2008-04-15 Ways and Means Committee

Minutes of April 15, 2008
(Held in Commission Chambers)
PRESENT: Thomas, Lemcool, Maxbauer, Fleis, Hooper, Inman, Underwood, Schmidt,
ALSO PRESENT: D. Aloia, D. Bott, A. Schneider, T. Keenan, L. Spencer, B. Rokos,
F. Keeslar, County Surveyor (Bob Mitchell) and others.
Meeting called to order by Chairman Lemcool @ 5:00 p.m..
PUBLIC HEARING: Public Hearing opened at 5:00 for the purpose of taking comment
regarding the position of County Surveyor and whether it should be retained as an elected
position or change to an appointed position.
Bob Mitchell, County Surveyor since 1992, spoke regarding whether or not there should be a
county surveyor which he believes was driven by the issue of a conflict of interest. Mr. Mitchell
drafted the model plan which was submitted to the state in 1992. We went through the QBS
(Quality Based Selection) process and the County selected three surveyors. The
remonumentation model plan was outlined by the state and clearly spells out what the county
surveyor does. Mitchell spoke in favor of continuing the position emphasizing the importance of
having an individual who has a unique understanding of the history of the area.
Mitchell met with PA Schneider who indicated there was no legal reason to discontinue our
current practice as outlined in the State plan. An email from Schneider was distributed. The
County Board may however, choose to change the current practice due to the questionable
appropriateness of the same person having oversight responsibility for his own work. Schneider
further indicated that the County’s surveyor must be the County Representative under the
Monumentation and Remonumentation Plan and the compensation should be included in the
total compensation package for the elected/appointed County Surveyor – not by contract.
There being no further comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 5:05 p.m..
Aloia distributed his recommendation stating that the County Board’s decision to keep the
position as elected or appoint is one of choice and has little bearing on his recommendation.
Aloia recommends, to address the incompatibility issue of managing one’s own contract, the
County Surveyor should act as county representative on the review committee and as grant
administrator.but recommends the County Surveyor does not do contract work for 2009. Aloia
also recommends we rebid remonumentation work in 2009 using the Quality Based Selection
process. There are 31 licensed surveyors in this county (including some retired), though
everyone may not have the capacity of historical information. Finally, Aloia recommends
changing the peer review group to include the County Surveyor and two additional licensed
surveyors that do not have remonumentation contracts with the county.
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If this recommendation is followed we would need to establish a salary for the county surveyor
plus 2 extra county surveyors to serve on the county peer review group. Discussion.
MOVED by Thomas, seconded by Hooper to keep the County Surveyor position as it is, elected
not appointed. Additional discussion included the ability to take bids in 2009, dealing with
elected status first, and referral to L&A or Board. Clarification. Additional discussion about the
remonumentation process and amounts. Vote called for motion on the floor. Yes –8, No-1
(Maxbauer). MOTION PASSES.
MOVED by Thomas, seconded by Inman to refer issue back to L&A for recommendation.
Discussion regarding timeliness of decision regarding filing issues and possibility of further
discussion at the Board meeting. Motion withdrawn by Thomas and Inman.
MOVED by Maxbauer to proceed with the Administrator’s recommendation and separate
administration of remonumentation program and contract to perform services. Motion has no
MOVED by Schmidt, seconded by Fleis to delay decision to the April board meeting for further
discussion, to have an opportunity to better understand the administrator’s recommendation.
APPROVED unanimously. If there are further questions, please refer them to Aloia before the
board meeting.
MOVED by Hooper, seconded by Inman to approve minutes of March 18, 2008, as
presented. APPROVED unanimously.
MOVED by Thomas, seconded by Fleis to approve the minutes of the closed session
minutes of March 18, 2008, as presented. APPROVED unanimously.
Monthly Reports and Prison Commitment Rate: Presentation of monthly reports by
Tim Keenan, Community Corrections Manager.
Community Corrections Midyear Report FY 2008. Also presented for information by
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Equalization Report for 2008. Abbreviated report presented by Spencer who would
like the opportunity to present the full report directly to the Board at their April 30th meeting.
Spencer was asked to explain how taxable value could go up when the value of real estate
has not? Spencer explained the taxable valuable may continue to go up at the rate of inflation
even if the assessed value may have gone down or stayed the same. MOVED by Wheelock,
seconded by Inman to approve receipt of the official equalization report at the County Board
meeting in April. APPROVED unanimously.
History of 100% Tax Payment Funds. Background explained by Rokos who indicated
that the amount of delinquent taxes for 2007 are the most they’ve ever been. Taxes not paid by
March 1st are given to the County to collect and the revolving fund allows payment to anyone
who had a part in the tax, so they may receive their funding. The benefit to the County is that we
pay out amount owed and when collected, we keep the interest collected. This has been a
significant revenue source for the county and capital projects.
Rokos also explained changes along the way, and showed that have been put $450,000
toward capital projects each year since 1999 with the exception of 2002 & 2003. He added that
delinquent taxes are going up and if this trend continues, we may have to start borrowing again
instead of being self funded. Rokos will continue to monitor and, if necessary, will make a
recommendation. If the trend continues to show a higher percentage of delinquent taxes, and we
need to borrow, Aloia recommends we continue the revolving fund.
Aloia also informed the Committee that next month, he will be having Bott and Rokos
bring information on how much money is captured as a result of tax abatements and the impact
on the County.
Budgetary impact of Septic & Well Permits. Presentation by Health Officer, Keeslar,
of Septic Tank Permit Activity comparisons over the years. This April we are at 15 vs. 90+ in
other years. This past year we did not fill one vacancy for one sanitarian, we lowered employees
hours to 37.5 and we did not fill a summer position. Looking at recent activity, Buss made
recommendation to lay off .4 clerk and 1 environmental sanitarian and reallocate existing staff.
This is based on current information at hand and we can proceed with lay off notices or wait to
see if the numbers go up.
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Aloia’s recommendation is to proceed with layoffs. Additional discussion by
commissioners suggests waiting to see if conditions improve some in the next 30 days. Intent is
not to overreact but we also don’t want to wait too long – perhaps 30 days. MOVED by
Schmidt, seconded by Maxbauer to authorize layoffs based on projections if necessary within the
next 30 days giving the Administrator and Health Officer the flexibility to be able to move
forward as needed. Aloia reminded the Board that this decision is up to the departments but
wanted to keep the board advised. APPROVED unanimously. Aloia and Keeslar will bring
back to board next month for update.
Addition to Agenda – MSUE:
0-3 Secondary Prevention Grant Renewal Application. Request presented by
Jennifer Berkey to approve application for 9-3 Secondary Prevention Grant funding in
collaboration with the GTC Health Department to prevent child abuse and neglect (0-3) utilizing
an intensive home visiting model. Increased funding in the amount of up to $250,000 will be
requested requiring a 25% match, historically covered by local funds with no additional county
appropriations requested. Berkey also distributed some return on investment statistics for this
program to the commissioners. MOVED by Wheelock, seconded by Schmidt to approve
application by MSUE and the Health Department for 0-3 Secondary Prevention Grant funding.
APPROVED unanimously.
Additional discussion. Berkey added with the state of the Economy, the see more stresses
affecting the groups of people they are working with i.e. transportation (gas prices) and multiple
families in one house (housing). Individuals qualifying for assistance can find information by
contacting the Health Department, TBAISD or MSU Extension.
General Fund Trial Balance – March 2008. Highlighted by Finance Director Bott.
Budget Adjustments. MOVED by Inman, seconded by Hooper to approve budget
adjustments as presented by the Finance Director. Bott confirmed that up to this point, the
taxpayers have not paid anything for the Septage Treatment Repair as it was covered by
insurance. APPROVED unanimously.
Appropriation Requests. MOVED by Thomas, seconded by Wheelock to approve
appropriation requests as presented. APPROVED unanimously.
Child Care Fund. A variance of $344,722 from their County Budget was identified by
Bott and we need to pay attention to this fund for the remainder of the fiscal year. It appears a
portion of this has to do with an increase in rates for services from the State. Bott further added
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that Judge Stowe and Esther Cooper will attend next month’s meeting to explain further. Next
month additional information may help balance as the number of state wards will be reduced by
Commissioner Fleis introduced Marie Dean, Supervisor, and asked to provide an update
on the compactor station. Fleis, Dean and Aloia provided information. Dean indicated they got a
portion of their land released from the State that could be used for this purpose. Aloia indicated
that this project comes under the solid waste plan and distributed plan. He also indicated that for
this facility the board will be siting committee. Aloia met with Sych who received the site plan,
will hold hearings, and is sending notice to surrounding property owners. Sych, Planning
Director, will be the staff who proceeds with this process in absence of a Resource Recovery
2009 Strategic Plan. Aloia went through draft plan briefly, identifying objectives for
2009, with accomplishments highlighted for the past several years. Thanks to Jim Wiesing
MSUE for all his help. This is a great piece of work and is ready for consideration of adoption.
MOVED by Inman, seconded by Wheelock to support adoption of final report at the board
meeting in April. Discussion. This is a document that will change and be updated each year.
Aloia also asked the Committee to consider distribution to all municipalities, libraries, schools,
etc.. Wiesing added, he only facilitated the process which he does often, but the Board is to be
congratulated as “this is your plan.”
Commissioner Wheelock indicated that a projection from 2010 would be more helpful than
2005. Wiesing will update using the 2010 Census Bureau figures. Aloia also provided some
pricing for additional copies. Vote called for motion on the floor. ROLL CALL VOTE: Yes-8,
No-1 (Maxbauer). Maxbauer requests a few clarifications and Aloia advised a copy of the
Strategic Planning Session will be provided to her. MOTION PASSES.
Township Meeting. Commissioner Wheelock presented the idea of perhaps having a
semi-annual meeting with townships to discuss current issues. In the past, this type of forum has
been held at the Oleson Center. Excellent idea - everyone in agreement. Staff will follow-up.
Resource Recovery Council Subcommittee. Aloia advised the committee that the
Resource Recovery Council is starting the process to review Ordinance 17. Aloia asked if the
Board might be interested in proceeding together rather than reviewing independently and
arriving at two different results. MOVED by Wheelock, seconded by Fleis to create a
subcommittee of the Resource Recovery Council and Board of Commissioners to review
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Ordinance 17. APPROVED unanimously. Appointments to be made by the Chairman. Aloia
will send a letter to the Resource Recovery County to advise them of the Board’s request.
2008 Primary Goals & Objectives. Aloia’s report for the 1st quarter is provided.
Conflicts of Interest. Notification provided for Wheelock and Mitchell and Magee.
Wheelock and Mitchell may not be conflicts but preferred notification. Magee was presented by
the Commission on Aging to the Prosecuting Attorney who suggested we add an amount to that
notification. Durga’s notification indicates that expenses to Magee may be paid for the year up to
the amount of $3,000.00. Any additional amount will require additional notification and
approval by the Board.
Commissioner Maxbauer spent some time at West Senior High talking to 200 students
about local government and told the committee that their #1 question was on smoking and #2
was on the dams.
Commissioner Maxbauer will not be at the April 30th board meeting as she’ll be out of
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m..
Herb Lemcool, Chairman