PRESENT: Wheelock, Thomas, Lemcool, Maxbauer, Fleis, Hooper

Minutes of November 20, 2007
PRESENT: Wheelock, Thomas, Lemcool, Maxbauer, Fleis, Hooper, Inman, Schmidt,
STAFF PRESENT: D. Aloia, D. Bott, T. Keenan, D. Stowe, E. Cooper, L. Spencer, J. Derenzy,
M. Skeels, B. Rokos, K. Lowran,
Jennifer Jay, Tino Breithaupt, Brian McGillivary.
Meeting called to order at 5:09 p.m. by Chairman, Lemcool.
MOVED by Thomas, seconded by Fleis to approve minutes with changes identified of
October 16, 2007. Amended minutes to include 1) that the road commission issue (3 vs. 5
members) would be brought back in January and 2) that financial impact information would also
be provided to the Board (salaries and benefits). APPROVED unanimously.
Changes and Additions to Agenda:
Boardman River Dams item will be moved to the beginning of the agenda.
Commissioner Maxbauer requested that Road Commissioners salaries and benefits be added
under other business. Aloia requested discussion of proposed video system be added under
Administrator’s section.
Boardman River Dams 2% Grant Application:
MOVED by Wheelock, seconded by Thomas to move grant application forward with
other grant applications at December Ways & Means. Discussion regarding whether application
is different than other depending on whether it is being requested of the County or the Boardman
River Dams Committee. Vote called for motion on the floor. APPROVED unanimously.
Jennifer Jay presented additional request of the Boardman River Dams Committee for
additional funding. The cost of the study is estimated at $1.3 to $1.8 million. This is a very
comprehensive study and includes public process. Initially, the study received $50,000 each
from the County, the City and TC Light & Power. Jay explained where that funding was used,
and indicated they are asking each entity for an additional $100,000. Discussion. Aloia
recommended support. MOVED by Wheelock, seconded by Hooper, to approve allocating
additional funding with staff to report back to the board from where funding will be allocated.
Additional discussion. APPROVED unanimously.
Monthly Reports and Prison Commitment Rate: Keenan provided for information.
Jail Snapshot Charts. Monthly totals provided for information.
Ways & Means Committee
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Prepared by Chris Cramer
Lemcool congratulated Family Court for another great adoption day today. Fleis
commented, this being the first time he’s witnessed an adoption day, that Judge Stowe is to be
Child Care Fund. Judge Stowe, Esther Cooper and Dean Bott presented information.
Judge Stowe explained programs – Family Foster Care, Institutional Care, and In-Home
Care. Discussion. Bott indicated that budget summarized shows an increase of about $90,000
and recommends support. He will increase budget accordingly.
MOVED by Thomas, seconded by Wheelock to approve the 2007/2008 Child Care Fund
and authorization of the Chairs signature on same. APPROVED unanimously.
Bott also identified the State Ward amount and Judge Stowe spoke briefly on that issue.
MOVED by Wheelock, seconded by Inman to approve the list of Child Care Fund
providers, as submitted, per the state requirement. APPROVED unanimously.
2007 Revised Apportionment Report. Updates presented by Spencer.
MOVED by Wheelock, seconded by Hooper, to approve the revised 2007 Apportionment
Report as presented. APPROVED unanimously.
Aloia provided information regarding school taxes. We rank 89th in highest nonhomestead value and rank 705th in how much we get back. Conservatively, it is estimated that
we get 50 percent back of what we send in.
Grand Traverse County EDC:
Annual Report. Derenzy introduced Tino Breithaupt, TBEDC. The agreement with
TBEDC is for an annual report to be presented to the County Board. Breithaupt indicated they
have been promoting the revolving loan fund. He also indicated that TBEDC goes out to meet
with local companies to identify opportunities for existing companies. Statistics presented.
Breithaupt also indicated he appreciated the opportunity to work with the County.
Aloia added that Breithaupt comes to every GTEDC meeting (which had not been done
previously) and presents a monthly update of all projects they are working on.
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Cherry Blossom/Williamsburg Receiving & Storage.
Derenzy indicated that for the first time in the history of EDC that foreclosure proceedings
are occurring. Although EDC continues to work with them (Cherry Blossom), EDC cannot
accept a settlement offer, per State guidelines. Currently, Cherry Blossom is trying to get bank
loans to continue operating as a viable business. The cost for legal counsel in foreclosure
proceedings was also discussed. EDC must follow certain requirements and will proceed in the
best manner. Derenzy will relay concerns of attorney fees to the EDC board.
LUTS Loan.
Matt Skeels was in attendance for additional questions/information. Aloia identified
request and estimates the amount to be $12-$13,000. MOVED by Schmidt, seconded by Fleis to
approve a short term cash advance to allow the Grand Visioning Study to move forward. The
County Board will front money for our local municipalities that have pledged money through the
action of their Boards but were unable to include it in this year’s budget. APPROVED
Commissioner Hooper added, he is encouraged by the amount of excitement this study
has stirred up in the community.
Brief recess called at 6:35 p.m..
Meeting reconvened 6:45 p.m..
General Fund October 2007 Trial Balance. Presented for information by Bott.
Budget Adjustments. Bott highlighted gas costs which will need an additional $45,000
through the end of the year and added we will run into the same problem next year as the budget
was created in a similar manner. MOVED by Thomas, seconded by Wheelock to approve the
budget adjustments presented by the Finance Director. APPROVED unanimously.
Appropriation Requests. MOVED by Inman, seconded by Thomas to approve the
appropriation requests as presented by the Finance Director. APPROVED unanimously.
Regarding appropriation for Mental Health, Commissioner Fleis commented about the
incident last week in Karlin and feels mental health failed to provide the service required; this is
not the first time this has happened in our community.
Child Care Fund. Presented for information.
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Prepared by Chris Cramer
Commissioner Per Diems. Bott identified current process which is not efficient. Bott
requests Board allow Finance to process Commissioner per diems directly through payroll as
these are the only per diems which go through a separate approval. Discussion. MOVED by
Thomas, seconded by Inman to allow Board per diem to go directly through payroll. ROLL
CALL VOTE: Yes – 8; No-1 (Maxbauer) MOTION PASSES.
MERS Statement of Account Activity. Presented by Bott.
Aloia thanked Sarah Adams who did an excellent job of preparing most of the
information presented in the Copier and Car Rental bids being presented.
Copier Bids. The Prosecuting Attorney’s office requested additional capabilities from
the original bids and will re-bid and bring back a separate recommendation. MOVED by
Wheelock, seconded by Hooper to approve the purchase of three copiers, as presented, for
replacement of current copiers in the Governmental Center, Jail and Public Services Building.
Copiers will be leased from Northern Office Equipment and Netlink Business Solutions.
APPROVED unanimously.
Car Rental Bids. Recommendation is to enter into a three year agreement with Thrifty
Car Rental for rental cars. Thrifty is located at Bill Marsh. MOVED by Schmidt, seconded by
Fleis to approve a three-year contract with Thrifty Car Rental as presented. In response to
Commissioner Maxbauer’s question, Bott explained that rental cars are used for travel. The cost
is less than it would be to pay mileage. Lemcool requests easier use of gas card. Aloia advised
gas bids, along with bids for bond counsel and financial consultant, will be brought back next
month, hopefully, resolving the gas card issue. Vote called for motion on the floor.
APPROVED unanimously.
Togue Vessel Letter. Aloia asked Committee to review to make sure it included all the
information they wanted. Two items to be added – 1) can the State take ownership from the
Federal Government and 2) can the County resell to a non-profit? Aloia will add these items to
the letter and have the chairman review and sign.
Second Edition County Citizen Newsletter. This is being presented for two reasons.
First, the initial newsletter left citizens with the perception of a commitment to additional
newsletters and second, from now on we intend to send out newsletters by email - this would
provide an avenue to let citizens advise us if they are interested in continuing to receive the
publication. Discussion. Previous issue was about $16-18,000. Commissioner Maxbauer
indicated she would be willing to agree with commitment of previous Commissioners, but
believes the funds could be better used for other items that are needed. Another suggestion was
Ways & Means Committee
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Prepared by Chris Cramer
to put (the newsletter) on the web and issue a press release indicating same. Aloia confirmed the
committee’s desire to continue with design and interview amount. Additional discussion and
suggestions to send to townships and/or print some and distribute in various locations in the
community. A “hard copy” is still good to have. Lemcool hopes that by the first of the year we
will do video taping and wants to have informational presentations at the beginning of meetings.
Aloia indicated that December 14th is the date for presentations on having webcasts, etc..
Katie will be calling commissioners to set up time and participation is encouraged.
Maxbauer would like item regarding road commissioner benefits & wages referred to
L&A. Further discussion indicated all members would like to be involved in this discussion.
MOVED by Maxbauer, seconded by Fleis to refer this item to Ways and Means next month.
APPROVED unanimously.
Additionally, consideration of 3 vs. 5 Road Commissioners will be addressed at the
January meeting.
Aloia indicated the environmental study for the tribe has been completed and sent to
Whitewater and Acme Townships. The Bureau of Indian Affairs will review and then set another
public input time. No executive summary is available but whoever wants a copy may request one
from Administration. John Sych has also reviewed in regard to Planning. Aloia will put together
a sample proposal of what we would expect and will sit down with the chairman of the tribe and
see where they want to go. Rokos has also reviewed and Spencer is in the process of reviewing.
Also, Acme has started meetings with the tribe.
Commissioner Fleis brought up the issue of dead animals on roads after being contacted
by one of his constituents. They called Animal Control and the Road Commission and wanted to
know who could take care of this problem. Discussion. Commissioner Thomas will discuss
with the Road Commission.
Meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m. by Chairman Lemcool.
Herb Lemcool, Chairman