6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MODERN POWER SYSTEMS MPS2015, 18-21 MAY 2015, CLUJ-NAPOCA, ROMANIA Weather Influence Analysis on the Lightning Protection Current Estimation Dragos Machidon, Marcel Istrate Power Engineering Department “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University Iaşi, Romania machidon.dragos@tuiasi.ro where a, b and c are constants proposed by different researchers. Abstract— Lightning protection current is a key parameter when estimating the lightning protection zones and also in other analysis like those regarding the overhead line’s behavior at direct lightning strokes. The insulators’ flashover is simulated through some ATP MODELS module considering their voltagetime characteristic while considering the influence of different weather parameters such as air pressure, temperature and humidity. The entire analysis is conducted on a 400 kV overhead power line. An incorrect assessment of the orientation distance or the attractive radius will be reflected into wrong sized protection areas, thus increasing the risk of shield failures. As it can be observed from (1) and (2) the values of the orientation distance and attractive radius are higly dependent on the lightning protection current intensity, which makes that a proper estimation of this parameter is more than necessary. Keywords— lightning protection current, weather influence. I. The lightning current intensity depends on a lot of factors and it’s unique for each lightning strike. On the other hand the lightning protection current is a concept related to the analyzed equipment being unique for each power equipment. Basically, the lightning protection current represents the minimum intensity of the lightning current capable to generate a voltage surge which will cause a breakdown or a flashover of the power equipment’s insulation. Thus is obvious that not all the lightning strikes are dangerous for the power installations but only those having a current intensity equal of greater than the installation’s specific lightning protection current. INTRODUCTION By their nature the power substations and overhead power lines are well exposed to lightning strikes. Their protection against such phenomena represents a significant preoccupation since the early design stages and will continue later on through their entire life span. The goal of reducing the number of lightning strokes in the power installation’s active parts is achieved by installing protective systems consisting in a mix of vertical rods and ground wires, which should attract most of the lightning strokes. A proper design of lightning protection system is vital for the integrity and safety of the world’s wide power systems. On the other hand there is also a great concern on the overhead line’s behavior in case of direct strikes. The specific normative propose some values for the lightning protection currents, but the use of these prescribed values may lead to incorrect results in engineering calculations, as they were established through some gross generalizations and massive simplification of the lightning orientation process. When designing a lightning protective system the dimensions of the obtained protected zones must be known. In order to estimate the dimensions of the protected zones over the time several methods were developed, such as the laboratory models method, electrogeometrical theory’s methods like the rolling sphere method [1] and elliptic model [2] and the new attractive radius method [3] developed on the basis of the latest theory regarding the lightning’s orientation process, known as leader progression model. A more appropriate way to estimate the lightning protection currents is to simulate the entire transient regime caused by lightning strikes in specific power installation using the ATPEMTP software. In this procedure an important aspect is related to the manner in which the insulators’ flashover process is simulated. For this study the authors will use the insulator’s voltage-time characteristic approach, according to which the lightning protection current will be determined as the minimum intensity of the lightning current that generates a voltage surge which will intersect the insulator’s voltage-time characteristic. The bond between the lightning protection zones dimensions’ and the lightning orientation process is possible by considering the influence of the lightning protection current intensity, as described in the expressions of the orientation distance, R, and the attractive radius, Ra, presented below [4]: R aIb (1) Ra a h b I c (2) The entire analysis will be conducted for a Romanian typical 400 kV overhead power line from the eastern part of the country, considering the influence of different weather parameters like air pressure, temperature and humidity. The goal is to determine how the atmospheric condition variations over an entire year will reflect on the value of the lightning protection current, knowing the fact that the atmospheric 161 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MODERN POWER SYSTEMS MPS2015, 18-21 MAY 2015, CLUJ-NAPOCA, ROMANIA conditions can have a significant impact on the insulator’s flashover voltage. II. The modules which simulate the flashover were realized in MODELS component of ATP program, on basis on following observations [5]: ATP MODEL OF THE POWER LINE - When phase conductors or ground wires are stroked the shape of the overvoltage is quite similar to the lightning current’s one, so the analysis involves normalized pulse voltage 1.2/50 μs. The aim of ATP simulation of transient due to direct lightning strokes in power lines is to analyze time evolution of voltages and to determine the protection currents. The ATP model of the 400 kV analyzed line contains the following components [5]: - When the top of a tower is stroked, the overvoltage waves have a short back, half-amplitude time being of 6÷8 μs. The behavior of insulators at short back pulses is not entirely known, some test on 110 kV lines’ insulators showing an up to 50 % increase of flashover voltages, by report with that corresponding to the normalized pulse. An average increase of 38 % can be considered, both for positive and for negative pulses. two overhead line’s spans and three towers; two lines, at the sending end of the two spans, having such a length that the reflected waves from theirs ends do not affect the simulations` results; the insulators of the three towers and modules that simulate the line’s insulators flashover; lightning pulse current generator. - At a lower slop of the lightning current, the overvoltage has lower amplitude and the flashover time increases till 25 μs. However, the flashovers produced at bigger times than 6 μs are rare [6], so the protection current can be determined only for those flashovers that take place in maximum 6 μs from the beginning of the transient regime on the insulator (in concordance with J.G. Anderson’s method). The line between adjacent towers is modeled by four multiphased nominal Π-equivalent circuits with distributed parameters. The Π circuits’ are frequency independent and are calculated for 0,5 MHz, they are not transposed and the influence of corona discharge is neglected. The extreme lines are modeled in the same way but they are long enough to avoid the influences of reflected waves at their receiving ends. - For power lines having nominal voltage higher than 220 kV, the operating voltage favors insulators’ flashover. This is the reason why the potential of phase conductors is considered to be equal with the average value of operating voltage, for a half-period, and in opposite polarity with tower’s potential. The propagation phenomena along the towers and their earthing grids involve equivalent circuits having distributed parameters. The authors’ choice was to model the PAS type towers by mean of distributed parameters Π equivalent circuits. Each of such a circuit models the different parts of the metallic construction, as Fig. 1 shows [5]: Gnd - MODELS modules must initiate to generate voltage-time characteristic only when the insulators start to be stressed by the pulse voltage. So, these modules must considerate the propagation time from stroked point to tower; Gnd wire 2 III. WEATHER INFLUENCE ON INSULATOR’S VOLTAGE-TIME CHARACTERISTIC Phase A Phase B As presented in the previous sections of the paper the power line’s insulators flashover will be simulated using their voltage-time characteristic. If this parameter is not available then it can be estimated using the following expression [7]: Phase C Distributed parameters ∏ equivalent circuit V (t ) V50% 1 kiz / t (3) where: V50% represents the critical flashover voltage (CFO) and kiz is a constant depending on the nominal voltage of the line (kiz = 3,41–for 400 kV). Zg Fig. 1. The ATP model of a PAS tower The insulator’s CFO is determined for standard atmospheric conditions, while the power lines are operating in non-standard atmospheric conditions, which for our country are varying on large ranges throughout a year, as passing through different seasons. As an expected consequence it is obvious that the insulator’s flashover will occur at different voltages than for the case of standard atmospheric conditions. Tower’s equivalent scheme is earthed through an R-L lumped parameters circuit, in this stage being not considered the earthing grid as a distributed one. Line’s insulators chains are modeled through their pulse capacity in association with modules that simulate the flashover. The pulse capacity of 400 kV insulators is about 140 pF [5]. Experimentally determining the insulator’s CFO for different atmospheric condition in a laboratory controlled environment is almost an impossible task, thus for practical purposes is more useful to use the standard CFO correlated with different correction factors that considers the influence of The flashover arc is modeled by an R-L lumped parameters circuit, in this stage the dependence of the arc parameters by the current being neglected, because the aim of analysis is to determine protection currents. 162 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MODERN POWER SYSTEMS MPS2015, 18-21 MAY 2015, CLUJ-NAPOCA, ROMANIA insulator’s CFO even if the humidity influence is neglected (V50%A – 2). air pressure, temperature and humidity. This procedure is already widely used, being recommended by IEEE and IEC standards [8], [9]. Thus for estimating the critical flashover voltage in varying atmospheric condition, when considering the lightning impulse voltage, the following mathematical expression can be used [10]: V50% A H c V50% S TABLE I. Month (4) January where: δ is the relative air density, Hc is humidity correction factor, and V50%S is the critical flashover voltage determined in standard atmospheric condition. The relative air density is defined as: P T0 P0 T WEATHER CONDITIONS FOR THE ANALYZED TIME INTERVAL t [ºC] -8,00 h [%] 87,87 P [kPa] 100,41 February -5,25 90,18 100,53 March 11,75 72,71 100,47 April 13,54 75,70 100,00 May 16,52 69,79 100,00 June 18,67 71,70 99,38 100,05 July 21,14 74,75 August 21,14 70,72 99,28 where: P0 and T0 are the standard pressure and temperature with the temperature in degrees Kelvin and P and T are the ambient pressure and temperature. September 17,00 67,17 100,25 October 10,50 83,29 100,54 November -2,83 89,23 100,42 In design or selection of the insulation level, wet or rain conditions are assumed, and therefore Hc = 1.0 [10]. However the humidity correction factor can be determined with (6): December -3,18 89,06 100,49 (5) H H c 1 0.0096 11 TABLE II. 3 where: H is the absolute humidity in g/m and δ is the relative air density. IV. STUDY CASE The analyzed line is a Romanian’s typical 400 kV overhead power line realized on PAS towers and equipped with CTS 160-1 glass insulators. The length of the insulators is about 3230 mm, and the flashover voltage for negative lightning strokes, is considered to be of 1792 kV. The phase conductors and ground wires sag is of 10 m and respectively of 8 m. The length between two adjacent towers is of 375 m. The overhead power line is located in the eastern part of the country. The meteorological information where collected from a weather station disposed on the same area with the power line and for simplification are assumed to be the same over the entire power line’s span. The monthly mean values of air temperature, relative humidity and air pressure were calculated and are presented in the Table I. V50%A - 1 [kV] 1794,17 V50%A - 2 [kV] 1963,96 January δ [kg/m3] 1,096 0,914 V50%S [kV] 1792 February 1,086 0,919 1792 1788,60 1946,09 March 1,021 0,958 1792 1752,88 1828,81 Month (6) INSULATOR’S CFO DEPENDING ON WEATHER CONDITIONS Hc April 1,009 0,970 1792 1753,89 1808,89 May 0,999 0,977 1792 1749,45 1790,28 June 0,986 0,992 1792 1751,70 1766,07 July 0,984 1,011 1792 1782,72 1763,01 August 0,976 1,006 1792 1759,21 1749,58 September 1,000 0,976 1792 1748,87 1791,77 1838,29 October 1,026 0,963 1792 1769,84 November 1,075 0,924 1792 1779,96 1926,75 December 1,077 0,923 1792 1781,68 1930,36 If the humidity’s influence is considered, the value of the insulator’s CFO (V50%A – 1) is a little lower than the standard one and is recorded over the entire time interval, as graphically represented in Fig.2. Using the procedure described in the previous section, corroborated with the data presented in Table I, the relative air density was determined and then the insulator’s critical flashover voltage was calculated first considering and then neglecting the influence of humidity through the correction factor Hc. The obtained values are presented in Table II, where V50%A – 1 is the critical flashover voltage calculated considering the correction imposed by the humidity factor Hc, while the V50%A – 2 is the insulator’s CFO depending only on the relative air density. When analyzing the data presented in Table II, one may notice that the sub unitary values of the relative air density recorded from April to August lead to a smaller value of the Fig. 2. Comparison between insulator’s standard CFO and the CFO values determined when considering the weather influence 163 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MODERN POWER SYSTEMS MPS2015, 18-21 MAY 2015, CLUJ-NAPOCA, ROMANIA Another important observation is that the values of insulator’s CFO (especially the V50%A – 2 determined without considering the humidity’s influence) are smaller than the standard one for five months on a year, between April and August, this being the exact time interval when the thunderstorms activity is the most important. For the rest of the year it proves that atmospheric conditions have a positive influence as the determined insulator’s CFO is higher than that for the standard conditions. used in other applications regarding the overhead power line’s behavior at lightning strikes. These higher values don’t pose any interest as they will reflect in a higher lightning protection current. A conservative approach would suggest that power installations’ lightning protective system must be designed according to the smallest value of lightning protection current. In this paper the authors analyzed the influence of atmospheric conditions on the values of the lightning protection currents for the case of a 400 kV overhead power line. The ATP software package was used to simulate lightning strikes in the overhead power line’s elements along with insulator’s flashover process. V. The lightning protection current is a key parameter in different applications like designing a lightning protective system, or analyzing the overhead line’s behavior in case of direct strikes. Thus the smallest value of the insulator’s critical flashover voltage when neglecting the humidity influence is recorded in August as 1749.58 kV, only 42.42 kV lower than the standard value. With this value and using (3) a new voltage-time characteristic was determined for the power line’s insulator and then simulations were conducted in ATP to determine the values of the lightning protection current. The influence of atmospheric conditions determined a lower value of the insulators’ critical flashover voltage especially between spring and summer seasons. As consequence the values lightning protection currents are slightly lower than those obtained for standard atmospheric conditions. Further analysis must be conducted in order to evaluate the impact of the results obtained in this paper when actually design the lightning protection zones of different power installations, or analyzing the overhead line’s behavior in case of direct strikes. Different scenarios were considered as the lightning strikes were simulated in phase conductors, line’s towers and ground wires also. The obtained results are presented in Table III in a comparative manner. TABLE III. CONCLUSIONS LIGHTNING PROTECTION CURRENT VALUES REFERENCES Standard Extreme atmospheric atmospheric conditions conditions Ip [kA] Uflash tflash Uflash tflash [kV] [μs] [kV] [μs] Lightning strikes in phase conductors 2.50 2249 4.90 2.00 2211 5.02 Lightning strikes in line’s towers 2871 1.98 239 237 2819 2.34 Lightning strikes in ground wires 2120 6.7 191 2055 7.03 188 Note: Uflash and tflash are the voltage and time at which insulator’s flashover occurs. [1] R.H. Lee, “Protection zone for buildings against lightning strokes using transmission line protection practice”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 1977, no.14, pp. 465-470. [2] D. Machidon, M. Istrate, “A New Model Based On Electro-Geometrical Theory For Estimating The Lightning Protection Zones”, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, ATEE 2013, ISBN 978-1-4673-5978-8, 23-25 May 2013, Bucharest, Romania. [3] D.L. Machidon, M. Istrate, I.V. Banu, “Algorithm Based on Attractive Radius for Estimating the Lightning Protection Efficiency”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference On Optimization Of Electrical And Electronic Equipment, OPTIM 2014, pp. 27-32, 22-24 May, 2014, Brasov, Romania. [4] V. Cooray, Lightning Protection, London, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2010, p.212-239. [5] M. Istrate, M. Guşă, “Analysis of lightning’s strokes on HV Lines in an ATP approach”, Acta Electrotehnică, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Modern Power Systems MPS 2008, 2008, p. 162-165. [6] CIGRE Guide to Procedures for Estimating the Lightning Performance of Transmission Lines, CIGRE Working Group 01 of Study Committee 33, October 1991. [7] G. Drăgan, Tehnica Tensiunilor Înalte, Vol. II, Editura Academiei Române, 2001. [8] IEEE 1313.1, “IEEE Standard for Insulations Coordination, Principles and Rules”, 1996. [9] IEC Publication 71.1., “Insulation Coordination Part. I, Definitions, Principles and Rules”, 1993-12. [10] A.R. Hileman, Insulation Coordination for Power Systems, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 1999, p.630-631. As it can be observed from the data presented in Table III the atmospheric condition have a small influence on the lightning protection current values, as they are a little bit smaller than those determined for the standard conditions, no matter if the lightning strikes the phase conductor, ground wire or line’s towers. It is worth notice that this analysis was conducted by using the mean values of the weather parameters in the considered month. For the most severe weather conditions (air temperature – t = 35 ºC, relative humidity – h = 31 % and atmospheric pressure – p = 99.40 kPa on August the 4th) is expected to obtain even lower values of the lightning protection currents results, but is questionable if such specific values should be 164