Fire Alarm Plan Review Requirements Department of Planning & Development Review, Bureau of Permits and Inspections 900 East Broad Street, Room 110 Richmond, Virginia 23219 Office: (804) 646-4169 Fax: (804) 646-6948 For Public Distribution 2012 Code Cycle June 01, 2016* The Electrical Division for the Bureau of Permits and Inspections review the following permits: Fire Alarm Permits 50 Volts and Greater Permits: Electrical Permits (requires separate permit) Less than 50 Volts (Low Voltage) Permits: Electrical Permits for low voltage (data/communication, control wiring, etc.) (requires separate permit) Security Permits (requires separate permit) Plans are required to be submitted for all commercial projects. Single and two family dwellings are not required to submit drawings. The following set of requirements are based on the 2012 version of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (VUSBC). This includes the 2012 editions of the Virginia Construction Code (VCC), and Virginia Rehabilitation Code (VRC). Other codes used for fire alarm plan review that are referenced by the VUSBC are the following: The requirements herein may not be required for all submissions. Please contact the Bureau of Permits and Inspections if you are unsure of which requirements are necessary for your project. International Building Code (IBC)-2012 ICC A117.1 Accessibility Standards - 2009 International Fire Code (IFC) - 2012 International Mechanical Code (IMC) - 2012 NFPA 13 - 2010 NFPA 20-2010 National Electrical Code (NEC)/(NFPA 70) - 2011 NFPA 72-2010 International Existing Building Code (IEBC)-2012 Pages 24-25 (Annex D) of this checklist shall be submitted with all required Construction Documents as a check to make sure the engineer/owner/contractor has fulfilled the City’s requirements. The Checklist shall be signed by either the Contractor/Master Electrician OR Engineer. All appropriate items within this checklist that pertain to the project shall be checked, all other items shall be marked not applicable (N/A). For projects with approved/current permits, make sure all revised plans adhere to Section B-1.7 - B-1.13. *Changes to this document will occur on June 1st and December 1st (or when there is a code cycle change). Make sure to check the webpage on these dates for any revisions: Table of Contents Section A Description Page General Requirements for All Projects 3 A-1 Example Title Block 4 A-2 Project Information 4 A-3 Example Graphical Scale 4 A-4 External Links 4 NFPA 72 General Requirements 5 B-1 General Requirements 5 B-2 General Plan Requirements 6 NFPA 72 Initiating Devices 7 C-1 Detection Devices 7 C-2 Fire Safety Control Functions 11 C-3 Zones 11 C-4 Manual Fire Alarm Boxes 11 C-5 24 Hour Monitoring 11 NFPA 72 Notification Appliances 12 D-1 Audible Devices 12 D-2 Visual Devices 12 E Other Code Related Requirements 13 E-1 General Miscellaneous Requirements 13 E-2 IBC Requirements 14 B C D Annex A Individual Responsible for Signing Plans 15 B Sample Drawings: FA1 - Symbols and Legend FA2 - Partial Device Plan FA3 - Partial Riser Diagram FA4 - Voltage Drop Calculations FA5 - Fire Alarm Matrix FA6 - Battery Calculations FA7 - UL Rated Fire Stop Detail 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 C UL Fire System Directory 23 D Checklist to Submit to City of Richmond 24 E City of Richmond Plan Intake Sheet 26 Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 Page 2 Section A: General Requirements for All Projects: Provide three (3) complete sets of bound fire alarm Construction Documents. Plans shall not have any City stamps 01 from any discipline within the City of Richmond or any other markings that are not original to the plans. After July 1, 2016, provide a complete set of electronic (PDF) fire alarm Construction Documents. 02 Plans shall be neat and legible, and shall be all the same size. See Annex B. Plans shall be 1/8" scale (1/ 8” = 1’-0”). Provide a graphical scale on all drawings showing floor plans (see example in 03 Section A-3 and Annex B-FA2, FA3). For dr awings other than a scale of 1/8”, pr ovide clear template based on the scale of the drawings for all devices. After July 1, 2016, clear template will no longer be required. 04 A project with more than one sheet/drawing, provide a list of all plans stating sheet number and description of the plan. Provide the list of plans on the first electrical sheet/drawing. See Annex B-FA1. 05 All text on the plans shall be at least 0.125" in height. Exceptions: Text for superscripts, and subscripts shall be at least 0.1” in height. 06 All plans shall have the information shown in the example title block in Section A-1. See Annex B-FA1. 07 On the first plan, provide the all the project information shown in Section A-2. See Annex B-FA1. 08 Provide Manufacturers’ data sheets indicating model number and listing for equipment, devices, and materials. After July 1, 2016, provide an electronic (PDF) copy of these documents. 09 Provide a legend for all symbols and abbreviations on the plan(s). Having this on the first drawing would be advisable. See Annex B-FA1. 10 For projects that require specifications, provide these on the plans, or submit a hardcopy along with the plans. After July 1, 2016, provide an electronic (PDF) copy of the specifications. 11 All spaces (specify dwelling unit numbers) and rooms shall be labeled, on the plans, as to their use. See Annex B-FA2, FA3. 12 Plans shall be signed by the proper individual. See Annex A for a list of all Use Groups and whom can sign these plans. List is based on the Code of Virginia §54.1-402. 13 New work shall be differentiated from that which exists. See Section B-1 for mor e infor mation. See Annex B-FA4. 14 Site work requires plans. Provide graphical scale on all site plan drawings (see example graphical scale in Section A-3 and Annex B-FA2, FA3). 15 For multi-level buildings, there shall be a floor plan for each and every level, do not show a “typical” floor plan for multiple levels. The electrical inspector will use this for their inspections. 16 Provide plans showing all detector/device location(s) and all mounting height(s). 17 Provide building cross-sectional views of structure, roof, ceiling, and rooms with beam of solid joists and drop ceilings, etc. on the plans unless plans declare them smooth ceilings. 18 Provide wiring methods, including conductor/cable type and size, along with insulation type on the drawing(s). Provide riser diagram (see Annex B-FA6) in the plans. Riser diagr am shall show number of devices installed on each 19 circuit, conductor sizes, cable type(s) and size(s), end of line locations, identification of fire alarm zones (if the system is not addressable), and primary and secondary power supplies. 20 The primary power supply shall be a minimum of 120 Volts alternating current branch circuit labeled “Fire Alarm Circuit” whose access is limited to authorized personnel and noted on the plans. 21 Denote the location of the Fire Alarm Control Unit (FACU) and when required, the Remote Annunciator panel location on the plans. 22 Provide sequence of operation (operation matrix) for all interface of fire safety control functions. 23 State whether building is sprinklered (Type 13, 13R, 13D) on the Fire Alarm Plan(s). 24 Indicate cd (Candela) rating for all visual devices on the plans. 25 Indicate mounting heights of all devices on the plans. 26 Indicate dB ratings of all horns, horn/strobes, speakers, speaker/strobes, etc. on the plans. 27 Provide battery and voltage drop calculations based on Sections B-3 and B-4. 28 Verify compliance with International Building Code (IBC) sections 907.9.1 and 907.9.2 for Visual and Audible coverage. State on the drawings you have verified and certify proper coverage. 29 Provide a means to separate the new work from existing work. Examples would be to have the line weight of the existing be smaller than that of the new. The plans shall make it clear what is new and what is existing. 30 Provide all existing equipment on riser diagram that pertains to any new equipment on the riser diagram. Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 Page 3 Section A: General Requirements for All Projects: A-1: Example Title Block Project Name: Designer’s Name: Telephone No: Email: Title: Project Address: Designer’s License No. or Master No.: Fax No: Scale: Sheet No: A-2: Project Information Building Code Year: Fire Alarm Code Year: Construction Type: Use Group: Change of Use? Yes No Occupancy Load: Is project in flood plain? BFE per FIRM: (Not applicable (N/A) if project is not in a flood plain) DFE: (Not applicable (N/A) if project is not in a flood plain) Alteration Level: (Required for renovation projects using the IEBC) BFE—Base Flood Elevation DFE—Design Flood Elevation FIRM—Flood Insurance Rate Map A-3: Graphical Scale 0' 4' 8' 16' 1/8 = 1'-0" 0' 2' 4' 8' 1/4 = 1'-0" A-4: External Links Department of Planning and Development Review—Forms and Applications: City of Richmond’s Electrical Plan Review Requirements Checklist: City of Richmond’s Fire Alarm Plan Review Requirements Checklist: City or Richmond’s Security Plan Review Requirements Checklist: COMCheck: UL Fire Stopping Details: City of Richmond GIS Flood Plain Map: City of Richmond GIS Parcel Mapper: Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 Page 4 Section B: NFPA 72 Requirements: B-1: General Requirements Application Information Provide contact information for contractor (or owner, if owner is applying for the permit) and engineer (if applicable). Required 01 Contact information shall be the following: telephone number, email address, and mailing address. If a business fax number is available, provide this information as well. Revised Plans - Due to Plan Review Comments When plans are being mailed back to the City, do not “ATTN” the drawings to a specific plan reviewer. All mailed plans shall be “ATTN” to “BUREAU OF PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS.” Provide three (3) complete sets of bound fire alarm drawings. Plans shall not have any City stamps from any discipline within the City of Richmond or any other markings that are not original to the plans. After July 1, 2016, Provide a 02 complete set of electronic (PDF) fire alarm Construction Documents. If it is r equested to pr ovide only r evised plans based on plan review comments, the contractor shall set up an appointment with the plan reviewer so that the contractor can slip the revised plans into the reviewed set of plans. 03 Revised plans are required to be the same size as original plans. 04 Provide a letter of clarification stating the revisions per each plan. All comments shall be addressed in the letter of clarification. Failure to provide this information will delay the permit being issued. 05 Provide clouds around new areas of change with numbered revision triangles and remove clouds from previously issued revision(s). 06 Provide revision triangles with number, description and date. 07 For all documents being resubmitted for revisions due to plan review comments, provide a completed City of Richmond Plan Intake Sheet. See Page 26 for the Plan Intake Sheet. Revised Plans - For Revisions After Permit is Approved When plans are being mailed back to the City, do not “ATTN” the drawings to a specific plan reviewer. All mailed plans shall be “ATTN” to “BUREAU OF PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS.” Provide three (3) complete sets of bound REVISED fire alarm drawings. Plans shall not have any City stamps from any discipline within the City of Richmond or any other markings that are not original to the plans. After July 1, 2016, 08 Provide a complete set of electronic (PDF) fire alarm Construction Documents. Complete set of the fir e alar m dr awings is not required for changes after the permit has been issued. We only need to see the drawings that have revisions. For re-submitting post-permit plans based on plan review comments, see items 02 through 07 above. 09 Revised plans are required to be the same size as original plans. 10 Provide a letter of clarification stating the revisions per each plan. All comments shall be addressed in the letter of clarification. Failure to provide this information will delay the permit being issued. 11 Provide clouds around new areas of change with numbered revision triangles and remove clouds from previously issued revision(s). 12 Provide revision triangles with number, description and date. 13 Do not skip revisions, submit all revisions for review that affect the permit when they are issued; do not wait until 2 or 3 revisions have been made to submit for review. There is a fee for revisions after the permit has been issued. For projects that are greater than $500.000, there will be a one time 14 fee at the first revision. No other fees will be required for other revisions. For projects under $500,000, a revision fee of 10% of the original permit application fee will be charged for all revisions after permit has been approved. 15 For all documents being resubmitted for revisions after a permit has been approved, provide a completed City of Richmond Plan Intake Sheet. See Page 26 for the Plan Intake Sheet. Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 Page 5 Section B: NFPA 72 Requirements (Cont.): (All codes r efer to NFPA 72 unless noted) B-2: General Drawing Requirements: Description Code Section Point to Point System Wiring Diagram: 01 Interconnection and wire routing of identified devices and controls per circuit., 02 Indicate the number of conductors and wire gauge for each circuit run., 03 Identify separate zones, circuits, and End of Line (EOL) locations., Alarm Indicating Circuit Voltage Drop Calculation: 04 Quantity of signaling devices, current consumption, EOL voltage for each circuit, and the lowestNameplate operating voltage range for audible and visual notification devices., 05 Approximate length of each circuit and resistance of wire, use National Electrical Code (NEC) conductor resistance criteria or provide manufacturer specification sheet., Show the formula and acceptable circuit limits on the drawing or on an attached sheet including: Standby power consumption of all current drawing devices times the hours required by NFPA (24 hours) including power consumption of the control panel modules., 07 Power consumption of all devices on standby power; including door holders, relays, smoke detectors, etc., Alarm power consumption of all current drawing devices multiplied by the minutes required by NFPA (5minutes for fire alarms or 15 minutes for emergency voice/alarm communication service)., 06 08 09 Formula format for battery calculations., Secondary Power: 10 Provide secondary power source for Fire Alarm System. 11 Provide proper capacity for secondary power source based on (1) through (7). 10.5.6 Performance Based Design: 12 Documents are provided outlining each performance objective, applicable scenarios, any calculations, modeling and other technical support in establishing the proposed fire design and life safety Performance. Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 17.3 Page 6 Section C: NFPA 72 Initiating Devices: (All codes r efer to NFPA 72 unless noted) C-1: Detection Devices: Description Code Duct Detectors: Duct detector locations in air/heat ducts. The air flow rate per minute ratings are provided: including the 01 manufacturer data sheet and a matrix or note detailing what size sampling tubes are to be used for each duct size. Heat Detectors: Heat detector heat classification color and operating temperature shall be written at detector location on the plan. 17.6.2 Heat detector spacing for rooms with smooth ceilings shall not exceed listed spacing and be within distance 03 of one-half of the listed spacing at right angles to all walls or partitions extending within the top 15 percent of the ceiling height, or all points of a ceiling are within a distance that is .7 (70%) of its listed spacing. 17.6.3 Heat detector spacing for irregularly shaped areas spacing can exceed listing provided the maximum spacing 04 from detector to farthest point of sidewall or corner within its zone does not exceed .7 (70%) of its listed spacing. 02 Heat detector spacing for ceilings 10 ft. to 30 ft. shall be reduced in accordance with Table prior 05 to reductions for sloped, joist, or beam construction and not less than .4 (40%) of the height of the ceiling, alternate designs can be in accordance with Annex B of the NFPA 72. 06 A heat-sensing detector integrally mounted on a smoke detector shall be listed for not less than 50 ft. spacing. 07 Spot-type heat-sensing fire detectors shall be located on the ceiling not less than 4 in. from the sidewall or on the sidewalls between 4 in. and 12 in. from the ceiling. 08 Line-type heat-sensing fire detectors shall be located on the ceiling or on the sidewalls not more than 20 in. from the ceiling. 09 Heat detector spacing at right angles to solid joist construction is not greater than 50 percent of the smooth ceiling spacing, and the detectors shall be mounted to the bottom of the joists., Heat detector spacing at right angles to beams projecting greater than 4 in. below the ceiling do not exceed 10 two-thirds of the smooth ceiling spacing or if beams project greater than 18 in. below the ceiling and are spaced greater than 96 in. on center then each bay is a separate area. Heat detector spacing for sloped ceilings: for peaked ceilings a row of detectors are spaced and located at or within 3 ft. of the ceiling peak and additional detectors, if any, shall be spaced based on the horizontal projection of the ceiling; for shed ceilings the sloped ceiling will have detectors located within 3 ft. of the 11 high side of the ceiling measured horizontally and additional detectors, if any, shall be spaced based on the horizontal projection of the ceiling; for roof slopes less than 30 degrees, detectors shall be spaced using the height at the peak and slopes greater than 30 degrees use the average slope height for detectors other than those at the peak. Smoke Detectors: 12 Smoke detector spacing is in accordance with the listing data sheet. 13 Smoke detectors in high air movement areas are not located in the supply vent airstream and shall be spaced in accordance with Table and Figure Smoke detectors, the designer has declared if the system will use two detectors to initiate the alarm. If 14 designed as such, then the AHJ must approve the design, two detectors are required in each protected area, and alarm verification shall not be used. Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 VUSBC 109.3 Page 7 Section C: NFPA 72 Initiating Devices (Cont.): (All codes r efer to NFPA 72 unless noted) Smoke Detectors (Cont.): Description Code Smoke detector spacing for smooth ceiling will use 30 ft. spacing as a guide, manufacturer’s data sheet listing criteria shall be followed. Other spacing is permitted depending on ceiling height, etc., for detecting 15 flaming fires the guidelines of Annex B can be used, all points of a ceiling are within .7 (70%) of the selected spacing. Smoke detector spacing for solid joist and beam construction: for level ceilings. 1) Beam depth less than 10 percent of ceiling height then use smooth ceiling spacing criteria. 2) Beam depth 10 percent or greater than ceiling height and beam spacing is 40 percent or greater than ceiling height detectors are in each beam pocket, 3) Waffle or pan-type ceiling with beams up to 24 in. and up to 12 ft. center-to-center spacing then use smooth ceiling spacing including spacing criteria for irregular areas and detectors can be placed on 16 the ceiling or bottom of the beams, 4) Corridors up to 15 ft. in width with beams perpendicular to the corridor length then use smooth ceiling spacing including spacing criteria for irregular areas and detectors can be placed on the ceiling or bottom of the beams. 5) Only one detector is required for rooms up to 900 square feet. Detectors shall be permitted by use of smooth ceiling spacing and the location of spot-type smoke detectors on ceilings or the bottom of beams or solid joists. Smoke detector spacing for solid joist and beam construction: for sloped ceilings. 1) For beams running parallel to the slope use level beamed ceiling spacing criteria. 2) Spot-type detector(s) shall be located on the ceiling within beam pocket(s). 3) Ceiling height is determined as the average height over the length of the slope 4) Spacing is based on the horizontal projection of the ceiling. 17 5) No detector required at 50 percent spacing from the low end it slope does not exceed 10 degrees. Beam depth less than 10 percent of ceiling height then use smooth ceiling spacing criteria. 6) Beam depth 10 percent or greater than ceiling height and beam spacing is 40 percent or greater than ceiling height detectors are in each beam pocket, 7) For beam spacing less than 40 percent of the ceiling height, spot-type detectors shall not be required in every beam pocket but shall be spaced note greater than 50 percent of smooth ceiling spacing. For beams running perpendicular to the sloped ceilings, the detectors are spaced the same as level beamed ceilings.. 1) Spot-type detector(s) shall be located on the ceiling within beam pocket(s). 2) Ceiling height is determined as the average height over the length of the slope 3) Spacing is based on the horizontal projection of the ceiling. 18 4) Smooth ceiling spacing shall be permitted within beam pocket(s). 5) Beam depth less than 10 percent of ceiling height then use smooth ceiling spacing criteria. 6) For beam spacing less than 40 percent of the ceiling height, spot-type detectors shall not be required to be located closer than 40 percent of the ceiling height and shall not exceed 50 percent of smooth ceiling spacing. For sloped ceilings with beam pockets formed by intersecting beams. 1) Spot-type detector(s) shall be located on the ceiling within beam pocket(s). 2) Ceiling height is determined as the average height over the length of the slope 3) Spacing is based on the horizontal projection of the ceiling. 4) Smooth ceiling spacing shall be permitted within beam pocket(s). 19 5) Beam depth less than 10 percent of ceiling height, spot-type detectors shall be spaced with not more than three beams between detectors and shall not exceed smooth ceiling spacing. 6) For beam spacing less than 40 percent of the ceiling height, spot-type detectors shall not be required to be located closer than 40 percent of the ceiling height and shall not exceed 50 percent of smooth ceiling spacing. 20 For sloped ceilings with solid joists, the detectors shall be located on the bottom of the joists. Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 Page 8 Section C: NFPA 72 Initiating Devices (Cont.): (All codes r efer to NFPA 72 unless noted) Smoke Detectors (Cont.): Description Smoke detector spacing located on peaked ceilings shall be spaced and located within 3 ft. of the peak, measured horizontally, and additional detectors, if any, shall be based on the horizontal projection of the 21 ceiling, shed ceilings shall have detectors located on the ceiling within 3 ft. of the high side of the ceiling measured horizontally, and additional detectors, if any, shall be based on the horizontal projection of the ceiling, and room cross sectional are provided. Code, 22 Smoke detector spacing under raised floors or above suspended ceilings shall be treated as separate rooms for smoke detector spacing. 23 Smoke detector spacing: when partition distance to the ceiling is within 15 percent of the ceiling height, treat each partitioned area as a separate room. 17.5.2 24 Smoke detection is provided in areas not continuously occupied where the Fire Alarm Control Unit (FACU) and other control units are located. 10.15 25 Air sampling smoke detector design calculations are within the maximum air sample transport time of 120 seconds, system calculations and a manufacturer design manual is provided. 26 Air sampling smoke detector sampling pipe network is detailed on the plans with pipe size and lengths, with calculations showing flow characteristics of the piping network and each sampling port. 27 Air sampling smoke system: provided are details of pipe mounting system and signage for each pipe at changes of direction or pipe branches, each side of wall penetration, and at least every 20 ft. 28 Projected beam smoke detector locations are detailed on the plans and the manufacturer’s design data sheets are provide. 29 Projected beam smoke detectors: stratification for a high ceiling was considered in the beam detector’s use and documentation is provided attesting that this evaluation was done. 30 Projected beam smoke detectors shall be equivalent to a row of spot-type detectors on level or slope ceilings. 31 Smoke detectors used in plenums are listed for anticipated environment and shall not be used in lieu of open area detectors. 17.7.4 32 Smoke detectors used for elevator recall: detectors in the elevator lobby, elevator machine room, hoistways, and control room are connected to the facility fire alarm system. 21.3.1 33 Smoke detectors for elevators, in non-fire alarmed buildings, shall be connected to a dedicated fire control unit and labeled as such, all of which is detailed on the plans. 21.3.2 Smoke detectors for elevators shall initiate the fire alarm and have a distinct visual indicator at the FACU 34 and annunciator, the activation of fire alarm indicating devices are not required if the signal transmits to a constantly attended location 21.3.8, 21.3.9 35 For elevator recall the primary and alternate floors for recall are noted on the plans, based on designated level recall ( and alternate level recall (, 36 Smoke detectors for elevators, a lobby detector is located within 21 ft. of the centerline of each elevator door within the elevator bank controlled by the detector. 21.3.5 37 Smoke detectors used in air duct systems are listed for such use and are appropriate for air velocities, temperatures, and humidity expected. Smoke detectors used in smoke control systems: duct detectors for preventing recirculation of smoke beyond a room or space from which the smoke is generated have their location detailed and are in the return 38 air duct or plenum upstream of any filters of the air-handling system when the air system exceeds 2,000 cfm, Exception: detectors are not required in the return air if all portions of the building that are served by the air system are protected by area smoke detection., IMC 606.2 Smoke detectors used for smoke control systems: multi-air systems that share common supply or return air 39 ducts or plenums with a capacity exceeding 2,000 cfm the return air system shall be provided with smoke detectors in accordance with item 78. above, consult the list of exceptions. IMC 606.2.2 Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 Page 9 Section C: NFPA 72 Initiating Devices (Cont.): (All codes r efer to NFPA 72 unless noted) Smoke Detectors (Cont.): Description 40 Smoke detectors used for smoke control systems: return air risers serving 2 or more stories and serve any portion of a return air system exceeding 15,000 cfm has smoke detectors at each story. 41 Smoke detectors used for smoke control systems, access to detectors is detailed. Smoke detectors used for smoke control systems, detectors are connected to fire alarm system and the visual/audible supervisory signals are shown located at a constantly attended location, Exceptions: 1) supervisory signal not required at constantly attended location if the duct smoke detectors activate the 42 fire alarm system 2) building without a fire alarm, the plans show the detector activates a visual/audible signal in an approved location (front entry) and the same for showing detector trouble conditions and it is shown to be signed/lettered as an air duct detector trouble. Code IMC 606.2.3 IMC 606.3 IMC 606.4.1 Radiant Energy-Sensing Flame Detectors: 43 Radiant energy-sensing fire detector data sheets show the detector matches the spectral emissions of the fire or fires to be detected and how false alarms will be minimized. Radiant energy-sensing fire detector spacing will be in accordance with its listing or inverse square law 44 (fire size verses distance curve for the detector) and the quantity of detectors are based on complete unobstructed view coverage of the area. 17.8.3 Radiant energy-sensing flame detectors, location and spacing is based on a documented and submitted engineering evaluation to include fire size, fuel involved, detector sensitivity, detector field of view, 45 distance from fire to detector, radiant energy absorption, extraneous radiant emissions, purpose of coverage, and the response time required. Radiant energy-sensing spark/ember detector location and spacing is based on a documented and submitted engineering evaluation to include fire size, fuel involved, detector sensitivity, detector field of view, 46 distance from fire to detector, radiant energy absorption, extraneous radiant emissions, purpose of coverage, and the response time required. Other Detectors: 47 Video image flame, combination, multi-criteria, and multi-sensor detectors are in compliance with 5.8.5 and 5.9. 17.8.5, 17.9 Other fire detectors not previously covered are installed in accordance with listing requirements, an 48 engineering survey which includes structural features, occupancy and use, ceiling height, ceiling configuration, ventilation, ambient conditions, fuel load and content configuration. 17.11 49 Sprinkler waterflow alarm device is shown on the plan as part of an initiation circuit. 17.12 50 Other automatic extinguishing systems are shown on the plan as part of an initiation circuit. 17.12 Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 Page 10 Section C: NFPA 72 Initiating Devices (Cont.): (All codes r efer to NFPA 72 unless noted) Description Code C-2: Fire Safety Control Functions: 01 Positive Alarm Sequence if used is approved by AHJ, and must comply with 02 Fire safety control functions: door release smoke detector locations are detailed and in compliance with and 21.8. 03 Fire safety control functions: exit door unlocking devices are connected to the fire alarm system and release on alarm activation,. Fan controls or door controls are interconnected with fire alarm system and detailed; any listed relays that 04 initiate control are within 3 ft. of the control circuit or appliance and the relay data sheet is provided, and wiring is monitored for integrity. 05 Fire safety control functions: fire pump is supervised by fire alarm system,,21.8 21.9 21.2 C-3: Zones: 01 Notification zones and circuits coincide with building outer walls, fire or smoke compartment boundaries, and floor separations. Each floor will be zoned separately, not to exceed 22,500 sq. ft. nor exceed 300 ft. in length in any direction 02 and each zone is clearly identified on the plans. Zones in sprinklered buildings shall not exceed the area limits set in NFPA 13. Each floor is considered a zone and if fire or smoke barriers are used for relocating occupants from one 03 zone to another on the same floor, then each zone shall be annunciated separately and all zones are clearly identified on the plans. NFPA 13 10.16 Emergency voice/alarm communication system complies with 23.9, and a code study is provided, which details how compliance is met 23.9 Emergency voice/alarm communication system used for partial evacuation or relocation of occupants has its 05 circuits provided with 2-hour protection by rated cable or a rated enclosure or an alternate approved by the AHJ. 04 06 Provide Pathway Survivability Level on the Fire Alarm Drawings. 12.4 C-4: Manual Pull Boxes: 01 The operable part of each manual fire alarm box shall be not less than 3.5 ft. and not more than 4.5 ft. above floor level. 02 Manual fire alarm boxes shall be located within 5 ft. of the exit doorway at each exit on each floor. 17.14.4 17.14.6 03 Manual fire alarm boxes shall be mounted on both sides of grouped openings over 40 ft. in width, and within 5 ft. of each side of the opening. 17.14.7 04 Additional fire alarm boxes shall be provided so that the travel distance to the nearest fire alarm box will not be in excess of 200 ft. measured horizontally on the same floor. 17.14.7 C-5: 24 Hour Monitoring: 01 Priority alarms, fire alarms, supervisory signals shall be distinctly different. 02 Sprinkler alarm, supervisory, and trouble signals are transmitted to supervisory station. 10.7.1 10.11, 10.12, Chapter 26 03 Transmitting device is detailed and its listing data sheet is provided. 04 Important, for digital alarm communicator transmission (DACT), dual monitoring control is required in case the primary transmission method fails. Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 Page 11 Section D: NFPA 72 Notification Devices: (All codes refer to NFPA 72 unless noted) D-1: Audible Devices: Description Sleeping areas shall provide at least a minimum sound pressure level of 15 dBA above the average ambient 01 sound pressure level or 5 dBA above maximum sound pressure level that lasts for 60 seconds or a sound pressure level of at least 75 dBA, whichever is greater, at the pillow. 02 For narrow band tone signaling the calculations, noise data, documentation and sound pressure design shall be provided on the plans. 03 The design for exit marking audible notification appliances shall be on the plans. Code 18.4.6 04 Exit marking audible notification appliances are located at each area of refuge and exit entrance such as exterior doors, exit discharge, interior stairs, exit passageway, fire escapes, horizontal exits, etc. 05 Devices are not less than 90 in. above the floor and are greater than 6 in. from the ceiling unless listed for ceiling mount, Use mounting height criteria from 18.5.4 for audible/visible appliances. 06 Mounting heights different than noted above are permitted if the sound pressure level requirements are met. 07 Audible design: the notification signal device is noted to be a three-pulse temporal pattern. 08 Audible design: speakers listed for notification use shall not be used for non-emergency use, consult the two exceptions. Where audible appliances are provided to produce signals for sleeping areas, they shall produce a low frequency alarm signal that complies with the following: 09 1) The alarm signal shall be a square wave or provide equivalent awakening ability. 2) The wave shall have a fundamental frequency of 520 Hz ±10 percent. 10.9.3, 10.9.4, D-2: Visual Devices: 01 Visual alarm notification appliances: listing data sheet indicates the flash rate does nor exceed 2 flashes per second. 02 Visual alarm notification appliances: details are provided that show wall mounting is between 80 in. and 96 in. above the floor level, and ceiling mounting is in accordance with Table . 18.5.4 03 Visual alarm notification appliances: device spacing and effective intensity (cd) for an area are in compliance with Fig., Tables (a, b)., 04 Visual alarm notification appliances: for corridors with 2 or more devices that are in the field of view the devices shall be synchronized. 05 Visual alarm notification appliances: for corridors greater than 20 ft. wide, device spacing is in accordance with Tables (a, b) and Figure 06 Visual alarm notification appliances: devices in corridors are within 15 ft. of the ends of corridor and do not exceed 100 ft. separation. Visual alarm notification appliances: sleeping area pillows are within 16 ft. of a device and devices mounted 07 less than 24 in. from ceiling is 177 cd or for devices mounted greater than 24 in. from the ceiling are 117 cd, see Table Visual alarm notification appliances: in rooms with ceilings exceeding 30 ft. in height, ceiling visual 08 devices will be suspended below 30 ft. or wall mounting and spacing shall be per Table Center of room ceiling mounted visual device complies with Table 09 A performance based design that provides at least 0.4036 lumens and is in compliance with is permitted. 10 Textual audible appliances meet the sound pressure level as required in the code. Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016, 18.4.3, 18.4.4 Page 12 Section E: Other Code Related Requirements: (All codes r efer to NFPA 72 unless noted) E-1: General Miscellaneous Requirements: Description Code Miscellaneous: speaker amplifier, tone generating equipment, and emergency phone circuit integrity are monitored. 10.17.2 Miscellaneous: class A circuit wiring, out and back, is not routed in same conduit or raceway. Class A and 02 Class X circuits using physical conductors shall be installed such that the outgoing and return conductors, existing from and returning to the control unit, respectively, are routed separately. 01 03 Miscellaneous: the sprinkler supervisory switch is connected to the fire alarm system; the audible signals shall be different between tamper switch and flow alarm, show how that is accomplished. 04 Voice alarm systems: speakers are located in compliance with the code. Provide location of all speakers on the plans. 05 Telephone communications: equipment is listed for two-way communication. 06 Telephone communications: the design is in compliance with through Manufacturing data sheets are provided to verify the design and operational features. 07 Wireless systems (low power radio) are listed for use and meet the requirements of 23.18.1. 08 Relays or appliances used to initiate other fire safety functions are listed and within 3 ft. of the controlled circuit or appliance. 09 The wiring between the relay or appliance and FACU is supervised for integrity. 10 Elevator recall for firefighters is designed in accordance with 21.3.1 through 21.3.12. 10.7.1 10.7 Chapter 18, 10.3.1, - 23.18.1 21.2.4 21.2.8 21.3.1 - 23.3.12 11 Telephone communications: fire alarm fire emergency phone jack locations are shown on the plans. 12 Where only one communications technology is used, any failure of the communications path shall be annunciated at the supervising station within 5 minutes of the failure 13 Provide primary and secondary communication methods for DACT 14 Smoke detectors in elevator lobbies, machine rooms, and shafts are connected to the FACU. 23.3.12 Building without a fire alarm system: Smoke detectors in elevator lobbies, machine rooms, and shafts 15 are provided a dedicated FACU, which is identified as the elevator recall control and supervisory control unit. 23.3.2 16 Smoke detectors in elevator lobbies, machine rooms, and shafts initiate elevator recall unless otherwise permitted by the AHJ. 23.3.3 17 Smoke detectors in elevator lobbies, machine rooms, and shafts shall annunciate at the FACU and anunnciator. 21.3.8 18 The designated and alternate recall levels are provided. Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 Page 13 Section E: Other Code Related Requirements (Cont.): E-2: International Building Code (IBC) Requirements: Description Code If there are no rated assemblies or no rated assemblies being penetrated, state this on the plans. 01 Clearly label all fire rated assemblies, firewalls, fire separation walls as to their rating in hours on all electrical plans. See Annex B-FA1, FA2. 714.3.2 Provide, on the drawing(s), UL listed fire stopping detail as found in the latest edition of the UL Fire Resistance Directory for the type of through penetration used (see Annex B-E6, Annex C). 02 See link below if help is needed: 714.3.2 For new buildings and structures, a minimum of one manual fire alarm box shall be provided in an approved 03 location to initiate a fire alarm signal for fire alarm systems employing automatic fire detectors or waterflow detection devices. 907.2 04 Provide proper fire alarm system based on Use Group. 907.2.1 - 907.2.11 05 Provide proper fire alarm system based on building/area. 907.2.12 - 907.2.23 06 Where delayed egress locks are installed on means of egress doors in accordance with Section 1008.1.9.7, an automatic smoke or heat detection system shall be installed as required by that section. 907.3.2 07 Automatic fire detectors installed for elevator emergency operation shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of ASME A17.1 and NFPA 72. 907.3.3 In areas that are not continuously occupied, a single smoke detector shall be provided at the location of each 08 fire alarm control unit, notification appliance circuit power extender, and supervising station transmitting equipment. 907.4.1 Use Group I-1 and R-1 dwelling units or sleeping units in accordance with table 907. shall be 09 provided with a visible alarm notification appliance, activated by both the in-room smoke alarm and the building fire alarm system. 907. In Use Group R-2 occupancies required by Section 907 to have a fire alarm system, all dwelling units and sleeping units shall be provided with the capability to support visible alarm notification appliances in accordance with Chapter 10 of ICC A117.1. Such capability shall be permitted to include the potential for 10 future interconnection of the building fire alarm system with the unit smoke alarms, replacement of audible appliances with combination audible/visible appliances, or future extension of the existing wiring from the unit smoke alarm locations for visible appliances. 907. Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 Page 14 Annex A: Individual Responsible for Signing Plans (Code of Virginia §54.1-402) Use Group A1A A1B A2A A2B A3B A3C A3D A3E A3F A3G A3H A3M A4A A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 E1 E2 F1 F2 H1,2,3,4,5 I1 I2A I2B I3 I4B M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 R1H R1M R2A R2B R3 R4 R5 S1 S2 U Description Theater With Stage Theater - No Stage Night Club Restaurant Museum/Art Gallery Library, Exhibits Passenger Terminal Recreation Center Lecture Hall Restaurant Fast Food Church Misc Assembly Recreation Center Grandstand, Stadium Business: Auto Dealership Business: Doctor’s Office Business: Bank Business: Car Wash Business; Fire Station Business: Funeral home Business: Laundry Business: Medical offices Business: Offices Business: Miscellaneous Education: School 1 to 12 Daycare over 2 ½ years Factory Moderate Hazard Factory Low Hazard High Hazard Group Home 6 or More Institutional Incapacitated Day Nursery Institutional Restrained Child Care 5 or More Under 2.5 Years Retail: Convenience Store Retail: Department Store Retail: Supermarket Retail: Store Retail: Service Station Hotel Motel Dormitories Multi-family - 3 or more units 1 or 2 Family over 3 stories Assisted Living 1 or 2 Family dwelling Storage Moderate Hazard Storage - Low Hazard Temporary, Miscellaneous (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)(2) (1) Seal (1) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) Seal Seal (1)(3) (1)(3) Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Over Three Stories Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal (1) Seal (1) Seal (1) Seal (1) (1) Seal (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1) (1) (1) Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1) (1) (1) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) Seal Seal Seal (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1) (1) (1) Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1) (1) (1) Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal (1) Seal (1) Seal (1) Seal (1) (1) Seal (1) Seal (1) (1) (1) Seal (1) (1) (1) Seal Seal Seal (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) Seal Seal Seal 1 To 3 Stories Seal Seal (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)(2) (1) Seal (1) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) Seal Seal (1)(3) (1)(3) Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal 0 to 800 Amp Service (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)(2) (1) Seal (1) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) Seal Seal (1)(3) (1)(3) Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Over 800 Amp Service Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal 100 or less occupants Over 100 occupants (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)(2) (1) Seal (1) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) Seal Seal (1)(3) (1)(3) Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal NO PLANS REQUIRED Seal (1) Seal NO PLANS REQUIRED Seal (1) Seal Seal (1) Seal Seal (1) Seal (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) Seal (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) Seal Seal (1) (1) Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal 51 to 600 Volts (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)(2) (1) Seal (1) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) (1)(2) Seal Seal (1)(3) (1)(3) Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Over 600 Volts Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal 0 to 50 Volts Seal - Professional Engineer's Seal Required. Except for use groups A4A, E1, E2, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, I1, I2A, I2B, I3; for renovations, a Master Electrician or Class A Contractor’s qualified individual shall be able to sign plans. (1) Master Electrician or Contractor's qualified individual on state license can do plans if of same quality as a professional engineer would normally submit. Contractor shall be Class A. The exemption for electrical contractors and master electricians in applicable only when both the design and installation are under their direction or control. (2) Professional Engineer’s seal required for greater than 5,000 square foot building. (3) Professional Engineer’s seal required for greater than 15,000 square foot building. Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 Page 15 Annex B: FA1 - Symbols and Legend SYMBOLS LEGEND FACP FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL FAAP FIRE ALARM ANNUNCIATOR PANEL SPE STROBE POWER EXTENDER F MANUAL PULL STATION INTERFACE MODULE SMOKE DETECTOR (SMOKE DETECTOR CONTROL FUNCTION) S – AREA SMOKE, IONIZATION PE – SMOKE REFRACTION X DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR (PHOTOELECTRIC) P SPEAKER – WALL MOUNTED SPEAKER – CEILING MOUNTED (XX) SPEAKER/STROBE – WALL MOUNTED CANDELA RATING (STROBE SHALL BE 15cd U.O.N.) 1 HOUR FIRE RATED ASSEMBLY 2 HOUR FIRE RATED ASSEMBLY 3 HOUR FIRE RATED ASSEMBLY PROJECT INFORMATION: USE GROUP: B CONSTRUCTION TYPE: IIA CHANGE OF USE: NO FLOOD PLAIN: NO OCCUPANCY: 45 FULLY SPRINKLERED BUILDING BUILDING SQUARE FOOT: 4,500 DRAWING LEGEND FA1 FA2 FA3 FA4 FA5 FA6 FA7 LEGENDS AND ABBREVIATIONS PART DEVICE PLAN RISER DIAGRAM VOLTAGE DROP CALCULATIONS MATRIX BATTERY CALCULATIONS FIRE STOP DETAIL 1 <SIGNATURE AREA> CODE INFORMATION: 2012 VIRGINIA STATEWIDE BUILDING CODE 2011 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 1 Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 ABBREVIATIONS A.F.F. ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR CBL. CABLE CKT CIRCUIT DC DIRECT CURRENT ELEV. ELEVATOR EQUIP. EQUIPMENT F/A FIRE ALARM FACP FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL FAAP FIRE ALARM ANNUNCIATOR PANEL F.B.O. FURNISHED BY OWNER FDV FIRE DEPARTMENT VALVE FS FLOW SWITCH GPM GALLONS PER MINUTE HP HORSEPOWER HT. HEIGHT JB JUNCTION BOX MAX. MAXIMUM MIN. MINIMUM PWR. POWER RAP REMOTE ANNUCIATOR PANEL S.T. SHUNT TRIP TS TAMPER SWITCH TEL TELEPHONE TYP. TYPICAL V VOLT W WIRE WP WEATHERPROOF XMTR TRANSMITTER * DISTANCE DOWN FROM CEILING + DISTANCE ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR Project Name Diamond Plating Project Address 2312 Westwood Avenue Master’s Name Robert Duce Master’s Card No. 2733-012345 Company Address Phone (804) 555-1234 Fax (804) 555-4321 Duce Electric Co. 900 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23222 FA1 Page 16 Annex B: FA2 - Partial Device Plan S 15cd 15cd CLOSET 110 S 15cd FILE ROOM 112 15cd S 15cd 15cd 15cd S ELECTRICAL 111 60cd S F 15cd OPEN OFFICE 114 STORAGE 113 S S 15cd 60cd PART DEVICE PLAN <SIGNATURE AREA> 1/8 = 1'-0 0' 4' 8' 16' 1/8 = 1'-0" Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 Project Name Diamond Plating Project Address 2312 Westwood Avenue Master’s Name Robert Duce Master’s Card No. 2733-012345 Company Address Phone (804) 555-1234 Fax (804) 555-4321 Duce Electric Co. 900 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23222 FA2 Page 17 SEE NOTE 1 (TYPICAL) Annex B: FA3 - Partial Riser Diagram F TO OTHER DEVICES IN BUILDING SECTION IM IM SPEP 2ND FLOOR SEE NOTE 1 (TYPICAL) IM IM F IM IM TO OTHER DEVICES IN BUILDING SECTION EL ELECTRIC 24V DC POWER DOOR SERVICE STROBE POWER EXTENDER PANEL (TYPICAL. PROVIDE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POWER REQUIREMENTS OF NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES.) SEE NOTE 1 (TYPICAL) IM IM IM IM IM IM TO OTHER DEVICES IN BUILDING SECTION 120VAC FACP 120VAC 1ST FLOOR ASSD SPEP F IM IM AIR SAMPLING DETECTOR W/TWO ADDRESSABLE TUBES AND POWER SUPPLY SPEP LOWER LEVEL RISER DIAGRAM NO SCALE KEY NOTES: 1. A TERMINAL BOX FOR DISTRIBUTION OF THE FLOOR SIGNALING LINE AND NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUITS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT EACH LOCATION AT A MINIMUM. ALL CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE WITH TERMINAL BLOCKS. PIGTAILING SHALL NOT BE USED TO MAKE FIELD CONNECTIONS. Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 <SIGNATURE AREA> Project Name Diamond Plating Project Address 2312 Westwood Avenue Master’s Name Robert Duce Master’s Card No. 2733-012345 Company Address Phone (804) 555-1234 Fax (804) 555-4321 Duce Electric Co. 900 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23222 FA3 Page 18 Annex B: FA4– Voltage Drop Calculations Project Name Diamond Plating Date 10/15/2014 Circuit Number 1 Area Covered 10,000 sq. ft. Distance Distance from source to first device Device Nominal System Voltage Minimum Device Voltage Total Circuit Current Ohm's per 1000 feet Wire Gauge 20 14 3.07 Distance from Device Current previous device (in Amperes) (in FT.) Voltage At Device horn/strobe 30cd strobe 75cd smoke detector horn/strobe 75cd horn/strobe 75cd horn/strobe 75cd horn/strobe 75cd horn/strobe 30cd horn/strobe 30cd horn/strobe 75cd smoke detector smoke detector smoke detector smoke detector smoke detector horn/strobe 75cd horn/strobe 75cd horn/strobe 75cd horn/strobe 75cd horn/strobe 30cd horn/strobe 30cd 0.102 0.135 0.010 0.148 0.148 0.148 0.148 0.102 0.102 0.148 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.148 0.148 0.148 0.148 0.102 0.102 24 V 18 V 2.037 A 20 15 15 30 40 25 30 15 15 20 23 27 20 36 60 20 15 15 34 20 15 23.75 23.57 23.41 23.08 22.67 22.44 22.20 22.09 21.98 21.86 21.74 21.60 21.50 21.32 21.03 20.93 20.87 20.82 20.75 20.72 20.71 Drop from Percent Source drop 0.25 1.04% 0.43 1.78% 0.59 2.48% 0.92 3.85% 1.33 5.53% 1.56 6.49% 1.80 7.52% 1.91 7.98% 2.02 8.40% 2.14 8.91% 2.26 9.41% 2.40 9.98% 2.50 10.41% 2.68 11.16% 2.97 12.39% 3.07 12.80% 3.13 13.05% 3.18 13.24% 3.25 13.55% 3.28 13.65% 3.29 13.69% PARTIAL VOLTAGE DROP CALCULATIONS NO SCALE <SIGNATURE AREA> Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 Project Name Diamond Plating Project Address 2312 Westwood Avenue Master’s Name Robert Duce Master’s Card No. 2733-012345 Company Address Phone (804) 555-1234 Fax (804) 555-4321 Duce Electric Co. 900 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23222 FA4 Page 19 Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 Page 20 SMOKE DET. ELEV. LOBBY SMOKE DET. ALT. FLR. ELEV. LOBBY ELEV. MACHINE RM. SMOKE DET. ELEV. MACHINE RM. HEAT DET. 135OoF MONITOR SWITCH (VALVE ETC.) 5 6 7 8 9 NO SCALE MANUAL PULL STATION 4 A B C D INPUT/OUTPUT MATRIX WATER PRESSURE SWITCH 3 11 MAN. SMOKE CONTROL INITIATION DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR 2 10 ANY DEVICE OR CIRCUIT TROUBLE AREA/ROOM SMOKE DETECTOR 1 SYSTEM INPUTS E F G H I J K 2733-012345 Duce Electric Co. 900 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23222 Master’s Card No. Company Address Phone (804) 555-1234 Fax (804) 555-4321 Master’s Name P 2312 Westwood Avenue O Project Address N Diamond Plating M Project Name <SIGNATURE AREA> L Robert Duce Q FA5 GE S YS NE T R E AL M A E OU TR UTOM VACU T PU OU A A TS B LE TIC R TION AU TO ET D R R I E B CE ANS LE IV M & V AU ISU ING SISSIO DIB TA N AL L E A LAR TIONOF AL &V RE AR M ISU C M O S A I RD GN / LS SU UP AL EV PE O E E R A N R U V T V T ISO T FA S I PU SO IN CP RY TS RY M O I S E G I M GN NA RE UTPU OR LT AL CA T Y O A A S TF ND CL O LL T IGN AC P RE UTPU O DE AL T OSE F R P INT S CA T O IRE ER LL SI IGN EL G D O OU TO A NAL ATEDEVAT OR L T T S T PU O L E OR T S ERNA ELE VEL CON IG V T T OU R E N OL L ATO AL TP L ER F O EV EL R C U T O R F SIG N D OR EL E TR NA EL OL ANISPL VA A L E L T N V T E O U YE O AT R R F S OR PO O NCI XAC OR H WE EL EG UTP ATIO T LO UT D E R R O V ESSUT TO N PA CAT SH WN AT U I OR T R A AU DO ELE NEL ON O IR D H WN F A I A D B S N EA LE EV DL ICE &V LL IN I N L G A I O S I T TI UN U C R A K A E E T L IT MO D E T RO SM DO TE OU UB OK OR T L E S E PU CO IN SIG TT ME NT N O A R OU A L L O NS IG A L T T H S PU OF YS T TIN FA TT CP EM G O S OU YS T RE TP LE E M A U SE TT –L PR OS IGH E H A T U SO C T T DO ION N W S N U FA PP NP RE S O I O WE NS RE O D L E V N AV OID B OX ES Annex B: FA5 - Fire Alarm Matrix Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL ANNUNCIATOR SMOKE DETECTOR HEAT DETECTOR PULL STATION FDC BELL HORN STROBE HORN/STROBE 0 0 0 0 FACP ANN SMOKE HEAT PULL BELL HORN STROBE H/S 0 0 0 0 X 0.7387 0.3774 9.06 X REQUIRED ALARM CAPACITY (AMP-HOURS) 24 TOTAL SYSTEM STANDBY CURRENT (AMPS) NO SCALE = = 1 = 1 = 24 = 10 = 14 = 3 = 0 = 14 = 26 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = TOTAL SYSTEM STANDBY CURRENT (AMPS) X X X X X X X X X X X X X QUANTITY REQUIRED STANDBY CAPACITY (AMP-HOURS) REQUIRED STANDBY TIME (HRS) NFPA 72-2010 0.2500 0.1250 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 BATTERY CALCULATION DESCRIPTION ITEM STANDBY CURRENT PER UNIT (AMPS) 0.083 9.7963 + X 2733-012345 Duce Electric Co. 900 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23222 Company Address Phone (804) 555-1234 Fax (804) 555-4321 Robert Duce Master’s Card No. Master’s Name 2312 Westwood Avenue Project Address 12 ADJUSTED BATTERY CAPACITY (AMP-HOURS) 0.7387 Diamond Plating = = REQUIRED ALARM CAPACITY (AMP-HOURS) 8.9000 0.5000 0.2500 0.0010 0.0000 0.0000 0.0500 1.0000 4.0000 3.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 TOTAL ALARM CURRENT PER ITEM Project Name 20% SAFETY FACTOR 8.9000 TOTAL SYSTEM ALARM CURRENT (AMPS) <SIGNATURE AREA> 9.7963 TOTAL TOTAL CAPACITY CAPACITY (AMP-HOURS) (AMP-HOURS) 9.0576 X X X X X X X X X X X X X QUANTITY 1 = 1 = 100 = 10 = 10 = 1 = 20 = 40 = 20 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = TOTAL SYSTEM ALARM CURRENT (AMPS) 0.5000 0.2500 0.0010 0.0000 0.0000 0.0500 0.0500 0.1000 0.1500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ALARM CURRENT PER UNIT (AMPS) REQUIRED REQUIRED ALARM STANDBY TIME (HOURS) CAPACITY NFPA 72-2010 (AMP-HOURS) 0.3774 0.2500 0.1250 0.0024 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 TOTAL STANDBY CURRENT PER ITEM FIRE ALARM SYSTEM SECONDARY BATTERY-SET CALCULATION WORKSHEET FA6 Annex B: FA6 - Battery Calculations Page 21 Annex B: FA7 - UL Rated Fire Stop Detail S y ste m N o . C - A J -1 0 1 3 M ay 0 9, 20 13 F R atin g – 1 H r T R ating – 0 H r L R atin g A t A m bient – L ess T han 1 C F M /sq ft L R ating A t 4 00 F – L ess T han 1 C F M /sq ft 1. Floor or W all A sse m bly – M in 5 in. (12 7 m m ) thick reinforced n orm al w eight (140-1 55) pcf) concrete. Wall m ay also be co nstructed of an y U L C lassified C o n crete B lock s*. M ax dia m of opening is 6 in. (15 2 m m ). S ee C o n crete B lock (C A Z T ) categ ory in the Fire R esistance D irectory. 2. T h ro u g h P en etra nts – O ne m etallic pipe, or cond uit to be centered w ithin the firestop syste m . Pipe or co nd uit to be rigidly sup ported on b oth sides of flo or or w all asse m bly. T he follo w ing ty pes and sizes of m etallic pipes or co nd uits m ay be used: A . Steel Pip e – N o m 4 in. (10 2 m m ) dia m (or s m aller) S ched ule 5 (or heavier) steel pipe. A no m ann ular space of 3/4 in. (1 9 m m ) is required w ithin the firesto p syste m . B. C o n d uit – N o m 4 in. (1 02 m m ) dia m (or s m aller) steel electrical m etallic tu bin g or steel con duit. A no m ann ular space of 3/4 in. (1 9 m m ) is req uired w ithin the firestop syste m . 3. P ackin g M aterial – (N ot S ho w n) – N o m 1 in. (2 5 m m ) dia m o pen cell p olyurethane foa m backer rod friction-fitted into the opening as a perm anent form . P acking m aterial to be recessed fro m top surface of flo or or fro m both surfaces of w all as req uired to acco m m odate the required thick ness of fill m aterial. 4. Fill, Void or C a vity M aterial* – S eala nt – M in 3/4 in. (19 m m ) thick ness of fill m aterial applied w ithin an nulus, flush w ith top surface of flo or or w ith both surfaces of w all. 3 M C O M PA N Y – Types F B -100 0 N S, F B -10 03 S L (flo ors only), F B -20 00 or F B -20 00 +. B earing the U L C lassificatio n M ark <SIGNATURE AREA> Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 Project Name Diamond Plating Project Address 2312 Westwood Avenue Master’s Name Robert Duce Master’s Card No. 2733-012345 Company Address Phone (804) 555-1234 Fax (804) 555-4321 Duce Electric Co. 900 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23222 FA7 Page 22 USING THE UL FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 floor-to-floor wall-to-wall floor-to-wall head-of-wall bottom-of-wall wall-to-wall joints intended for use as corner guards The third letter signifies the movement The four digit numer describes the nominal joint width: of the joint system: 0000 – 0999 less than or equal to 2” 1000 – 1999 greater than 2” and less than or equal to 6” 2000 – 2999 greater thans 6” and less than or equal to 12” S = no movement (static) 3000 – 3999 greater than 12” and less than or equal to 24” 4000 – 4999 greater than 24” D = allows movement (dynamic) C = floor or wall 0000-0999 no penetrating items 1000-1999 metallic pipe, conduit or tubing 2000-2999 nonmetallic pipe, conduit or tubing 3000-3999 electrical cables 4000-4999 cable trays with electrical cables 5000-5999 insulated pipes 6000-6999 miscellaneous electrical penetrants such as busducts 7000-7999 miscellaneous mechanical penetrants such as air ducts 8000-8999 groupings of penetrations including any combination of items listed above 9000-9999 not used at present time 0003 = less than or equal to 2” D = allows movement (dynamic) Hw = heat of wall Example: hwd 0003 1226 = metallic pipe, conduit or tubing J = concrete or block wall 8” or less A = concrete floor 5” or less Example: caj 1226 The four digit number describes the penetrating item: Firestop system: A specific construction consisting of a fire-rated wall or floor assembly, a penetrating item or items passing through an opening in the assembly, and the materials designed to help prevent the spread of fire, toxic gases and smoke through the openings. ASTM E-814: “Standard Method of Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Firestops.” UL 1429: “Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Firestops.” (Equivalent to ASTM E-814) UL 2079: “Tests for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems.” (ASTM E1966) Annular Space: The distance from the inside edge of the opening (floor/wall) to the outside of the penetrating item. Point of Contact: When listed on UL system drawing, allows penetrating item to “touch’ edge of opening. Backing Material: Material used in Firestop systems (e.g. mineral wool, backer rod, CF 128 foam) to set the depth and provide support for the fill/void or cavity material. “F” Rating: A rating usually expressed in hours indicating a specific length of time that a fire-resistive barrier can withstand fire before being consumed or before permitting the passage of flame through an opening in the assembly as determined by ASTM E-815 and UL 1479. “T” Rating: A rating usually expressed in hours indicating the length of time that the temperature on the non-fire side of a fire-rated assembly does not exceed 325F above ambient temperature as determined by ASTM E-84 and UL 1479. “L” Rating: Amount of air leakage through a penetration, measured in cubic feet per minute. The test is administered at ambient and 400'F for validity due to variances in performance of firestop systems at different temperatures. Intumescent: A term describing materials which are designed to expand significantly (typically 2 to 10 times original volume) and when exposed to sufficient heat. Intumescent materials are often used as firestops, particularly around combustible penetrants. FF WW FW HW BW CG Joint sytems The first two letters identify type of joint: F = Floors W = Walls C = Floors Or Walls (Combined) A. Concrete floor 5” or less B. Concrete floor greater than 5” C. Wood or framed floors D. Steel decks in marine vessels E. Floor-ceiling assemblies consisting of concrete with membrane protection F thru i. Not used at present time J. Concrete/masonry walls 8” or less K. Concrete/masonry wall greater than 8” L. Framed walls M. Bulkheads in marine vessels N. Composite panel walls O thru z. Not used at present time Through Penetrations The first represents what is The second letter(s) provide more info about the floor or wall: being penetrated: The Fire Resistance Directory Utilizes an Alpha-Numeric Numbering System Annex C: UL Fire Resistance Directory Page 23 Annex D: Fire Alarm Plan Review Requirements Checklist to Submit to City of Richmond Project Address: Project Name: Section A: General Requirements for All Projects 01 _____ 02 _____ 03 _____ 04 _____ 05 _____ 06 _____ 07 _____ 08 _____ 09 _____ 10 _____ 11 _____ 12 _____ 13 _____ 14 _____ 15 _____ 16 _____ 17 _____ 18 _____ 19 _____ 20 _____ 21 _____ 22 _____ 23 _____ 24 _____ 25 _____ 26 _____ 27 _____ 28 _____ 29 _____ 30 _____ Section B-1: General Requirements 01 _____ 02 _____ 03 _____ 04 _____ 05 _____ 06 _____ 07 _____ 08 _____ 09 _____ 10 _____ 11 _____ 12 _____ 13 _____ 14 _____ 15 _____ Section B-2: General Plan Requirements 01 _____ 02 _____ 03 _____ 04 _____ 05 _____ 06 _____ 07 _____ 08 _____ 09 _____ 10 _____ 11 _____ 12 _____ Section C-1: Detection Devices 01 _____ 02 _____ 03 _____ 04 _____ 05 _____ 06 _____ 07 _____ 08 _____ 09 _____ 10 _____ 11 _____ 12 _____ 13 _____ 14 _____ 15 _____ 16 _____ 17 _____ 18 _____ 19 _____ 20 _____ 21 _____ 22 _____ 23 _____ 24 _____ 25 _____ 26 _____ 27 _____ 28 _____ 29 _____ 30 _____ 31 _____ 32 _____ 33 _____ 34 _____ 35 _____ 36 _____ 37 _____ 38 _____ 39 _____ 40 _____ 41 _____ 42 _____ 43 _____ 44 _____ 45 _____ 46 _____ 47 _____ 48 _____ 49 _____ 50 _____ Section C-2: Fire Safety Control Functions 01 _____ 02 _____ 03 _____ 04 _____ 05 _____ Section C-3: Zones 01 _____ 02 _____ 03 _____ 04 _____ 05 _____ 06 _____ Section C-4: Manual Pull Boxes 01 _____ 02 _____ 03 _____ 04 _____ Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 Page 24 Annex D: Checklist to Submit to City of Richmond (Cont.) Section C-5: 24 Hour Monitoring 01 _____ 02 _____ 03 _____ 04 _____ Section D-1: Audible Devices 01 _____ 02 _____ 03 _____ 04 _____ 05 _____ 06 _____ 07 _____ 08 _____ 09 _____ Section D-2: Visual Devices 01 _____ 02 _____ 03 _____ 04 _____ 05 _____ 06 _____ 07 _____ 08 _____ 09 _____ 10 _____ Section E-1: General Miscellaneous Requirements 01 _____ 02 _____ 03 _____ 04 _____ 05 _____ 06 _____ 07 _____ 08 _____ 09 _____ 10 _____ 11 _____ 12 _____ 13 _____ 14 _____ 15 _____ 16 _____ 17 _____ 18 _____ Section E-2: IBC Requirements 01 _____ 02 _____ 03 _____ 04 _____ 05 _____ 06 _____ 07 _____ 08 _____ 09 _____ 10 _____ Contractor/Master Electrician Sign-off: Engineer’s Signed/Seal: Contractor License #: __________________________ Master License #: _________________________________ Print Name: ___________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________ Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 Page 25 Fire Alarm Plan Requirements - June 01, 2016 Page 26 Permit # - Zoning Storm water Mgmt. Fire Suppression Plumbing Public Works Mechanical Electrical Gas Piping Public Utilities Sprinkler Security Miscellaneous Phone Email *If only partial sets are submitted you may be required to insert them into record sets* Address - Comments Department of Planning and Development Review Bureau of Permits and Inspections 900 East Broad Street, Room 110 Richmond, VA 23219 Phone (804) 646-4169 ● Fax (804) 646-1569 Revision - Resubmittal Plan Intake Sheet Date Received Time In Intake Person Revised due to plan review comments Yes No Revised due to inspector comments Yes No Revised due to design changes Yes No Has permit been issued Yes No Original permit fee - $ Original cost of work - $ Cost increase per changes (if any) - $ 10% Revision fee required Yes No Increase fee paid Yes No If no revision fee is required (please explain) For revised plans, are the changes clouded Yes No Are the plans signed and sealed (if applicable) Yes No FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Building Planning Hood Fire Alarm Responsible Contractor or Permit Holder Contact Person Fax Number of Sets Submitted Revision Description - Date - FILLED IN BY APPLICANT – All boxes in this section must be completed if applicable