2015/2016 Museum Shop Gift Bags

The Statehouse Museum Shop
Preorder Souvenir Bags
As the shop only has two cash registers, please, allow a minimum of 15 minutes for students to
shop and be sure to have at least one chaperone for every ten children.
As an alternative to a store visit, souvenir bags may be ordered in advance, and picked up and
paid for the day of your visit. These bags are a great value and can assure that each student takes
home a memento without the pressure of having to make a decision or carry extra money. These
bags are offered to groups at a discounted price; therefore, prices in the store may be slightly
higher than the prices quoted in this document. Prices for souvenir bags and custom bags include
tax. Bags are not available for sale in the store. They must be ordered in advance.
Please choose no more than two different bags per group and order at least 5 days before your
tour. Orders may be placed by phone, fax, email or mail. Please, allow an extra week for orders
you have sent in the mail. The Statehouse Museum Shop reserve the right to substitute
comparable items for any item that might be temporarily out of stock.
Payment for orders will be collected when you pick the bags up at the Museum Shop. Payment
must be made with cash, check, credit card, P.O. or money order.
Only one form of payment will be accepted for each order. Thank you for your support of the
Statehouse Museum Shop!
Phone: 614/728-9234
Fax: 614/728-9775
Email: museumshop@csrab.state.oh.us
Mail: Statehouse Museum Shop
Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square
Columbus, OH 43215-4275
2015-2016 Souvenir Bags
Bag A:
 Symbols Bookmark
 I Visited the Statehouse Pencil
 State Seal Button
Your Price $1.00
Bag B:
 Ohio Motto Pencil
 Ohio Flag
 Symbols Bookmark
 Ohio Postcard
Your Price $2.00
Bag C:
 Ohio Symbols Bookmark
 Ohio Presidents Pencil
 Statehouse Postcard
 Candy Buckeye
 Arrowhead
 Ohio flag lapel pin
Your Price $3.00
Bag D:
 Candy Buckeye
 Red, White and Blue Statehouse Pen
 Ohio State Seal button
 Statehouse Wooden Nickel
 Ohio flag
 Ohio Motto Pencil
 Statehouse Postcard
Your Price $4.00
Bag E:
 Candy Buckeye
 “I Visited the Capitol” Pencil
 Ohio Currency Replicas
 2 Postcards of the Statehouse
 Ohio Flint Sample with Information Card
 Ohio Symbols Bookmark
Your Price $5.00
A custom bag may be put together using the products on the next page. The Statehouse Museum
Shop will be happy to make custom bags for your group as long as you order no more than two
different bags per group. The shop has priced items specifically for you; so, if you come into the
shop, prices listed below may be higher.
Candy Buckeye
“I Visited the Statehouse” Pencil
Ohio State Seal Lapel Button
Rock Candy
Ohio Flint Sample w/Info Card
Ohio Flag 3x5 Muslin
Ohio Presidents Pencil
Ohio Lapel Pin
Paper Bookmark w/ Ohio Symbols
Old fashioned Candy Stick
Parchment Replicas of Ohio
Montage Postcard of the Statehouse
Postcard of Ohio Presidents
Postcard of Ohio Facts
Postcard of the Rotunda
State Motto Pencil
Ohio Symbols Pencil
Red, White & Blue Statehouse Pen
Wooden Nickel
Ohio Flag Lapel
Ohio Shaped Lapel Pin
U.S. & Ohio Flags Lapel Pin
Loose Arrowhead
This list may be used to design custom bags—when designing custom bags please do not order more
than 2 different bags per group. Fill out the order form and fax to 614/728-9775 or email to
museumshop@csrab.state.oh.us. Any questions, please, call 888/644-6123 or 614/728-9234. Please,
do not pass out copies of this list to your students as these prices are special for preordered bags.
Prices on some items are slightly higher in the store. The Statehouse Museum Shop reserves the
right to replace any items in a bag that may be out of stock with items of equal value.
2015-2016 Souvenir Bag Order Form
Date of Tour: _________________________________________________Time:_______
Contact Person ________________________________Phone:______________
School: __________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
City:____________________________ State:__________ Zip:_______________
To use tax exempt number we must have payment (check) from your school or PTO.
We must have a tax exempt form with your order.
Tax ID Number: ___________________________________________________
No more than two different bags per group.
Quantity of Bags: _________________ Item Code: __________ Price Per Bag: _______
Quantity of Bags: _________________ Item Code: __________ Price Per Bag: _______
Total Due (tax included in prices) _________________________________________
2. If you are choosing a custom bag, list items and prices:
Quantity of bags: _______
Total: ___________________
Please, plan to have one person pick up and pay for the bags the day of your tour.
Return order form to:
The Statehouse Museum Shop
Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square
Columbus, OH 43215-4275
Fax: 614/728-9775
Museum Shop Use Only
I have paid and counted my school bags, all are present and accounted for.
Signature____________________________________________________ Date__________