S CI EN C E OF TH E T OTAL EN V I RO N M EN T 4 0 7 ( 2 0 09 ) 29 3 1–2 93 8 a v a i l a b l e a t w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / s c i t o t e n v Source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface sediments of the Huangpu River, Shanghai, China Ying Liu a , Ling Chen a,⁎, Qing-hui Huang b , Wei-ying Li b , Yin-jian Tang a , Jian-fu Zhao a a State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resources Reuse, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092 China b Key Laboratory of Yangtze River Water Environment, Ministry of Education, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092 China AR TIC LE D ATA ABSTR ACT Article history: We applied cluster analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) with multivariate linear Received 17 April 2008 regression (MLR) to apportion sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface Received in revised form sediments of the Huangpu River in Shanghai, China, based on the measured PAH 30 November 2008 concentrations of 32 samples collected at eight sites in four seasons in 2006. The results Accepted 14 December 2008 indicate that petrogenic and pyrogenic sources are the important sources of PAHs. Further Available online 5 February 2009 analysis shows that the contributions of coal combustion, traffic-related pollution and spills of oil products (petrogenic) are 40%, 36% and 24% using PCA/MLR, respectively. Pyrogenic Keywords: sources (coal combustion and traffic related pollution) contribute 76% of anthropogenic PAHs PAHs to sediments, which indicates that energy consumption is a predominant factor of Surface sediments PAH pollution in Shanghai. Rainfall, the monsoon and temperature play important roles in Source apportionment the distinct seasonal variation of PAH pollution, such that the contamination level of PAHs PCA/MLR in spring is significantly higher than in the other seasons. Cluster analysis Brief: We apportion PAHs in surface sediments of the Huangpu River and show that coal combustion, traffic-related pollution, and petroleum spillage are the major sources. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) containing two or more fused benzene rings form one of the most important classes of environmental pollutants. Due to the persistent, toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic characteristics of PAHs (Zedeck, 1980; NRC, 1983), some of them are on the US EPA list of priority pollutants. Pyrogenic and petrogenic sources are two major origins of anthropogenic PAHs in the environment. Pyrogenic PAHs are formed as trace contaminants by the incomplete combustion of organic matter, such as wood, fossil fuels, asphalt, and industrial waste. Crude and refined petroleum contain petrogenic PAHs, and are also important sources of PAHs. Once produced, PAHs can be widely dispersed into the environment by atmospheric transport or through stream pathways, and eventually accumulate in soils and aquatic sediments. The Huangpu River, the most important shipping artery of Shanghai, arises in the lake district of the Shanghai Municipality (Dianshan Lake) and flows northeast past Shanghai into the Yangtze River. Although Shanghai is one of the most comprehensively industrial and commercial cities in China, ranking first in population and population density, a few studies have reported on the source apportionment of sedimentary PAHs in Shanghai. Ren et al. (2006) reported the distribution and sources of PAHs from dust collected in ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +86 21 6598 4261. E-mail address: chenling@tongji.edu.cn (L. Chen). 0048-9697/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.12.046 2932 S CI EN CE OF T H E T OTAL EN V I RO N M EN T 4 0 7 ( 2 0 09 ) 29 3 1–2 93 8 Shanghai, and affirmed that vehicle exhaust was the main source. Liu et al. (2007a) also characterized the PAH sources, identifying road dust PAHs in central Shanghai areas, and suggested that road dust PAHs mainly came from the mixing of traffic and coal combustion and that PAH levels in most samples in the winter were almost always higher than those in the summer. Feng et al. (2006) investigated the characteristics of organic matter in PM2.5 in the atmosphere of Shanghai and found a strong presence of combustion engine exhaust emissions. Knowledge regarding the sources and pathways of pollutants in aquatic sediments is important for effective pollution abatement. While diagnostic ratios of PAHs have been widely applied to identify sources in various environments (Soclo et al., 2000; Yunker et al., 2002; Rocher et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2006; Li et al., 2006a), their use is limited due to a lack of reliability. More sophisticated statistical approaches have been demonstrated, including cluster analysis, principal components analysis (PCA), and chemical mass balance (CMB). However, there are limitations in requiring an input of source emission profiles to calculate source contributions when a CMB model has been used to identify and quantify sources of pollutants (Duval and Friedlander, 1981; Li et al., 2001, 2003). PCA, which can provide information on source contributions, in conjunction with multivariate linear regression (MLR), has been performed to identity and apportion PAH sources in the air, soil, and sediment in many cities (Harrison et al., 1996; Larsen and Baker, 2003; Li et al., 2006b; Zuo et al., 2007). In our previous work, we reported the concentrations, spatial distribution and sources of PAHs in surface sediments of the Yangtze estuary, Huangpu River and Suzhou River in Shanghai, China, and identified pyrogenic sources as important contributors of sedimentary PAHs in the Huangpu River (Liu et al., 2008). The purpose of this work is to further identify the major sources of sedimentary PAHs in the Huangpu River by cluster analysis and principal component analysis, and to carry out quantitative sources apportionment and to discuss seasonal variations of PAH pollution based on the PCA/MLR. Methylnaphthalenes and 18 PAHs, including 16 PAHs identified by the US EPA as priority pollutants, were monitored in surface sediments. A total organic carbon (TOC) analysis was also carried out to normalize the sedimentary PAH concentrations of Huangpu River to reduce the effect of sediment property on PAH concentration. The results of this study will provide valuable information for regulatory actions to improve the environmental quality of Huangpu River, Shanghai. 2. Experimental methods 2.1. Sample collection and analysis Eight sampling stations were selected along the Huangpu River in Fig. 1; details of the sampling stations are listed elsewhere (Liu et al., 2008). Surface sediment samples were collected at 8 sampling stations using a grab dredge in April (spring), August (summer), October (autumn) and December (winter) of 2006. A total of 32 samples were used in this work. Surface sediment samples were air-dried in the dark, sieved to <0.076 mm (200 mesh) after removing stones and residual roots, and stored at −4 °C until analysis. 16 PAHs characterized by the US EPA as priority pollutants were analyzed, including naphthalene (Nap), acenaphthylene (AcNy), fluorene (Fl), acenaphthene (AcNe), phenanthrene (PhA), anthracene (An), fluoranthene (FlA), pyrene (Py), benz [a]anthracene (BaA), chrysene (Chy), benzo[b]fluoranthene (BbF), benzo[k]fluoranthene (BkF), benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene (IP), benzo[ghi]perylene (BghiP), and dibenz[a,h]anthracene (DBahA). In addition to the 16 priority PAHs, benzo[e]pyrene (BeP), perylene (Pery), 1-methylnaphthalene and 2-methylnapthalene were also analyzed. Two isomers of methylnaphthalenes were pooled as total methylnaphthalenes (MNap). Sample extraction and cleanup were carried out according to Method 3540C and Method 3630C published by US EPA (USEPA, 1996). After extraction and cleanup, samples were concentrated and adjusted to 1 mL volume for analysis. PAH analysis was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a photodiode array detector. Identification of PAHs was based on retention time and the ultraviolet spectra of PAH standards. The quantification was performed by the external standard method. The ultraviolet measuring wavelengths include 218 nm (NaP), 223 nm (MNaP), 226 nm (AcNe and AcNy), 249 nm (IP), 254 nm (Fl, PhA and An), 266 nm (Chy), 286 nm (FlA and BaA), 300 nm (BbF, BkF, BaP, DBahA and BghiP), 330 nm (BeP), 334 nm (Py) and 433 nm (Pery). Detailed procedures for sample preparation, extraction, cleanup, measurement and quality control are described elsewhere (Liu et al., 2007b, 2008). Method detection limits were 1–19 ng/ g-dw, and spiked recoveries of PAHs were 87–113%. All of the samples taken were analyzed in triplicate, and the relative standard deviation was less than 20%. Total organic carbon (TOC) analysis was performed with the Shimadzu TOC-Vcpn analyzer with the solid sample module (SSM-5000A). The overall precision of measurements was less than 3% (n = 3). Fig. 1 – Sediment sampling locations in the Huangpu River. 2933 S CI EN C E OF TH E T OTAL EN V I RO N M EN T 4 0 7 ( 2 0 09 ) 29 3 1–2 93 8 PCA factor scores and the standardized normal deviation of total PAH concentrations (normalization first to organic carbon and then scaled to mean and standard deviation) as independent and dependent variables, respectively (Larsen and Baker, 2003). The regression was run using a forward stepwise method. The standardized regression coefficients were used to represent the relative contributions from various sources (Larsen and Baker, 2003; Zuo et al., 2007). Fig. 2 – Hierarchical dendogram for 18 PAHs in the Huangpu River sediments using average linkage between groups and Pearson correlation as measure interval. 2.2. Statistical analyses Before statistical analysis of data, we replaced undetectable values by a random number between zero and the limit of detection, and eliminated AcNy as it was undetectable in most of the samples. Different hydraulic conditions at the different sampling locations lead to different deposition rates and to different sediment properties, e.g., TOC content and particle size distribution. Many researchers have indicated that organic carbon is an important controlling factor of the sorption of PAHs on sediments (Karickhoff et al., 1979; Wang et al., 2001; Zakaria et al., 2002). In order to reduce this effect, we sieved sediment samples to <0.076 mm (200 mesh) before analysis, and normalized PAH concentrations to TOC contents. At the same time, normalization to TOC produced a normalized dataset for the following statistical analysis. Statistical analyses, including the Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) test, ANOVA, cluster analysis, principal components analysis, and multivariate linear regression, were performed using SPSS 13.0 for Windows. The K–S test was carried out to test the frequency distribution of PAH data, and all of the variables after normalization to TOC achieved a normal distribution with P > 0.05. A repeated measures one-way ANOVA procedure was performed to test the significant differences of the PAH dataset. The contents of the individual PAHs were hierarchically clustered using weighted average linkage between the groups and the Pearson correlation for the cluster intervals (Zhang et al., 2006). PCA, as a multivariate analytical tool, was used to reduce the set of original variables (measured PAH contents in sediment samples) and to extract a small number of latent factors (principal components) to analyze the relationships among the observed variables. In detail, all factors with eigenvalues over 1 were extracted according to KMO and Bartlett's test of sphericity, and were rotated using the Varimax method. MLR was conducted using 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Source estimates from cluster analysis Cluster analysis was performed to identify the homogeneous groups of individual PAHs in the Huangpu River sediments. The result of the cluster analysis is shown in the hierarchical dendogram (Fig. 2), which distinguishes the 18 individual PAHs into three major groups. The first group, which includes MNap, Nap, Fl and AcNe, belongs to the low molecular weight PAHs with 2–3 rings or alkyl-substituted PAHs, which are abundant in petrogenic sources mainly caused by petroleum spills, e.g., fresh or used crankcase oil, crude and fuel oil (Marr et al., 1999; Utvik et al., 1999; Dobbins et al., 2006; Gonzalez et al., 2006; Ye et al., 2006). The second major group is subdivided into two subgroups. The first subgroup contains BbF, BkF, BaP, BeP, DBahA and BghiP, which are the high molecular weight PAHs with 5–6 rings. The second subgroup consists of PhA, FlA, Py, BaA, Chy and IP, most of which are 4 ring PAHs. Both of these subgroups are usually detected in pyrogenic source, e.g., combustion of coal, wood, vehicle fuel and waste tire (Levendis et al., 1998; Zakaria et al., 2002; Wang et al., 2007). The third major group contains only two components of An and Pery, and currently has an unknown source, which is further discussed in the PCA. 3.2. Diagnostic ratios of PAHs The relative abundances or diagnostic ratios are useful indicators of PAH sources because isomer pairs are diluted to a similar extent upon mixing with natural particulate matter, and are distributed similarly to other phases as they have comparable thermodynamic partitioning and kinetic mass transfer coefficients (Dickhut et al., 2000). Diagnostic ratios of PAHs, such as the ratio of LMW (2–3 ring PAHs) to HMW (4–6 ring PAHs), An/(PhA + An) and FlA/(FlA + Py), can be used to identify the possible emission sources, as summarized in Table 1 – The range of diagnostic ratios for PAHs sources Diagnostic ratio Petrogenic Pyrogenic LMW/HMW >1 <1 An/(PhA + An) <0.1 >0.1 FlA/(FlA + Py) <0.4 >0.4 References Soclo et al. (2000), Rocher et al. (2004), Wang et al. (2006) Yunker et al. (2002), Zhang et al. (2004), Li et al. (2006a) Yunker et al. (2002), Zhang et al. (2004), Li et al. (2006a) 2934 S CI EN CE OF T H E T OTAL EN V I RO N M EN T 4 0 7 ( 2 0 09 ) 29 3 1–2 93 8 Fig. 3 – PAH cross plots for the ratios of An/(An + PhA) vs. FlA/ (FlA + Py). Table 1. The ratios of LMW/HMW in the Huangpu River sediments range from 0.12 to 0.59 with a mean of 0.33. The ratio of LMW/HMW is < 1, indicating a predominance of combustion source (Soclo et al., 2000; Rocher et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2006). In Fig. 3, the ratios of An/(An + PhA) range ttfrom 0.12 to 0.39 with a mean of 0.27, and the ratios of FlA/ (FlA + Py) range from 0.39 to 0.57 with a mean of 0.49. These are similar to measures for combustion, especially coal combustion of power plants and liquid fossil fuel (vehicle and crude oil) combustion (Yunker et al., 2002; Zhang et al., 2004; Li et al., 2006a). Therefore, pyrogenic sources are the major sources of PAHs in the Huangpu River sediments. 3.3. Source estimates from principal components analysis The purpose of PCA is to represent the total variability of the original PAH data with a minimum number of factors. By critically evaluating the factor loadings, an estimate of the chemical source responsible for each factor can be made (Larsen and Baker, 2003). The rotated factors of 18 normalized PAHs (by TOC) from the Huangpu River sediments are presented in Table 2. The three factors account for 83.9% of the variability in the data. Factor 1, which explains 43.9% of total variance, is dominated by PhA, FlA, Py, Chy, BaA, BbF, BkF, BaP, DBahA, IP, BghiP and BeP. Factor 2, contributing 20.1% of total variance, is highly weighted by An and Pery. Factor 3, which explains 19.9% of total variance, is dominated by MNap, Nap, Fl and AcNe. The result of PCA is similar to that of the cluster analysis above. Factor 3, corresponding to the first group, represents a petrogenic source; Factor 1, corresponding to the second group, represents pyrogenic source PAHs; and Factor 2, corresponding to the third group, represents an unknown source. In Table 2, the loadings of An and Pery are 0.87 and 0.89, respectively. It is unusual to have An and Pery covary in environmental samples. Pery is a natural compound formed from biogenic precursors (e.g., perylenequinone pigments) during early diagenesis, while trace concentrations of perylene are generated through combustion of fossil fuel (Hites et al., 1980; Venkatesan, 1988; Boonyatumanond et al., 2006; Ye et al., 2006). The biogenic production of An is negligible in comparison to Pery, because An is susceptible to biogradation (Santos et al., 2008), hence Pery might be primarily combustion generated. Therefore, Factor 3, namely the third group, is believed to be an unknown combustion source, although we cannot explain why An was classified in this group. According to the cluster analysis, the pyrogenic source can be subdivided into two subgroups, which represent two kinds of different pyrogenic sources. However, the results of PCA cannot differentiate the two subsets of pyrogenic sources, even if the number of principal components is set as 4. Since pyrogenic sources of PAHs are the main objectives investigated in order to control PAH pollution in the Huangpu River sediments, the unknown source can be ignored in this investigation. We therefore removed data about An and Pery from the data matrix and performed the PCA again in order to further investigate the pyrogenic sources of PAHs. The rotated factors of the 16 PAHs without Pery and An are shown in Table 3. There are again three factors, accounting for 84.8% of the variability in the data. The first factor is responsible for 35.0% of the total variance. This factor is heavily weighted in BkF, BaP, DBahA, BghiP and BeP, along with moderate loadings for Py, BbF and IP. These PAH components, the high molecular weight PAHs with 5–6 rings, basically belong to the first subgroup of Group 2 of the cluster analysis. The source this factor represents appears to be road dust collected from the Shanghai urban area (Ren et al., 2006; Liu et al., 2007a) and is vehicular (gasoline and diesel) in nature (Harrison et al., 1996; Larsen and Baker, 2003; Ye et al., 2006; Zuo et al., 2007). BghiP has been identified as a tracer of auto emissions because it was found to be enriched in a traffic tunnel along with BaP (Harrison et al., 1996; Larsen and Baker, 2003; Table 2 – Rotated component matrix of 18 PAHs from the Huangpu River sediment a No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PAH MNap Nap Fl AcNe PhA An FlA Py Chy BaA BbF BkF BaP DBahA IP BghiP BeP Pery Estimated source Variance (%) a b Principal components 1 2 3 0.03 0.03 0.30 0.32 0.69 0.20 0.90 0.91 0.88 0.93 0.82 0.72 0.74 0.68 0.79 0.70 0.76 − 0.17 −0.08 −0.10 0.46 0.35 0.10 0.87 −0.26 0.23 −0.12 −0.04 0.34 0.36 0.58 0.59 0.18 0.64 0.45 0.89 0.95 b 0.94 0.74 0.82 0.49 0.08 0.18 0.18 0.22 0.15 0.10 −0.20 −0.12 −0.17 0.18 0.15 0.21 0.14 Pyrogenic 43.9 Unknown 20.1 Petrogenic 19.9 Rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser normalization. Bold loadings > 0.70. S CI EN C E OF TH E T OTAL EN V I RO N M EN T 4 0 7 ( 2 0 09 ) 29 3 1–2 93 8 Table 3 – Rotated component matrix of 16 PAHs from the Huangpu River sediment a No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 PAH MNap Nap Fl AcNe PhA FlA Py Chy BaA BbF BkF BaP DBahA IP BghiP BeP Estimated source Variance (%) a b Principal components 1 2 3 − 0.17 − 0.19 0.41 0.34 0.36 0.23 0.65 0.31 0.43 0.69 0.77 0.91 0.88 0.56 0.88 0.78 0.13 0.15 0.11 0.17 0.59 0.92 0.68 0.86 0.85 0.55 0.32 0.30 0.24 0.58 0.28 0.39 0.93 b 0.91 0.80 0.87 0.49 0.12 0.21 0.18 0.13 0.15 − 0.11 − 0.01 − 0.06 0.21 0.26 0.29 Traffic 35.0 Coal 27.0 Petrogenic 22.8 Rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser normalization. Bold loadings > 0.70. (Levendis et al., 1998). Some researchers have also reported PhA, FlA, Py as predominant in coal combustion profiles (Harrison et al., 1996; Zuo et al., 2007). In Shanghai, coal is the most important energy source and is used widely for industrial and domestic purposes, especially in the steel and power industry. The Shanghai municipal electric power supply is mainly derived from coal-burning power plants. It is reasonable to assign this factor to coal combustion. The third factor is responsible for 22.8% of the total variance, and is heavily weighted in MNap, Nap, Fl and AcNe, the same as the result of the former PCA. This factor is suggested to be indicative of volatilization or spill of petroleum-related products (Marr et al., 1999; Utvik et al., 1999; Zakaria et al., 2002; Luca et al., 2004; Dobbins et al., 2006; Gonzalez et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2006; Ye et al., 2006), e.g., from the waterway transportation industry. This factor is believed to be the petrogenic source of PAHs. In general, the first PCA of PAH data shows that there are three PAH sources in the Huangpu River sediments, namely pyrogenic, petrogenic and an unknown combustion source. The second PCA of data without Pery and An (the unknown source) divides the pyrogenic source of PAHs into two subsets, one traffic-related and the other due to coal combustion. 3.4. Boonyatumanond et al., 2007). The higher level of BkF relative to other PAHs is suggested to indicate diesel vehicles (Venkataraman et al., 1994; Larsen and Baker, 2003). On the other hand, this factor is moderately weighted in IP, which has also been found in both diesel and gas engine emissions (May and Wise, 1984; Larsen and Baker, 2003) and gasoline vehicle soot (Boonyatumanond et al., 2007). Therefore, this factor is selected to represent the traffic-related source of PAHs. The second factor is responsible for 27.0% of the total variance. This factor is predominately composed of FlA, Chy and BaA (4-ring PAHs) with moderate loadings of PhA, Py, BbF and IP. There are similar PAH components between this factor and the second subgroup of Group 2 in the cluster analysis. The literature reports that 4-ring PAHs are abundant in the road dust in Bangkok city (Boonyatumanond et al., 2007) and Kuala Lumpur city (Zakaria et al., 2002), but the abundance of 4-ring PAHs is lower in the road dust in Shanghai city (Ren et al., 2006; Liu et al., 2007a) compared with these. The ratio of PAHs (4 rings) to PAHs (5–6 rings), abbreviated PAHs(4)/PAHs(5 + 6), is greater than 1 in Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur, according to the PAH profiles of road dust (Zakaria et al., 2002; Boonyatumanond et al., 2007). However, PAHs(4)/PAHs(5+ 6) is 0.3–0.8 in the central Shanghai area (Liu et al., 2007a) and 0.5–1.1 in the Shanghai urban area (Ren et al., 2006). In this paper, we show that PAHs(4)/ PAHs(5 + 6) in the sediment, 0.8–1.4 with a mean of 1.1, is more than that in the road dust from Shanghai. This indicates that there should be an additional PAH source (not traffic-related) leading to the higher ratio of PAHs(4)/PAHs(5 + 6). Duval and Friedlander (1981) considered PhA, FlA, Py, BaA and Chy as markers of coal combustion. According to PAH data from the combustion of pulverized coal and tire crumbs at 1000 °C (near the temperature of coal combustion in the coal-burning power plant), PhA, FlA and Py are the dominant PAHs with lower concentrations of 5–6 ring PAHs detected in furnace effluents 2935 Contribution of PAH sources The ultimate goal of source apportionment is to determine the percent contribution of different PAH sources for a given samples. We unveiled the major sources of sedimentary PAHs in the Huangpu River using diagnostic ratios, cluster analysis and PCA. We then calculated the percent contributions of the major sources using multivariate linear regression (MLR) from the PCA factor scores and the standardized normal deviation of total PAH concentrations as our independent and dependent variables, respectively. Several authors (Harrison et al., 1996; Larsen and Baker, 2003; Zuo et al., 2007) have reported applying PCA/MLR to apportion sources of PAHs in the urban atmosphere and surface soils. The mean percent contribution of source i is the ratio of the regression coefficient for factor i to the sum of all the regression coefficients, according to the description in the literature (Larsen and Baker, 2003). The factor scores are from the result of PCA without Pery and An. The R squared value for MLR is 0.983 and the P values for the regression coefficients are less than 0.05. Thus, the mean contribution percents are 40% for the vehicular source, 36% for the coal combustion source, and 24% for the petrogenic source. The traffic-related source (40%) is the first contributor to the PAHs. There are two origins of traffic-related PAHs in the Huangpu River. For one thing, traffic-related PAHs in road dust can enter the sediments through urban runoff (Zakaria et al., 2002; Murakami et al., 2005; Boonyatumanond et al., 2006, 2007). In recent decades, a rapid increase in motor vehicles in Shanghai has aggravated PAH pollution in the Huangpu River sediments. For example, the number of taxis increased from 11,298 in 1990 to 48,022 in 2006 (Yin, 2007). Exhaust from cargo vessels and passenger ferries in the Huangpu River also plays an important role as a PAH contributor, and should not be ignored in the discussion of sedimentary PAHs. In fact, cargo vessels are responsible for most coal transportation to coal- 2936 S CI EN CE OF T H E T OTAL EN V I RO N M EN T 4 0 7 ( 2 0 09 ) 29 3 1–2 93 8 burning power plants located along the Huangpu River. Passenger ferries also still serve the public, despite the rapid development of traffic facilities across the Huangpu River. Furthermore, compared with automobiles, more PAHs are emitted from vessels and ferries because most of them are not equipped with catalytic converters (Rogge et al., 1993). Coal combustion (36%) is the second contributor to PAHs. In recent years, most coal in Shanghai is used to generate electric power due to a control on the emission of SO2, NOx and suspended particles. However, coal consumption in the power industry in Shanghai is continually increasing, from 3.0 million tons in 1980 to 10.6 million tons in 1990 to 25.0 million tons in 2005 (SLCO, 2008a), causing a high percent contribution of coal combustion. Several large-scale coal-burning power plants are located along the Huangpu River, leading to an easy input of coal combustion PAHs into the Huangpu River. Petrogenic sources (24%) form the third contributor to PAHs. Petrogenic sources include crude oil and refined products (e.g., crude and fuel oil). Zakaria et al. (2002) thought that there were two major input routes to aquatic environments, namely (1) spillage and dumping of waste crankcase oil and (2) leakage of crankcase oils from vehicles onto road surfaces, with subsequent washout by street runoff. In China, waste crankcase oil has been included in the national list of hazardous wastes, and its dumping is illegal and punished by law. In general, most used crankcase oil is recycled by garages in vehicle maintenance. However, if crankcase oil is replaced in private, it may be improperly stored or deposited, allowing for indiscriminate spillage to the ground and streets or even for oil to be poured directly into drains or the water environment, as there is currently no efficient recycling program for used crankcase oil in Shanghai. In addition, vessel maintenance and fuel supply may lead to input of petrogenic PAHs into the sediment. 3.5. Seasonal variation Contamination of the bottom sediment is often a gradual process. However, the repeated measures one-way ANOVA results indicate a distinct seasonal variation, that is, the concentrations of total PAHs are significantly higher in the spring than in the other seasons (at the significant level of 0.05). The mean concentrations of total PAHs in different seasons are listed in Table 4. In order to further investigate the causes, the contributions of three important sources in different seasons are calculated in Table 4, according to the following formula of Larsen and Baker (2003). Contribution of source i ðng=mg TOCÞ = mean X Bi + Bi dPAHs FSi Bi = X 16 PAHs where Bi/ΣBi is the ratio of the regression coefficient for factor i to the sum of all of the regression coefficients, FSi is the factor score for factor i, and δPAHs is the standard deviation of total PAH concentrations after normalization to organic carbon. A higher concentration of total PAHs in the spring results from a higher contribution of coal combustion and petrogenic sources. The repeated measures one-way ANOVA results suggest that the contributions of coal combustion in spring are significantly higher than those in the summer and autumn, and that those of the petrogenic source in spring are higher than in the other seasons (at the significant level of 0.05). As for coal combustion, 71.3 BkW h of electric power were generated during 2006, most from coal-burning power plants in Shanghai (SMEPC, 2008). This indicates that the consumption of electric power can reflect the consumption of coal in Shanghai. Statistical data in Table 4 show that the consumption of electric power in the summer and winter (19.9 and 18.4 BkW h) is more than that in the spring and autumn (16.4 and 16.9 BkW h). This results in higher PAH pollution from coal combustion in the summer and winter, which disagrees with the result of PAH source apportionment (higher PAH pollution in the spring). There are two reasons leading to this disagreement. For one thing, winter in Shanghai is a dry season with 102 mm of average seasonal rainfall (~9% of average annual rainfall), and a rainy period follows from April 15th to May 15th with ~14% of average annual rainfall (157 mm) (SLCO, 2008b), leading to PAHs in the air and soil generated in the winter being brought into the Huangpu River in the spring through rainfall and surface runoff. In addition, as a coastal city, Shanghai is affected by summer monsoons, which bring in clean oceanic winds in the summer that dilute local air pollutants (Feng et al., 2006); PAHs from coal combustion are typical air pollutants. As for petrogenic PAHs, the lower temperature in the winter and spring is an important factor, because low temperature decreases the evaporation of petrogenic PAHs (Feng et al., 2006). Meanwhile, rainfall in the spring brings particles with petrogenic and coal combustion PAHs into the Huangpu River. For the traffic-related source, the contribution in the spring is significantly lower than that in Table 4 – Seasonal differentiation of PAHs sources Season a Spring Summer Autumn Winter a Temperature (°C) b Electric power (BkW h) c Total PAHs (ng/mg-TOC) d 8.4–19 23–27 12–23 3.6–6.2 16.4 19.9 16.9 18.4 137.2 102.5 105.1 103.4 Pollution source of PAHs (ng/mg-TOC) e Traffic Coal combustion Petrogenic 40.2 33.7 57.2 48.8 54.1 34.5 33.1 40.1 35.3 28.7 21.1 21.6 Spring in Shanghai is March–May, summer is June–August, autumn is September–November, and winter is December–next February. Data were official statistics from 1951 to 1990 (SLCO, 2008b). c Seasonal loads of Shanghai electric power grid, and unit is billion kilowatt-hours. Data from Match 2006 to February 2007 were provided by Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company (SMEPC, 2008). d Mean of total PAHs concentrations of 8 sampling locations; total PAHs is sum of observed concentrations of 16 PAHs listed in Table 3. e Mean source contributions of 8 sampling locations. b S CI EN C E OF TH E T OTAL EN V I RO N M EN T 4 0 7 ( 2 0 09 ) 29 3 1–2 93 8 2937 variate analysis methods show that the contributions of coal combustion, traffic-related pollution and spill of oil products are dominant in the Huangpu River sediments. The results of diagnostic ratios show that pyrogenic sources are the major source of PAHs. PCA/MLR further apportions the sources' contributions, and the results show that the contributions of coal combustion, traffic-related pollution and spill of oil product are 40%, 36% and 24%, respectively. The pyrogenic sources (coal combustion and traffic-related pollution) contribute 76% of anthropogenic PAHs to the Shanghai sediments. Energy consumption is a predominant reason for PAH pollution in Shanghai. Sedimentary PAH pollution is significantly higher in the spring than in the other seasons. The higher concentrations in the spring are attributed to the higher contribution of coal combustion and petrogenic sources. Rainfall, monsoon and temperature play important roles in producing the distinct seasonal variation of sedimentary PAHs. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 20477030 and 40601095) and the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission (Nos. 05JC14059 and 04JC14072). 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