2249 Bunting/ACSS/TW 1192.5 34 7 x 0.1085 0.3255 1.181 1123 219.1 1342 20,900 22,500 0.0740 0.0954 1114 2261 Grackle/ACSS/TW 1192.5 38 19 x 0.0892 0.4460 1.225 1126 402.8 1529 32,600 35,500 0.0737 0.0944 1130 2298 Scissortail/ACSS/TW 30 35 7 x 0.0967 0.2901 1.203 1197 174 1371 18,700 20,000 0.0695 0.0900 1152 2346 Bittern/ACSS/TW 1272.0 1272.0 1198 233.9 1432 22,300 24,000 0.0694 0.0897 1159 2360 1272.0 39 1.264 1201 429.4 1630 0.0691 0.0887 1176 2398 1351.5 35 7 x 0.1155 1.256 1273 248.3 1521 34,100 23,700 37,300 Dipper/ACSS/TW 0.3363 0.4605 0.3465 1.220 Pheasant/ACSS/TW 7 x 0.1121 19 x 0.0921 25,500 0.0653 0.0847 1202 2455 Martin/ACSS/TW 1351.5 42 0.4745 1.300 1276 455.9 1732 36,200 39,600 0.0650 0.0837 1220 2494 Bobolink/ACSS/TW 36 0.3567 1.291 1347 263.1 1611 25,100 27,000 0.0617 0.0802 1243 2549 Plover/ACSS/TW 1431.0 1431.0 19 x 0.0949 7 x 0.1189 44 19 x 0.0977 0.4885 1.337 1351 483.2 1834 38,400 41,900 0.0614 0.0793 1263 2590 Lapwing/ACSS/TW 1590.0 36 7 x 0.1253 0.3759 1498 292.2 1790 27,900 29,600 0.0555 0.0727 1324 2730 Falcon/ACSS/TW 1590.0 42 19 x 0.1030 0.5150 1.358 1.408 1501 537 2038 42,600 46,600 0.0553 0.0717 1346 2777 Chukar/ACSS/TW Bluebird/ACSS/TW 1780.0 37 19 x 0.0874 0.4370 2062 35,300 38,200 0.0495 0.0652 1421 2952 64 19 x 0.0961 0.4805 1675 2045 386.7 2156.0 1.445 1.608 467.5 2512 42,100 45,500 0.0412 0.0543 1601 3396 Mohawk/ACSS/TW 571.7 18 7 x 0.1030 0.3090 0.846 536.6 197.5 734.1 15,600 17,100 0.1527 0.1884 725 1441 Calumet/ACSS/TW 565.3 20 7 x 0.1146 0.3441 0.858 531.2 244.4 775.6 18,400 20,200 0.1540 0.1898 725 1442 Mystic/ACSS/TW 666.6 20 7 x 0.1111 0.3333 0.913 625.7 229.7 855.4 18,200 19,900 0.1310 0.1619 798 1595 Oswego/ACSS/TW 664.8 20 7 x 0.1244 0.3732 0.927 624.6 288.0 912.6 21,700 23,400 0.1309 0.1616 802 1604 Maumee/ACSS/TW 768.2 20 7 x 0.1195 0.3585 0.977 721.1 265.8 986.9 21,000 23,000 0.1137 0.1407 872 1750 Wabash/ACSS/TW 762.8 20 7 x 0.1331 0.3993 0.990 716.7 329.7 1046 24,900 26,800 0.1141 0.1411 873 1755 Kettle/ACSS/TW 957.2 32 7 x 0.0973 0.2919 1.060 901.6 176.2 1078 16,800 18,100 0.0922 0.1180 973 1955 Scissortail/ACSS/TW Bittern/ACSS/TW 1272.0 1272.0 30 35 Pheasant/ACSS/TW 1272.0 39 7 x 0.0967 0.2901 1.203 1197 174 1371 18,700 20,000 0.0695 0.0900 1152 2346 7 x 0.1121 19 x 0.0921 0.3363 0.4605 0.3465 1.220 1198 233.9 1432 22,300 24,000 0.0694 0.0897 1159 2360 1.264 1201 429.4 1630 34,100 23,700 37,300 0.0691 0.0887 1176 2398 0.0653 0.0847 1202 2455 0.0650 0.0837 1220 2494 27,000 0.0617 0.0802 1243 2549 41,900 Breaking 29,600 27,900 Strength 0.0614 0.0793 1263 2590 Dipper/ACSS/TW 25,500 35 1521 7 x 0.1155 1273 1.256 248.3 1351.5 ACSS-TW – ALL ALUMINUM CONDUCTOR - continued Martin/ACSS/TW 0.4745 39,600 42 36,200 1732 19 x 0.0949 1276 1.300 455.9 1351.5 Bobolink/ACSS/TW 36 7 x 0.1189 0.3567 1.291 1347 263.1 1611 25,100 Plover/ACSS/TW 1431.0 1431.0 44 19 x 0.0977 1.337 1351 483.2 1834 38,400 Rated Lapwing/ACSS/TW 1590.0 36 Stranding 7 x 0.1253 0.4885 0.3759 1498 292.2 1790 42 19 x 0.1030 1.358 1.408 1501 537 2038 1675 386.7 2062 Falcon/ACSS/TW Code Word Chukar/ACSS/TW Bluebird/ACSS/TW Size 1590.0 (kcmil) 1780.0 Diameter (in) 0.5150 No. No. Diameter 0.4370 19&x 0.0874 37 of 1.445 Complete Aluminum Individual Steel Steel Core 1.608 0.4805 19 x 0.0961 64 2156.0 Cable Wires Wire Mohawk/ACSS/TW Linnet/ACSS/TW Calumet/ACSS/TW Oriole/ACSS/TW 571.7 336.4 565.3 336.4 18 18 Mystic/ACSS/TW Flicker/ACSS/TW Oswego/ACSS/TW Hawk/ACSS/TW Maumee/ACSS/TW Hen/ACSS/TW Wabash/ACSS/TW 666.6 477.0 664.8 477.0 768.2 477.0 762.8 20 Parakeet/ACSS/TW Kettle/ACSS/TW 556.5 957.2 Fraser/ACSS/TW Dove/ACSS/TW Columbia/ACSS/TW Rook/ACSS/TW 946.7 556.5 966.2 636.0 Suwannee/ACSS/TW Grosbeak/ACSS/TW Cheyenne/ACSS/TW Scoter/ACSS/TW Genesee/ACSS/TW Tern/ACSS/TW Hudson/ACSS/TW 959.6 636.0 1168.1 636.0 1158.0 795.0 1158.4 22 Puffin/ACSS/TW Catawba/ACSS/TW Nelson/ACSS/TW Condor/ACSS/TW Yukon/ACSS/TW Drake/ACSS/TW Weight (lbs/1000 ft) Alum. 2045 467.5 Steel Total 2512 0.1030 77xx0.0884 0.1146 77xx0.1059 0.3090 0.2652 0.3441 0.3177 0.846 0.659 0.858 0.693 536.6 315.9 531.2 316.1 197.5 145.5 244.4 208.7 734.1 461.4 775.6 524.8 16 20 7 x 0.1111 7 x 0.0940 7 x 0.1244 7 x 0.1053 7 x 0.1195 77xx0.1261 0.1331 0.3333 0.2820 0.3732 0.3159 0.3585 0.3783 0.3993 0.913 0.776 0.927 0.789 0.977 0.825 0.990 625.7 447.8 624.6 448.1 721.1 448.3 716.7 229.7 164.5 288.0 206.4 265.8 296.0 329.7 18 32 77xx0.1015 0.0973 0.3045 0.2919 0.835 1.060 522.4 901.6 191.8 176.2 855.4 612.3 912.6 654.5 986.9 744.3 1046 714.2 1078 35 20 0.1154 77xx0.1138 0.1338 77xx0.1085 0.3462 0.3414 0.4014 0.3255 1.077 0.852 1.092 0.890 892.6 522.9 906.9 597.0 247.9 241.0 333.2 219.1 17 25 7 x 0.1493 7 x 0.1216 7 x 0.0926 7 x 0.1456 7 x 0.1078 77xx0.0886 0.1467 0.4479 0.3648 0.2778 0.4368 0.3234 0.2658 0.4401 1.108 0.908 1.155 0.953 1.165 0.960 1.196 901.6 597.6 1099 597.6 1091 745.2 1087 414.9 275.2 159.6 394.6 216.3 146.1 400.6 795.0 1272.0 18 30 77xx0.1056 0.0967 0.3168 0.2901 0.980 1.203 745.9 1197 228.5 174.0 1257.1 795.0 1233.6 795.0 35 20 0.1115 77xx0.1213 19 0.0910 7 xx0.1360 0.3345 0.3639 0.4550 0.4080 1.213 0.993 1.245 1.010 1184 746.3 1165 747.0 231.4 273.9 419.2 344.3 Truckee/ACSS/TW Canary/ACSS/TW Mackenzie/ACSS/TW Phoenix/ACSS/TW Thames/ACSS/TW St.Rail/ACSS/TW Croix/ACSS/TW 1372.5 900.0 1359.7 954.0 1334.6 954.0 1467.8 30 7 x 0.1004 7 x 0.1291 7 x 0.1159 7 x 0.0837 19 x 0.0944 77xx0.0971 0.1041 0.3012 0.3873 0.3477 0.2511 0.4720 0.2913 0.3123 1.248 1.055 1.259 1.044 1.290 1.061 1.292 1292 844.9 1281 897.7 1260 898.6 1381 187.6 310.2 250.0 130.4 451.1 175.5 201.7 Cardinal/ACSS/TW Miramichi/ACSS/TW 954.0 1455.3 20 36 77xx0.1329 0.1200 0.3987 0.3600 1.084 1.302 895.5 1372 328.7 268.0 1531 1028 1711 1074 1583 1224 1640 Merrimack/ACSS/TW Snowbird/ACSS/TW Platte/ACSS/TW Ortolan/ACSS/TW 1433.6 1033.5 1569.0 1033.5 39 30 19 0.0978 7 xx0.0871 1.089 1.340 972.5 1356 141.2 434.0 1114 1840 33 32 Potomac/ACSS/TW Curlew/ACSS/TW Rio Grande/ACSS/TW Avocet/ACSS/TW Schuylkill/ACSS/TW Bluejay/ACSS/TW Pecos/ACSS/TW Finch/ACSS/TW Pee Dee/ACSS/TW Oxbird/ACSS/TW James/ACSS/TW Bunting/ACSS/TW Athabaska/ACSS/TW Grackle/ACSS/TW Cumberland/ACSS/TW Scissortail/ACSS/TW Powder/ACSS/TW Bittern/ACSS/TW Santee/ACSS/TW Pheasant/ACSS/TW 1557.4 1033.5 1533.3 1113.0 1657.4 1113.0 1622.0 36 0.3723 0.4149 0.5060 0.2712 0.3840 0.3147 0.5320 1.334 1.102 1.345 1.129 1.382 1.129 1.386 1.143 1.424 1478 972.5 1468 970.1 215.0 189.9 287.0 356.0 1693 1162 1755 1326 1449 1047 1563 1048 1533 519.0 152.1 305.0 204.8 574.0 1113.0 1758.6 1192.5 1730.6 38 37 0.1074 77xx0.1010 7 x 0.1241 7 x 0.1383 19 x 0.1012 7 x 0.0904 7 x 0.1280 7 x 0.1049 19 x 0.1064 197xx0.0862 0.1319 0.4890 0.2613 0.3222 0.3030 0.4310 0.3957 0.2808 0.5375 1.185 1.427 1.167 1.470 1051 1658 1122 1636 376.1 324.0 163.1 585.0 1192.5 1949.6 1192.5 1926.9 34 44 0.3255 0.4176 0.4460 0.5665 1.181 1.504 1.225 1.545 1123 1836 1126 1819 219.1 360.7 402.8 649.8 1272.0 2153.8 1272.0 2627.3 1272.0 30 64 0.2901 0.4805 0.3363 0.5310 0.4605 0.3465 1.203 1.602 1.220 1.762 1197 2043 1198 2492 1.264 1201 174 467.5 233.9 570.9 429.4 1968 1199 1868 1253 2107 1427 1982 1285 2221 1342 2197 1529 2469 1371 2510 1432 3062 1630 Dipper/ACSS/TW 20 16 18 20 18 20 21 18 20 30 18 33 38 20 20 36 30 39 32 33 20 39 30 36 33 39 30 34 38 42 35 64 39 7 x 0.0936 19 x 0.1075 77xx0.1085 0.1392 19 x 0.0892 19 x 0.1133 7 x 0.0967 19 x 0.0961 7 xx0.1121 19 0.1062 19 x 0.0921 35 763.9 1141 1240 816.1 1317 872.8 1259 992.2 1307 891.3 1488 974.4 1371 1020 1415 1584 1091 1479 1155 42,600 46,600 38,200 35,300 Standard High 45,500 42,100 Strength Strength Resistance 0.0727 0.0555 0.0553 0.0495 DC @ 0.0412 20°C 0.0717 1346 0.0652 1421 AC0.0543 @ 75°C @1601 75°C 2777 2952 @ 3396 250°C 15,600 11,200 18,400 14,800 18,200 13,000 21,700 15,600 21,000 21,000 24,900 17,100 12,300 20,200 16,300 0.1527 0.2588 0.1540 0.2565 0.1884 0.3181 0.1898 0.3151 725 523 725 533 1441 1021 1442 1043 19,900 14,200 23,400 17,100 23,000 22,700 26,800 0.1310 0.1831 0.1309 0.1825 0.1137 0.1809 0.1141 0.1619 0.2255 0.1616 0.2247 0.1407 0.2225 0.1411 798 648 802 652 872 663 873 1595 1279 1604 1289 1750 1315 1755 15,200 16,800 16,600 18,100 0.1569 0.0922 0.1935 0.1180 713 973 1415 1955 21,100 18,200 26,400 17,300 22,900 19,900 28,300 19,000 0.0930 0.1564 0.0904 0.1373 0.1187 0.1928 0.1124 0.1696 974 719 1005 775 1959 1427 2035 1544 30,700 20,700 17,200 27,400 20,500 14,200 31,100 33,100 22,400 18,300 29,700 22,100 15,200 33,500 0.0907 0.1369 0.0757 0.1356 0.0762 0.1105 0.0754 0.1127 0.1689 0.0979 0.1672 0.0981 0.1373 0.0943 1008 781 1095 795 1094 878 1124 2042 1557 2219 1591 2218 1762 2295 17,700 18,700 19,200 20,000 0.1101 0.0695 0.1365 0.0900 886 1152 1778 2346 22,100 21,700 33,200 25,900 23,800 23,300 36,300 28,000 0.0702 0.1098 0.0712 0.1095 0.1361 0.0907 890 1150 1789 2342 20,200 24,600 23,900 14,200 35,800 16,700 21,600 21,500 26,400 25,700 15,200 39,100 18,000 23,100 0.0644 0.0970 0.0649 0.0927 0.0658 0.0926 0.0602 0.0914 0.1355 0.0838 0.1205 1154 896 1206 962 2350 1803 2466 1942 26,000 25,600 28,000 27,100 0.0915 0.0607 0.0842 0.1187 0.0847 0.1183 0.0787 0.1138 0.0790 1206 967 1210 972 1256 997 1269 2465 1940 2472 1953 2578 2016 2577 38,400 15,400 42,000 16,400 0.0856 0.0613 0.1098 0.0791 1016 1277 2048 2595 23,100 18,100 27,300 28,200 41,200 16,300 29,100 19,500 45,000 24,600 19,500 29,000 30,300 45,000 17,500 30,900 21,000 49,300 33,200 32,800 18,700 50,800 22,500 36,500 35,500 56,400 20,000 45,500 24,000 55,600 37,300 0.0564 0.0854 0.0567 0.0845 0.0573 0.0794 0.0533 0.0793 0.0541 0.0789 0.0502 0.0741 0.0508 0.0740 0.0453 0.0737 0.0456 0.0695 0.0412 0.0694 0.0338 0.0691 0.0740 0.1095 0.0741 0.1053 1319 1021 1321 1048 2692 2058 2694 2126 0.0742 0.1022 0.0700 0.1019 0.0703 0.1010 0.0663 0.0957 0.0663 0.0954 0.0595 0.0944 0.0600 0.0900 0.0543 0.0897 0.0459 0.0887 1329 1063 1370 1068 1377 1084 1418 1108 1430 1114 1505 1130 1508 1152 1599 1159 1784 1176 2710 2150 2805 2161 2816 2196 2916 2249 2937 2261 3157 2298 3148 2346 3391 2360 3846 2398 25,500 0.0653 0.0847 1202 2455 1220 2494 1243 2549 1263 2590 30,400 30,900 17,500 46,400 20,900 34,300 32,600 51,600 18,700 42,100 22,300 51,300 34,100 23,700 1521 7 x 0.1155 1.256 1351.5 Data based on a nominal cable manufactured in accordance with ASTM1273 B 857. 248.3 Data based on a nominal accordance 0.4745 with ASTM 1.300 B 857. Martin/ACSS/TW 0.0650 0.0837 42 39,600 36,200 1732 19 xin0.0949 455.9 1276 1351.5cable manufactured Resistance and ampacity based on an7 aluminum conductivity of 63% IACS at 20°C and a1611 steel conductivity of 8% IACS at 20°C. Bobolink/ACSS/TW 0.3567 0.0617 0.0802 x 0.1189 27,000 1.291at 20°C1347 1431.0based 36 Resistance and ampacity on an aluminum conductivity of 63% IACS and a steel263.1 conductivity of 8% 25,100 IACS at 20°C. Plover/ACSS/TW 0.4885 0.0614 0.0793 19 xmay 0.0977vary between 41,900 38,400 1834 483.2 1351 1.337 1431.0 of a44given size The actual configuration manufacturers. The actual configuration of Lapwing/ACSS/TW 1590.0 Ampacity (amps) 1324 2730 a given between manufacturers. 0.3759 7 xvary 0.1253 36 size may 1.358 1498 292.2 1790 27,900 29,600 0.0555 0.0727 1324 2730 Falcon/ACSS/TW 1590.0 42 19 x 0.1030 0.5150 1.408 1501 537 2038 42,600 46,600 0.0553 0.0717 1346 2777 Chukar/ACSS/TW Bluebird/ACSS/TW 1780.0 37 19 x 0.0874 0.4370 2062 35,300 38,200 0.0495 0.0652 1421 2952 64 19 x 0.0961 0.4805 1675 2045 386.7 2156.0 1.445 1.608 467.5 2512 42,100 45,500 0.0412 0.0543 1601 3396 Mohawk/ACSS/TW 571.7 18 7 x 0.1030 0.3090 0.846 536.6 197.5 734.1 15,600 17,100 0.1527 0.1884 725 1441 Calumet/ACSS/TW 565.3 20 7 x 0.1146 0.3441 0.858 531.2 244.4 775.6 18,400 20,200 0.1540 0.1898 725 1442 Mystic/ACSS/TW 666.6 20 7 x 0.1111 0.3333 0.913 625.7 229.7 855.4 18,200 19,900 0.1310 0.1619 798 1595 Oswego/ACSS/TW 664.8 20 7 x 0.1244 0.3732 0.927 624.6 288.0 912.6 21,700 23,400 0.1309 0.1616 802 1604 Maumee/ACSS/TW 768.2 20 7 x 0.1195 0.3585 0.977 721.1 265.8 986.9 21,000 23,000 0.1137 0.1407 872 1750 Wabash/ACSS/TW 762.8 20 7 x 0.1331 0.3993 0.990 716.7 329.7 1046 24,900 26,800 0.1141 0.1411 873 1755 Kettle/ACSS/TW 957.2 32 7 x 0.0973 0.2919 1.060 901.6 176.2 1078 16,800 18,100 0.0922 0.1180 973 1955 Fraser/ACSS/TW 946.7 35 7 x 0.1154 0.3462 1.077 892.6 247.9 1141 21,100 22,900 0.0930 0.1187 974 1959 Columbia/ACSS/TW 966.2 21 7 x 0.1338 0.4014 1.092 906.9 333.2 1240 26,400 28,300 0.0904 0.1124 1005 2035 Suwannee/ACSS/TW 959.6 22 7 x 0.1493 0.4479 1.108 901.6 414.9 1317 30,700 33,100 0.0907 0.1127 1008 2042 Cheyenne/ACSS/TW 1168.1 30 7 x 0.0926 0.2778 1.155 1099 159.6 1259 17,200 18,300 0.0757 0.0979 1095 2219 Genesee/ACSS/TW 1158.0 33 7 x 0.1078 0.3234 1.165 1091 216.3 1307 20,500 22,100 0.0762 0.0981 1094 2218 Hudson/ACSS/TW 1158.4 25 7 x 0.1467 0.4401 1.196 1087 400.6 1488 31,100 33,500 0.0754 0.0943 1124 2295 Catawba/ACSS/TW 1272.0 30 7 x 0.0967 0.2901 1.203 1197 174.0 1371 18,700 20,000 0.0695 0.0900 1152 2346 Nelson/ACSS/TW 1257.1 35 7 x 0.1115 0.3345 1.213 1184 231.4 1415 22,100 23,800 0.0702 0.0907 1150 2342 Yukon/ACSS/TW 1233.6 38 19 x 0.0910 0.4550 1.245 1165 419.2 1584 33,200 36,300 0.0712 0.0914 1154 2350 Truckee/ACSS/TW 1372.5 30 7 x 0.1004 0.3012 1.248 1292 187.6 1479 20,200 21,500 0.0644 0.0838 1206 2466 Mackenzie/ACSS/TW 1359.7 36 7 x 0.1159 0.3477 1.259 1281 250.0 1531 23,900 25,700 0.0649 0.0842 1206 2465 Thames/ACSS/TW 1334.6 39 19 x 0.0944 0.4720 1.290 1260 451.1 1711 35,800 39,100 0.0658 0.0847 1210 2472 St. Croix/ACSS/TW 1467.8 33 7 x 0.1041 0.3123 1.292 1381 201.7 1583 21,600 23,100 0.0602 0.0787 1256 2578 Miramichi/ACSS/TW 1455.3 36 7 x 0.1200 0.3600 1.302 1372 268.0 1640 25,600 27,100 0.0607 0.0790 1269 2577 Merrimack/ACSS/TW 1433.6 39 19 x 0.0978 0.4890 1.340 1356 434.0 1840 38,400 42,000 0.0613 0.0791 1277 2595 Platte/ACSS/TW 1569.0 33 7 x 0.1074 0.3222 1.334 1478 215.0 1693 23,100 24,600 0.0564 0.0740 1319 2692 Potomac/ACSS/TW 1557.4 36 7 x 0.1241 0.3723 1.345 1468 287.0 1755 27,300 29,000 0.0567 0.0741 1321 2694 Rio Grande/ACSS/TW 1533.3 39 19 x 0.1012 0.5060 1.382 1449 519.0 1968 41,200 45,000 0.0573 0.0742 1329 2710 Schuylkill/ACSS/TW 1657.4 36 7 x 0.1280 0.3840 1.386 1563 305.0 1868 29,100 30,900 0.0533 0.0700 1370 2805 Pecos/ACSS/TW 1622.0 39 19 x 0.1064 0.5320 1.424 1533 574.0 2107 45,000 49,300 0.0541 0.0703 1377 2816 Pee Dee/ACSS/TW 1758.6 37 7 x 0.1319 0.3957 1.427 1658 324.0 1982 30,900 32,800 0.0502 0.0663 1418 2916 James/ACSS/TW 1730.6 34 19 x 0.1075 0.5375 1.470 1636 585.0 2221 46,400 50,800 0.0508 0.0663 1430 2937 Athabaska/ACSS/TW 1949.6 44 7 x 0.1392 0.4176 1.504 1836 360.7 2197 34,300 36,500 0.0453 0.0595 1505 3157 Cumberland/ACSS/TW 1926.9 42 19 x 0.1133 0.5665 1.545 1819 649.8 2469 51,600 56,400 0.0456 0.0600 1508 3148 Powder/ACSS/TW 2153.8 64 19 x 0.0961 0.4805 1.602 2043 467.5 2510 42,100 45,500 0.0412 0.0543 1599 3391 Santee/ACSS/TW 2627.3 64 19 x 0.1062 0.5310 1.762 2492 570.9 3062 51,300 55,600 0.0338 0.0459 1784 3846 Data based on a nominal cable manufactured in accordance with ASTM B 857. Furukawa Overhead Conductors About this Catalog Furukawa Electric 47677 Galleon Dr. Plymouth, MI 48170 Drawing on more than a century of expertise in the Tel (734) 446 2230 development and fabrication Fax (734) 446 2260 of advanced materials, we will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through continuous technological innovation. This catalog provides information on standard products provided by Furukawa Eleactric Group. All information is subject to manufacturing tolerances and design changes based on industry. Furukawa Electric Group reserves the right to discontinue or change the offerings in this catalog. Furukawa Electric Group manufactures additional products in various sizes which can be supplied upon request. Please contact your local agents for further information.