Precision Oscillator Overview Hugo Fruehauf April 2007 Frequency Electronics Inc. Discussion Outline • Quartz Crystal Oscillators • Atomic Oscillators • Atomic Oscillator Size History & Future • Performance Characteristics Frequency Electronics Inc. 2 Main Categories of Precision Quartz Oscillators +25°c Temperature Sensor Compensation Network ∆f f +1 x 10-7 -45°c +100°c XO -1 x 10-7 Temperature Compensated (TCXO) ∆f Oven f XO Oven Control -45°c -1 x 10-9 Oven Controlled (OCXO) ∆f f Ovens Oven Controls +100°c Temperature Sensor XO Temperature Sensors Double Oven Controlled (DOCXO) Frequency Electronics Inc. +1 x 10-9 +1 x 10-10 -45°c +100°c -1 x 10-10 Quartz Crystal Oscillators have no wear out mechanism. If manufactured properly, should last 25 years or more 3 Precision Crystal Oscillators from raw materials Z Resonator • Dynamic Cleaning • Crystal Cutting i.e. SC, AT, FC, etc • Rounding X • Polishing • Plating Qz Disc • Mounting Crystal Oscillator Y • Tuning • Sealing • Testing Piezoelectric properties of quartz Typically 0.75” x 1.5” x 1.5” Frequency Electronics Inc. 4 Typical Resonator Package Examples Frequency Electronics Inc. 5 The Piezoelectric Effect Y Y _ + + + _ _ _ _ + + + + _ _ - _ + • • + + + + + + + _ + Un-deformed lattice + _ _ X _ _ _ + _ + + _ _ _ _ + + _ _ X + + + _ _ _ + _ _ _ + _ _ + + + + + + _ _ _ _ + + + + + _ _ _ _ _ + + + + _ _ _ _ _ + Strained lattice The piezoelectric effect provides a coupling between the mechanical properties of a piezoelectric crystal and an electrical circuit. Frequency Electronics Inc. Courtesy, John Vig (Ft. Monmouth NJ) 6 Modes of Piezoelectric Motion Flexure Mode Extensional Mode Face Shear Mode Thickness Shear Fundamental Mode Third Overtone Thickness Shear Thickness Shear Mode Courtesy, John Vig (Ft. Monmouth NJ) Frequency Electronics Inc. 7 Zero Temperature Coefficient Quartz Cuts 90o 60o 30o IT SC z θ 0 -30o θ gl y d n i S tate Ro t Cu FC AT SBTC BT -60o Do ub Ro l y ta t Cu e d t -90o θ y φ x xl 0o 10o φ 20o 30o The AT, FC, IT, SC, BT, and SBTCcuts are some of the cuts on the locus of zero temp. coefficient cuts. Courtesy, John Vig (Ft. Monmouth NJ) Frequency Electronics Inc. 8 Oven Effect on Temperature Coefficient Frequency TURNOVER POINT OVEN SET POINT TURNOVER POINT OVEN OFFSET 2∆ To OVEN CYCLING RANGE Typical f vs. T characteristic for AT and SC-cut resonators Temperature Courtesy, John Vig (Ft. Monmouth NJ) Frequency Electronics Inc. 9 Aging Mechanisms z Mass transfer due to contamination Since f ∝ 1/t, ∆f/f = -∆t/t; e.g., f5MHz ≈ 106 molecular layers, therefore, 1 quartz-equivalent monolayer ⇒ ∆f/f ≈ 1 ppm z Stress relief in the resonator's: mounting and bonding structure, electrodes, and in the quartz (?) z Other effects { { { { { { { Quartz outgassing Diffusion effects Chemical reaction effects Pressure changes in resonator enclosure (leaks and outgassing) Oscillator circuit aging (load reactance and drive level changes) Electric field changes (doubly rotated crystals only) Oven-control circuitry aging Frequency Electronics Inc. 10 Summary - Most Significant Effects Temperature Control temperature deltas with ovens Frequency Aging Control aging with superior manufacturing technology Dynamic Environments (vibration, shock, acceleration) Control sensitivity with: - Superior manufacturing technology - Shock mounts - Electronic g-compensation technology Frequency Electronics Inc. 11 Typical Loiter Aircraft and Helicopter Random Vibration 0.5 V i b r a t i o n g 2/ H z 5g2/Hz 0.4 0.3 Helicopter 0.2 Loiter Aircraft 0.1 0.08g2/Hz 0.04g2/Hz 0 10 20 30 Frequency Electronics Inc. 40 50 70 100 Frequency (Hz) 200 300 1000 12 g-Compensation Technology Sensing devices mounted in each axis Vibration applied to the Oscillator [2] Quartz Disk Z Г = (x2 + y2 + z2)½ [1] X Y The actual product encloses the disk with a cap Quartz Crystal Resonator base Frequency Electronics Inc. Sensing devices respond [3] [5] Quartz Resonator responds [4] [7] [6] Electronic Compensation Oscillator Output 13 g-Compensation & Shock Mount Approach –Acceleration sensitivities better than 2E-12/g –Improvements of greater than 30dB –Optimized compensation from DC to 200 Hz –Broadband compensation from DC to 2 KHz is possible –Economies in manufacturability –Small package < 5in3 Compensated Uncompensated Uncompensated Compensated Frequency Electronics Inc. 14 Discussion Outline • Quartz Crystal Oscillators • Atomic Oscillators • Atomic Oscillator Size History & Future • Performance Characteristics Frequency Electronics Inc. 15 Stand-alone Precision Oscillator Technologies Rubidium Vapor Atomic Oscillator Qz Osc. Rb Vapor Phy Pkg Quartz Crystal Oscillator Cesium Beam Atomic Standard Qz Osc. Principle Oscillator in use today Out • Qz oscillator frequency-locked to Hyperfine Rb frequency of ~6.8 GHz Qz Osc. Cs Beam Phy Pkg Out Hydrogen Maser Atomic Oscillator Hm Fountain Phy Pkg Precision Quartz Crystal Oscillators Frequency Electronics Inc. Qz Osc. Atomic Oscillators Out • Qz oscillator frequency-locked to Hyperfine Cs frequency of ~9.2 GHz • Qz oscillator frequency-locked to Hyperfine Hm frequency of ~1.4 GHz (Passive Hm) or Phase-locked to ~1.4 GHz (Active Hm) 16 Atomic Energy Levels Electron Energy Levels - Electrostatic interaction between Proton and Electron (+ and - charges) (Energy out or in is generally in the infrared-visible-UV frequencies) Collapsing the orbit releases energy Fine Structure Expanding orbit requires energy - Interaction between electron spin dipole moment and the magnetic field due to the electron’s orbital motion. ~1/50 of the first energy level. (Energy out or in is generally in the microwave frequency area) Hyperfine Structure - Magnetic dipole interaction between the electron spin dipole moment with the nucleus. ~1/1000 of fine structure interaction. N S S N Zeeman Effect - (Energy out or in is generally in the microwave frequencies and below) f ≈ 1.4 GHz for Hydrogen f ≈ 6.8 GHz for Rubidium f ≈ 9.2 GHz for Cesium Magnetic interaction between external magnetic field and electron and proton spin dipoles. (Energy out or in is generally in the audio frequency area and above) Frequency Electronics Inc. (Courtesy: Ed Mattison, Smithsonian from his tutorial 12-92 (a H. Fruehauf modification of his chart) 17 Frequency Electronics Inc. 18 Atomic Vapor Oscillator (5) Glass Cells (3) Heaters (2) Photo Cell (7) DC+Mod Freq 87Rb Lamp (4) 85Rb (could also be a Laser Diode) ~6.8 GHz Servo (8) Qz Osc (9) Output Rubidium (1) Synth (8a) (6) 10 MHz Atomic Vapor Oscillators have no wear out mechanism. If manufactured properly, should last 25 years or more Frequency Electronics Inc. (could also be a Cesium Source) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Active Element of Choice Controlled Environment Element Container Atomic Pump Resonator Irradiation Source State Detector(s) Control Electronics Frequency Source 19 Optical Pumping Process fc>fRb fm t t fc=f 2f m Rb f fm fm fm t t t fc<fRb fc=fRb fc>fRb t Modulated Photo Current Output fm Cavity (6.834, 682, 613 GHz) Frequency Modulation Photo Current fc<fRb Dip Due to Rb Resonance fc Microwave Frequency Resonance Cell 87Rb 85Rb Filter Cell Photo Detector 6.8 GHz from Osc. C S (20 to 50 ns) N N S Frequency Electronics Inc. 87Rb Lamp Spectral Line Filtered Spectral Line Excited B A 6.8 GHz Separation (~0.15 ns) 20 Modulation Scheme Dip Due to Rb Resonance fc<fRb fm fm ~500 Hz t Photo Current t fc=fRb 2fm fm t t t fc=fRb fc>fRb f fc<fRb Frequency Electronics Inc. Frequency Modulation t Modulated Photo Current Output fc>fRb Microwave Frequency fc 21 Rubidium Vapor Atomic Oscillator Size: ~1.5” x ~3” x ~3” Physics Package Frequency Electronics Inc. 22 Cesium Beam Atomic Frequency Standard State Selection Magnets (7) Hot Wire Ionizer (7) DC+Mod Freq (2) Servo (8) Cesium Oven (4) Cesium Source (1) (10) Beam Tube (3) (6) (5) ~9.2 GHz (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Active Element of Choice Controlled Environment Element Container Atomic Pump Resonator Irradiation Source State Detector(s) Control Electronics Frequency Source Ion Pump and Getters Frequency Electronics Inc. Synth (8a) 5 MHz Cesium Oscillators have a wear out mechanism, mainly due to the detector getting noisy from ungettered ions. It begins to show up in 7 to 10 years Qz Osc (9) Output 23 Passive Hydrogen Maser Atomic Oscillator (2) (5) Bulb (3) Receiving Antenna (7) ~1.4 GHz ~1.4 GHz (10) Synth (8a) State Selection Magnets (7) (6) Servo (8) H (2) H2 Disassociator (4) Hydrogen Source (1) Qz Osc (9) Output H2 Passive H-Maser Oscillators have a wear out mechanism, mainly from Hydrogen depletion and Ion Pump failures, which begin to show up in 5 to 7 years Frequency Electronics Inc. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Active Element of Choice Controlled Environment Element Container Atomic Pump Resonator Irradiation Source State Detector(s) Control Electronics Frequency Source Ion Pump and Getters 24 Active Hydrogen Maser Atomic Oscillator (5) & (9) (2) Bulb (3) Receiving Antenna (7) ~1.4 GHz (10) RCVR & PLL (8a) State Selection Magnets (7) (6) H (2) H2 Disassociator (4) Hydrogen Source (1) Qz Osc (8) Output H2 Active H-Maser Oscillators have a wear out mechanism, mainly from Hydrogen depletion and Ion Pump failures, which begin to show up in 3 to 5 years Frequency Electronics Inc. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Active Element of Choice Controlled Environment Element Container Atomic Pump Resonator Irradiation Source State Detector(s) Control Electronics Frequency Source Ion Pumps and Getters (6) No Irradiation Source; the Cavity Oscillates and thus is the Frequency Source, not the Qz Oscillator as in previous configurations 25 Discussion Outline • Quartz Crystal Oscillators • Atomic Oscillators • Atomic Oscillator Size History & Future • Performance Characteristics Frequency Electronics Inc. 26 Volume History of Rubidium and Cesium Osc. Volume (size) in Cubic Inches 105 Vapor Std's Vapor Std Best Guess Beam Std Beam Std. Best Guess 104 ~5500 in3 (Lab) 3 ~2400 in3 (HP, TRACOR, GENRAD) 103 3 (1 in = 16.4 cm ) 3 ~350 in (FTS) 3 ~ 180 in 3 102 ~64 in (Efratom) Cesium Beam 3 60 in 3 47 in (Efratom) 3 24 in (Efratom, EG&G) 3 ~13 in (FEI, TNT) 101 ~7.35 in3 (Symmetricom) Rb Vapor 6.0 ~6.4 in3 (AccuBeat) 3.0 100 ~1 in3 ? 1.8 0.6 0.3 10-1 0.18 1960 1970 Frequency Electronics Inc. 83 85 1980 93 1990 99 02 2000 06 12 (DARPA Man-Pac Spec, Low Pwr) ~1.0 cm3 (my guess, HF) 16 2010 27 Discussion Outline • Quartz Crystal Oscillators • Atomic Oscillators • Atomic Oscillator Size History & Future • Performance Characteristics Frequency Electronics Inc. 28 Accuracy, Precision, and Stability f Accurate but not precise Not accurate and not precise Precise but not accurate f f Accurate and precise f 0 Time Stable but not accurate Time Not stable and not accurate Frequency Electronics Inc. Time Accurate but not stable Time Stable and accurate 29 Qz Osc Best-in-Class Frequency Domain Noise (Phase Noise for a 10 MHz Carrier) 60 70 80 90 100 CMAC CFPO-LN dBc/Hz 110 FEI-Zyfer 10 MHz- LN Module (- 4036) 120 130 FEI State of Art 140 150 HP 10811 Qz 160 170 180 10-1 1Hz Frequency Electronics Inc. 10 Hz 100 Hz Frequency (Hz) 1KHz 10KHz 100KHz 30 FEI 6.3 MHz LN Osc. Test Plot, 03-09-2006 FEI State of Art Equivalent for 10 MHz Measurement problem; should be at -165 floor HP 10811 Qz Frequency FrequencyElectronics ElectronicsInc. Inc. 31 31 Qz Osc Best-in-Class Time Domain Noise (Short-term Stability for 10 MHz) 10-8 Allan Variance½, σy(τ) 10-9 10-10 FEI-Zyfer 10 MHz- LN Module (- 4036) 10-11 HP 10811 Qz 10-12 FEI State of Art 10-13 1 Day 1 Hr 10 Hrs. 10-14 10-3 10-2 10-1 Frequency Electronics Inc. 100 101 102 Averaging Time, T(Sec.) 103 104 105 32 Comparison of Qz, Rb, GPS, Cs, and Maser Time Domain Noise 10-10 Sym 5061A, Cs Sym 5071A, Cs GPS-Disciplined Qz/Rb High Performance Rb 10-12 VR 1 (AllanVariance) 2, σy (τ ) 10-11 Good Qz Osc EM Y 10-13 10-14 Kva rz P A( ass FE I) V ive CH Ma ser -10 06 Pa Kva s si ve rz A Ma ctiv ser eM ase r Sym 5071A Option 001 Cs 10-15 1 Hr 1 Day 10 Hrs. 1 Week 1 Mo. 10-16 1 10 Frequency Electronics Inc. 102 103 104 Averaging Time, T(Sec.) 105 106 33 Stability & Accuracy of Precision Oscillators Short & Long Term Stability 10-4 Accuracy 10-4 TCXO 10-5 Approx. Time Error at One Day (Lab Conditions) 10-6 10-5 ~250 ms 10-6 TCXO ~10 ms 10-7 10-7 MCXO 10-8 (Allan Variance) ½ [σγ(τ)] Range ~300 µs MCXO 10-9 10-11 ~30 µs ~10 µs GPS/Rb (Cs Substitute) STD. Cs Space Qz & Su per OCXO 10-12 ~90 µs OCXO Low Cost Rb STD. Cs 10-10 OCXO Hi-Perf. Rb Hi-Perf. Cs & 10-13 Space Rb Passive - Hm 10-14 Active - Hm 10-15 ~1 µs ~86 ns ~25 ns ~3 ns ~1 ns 10-8 O r OC X Supe e Qz Spac t Rb Cos w o L 10-9 b eR pac S t Cos w + Lo Rb Rb . f ace r p e S P Hierf. Hi-P GPS/Rb (Cs Subst) & STD. Cs s C . rf e P HiM Passive - H - HM Active 10-10 10-11 10-12 10-13 10-14 ~100 ps 10-15 10-16 1 10 100 1000 104 105 106 1-Day Averaging Time in Seconds Frequency Electronics Inc. 107 108 1-Year Elapsed Time 34 500 MHz Osc Output; Best-in-Class Frequency Domain Noise (Qz and SAW combo) Frequency Electronics Inc. 35 35 Typical Specs for Precision Quartz Oscillators Basic Parameters TCXO OCXO (0.5” High) OCXO (0.75” High) DOCXO (Temp. Comp. XO) (Oven Control XO) (Oven Control XO) (Double Oven XO) 10 MHz, Sine 0.5 Vrms, 50 Ω 1 E-9 5 E-10 5 E-10 1E-11 1E-11 1E-10 5E-12 1E-11 1E-11 - 55 dBc/Hz -115 dBc/Hz -130 dBc/Hz - 80 dBc/Hz -135 dBc/Hz -145 dBc/Hz - 90 dBc/Hz -135 dBc/Hz -145 dBc/Hz - 90 dBc/Hz -135 dBc/Hz -145 dBc/Hz -75 dBc/Hz -125 dBc/Hz -145 dBc/Hz --5E-7/yr 5E-10/day 2E-7/yr 2E-10/day 2E-8/yr 2E-10/day 2E-8/yr 5E-11/day 5E-10/yr Temp Range Frequency Stability 0° to 75°C 5E-7 0° to 75°C 2E-8* 0° to 70°C 2E-10 0° to 60°C 3E-10 Power Consumption Warm-up Time 50 miliwatts 50 milisec 2 watts 10 min, 1E-8 3.5 watts 10 min, 1E-8 8 watts 4 min, ~1E-9 --12 Vdc± 10% 1E-9 for +/-10% --12 Vdc± 10% 1E-9 for +/-10% 2E-11/Gauss 15 to 28 Vdc 2E-11 for +/-10% 2.0” x 2.0” x 0.75” H 3 3 in < 0.22 lbs 2.0” x 2.0” x 1.0” H 3 4 in < 0.3 lbs 3.0” x 3.0” x 1.4” H 3 13 in 0.75 lbs Short Term Stab. Phase Noise, 1s 10s 100s 1Hz 100Hz 1000Hz Aging/Day/Month/Year Magnetic Field Sensitivity Input Volts Range Supply Volts Sensitivity --5 Vdc± 0.25% 1E-8 for +/-10% Size Volume Weight 1.0” x 0.7” x 0.22” H 3 0.154 in < 0.1 lbs Frequency Electronics Inc. --12 Vdc± 10% 1E-9 for +/-10% 1.5” x 1.5” x 0.5” H 3 1.125 in < 0.15 lbs 0° to 75°C 2E-9* 2.5 watts 10 min, 1E-8 * With GPS learning algorithm, X20 improvement 10 MHz, Sine 0.5 Vrms, 50 Ω Rubidium Osc. 10 MHz, Sine 0.5Vrms, 50 Ω Output 10 MHz, Sine 0.5 Vrms, 50 Ω For Reference Only 5E-12 1E-11 1E-11 10 MHz, Sine 0.5 Vrms, 50 Ω 3E-11 7E-12 3E-12 36