Kcli Ions. EE ADVERTISER. Rer; A, S. Billingsly, will F.uOWNVILLE, JAN. 27, 19. J preach at the Presbyterian Church next ... . ' f r. F..ore .. IS ..VKltid UiC Cb - - .60 3.00 13 " be furnished at $1,60 per , te i'- -" order, net ' - . -- 1 '"iiivix CUliteii' Shoe Store, 80 Uett LaJie'd t v-- Agricultural Socictj. of the Real niLrBT. Proprietor Clacaao, 111. LCer, Ma"n""Tenne, Advening Agent, in rear of ..,--- . J owtN io ana o Cu, Jw. croauway, , xctxu. American Canadean and European ktasciiptwa .Slse,Xl Nassau street ;.,'. ui e. I ,u jt; . Saint l..ttii!. :.r. . pearl rn irrvi, a- drentsto i,uc:t ubtription and receipt C3 -' ,..r ,c Advertiser, aud receive and ' there' or. ..V-al lii tin Territory, coming from various . . ..;;.-',.- -- tirt Mates, c.f'.eu Vi. :u v vho tp .:. .i mm'. J 1:r'-'."- a mi ..!iuUM U r.:-.- i'er .ve auctions et .' : wcla l'uDiiess me "jvu- c r . nt persmis rcgu- - coi'T or to wjcaie a 01 i.-i-- nTnn;lv attended to. Si c -- Nebraska ACTeni pest circulation of any paper in ercharts in Bt. o fvC' Resole Tem. Joseph, Cincinnati and other , Elwasceh East-TL'te- ts pur- - vhsre Nebraska cierchanU no better advertising medium "'"xri'A fLni V. ' co! 1 or the Advertuser. Chess Problem. mac. .k a: liUhop Q".s are but few ; ; G -.vr.- -a:(7; k.;.ut KiMTs Knizht 6; r Kiln: s lvinuui t Is ij Bhck. Ivir.L'" a: I' G ; ; :aiQ-5irrs2- j'.: -1 at Ki::'T s Ilcok 7. lav and mate in three moves. Hook. Xc'iucitcd. Territorial Agricultural Pair. Territorial '.Hoard cf Agriculture to held its first Annual . ivcaiiy second, i:: fn the tizcviy-firinext, at a irnAj-tlircf determined upon, agreea- .:,t vet t' : j iL j rovislcns.of the following res - - j tod It the Beard ,1:,- - jft.-rrn'inc- -- U frj-temle- d ;:.S'rrf;lhat r the i'res;dentLeautnor tiA c;rc:ted to solicit propositions : tb dintTent counties as inducements to be stipulated by the :r u::..;.? the'j-lacfor holding- the Ttrritori- ;rr. ;r I l.:r, a:.d that the citizens of the the brest donations, privileg-- : t accommodations shall te z u'l vntitlud to name the place where ; Pair shall b held at the above --1 . - coun-'ij'-ri:- even nurserymen who understand putting up trees and shrubbery for transportation. As evidence of the manner in which Elwanger Sc Barry put up trees, we will state that last spring we received at this place, shipped direct from Rochester, a lot cf about 100 dwarf fruit trees, flowering shrubs, Sec., and out of the whole lot we lost not one: and quite a number produced fruit and flowers the same season they were shipped and transplanted! They take the pains, in shipping any distance, to prepare the roo;s of all trees and shrubs by dipping them into thin clay mortar, which adheres sufficiently to protect even the smallest fibre from drying out ; they are then carefully packed in moss in boxes, iron bound. This in our opinion is the only reliable manner of transporting trees, and those who are thus particular should meet with a liberal support, a reward we are pleased to know Elwanger & Barry are receiving. ?ij:.re hereby given, that proposals Le received at my oCice in Brownville, , II IVlriiary lo, frem points in the rritcry dcdri:!g the fair held at their Centrahty, accessibility, acccm-- i iatiens, prouhds and their preparation, V th;r with "material aid," tendered U." l.r. f:t of the Society, will be ta-- . n ii.to c:r iieration, in deciding upon I p.int at which the Fair will be held. .:.; -i- '.ktis must state in detail their T.'vis:;:, tiid be accompanied by rclia-1- ..trantrci for a faithful compliance. TLere will undoubtedly assembled Territorial Fair the largest gath-ylc:;?vvn in Nebraska; and a mere avto the pecuniary advanta- le ei.'ved by the point securing ur.uai Fair, is perhaps all that de- e Ki.u as a stimulant to lS-'9- - ' Charley?" Parents read the short story on first page. Who has not a little "Charley" who is too often sent to school or to play in the streets in order to get rid of his noise or mquisitiveness? Be careful of Office. Charles B. Smith, Esq., Receiver of Public Moneys' Xcmaha Land District. Robert W. Furnas, E?q., Editor Advertiser Brownville Messrs. Lushbaegb i. Carn? Bankers, Brownville, Hon. W. M. T. Hamiltou, Haerstown. Maryland. Lewis R. Newcomer Esq. Baltimore, Mi. O H Barnet, Esq , Dayton, Ohio. Hon. Eenner i'urgnson. Delegate in Congress from Nebraska Tenritory, Washington, V. C. John A. Real, Esq., Attorney at Law, Peru, Ind. no43tf Brownville, April 22. HUDSON GEORGE, T. W. BEDFORD. Notary Public County burveyor dies' Home Magazine" is upon our table. It is exceedingly interesting. Who will make up a club ? Terms, 'J sicgie copy; ciuds or 4 or over A sample can be seen at this office. Riproarous. will be. issued immedi'y afK r uec:ding upon the point at t'.. Fair w'll be. held. Persons :rci;-:..t the Territory, feeling an in- v. Fruit Trees. BrownviUe Nursery. .V s Office. Letters ::::::";::(.--s -- ' (HLvdt d, and Native, Oxen.Milch .end I at Cattle.) 'Mules, Jacks, -'-- ' f ; Sw inp, Poultry, Farm Implements, ..'ucmred V"are'sf Plowing latch, Salt, Flour, Meal, Butter, Bread, 1 - ii-r- - t';t'st, ilcuey, Sugar lolasses, -- : A:i.) -v. Cooper'sware, Amack. D. Am George Bookbin- - Bingley Belrel William Bruker Jacob i. . Conrad Nicholas 2 Chard John 6 roc e ege:allos, Gram, Field Crops, .1I arms. Femah- pnttpctrinn-?-I ' v eharacter, composition and - moe c. cultivating Nebraska soil, !:; :c;an:-cusand others. apcrs throughout ' the territory are1 V --ia- 1 ttu . , -- Veiled . to copy and notice. . R. W. FURNAS, ctueiii iemtonal Beard of Arrri- - 'ire. Lrownrilie, N. T. Jan. 27, 1S59. Aliut cu luetdav. John H Manning RC Mimck Elizabeth Cowperthwait Bich'd Eiifca Monroe A Q McLaughlin Charles NUkerson Lew is Prosser Jonathan Ripple Henry Reynolds Heury Ross R. Sam. Smith Jacob Stewart Margaret Elliot Henry Steys Samnel Scott Henry Scott Mrs. . C. Sinclair Mrs. F. Fowler S D Freiberg August Carl William Harrison James E 2 Hawler XTOrester 2 S Da rid Lull M Lyons Jeremiah Longfellow Joseph 2 n Persons calling for are advertised. th- - ' lit " soft rrrle, iynn and Wdlnut nniaLiug lumber; cotton-woo- d, MEW PAEST SHOP. The undersigned begs leave to inform the citizens of this place and vicinity that be has started a new Paint Shop in Brownville, and will attend to all work iu the Paintinc Department, that he may be favored with. HOUSE, SIGN, SCENIC, O BS AM Molasses, EXT AJL PAEVTEXG: GRECIAN OIL, THE Cioths, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. They have also on hand a large lot of A BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, DESKS, BUREAUS, SC, selected Stock sc. of ?-- e- fivedolUrs: three oopies one year six dollars. L. A. GOODET, Chesnut street Philadelphia. Tho Bank Note Register. Detector, Counterfeit EDWARD' L. LEE, Published by Ao. E'even, Exchange Street, Bvjfalo. X. Y. AXD MONTHLY. Payable in Advance. - $2 00 per annum. 1 00 " For the 75 For the 1IONTHLY To Postmasters or others who will aid the circulation of the Register by the forming of clubs, we will send as fellows: 5 copies of the Weekly, one vear $3 00 SEMI-MONTH- " 5 00 CODINGTON &" to tho TriTtUn;' labile that tucTw now running as a Fcrrv across tb Misjouri Jtirar at An entirely new, nbtantial end conmodious AXN'OUNCE BOAT, STEAM FERRY secure a acu N. T. atran-rcmcn- t llefercnces. Postmaster, R. W. Frame, Peru Probate J udge, Neb. City County Clerk, Browni'.le Wm. E. Pardee, K E Parker ilo. Sonora, Lyford ft Horn, YVitli practicable ronte by persoual excricnee,as i s that of hundreds of others who have traveled it. We claim therefor that this crossing tad route hul Jj out peculiarly favorable inducement?, to persona joins L California, and solicit their patronage. Not withstanding our superior arrangements for a safa andipeedycrossin, ourcbare?" are the same as tb?t Ferriejin Nebraska, all bcin rrgulatcd by Lejiila-tiv- e enactment. SIlecol'ect that with onr fnril'ities cf Power, no kinds cf weather will prcveat oar Uoats fram making regular trips at allhour3. ZTA skill and hanl will be in readinrs torrces foot passengers at all times r f nijht. ' n20 November llth,13j7. ! ! Corn. Proprietors. JGI1X ILXAPP, Daily in advance in advar.ee Weekly in advance Weekly not paid in advance, Sunday Republican To Club3 of five Dailies, To Clubs cf six To Cluts of fourteen Weeklies Also, $10 00 5 2 3 2 40 25 20 Tri-Wee- . LOST . w-l- St. Louis, Missouri. Japaned Vare, Brass Kettles, Iantlierrsst Copper Wai c. Sli ' 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A Fur Glove on Monday, December ltth, jomewhere between the head of Main street, and South Brownville The finder, by returning said glove to this cKce, will be liberally rewarded with the kindest thanks. Brownville, Dec. 23d. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Bedford 5t George, who have been associated as surveyors and Real Estate Agents, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All unsettled business of the Arm, will beat-tendty T. W. Bedford. T. W. BEDFORD. HUDSON GLORGE. Brownville, Dec. 15, 1S53. ' i?3IX. & ' EMERSON. U. We would ropcotfu'!y inform tho of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that wo havo always on hand a lare arid well select I supply of LUJIBim, which wc caafamishatlow-e- r rates than any mill in the Territory. Market prices paid for logj delivered at the yard oron the bank cf the rivr. All orders accompanied with the cash, vril.rcceir our immediate attcnti n. F. LAKE. W. II. HOOVER. Brownville. N'emha fit v. N. eiti-xe- LAKE r ! ' EROWITVILLE KOEL LAKE . . H00VE11 & in m ns mi, A.N I NOTARYS PUBLIC. ErcYmvillo and ITcmaha City, EBRASKA TERRITORY. promptly attend to Land Agcacie3, Tonjrs. Drawing ii!'n"y. buyi.i and seliins myself to sell at a? fair ra tes All of which I Ileal Estate, bsyinj and stllin a Crrrmissicn, and on as accommodating terms as any other estab Collections tcr distant dcakTs. and all kindi" 'lakir lishmc-n-t in this reioTi of country. of bu?inei pcrtainirij to their pri fessiia. I hare also now on hand every requisite variety BROWN GODDIN BALLAXTIJSE, MclllIIAN Particularattcr.U.ir. wi'.l be ivt ti i:i Clin declara TV L E WING &. CO VOX PHUL WATERS &. CO of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware, nrfj am prepared statements to tory an i War fcc D A January co John H Hall co to r ut up suttcrinrrand spoutinjr and all other work Deeds frnn: ranty the auth'.ritioi. Ton U. Shapleigh Day co in mv line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike Barnard Adams co having The undersigned had considerable experience 1 ericas ownir;' town lots. rcsni:.n at a dUtanr m planting and cultivating Osage Oranee Hedges, hereTHE EXCELSIOR manner, Tihich I warrant to give satisfaction. ViTa rra ?i f y I c;m n, do well to wishing to prccora. I pledge myself not to be undersold in the upper by inform tLe public that they are now prepared to conToot the Premium over the best Eastern Manufacture ini nr hnLd.-tract either piaatiug, setting them out, cr growir.; nJ T'lnce the r?zer-?at the State Fair, in Saint Louis; is sold from thirty to couutrv. Is f.--r Lot ' 'Lin the thcif lce y 2aftclati Growing complete. fceiirrcs of cultivating fence tLe any 1S53. to in to equal be Brownville September 2, fifty per cent less, and guaranteed piratiorfcf fix months, a3afur that tl. r.cC their plaining can be seen on the farms of S. W Kenthe United States. nedy, G. Crow, J. Skcen and others in taisjounty Uecded will bcs aJ. Also manufacturers of D. C. a. T. N. 3 ANDERS. Blank? alrrpys cn hand. Laprlituiiirr Sept. 2, lOtf 2 V. IL Letter of in juiiv rrr.nf.lr. of Best quality, and 4 -- It Marrh TL '57. Eddy jameson fit Co Hall Smith &. Co Samuel McCartney Charles Blow Joseph Elder Partridge &. co & Humphreys Tutt Terry, John S thomasoji RUNYAK HlLLMAN fii BROS BASTE WILEY fiiBASTE 6:co Scott &. Bro &. CO Tillan Roziet &. fand tic-dir-e ed WILL HEDGE FENCING. pre-em- pt pr.-curiis- ' Hods, ! ? VIO-l- ei-;alL- rti LIVERY STABLE. 2 WM. ROSSELL, BKOWNVIIiliB, 1ST. T. BEARD is. BiLO., No. 15, Main Street, Saint Louis. Mo Iyv3u4 22So3. Announces to the public that he is prepared to accommodate those wishing with Carriages and Buggies; to-ge:Ler with cood sae horses, forcomfortand ease in travelling. He will also board horses by the dny, week or month. COSMOPOLITAN 1 Gccrgc Ternscn, GREAT WONDER MILLWRIGHT & ENGINEER, XIXETEITVTII OP TI5E CEXTRY ;at Lc ii""rrrrire1 to thy Professor Wood's A y;.OLNLL to erect Stcia s.r.1 Water ar.d p-f- TERMS FAVOR ABLE. ty 'dri. June HAIR RESTORATIVE. Police Gazette. letter Say? the St. Louis, Democrat: Bolow, we National a to Dr. Wod, cf this city, from a gentleman in journal crimes and criminals is in its thir ART ASSOCIATION. 10, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. TERMS. One copy one year, thrcedollars; two copies; one year y, BAKER nou-reside- J We. the undersigded, take pleasure in certifying to the successful test Beard & Brother's Excelsior proof Safes wcresubmitted to in the burning of the City ana are jus Buildings', the iniieteenm tined in recommending them to all who need safes. . Collecting Agent, EXAPP, Plymouth Bock, HIVES. hich certain wii safj pucsas at, all times a:d in all kinds of weather. Tha I'l--jr rictcrs do tv-- t assert tcastla'ly. or for the purpose of ft" iain custom merely, but arc ' governed by tacts, when they say this u tho tut crossing ot the Jussoun J.uer in ebrui:a. anu when they say the route from to Fort PERU, NEMAHA COUNTY, Kearney and fronfther.ee to Lai.foniia is tht nearest NEBRASKA TERRITORY. for evidence they refer the atier tj the map of ths Particular attention paid to making collections for Country; and arc warrantedr ia sayinz it 14 ihe most Charges reasonable. Brownville, Nebraska. July ALSO, Semi-Mocthl- MISSOURI W. P. LOAN, &, Elevated Oven, New E. , olden Era. arid every variety o Parlor and OrUce Steves. ", The Boute from Brownville to Pt. Kearney, and from thence to California, w thm nearest aad most practicable. JOHN McPHHRSON. NEW ARRIVAL op Certificate. THE 15 H. A STIR The Missouri Republican Xcat Fit Guaranteed. PTJMTS of all Descriptions. " .... vestings, &c, The recent test of Safes of the different ilanifactures in the GREAT Fntfi of the City Buildings, iu which the Excelsior triumphed over al! others, fully establish es the superiority of the Excelsior Safe, which merits the conddence cf all interested iu bates, and the security of their contents. The Excelsior being the only safe in the fire for ninety hours, and taktn out after red hot, that saved the Btwsks and Papers, while a large IIIKISTIAN DLlSLi;. number cf the others, in the tire but a short time, were taken out with their contents entirely consumed, mut A IsIiOL.NLr.J5 totherublic that he hasiust re impress all with the necessity of examining therr aafes, ceived, per Steamer Kyland, a very larire and and those purchasing to be sure beyond a doubt, of the Safe having stood the test and come out viworious. we well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stoves, cf pledge ouselves to manufacture none but such as can be new and improved patterns.as follows: relied on, and refer to the following Buck's Pattern, Salaratus, 6 Caution. I caution ali persons whomsoever against baying from Augustus Konntie and Wm Ruth certain town lots known as 'Benedict's Addition' to BrownviUe. Nebraska. J. W. BLISS, CRAYON, IU ly 22, 1SS3. OX Those indebted to me are hereby notified that they can liquidate their indebtedness with corn at the highest market price, delivered at tho store of I. T. hjte in Urownville. 1 his request is made BROWNVTT.T.B, NEBRASKA. only because I am in debt rny3ell,and cannot raise Respectfully announces to the gentlemen of Brown use of corn. Such an arville and vicinity that he has just received from the the money, but can make as a great accommodation East a iaree stock of very superior poods and latest rangement will be taken JESSE 1N0EL. under present circumstances. styles. Brownville, Dec, 2, 1358. Which he ill manufacture on very favorable terms. He flitters himself that be understands bis business thoroughly and all work warranted coming from his esand Weekly. Puhlinlied Daily, tablishment, and charges as low as any other competitor m this place cr the T est. PASCXIALIj IV. GEORGE Bank Safes of Hardened Steel, and Chilled Iron, Jewellers' and Express Safes, Vaults, Bank Locks, &c. Soda, LY w AGENT, Instructions given in the SALYT LOUIS, 310., Spice, Peppers, SEitl-MONTJI- 19-8- LOT AND LAND Imitator of all Kinds of Archer, Richardson Connty, WO ODS A X D MARBLES. SAFE AIM) SCALE WORK LIGHT GROCERIES WEEKLY, Terms to Mail Subscribers For the WEEKLY Brownville, Nov. 4, TS58. ATTORNEY AT LAW. PAPER HANGING, BEAHD & BROTHER, And a fine assortment of Iowa. Brownville Steam Ferry ! fgJiBEST CKOSSLNG ij&Zk. next. AND now prewith prompt- Brownville, April MERCHANT TAILOR, Cheese, Candles, etc., etc., Keokuk. NebrasKa. R. T. RAINEY, Treasurer of Nemaha county, informs the citizeus of said county that be is ready to receive taxes at all times between this and the 1st cf January bc-in- Sugar, Ilcrucr'ibirF.Pt. L'iitoxr, Mi. s Notice to Tax Payers. Two Hundred Ham, Teiin. Ex-Oc- Land Warrants, on Timo C?.slx vnclWarrants Porare prepared all GUAIN1N.G, GILDIA'G, & CO., and inform theirfriend3acd OF Aaapoiia,aZd. v. Hon. J. W. Geary, Kar.ws, Hon. Jas. O. Cars n, P. B. Small. E?i., Pres't S. B.:nk, Col. Gis). ScV.ey. Att'y at l.iw, Charles Pars-inCo. Bankers, Tri-Weel- ly CONSISTING OP 113, lloa. Thus. G. Prat:. 111. M i. Co. ilcr.b.int, bt. Lout, ce that they are PE.OPSIETOP.S LCSi Address McC !e! l.nd, at Law, I SE A Large Stock of Choice Family A well r GENTS' DRESS GOODS. PAY YOUR DEBTS STATEE AID FAACY Tea, Salt, Deut-e- L---. Jno. S. Gjlliher, Laieli Aua. C. ii T Taylor & KriK!i. Bankers, 'biocgt,, has rcmovtsi h's Tin Siiop tront t ront urcet to Main street, nearly opposite the new lluitt, where he has opened up ihe largest stock of ware in his line to be found in the upper country, lie solicts a continuance Juue 10, '53. of patronage. C. r Brser, Smitb.-or-.Es!- ., S'evens. tsn., An'y .it T. J. m r Monthly, $ " 3,00 Advertisements occupying eight lines space" or less, $2.00 par month. Cards of greater length on liberal terms. The Register is circulated among til classes cf Twining W. TV. businessmen, including Banks, Bankers and Merchants throughout the dated States and CanaOas, and thus Worrall G. H 2 offers superior inducements as a medium for advertisTViliman Acny ing. Wally St lomon Single copies can be had of Agents and Newsmen, and If'intin Samuel. sc letters will please say they at cur counter. EDWARD L. LEE, Address JOHN II. MAI N, Steward Joaeph 5tites Emeline True D Thurber Wm 2 Haskell C Emily Hunirfireys D Charles Jewell David Jewell A P Jack Post Of Mow Con Crichneld Hardin Council Jos w Cooper Epbreim Dickey James Duegee Richar4 Darbs Henry Dester Wm. Emerson John nibbard 31, 1S53. McDonald B HcCombs John Martin John F 2 Morris Mrs Mary Masters Kate Bums William Hardware, Chemicals, Saddler's llj'''r'"!. ' the quarter ending Dec. oak and ash fr craft flee for trcamore Win. T. J. il.-t CINCINNATI, O. aire. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining recalled for in the Brownville A.GENTS, Ircnt stree. "West of Smith, Scientific American, Needle, Shell and Wax (cn Needle, Shell and Wax Ihe committee will be composed of Paiutir.gs, Drawings, Designs, i and Hollov.-war- c : Jilechanical ' As. . II. C. Xuttfi Co. Council BiufI of ' sizes to (ireene, Weare &.Rice, to loan Land ! We iloin, '. TX fencing; V ,uu, on such time as they may desire long or short Douglass &. Wauii, settlers C0,Ct,t joist; tills, studding and scantling of al- Col. Sam Uamtlet.m, Ati'y jtLiw, I..mt.ji, Mi. at the usual rates. liiibl every size both hard and soft wox;d; A constant supply of Warrants will be kept on hand Judge Thus. Perry, Cur.teriand. MI. ??,000 " rough and square edged sbeathings; also for sale as cheap as tiey can be bought elsewhere in Prof. U. Tutwiler, Haroi Alabama. 200,000 superior sawed shingles, oak, walnut and cotton town. Oct. 8. wood? also Buy of recular dealers and beware cf bogus warrants. 150,000 lath, a superior article, of unifjrm length, D. N. THOIvIPSOrr, All warrants sold by us will le guaranteed to be thickness and width genuine ia every respect and will be exchanged if deTi.e:r mills are under the charge of experienced and lect iTC. Scient men. and the undersigned flatter themselves Being permanently located in 3rowLi!!c, we can alhat thequaliry of their lumber will compare favorably ways be found at the old stand a few doors east of the nasrecmed 1M professional bn5lne5, id wi:i rc-tiFi.i any oiher made iu the Territory, all cf which wiil BrownviUe noue. in all the Courts of Net'rska, and the Courts in e soiz to sunthe times. ic carson, Lrs!rruuGn Atcbinscn county. Mo. GREEN, SPRING LE &. CO. ar.d Dealers' in Land Warrants. Bankers, Honey creek Mills, 3f ay 20 'M OKce one door west of I. T. Wbytc's 3tore, BrewrsTill 4Stf Engine Builders, Produced in the Foil and climate of Nebras ka, they must prove superior to thoe that are shipped from ihe States. Thev can be obtained earlier in the snring are not miurcd by cutting off the small sprouts Published Weeklv, at No. 12S Fulton Street, New in order to make the shipment less ana 10 lessen me bulk, as our eastern nurserymen do when they semi York, by MUNN & CO. Terms of subscription Two Dollars a year, or one trees abroad. This is a truth that our Nebiaska farmers must take into consideration. To those who wish to have dollar for six months. Club rate. For all clubs of twenty and jover, the Good orchards the proprietors will endeavor to give en tire satisfaction to all who may favor us with scatl yearly subscription is only $1 40. During the planting season, one cf us will be found in Specimen copies will be sent gratis to any part of the the nursery to wait cn those who fiver us with their val country. No itinerating Canvassing Agents employed. GEO. TV. BRATTON , ued orders, JOHN 5- - FA OIUIE. : THE GOLDEN YEAR. S. TVe hereby warn all persons against trespassing, I. among or any any on placed trees, or mark or removing G0DEY,S LADFS BOOK FOB 1S39. B. Si . the said trees. Brownville, N.T., Jan. 13, 1359. . Sm Fifty-sevent- h &. Fifty-eight- h volumes. Dome; The undersigned respectfully announce that they are prepared lo fill all orders in their line promptly Uitix mills four miles northwest of Brownville, near the mouth cf Honeycreek. They have on hand the largest md best assortment of lumber, tliing'es and lathe ever flered in the county or Territory, consisting of 40.0C0 Itot seasoned siding; cotton-woo- d 40 oca flooring; " Xingston. Penn. Cincinnati, Obio John J Pendieton, Esq. Washington City, D. C. HonGalutiaA Grow Dayton. Ohio Hon Joseph G. Crane Ryall i; Charles, Land Agents, Sioux City, Iowa. do do Boster St Hedses, Bankers Lushbaugh& Carson, Bunkers Brownville, N. T. R. W. Furnas. Esq. do do D. W, C. Cleaver, Geological Engineer, Scranton, Ta. Rufus tt. Edwards, Esq. St. Joseph Mo. Col. John G. Fell Waverlev Pa. w. G. Georse, Real Estate Agent, Dayton Ohio v2nll-yl- y Apri!8. 1S53 HATS&OAPS, Boots and Shoes. will be rrquired for Horses, Honey Creek Mills. WE BEFER TO 1 f o Hon. W C Reynolds, ac3LdLl3ry that entaMi.-hniorr- t, inquiry promptly answered. most respectfully Would public generally, i - 25, A. B. HOLLABIRD Madinists, Founders L-t- r. Ijargest The subicribers offer for sale the following varieties of Apple Trees. AVI K I E 11 r of .n. ; U-.n- Office cn Main Street. ALSO bi, - i john Mcpherson, Flour, ns chops, chicitxks, WILL attend promptly to all business entrusted to them in the line of their profession. Will buy and sell Land warrants, make time entries, attend t. the selec- tion and location of Government Lands, Survey Town sites, subdivide Lands. makeoutCity Plats. &.c, &c, Having been located in the Territory for the past year, we are prepared to make the most choice selections for actual settlers. Will pay taxes, investigate titles, and render assistance in contested cases at the U. S. Land DRY GOODS, pt, Tim of ZTro. ' pre-empti- on browjstille, k t. j t pre-em- pt NEBRASKA. BROWNVILLE They have an extensive and varied assortment cf Sii-meu- pre-em- pared to execute all orders in theirline, ness. Having lately enlarged their shop and with OKIE XTAL, OR GLASS PAINTING, On reasonable terms. QUEERS WARE, &.C., the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to paint el neatly and with dispetch. Carriages merit a continuation of the liberal patronage which Haiiig had a number cf years' pratical experience in ha3 heretofore been extended to them. some of the largest Eistern cities, he challenges comwest of the Mississippi, and feels confident that Saw Mill Engines of every. Description. petition be can give perfect satisfaction to ail tuat may favor him Having established themselves at the old stand recent Constantly on hani: consisting of the riash, Circu youselves, that ith their patronage. Call and sec ly occupied by lar and Mnley. Mill Gears and every description of This show can perform all it advertises. CHARLES R. MANNLNG. J as tings, warranted to be wcllmadem everyparticu-la- r. 16, IS5il-6Sept. Brownville, They are now offering and receiving for sale one of the They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee all work in that line furnished by them, and arc preAND BEST ASSORTED STOCKS to work on as reasonable terms as any other pared OP shou in tho country. JACOB MAPJXON, Those in want of anything in onr line, would do pattern new examine call our and well to give us a Ever Brought m this Territory MEE OHtA.IsraD 1 rcsi-eti- tO.Wt REAL ESTATE matter, are earnestly re- IIARDTTAHE AJVD CFTL.ERY, AKlh.lil.b. !j forward to me names of suita- - TellowBellefieur, Swgrr, Winter Tome Gris, hi their vicinity to be placed llawkinz. QUEEXSWARE, Wilowor Limber Twig, White Winter Pairmain, Snow Apple, Uomaniniie, Red 'committees, stating on what Janitan, Baldwin, Domini or Darwin, th-Russet, Euglish.Golden ::.::..tt jc could he or names i.ame Talman's Sweeting, Winesap. Northern Spy. t rlaced. It is honed Roman Stem, FALL VARIETIES. -- a re vr. I, a prompt compliance with Autumn Swarr, Fulton, from every Quarter. Don't Fall Pirpin, Fall Strawberry, Milan. Jauitan, Fill cr to attend to this; VARIETIES. SUMMER 1 individual in Nebraska, feel- - Sweet June or Iligbtcp Summer Queen, "We pledge our customers to sell Golden Sweet, Sweeting, m its nriruitural and Early Trenton, n.terft Early narvest Redstreak, as clicap cs any other house in the uarvest Kariv request consider the' ' The Nurserv is situated on the farm cf R J. WLitney, city, and that our goods in quality ? The trees are one ai &ul itJiiiiiJialdy forward a list about one mile south cf Bronville. and very large and healthy lor and style shall be unsurpassed. rear old from the in- Pe-empto- rs. sui-tpyin- GEORGE & a, NE.M-1E- i'jp-pl- ALSO ni I.r.i hai reccat'yittcd u? and now has la BaoWNVlLLE. "'... N. T. be piv-- t i;.::; and Se:i:Bg aueniian itl BROWNT1LLE, N. T., DIXIXG X1003I, Excbaujte nu the principal ciurs f the ar ,,(.;, Will attend promptly to the selection and loca- Next door t the Bonk Buildine. on M.iin Street, where tiold, Silver, and y unccrrcut IU'.i. ta- - A tion cf Government lands in the Nemaha land disof Laivi Warrwitscu band :,r enroa cafcM.'.r HOIKS, MEALS AT ALL W jrraiit Suld t.y u tered on time for town sites, and subdividing land;--: A trict: can be Lad. . jruaranteed in every V."U1 a re Dc Ujftory ts draftingeity plats, tind all other business cf a Genercomforteverything neat, to have is pains taken Great cf intention to aa.1 pr.;irc PrtvoiHi4 al Sarvejor. lie will locate warrants on time for able, orderly and Papers at short notice. Money ioar:e-- l i:;yjv. re;: secan-tie- s, distant dealers; Cle declaratory sUtetcments of inat western rates of lntert. t n i iiivtm!,t matl to ; make out papers: tention in Land3 or city property for distant ctpttiltsu. cVU;-tioOYSTHHS, PICKLJID OYSTEHS, upon all uwiveuicnt points will tn? prvtnntiy :u tendand always on hand to look oat claims fur actual set- FHSSH ed ta and prx-eenuTTOir reuittiiij ex, tlers. iiuittui iaie. 1; ei.itiu. aui: liill at Exchangeit- STEAK, HAJI & EG G3, Fnl REFER TO BESF tiined at uuai r;c;;, wu'.. tue -; New York Cify, W. W. San-c- r, 31. D., PIGS' PEST, TKIPS, ad.iod. rtv i vC t. C Sewal & Withingtcn, lston, iiass. SOCP, COFFEE, WILD GAME CF ALL E.INDS a!!owelici j"CJ:j! (?!. :;. . Rev. T. Y. Howe, l'ataskala Ohio, orriCK MainSt.ireirT-- ? SUCH AS DEER, TURKEY, GESSU, CoLW. E. Atkinson. ' i:t Krar-- t DUCKS, PRAIRIE CH 1CKEN3, ri.:iai-!phia,L:r d. Brs.tberX Co.. Mercliiiiti, George H.Nixn, Register Iand OSecRrovrnvi'iJe. BRANT, nsn, &.c. Mo3lani:hton, Carsou 4i tV., Lnshbaugh &, Carson, iiankers, iirownviile, N . T. W Lite, BU;"icT, M I. Eelieving that the City needs, aud will support such Hiser R. V7. Furna?, the enterprise has been embarked ih, Yi.ung. Carsou &. Bry.j!t. with the consent hoie that a literal ptronafc-- will be Jnj, Thompson Mjlsom, Coi'r i'.rt, K. Zl. P'OJidericn Co. M era.au: s, extended, tf 51. M.Te.iilc &. Ci.No. 17. Broiuway. Sew York. Brownville, Jan. C, K:-3- 20.000 Such as il - BEDFORD ponn, & The proprietor operation a caxoj r. LrsHB.vsrt. CAHSON, LUSHBAUGH BAXKERS AXD GLXLRAL LAXD JCr.VTi. IJcalrrs in CoJh, vr-Uncurrfnt Mi nev, Exchange and . rrRMTCRE, HARDWARE, Ladies Home Magazine. The February number of "Arthur's La CcSe3, - rrtjt taxes, investigate titles; Buy and sell propertv on commission ; rnrnish lana warrants for time entries, and attend to all other busi ness concerted with a general land agency business. Particular attention paid to the selection of Govern ment land and the location of land warrants for parUes residing at a distance. ilcLAUGHLIJJ &. DORSET respectfully refer to George II. Xixon, Esq.., Register Brownville Land DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Eacon Several of our Nemaha City neigh bors, who were in attendance as parties, witnesses, and lookers on, in a suit before Judge Whitney, on Tuesday last, havin imbibed rather freely, or "were socially received" too often, ended the affair by a general free fight, in the "Halls of Jus- i i tice. ' Kesuit stove Knocked over; sev fav. containing the Rules and eral bloody noses, and a good deal of loud Premium List, and Award- talk. Cc:::rr. ittees. pre-empti- on WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX rt i r (SO! McAllister vour "Charlies." l-- t Main Street, BrownYffle,N.T., B. Saloon, Surveyor and Land iAgcnt7 Buy and sell Land Warrants, make out and file declar papers j pay ator' statements ; make odt AMD NEW dorsey, BROWimLLE IL2I. ATKINSON, - jViiVIN-STEEE-T, NEW ARRIVAL! NEW FIBH 'Wliat's to be done with our con-..vr- td I'-e- There Mclaughlin I! Barrt's is all important, get it in order. Kind's square, a: QuJvr.'s Hook's square t V..:: CIIAS. JJOaSEY & C"9 Elwanserd- Barry's Rochester series. t a r irMT.lc --- - i.i't a 4: fr'tri - . u. i j.ar..c-.- t Perfect Revolution. onto. 1 lie proij Ju..eii. atl havuiciulii tun-W" : is pxinet a-- .l Fine: J, t. Printer, erk. U : thecxecntion efJ . t....,.-ininroved , I'P M.avjt ,rk. fcc; will i..,.r. . K nd t ctrner of Olive very-root- 1-- B.U'UUC!0 S. IWNJLLEJo.AD'S. l TOVI1XEAD;S. BROWNVILLE xD?S. CARDS. P.M. 1-- 2, 2 mouths, end of 6 at tbe Will care all diseases arising from an impure atate of the blood, or a deprafed condition of the fluids of the Sabbath at 10 2 oclock, A. M.t and ry&tem, viz : cancers, swelling of the glands, rheumatism, white swellings, chronic sore eyes, piles, ooils, 6 erysipelas, goitres, pains in the bones and joints, ulAlso in Nemaha City on next Monday cers in the mrath and throat, and all chronic constitu tional diseases. This medicine searches out the at G 2 o'clock P. M. of the disfcase by purifying the" blood, and changing the secretions in the system, thus removing the cause, which renders the curt certain and permanent. The officers and Dr. Easterly' t Iodine and SartapariUa-wil- l cure the members of the Nemaha County Agri tcorst mercurial dixeate, and drive out and destroy every particle of mercury which is in the system, and cure cultural Society are notified to meet at its bad effects. the office of Judge "Whitney, in Brown- - It will cure tecondary typhilit or Ten eral diteatt. ville on Saturday, January 29, 1S59, at and will drive the typhilitic virut and all hereditary and pohonous matter out of the system through 2 o'clock P. M. A punctual atten- taintt the pores of the skin, and restore the patient to a per dance is very much desired. fect state of health and purity. It is a positive cure Pc. W. Fcekas, Sec'y. for User complaint and dyspepsia, if used a proper length of time. I challenge the world to produce its equal in these complaints. The aclicted will beir in A mind that Dr. Jlaterly,t Iodine and SartaparUla will "Keevil,"of the Hall of the Giant cure all nervous diseases, female comploiuts, dropsy, Hat, Broadway, opposite Wash St., Saint graveo, diseases of the kidney's, bladder, and urinary in a few d3ys. Louis, is a prophet. Years ago he fore- organs, It will remove pimples and blotches from ihe face, told that the bulk of the Hat Trade cf and make the skin clear, white and beautiful as alaSt. Louis would bs done on Broadway. baster. It does this by purirying.the blood, and by iu prompt action on the liver, kidneys, and secretory orThe revolution is perfect : the nronhecv gans, producing vigorous health. Persons who have long been affiicied with scrofula, old is cut. sores, tetter, ringworm, scald head, blotches, eruptions the skin, and all cutaneous diseases, are advised to Nur ofprocure Gridley's Salt Ehoum and Tetter Ointment to apply on the sores and diseased parts, when using Dr. We take great pleasure in calling the Easterly's Iodine and SartaparUla. The Iodine and Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, and causes the rcs to attention of our readers m Isebraska, discharge their putrid matter, and the ointment heals Northern Kansas, Northern Missouri and them. When both are used (which I always recommend) a permanent and rad cal cure is always effected. They Si Southern Iowa, to are the best and most powerful curatives known to man. Nursery, Rochester, New York. . This is A fair trial is all I ask I do not fear the result. without doubt the most extensive Nursery Price cf the Iodine and Sarsaparilla, $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. Gridley's Salt Eheum Ointment 75 in the United States. It is not necessary cents par bottle. Both are prepared by Dr. Easterly, to enumerate their stock. Yen have only corner of Third anp Chestnut streets, St. Louis, ilo., sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be addrescd. to order anything you can imagine in 3Sold by J. n. MAUN & CO., Druggists, Brown- and by Druppists jrenerally. their line, and you will get it; and what Tille. N. 1-- TEHMS: inadvance, rz.CT?r,U ". EASTERLY'S DR Iodine and SarsapariXIa For the current year, ending Jsn. 1, 1SC0, up to which time subscriptions wiil be received. Every subscriber of three dollars is entitled to: 1st. The celebrated steel engraving, The Villa Blacksmith.' 2nd. A copy of the elegantly illustrated Cosmopoiitan Art Journal. 31. A free season admission te the Eastern and Wes tern Galleries cf Art. Lu addition u the Isrgc aud vaiuable rollec Uon cf works oi Art, will b given to subscribers. No person is restricted to a single subscription. Tho; remitting $15 are entitled to fix memberships. Addrese, C. L. DERBY", Actuary. C. A. A., 6Ctf pnb'.i.--h of Tb'rs teenth year, and is widely circulated through the coun try. It is the first pnper of the kind published in the United States, and is distinctive in its characters. Subscriptions, Two Dollars per aunum; One Dollar for six months, to be remitted by subscribers, who must write their, names, and the town, county and State where they reside plainly to GEO. MATSELL & CO. n. Prof. O.J. Wood,, Bath, HaIsi, Jan llep;r- - ALL WORK WARRANTED. Ascnt for is also A. 11 IIOLLimilD Maine, which speaks glowingly cf tbe superior merits of his 'hair toiii:. Such evidence must have iis cSect, when coming from a relialile source. If ccrtiScates are guarantees cf truth, tbe Dr. needs no encomiums, nor useless puffery from the press : -- M'tr-L?r- S-i- Mills at short notice and reaiouallo tcrrxii. injr cf machir.erv ( f all ir.dn. 5c CO'S . Western Foundry. ciscirrATi; 20, IS63. LEE. dr Co. & o. ' LEAViiTS GtKTLEmrN : Having my attention called a few months since to the highly beneficial cfiecit of your kair no23 Y. Citv. restorative. I was induced to makeapoiicatin cf tt UTx.n my own bair, which had becox ie quite gray, probably ; my whiskers were of the same characone-thicirrcrrrirATi, o. will cure ter. Somewhite No. 543, New Tort, montts since I procured a bottie cf And arc prepared torccurca'i t!l cr icn'for artr three Or R. W. ITRNAS, BrownviUe, N T. found It was provgonorrhea, gleet, stricture, seminal weakness, chordee, hair restorative, and nsed it. I uiaaacturci cr k?pt cz tat.d, by thce es- ing what I had wished. I used it about twico a week. I diseases cf the kidneys, bladder, and all dircases of the have since procured another bottle, of which 1 have used Ubli-h-cntLetters of enquiry, pr'. Kpt'y crwcrcd. ' ' . recital organs. Reader, have you a private disease 1 some. 1 cn now certi.'y to tho world that the gray er my will cure all female complaints, such as excessive ou disappeared, totally both has hair head and Do not neglect it. Delay is dangerous. Dr. Baker's white ali. x gace, and my has resumed its orig.n-- 1 color, ami I suppressed, or painful menstruatiou, Fluor albus &. Co., Specific is a safe, speedy, and radical enre. With Dr. am new sixty hair L&ke Noel. Hill. ?. my good years old . wife at the age cf wnitesf barrenness, sallow complexion, headache, diz Baker's Specific yon can cure yourtelf, and prevent two, lirowaville, " ll.W. Fumaj, has used it with the tame effect. - " ziness, weak nerves, frightful dreams, and all diseases exposure, as plain directions for use accompany the The above notice I deem due to you for your vaiuable Muir. liana L Co., discovery. am that whoever rightly I use will assured execs: es, by perspiration, Tenia'ia Dr. citr, " colds, checked caused Ilnorcr, medicine. Price $1 50 per battle. as er directioas, will not have occasion to contradict my 31. Korem. city,," l'awnee 1. &.c, of tho sexual organs. Dr. Hooper's EASTERLY, corner Third and Chestnut strcts statements. I am a cit.zea of this city and a resident -aitc.uiX; ipcrt, o.- iucciis Female Cordial is universally acknowledged by the la- St Louis, Missouri, sole proprietor, to whom all trders here for tbe last fifteen years, and am known to nearly James Lowe. Lindrr., adj..iniug u.wns. every you Any use may one hire and dies the best remedy ever invented. S'I'rk'e $1 per must he audressou, to get me genuine, sota uy A. li. Ha.libcni, Cinrir.nati, 0 make oi the kbovc, witn my name attached, is at yonr bcttle, or $ bottles for $5. . XL. MAUN &. CO., Druggists, rervice, as i wish to prescyve the beauties c: nature in llrcwnville. June IS. 1857. Dr. Eastzext, corner of Third and Chestnut streets, yours. Brownville, N. T. others as well as myself . 1 am, truly A. C. RAYMOND. St. Louis, Mo, sole proprietor and to whom ail orders must be addressed. BAiriaioxr, Jan. 23, 1E58. Sold by J. H. MAUN & CO., Apsnts, Urownville, Wood Dear Sir: Having had tbe ml3for BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. i t . tr, liiACA t!A hALt Tf.rtT.ll 23. T., and by Druggists general ly f.i. i a r t Orleans'in lSi, Yellow in of Fever New I was the fects to make e trial cf your preparation, and fonnd S; VOLUME FIFTY-ON- E, Peri- iticdaced To Book to tmswer at tbe very thing needed. My bair is now Announce to the public tb it tbey b avc t koa cha-g- e cf and flossy, ana no words can express my obligation ttick GRAHAM'S ILtSTRATED MAGAZINE odical Tress. tbe new, tarce, an 1 c:iiimodious bru II- tei baildiaj! re toyouih giving to the added ssch cently completed in the City of Uraw&vilie, Nearaska. FIN LEY JOHNSON. Edited by Charles G. Leland, Esq. We have the tonrrrto announce that we shall issue, cn TlTy hav furnished it Ir.na cellar t-- garret wiia ea- l A monthly which aims to entertain instruct or abvut tho first of December next. m as to he in seaed th? rooms aieail large, well Tbe mv?er?:gaed, TUtv. J. K, Bragg, U a minister in tirer.ew and amuse both Ladies and Gentlemen. son to commaud the early attention oi the pubiicandthe in regular standing, and pastor cf the Orthodox Church and fimsaed. The tlle,we prrmite, shall at aJI O- -r liaara periodical trade, tfce firat number cf a new illustrated at fcro;knei'i. Mass. He is a gentleman f ereat tnfia-en- ce times-c'Utai. tbe test TE RMS. Magazine, to be called the GEEAT REPUJ3XJ.C 1 copy one year, shall be as pure 3 are made, e we purchase in rerw.n 5 copies, one year, $10 and universally beloved. WM. DYER. $3 2 copies 2kiOiTHXiY. ' from rehab. e manufacturers. V-- c ceem a more exten 20 " " 5 I 11 Uaoonrit), January 12, IttoS. Those getting up clubs of Scopiesor more, will receive the pub Professor Wocd Dear Sir: Having maSc trial of your ded notice &uc:pssary and conclude by an extra copy. Restorative, it gives me pleascr? to say, that its lic that we are dateruiir.e.i that no tZ it, on our part shall Volumes There will be two volumes a year, of about Graham's Illustrated Magazine will be rupplied to 700 royal octavo pigeeich, commcntrins in iaf:na-- y and has teen excellent ia rcmovir? inflammatirn. Iks wanting to reader the Brown vilie Horsp a first claaa M0HEISG is. VHEELEX. subscribers punctually, and atj as early a day as any Jniy, and ending in Jane and December respectirely, dandruff and a constant tendency to itchiair with which I Tlfte!. July 3. lS-Sother Magazine published. and has also remaking 6 numbers to each volume, and twelve numbers have been troubled from my childb-xd- ; WATSON k. CO. Address, to each year. Subscriptions may commence at any stored my hair, wLkh was becoming gray, to its "ri;inal colf-r1 nave used no other article with aaytLinj; like South Third Street. Philadelphia. plearure cr cr profit. Extha Notice Subscribers sendinz three dollars time.Einsle copies, $ 25 " for one year's subscription to Graham's Magazine, will orrftLM-jiYours truly, .ct, - 3 00 st. Luitof Ein?:i $ J. K. ETtAGG. Subscription, ore crpy cne year, receiveacopy of Graham's Ladies' Paper for,one year The Restorative is put rp in bottles cr three sizes, 5 00 Citv. r-- . T, Clubs Two copies, liebrsskf without charge, cuntemplate bui.dar. W. tc frri.'btd ' three copies, - 7 00 viz: large, medium and small; thS small ones hold a yr., ft r fctuKrr.s oi - half pint each, arid retails for oi.e dollar per b'.ttlc ; tbe with Designs, Plan. " .S 00 " fonr proporand more or ttyie, " twenty medium holds variety cent ta.' crccti. n uf lb at er " five in least anyc'ias 10 tf 00 j Friend. For your Wife, Davghicr, or t irtli-i.i- -i Anil all addithin3l ccpies, ever fire, at tbe rate cf tion than tbe small, retails for two dbilars a bottle; the same screriiiteadcl ii cttaired. Ti'I Btf S- - each, large holds a quart' forty per ccT.t nitre in propvrtin, to luir:rcs fr.m a T. S. ARTHUR'S if sent to the same clnb. Club? m.-.- v be formed at different Post OSccs. All subiciiptitns" mast be and retail-- i b.r three dollars a b ttie. O. J. WOOD&. Co.' Pn prret .rs, 312 Broadway. New paid in advance. York, iu the great New Yorh Wlr Baiug estibiish-mcn- t, FKEMrUM SUBSCRIPTIONS. are here'-- uon::el toat 1 subscritt All i"rs'-nEr.tr!h:sft-Townstnd. F. S, Edited by T. Arthur ber to tlr. magazine for one year, aud to their chf icecf cf tbe costestcf case j and IU Market St.. St, Louis Mo. neepjsary steps to tbe & TEEMS IN ADVANCE. Ssil by J. H. MAUN Co., Brownville, N.T. or James FeTSuson. f.r tbe either of our two great steel engravings, entitled, fully vf 1 crpy, $2: 4 copies. $5, 12 copies, $15; and an extra his r;,ht to enter tie scuta est Quarter copy to the onc'getting up the club. four (1) (lll)of souiii west quarter (lii)arl 1j: Monllily Specimens sent free to those wishing to subscribe, or of secttou eighteen (IS) in townstip (o; rang sixto make up citbs. not to purteen (16) east, I hereby warn, all The Cheapest Jilagczine in, ihe vrurld. T. S. ARTHUR &. Cf?., f jt, or in any way to negotiate for any porAddress chase, trad You need no longer pay tbree dollars for a first class, tion of the above described prcnerty. FOUE DOliAES. Walnut street. Philadelphia--. TheTe is iM le risk in sending monfy by rftall. Large elegantly illustrated and carefully edited Magazine. May 27, '5sj viniotf AUG ZTUS Z0UNTZ3. sums should be remitted by draft, if jossib!e, or regis- Ballou's DolTir MonthTy contains one hundred pages cf original matter in fifty each nttmber and forty or rich a Fuperior siocs oi Jiiiiiuery ana uress tKwxis at my tered. ensravings. issded on the finest cf paper, and in the best OAKSMITH Si CO., ew Millinery establishment, cne Uaor above Lushbaugh a Lost, cn ctiiitmas eve, at the Erownville styie rcr en aoitar s year. will Ubraily sre-riti.arscn s JsaEXics ucui? ' irtwuviue. N. T. Pnblisborof the "Great RpuMi:" Monthly. Calif amia-go5L M. BALLOU, breast tin. 112 L III William Street. N;w York. E T"CT'f11i ... MARY TURXElt, No. 22 waiter meet. E:tcc. reward the finder cf tie r:tu Editors and prcpii-?tftr- of s National Police Gazette. N. ESTDr. Baker's Specific nrmifactory, rd rnm-chin- ?. iSTDr. Hooper's Female Cordial T.tean e. fifty-- nt, i The Great Republic Brownville House, Pr-fcsso- r LIONTHLY. the Public, the cud Trade, and the r-- n, Vi MOHHISOIT WH2SLBR at-eiu- r-. peri-idica- reti-tilat- thecrci-irycanfrvrd- Terms. nir m GEORGE EDT7AHr3, " . :;:.fi j Per-.inswh- . Home Magazine for 1859. tk s and-Virgin- r.e purie THE LAST SUPPER AND THE Halloa's Dollar 'CITY OF TIIE GREAT KING UMIi "Hit? Magazine. ae pr-rcr- ery. Lost or Stolen. M lis er Et2,