Direct Neural Interface

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Pharmacy Failure: MUFON meeting San Diego
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be displaced in the direction of travel, like a vacuum that
would suck the craft into it, and cause it to appear to move,
but in away, space is moved around it. This could account
somewhat for the intense speeds of travel that are observed as
UFOs zip out of sight. Along the same lines, an aray of three
gyroscopes, and maybe one big central one could explain how they
hover and change their axial position without effort. I think
that some of these crafts have an direct neural interface, where
the pilot's mind is transposed into the computer system,
effectively expanding the pilot's perception from a body to the
entire spacecraft, so that moving forward or backward or up and
down is simple motor-skills, like walking or jumping.
Especially the circular discs, I think. I don't know exactly
how the "Aurora" triangular ones manufactured by the government.
Those are probably the ones that are spotted most, because the
ones made by extra-terrestrials can travel unseen, come out of
nowhere, and disappear before you can see them. I doubt we have
a firm grasp on that technology yet.
Well, that is just some of my educated guesses. Yes, I have
researched this a good amount, but I don't have any solid proof,
or empirical evidence, nor a full understanding of everything
involved and all the research, documentation, and evidence that
the government posesses is either destroyed or withheld. (as is
often the case in these situations, hence the cliche of
"government cover-up") It seems to me, however, all the
evidence of abductions and UFO sightings would be enough to get
a ruling beyond a shadow of a doubt in any courtroom. This
brings me to the Freedom of Information Act and government
secrecy. President Barack Obama made a statement a while ago
that the U.S. Government denies all knowledge of UFOs and ETs
and any contact with them by anyone, ever; indeed he denied the
existence of off-world life entirely. This is actually a lie,
though, and we know this because Project Blue Book leaked years
ago, and also the little known Rockefeller Initiative of
1993-96, and dozens of other little crumbs of evidence. I'll
provide those links in a subsequent entry, as well as the link
to the Disclosure Petition for Obama to begin an investigation
into the Rockefeller Initiative and publicize all UFO/ET
phenomena documents to the public. This "We the People" site is
a tool for people to make petitions to the administration that
they have promised (and is required by the First Ammendment of
the Constitution) to act accordingly and issue an official
response. The Obama administration has been caught in yet
another lie, and I have been hoping and praying that enough
people will sign this petition by March 24 that we can see if
the administration will follow through with it's due dilligence
and duty to the people. So if anyone is reading this, please
take five minutes to follow the link below and put your info on
the petition.
Recommend this on Google
Stardate 3/18/2012 12:51:00 AM
Keywords: conspiracy, cover-up, investigation, mufon,
non-compliance, paranormal, ufo, x-files
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12/21/2012 4:39 PM
Re : Investigation into John Kettler's info in two interviews conducted live on Livestream
originally during the month of February 2012.
1. John Kettler : Latest Intel
Interview with John Kettler - Now on Youtube
This is a LIVE interview with John Kettler. See his blog at
John Kettler is in a unique position with his background in the defense industry involving relatively high levels of clearance
and the current intel he is receiving from both ON and OFF-WORLD. He started a blog back in Nov 2011 and by January
was contacted by several highly placed sources communicating with him about current events and what is really going on.
On top of that, he began having contact with what he believes are off-world humanoid ETs...
Project Camelot
11 hours ago · reply · retw eet · fav orite
In this discussion we talk about his intel from both sides, comparing and contrasting that info with the intel I have, as well as
how things are playing out on the world stage. The result is a fascinating dialog concerning a potential false flag involving a
nuclear sub and the San Onofre Power Plant, the death of Osama bin Laden, Seal Team 6, Israel and Iran and a potentially
volatile situation involving the delivery by Iran of ballistic missiles to Venezuela, 40 of them, which could reach U.S. cities in
projectcamelot Hey everyone,
join us online for 21st chat;
w e'll be talking about this
w eekends up coming Aw ake
& Alive event as...
This Bay of Pigs type of stand-off with Iran and Venuzuela has the potential to be the start of WWIII assuming that John's
intel from both on and off world is correct. So far this information has not made it into the news. We have invited him to
return next week to give us an update. Perhaps by then we will have some confirmation of whether this highly volatile
situation is real and evidence, at least, of it having made it into mainstream news.
projectcamelot Happy 21st
everybody! Much love from
Project Camelot
14 hours ago · reply · retw eet · fav orite
projectcamelot You can also
stream the Aw ake & Alive
event on Saturday 22nd if
you can not be there in
person! Only $5 for the...
20 hours ago · reply · retw eet · fav orite
projectcamelot Hey everyone!
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February 19, 2012
John Kettler Missles in Venezuela - situation status report
John Kettler : latest update on his blog re Missiles in Venezuela click here
More investigation needed in this area of course...With regard to the groups John Kettler is
dealing with... They are at the very least polarized more negatively than positive (ilke most
humans) and are operating on that. Why do I say this?
Very well said!! This makes sense and it is most fascinating. I do think that there are some
actions that will be taken by the light side that could be viewed as aggressive and going
against a non-interventionist stance however. This is all very complex and the number of
different races make it all that much more convoluted.
As Arthur C. Clarke made clear in his fabulous and insightful book "Childhood's End" forcing
peace on a people is not much different than forcing war.. both result in a dead-end and lack
of freedom. The consequences are profound.
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About researchers and
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We, Kerry Cassidy and Bill
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December 2008
The audio on this is now understandable. We had tremendous problems getting this done
partly due to my location at a hotel room where my livestream Procaster suddenly wouldn't
work but also at John's end with weird interference of all kinds. I also was very sick during
and after this interview!
Please note: this information is provided for further analysis and investigation. There is at
present no real way to prove any of it. If proof becomes available we will post it as I am
sure John Kettler will. However, IF the ETs he is working with are interfering as described
there are many ramifications to this that need to be addressed. Whereas their help may be
welcomed and even encouraged it is necessary to ask what their real agenda is and who
they really are. It is very easy to deceive humanity from their vantage point and it is also
easy to deceive well meaning individuals acting from the heart. This is something the dark
side has taken full advantage of parading as the light. Therefore I urge caution and
careful discernment in analyzing and listening to all the material out there right now.
Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot
John Kettler Interview with Kerry Cassidy
Feb. 17, 2012
Kerry Cassidy (KC): This is Kerry from Project Camelot [Productions], and we are here to
do an interview, a live interview with John Kettler. And I'm afraid there won't be much
video going on here.
My video is happening, but it's sporadic. So ... that's the luck of the draw at the moment.
Our site is down. The site is down. So, that's just life. And we'll go from
So, John -- I became interested in interviewing you because I saw that you had some very
interesting intel on your site that no one else seemed to have. And that was for a couple
of different things going on.
But one of the things was the submarine that was supposedly going to be involved in a
false flag somewhere near San Onofre -- or involving San Onofre -- nuclear power plant.
So, if you can address that, and ... as well as all the other, sort of, articles that have
recently been on your site.
And I will also want to talk about, you know, I think we'll drill down into some of the
evidence that came towards you during the time when SEAL Team Six was out there
supposedly killing Osama Bin Laden.
I understand that your information is such that you believe that's actually true. I do not,
so we will have an interesting discussion on that level.
But, I understand, basically for the listener, you have not only intelligence, or intelligence
sources, so to speak, off-world, but also on-world.
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So, the fact that you're kind of in the middle of those two streams of information is putting
you in a very interesting position. And, uh, from what I understand, some of the agencies
are interested in that part, as well.
So, why don't you tell us about yourself, first of all? Give a bit of a bio, and then we'll drill
down into some of the current events that you've been reporting.
[silence; long pause] Okay. So, if you're muted, I guess [chuckles] you have to remember
to unmute yourself.
John Kettler (JK): All right. My ... sw itchology problems!
I am the son of a defense engineer who spent 40 years in military aerospace, primarily
working on cutting-edge defense programs -- radar countermeasures, radar design, lasers,
infrared countermeasures, all of that ... all kinds of exotic stuff for regular defense industry
and also for some of the intelligence community.
He sent people into combat with gear that he himself designed and engineered, and things
like that.
So, I grew up in a house full of books on military history, weapon technology, espionage,
covert operations and things like that.
And ... tried to get into the military myself via service academies, but my eyesight was too
bad. [laughs] And so, I wound up kind of getting into military aerospace through the back
I'd worked for a financial printer. And one of the think tanks was one of the customers. And
I knew exactly who to approach and whatnot, but I didn't have a college degree at the
I had three years or so of college of under my belt. And what I wound up with was ... and
the guy had told me literally, if I had a P.E. degree, I could have gotten in, but I didn't.
And my father had me writing white papers. He worked for Hughes Aircraft Company at the
[Ed note: hite_paper ]
And it was taking a lot of my time writing these white papers, which in turn, were causing
security flaps, because I took information out of Aviation Week Magazine and stuff, that
other people didn't realize was significant, and I did.
And I said: Okay, to keep this system alive on the battlefield, you know , you need to w orry
about this particular problem.
And so, next thing you know, there's a security flap at Hughes, and I'm not even working
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for the outfit, because they said: Oh my God, you know, this information shouldn't be out
there, and ... it was published in Aviation Week.
So, we looked at ways of getting me on as a consultant, and that didn't fly. But he knew
some of the guys in Operations Analysis out at Hughes Missile Systems Group, which is
now part of Raytheon.
And I went in on an interview, and I knocked them dead -- the [black] background I
indicated, plus my own studies and wargaming from age 12.
So that's the background on that side.
I went on to spend a total of a little over 11 years working for Hughes Aircraft Missile
Systems Group, where I worked on practically every tactical missile program the country
had, because Hughes built most of them -- the Phoenix Missile, the Maverick Anti-Tank
Missile, the TOW Anti-Tank Missile, all that kind of stuff, lateral applications.
My job was to prevent technological surprises. And I briefed the Chief Technical Officer of
the company from time to time, and there's actually a version of the TOW that's a result
of one of those discussions. Uh ...
KC: Um ...
JK: And then I went on and I interviewed with Northrop, and ultimately wound up at
Rockwell, where I was supposed to do strategic ... Soviet strategic threat analysis, and
wound up, instead, on operational readiness and supportability for our entry in the fighter
program that ultimately produced the F-22.
And my job was air crew protection against things like laser and chemical and nuclear
threats and also directed other forms of directed-energy weapons.
And I wound up leaving military aerospace in June 20th of '89, because it was tearing me
up. The stress was tremendous.
But the last program I worked on was the National Aerospace Plane, which was a singlestage-to-orbit, hydrogen-powered craft. Uh, I worked on the military versions of that. That
was a Special Access Program.
And I have all the, what we call the tickets for that, and was in the process of being
cleared for Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information. So, that's the overview of my
military aerospace career.
KC: Okay. You were in the process of being vetted and in the process of being classified
into a different category. And what happened at that point?
JK: [silence; long pause] I'm muted here.
W hat happened was, the company was gagging over the cost, in part. Uh ... to get a Top
Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information clearance was a very expensive process; I
converted by
think something of the order of six figures.
And there were only going to be two people in my entire area cleared -- the program
manager and me. Uh ... and so, they ran into some snag. I don't know what it was, but it
didn't ultimately happen.
So the highest clearance that I ever held was Secret, what they call No Foreign, which is No
Foreign; W NINTEL: Warning [Notice] -- Intelligence Sources and Methods Involved.
CNW DI: Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information, and some NATO tickets and a few
other odds and ends. Those were my clearances. Um ...
KC: Okay. So at that point, what happened?
JK: Well, I got to the point where the job environment was so profoundly dysfunctional
that it started tearing me up. Plus there were environmental issues like sick building
syndrome, sensitivity to fluorescent lighting and things like that. But also, grossly
dysfunctional project management that nearly led to a mutiny; it was that bad.
And I started developing severe gastrointestinal issues that put me out of work, and every
time I'd come back in I'd get them again, and I wound up spending four months out on
sick leave before I had to resign.
Also in that same timeframe what happened was, my value system started to change. I
was in the defense [said with emphasis] business. I had a brother sitting in a Bradley
right on the border with East Germany, and a study in my safe that said that half the guys
in units like his were going to be casualties if the balloon ever went up and the Russians
came across the frontier.
I found out I was working with some people who were out-and-out warmongers, and I just
couldn't stay in that environment. So I wound up leaving. I worked on a novel for a while,
when I was able to function at all. My health just imploded.
And then I got involved with a group called T he Empow erment Project. W hen they found
out what my background was, the director Barbara Trent said to the co-producer: Don't let
him out of the office!
I wound up working on T he Panama Deception, which was an expose on Operation Just
Cause and the history of U.S. involvement in Panama and Central America.
That film ... I have primary research credit in that film. I took over after a guy named Jack
Adriance died just as the film went into post-production. And I think that was where the
government really began to seriously dislike me, because it viewed me as a traitor.
I'd come out of the military-industrial complex and then turned around and used what I'd
learned against the government. And in their view, I'm sure it's been downhill ever since.
KC: [laughs] Oh, very funny. Okay. Well, let's see. I think that people will be interested to
know whether or not you were -- I don't know -- exceptional in school at a young age?
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Were you ... because I know some background about you, so I'm going to sort of ask
questions that will go down that road. And so, I'm just wondering, in terms -- because you
kind of jumped in at a certain point -- was there any sort of proclivity at a young age?
JK: I was a star student in pretty much everything but mathematics. My parents
emphasized academic performance and there were severe consequences if it wasn't
obtained. [laughs]
But, when I was learning old math, they introduced new math, with all this numerical
theory and whatnot, and it really screwed me up on that front. They took me in for tests.
It's like: Math is another language. Why can't John get math?
I think what it had to do with is something called sequencing. They broke my sequencing,
and it has haunted me ever since. I had troubles in algebra. And the troubles I had
Algebra One were complicated by falling madly for a girl. So it was kind of like when she
was there I was distracted, and when she wasn't there, I was pining.
KC: [laughs]
JK: So I didn't get the basis in place for Algebra One, so Algebra Two didn't work out, and
I had to drop it. I ...
KC: Okay. But ... this is not exactly what I'm aiming at. I mean, I'm kind of curious
whether at a very young age you showed any sort of unusual characteristics.
JK: I would say the family view on that is: yes. It would be summarized as: John has
alw ays been different.
KC: [laughs] Okay. So I know, for example, that you're an Earth sensitive, correct?
JK: Yes, I am. And ...
KC: Okay. W hen did you find that out?
JK: I had suspicions beforehand, but I knew for sure on February 13th of 2001. I had
massive symptoms the day before and in the days preceding that day. I'd actually been in
a combined oriental doctor and regular M.D.'s office.
And I was massively symptomatic. I had horrible headaches. I had balance problems. I had
... the list was very long. I was in a lot of pain. I was just a basket case.
KC: Okay. And what happened on February 13th, 19 ... I mean, 2001?
JK: On February 13th, 2001, there were two large earthquakes, or one would be
considered, I think, a great quake. There was a 6.6 in ... uh ... I never can remember
whether it's San or El Salvador -- which is the country -- but Salvador in any event.
And there was a 7.3 in Sumatra in Indonesia. And right after those quakes came in, I felt
converted by
as though the weight of the world had been lifted off me.
KC: Okay.
JK: So, you know, I felt like myself again. And I have not truly felt like myself again since
then. Now, that was the last time quake activity cleared the burden of Earth sensitivity.
And there was probably six, seven hours of respite, and then I began to feel the buildup
for what ultimately expressed about two weeks later as the Nisqually 6.8, or to most
people, the Seattle Quake.
KC: Okay. So, you have been experiencing ... Tell me again. Oh, you live in Texas, right?
JK: I do. Yes.
KC: Okay. So, that's not a very ... I don't know. That doesn't have a lot of faults in it,
going through it, right?
JK: That's true. It's relatively seismically quiet.
KC: Okay.
JK: And I think I'm better off in Texas than I was when I was living in California.
KC: [chuckles]
JK: One of the places I lived turned out to have, to be at the junction of five faults.
KC: Okay. W hich was where? In Northern California?
JK: A little city called Carson right near Long Beach.
KC: Oh, really? Okay. Uh, okay. So, you're an Earth sensitive, but you didn't find out until,
well, relatively recently in the sense that it was about ten years ago or so, right?
JK: That's true.
KC: Okay.
JK: But there were other indications that something was going on long before then. I used
to feel the buildup of ‘forces’ and, you know, if there was a mass trauma, I would feel
that. So, I'm also an empath.
One of the things that happened long before I knew I was an Earth sensitive was, there
was a horrible morning train wreck in India which killed 200 people. And what happened
was that the morning commuter train ran smack into the rear end of a mail train that
converted by
wasn't where it was supposed to be.
The survivors were described as wandering around in a daze, because most of them had
been cat-napping on the way in. And I found myself ejected from my bed and flung into
the center of the room.
That's about six feet. And I was wandering around in a daze too. That was a real eyeopener of an experience for me. And I tried throwing myself from my bed, just to see if it
could be done, and I couldn't do it. And that happened, adjusted for time zones, right
when that train wreck occurred.
KC: Okay!
JK: Um ... another thing that really was kind of a clue, and many years earlier, was ... I
was totally, totally wired during Desert Storm -- and I thought it was just because I was
watching all this Sturm und Drang, you know, TV coverage around the clock with the SCUD
Studs and all the, you know, the hyped-up music and stuff.
But after the war ended, when the U.S. was going after Saddam Hussein’s air defense sites
day after day, I began to realize that the days we bombed the sites were the days I felt
like I was getting socked in the gut. And so, that was kind of an indicator that something
was going on there.
And I started asking around and finally wound up contacting Dr. Richard Boylan, who said
he didn't know anything about Earth sensitivity or anything, but he hooked me up with two
different people, one of whom goes by the handle Earthquake Mary, and the other one was
a woman named Mary Maya.
And they kind of took me under their wing and directed me to some sites, and I began to
learn about Earth sensitivity. And uh ... you know, most people have trouble accepting the
notion that maybe the Moon, you know, full Moon, might be affecting behaviors. So this is
the kind of thing that gets you branded as nuts, as a general rule.
KC: I understand. But we ...
JK: But if you do the research, and I did, and published it in an article in Atlantis Rising
The research shows, for example, that incidents of violence in prisons triple at the time of
the full Moon. Anybody in the mental health or police fields will tell you that suicide rates
go up, that the crime rates go up, all kind of things start to happen. And some of the
scientific thinking on it's to do with a tidal effect.
KC: Hmm.
JK: Similarly, I had ... You know, 2001 was the solar -- or was it 2000 (?) -- was the solar
maximum on the eleven-year solar cycle. The solar flares were just beating me to death.
An M-class flare would put me flat on my back in bed for hours. I wrote to one person ...
KC: Well ... you might notice that that's happening right now, right?
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JK: Uh ... yes, but there's a difference. Back when this first happened, after a few
iterations of it, I got in touch with a friend of mine, who was a SHEN [Specific Human
Emotional Nexus] practitioner, and she worked on me.
SHEN is one of many energy disciplines dedicated toward rebalancing the body's energybody. And she did what she could, and she referred me to another woman who practiced
something called Alphabiotics, which is another energy discipline.
And between that and some supplements to rebuild a ... just a flat adrenal system, and
some other things that were done, the woman succeeded in reducing my solar sensitivity
to the point where I could actually semi-function during an X-class flare.
And there were people who flat-out told me I was going to die from an X-class flare, given
the amount of reactivity my body had to that kind of solar activity, never mind a mega,
which is beyond X in terms of severity.
KC: Okay. Uh, now, on top of everything else, you are ... let's see, sort of an intuitive,
whatever you want to call that. Have you ever been trained in remote viewing?
JK: I understand the theory of remote viewing, but I've never been trained in it.
KC: Okay.
JK: The training that I've had in psychic functioning was that I went through both the Silva
Mind Control Basic and Graduate programs. And that is a system that was developed to
help a guy's daughter learn, but what it really is, is a program in applied psychic
But I've always been highly intuitive. I was the kid who, when given the math problem, got
the right answer but skipped a whole bunch of steps. My brain works by leaps, not by A, B,
C, D. And, you know, you get me with somebody who works that way and it's automatically
So, um, it's been kind of an unfolding. I went to a demonstration one time where I saw the
effect of color on people's strength and mood. That and somebody curing me of a cold,
which normally took weeks to go away, really got my attention, coming off the standard
model of reality.
And it's been ... I liken it to a taffy pull, where you just keep pulling the taffy out to the
point where it almost but not quite breaks, and then you wad it back together again, and
start the process.
So, it's been a gradual unfolding. But, you know, I've had the experience -- and everybody's
had it, I think, to one degree or another -- of the phone rings and you know who it's going
to be. Telephone telepathy.
KC: Sure.
JK: A while back, it was conversations that started occurring with someone that I really
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cared about. It's well established in the literature that, you know, twins have a special
connection, that mothers and girlfriends and wives know when something bad has
happened to a loved one.
They even portray it in the movies -- the woman who wakes up shrieking in terror because
she knows that her guy on the other side of the world has been killed, and things like
that. So, I'm Earth sensitive, sun sensitive, Moon sensitive and an empath.
KC: Okay.
JK: So, it's a lovely, lovely time to be on the planet. But those of us who are sensitives
and empaths typically experience before a destructive event or mass social upheaval, a lot
of sadness that is not our own.
KC: Very, very well said. Okay. But at this point what I'd like to do is kind of make that
transition into what you are currently doing, and the intelligence that has been coming at
Except to ask, if ... how your contacts ... because you have off-planet contacts. So, could
you describe how that whole thing started to happen and why you even trust them?
JK: The off-planet contacts started to happen when someone that I've long known in a
business context used to say the most outrageously weird things that, frankly, I thought
meant, you know ... it's kind of like this person is a genius over on the business side, and
uttering utter incoherences on the other side.
But I was invited to a channeling session. Now, I've had some exposure to channeling
because I've seen videos of J.Z. Knight channeling Ramtha and looked at the changes in
the face and the posture and all that.
But it wasn't that kind of thing. This was just someone who had the higher dimensional
connections, and this was a session for this very out-there person, I thought.
And what happened while I was just sitting there, you know, basically expecting it to be a
crock, was, I started having my own direct experience of this session -- that I could
actually hear in my inner mind, if you would?
I don't know what the right jargon is to apply to the experience. But I could ... I was
participating in it, in that I could hear what was being said in the conversation coming
from the other side and I actually got a couple of glimpses of the Being that was being
talked to.
Well, that really rattled my cage. That was an eye-popping moment for me. And this
particular person is the earthly version of the higher dimensional part of that connection,
and in the higher dimensional form is an extremely powerful Being, with an extremely
powerful, well-connected family.
And I got kind of um ... adopted, I guess you could say, by that family. And I started
getting information. And this coincided roughly with the blog.
So, there's an argument raging -- you know, that's a chicken-egg type argument. Did I start
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the blog in order to be kind of the scribe for the off-planet contingent, or does it run the
other way? I would ar ... you could argue either side of that coin.
All I can tell you is I'm probably in the most unique UFO research position there ever has
been, because I'll get information from terrestrial contacts that I can then check out with
them, and vice versa. And uh ...
KC: [chuckles]
JK: Their track record is very, very good. I judge by results.
KC: Okay. Well, you know, you are a very ... you're sort of in a unique position to some
degree, and your ... uh, previous training in, sort of, in the defense industry, I guess you
might call it, and your close brushes with getting involved in above-Top-Secret areas ...
I guess that, coupled with this side of things, puts you in sort of a unique position to be
able to analyze possibly well, the intelligence coming at you from both departments, so to
And that's why we're doing this interview. And so, to sort of deal with that now ... let's
start with some of the most important incidents that have happened. As you said, if I
understood correctly, you've only been doing the blog since January. Is that right?
JK: [silence, long pause] I believe I started it, yeah, in late January, somewhere around
KC: Of this y ... of 2012?
JK: [said in a hesitant, long drawn out way] Y-e-a-h. Well uh ... it started, let's see,
November ... November of 2011 ...
KC: Okay.
JK: ... was when I started it. And it has really, really taken off.
KC: Okay.
JK: But ... yeah. Initially, I ... you know, I have lots and lots of interests, so, you know, I
wrote on Vimanas. I wrote on the actual basis the unicorn in myth and that was
deliberately written as a teaser for a post that I did on the historical evidence for unicorns.
And then, all of a sudden, it’s like there’s this big shift occurs and next thing I know, I’ve
got this contact and I got information coming in and I’m off to the races, and I’m spending
more and more and more time dealing with the extraterrestrial / extradimensional [ET/ED
and ETs/EDs] thing.
But I’m getting fed [said with emphasis] information by people with what I call nosebleedlevel clearances.
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KC: [laughs]
JK: There are, for example, clearances ... It takes a Presidential clearance to visit Area 51,
okay? But the president is not cleared to visit Area 51.
I’m dealing with people who have clearances in the stratosphere. Ah ... people like the one
on my site, Anonymous II, who wrote in and described the high price of spilling the beans.
[unclear]... killed... [overtalk]
KC: Okay. Actually … well, sorry to interrupt you there. I do want people to know that
that’s one of the reasons you’re also doing this interview with me, is that I read what
Anonymous II had to say about you. [said with emphasis]
Because I am an intuitive, I was able to tell that that individual was a person who had
been, let’s say, dow n the rabbit hole, as we call it. And so, since they kind of were giving
you a sort of a stamp of approval, I figured I needed to check you out, so I started to read
what you had to say.
JK: Right.
KC: So that is actually how this interview happened. But ... so now tell people what
Anonymous II was saying.
JK: Anonymous II is a patriot, a former high-ranking military official who saw certain
things happening, did not like what he saw, and put the information out, acted in
accordance with his Oath of Allegiance to protect and defend the Constitution against all
enemies, foreign and domestic, spilled the beans.
And then the government came down on him like the proverbial ton of bricks.
Ah, the government arranged to have several of his wives killed, in succession; his son
was killed in a, quote/unquote, “friendly fire” incident; his pension was taken away; he’s
hunted. [said with emphasis]
I literally hold people like his’ lives in my hands and vice versa, because out of the same
community that produces those sorts of industrial-strength whistleblowers come people
with all kinds of specialized skills, some of whom watch my back here on this planet.
The ET/ED contingents that I work with are also watching my back. And there are Pearl
Harbor Files, as I call them, in existence that will be released if anything bad happens to
KC: [laughs]
JK: But that does not mean that the government is not messing with me. It is messing
with me big time. It has invaded my site. It has violated my copyright wholesale. The
Central Intelligence Agency copied all my posts 24,000 times and distributed them through
the entire building. Um ...
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KC: And you know this because of one of your …
JK: They have interfered …
KC: Wait ... wait, wait ...
JK: ... with my ability to post reviews on [unclear / overtalk] ...
KC: Okay, and you ... wait, wait, wait ... slow down, slow down. You know that the CIA
has seen your posts and it was distributed because you were given this intel by someone
behind the scenes, correct?
JK: Absolutely, yes.
KC: Okay.
JK: Yes. Yes.
KC: And this same thing has happened to Camelot, so we can totally relate. So, okay,
JK: Okay, so, uh, they have also interfered with ... One of the more recent maneuvers was
they figured out a way to de-list me from the Amazon catalog, so people would come
looking for it and it wasn’t there.
And somebody was contacted, you know, who was trying to order the book and said: Do
you know how to get in touch w ith this person? He said: yes. And whatnot, but ...
As best I can tell, one of the ET/ED contingents who happen to be really, really good with
electronics and computers said: Oh, w e’ll see about that, and I can tell you it’s working
now . [with emphasis]
KC: [laughs] Okay, could you explain? W hat do you mean, ET/ED. Extradimensional, is that
what you’re referring to?
JK: Exactly. Extraterrestrial / extradimensional.
KC: Okay.
JK: Think of it as ...
KC: Just so people …
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JK: That is a more accurate characterization. I’m working with Beings several dimensions
above this one. This is third-going-into-fourth.
I won’t say which dimension they’re in and I’m not going to name the races involved
because there is a REAL W AR on, [said slowly and deliberately] and casualties were and
are being taken.
It is the height of foolishness to give order of battle information away to the enemy in the
middle of a war. Even though it frustrates my readers, they demand to know who it is I’m
dealing with.
You know, as I said, I go by results. If somebody says that a certain set of events is going
to occur and that certain set of events occurs, and these sorts of incidents keep
happening, then to use the common term these days, you know, those people have a lot of
street cred with me, okay?
KC: Okay, so …
JK: They have talked the talk and walked the walk.
KC: Okay, so let’s now go into some of the incidents where you got intelligence ... um,
either on or off-world, and it panned out.
JK: Okay. I’ll be happy to do that. Um ...
KC: We can start with the ...
JK: I got ...
KC: We can start with the CIA Israeli Mossad agents. You want to start with that incident?
JK: I can if you like, but the ... the Mossad thing does not contain any off-world
KC: I understand. But let’s do that one first so people understand that your on-world intel
is definitely happening.
JK: Okay, fair enough. I received word from one of my supersensitive contacts that a
Mossad hit team had entered the United States. I was given particulars of where it arrived,
the fact that it had come in by various circuitous routes, and assembled. I was given the
composition of the team.
I then put together a post informing the readers, which by definition, includes much of the
intelligence community, [laughs] that this was the case.
I indicated the likely target was probably President Obama because of a perception in both
Israel and in the Jewish community here in the United States that he was not strongly proIsraeli, that he was “soft” on the matter, and what not; and there had also been some
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unfortunate words said about dealing with Mr. Netanyahu.
The words were exchanged between him and another foreign leader and, you know, it went
something like ... The first leader was complaining about having to deal with Netanyahu,
to which Obama shot back: Well you think you got a problem? I have to deal w ith him
every day! And there were some epithets involved.
So, this didn’t improve matters any. And that was ... I tend to get chronology crossed up,
sometimes, but ...
KC: Okay, so ...
JK: But I believe it was after that the article was published in the Atlanta Jew ish New s,
where essentially a trial balloon was floated saying should Obama ... that Obama should
be assassinated.
And it turns out that under both Jewish law and ... or Israeli law, rather, and American law,
as in they recently passed the National Defense Authorization Act, anybody who supports
terrorism is liable to be killed.
So, what happened was that I published this article and as a result of information that’s
normally very closely held being published, the authorities were able to capture the
Mossad hit team.
And the word came back to me that my blog and a blogger, you know, associated with it,
was credited directly with enabling the capture of the Mossad hit team and thwarting a
planned hit on US soil on what turned out, what they believe to be, was a Middle Eastern
KC: Okay. So, at that point, let’s go to a couple other incidents where off-worlders were
involved, and it actually panned out.
JK: Fair enough. I received word from one of my contacts that ET bodies were starting to
disappear. They were disappearing from Wright Patterson Air Force Base ...
KC: [laughs]
JK: ... associated with the infamous Hangar 18, and if you watch the right History Channel
programs, there are indications of extensive underground facilities there.
Things were disappearing from Area 51. One of the Bob Lazar-type sport’s model flying
saucers which testers released, disappeared. It crashed, which ...
KC: [laughs]
JK: ... will be the subject of my next eBook. It was recovered encased in rock and it came
out of a dinosaur-era formation and actually had dinosaur-era zoological specimens inside.
It ... was taken, but the rock that it was encased in was left as basically a pile of sand.
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And certain other Black Project items -- a TR-3B Astra, and there was something else -- all
disappeared in rapid succession. I was told by my off-planet contacts that there were
going to be more.
And next thing you know, Thanksgiving Day rolls around, and I get a report that a flight of
three B-2s loaded up and destined for a strike mission in Afghanistan had taken off from
W hiteman Air Force Base, Missouri.
And there was a blinding green flash and the flight lead who flies on the point of the
arrowhead formation vanished almost immediately on rotation. The Air Force at first
thought that the plane had exploded and mounted an extensive effort to look for debris,
but the ETs/EDs took it.
And, when asked why they were doing what they were doing, they said they were
recovering their own craft, and craft on behalf of other races, and the bodies.
And the justification for taking the B-2 and other things that they took -- and I’m saying
“they” -- an X-22A Dark Star disappeared over lunch from Holloman Air Force base. It was
being worked on. The crew broke for lunch, came back, and this super-secret, triangularshaped, fighter-plane-sized antigravity craft was gone. [said with emphasis]
And what they said is, you know, they feel that that which incorporates their technology is
fair game for recovery. If we can take their saucers, they can take our toys.
KC: Okay, but at the moment though what that ... That information that you’ve got right
there requires that you have somebody on the ground telling you that these things
disappeared? Correct?
JK: It does. It requires somebody who has access to that information, and that runs in
some very, very sensitive, high-level, Top Secret, super-duper code word compartments.
KC: I understand. I’m just, you know, I’m just following the train, so people understand
what’s being said here and are able to sort of separate it out.
So, on the one hand, you’ve go the ETs saying one thing, and on the other hand, you’ve
got the intelligence on the ground, so to speak, giving you another picture, and basically,
those pictures match.
JK: They do. They did.
KC: Okay.
JK: And the ETs said they were going to continue taking things. Then a few days after
things started disappearing from Area 51 and Wright-Patt, and places like that, they took
two more craft -- the B-2 right out of the air, crew and all, and the X-22 out of the hangar.
And this kind of thing gave the intelligence community, um … well, there’s a term for it -let’s just say it requires incontinence [Kerry laughs] ... [inaudible] and occurs immediately,
but how’s that for being delicate?
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KC: Okay, so it is really interesting.
So at this point give me ... um, why don’t you give ... Is there a way that you can give us
an incident that -- I don’t know if this would be the sub, San Onofre thing, or if there is
something else since before that -- where you could give more of a blow-by-blow in terms
of this person contacted you to tell you this was going to happen.
Or this was happening, and then you got a similar contact off-world, or ... I mean,
whichever direction it came from ...
Do you understand what I’m asking for? I’m asking for kind of a blow-by-blow in terms of
telling the story before you get to the punch line.
JK: I understand exactly what you’re asking for, Kerry. I think the case of the Israeli
ballistic missile sub is very much on point.
KC: Okay.
JK: I received information from one of my contacts here on Earth that the Israelis had
acquired a French ... uh, formerly French, I guess you could say, ballistic missile submarine
of the Redoubtable-class.
[Ed note: The Redoubtable-class subs have been retired by the French military, hence there
were spares that could be sold.]
That was a pretty shocking thing to hear because the biggest vessel the Israeli Navy
operates is something of the order of a Corvette.
And that the submarine was armed with Israeli-produced missiles, which were going to
have to be surface-launched, because you cannot launch [land-based] missiles, unless
they’re specially designed and protected, from underwater, otherwise.
Uh ... the ETs became aware of this and they put out a decree. It basically said: Attention
I srael, if you move that boomer from the dock in Haifa, w e’re going to kill it.
And, you know, there was great guffawing at the Pentagon and everything. There was also
a major, major chewing-out conducted of people at French Naval Headquarters when the
US Naval attaché got on the horn and basically said: What ... ?
You know, fill in whatever choice words you want, but basically: What w ere you thinking
w hen you sold the I sraelis a boomer?
[ ]
KC: [laughs]
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JK: You know, the French went ... I’m sure they had very bloody ears after that, but that
was a direct result of my publishing the post on this. It was unknown generally through
the community that this had been done and it caused a firestorm all by itself.
So, the ETs warned that the thing had, you know, it better not move. It moved. I received
word from my terrestrial contacts that it was moving ... but it did not go through the Suez
Canal, but ... because the Egyptians wouldn’t let it through.
So, it went the long way up the coast of Africa. It got into the Arabian Sea, the ETs/EDs
issued another warning, saying: T urn back now !
There was an incident off the coast of Somalia where the submarine mysteriously had
encountered a storm so severe that it fractured the skull of one of the crewmen.
The sub came up just as the Corvette that was to take off the crewman. The sub basically
surfaced between the Corvette and the Somali pirates who panicked and turned around
and went back to shore.
The crewman was transferred successfully, and may be the only survivor of this exercise.
KC: Oh wait ... what ... ?
JK: The submarine ...
KC: Oh, wait one second. I don’t understand. W hat Corvette? Are you referring to an ET
JK: No, no, no. No, a Corvette is a small naval warship. The Israelis sent it to meet the
sub because the sub did not have the medical facilities to care for someone with a
probably depressed skull fracture.
The submarine was so shaken up in a storm, which frankly I think the ETs/EDs had
something to do with by way of sending a message, that the sub was forced to surface
and have the crewman medivaced.
KC: Okay, so that ...
JK: So the sub came up just as the Corvette was under attack or was about to undergo
attack by the Somali pirates. They are pretty brazen these days.
KC: Okay, but that was like a total separate thing, right?
JK: Ri ... But it ties together because that individual is presently the sole earthly survivor
of this submarine. And now I’m going to get back into the story.
So, the Corvette took him off and took him back to Israel, or wherever the Corvette was
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The submarine went back to its usual cycle of running submerged and then periodically
surfacing to check in via one-way transmission to its base. And, you know, I was starting
to get nervous, okay? Because my credibility’s on the line at this point.
And then I start getting some interesting reports: The submarine has missed its check-in.
Okay, well that could be fairly readily explained. The submarine has missed its check-in
again. Pretty soon it’s up to 7 or 8, and next thing you know, you’re into what they call
gray lady dow n, which means a submarine has ... uh, disappeared and is presumed lost.
So, I put something out on that and the ETs/EDs had said what they were going to do,
specifically to the submarine. Initially they were going to kill the crew.
One of my contacts managed to plead successfully on their behalf because dying in a
submarine is a particularly ugly way to go. The hull compresses, water comes shooting in
at high pressure and it’s very nasty.
So here’s what happened. They said they were going to crush the submarine. They said
they were going to take the missiles and they said they were going to take the reactor,
because they’re very green.
They don’t want anybody picking up nuclear toys and running off with them, and they don’t
want any more contamination of the planet from radioactivity.
They are very anti-nuclear. Part of that is because nuclear weapons actually rip a hole
through time ... and I’m sure you’ve been exposed to parallel worlds and super string and
all that kind of stuff.
So, the next thing is, you know, we have no submarines in the area, so we couldn’t verify
anything, but we get a report that a Chinese hydrographic survey vessel heard breaking-up
noises, so now the search is on in the Arabian Sea.
They had a rough location. They spent the next 2 days looking for it. They eventually
located it and photographed it. The submarine was missing its entire missile compartment
and there was a gaping hole in the side of the hull where the reactor should have been.
So, that’s probably the single best story to date of the interaction of the terrestrial
information with the ET/ED information.
And I would say that it would be a fairly good bet the world will be seeing the remnants of
that sub. The Israelis think it’s a war grave, so they’re not going to raise it, but they don’t
understand that the crew was taken off.
The crew is presently off-planet and off-dimension, and according to my understanding is
undergoing training in some very advanced universities ... uh, referred to as the University
of Evolution.
And it has not yet been determined by the ETs/EDs whether or not the crew will be
returned. It has been said that the crew of the B-2 will be returned at some point, and I
would imagine special protective measures will be required -- otherwise they will probably
be disappeared into facilities the government puts people in that it doesn’t want talking.
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KC: Sure. Ah ... okay, well at this point let’s ... just to go back over the contacts that were
giving you this information on Earth.
You had sufficient, let’s say, intel from certain individuals, and these people are people
that are reporting to you, right? They’re reporting information to you on an ongoing basis,
more or less, I’m assuming.
JK: They are.
KC: Okay. So, and these people you have reason to believe because you’ve vetted them in
various ways, is that true?
JK: [silence, long pause] It is.
KC: Okay, do you want to talk about how you vet your earthly sources?
JK: I would put it this way: To people who’ve been in the intelligence business, part of it
is: Who do you know , w hat do you know ?
The question would be asked: Well w hat do you think about such and such? And you
explain, you know: Well, I think it’s this and this is w hy I think it.
Part of it is personal introduction and the introduction to one of my contacts came from a
trusted personal friend, okay?
The material that I’m presenting that comes out of the intelligence side of the house,
terrestrially speaking, is triple-sourced as well.
KC: Okay.
JK: So, I’m always, always careful because I’ve studied the history of disinformation
operations and things like that. I’ve seen them in action; I’ve been conned a few times
myself in my lifetime.
And, you know, it’s a question of looking at what’s being said, testing it against your own
knowledge-base of what seems reasonable, but I am finding myself increasingly in realms
where the most outrageous things are in fact real. [said with emphasis]
The notion that somebody can go into Area 51 uninvited and take crashed [craft] out at
will is absolutely mind boggling.
Because I know people who have had ... I mean, I’ve seen the pictures ... who’ve been
buzzed by a gigantic CH-53 helicopter that came straight at them when they were on a
Bureau of Land Management public road near Area 51, and the helicopter’s coming straight
at him at 10 feet off the ground when they’re driving down the road.
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[ ]
I know people who’ve had cameras confiscated just for being near Area 51. I knew a
Marine Reserve Major who had a guy in his unit who busted the boundary for Area 51, was
ordered down, chewed up one side and down the other and sent home summarily, and that
was the end of his training weekend.
There have been plenty of people who’ve been suppressed. The Billy Goodman Show was
forced off the air several times, and ultimately permanently, because he had people from
Area 51 who were talking, and he was told if he kept doing it, that was going to be the
end of it.
And the way they made him go away was they threatened the broadcast license of the
station, just like the broadcast license of the station connected with putting out the
Roswell story was threatened. It’s a very powerful way of silencing people.
So, I vet my sources very carefully. I know what to look for. I know some of the warning
signs and one of the ways I know for sure my sources are good, is I have been repeatedly
attacked by the government.
As we speak, it’s out there conducting a whispering campaign trying to destroy my
reputation. It’s trying to portray me as crazy. My site has been hacked and they’ve put ...
uh ... a piece of code on it basically designed to catch idiots with clearances who come in
without any kind of electronic screen on their identities.
I’ve itemized some of the other things they’ve done. There have been repeated rumblings
of what they call lancing the boil, which is to say killing me, so I am hitting them where
they live.
If I was just some idiot blathering, these things would not be happening. I would not
matter. I would not be worth their time, you know. And Anonymous II was not kidding
when he said I am risking my life.
KC: [laughs]
JK: And I’ve explained it to some of my readers. This is no game. This is no joke. This is
NOT for the faint of heart.
KC: Absolutely. Well, no doubt about it. Okay. Well, we’ve again had all of those things
going on constantly for quite some time here so I guess I could say w elcome to the club!
W hat I’d like to do now is talk about some of the other incidents that you’ve been
reporting on. I’m not sure. Do you want to go ... ? Let’s talk about the San Onofre
situation because that’s very recent. And then from there let’s go back to the situation
with Bin Laden and SEAL Team Six.
JK: Fair enough. I received information from a second ET/ED contingent which arrived on
the scene fairly recently, specializing in intelligence, to the effect that there was a false
flag operation in process that frankly made no sense to me or my contacts.
The gist of it was, was that an 86-meter-long German submarine was nosing about and it
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was going to try to enter an underwater cave and blow up the San Onofre plant.
Well, I did some research and the German Navy has no such submarine. The German Navy
operates small diesel-electric submarines, so this had serious head-scratching going on.
And then we get word from upstairs, as I say, that there was a British connection.
So back I go to the research, go online, go on W iki and I determine that the closest fit for
a British submarine is a Trafalgar-class.
[ ].
It’s a British attack submarine. And so what this second ET/ED contingent does is it uses
its very advanced technology to essentially create an acoustic hologram wall so that the
submarine cannot find the entrance it’s looking for.
Meanwhile, the San Onofre plant has bad problems and they open it up -- one of the
reactors -- and inspect it. The older tubes are horrendously eroded, but even the new
tubes, which should have almost no erosion at all, are very badly eroded. So something’s
up with that and there’s one going in Chicago, and other places.
And, oh by the way, they seem to have a tendency to put nuclear power generation sites
right on fault lines.
That’s no accident. It creates a time bomb, essentially, and that fits in with the New World
Order’s desire to have a population of a billion, which requires removing 86 percent of the
rest of us or roughly 6.18 billion from the planet. So if San Onofre goes up, it’s going to kill
tens of millions of people.
So they’re screening ... my terrestrial contacts and I are trying to figure out what’s going
on. We’re looking at likely candidates. Next thing I know, I get word they’re going to take
the sub. Contingent Two of the ETs.
They take the sub, we start getting reports of what’s going on and we tell them how to
identify the sub. The sub has no visible markings identifying which submarine it is.
So there … there are certain possibilities, and so we tell them how to identify it, based on
something called the transverse bulkhead, which is to say, one that runs perpendicular to
the length of the hull.
On every vessel that’s built, the transverse bulkhead bears, deeply stamped into the steel,
the name and number of the vessel and all the compartments are numbered fore and aft
from that bulkhead.
Well, on the bulkhead, it said: T urbulent … HMS T urbulent S87, which is the hull number,
and so the fun begins, and we’re told it’s carrying nuclear-armed Tomahawks.
Well, control of nuclear weapons is a very, very serious issue, so my contacts start beating
the bushes and I’m happy to report -- this is the good news -- that every single nuclear
weapon of that class is exactly where it’s supposed to be. Nothing was missing from the
inventory. That’s the good news.
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The bad news is ... [line interference, sound broken up] ... that says that somebody
produced nuclear cruise missiles off-books. And we also had to consider the possibility that
there might have even been a submarine manufactured off-books.
Problem three is that we have a German crew; we were told initially this was a German sub
by the ETs. And the word we’re getting from them is: it’s all German -- it’s German regular
Navy; that the vessel sailed; that the crew w as trained covertly.
Most of the crew doesn’t require additional special training other than how the … what’s
different from on a diesel-electric. But there’s the little matter of the atomic reactor. The
Germans operate no nuclear submarines whatsoever.
So that one had heads scratching and there are investigations on-going right now as to
how and where that was done. We think England. And we think a lot of the training of the
crew was done under guise of NATO cross-training and things like that.
We still don’t know where the Tomahawks came from. We don’t know for a fact that the
warheads which run … they’re what they call [inaudible] ... run 5 to 150 kilotons, a kiloton
being a thousand tons of TNT equivalent. We don’t know where those came from or how.
The crew has been de-briefed. They’re all German. They’re not Nazis like out of some
Antarctica base or South America, or anything like that; and when last seen, the sealed
orders had not been taken from the safe.
The crew was just directed, you know: Get in the sub; sail here, go do this; w hen you get
to the entrance, open the sealed orders. I don’t know why the sealed orders haven’t been
There’ve been a lot of … I think it’s got everything to do with a whole series of crises that
have been occurring, not least of which is the second attempt by the New World Order to
start World War III via the Persian Gulf. So …
KC: Okay …
JK: W hat has happened since is that the … somebody sent a copy of the blog to the BBC.
The BBC reportedly contacted the Royal Navy and it’s being claimed that the Royal Navy
whistled up the sub on the radio and verified that it was in the Atlantic, to which
Contingent Two of the ETs/EDs are basically screaming [said with emphasis] telepathically
-- T hey’re lying! -- that it’s HMS T riumph that has been sent to the Falklands.
So, apparently, the Royal Navy is missing one of its Trafalgar-class subs and the real proof
of the pudding will be when it’s returned to Earth. And I have been told that they’re
thinking very seriously of using it as a, quote unquote, “law n dart” -- dropping it some
place very prominent.
It’s almost 300 feet long, so if you stuck it in the ground up to its conning tower, say,
vertically, there’d be 200 feet of it sticking in the air. And that's where that matter stands
at the moment.
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KC: Okay … but this is, you know, amazing information, and quite bizarre.
There is the sort of simultaneous occurrence of the breakdown in, you know, sort of leaks
going on at San Onofre at the same time that this so-called ‘false flag invasion’, of a sort,
was supposed to be happening which, you know, putting those two things together is kind
of amazing.
Like when you ... it kind of boggles the mind. And I hear what you’re saying. I believe what
you’re saying about the weakening sort of pipes and other problems they’re having at San
Onofre. That is more intuitive information than direct information -- am I correct on that?
JK: No. That’s been publicly reported.
KC: Well, I mean, we know what’s been publicly reported about that, but what I’m saying
is they’re playing it very close to the chest. They never publicly say, you know: T he place is
done for.
They are having meetings I know, down there. I actually heard a report, or saw a report, in
the local community trying to can it, trying to get rid of it, but that just makes sense
because right now nuclear power is really on the outs with planet Earth anyway, because of
the impending Earth changes that are happening.
I was just wondering whether you had any other intelligence, whether it was intuitive,
whether it was ET or whether it was, you know, your intelligence sources that are telling
you that there are internal problems that aren’t being reported in the news?
JK: Uh, no … the information about the state of the pipes and what-not was based on
conventionally-reported news.
KC: Okay. So ...
JK: They described opening it up and actually inspecting the tubes, and they talked about
unprecedented levels of erosion in even the new tubes in the reactor. I don’t have a link
handy, but that was, you know, I got that from online news, that’s not ... [overtalk/
unclear] ... proof of anything.
KC: Okay. But unprecedented erosion could also be the result of the volcanism that’s being
reported on Dutchsinse and in other places basically here in California, Southern California
… Twentynine Palms area, as well as Santa Barbara and Mammoth, etcetera, ecetera.
JK: Well, you’re talking about the hot loop on the reactor, okay? The part that has the
radioactive material running through it. And so far as I know … you know, I mean, they put
clean water in it and things like that. I’m talking about internal erosion of the pipes, not
external erosion. I’m talking about the part of the reactor through which the water flows.
KC: I understand. But if it’s unprecedented erosion, it’s … something is causing it. You
know, I’m not a scientist, so I don’t know what that something would be, but there is
volcanism in the area, and along with volcanism, steam, uh … etcetera, etcetera; you
could have some disturbance, certainly, in a power plant that’s in that vicinity.
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But that’s kind of off topic so … so, whereas it is fascinating to me because I live in the
Southern California area, I want to kind of move back into this story about the submarine.
So, can you tell me, were your on-planet sources ... at what points were they conveying
the information to you about … or verifying any of this information, if they were at all? In
other words, whether the crew was German, whether the sub, you know, has actually
disappeared, whether … you see where I’m going?
JK: Yes I do. [pause] Um ... This one was different in that it started, you know, with offplanet information and it has resulted in things like checking with the submarine
commands: Did w e have any submarines operating off the coast at the time reported? It
has resulted in checking with uh … you know, checking our nuclear inventories.
It has resulted in, and I think there’re still investigations going into this question: Of how
did w e manage to miss the Germans training an entire crew for a variety of submarine
they don’t operate? How w as the reactor training done and w here?
Those things are all checkable in terms of terrestrial intelligence approaches and my
contacts have been involved in winding various people up and, you know, making calls,
looking into things, looking at sonar logs and ship movements, and all that kind of thing.
KC: Okay. But, I guess what I’m asking you is … or … and they were verifying – is that
what you’re saying?
JK: I’m saying that the nuclear inventory security was verified, that every single nuclear
warhead that could have been involved in this has been accounted for, every missile body
has been accounted for, and that kind of thing.
KC: Okay but …
JK: We don’t have firm answers yet on how the crew was trained, nor particularly, the
reactor crew. We consider that the likelihood of an entire nuclear submarine was
manufactured off-books to be essentially zero at this point.
And as I say, the proof of the pudding that, you know, they really have the sub will be
when they return it and there it is, you know?
KC: But what about the crew themselves? I mean, in other words, is there a way for your
sources to be tracking who this crew is, where they came from, etcetera?
JK: If I had a bunch of names, probably, but I don’t at this point. I just know that the crew
has been interrogated. And I should tell you that because of the difference in the way time
works in the dimensions; a day here is about 30 on their end. So at this point, they’ve had
the crew for months.
KC: Okay. Uh, now, I know people are asking in the chat and they want you to describe the
ETs, of course, and you’ve already said that you more or less aren’t going to sort of say
where they come from per se, because we’re in a war and I fully agree with that.
However, some of the actions, some of the statements that you’ve sort of attributed to
them makes them sound like they may not be necessarily a group … groups with, uh …
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that all have, let’s say, humans’ best interests in mind. Am I wrong? W hat is your
perception on that?
JK: I will say that the groups that I am involved with are humanoid … or human, rather. I
am not sure myself about size differentials. I’ve heard about some of these races being
vastly [said with emphasis] larger than we are … um but I couldn’t tell you off the top of
my head how big this bunch is relative to us, using conventional Earth measurements.
For my purposes, it doesn’t matter. I’m on a direct inter-dimensional telepathic link. That
particular ability is very scarce even on their end, and … they are definitely here on our
side. They have … they’ve been waging war on the Lizards, the Grays and the Dracos for
quite some time. They know how they operate. They’ve been smashing their bases.
There are other races here, as well, doing that kind of thing, but I am not in contact with
them. I am dealing with two different races and three or four individuals, all told … some
of whom are in … are of those races, but are here in terrestrial form. I call them the
ground contingent.
KC: Okay. Uh …
JK: The emphasis is unremittingly on stopping a war in the Persian Gulf from breaking out
because now China has formally notified the U.S. that if Iran is attacked by either Israel
and/or the US, for that matter, that it will come into the war on the side of Iran.
Russia’s already made that declaration. So there is a tremendous potential for World War
III if something bad happens in the Gulf, and this is the second major attempt to do it.
We also have information that the Enterprise is to be … the oldest nuclear carrier in our
inventory is to be used as a sacrificial lamb in an NW O operation …
KC: Okay. Stop right there. Sorry! [laughs]
JK: Okay.
KC: … because that information has also been picked up by various people. It was also put
on Veterans Today. Jim Fetzer, who I interviewed on my radio show and his partner that he
works with, made that public.
[ ]
It originally came supposedly from an intelligence source … in other words, that the
Enterprise would be used as a false flag … that it’s been moved into the Persian Gulf with
that in mind, actually,
And that it was supposed to be moth-balled, although that’s not the terminology they use
… put on the rocks? I don’t know! By, you know, that craft; it’s so old and that ... So
where did you get your information in that regard?
JK: Much the same sources, I would say. And then I started looking at it from the longer
perspective of history. If you know your history, you know that the Lusitania was set up for
something very similar to what’s being posited here. The Lusitania was know n [said with
emphasis] to be transporting munitions of war, although ostensibly a neutral.
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The German government tried to put notices in all the major U.S. newspapers informing
the American public that this was the case, and that because the vessel was carrying
munitions of war, was subject to attack by submarine.
The gover … State Department suppressed it in all but a couple of really obscure Midwestern newspapers.
The ship was ordered into a known U-boat area, under guise of conserving coal; the ship
was required to operate on only one boiler, thus reducing its speed and the destroyer that
was sent out to meet it was, uh … turned … ordered turned away by the Admiralty at the
last minute.
And a participant in the event later wrote of it: I t w as a damned dirty business. We all felt
There were … I forget what the casualties were, but the idea was to kill some Americans
and bring America into the war. Of this incident Churchill later wrote: I n w ar, supreme
excellence in strategy consists of the unexpected introduction of a pow erful ally.
The same stunt was tried in World War II with the Athenia, and it didn’t quite work. Other
versions of this, of course, apply to the train bombing or derailment in Arizona before the
bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City.
[ ]
In the case of the Enterprise, it actually would cost more to scrap the Enterprise than to
get rid of her this way, so that makes it economically attractive.
KC: Right and that’s I have heard. Now, what have you heard … ? I guess what I’m trying
to get at here is in describing that. I can see that you’re a good researcher, but are you
getting ET/ED information in that regard?
JK: No. Not specifically. I can tell you that as a result of that scenario, some very careful
checks have been run on the Enterprise looking for explosives, any indication anybody’s
meddling with the reactors -- things of that nature.
But, it makes eminently good sense. You send a vessel like that into an environment ...
The way the scenario’s described is that the Israelis have submarines in the Persian Gulf.
And they do -- they have three Dolphin-class. One of them is supposed to torpedo and
sink the Enterprise.
The Americans are supposed to be understandably outraged. You’re talking about 5 to
6,000 people as the crew of an aircraft carrier of that size. There would be massive
casualties. The U.S. public would get all incensed and we’d have a full-blown war on our
hands, which is what the New World Order wants. So …
KC: Okay, and what about your intelligence sources on the ground? Have they given you
anything in this regard?
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JK: Well, yes. I just said that very careful searches have been done of the ship, because
there were supposed to be explosives in it and on it. None has been found.
Also, the Iranians have warned against introducing carriers. They warned against the reintroduction of carriers into the Gulf after we left the first time. They keep threatening to
do it and they have the means to do it very effectively, because they have the export
model of a Russian … what they call supercavitating torpedo.
[ ]
It basically travels in an air bubble at 250 knots. You can’t really avoid it. And they have
said, you know, they’ve threatened to sink our carriers. So it doesn’t matter for NW O
purposes, whether the Israelis do it as a ‘false flag -- blame it on the I ranians,’ or whether
the Iranians do it. Either way you get a war out of it.
KC: Yeah, I understand that, but … You know, our purpose here is to sort of drill down into
the intel you’re getting from both sides and kind of compare and contrast it to see where
we’re at.
So thank you for that, but we’re ... At this point, why don’t we go to the SEAL Team Six
incident with Bin Laden, because this is a place where your intel, which sounds like it’s onthe-ground intel, completely contradicts, at least, my intel.
And so, I’m curious about that. So why don’t you sort of explain what you’ve got there?
JK: Okay. I’d like to go back to what we were just discussing, because I have two items
that I think that your listeners or viewers, whatever would be the right characterization,
would find fascinating.
KC: Okay.
JK: Okay. The ETs/EDs have specifically warned against attacks on Iran, but they’ve also …
basically they’ve said nobody is to commit aggression on anybody else.
In the past couple of days, the Iranians have been practicing kamikaze attacks against the
tankers, using speed boats armed with large quantities of explosives and contact fuses.
The rates for shipping are already through the roof and gas prices have risen .40 - .50
cents a gallon in consequence. If even one tanker is hit, you’re probably going to be
looking at $6 or $7 a gallon gasoline, if not worse.
Yesterday, the … I believe it was yesterday, the Iranians mounted an attack. They had 13
of these things buzzing around -- and U.S. warships were present, tanker crews were
present and everything else -- and they all vanished! They were coming in on attack runs
and poof -- they were gone!
KC: Okay. And this, again, is coming to you from your on-the-ground sources, as well as
your ETs, or just one?
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JK: That is correct.
KC: Both angles.
JK: That is correct. Thirteen of these suicide explosive boats vanished in plain sight of
dozens, if not hundreds, of peoples’ eyes. They were coming in at high speed one instant
and gone the next.
KC: Wow, okay!
JK: I should also tell you that the most advanced submarine in the Iranian Navy abruptly
was lost. There was a big disturbance in the water and it was gone.
Our submarines that are there to protect the carrier battle groups are … you know, went
nuts looking for it. It’s nowhere to be found and it’s nowhere to be found because the
ETs/EDs took it.
And there are other bad things that are going to happen to the Iranians, because the
Iranians were the ones who funded the very closely held … Uh ... you know, we’re in the
middle of a ‘Cuban Missile Crisis’ right now, Kerry.
KC: Okay.
JK: And the American public does not have the story.
The Iranians funded the purchase of 40 North Korean “stretched” copies of a Russian
submarine-launched ballistic missile; warheads include dirty bombs and various forms of
biological warfare agents. These were paid for by Iran and shipped to Venezuela, and that
issue is being worked as we speak.
But this has particularly incurred the wrath of the ETs/EDs, who view it as very highly
escalatory, but the story has all but been completely squashed in the mainstream news.
But we have missiles in Venezuela that are fully fueled and armed, aimed right down our
throats. They can cover almost every State in the contiguous forty-eight.
KC: Right. Okay … and so at this moment, what is exact … what’s the status on all of this?
Do you know?
JK: I’m sitting on part of it because there are certain developments underway and I don’t
wish to interfere with those. There are solutions being … um ... w orked, I would say, would
be a good way to put it. And when I’m in… when the situation is resolved, I will report
KC: Okay.
JK: But it’s not. Things are up in the air and very volatile at the moment.
KC: Okay, but if we ... the players in the part of what is “volatile” as you call it, this kind
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of ... you’re sort of comparing it to the Cuban Missile Crisis. So the players involved -- how
much do they know, or what do they know, exactly?
Is this information that Iran purchased these, I don’t know, are they ballistic missiles? Is
that what you would call them?
JK: Yes they’re modified copies of Russian submarine-launched ballistic missiles.
[ ]
KC: Okay, from the ...
JK: But they’re not … they’re on-ground launchers.
KC: Okay. And they purchased them from the Koreans, the North Koreans?
JK: Yeah. Iran purchased them from the North Koreans. Some of the dirty bomb material,
apparently, the Pakistanis supplied the dirty bomb material and Iran also paid for shipment
to Venezuela.
KC: Okay. And this information came to you. Is this in the news at all?
JK: I understand there’s been a tiny bit. I haven’t seen it myself, but a tiny bit which was
swiftly suppressed. This is coming from my excellent contacts.
KC: Okay, and …
JK: US Intelligence is aware of the missiles. The missiles have been imaged. The status of
the missiles has been continuously monitored.
Reconnaissance has been mounted, and we’re keeping a very close eyeball on the
situation, but we haven’t been in this situation since the Cuban Missile Crisis, and
whereas, the American public knew about that one; it doesn’t know about this one.
KC: Okay, well, if anybody’s listening to us, [laughs] then maybe they will start to know.
But at this moment, are you say ... so what’s the status of the Venezuelan government,
you know, in respect to Iran and then also in respect to the US?
JK: Venezuela is openly antagonistic to us and is aligned with Iran, is aligned with Russia,
and is aligned with China. It is a new power bloc unto itself.
KC: Okay. Do you want to say any more about that before we leave the subject?
JK: I would say that’s enough for now, and …
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KC: Well, let’s actually say when did this happen, you know, because purchasing these
missiles and then transporting them takes time, right?
JK: It does. Yes.
KC: So when did this happen? Do you know?
JK: Ummm ... Well we detected them, um ... shortly I believe, after they were landed in
Venezuela. Uh, I …
KC: Not until then?
JK: That’s my understanding, and then we went looking for where they came from, at which
point, I got some specific information from the upstairs contingents that dealt with where
they originated from, and then the terrestrial side started looking at what ships might be
involved, and things like that.
But no, we did not detect that missiles were being moved until they actually arrived in
Venezuela. That’s my understanding.
KC: Okay, and when you say “w e,” you’re talking about your sources? I mean, because it’s
quite possible that, you know, there are sources that, you know, your sources don’t know
and that, you know, government, this government [Ed note: US government] could have
been well aware of the whole situation, right?
JK: I would say, that based on the kind of access my contacts have, that as soon as
something like that would have surfaced in terms of information within the intelligence
community, it would have been known immediately. That kind of stuff is, uh ... of such
criticality that it has to be dealt with straight away.
KC: Okay, but you’re saying consequently, you think, because they weren’t interfered with
en route.
JK: We, from everything I’ve been able to tell, we didn’t know anything about it until the
missiles arrived and were unloaded in Venezuela at Maracaibo.
KC: Okay, and um ... just ... can you reiterate how many missiles and what their capability
is or whatever?
JK: 2,800 nautical-mile range, uh ... which basically covers almost the entire continental
United States, operating out of Maracaibo; 40 missiles.
We thought at first they might have nuclear warheads on it, but Pakistan’s nuclear
technology won’t support it, and neither will North Korea’s. They don’t have the
miniaturization technology, so it has to be dirty bombs.
We know that North Korea’s Biowarfare facilities were involved. That’s been reported. And
it includes the effect that there is one that dissolves the lungs on contact, and, uh ...
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So, you’ve got 20 launchers. They are what they call Maz-543s, the same thing that you
saw in the Gulf War used to transport the SCUDs. The North Koreans stretched the Russian
R-27 submarine-launched ballistic missile to the point where it hit exactly the maximum
carrying capacity of the Maz-543.
That increased the range and what-not, and so they call that ... they call the missile, the
basic missile, the Masudan. And I decided that ... to keep it sorted out from the other one,
I call the stretched one, the Masudan Mod I. So that’s what it’s referred to as in my blog.
And that is what they put 20 launchers and 40 missiles-worth of into Venezuela under the
control of the rather insane Hugo Chavez. Okay?
KC: Okay. Okay, so at this moment, this is going on right this minute, and what kind of ...
um ... you’re not willing to give us the intel that you’re getting from the ETs. Is that
correct? Because it’s a moving target?
JK: I don’t think that’s ...
KC: And I’m not trying to pressure you, I’m just trying to …
JK: I’m in a little bit of a bind here, Kerry.
KC: No problem.
JK: There are ongoing operations on both ends, which is to say terrestrial things are
happening, and not-terrestrial things are happening.
KC: Okay.
JK: And there are some very interesting interactions between them, and right now, it
would be inappropriate for me to say anything, because it might screw something up.
KC: Okay. Well we don’t want necessarily an international incident to take place here on
this Livestream. [laughs] Uh! But …
JK: Well, too late -- I’ve already caused several with my blog, but that’s the way it goes.
KC: Okay, well, I guess so. So at this moment, I’m not sure ... um ... Well, there are a lot
of ways we could drill down into that incident, obviously. I don’t know if any of it’s going to
hit the news.
Um ... [long pause] All right. So, I’m just going to move on for now and then, maybe, we’ll
come back to it. I’d like to get to the SEAL Team Six incident, if we can.
JK: Certainly. The information that I was given is obviously sourced out of very
knowledgeable people who have intimate details of the mission at their disposal. That is
how, for example, the Ghost Hawk entered into it.
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That is how I got the information on what the mission was originally, how the mission was
originally to be structured with air cover in case the Pakistani Air Force, quote unquote,
“got frisky,” and what-not.
And when Obama ordered the coverage removed, the Navy on its own hook decided to put
up a EA-6B Prowler and jam the living daylights out of the Pakistani Air Defense Network
to protect the mission.
There were to have been a couple of what they call Ghost Hawk helicopters, which are
super-quiet acoustically. They were not viable, absent top cover, so they were removed
from the mission.
So Obama badly damaged the mission by forcing the removal of several key components in
the original plan. The Stealth Hawks, which are radar-absorbent-material-coated Black
Hawk helicopters, and extremely rare, were brought in from Area 51, uh ... where they are
normally based. They were flown by specially trained pilots, and uh ...
KC: Okay. Tell me a little bit about what you know about SEAL Team Six, if anything
because, you know, I read a little bit that you wrote on this topic. But did your intelligence
sources give you information about the team itself ?
JK: They did. SEAL Team Six is referred to as the Jedis because of the standard of training.
Every SEAL Team in the Navy has a training budget specifically for ammunition, which
exceeds that of the entire Marine Corps.
And SEAL Team Six is the best trained of all the SEAL Teams. It is referred to as the Jedis
and Red Team of SEAL Team Six was involved in the operation, and it was Red Team that
was killed when the helicopter was shot down subsequently.
KC: Okay, and is it your understanding that those individuals were actually taken out
because they might have talked?
JK: I believe that could be the case. They ... they definitely knew things.
KC: Okay, and you know this because: (1) you’re an intuitive; (2) because you have been
given that information from the ET sources; or (3) because you’ve been given that
information from your ground sources.
JK: The last.
KC: The ground sources.
JK: The last, excellent intelligence contacts, okay?
KC: Okay, but they do say that Obama ... that Osama bin Laden was there and taken out?
JK: Yes they do, yes they do.
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KC: Okay, and …
JK: He was identified by his youngest wife, a 29-year-old Yemeni woman, whose name I
gave in the article.
KC: Right.
JK: They took DNA samples and what-not, and you know, they photographed him and they
measured him, and things like that. He was exceptionally tall for an Arab. They looked at
the evidence.
They also brought out a lot of material in terms of computer hard drives, and video, and
things of that sort, as well. I can tell you that he was taken to the Carl Vincent. I can tell
you that his body was gone over very carefully.
I can tell you that they used super-advanced rapid genetic testing equipment. That’s how
the government was able to do what brought so much condemnation on it, which was
produce DNA results in two hours. The normal methods, the best, the fastest one, can do
is a day or typically two, and more commonly, a week.
KC: Okay, what about …
JK: They were actually able to do, according to my sources, multiple tests within an hour
or so, and then the rest of it was reporting back through the chain of command to
Washington, so they didn’t even take two hours in total to run multiple tests of him
against bin Laden family members, and things of that sort.
KC: Okay, and are you familiar with Peter Beter?
JK: I’m becoming increasingly more so with each passing day, I would say.
KC: Okay, then are you aware of the idea of doubles?
JK: Pardon? Oh, I do, I do.
KC: You do.
JK: Yes, and I can ...
KC: You are aware of doubles.
JK: And I can also tell you that I have recently learned to my horror that there is no way to
tell a dead double from the actual person. The genetic material is exactly the same
because it comes from the same genetic pool, if you would.
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KC: Sure.
JK: You can tell them apart when they’re alive because one of these doubles has only a
head aura, instead of a full-body aura, and I know of some people who can tell by the
vibe, by the way they move, and things like that.
And if you’ve got somebody who’s been repeatedly cloned, if you would, each time the
hologramic memory matrix is inserted, you get more and more noise in the signal, so the
clone gets progressively wonkier and less obviously human.
KC: Okay, and do you know which of our leaders have been cloned?
JK: I’m sorry?
KC: Have your intelligence sources given you which of our leaders have been cloned?
JK: Not specifically. The ones that I have been dealing with had very little knowledge of it
and frankly, uh ... one of my other contacts thought this was shocking, because years ago
this person got a call at a magazine, a kind of a whistle blower magazine, from a general
who informed this person of the existence of such.
But, I’ve been kind of educating my contacts since on this particular subject, and I read a
bunch of things on it and I found a very good link that I posted on my site as well,
regarding this particular matter.
And what it did was it correlated very well with this other person’s information, but that
person came by it through an entirely different set of ... chain of events.
KC: Okay. So, at the moment, uh ... let’s see, is there anything else that you can sort of
talk about in regard to SEAL Team Six, the bin Laden information that hasn’t already gone
on to your blog, and/or that the audience would find of special interest that might
validate, sort of in an exceptional way, your sources?
JK: I would say no at this point, because I’ve been so wrapped up in this trying to stop
World War III from breaking out in the Persian Gulf thing, not to mention dealing with, you
know, a government doing everything possible, as fast as possible, to enslave us and, you
know, institute the New World Order.
Congress is turning out one law after another which is just terrifying, if you care about the
Constitution. So, I’ve moved on. I may get some other information at some point. It has
been bruited about that maybe, you know, unless you have actual samples from the
person you’re testing against, all you can do is establish that the person’s out of the
family tree, not necessarily that it’s the person.
KC: Right, okay.
JK: You know, if you have somebody who looks a lot like somebody, and you haven’t seen
the one, the object of your attack, let’s say, in a long time, there’s a possibility you may
not have gotten the right person, and that is being looked into, but I don’t have much
beyond that.
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KC: Okay, well then let’s drill down to this at least. You agree that it’s very likely that
those members of the Red SEAL Team Six were taken out. That was too much of a
coincidence. It’s the perfect kind of, sort of “accident” where the, you know, Black Projects
take out a group of targets.
This kind of thing goes on all the time so that they won’t talk later. But w hy [said with
emphasis] would they be taken out? W hat was the incident?
You know, because, if you acknowledge that it’s quite possible that bin Laden wasn’t
actually taken out then, that he died in ... back in 2002 or 2003, as I recall, according to
all of my intel that’s pretty vast and pretty dependable.
Then you could easily say that if that were true, then they would be taken out because
they knew the truth, of who was taken out and, you know, the substitute, or the body
double, or whoever it was.
But if you don’t buy that story, as clearly you don’t in theory, based on your blog, then why
would they be taken out? Any ideas? Any intel?
JT : Well, I would say, first of all, that the relationship between the president and the
Special Forces is very strained. The Special Forces have been basically gutted; all that's
really left of them these days is Delta, which some in the community consider to be
suspect, and the SEALs.
You've got the PJs, the para-rescue types, but they are not combat troops. The Rangers
have been decertified as Special Forces; they're still allowed to wear their Ranger hats,
okay? There's sort of a love-hate relationship there.
I can tell you that the Jedis that participated in the mission believed absolutely at the
time that they got the right guy; he was so identified by his wife.
A Navy corpsman patched up the wife, by the way, performed surgery [and] removed the
bullet in the leg that cleared her out of the path of bin Laden. He used her as a human
shield, and he was going for his special cut-down Kalashnikov at the time he was taken
out. But that, uh ...
KC: But again, why?
JT : ... where ...
KC: W hy would these ... the question is why the SEAL team members were then basically
killed, taken out after the fact. W hat did they know? W hat did ... Are you able to
speculate, or do you have intel, either from your off-world or your on-world sources, as to
why they'd be taken out, because that's a substantial issue?
JT : Oh, I agree. Um ... they ... I think it could be fairly argued that that mission was -based on the presidential intervention -- designed to fail. And that one of the purposes
that seems reasonable to me is that the SEALs could start talking about what the plan
was, versus what actually happened.
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In other words, they were in a position to make the president look bad. You know, he gets
covered with glory because bin Laden is dead, but if it comes out that the president
practically gutted the mission right at the starting gate, then, you know, he doesn't get
the Brownie points for doing that.
KC: But actually they ... that did come out.
JT : Pardon?
KC: That did come out.
JT : Well, initially it didn't, you know. Yeah, there were some problems, and there were
some official lies told. The helicopter, for example, did not crash coming in; it crashed
leaving, as it went over the fence. That was one of the Stealth Hawks.
There were other things that were said that weren't true. So, the SEALs don't like to be
used for political purposes; that's not what they're about. They're in there to get a job
done [and] do it quietly. They were compromised by Joseph Biden. They didn't want any
publicity. The job was to go in, do the job, get out and have nobody know who had been
It was ...
KC: Okay.
JT : ... thought politically that it would be blamed on Delta. But then Joe Biden ran his
mouth. So, they were ... their operational security was compromised, their mission was
compromised after it was planned, when the forces were en route -- in fact they were
already in theater in Afghanistan.
At the last minute these changes were made, and it's fortunate for us that there was
someone in the Navy with the moral fortitude and male equipage to order up the EA-6B, or
the mission might have been a complete bust. They could have been blown out of the sky
by Pakistani Air Defense, potentially.
KC: Okay, well ...
JT : So, the SEALs felt, I think it's fair to say, betrayed by their commander-in-chief.
KC: And so you're positing that that's why they were taken out.
JT : I think they could have made the president look bad -- not because they thought they
got the wrong guy, but because he sabotaged the mission -- certainly, in their view.
KC: Okay.
JT : He deprived them of a whole series of important assets that were specifically planned
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for, that were very expensive, that in some cases were unique, and they were taken out.
This forced crash re-planning, which is never good when you're executing an operation of
this sort.
KC: Okay. I ... you know, I'm sorry to move you along here, and I appreciate that you're ...
you have a great attention to detail and you are making every effort to answer my
We need to move off the subject, but I do want to just say, um ... what you've established
here, though, in terms of you agree that ... and you have intelligence that agrees, that
this SEAL team was eliminated.
JT : Absolutely.
KC: W hat we can't ... or what I'm not getting in a really clear way, is whether your
intelligence gave you specifics as to why they were taken out.
So they were taken out, but we don't know why, and what you're telling me is you're kind
of conjecturing, or coming to a conclusion -- a logical conclusion, I agree -- that their
mission was interfered with by the president, etcetera, etcetera; so therefore, no one
wanted them to talk about that aspect.
But was that literally what your intelligence sources had told you, or did you never ask why
they were taken out?
JT : W hat I was told was more the how than the why. I was told that operational
procedures were violated in the mission that resulted in the loss of that portion of the
Jedis that had participated in the attack on bin Laden's compound, uh ... that normally,
you’d never have that many of them together in one place.
That orders were cut, uh ... that brought them together in that way; that information
regarding the route of the helicopter was leaked. They were set up to be killed. And it is
my understanding that, uh ... there’ve been consequences applied, since, to ... by way of
sending a message that this is known and not appreciated.
And that's about all I feel safe in saying on that score.
KC: Okay.
JT : Let's just say they didn't take the matter lying down.
KC: Okay, that's interesting. All right.
Well, you know, I guess I don't know if you're aware of a recent ex-Navy SEAL that I
interviewed, by the name of ‘Bill Wood’ originally, but now he's out under his original name,
or his real name, Bill Brockbrader. Are you aware of him?
JT : I know of him, yes.
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KC: But you didn't see the interview, I take it?
JT : I read the transcript.
KC: Oh, you did? Okay.
JT : Yes, I did.
KC: Okay. So it's just an interesting sort of synchronicity that we've got SEAL team stuff
going on here, and, you know, so I think that bears keeping an eye on; there seems to be
something in the wind, as to why SEAL teams, or members and so on, may be a liability
from the point of view of the Powers That Be at this time.
JT : Well, they do the ... the w et w ork, as they call it -- w et referring to the spilling of
blood, okay? For the government.
In the case of Bill Wood, my personal jury is out, but I will tell you that I've talked to my
contacts, and there is no SEAL Team Nine, there is no evidence of the special Tomahawks
that are described, and there's no evidence of such operations that have been conducted. I
will say that my contacts have fabulous information coming out of the SEAL community.
KC: Okay, well, you probably aren't aware that a recent piece of intelligence that came
forward is that one of his trainers, uh ... in BUD/S as they call it, has now come forward in
the public and stated, unequivocally, that he did train him.
JK: Okay. No, I was not aware of that. The drown-proofing thing I knew from some
documentaries that I’ve seen -- I think it was called Making the Cut -- on TLC.
I was familiar with the basic concept there. But his unwillingness to release his BUD/S
class number? That is unclassified, according to my contacts, and he should have been
willing to give you that right out of the starting gate in order to establish his bona fides.
KC: Okay. Well I don’t want ...
JK: That’s suspicious.
KC: I appreciate that, but at this moment, actually, I kind of didn’t want to go too far
down that road. And thank you for, at least, you know, giving your intel on, on the
background there, because I think people will find that interesting and valuable, at least
as sort of more information to compare and contrast.
But what I’d like to do now is look at the situation that you’ve got going here because you
are interacting with, as I said, two sides of the equation. One is a group of ETs who are
intervening in human affairs to a substantial degree, and the other is a, uh ... you know,
are sources that appear to be vetted much in the way that we vet our sources.
In other words, you triangulate, you get individuals from three different angles that come
together with the same information, and then you begin to believe that that actually, you
know, has legs, so to speak.
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JK: Mm hm.
KC: And that’s a very solid way of vetting information. On top of it, you’re an intuitive. I’ve
had evidence of that for myself. I’m not sure if the audience has, but, you know, if you
want to kind of give them any evidence in that regard, you’re welcome to.
So at this moment, we’ve actually been going longer than the two hours that normally we
try to do one of these for, in terms of a one-on-one, and so you’ve been really under the
gun here.
Would you like to share any particular information beyond what we’ve covered here, the
bits and pieces, things that you think we should be aware of ?
JK: Yes. And I will happily go as long as you are willing to go ’cause I’ve got all the time
in the world [Kerry laughs] and I love to talk about this stuff.
I would say that people should be aware that the ETs/EDs have said that they’re going to
take apart the NW O. They are determined to extirpate it from the planet. They are going
to seek to limit to the greatest extent possible any loss of human life, but they are going
to make their presence felt.
And as I indicated earlier in the show, they’ve already done that in a bunch of ways and
that’s just the warm-up act. Things are going to start happening that the government
simply w ill not be able to deny, w ill not be able to cover up no matter what it does.
There will be public demonstrations of things. They may not show you ships, but they will
show you things happening that will absolutely boggle the mind. Things may get moved
around, things may disappear.
KC: Okay, do you know anything ... I think I’ve already asked you this off, uh, you know,
off camera, so to speak. Did you know anything, did your ET contacts give you any
information about Elenin or Y U55?
JK: Yes they did. Not about Elenin. I didn’t have the blog up at that stage of the game.
But Y U55: I was informed by my terrestrial contacts that, uh ... we were going to launch
an intercept operation, and somewhere in there, I think is where the ETs/EDs got involved.
Because it was reported to me ... We basically ... [inaudible] together an intercept
weapon, an Alpha Centauri with a surplus Russian 3-megaton warhead on it, and launched
it. This brought the disinformation agents out on me.
Something very strange happened. The warhead, you know, I got a report, you know,
w arhead w ent off and everything and there was ... the EMP was detected; the
electromagnetic pulse was detected by two different radio observatories. All well and
Next thing I know, one of my contacts is telling me the 3-megaton blast did nothing
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whatsoever to Y U55, the asteroid.
And then, I get information that says, uh -- I may have this a little out of sequence, so
bear with me -- but through Russian channels they were reporting that they were
monitoring something that was coming from, they thought, the asteroid, and it sounded
for all the world, like cats, which is why in my blog I referred to them as Cat People, and
that’s what the Russians were referring to them as.
And I made a connection kind of intuitively and also just because that particular set of
memory ... uh ... cells kicked in that the Egyptians had actually worshipped cats,
mummified cats and things like that, and that the cat was very, very significant to the
So my thought was that, maybe, the Cat People had visited Egypt in ancient times. And
that’s how that got started.
But I was specifically told by my terrestrial contact that the asteroid made some radical
course changes. At the time, it was headed in such a way that it would have hit the
[It] would have caused a tremendous reverberating tsunami. And interestingly enough,
UNESCO had Exercise Pacific Wave Eleven in process right in the strike window and the
planning on that started at least three years out, so they knew it was coming.
But what the ETs told me is that they had intervened in the way they did to protect not
just Earth and the people of Earth, but to protect the innocent beings on Y U55, which I
was given to understand had an outpost.
They were going to surveil the Earth on this flyby, uh ... what’s called a slingshot in the
aerospace trade, where you come by a planet, you use the gravity, you whip back around
the other side.
But the asteroid’s flight path had gotten perturbed. Some have argued it was something
called a ... [inaudible]. I don’t know. Neither did my ET/ ED contacts. All they knew was it
got somehow thrown off course.
They intervened and what they did was they put a force field around the blast, they
contained the explosive force of 3 million tons of TNT, and they took the asteroid up to a
higher orbit and speeded it up dramatically, so it won’t endanger the Earth anymore.
KC: Okay. So at this moment I guess ... let’s see, we were kind of wrapping this part up
and we were talking about, um ... sort of things that you wanted to tell people as, you
know, that we hadn’t covered, per se. And I appreciate you answering that question in that
But at this moment, in terms of 2012, why don’t we just ... you know, and then I will go to
see what the people that are writing questions madly in the chat ... [JK laughs]
I don’t know if you are able to watch. On Livestream there’s a chat, so people have been
asking questions non-stop and, uh ... so it’s quite interesting [laughs] what people are
saying and, you know, they’re covering a huge wide spectrum.
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But I know that they’re going to want to know is ... because you are in contact with these
off-planet sources, groups, and then you also have some very high-level on-planet
W hat I would like to know is, from both sides that you cover, what have you gotten about
this year, 2012, and even December 21 st , 2012, if you want to drill down to that kind of
detail, and maybe, you know, 2013? Anything in that regard?
JK: I haven’t had any major discussions with either set of informants, if you would,
specific to 2012. The focus has been on dealing with a seemingly endless and evergrowing succession of crises, uh ... some of which forced the postponement of dealing with
previous crises, because the resources at this stage of the game are -- despite the offplanet help -- severely limited.
There are only so many things that can be done. So you know, you’ve got to keep a war
from breaking out in the Persian Gulf; you’ve got to keep the radiation from Fukushima
from killing everybody; you’ve got to deal with the San Onofre thing; you’ve got to deal
with ... now you’ve got missiles in Venezuela in the hands of a nut-job. You’ve got people
trying to create war.
KC: Uh ... and you’ve also got the super volcano issue. Right?
JK: Yeah, you’ve got ... and my understanding is that there’s a force field around the Earth
that is deliberately being used to prevent major destructive events from occurring, which
feeds right back into people like us, because it means we’re forced to live with constant
strain and pain because the planet does not get any substantive relief. Okay?
KC: Okay.
JK: You know, you don’t get a big volcanic eruption that takes the pressure down, or you
don’t get a quake that lifts the weight of the world off your shoulders both figuratively and
literally to some degree.
KC: Okay. Good point. Good point.
JK: The magnetic pole is moving at a much, much faster rate than the government’s willing
to admit. But if you don’t think the magnetic pole is moving, do a little research on airport
runway re-numbering.
The numbers on the airport runway are specific to the location of the magnetic pole and
it’s moving at something like 40 miles a year, I believe, now. It’s galloping. Okay? So
things are changing.
The Earth has lost so much ice from the polar caps that it is actually reshaping from what
they call a prolate spheroid.
W hich is to say if you had a ball and you mashed it down from the top and bottom, it
would bulge out at the middle, to more close to it resembling a regular spheroid, more
nearly resembling a ball, because the weight of the polar caps has been taken off and it’s
reshaping itself. W hich probably has some interesting implications for mapmakers and
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The amount of seismic activity has more than doubled in the last ten years. We’re seeing
incredible natural disasters, but we’re also seeing a lot of stuff that’s engineered through
technologies like HAARP and things of that nature.
And by the way, the word has been passed -- and they have the means to enforce this -that any time a HAARP fires to do, you know, evil ... And there’s good things you can go
with HAARP.
You can prevent a ... [inaudible] from flattening a major city. They are going to remove the
HAARP. It will be a smoking hole in the ground. They’re deadly serious about this.
KC: W hat ... wait, wait, wait. W hat do you mean they’re going to remove the HAARP?
JK: They’re going to destroy it utterly. That installation will cease to be.
KC: [laughs]
JK: They have the weaponry to do it. And there are a lot more installations on this planet.
You people know.
KC: I was just going to say that you’re aware that there’s more than one. Right?
JK: Russia’s got something like 20, alone.
KC: Okay. So ... [sighs] ... all right ... okay. That’s interesting. Anything else that ... just a
kind of a laundry list and I appreciate you doing this, in terms of what they are saying is
going to kind of ... what they’re trying to prevent, I guess, would be more like it.
Now this group of ETs, uh ... they are at war, so they’re also dealing with groups that have
other plans, right?
JK: Right. Oh yes. For example, there are shoot-on-sight orders against the Reptoids and
the Grays. Just last week, I think it was - I may be wrong on this and I will doubtless hear
about it from upstairs if I screw it up - but basically an incoming Reptoid ship was dealt
It was destroyed before it could get to Earth and a ... well, actually one ship was leaving
Earth and was destroyed almost as soon as it exited the atmosphere. Another one had
come in through a stargate and was destroyed right around by Saturn. Okay?
So they’re not allowing any reinfestations to occur. They’re not allowing anybody to leave.
They are going to kill all of them.
KC: Okay. Now, I mean, just in terms of ET, uh ... well ... Exopolitics, whatever you want
to call it, saying something of that nature the way you are is quite an aggressive
statement, you know what I’m saying?
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JK: Mm hm. Well the characterization which I was given of the Grays is, quote: “T hey are
parasites”, unquote.
KC: Right.
JK: And some of the ETs/EDs that I deal with have intimate knowledge of the whole way
the Grays operate and the Reptoids operate. We are talking about civilizations that have
been around for tens of millions of years.
We are talking about races which are by any normal human standards immortal. We are
talking about technologies that make even the most advanced things in our Black
Programs look like Tinkertoys by comparison.
KC: I understand.
JK: Way beyond one caparison somebody made where, you know, they said: T he difference
betw een us and the UFO technology is like trying to ask a cave man to figure out and build
an SR71. [Ed note: Uh, oh, that’s going to piss off another GEICO Caveman!]
We’re talking levels many, powers of ten above that in terms of things. And I’ve indicated
in the last post that I made on my blog that Israel is facing being de-industrialized in
about a second if it doesn’t behave. They have the ability to kill off Israel as a modern
industrial society, and destroying even the machine tools.
KC: Okay. But are you and your ... the groups you’re in sort of communication with aware
of the ETs that are backing Israel? Because there is a very strong group backing Israel.
JK: I haven‘t heard of one so far.
KC: Okay.
JK: I do know of two that are backing China ...
KC: Okay, do you want to ...
JK: ... that I just found out. One is definitely identified. The other one, the problem’s
being worked. And there are very real concerns about technology transfer to China from
those groups.
KC: Yes. That coincides with intel I’ve gotten. Were you told anything about the specific
JK: Uh ... I mean, I was told the name of one race and I was told that they lived w ith the
Chinese, not in underground bases or anything like that, but they’ve been there for some
time. I’m aware that Russia has a connection of long standing with a specific group. Uh ...
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KC: Can you be more specific? In other words, what is the group that China is dealing
with? Because ... well, I’ve also been told that China has got two groups they’re dealing
with, but one in particular, the way they were termed was New comers.
JK: I’ve not heard that term. I can say that in all honest and candor until right now, I have
not heard that term ever used.
KC: Okay.
JK: If you give me a moment I will check upstairs and see what I can say about the China
KC: Okay. Well, we can definitely give you a moment. And in the meanwhile, I will go and
see ... I don’t think ... I really don’t have anyone to help me collect the questions that are
going by me rapidly in the chat ... [JK Laughs]. [long pause, silence] ... so I’m going to
have to catch as catch can.
JK: Okay. I have been given clearance to tell you this: The primary group that the Chinese
are working with are referred to as T he Elder Race.
I don’t have much detail beyond that. They’re a very, very, very old race and they have
some incredible technology at their disposal.
Uh ... which may, in turn, relate to something one of my terrestrial contacts told me about
a Chinese electronics type who got up an international conference and made a statement
to the effect that: Y ou have no comprehension at all how advanced our electronics are
these days -- which was a very provocative statement to make.
And now, operating from an intuitive perspective and also from a deductive perspective, I
kind of understand where that’s coming from, you know?
That they’ve gotten our electronic manufacturing know-how because we shipped our
factories over there as part of the NW O policies; they’ve robbed us blind on the espionage
front; and Israel has robbed us blind and sold the take to China. Okay?
KC: Sure.
JK: But I think that the real leverage here is the off-planet, more like de facto on-planet
connection the Chinese have. I will give you an example of, uh ... technology even much
younger races have: they have the ability to put up an energy field which can block all
reconnaissance satellite operations. You can hide an entire city using this technology.
KC: Okay. And what about Planet X? Nibiru? Incoming planet in our solar system,
JK: No discussions have been made on that because we’ve been dealing, we’ve been in
full-blown dealing with crisis problems.
KC: Okay.
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JK: That has been the focus. The forces that I’m dealing with are here to crush the NW O.
KC: I hear you. But the NW O is also very activated and pushed ... put forward by China, so
by default, that means that they may be at war with these particular groups that China is
working with.
JK: They may be. We haven’t had any discussions on that.
KC: Okay. And what about a so-called ... there’s a couple things ... a Chinese and, uh ...
let’s see, uh ... robotic android invasion scenario, that the ... that our military has been at
least in Black Projects working to plan for.
JK: Okay. I need some clarification here, Kerry. Are you saying we’re trying to set it up? Or
we’re trying to prepare to defend against it?
KC: Well, okay, are you and your contacts aware of the building of a robotic race of in
essence very human-like, almost androids, whatever you want to call them, of military
troops that are built by both us, underground, and standing by in readiness for a future
war with China, and China’s doing the same thing?
JK: I am aware of the Super-Soldier thing. I am aware of some of that, but I am not
specifically aware, nor has there been any discussion from the off-planet contingents
regarding a stockpiling of androids, or whatever you want to call them for a war between
us and China.
KC: Okay. But it actually starts out between us and China but ends up to be between our
group of whatever you want to call them and off-planet, uh ... groups of some kind.
JK: Okay, well I haven’t been exposed to any of this.
KC: Okay that’s fine, it’s no problem.
JK: I can tell you that the groups that I deal with are in the process of killing off cloned
synthetic / robotoid facilities whenever and wherever found.
KC: Okay. And what is their relationship to Dulce?
JK: I think Dulce is going to make a wonderful museum display before they’re through with
it. They consider it a horror and they want to show people that, uh... you know, what’s
been going on and things like that.
I proposed turning it into the equivalent of an ant farm, where you could get a look at it in
section, and that was received with glee by Contingent Two.
KC: Okay, what about the notion that there is a US Space Command that goes off-planet
and interstellar. Are you aware of that?
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JK: Yes. And it will be the subject of, uh ... future posts. I’m very much in the process of
gathering information on it. I can confirm that it exists. There are other sources that have
provided certain data that is also helpful.
But I will be making heavy use of my off-planet contacts to get a lot of material that
would be otherwise completely unobtainable. It is much blacker than, say, Area 51.
KC: Right.
JK: I kind of quote Ben Rich who died a while back, but he said at a conference shortly
before his death from cancer: Anything you can imagine doing, w e’ve done already. And
that should give the listeners some sense of just how advanced our technology is. But our
technology against even the youngest off-planet race is risible; it’s a joke.
KC: I’m sorry. W hat was that word that you used? Is ... what?
JK: Risible. Laughable. Our technology is a joke compared to what they have.
KC: Okay, okay. I understand. Yes, of course. Okay, I’m going to start asking you questions
that I’m finding in the chat ...
JK: Fire away!
KC: ... so bear with me; they’ll jump all over the map.
But, I actually have to ask you one or two other, I’m sorry, because I have a huge fount of
knowledge as you can appreciate from all the whistleblower testimony I’ve been getting
for the past ... over 6 years.
So it’s a lot of fun to compare notes with somebody who ... even though we’re in a live
setting here, which I certainly don’t mind, just to see what it is you think you know, what
it is you know, and what it is you’ve been told, and what it is you’ve heard nothing about.
It’s just always very interesting to get, you know, all that information ... sort of, and that’s
actually my way of vetting you, if you will, and your sources, uh ... to some degree.
So what have you been told about Phobos?
JK: Phobos ... let me think. [silence, long pause] It’s been mentioned to me, but I don’t
remember the details. I know that there was a Russian probe that went to Phobos. There
was a shadow seen and the probe disappeared -- that was many years ago. I saw that on
Hoagland. It came up a while back, but I honestly, don’t remember the details.
KC: Okay. W hat have you been told about the Anunnaki?
JK: Hasn’t been specifically discussed at all.
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KC: Okay.
JK: Again, my focus has been on, uh ... you know, dismantling the NW O and keeping war
from breaking out. That is the focus of the groups I’ve been working with.
KC: Okay. And what have you been told about Obama’s relationship to the military?
JK: Um ... [long pause] He doesn't seem to like the American military. But I haven't had
any real discussions about it.
KC: Okay. W hat have you been told, if anything, about the economic situation in the US,
and the world, for that matter?
JK: The only thing I can tell you about the economic situation, (and this is coming from
the off-planet side) is that -- with the departure of at least some of the international
banksters, and there's a lot of mopping up and what-not going on, and you've got a lot of
clones and what-not floating around in this equation -- that the opinion of the Universities
of Evolution varies between they think the economic system is salvageable, to they think
it isn't.
It is a real Gordian Knot, but you'd have to project the Gordian Knot into several
hyperdimensions. It's that bad. It's that complicated. And it's got booby traps galore
through it.
KC: Okay. W hat have you been told, uh ... You say they want to get rid of the New World
Order, right?
JK: Yes.
KC: Have they told you ... um ... W hat have they told you about the Rothschilds and the
JK: Nothing specific. I know about the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers through my own
research and things that other people have told me and things like that.
KC: Okay.
JK: But I have had no discussions with the off-planet contingent on Rothschilds and
Rockefellers, other than the removal of the international banksters, which automatically
subsumes both groups.
KC: Okay. W hen you say removal, are you talking about um ... is this where ... Because I
know at one point in your blog you were talking about banksters -- I thought you meant in
the US, disappearing and going off-planet.
JK: They were talking about the international banking oligarchy -- the dyna ... the
families, for example, that own the privately-held Federal Reserve, the Black Nobility.
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The Queen of England, who apparently has some stupendous sums of money squirreled
away, and yet, the British have to finance her every year. All that kind of thing. The central
banks that run the world, if you would.
KC: Okay. But are ... You have said that they're ... your, I believe your sources -- and I
believe that this is your off-world sources -- have said that some of these families are in
the process of going off-planet, or being taken off-planet. Is that correct?
JK: Yes. Yes. Unfortunately, it was discovered that they got a lot of clones, and apparently
that wasn't planned for -- that beings were found where they should have been found, and
taken, and it was later discovered they didn't get the right ones.
I guess adjustments have been made, but I have gotten very little information on that
side of things because, as I say, you know, an imminent war trumps that.
They'll do the banksters, which I ... many people use, uh ... short for banker gangsters.
So, the international banksters, who are the ones responsible for the endless cycles of war,
and boom and bust, uh ... who define the fate of countries, who are political king-makers
and everything. It's been said that one day of war is better than a year of peace, in terms
of the money they make.
Um ... that, while dealing with that is important, stopping that war from breaking out in
the Persian Gulf is absolutely vital because in very short order, you could find yourself in
World War III. And the ETs/EDs are absolutely determined to prevent it.
And, what they did with the gunboats, for exam ... or the suicide boats, is an example of
their willingness to intervene directly to stop it. And that is a tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of
what they're capable of doing.
KC: Okay. If they are who they say they are, we do understand that. Have they told you
anything about the Bush family and its hold over the U.S.?
JK: They have not.
KC: Okay. Have they said anything about the revaluing of the Iraqi Dinar?
JK: They have not.
KC: Have they said anything about -- and this goes for both of your sources when I ask
you these questions, all right?
JK: Okay.
KC: Have they said anything about impending solar activity?
JK: No.
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KC: No?
JK: No. Again, very, very task-focused.
KC: Okay. So ... and this is since ... well, I know November. You were saying November,
but really, when I think you started publishing actively was January, right?
JK: I'd say that that's about right. Yeah.
KC: Because I went back into the ... I tried to ...
JK: I was getting my feet wet, and learning to do a few things, but yeah.
KC: Okay. Because I tried to go into your blog, and I believe it didn't take me back much
farther than that ... um ... as far as this kind of information ...
JK: Mm-hm. Yes.
KC: ... because you didn't ... when you first came out of the gate, you weren't really going
in this direction. So, since January your focus has been, and they have been sort of
communicating with you.
Again, so people understand, because of your unique position and your background with
respect to the defense industry, your understanding of the Above Top Secret and Secret
intelligence -- that whole arena. In other words, you can talk the talk.
JK: I can. Yes.
KC: And you understand sort of the logistics in terms of nuts and bolts and world
situations. But it doesn't sound like you’ve had, you know, discussions about future events
in any large ... to any large degree. Is that because you really have only been focusing on
the ground?
JK: [silence, long pause] Yeah. As I say, the two primary things I indicated are what
they're all about, and it has been repeatedly made clear to me that that is in fact the
There are other races. Uh ... there's a race of scientists, for example, that I know of, but
have no communication with that may be involved with that. And there are other groups
doing other things.
KC: Wait, wait, wait. A race ... ? A race ... did you say a race of scientists?
JK: That is exactly what I said.
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KC: And they are involved with what?
JK: Well, they do scientific pursuits. Uh ... they were brought in ...
KC: Okay. You mean a race of beings that are sort of scientists.
JK: They are ... Yeah. They're a race of scientists. That is what they're all about. There are
other races that are ...
KC: And these are off-worlders, or are they on Earth?
JK: No. These are off-worlders. For example, in my last post, I put out, uh ... They were
talking about problems, if you may recall, where certain actions were carried out by the
off-planet contingents, certain military operations.
Strikes were executed and what-not. But we weren't seeing them manifest on this plane.
And it gets into things like timelines. It gets into dimensional shifts. It gets into fluxes in
energy fields and what-not.
KC: Okay. So ...
JK: And different perceptions of time.
KC: Okay.
JK: So they were brought in to consult, for example, with the two contingents that I deal
with. And the upshot was a very successful joint operation that I described earlier in the
program, where, for example, the gunboats disappeared. That was Contingents One and
Two of the off-planet forces.
They finally got it sorted out, so that they were able to conduct effective operations. But
Contingent Two was having major problems, where it was reporting to me that X, Y and Z
have been done.
And I would check with my contacts and it's like: No. T he subs are still there. Or: No, this
other thing hasn't happened yet. And we were both going nuts, you know. And by both, I
mean the terrestrial side and the off-planet side.
Everybody was trying to do everything right. The results weren't occurring. And it's like, you
know, we're going: Y ou said you're doing it. We're not seeing it. They're going: We don't
understand w hy it isn't happening. Y ou can bet w e're going to get to the bottom of it.
And that is why this scientific race was brought in to consult in order to sort out this
super-hairy, how-in-the-heck-do-you-fight-from-several-dimensions-up and make it, you
know? Do what you want it to do, when it expresses in third plane reality, or normal Earth
KC: Sure. So, have you been told about anything to do with the timelines, then?
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JK: Uh, most of the timeline discussions I have, haven't been with them, but with
someone who has a family connection to Group One.
And this person has the ability to operate inter-dimensionally and has been way up above
the dimensional level on which Contingents One and Two operate, and has described
things that, frankly, make my head explode.
Because you've got all kinds of crossed-up timelines. You've got timelines that reproduce
each other. You’ve got dark forces intervening on timelines. You’ve got events being taken
back in time and ...
KC: And what about the military manipulating timelines?
JK: I’ve heard a little bit about that, over and above what, for example, I've read on your
site by Mr. Burisch, for example. It has been privately confirmed to me that, you know, the
Looking Glass technology that is described on your site is real.
So, um ... and some basic information has been supplied on that, but nothing’s been gone
into, into depth, regarding that.
KC: Have they told you the outcome of the Obama presidency?
JK: They have not.
KC: Okay. Okay. Somebody is asking about chemtrails. Have they told you ... I mean,
chemtrails do relate to HAARP, so in a sense, you did address that, at least in a lefthanded sort of way. Do you want to address the chemtrails more directly?
JK: Well, chemtrails operate on a multitude of levels. And this will probably come as a
shock to your audience, but I have been given to understand that they originate -- it's not
just that they're fly, you know, coming out of exhaust nozzles on aircraft flying back and
forth -- but that the problem is a higher dimensional problem.
And the ultimate source of them is up at the levels where the contingents operate, and is
being dealt with. There’s a facility that has been identified. There was some confusion as
to which facility was being talked about and where, but that’s been sorted out and ... the
situation should get markedly better.
Now, the sum total of what I've seen about chemtrails is as follows: artificial replacement
of the ozone layer.
We're making the ionosphere reflective, for purposes of secure communications, for
conducting Earth tomography, for conducting strikes using HAARP. The levels of chemicals
in there, like barium compounds and what-not, is such that it's highly toxic. It's a hundred
times over the EPA levels.
There's definitely a biological warfare component to the chemtrails. People who've
encountered something that looked like spider silk have gone to the hospital in ...
desperately ill.
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It particularly targets those with little or compromised respiratory function -- the young
and the old, or anybody with a respiratory illness. In the case of the spider silk, they found
human blood sera and 20 known pathogens. So it's out and out biological warfare.
KC: Okay. I understand. I mean, but what I want from you -- I do appreciate that, and
that's accurate, in my view, but what I want, kind of wanted more from you was, in other
words, the purpose behind the chemtrails, above and beyond the fact that they are
In other words: what it the purpose of the Biowarfare? Now, if you're going to tell me
population elimination, um, that's obvious. But I am actually looking to find out if you
know something more than that, something beyond that.
JK: Oh, I think ... I think I know where you're going with this. You're talking about
Morgellon’s Disease.
KC: Well, that's only just one more thing. But what it the purpose, what is the purpose?
JK: Okay. And I just talked to somebody who met somebody who had that, and it was
described to me as feeling like pins were being pushed up through your skin from
underneath, as these metal fibers come out.
I've been told by somebody with the higher dimensional connections that the net effect of
the chemtrails is intended to kind of Borgify [Ed note: Borgs from Star Trek] us, for want of
a better description -- to turn us into biological robots.
KC: Okay.
JK: And I don't know exactly how that works. But it has been confirmed to me by
Contingent Two, that nanite technology is involved.
[ ]
KC: Okay. Are you aware -- let's say, what about the idea of turning the atmosphere into
using -- well, this gets into the nuclear accidents, Fukushima.
Basically, the atmosphere of Earth is being changed purposefully by the New World Order,
to become more adaptable for the Reptilians and the Grays. And that means more
methane, more nuclear radiation, etcetera, etcetera. Are you aware of that aspect of it?
JK: I've seen that argument, yes.
KC: But you haven't heard that from your ... the groups?
JK: We haven't talked about it specifically, no. No.
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KC: Okay.
JK: But that overall pattern has been noted for some time and has been reported in a
number of places to include the 'Matrix' books put out by Valdemar Valerian of Leading
Edge Research.
KC: W hich are quite accurate.
JK: I believe Michael Topper had some things to say about it, as well. He seems to be very
well plugged-in. And I'll give you an idea of how well plugged-in he is. He said in ... I can't
remember quite the name of the book that he put out, but he indicated that not-from-here
technology was used in getting us to the Moon.
And the sensitivity of that technology is still so high that even my sources won't talk about
KC: Okay.
JK: Okay? So, that's how plugged-in Michael Topper is, assuming he's still around. I don't
know if he is or isn't. I saw him many, many years ago. But I have read things that
indicated that the environment was being deliberately altered to make it favorable to the
groups you just named.
KC: Oh gosh! Well, it makes logical sense. So at this moment, I am actually going to see
if there's anything else in the chats. So, if you have questions you haven't seen answered,
please repeat them.
You know anything about the nuke that was shot at the Moon a while back? Have your
groups ... it sounds like your contact really started in around November, so you really
weren't in contact prior to that, right?
JK: I wouldn't ... I mean, I had that one experience quite some time ago ...
KC: Oh.
JK: ... which was, I guess, a couple of years ago -- the one where I sat in on the
KC: Right.
JK: But in terms of real contact, I'd say late last year.
KC: Okay. So, yeah, but I think that that might encompass the time when they shot the
nuke on ...
JK: I am not aware of any nuclear missile being launched at the Moon. I am aware that an
effort was made -- and I wrote about it in Atlantis Rising -- about nuking Jupiter with the
idea of creating a second sun from it.
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KC: Well, that is actually from Boriska. Now, where did you get that information?
JK: I got some information on it as part of the material that I got from my editor and
publisher, the ... [inaudible] as a possible article. And then I went and looked at a bunch of
things, including some stuff that Bill Cooper had said on the subject.
I looked at the constitution of the atmosphere of Jupiter. I looked at what, for example,
some of the secret societies on Earth were talking about would happen, what they
expected to see, and I started putting the pieces together on my own.
KC: Okay.
JK: This was before I had the kind of contacts I have now.
KC: Okay. Let's see. I think someone's asking ... there's some metal boxes showing up on
the coast. I don't know if you've heard about that.
JK: I have.
KC: Have your off-worlders or even your on, you know, ground people, ground crew,
whatever, contacts, told you anything in this regard?
JK: Uh, yes. Initially there was some speculation that they were tied to star gates to get
people off the planet, out of areas that were going to be hit by devastating tsunamis like
the one, for example, that hit Indonesia.
The latest thinking seems to be that -- and this is with ET input -- that they are from
some as yet unknown off-planet group that is conducting some sort of specialized research
of the ocean with a view toward possibly taking over ... you know, coming to live here on
the planet.
KC: [laughs]
JK: I have read that ...
KC: So, they're dropping their suitcases down in advance? Just kidding.
JK: They're sensor packages, as I understand it. And my ... [unclear, overtalk]
KC: Okay. And have you been told that there's any radiation ... is there any radiation
escaping from those humming boxes? Have you been told that?
JK: No, I have not. I understand the government's been picking them up and hauling them
off with Blackhawks. And I have read some reports which indicate that it doesn't do them
much good, because they put them in the storage room or whatever, and poof, they're
gone, when they come back the next time.
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So, uh, poof-they're-gone is something I'm very familiar with, because that is what has
happened at Area 51 and Wright Patterson and places like that. It's a very well
established capability that the off-planet contingents have.
KC: Right.
JK: I guess they just reach down through dimensions and, you know, normal obstacles just
aren't there. And they just take it, in some manner. But I only recently became aware of
those boxes, like, a week ago.
KC: Okay. Let's see. Do you know anything about artificial intelligence? Do they talk about
JK: A little bit. My understanding is that ET genetic material is incorporated in some of our
systems. We are definitely using ET-derived thought-controlled systems in some of our
Black Project craft.
I have talked to David Adair and he described a direct neural interface kind of thing that
he saw on a ... it was attached to a nuclear fusion containment drive that came out of
some unknown craft.
He described encountering it at Area 51, later testified at the closed-door hearings of ...
well, not hearings so much, but briefings for certain congress people. And he met a guy
who could accurately describe the markings on the fusion containment engine.
KC: Okay. W hen did you talk to David Adair?
JK: I'd say circa 1990, at the Grenada Forum. He came in and talked. And then I got to talk
to him privately afterwards.
KC: Okay, but not recently.
JK: Not recently, no.
KC: Okay. Let me see. Have they ... what have they told you about the Dracos?
JK: The Dracos are on the hit list.
KC: I understand that. But have they told you anything ...
JK: The Dracos, the Reptilians and the Grays are ...
KC: Yes.
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JK: ... the principal enemies of the contingents that I deal with.
KC: Uh-huh.
JK: That their mission is to kill the NW O and rid the Earth of the aforementioned three.
KC: Okay. Do they, do they tell you that there are any positive Reptilian races?
JK: Uh, I have been told that. Yes. That was a surprise to me because the only ones I
knew of were negative. [chuckles] But I was just told yesterday, in fact, that there's at
least one. I don't know how many there are, but there’s at least one Reptilian race that is
positive in its general orientation.
KC: Okay. And have they told you ... what have they told you about what are called the
Albus and/or known as the crypto-humans, crypto-terrestrials. Have you heard any of
those terms?
JK: I have not.
KC: Okay. W hat about the so-called royalty that seems to be running the Grays?
JK: Nothing from the ETs/EDs. My understanding is they're subservient to the Reptilians
that are the masters. The Grays are ... bio-bots, essentially. But that's not from the ETs
themselves. That's from all the research I've done.
KC: Right. Are you aware that there're many different races of Grays? Some are bio-bots,
as you call them; some are, some are not.
JK: I've also looked at some of the Serpo stuff, and while there's some good information
there, there're also distortions in the information. The force that was sent was much
larger, for example; many tons of equipment, rather than the small amounts described,
and things like that.
But, it was confirmed to me that what was described on the Project Serpo site was
basically accurate, in that there was such a project and ... you know, we did send a team,
and it was armed, things like that.
KC: Okay. W hat have they told you about the genetic makeup of the Illuminati?
JK: They haven't told me anything, but I’ve read that it is considerably different, and that
is why there is such an unremitting emphasis on bloodlines, and so much inter-marriage
among the black nobility, and things like that.
And I've seen the lists of the various families that feature in this whole thing. And that's
why it's such a big deal with a royal marries a commoner. It's considered a dilution.
KC: Okay.
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JK: I've read what you have over on your site on Svali, for example. I'd ...
KC: Okay. But what I'm actually more interested, just because we have been going way
too long here and so I'm kind of going to have to wrap this up.
JK: Sure.
KC: But I'm more interested in whether you have been told anything specific, because ...
You were saying that they have ... the ETs you're in touch with, want to get rid of the New
World Order and ...
JK: Mm-hm.
KC: ... it's these families that we're talking about who are the specific purveyors of the
New World Order. And so, knowing the genetic makeup of who they are and also wanting
to get rid of the Grays, Reptilians, etc.
JK: Mm-hm.
KC: Do you see how there might be a through-line, a connection?
JK: Okay. Well, we have ...
KC: And what are they going to do with these Illuminati? Have they told you?
JK: No. They’ve not.
KC: Have they been making deals with them? Or vice versa?
JK: Not that I'm aware of.
KC: Okay. Uh ... because you did say that they gave some warnings to the Israelis. So, uh
... they are giving warnings.
JK: Well, you know ... The basic rule, as I understand it, is evolve or die. Okay? And that
is the choice that's given to every being coming off the planet. [long pause] The groups
that I work with do not want to kill humans, especially given some of the numbers I've
seen lately on what the actual fraction of humans is.
KC: [laughs]
JK: And that number's about 40%, which was, frankly, hair-raising.
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KC: [laughs]
JK: Okay? They don't want to kill humans. They will if they have to. Okay? But they don't
want to. So they prefer to avert human loss by issuing warnings and getting people to
modify their behavior, when and where possible, you know. So, if a warning will stop the
loss of, say, a boomer, then they will issue a warning.
Sometimes they’ll issue several. But if you don't listen, then the hammer comes down. And
in the case of the Israelis, because of the difference in population size and what-not, the
loss of that crew translates to our losing nearly a thousand people, because of the
difference in the population size, the ratio. Okay?
KC: I understand. W hat about um ...
JK: It has a huge impact on the nation.
KC: Sure. Okay. W hat have they told you about the Vatican and their role in the New World
JK: I have been told they're going to have to deal with the Vatican. I have long been
aware of what the Vatican does and is up to, and I actually, I was born and raised
Catholic, too. But I'm well aware that the Vatican’s under the control of the Illuminati.
There's even been a postage stamp put out, that shows that ...
KC: [laughs]
JK: ... with the all-seeing-eye. So, the Vatican is very definitely part of the problem.
There's that book on the holy trinity that deals with the relationship between the Vatican,
the CIA and the KGB.
And I have seen on a documentary hosted by Patrick McNee on Angels and Demons, where
they got some correspondence from Gorbachev, out of Gorbachev's office, after the Soviet
Union fell, where the typed periods at the end of the sentences were each miniature allseeing-eyes. They just looked like periods. And it was Illuminati-type correspondence.
KC: Okay. W hat about CERN? Have they talked about CERN?
JK: They have not.
KC: Interesting. Okay. At this point, I think that we should wrap this up. I've been
throwing questions at you right and left, for quite some time. I appreciate that you're very
patient and willing to talk for a long time, um, but I think ...
JK: I'll talk to you all night!
KC: [laughs] But I think that ...
JK: I’m going to be up all night anyway.
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KC: ... if you'd like to do that, I think what we need to do, is reschedule another one of
these, and now that with ... you know, people will have the background, perhaps we'll get
even more people to come by and listen.
Although I'm sure that we've had substantial numbers listening in here, not only of uh,
just so-called regular humans, but a lot of the um... [chuckles] the intel varieties, let's
JK: Oh, I have no doubt. I am very, very widely read in the spook community.
KC: I understand. Okay. I guess that's about it. So, thank you so much.
JK: You're quite welcome.
KC: You've been very generous and you've been very patient. And I appreciate that you
took all the time with each answer. It's clear that, you know, you’re very focused and that's
valuable during an interview of this sort. So, I really do appreciate that. People will
understand that you and I have only spoken once.
That normally, when I do a Camelot interview, if I can, I spend more time with the person
in advance before the interview and also, you know, it's a much longer process. Because of
technology allowing me to do interviews now, um, long distance, as it were and
instantaneously, this uh, sort of format, this Livestream.
And if you were able to get a camera between now and the next time I interview you, that
would be really awesome, because I know people would love to, you know, see, sort of
watch your face when you're answering questions, etcetera, because this is all valuable
JK: Right. Yeah, sure. Yeah.
KC: We communicate non-verbally ...
JK: And, you know, eighty percent of the information is visual. So, they're not getting to
see how I react and what my face does and the microtells and all that stuff.
KC: Exactly.
JK: And I understand that.
KC: Yes. Absolutely.
JK: And maybe next time, you know, we can talk about the book, too.
KC: That would be wonderful. Uh, yes. And the book has been pictured here in the
background. It's quite fascinating. If you want to briefly just say what the book covers, uh,
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you know, you're welcome to do so, and then give your website, your bona fides, so to
speak. And then we'll wrap it up.
JK: Okay. Uh, the book is called UFOs, Anti Gravity, Vimanas and Mystics. It's based on
two articles I wrote in 2005 and 2006 for Atlantis Rising. One concerned the discovery that
the Indians were data-mining their ancient sacred texts for modern technology.
They actually -- using an ancient recipe -- created radar-absorbent material, or what we
would call stealth material, as one small example. I would liken what they were doing to
something of a Manhattan Project. That was the first article.
The second article indicated they were doing much the same thing with fleeing Tibetan
mystics, and were harvesting techniques that had been closely guarded for, in some cases,
millennia. The ability to operate in all kinds of weather.
They have competitions where they sit in their loin cloths, put a wet towel over their neck
and raise their chi, or their prana. The winner is the first one to dry his towel off. By doing
that, that has direct implications for winter operations.
They have the ability to go into a focused state and march at rates that even fastmarching infantry can only begin to envy. There are descriptions in there of how acoustic
levitation of heavy objects is accomplished. That kind of thing.
And then, when I was putting the eBook together, I came across some information which
sort of tied it all together for me, which indicated that if they combine those things with a
couple of other things, that the, uh ... India would gain a whole new capability. And India's
actually changed its strategy against Pakistan.
India's been very slow to mobilize in the past. If you use these technologies and these
ancient techniques, what you can do is you can actually operate modern military forces
without a lot of the heavy equipment and things like that.
You can become light and fast and ... what they call agile, mobile and hostile, in some of
the most forbidding terrain in the world -- the perennially-fought-over Kashmir region.
So, there's that and there's a bomb-shell revelation about Indian nuclear capability in
there. But I wouldn't want to spoil the fun. [laughs]
KC: [laughs] Okay. And ...
JK: And the website. The actual address is a little different, but if you type www dot John,
J-O-H-N, Kettler, K-E-T-T-L-E-R dot com, it’ll take you to my web page. And I think you'll
find lots and lots and lots of fascinating material there.
KC: Okay. And I want to say that we are requesting donations. They are not required for
this interview. However, in order to continue, uh, for Camelot to continue, we need to get
donations whenever we do a live event. So, if you would be so kind and even, you know,
donate even small amounts, if that's all you can afford, we do appreciate it.
It helps me stay alive and Tommy as well. And we are trying to do many things with
Camelot, and some of which we've sort of been stalled on. So, if you can contribute, we
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would appreciate that. I do want to say that you can also contribute to this interview by
buying John Kettler's book. And it is available on your website. Is that correct, John?
JK: It is, yes.
KC: Okay. And it is an eBook?
JK: Anybody who buys from my website ... It's also up on Kindle and Smashwords, too, if
people have platforms that are more amenable to that. But anybody who buys the book
from my site will also get the audio book and EPUB version when we get those
straightened out.
KC: Okay.
JK: So it's sort of a premium package deal there.
KC: Okay. Now someone in the chat is asking over and over again, do you have something
to say about a disclosure timeline? These are people that are very interested in the
government telling you the truth about anything.
And why they think they would ever do that, I don't know. But what do you have to say
about a disclosure timeline, if anything?
JK: I haven't heard one. I do not believe ... I mean, if there's disclosure, the government
will have to be dragged kicking and screaming by some particularly painful private part of
its anatomy.
KC: [laughs]
JK: But what's happening is, the ETs/EDs are going to make their own disclosure. They're
going to start making things happen that the government simply will not be able to
explain away.
Uh ... the law n dart thing is a good case-in-point. And uh, there, they could, they're talking
about doing all kinds of provocative and amazing things. But, you know, you got to stop
the wars in the meantime. So ...
KC: Okay.
JK: But there are things planned that no amount of marsh gas or ...
KC: [laughs]
JK: ... lens flares or anything else will be able to hide. The government simply won't be
able to explain it away. And we live in an era where everybody's got instantaneous
communication capability, and most people have full motion video capability, you know?
And ...
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KC: Okay.
JK: You know, Twitter goes out instantly too. So ... that's what people can look forward to.
The hammer's going to come down on NW O installations here and everywhere else, but
there are going to be things staged specifically to show the public that there are forces at
work that the government can't even begin to deal with.
KC: Okay. All right, John Kettler. We'll definitely do this again, uh, since you are so, uh,
willing and able. And uh, we will re-convene in the near future and get some updates from
you and I assume that people will stay tuned to your blog.
And I will link whenever I see an article, if I can at all, just to bring people's attention to
what may happen with this situation that we are in, in regard to ... um ... well, this kind of
“Cuban Missile Crisis”, as it were, having to do with Venezuela.
JK: Right. Well, thank you very much, Kerry. It's been a pleasure. And like I say, if you had
the time, I'd talk for the next three hours.
KC: Okay. Well, I'm sure people would like to kill me for not allowing that.
JK: [laughs]
KC: But I would ask you -- because, what happens is, this goes over a Livestream and
then I download it and re-upload it to YouTube. It's a process, and the longer it is, of
course, the more difficult it is to do.
JK: Oh, I know. I ...
KC: This is substantial in size already. We've been going over three hours.
JK: Mm-hm.
KC: And that is more than enough for people to sit, one sitting through.
JK: [laughs]
KC: So, we will ... As I said, I'm happy to do this again with you next week. If you want to
come back, we can schedule a day and a time and let's do it.
JK: I would love to do that. I'd be happy to do it. And I fully expect by next week I'll have
all kinds of astounding things to report. [laughs]
KC: [laughs] Okay. Sounds good. All right. Thank you so much.
JK: Thank you very much.
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KC: All right.
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