Wind Energy Acronyms [Section] 48C [Section] 1603 [Section] 9006 ACE ACENY ACORE AEP AGA AGC ALM AMT ANPR APPA ASI ASOS ATC AWEA BA BACT Bcf BLM BOP BPA Btu BWEC CAIR CAISO CAMR CanWEA CAPX CCGT CCl4 CDEAC CDF CEERT CEQA Cf CF CFB The part of the 2009 Stimulus Act that established a 30% investment tax credit for manufacturers of clean energy products to retool, expand or open new manufacturing facilities The part of the 2009 Stimulus Act that established a 30% grant in lieu of an investment tax credit in lieu of the production tax credit, thus mobilizing financing for the industry The part of the 2002 Farm Bill that establishes a grant program to help farmers and rural small businesses to buy renewable energy technologies such as small wind Area Control Error Alliance for Clean Energy New York American Council on Renewable Energy Annual Energy Production American Gas Association Automatic Generation Control Active Load Management Alternative Minimum Tax Advance Notice of Proposal Rulemaking American Public Power Association Above Sea Level Automated Surface Observing System Available Transfer Capability American Wind Energy Association Balancing Area Best Available Control Technology Billion cubic feet (of gas) Bureau of Land Management Balance of Plant Bonneville Power Administration British Thermal Unit (1000 Btu = 1 cubic foot of gas) Bats & Wind Energy Cooperative Clean Air Interstate Rule California Independent System Operator Clean Air Mercury Rule Canadian Wind Energy Association Capital Expenditures Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Carbon TetraChloride (an Ozone Depleting Substance) Clean and Diversified Energy Advisory Committee Computational Fluid Dynamics The Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies California Environmental Quality Act Cubic foot (of gas) Capacity Factor Circulating Fluidized Bed CFC CFC CFD CH3Br CH3CCl3 CH4 CO2 COD CPC CREB CREZ CT Ct DEP DFIG DHS DOD DOE DOT DSCR E10 E85 ECAR EEI EHS EIPC EIR EIS ELCC ENSO EPA EPC EOI ERCOT EWEA EWITS EWTS FAA FERC FFT FRCC FTR GHG GL GOES GPS GWEC National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation ChloroFluoroCarbons (an Ozone Depleting Substance) Contract for Differences Methyl Bromide (an Ozone Depleting Substance) Methyl Chloroform (an Ozone Depleting Substance) Methane (1 of 6 Kyoto greenhouse gases) Carbon Dioxide (1 of 6 greenhouse gases) Commercial Operation Date Certificate of Public Convenience Clean Renewable Energy Bond Competitive Renewable Energy Zone Combustion Turbine Thrust Coefficient Diurnal Energy Production Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Department of Homeland Security Department of Defense Department of Energy Department of Transportation Debt Service Coverage Ratio 10% Ethanol 85% Ethanol East Central Area Reliability Coordinating Agreement Edison Electric Institute Employee Health & Safety Eastern Interconnection Planning Collaborative Environmental Impact Report Environmental Impact Study Effective Load-Carrying Capacity El Nino / Southern Oscillation Environmental Protection Agency Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Expression of Interest Electric Reliability Council of Texas European Wind Energy Association Eastern Wind Integration and Transmission Study European Wind Turbine Standard Federal Aviation Administration Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Fast Fourier Transform Florida Reliability Coordinating Council Financial Transmission Right Greenhouse Gas Germanischer Lloyd (certification body) Geostationary Operations Environmental Satellites Global Positioning System Global Wind Energy Council GW GWh GWP Halons HAWT HCFC HVDC HFC I&C IAD IBL ICAP ICT IE IEA IEC IEEE IGCC IIPP INGA IRP IOU IPO IPP IRR ISO ITC JCSP JPO kPa kW kWh LC LD LIDAR LIOWI LLC LLP LNG LOLP LOT LOTO LPG LTA LVRT MAAC MAIN MAPP MAREC Mcf MEP METAR MISO MMBtu MMS MOU MRO Gigawatt Gigawatt Hour Global Warming Potential (CO2 = 1 and SF6 = 22,200) BromoFluoroCarbons (an Ozone Depleting Substance) Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine HydroChloroFluoroCarbons (a greenhouse gas) High Voltage Direct Current Hydro Fluoro Carbons (1 of 6 Kyoto greenhouse gases) Instrumentation and Controls Inter-Annual Variation Internal Boundary Layer Installed Capacity Independent Coordinator of Transmission Independent Engineer International Energy Agency International Electrotechnical Commission Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Injury and Illness Prevention Program Interstate Natural Gas Association Integrated Resource Planning Investor Owned Utility Initial Public Offering Independent Power Producer Internal Rate of Return Independent System Operator Investment Tax Credit (usable up-front by consumers) Joint Coordinated System Plan Joint Program Office Kilopascals Kilowatt Kilowatt hour Letter of Credit Liquidated Damages Light Detection and ranging Long Island Offshore Wind Initiative Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Partnership Liquid Natural Gas Loss of Load Probability Letter of Intent Lockout-Tag out Liquid Petroleum Gas Lost Time Accidents Low Voltage Ride-Through Mid-Atlantic Area Council Mid-American Interconnected Network Mid-Continent Area Power Pool Mid Atlantic Renewable Energy Coalition Thousand cubic feet (of gas) Monthly Energy Production Meteorological Aerodrome Report Midwest Independent System Operator Million Btu (equals 1 Mcf gas) Minerals Management Service Memorandum of Understanding Midwest Reliability Organization M/S MTEP MTSA MW MWh N 2O NAO NARR NARUC NCEP NEPA NERC Corporation NESC NESDIS NERC NEXRAD NIMBY NGSA NOx NOPR NPDES NRECA NREL NWCC NYISO NYSERDA O3 O&M OATT ODS OEM OPTF OPX P&L PCIP PDO PEIS PFC PIP PJM PM POT PPA PPE PSD PSI PSIA PSIG PSS PTC PUC PUHCA Meters Per Second MISO Transmission Expansion Plan Master Turbine Supply Agreement Megawatt Megawatt hour Nitrous Oxide (1 of 6 Kyoto greenhouse gases) North Atlantic Oscillation North American Regional Re-analysis National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners National Centers for Environmental Prediction National Environmental Policy Act North American Electric Reliability National Electrical Safety Code National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service North American Electric Reliability Council Next Generation Weather Radar Not-IN-My-Back-Yard Natural Gas Supply Association Nitrogen oxides Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (by the FERC) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System National Rural Electric Cooperative Association National Renewable Energy Laboratory National Wind Coordinating Collaborative New York Independent System Operator New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Ozone (a greenhouse gas) Operations and Maintenance Open Access Transmission Tariff Ozone Depleting Substance Original Equipment Manufacturer Ocean Policy Task Force Operations Expenditures Profit and Loss Principal Controlled Insurance Program Pacific Decadal Oscillation Programmatic EIS PerFluoroCarbons (1 of 6 Kyoto greenhouse gases) Public Involvement Program Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection Periodic Maximum Peak over Threshold Power Purchase Agreement Personal Protective Equipment Prevention of Significant Deterioration Pounds per square inch PSI absolute PSI gauge Preliminary Scoping Statement Production Tax Credit Public Utilities Commission Public Utilities Holding Company Act PURPA PVC QC Quad RADAR RASS RAWS RD REC REC RES RENEW RGGI RIX RMATS RMR RNP ROI ROW RPS RRO RTO QF S/S SAR SCADA SD SERC SF6 SN SO2 SODAR Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act PolyVinylChloride Quality Control Quadrillion Btu Radio Detection and Ranging Radio Acoustic Sounding System Remote Automated Weather System Rotor Diameter Renewable Energy Credit Rural Electric Cooperative Renewable Electricity Standard RENEW New England Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Roughness Index Rocky Mountain Area Transmission Study Reliability – Must-Run Renewable Northwest Project Return on Investment Right of Way Renewables Portfolio Standard Regional Reliability Organization Regional Transmission Organization Qualifying Facility Substation Synthetic Aperture Radar Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition Standard Deviation Southeastern Electric Reliability Council Sulfur HexaFluoride (1 of 6 Kyoto greenhouse gases) Serial Number Sulfur Dioxide Sonic Detection and Ranging SONAR SOW SPP σ SWCC TCEQ Quality Tcf TI TSA UCAP ξ URL USACE USFWS USOWC Collaborative UTM UWIG VAWT WAPA WECC WFMS WGA WOW WRA WREZ WTG WWSIS Sound Navigation and Ranging Scope Of Work Southwest Power Pool Standard Error Small Wind Certification Council Texas Commission on Environmental Trillion cubic feet (of gas) Turbulence Intensity Turbine Supply Agreements Unforced Capacity (a modification of Installed Capacity) Uncertainty Uniform Resource Locator United States Army Corps Engineers US Fish & Wildlife Service United States Offshore Wind Universal Transverse Mercator Utility Wind Integration Group Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Western Area Power Administration Western Electricity Coordinating Council Wind Farm Management System Western Governors' Association Wind on the Wires Wind Resources Area Western Renewable Energy Zone Wind Turbine Generator Western Wind and Solar Integration Study