General Disequilibrium: the Hidden Conflict between Fractional

General Disequilibrium: the Hidden Conflict between Fractional Reserve Banking and Economic Theory
General Disequilibrium: the Hidden Conflict between Fractional
Reserve Banking and Economic Theory
Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines
Menntavegur 1, 101
Bio-sketch: Jacky Mallett is a Senior Research Scientist at the Icelandic Institute of Intelligent Machines, Reykjavik University.
Her research revolves around the design and analysis of high performance, distributed computer systems, complex systems,
simulation and modeling. Recently she has turned her attention to economics, and is the author of Threadneedle, a banking and economic system simulation framework, based on double entry book keeping, which allows the behaviour of Basel
Regulated Banking Systems to be experimentally explored.
Abstract: Banking systems based on ledger entries, held against fractional reserves of physical currency, using double-entry
book-keeping have played a key role in Western monetary systems for several centuries. Over this period economic analysis
has wrestled with both the esoteric treatment of the daily and familiar form of money within the banking system, and with
understanding the economic role of the monetary system itself. A complex emergent system based on statistical multiplexing techniques introduced many centuries before they were developed in other fields, the banking system has consequently
both influenced economic analysis, and been subject to it, as repeated attempts have been made to regulate its behaviour.
Unfortunately, a long history of thought stretching from Hume to the current day repeatedly demonstrates that no economic
theory of money has ever survived contact with the indignities that the daily operation of the banking system inflicts on the
unit of economic measurement. We will argue that by introducing perturbations into the monetary system over time scales that
were effectively invisible in day-to-day economic activity, the banking system has been a major obstacle preventing the development of a complete and causally based understanding of the monetary and financial framework underlying modern economies.
Keywords: banking, emergent systems, cash-liability money dichotomy.
The complex arrangement of double-entry book-keeping
ledgers, bank notes, loans, reserves and capital that slowly
developed into today’s banking system has always occupied
a precarious economic niche. Too convenient to be abandoned, and too unstable to be left alone, it has been the
subject of political discussion and repeated attempts at regulation for over three centuries. Our understanding of the
monetary system it facilitates has developed in tandem, an
intricate dance of theoretically based arguments on the role
of the monetary system within the economy and the causes
of its financial crises, resulting in regulatory frameworks
that attempted to impose economic order on the banking
system’s behaviour. As theorists attempted to impose on the
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2 2015
banking system their views of its proper behaviour, banking
systems have imposed on the economy the results of their
misconceptions. The consequences of continuous and subtle
mutations in the regulation of the supply of money and credit to the economy, and the distortions caused from the use of
money as a unit of measurement without recognition of its
abnormal behaviour as a measure, are clearly visible in economic theory today. Uniquely, of all the sciences, economics
has arrived in the 21st century without a clear consensus on
its fundamental components, and indeed without even an
uncontested definition of its fundamental unit of measurement—money.
What exactly do economists mean when they use the
word money? Historically, the liability bank deposit used for
the vast majority of financial transactions today was either
An infallible sign that the wealth of the country was
increasing was that the population was growing rapidly
and the prices of commodities, land and houses were
steadily rising. … while later we are informed that
the number of banks had also increased greatly under
Louis XVI.
The most likely of several interpretations of this information is that the introduction of fractional reserve banking
was rapidly inflating the money supply. What actual increase
in possessions and living standards might have been occurring is impossible to deduce, but the subsequent French
Revolution in 1789 is a less than compelling argument for an
era of general prosperity. (Greenlaw 1958)
The definitions of money used today in economics are
more complex, but they are also more confused. The official
monetary measurements of many countries typically include
a mixture of both asset and liability banking deposits. In
some cases forms of debt under the label of ‘near-money’ are
also included. There are many incongruities, a distinct lack
of standardization, and even what appears to be occasional
double counting. For example, banks classify money that is
deposited with them as an asset, and simultaneously create
a matching liability—the bank deposit. Consequently, add-
ing the total of the banking system’s asset cash deposits (base
money, or M0 in the United States), to the total of its liability
deposit accounts (M1 and M2), will effectively count physical deposits twice. Similar issues occur with money market
funds, which are mainly held in short-term commercial paper (debt), but can also include deposits in the banking system.
Do these obscure technicalities matter? We are talking about the unit of measurement for the entire economy.
Even within the limited domain of pure monetary analysis,
it is easy to show that as a direct consequence confusion
abounds. For example, in a recent paper by Koo (2011), the
M4 measure in the United Kingdom is used in comparison
with the M2 measure in the United States to support the
claim that neither country’s money supply has increased,
despite quantitative easing. By virtue of their very different
compositions, the American M2 and the British M4 measure
are not directly comparable, and in fact the American M2
measure has increased from $8 trillion to $11 trillion over
the period reported by Koo, reflecting a slightly over $1 trillion increase in asset money attributable to the TARP program, and a $2 trillion increase in liability bank deposits.1
Meanwhile, in the United Kingdom the M2 measure, which
is similar if not identical to the American M22, shows an
18-month contraction which was masked in the M4 measure
by the latter’s inclusion of debt and the asset-money deposits in large part created by quantitative easing. Koo’s claim
that the ‘loans and leases in bank credit’ component of the
Federal Reserve H.8 release has dropped is correct, but in
the same table government treasuries (a form of debt) have
increased, and net bank lending has of course increased,
matching the increase in the money supply.
These kinds of distinctions are rarely drawn in general
discussions of economic theory and policy, where the specifics of banking system operations are usually abstracted
or overlooked. Be that as it may, only if it can be formally
demonstrated that these distinctions are immaterial can the
specifics of money within the banking system be legitimately
ignored, and as the previous paragraph demonstrates, this
is not the case. Since the banking system itself consists of a
complicated set of book-keeping rules, which vary over time,
and sometimes, as is the case currently in the Eurozone,
within it: the problems of an already complex discussion
have now been considerably multiplied.
How far though would chemistry or physics have advanced, if scientists still believed that the sole components of
matter were earth, water, fire and air?
General Disequilibrium: the Hidden Conflict between Fractional Reserve Banking and Economic Theory
ignored by economic theorists, or treated as an inconvenient
or even fraudulent complication. However, from the point of
fractional reserve banking’s introduction, money consisted
of two separate entities. A payment made into a bank, created an asset deposit of the money being paid in, and a liability
deposit, representing the customer’s claim on that asset. Two
very different entities, both commonly referred to under the
general rubric of ‘money’ by the economic literature, with
critically different roles and behaviours within the financial
A 21st century perspective of long-term money supply series clearly shows that a ‘background noise’ of continuous increases in the quantity of both money represented in liability
bank deposits, along with occasional sharp contractions, has
played out ever since the introduction of fractional reserve
banking. This increase occurred at varying rates depending
on time and country. While the causes and effects of this
behaviour have received considerable attention, a similarly
long perspective on economic theory also shows that this
feature of the monetary system has never been fully integrated into economic or social analysis. Greenlaw (1958), commenting on France in the 1780s, aptly illustrates the entire
Even the most fundamental relationship of money to the
economy through its influence on the price level still lies
open to question. As Knut Wicksell (1898) illustrated early
in the 20th century, there are very real problems with the
quantity theory of money in economics, which attempts to
establish the relationship between money, prices and economic transactions in the economy, one of which he illustrated as follows:
Let us suppose that several individuals, A, B, C, D, etc.,
have been given credit (e.g. merchandise credit) by one
another, so that A owes money to B, B to C, C to D,
etc. The repayment of these debts requires that a certain sum of money shall pass from A to B, from B to
C, etc. If all the promissory notes fall due on the same
date and involve equal sums, then repayment can be
accomplished in a very short space of time and with
the aid of the same pieces of money. (Wicksell 1898)
Since this observation is equally applicable to direct exchanges of money between A, B, C and D for goods of equivalent price, it provides, if not justification for economists to
abstract money out of their equations, certainly some sympathy. Price provides no information about supply in this
situation, in direct contradiction to the quantity theory.
Masked by the continual expansion of its supply since the
introduction of fractional reserve banking, is an underlying
reality that money simply does not behave like other units of
measurement and this is not only due to variations over time
in its quantity.
Awareness of this type of problem required knowledge
of some of the more interesting features of the banking system, and in particular acceptance of its now notorious propensity to ‘manufacture money out of thin air,’ and this was
slow to develop. Eighteenth and Nineteenth century writers
focused on the ability of individual banks to vary the quantity of their physically issued banknotes, and issues arising
from trade and accompanying international gold exchanges,
which interfered with the gold-based regulatory mechanisms of the banking system. Bank deposits were not generally included in the definition of money, and so their gradual
expansion was ignored. While we can assume—simply from
the term ‘fractional reserve’—that the importance of limiting
the expansion of liability-deposit entries against holdings
of physical currency had been recognized at least by those
controlling the banks, attempts to formalize the calculation
of the accompanying multiplier effect do not appear in the
literature until the early 20th century. The first appearance of
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the flawed description of this process found in today’s entrylevel textbooks appears to be the 1931 Macmillan Report to
the British Parliament. Authored by John Maynard Keynes,
it predicted a bounded monetary stability that was subject
to central bank control. It was a theory even the limited evidence of its time did not support.
Something unusual in the twists and turns of the development of scientific knowledge occurred between that description, and the current day. Rather than developing a
deeper and more complete understanding of the operation
of the banking system, general knowledge of the complexities surrounding the banking system regressed. Knowledge
of the double-entry book-keeping aspects of the system are
evident in Keynes’ description, and indeed were required to
fully appreciate it. That there were important structural and
potentially systemic differences between banking systems
was also acknowledged; both Lawrence’s (1928) attempts to
characterize the deposit expansion rate of the US banking
system and Watkins’ (1938) of the English system include
these factors in their analysis, while Keynes (1929) also commented on significant differences within the US system in
his Treatise on Money.
British contemporaries of Keynes had reason to believe
that their system was stable, since as Laidler (2003) describes, after an extraordinarily periodic series of banking
crises in the 19th century, the British system had settled into a
period of seeming stability after 1870. The ‘British monetary
orthodoxy,’ as Fetter (1965) described it, would consequently
become the template for banking systems worldwide. It relied on a lender of last resort to rescue temporarily illiquid
banks, mandatory reserves, convertibility with gold to regulate its lending and resulting monetary expansion, and the
productive forces of an empire to sustain it. It lasted forty
Economic stability can be a slippery term. The stable feature of the late 19th century British economy was mild price
deflation. Similar to today, there were dramatic increases in
production from technological development and population
growth, as well as a slow but steady increase in the money
supply as measured by liability bank deposits, accompanied by a punctuated equilibrium of periodic credit crises.
The contemporary perception of its stability owed more to
the relative instability being then experienced in mainland
Europe and America, whose origins lay partly in bimetallism—a now obscure detail of financial systems where silver
occupied a similar role to gold; and in the case of the United
States a free-wheeling approach to banking practices in an as
yet largely unregulated system.3
United Kingdom and Denmark in 1967, France in 1969,
Germany re-valued in 1961 and 1969, Holland in 1961, and
Austria and Switzerland in 1971. The absence of any monetary analysis concentrating on the actual mechanics of the
system by economists of the period is notable. Katz (1971),
writing shortly before the Bretton Woods breakup in 1971,
concentrates primarily on observed measurements, in particular variations in rates of inflation and balance-of-payments imbalances as the source of the issues afflicting the
agreement: effectively treating these empirical factors as a
cause rather than an effect. The same process is now occurring in the Eurozone, where monetary expansion rates in
its various national banking systems have ranged from 1.3
in Germany to 3.0 in Spain over its first decade. However,
there is no mechanism within the euro for the exchange rate
readjustments that prolonged the Bretton Woods agreement.
Calls for a banking union to deal with the symptoms of variable monetary expansions ignore the need for the far deeper
exploration of its mechanical causes that might still provide
practical solutions.
To discuss these issues we must confront their principle
cause: the absence of a clear and correct description of the
banking system in economics textbooks. In the rest of this
paper we will first provide a more detailed description of
some simple banking system operations that may provide
some clarity to readers unfamiliar with the subject, before
proceeding to a detailed review of the flawed descriptions
of the operation of the banking system that is found in economics textbooks. We will show how detailed knowledge of
the operation of the system is surprisingly critical even at
the macroeconomic level, and explore some of the analytical problems that fractional reserve banking has created for
economic analysis. We will suggest that a critical and fundamental failing in economic theory to date is the failure
to develop an atomic theory of money with concrete definitions of the two different forms of money and their role
in the banking system, as well as of their role in a complex
network of long-term monetary flows. It is the absence of
such definitions that is the root cause of much of the confusion that macroeconomics in particular currently finds itself
in. Indeed, only by focusing once again, as researchers did
in the 1920s, on the detailed operations of banking, and by
developing an atomic theory of money, can we reconstruct
an economically relevant theory of monetary and financial
operations for 21st-century society.
General Disequilibrium: the Hidden Conflict between Fractional Reserve Banking and Economic Theory
Price stability however does not imply monetary stability,
which is one of the several distinctions between money as
a unit of price measurement and as physical units of measurement. Price changes in a market-based economy can
have several causes, including increases or decreases in production, increases or decreases in the supply of money, and
changes in the supply of credit. It is consequently not possible to know, purely from price measurements, what is actually changing within the economy. Perceived price stability
can occur at the same time as monetary expansion as long as
it is is matched by productive expansion. Indeed economists
frequently state that as long as productive expansion matches monetary expansion the latter is unimportant. A convenient argument given the general uncertainty surrounding
the subject. Was the British banking system of this period
then truly stable, or was it simply collapsing over a longer
period than previously due to the extraordinary increases in
production created by the Industrial Revolution?
The perception of stability, but the reality of something
else, was to prove a dangerous combination, not only because it led to an unwarranted faith in central bank control
of the banking system, but also in gold standard regulation,
and in particular in fixed exchange rates between countries.
It is in the subsequent attempts in the 20th century to impose
international fixed exchange rate monetary systems that we
can see some of the large-scale ramifications of the failure
by economic theorists to develop their understanding of the
banking system. On two separate occasions in the last 60
years, international treaties have been based on assumptions
about the behaviour of the system that were not only incorrect, but also guaranteed their eventual failure. The treaties
of Bretton Woods in 1944 and of Maastricht in 1992 made
commitments to fixed-rate exchange systems between countries with widely different expansion rates in their underlying monetary systems. No explanation appears to ever have
been provided as to how such an arrangement could be expected to endure, as the monetary and accompanying credit
expansion influenced local price levels at varying rates as a
result of the systems expanding out of step with one another.
Nor has the presumption that the national central banks had
sufficient control over their banking systems prevented this
differential expansion from slowly tearing the fabric of the
resulting interlinked economies apart.
The subsequent history is either well known or soon will
be. Following a period of initial adjustments that were excused as adaptations to the new monetary system, major
revaluations within the Bretton Woods agreement occurred
with increasingly frequency. Canada devalued in 1962, the
Fractional reserve banking practices introduced a new form
of money within the economy, an entry on a deposit ledger
within the accounting framework provided by double-entry
bookkeeping. Although the status of bank deposits as equivalent to physical currency was first recognised in the 1820s
by Pennington and others , the subsequent debate on whether this accounting entry enjoyed the same status as physical
tokens of money lasted well into the 20th century. Traces of
it can still be found in claims that ‘money is debt,’ with continuing confusion arising from its presence on both sides of
the balance sheet: as an asset in the form of physical money
and regulatory reserve requirements, and as a liability in the
form of a customer’s deposit, and in some forms of equity.
By the end of the 19th century though, Dunbar (1887) was
reporting that over 90 per cent of all financial transactions
were being performed within the banking system. In today’s
largely computerized systems, it is probably the status of
physical cash as fully equivalent to bank deposits that should
be questioned.
The existence of two separate but equal forms of money
within the same system suggests a more fundamental definition might be useful, if only to avoid the somewhat tedious
debates on the validity of these different forms of money.
For the purposes of this paper we will borrow a definition
from complex systems, namely that each unit of money at
the smallest subdivision for its currency, is a discrete bit of
information. Information, in the sense that Shannon (1949)
defined, has the specific meaning of a single, indivisible and
unique piece of information, and is a foundational construct
of data communications and networking theory.5 Using this
definition we can unify the concept of money under a single
general description, whilst still being able to discriminate
between its different forms in the monetary systems by being
specific about the type of money in question and its position
in the banking ledgers—for example liability money (customer bank deposits) or asset money, which can be either
physical deposits of cash or electronic equivalents, while the
reserve account represents a liability deposit at the central
bank. Even with a unified definition, we still have to carefully distinguish the different types of monetary information
being used, as they are not necessarily interchangeable—for
example, there is no direct way to transfer a unit of asset
money from a bank’s balance sheet to a liability money de-
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2 2015
posit at the same bank; the rules of double-entry bookkeeping explicitly forbid this operation.6
More importantly, we sidestep the discussion of whether
physical, fiat, or deposit money is truly money. They are all
forms of money in its definition as information, and we can
concern ourselves with the more important issue of the systemic behaviours that result from the operations performed
on these different forms of money. This also leads us to a
convenient definition of debt as a contractually committed
flow of money over time, and by extension the treatment of
the larger credit system as a networked system of debt relationships through which monetary flows are conducted. This
not only develops naturally from the role money plays within society as a unit of communication, but also allows us to
integrate money within the framework offered by complex
systems, and in particular, real time network systems analysis, from which the definition of information originates.
Double-entry bookkeeping processes and procedures were
originally introduced at the end of the 13th century as described by Lee (1977). They are a sophisticated technology
in their own right, as well as being an early example of a
forward error-correction algorithm.7 Double entry bookkeeping required that each individual financial transaction
be simultaneously recorded as two separate actions, a (debit,
credit) tuple on two separate ledger accounts. These transactions were based on the accounting equation:
Assets = Liabilities + Equity; (1)
or, in its longer form:
Assets=Liabilities+Equity+(Income–Expenses–Dividends). (2)
It is worth observing that neither of these equations can be
regarded as mathematical identities, since the units of their
components do not match; there are also order of evaluation
issues in (2) if bracketing is not strictly observed.
The single bookkeeping operation, which effectively created the banking system, is the record of the deposit of
physical money, leading to the creation of a corresponding
liability entry in the ledger, representing the deposit thus:
[Debit Cash (asset), Credit Customer Account (liability)]
This simple operation would eventually pave the way for
a complete disassociation between the physical money deposited and the ledger entry acknowledging the deposit.
The immediate consequence of fractional reserve banking
practices were that transfers of money between two parties
could now be conducted in three different ways. Physical tokens of money could be exchanged directly between individ-
uals; but there were now also two ways to perform a ledger
exchange between two bank deposits, either by direct ledger operations for customers of the same bank, or critically
using an accompanying exchange of asset money for customers at different banks.11 When customer deposits were
transferred between banks with cheques or other financial
instruments, physical money was used as an intermediary.
This introduced a dependency within the banking system on
physical money—to perform exchanges with other banks—
that was critically important for the stable operation of the
banking system, but effectively removed asset money from
contributing materially to the price level.12 The book keeping operations13 were:
Originating Bank
Receiving Bank
(Credit cash, Debit
customer account)
(Debit cash, Credit
customer account)
However, if the originating bank did not have enough asset
money to make the transfer, then it was illiquid. This could
create short-term flow issues, even when the bank could
predict that there was sufficient future income from its loan
book to cover its obligations. While in principle a bank can
completely predict its future status this way, the technology and mathematical support for this would not be developed until the 20th century, and only in the early 21st century
would Taufemback and Da Silva (2011) first consider applying Erlang queueing theory, which was originally developed
in the 1920s for engineering telephone exchange capacity, to
the problem of bank reserve management.
There were now significant differences between the treatment of physical money and its virtual counterpart on the
deposit ledger, but all might still have been well for economic theory had operations involving physical cash been the
only way that liability deposits could be created within the
banking system. However, the accounting framework also
allowed lending instruments to be created, and this was accounted similarly to cash deposits. Loans were entered identically to a cash deposit at the receiving bank:
[Debit loan, Credit customer account]
Repayment involved two separate operations—payment of
principal was simply removed from both sides:
[Credit loan principal, Debit customer account]
General Disequilibrium: the Hidden Conflict between Fractional Reserve Banking and Economic Theory
Initially it simply allowed physical gold to be deposited at the
early goldsmith bankers for storage. The customer received
a receipt; the goldsmith provided safe storage for his or her
gold.8 Significantly though, individual gold deposits were regarded as interchangeable. The customer received a receipt
for an equivalent amount of gold, rather than the actual
pieces of gold that they deposited.
From this first step of fiscal separation, all that was required for a modern banking system to develop were three
additional developments, each of which can be seen as a
natural emergent step from the facilities that double-entry
bookkeeping provided. On the customer side, the receipt for
a fixed amount of gold at a reputable storage location was
used in lieu of the gold itself—thereby avoiding the hazards
of carrying precious metals to and from a known location
in an era before the introduction of police forces. As goldsmiths then became aware of the relative permanence of
their physical holdings, they began to provide short term
loans of gold, effectively introducing statistical multiplexing between their gold holdings and their customer deposits.
The final step needed for the banking system we recognize
today was a development of the use of simple instructions as
a substitute for actual gold exchanges which would allowed
direct transfers between customer accounts—cheques.
Technology would replace hand-written receipts with recognizable bank notes, and eventually restrictions on their issuance. A centralized meeting place, originally a convenient
tavern9, would develop into intricate clearing algorithms to
manage the exchange of cheques between banks, as illustrated by Campbell-Kelly (2010). Short-term shortages of physical money caused by a variety of systemic problems, but
visibly taking the form of bank runs, would lead to central
banks and their role as the lender of last resort. As the system in Britain began to stabilize, or at least experience longer
periods between crises, a belief grew in the ability of central
banks to control the entire system. The army of clerks employed in 19th century cities to manage the day-to-day bookkeeping surrounding banking gave way in the 20th century
to the computer and network technology which provides the
pervasive electronic monetary systems in use today.10 What
though of the nature of money?
whilst interest payments took place entirely on the liability/
equity side, as the customer’s account was debited, and the
bank’s interest income account was credited:
[Debit Customer Account,
Credit bank interest income account]
This last operation provides a very simple answer to the
question of the direct effect changes in interest rates have on
the supply of money and credit from the banking system,
and that is in most banking systems, none. Interest payments
are simply a flow of money between a bank’s customers and
the bank. If the bank maintains the same spread between its
saving and lending rates, then there is also no effect on the
bank’s total income. However, there can be second-order effects from interest rates if bank profitability, or the loan default rate, are impacted.
Control of the amount of lending performed by banks depended on practices developed by the goldsmiths, and these
were primarily empirical, derived from observation of the
day-to-day demands for money on the asset side of the balance sheet (physical cash and gold), and the need to ensure
Figure 1: Monetary transfers within the banking system.
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2 2015
that these did not exceed the bank’s actual holdings. Several
centuries before the technique would be introduced to solve
bandwidth contention in radio communications, the banking system was using statistical multiplexing, balancing the
use of a small amount of physical money that was nominally
the bank’s asset against a much larger amount of liability
money that represented their customer’s deposits.
The result—as shown in Figure 1—was a system facilitating monetary exchanges that effectively operated through
two independent circulating systems comprising two different forms of money, with a poorly understood interchange
mechanism connecting them.
Bank loans thus created ‘money out of thin air’—in the
form of bank deposits—by adding to the quantity of money
held in deposit ledgers at banks. However, recognition of the
significance of this depended on the definition of money,
and in the 19th century money was the physical medium,
not its virtual equivalent. While the steady increase in bank
deposits did not escape attention, especially after the 1844
Act in Britain mandated regular reports by banks on their
holdings, it does not appear to have been correctly attributed. Dun (1876) for example, comments on the London joint
Intertwined with the new form of money, was a new form of
lending, the bank loan, which was also subtly but significantly different from other forms of lending within the economy.
Distinct from other lending, when a bank loan was created,
money was created in the form of a bank deposit, and when
it was repaid this money was destroyed. It is the regulation
of these two processes on a day-to-day basis, across the entire banking system, that determines whether the part of
the money supply being lent is expanding or contracting.16
From the privileged perspective of 21st century access to
long-term time series we know that the alternately expanding and contracting ‘equilibrium’ portrayed by Keynes and
others was simply not there. The part of the money supply
represented by bank deposits was, with rare exceptions,
continuously expanding. Even under gold standard regulation, bank loans carried the significant side effect of deposit
growth. Meanwhile, the occasional contractions which could
be caused either by inter-bank flow issues or by high loan
default levels caused considerable economic dislocation, as
the delicate network of loans and monetary flows that economic activity increasingly relied on was disrupted, not only
by reduced quantities of money in the economy, but also
by liquidity issues in the interchange/bank-clearing mechanisms.
This problem was introduced by another significant difference between bank lending and loans made elsewhere,
in the form of the relationship between interest payments
and loan-default handling. Interest payments on normal
loans are direct transfers of money between two parties.
When interest on a bank loan is paid, a similar transfer occurs, but from the customer’s deposit account into the bank’s
interest income liability account. Losses on loans are then
first treated as an expense, and deducted from interest income, before the bank’s interest income is recognized and
paid out to meet bank expenses or as dividends. The consequence is that when either form of loan goes into default, the
lender loses money; when non-bank loans go into default,
the money their capital represents is still circulating in the
economy somewhere, and thus there are no risks of larger
side-effects due to monetary contraction. Bank loans behave
a little differently. There is a limited zone where money can
be destroyed, and then re-created through lending, effectively substituting new lending for bank profits. Within this
‘quantum zone’ banks and the larger monetary system are
immune to the effects of loan losses. Indeed, compared to
a bank with no defaults, a bank experiencing a manageable
default rate would support a slightly higher rate of new lending, at the price of somewhat reduced profits.
If a bank’s profit or loss provisions are not sufficient to cover losses though, then the bank must deduct the loss from its
capital holdings. Capital accounts are classified as equity, but
although treated identically to liabilities by the accounting
equations relied on for economic analysis, they can comprise
a mixture of liability money in ledger accounts (retained interest income for example), and financial instruments such
as preferred stock that represent asset money deposits. There
can also be regulatory requirements for capital holdings and
loss provisions that must be maintained by banks. If bank
General Disequilibrium: the Hidden Conflict between Fractional Reserve Banking and Economic Theory
stock banks 1844-1847 that ‘[t]he increase of money lodged
here shown is no less than 1010 per cent; an enormous augmentation, even if allowance be made for the absorption of
several large private banks,’14 but ascribes this to the physical deposit of cash money ‘lodged,’ rather than making the
causal link to lending activities.
As economists did become more aware of the internal dynamics of the banking system, theories of credit began to
be developed, and the origins of the unfortunate idea that
‘money is debt’ can be traced to Macleod (1889). The complication that money in the form of a customer’s liability
deposit is created at the same time as a debt instrument (a
loan), does not imply an absolute identity in the scientific
context, nor should it. A loan represents a contractual commitment by the borrower to provide a flow of monetary payments over time: hence money is not debt—debt is a flow of
If the originating bank for any reason was unable to satisfy
a demand for a withdrawal against an account in good standing a bank run could be triggered. This could occur from requests for physical withdrawal, but also from a larger flow of
direct transfers to another bank from its deposit accounts—
since this relied on matching transfers of asset-money between banks.15 Since there was no such danger with direct
transfers between a bank’s own customers, a slow process of
consolidation began to occur, favouring banks which were
either sensitive enough to these network effects to organize
their customers activities to favour deposit transfers conducted entirely within their own ledgers, or geographically
isolated enough from other banks for this not to be an issue.
These direct ledger transfers also discretely added to the supply of money, and consequently there was an accompanying,
but all but invisible influence on the price level from that
source, which when it acted on the price of gold also influenced one of the regulatory elements of the entire system.
loan defaults exceed that which can be covered from loss
provisions and profits, then the regulatory mechanisms force
the bank to restrict or contract its lending, and as a consequence contract its contribution to the liability money supply. In the limit, loan losses that exceed the various forms of
loss provisions that are made on the right hand (equity and
liability) side of the ledger can only be made up over time
from interest income flows. As these flows are money-supply
neutral, external intervention is then required to maintain
the level of money in the economy.17 The practical realities
of individual bank stability are far more interesting than the
simplistic description of depositor-initiated bank runs that
typically occupy introductory texts in economics.
Less visible is the problem of changes to the regulatory
structure, for example mandated increases in loss provisions
or capital holdings. This is currently occurring as part of the
Basel 3 adjustments, and it can also impact the bank’s short
term ability to lend, again with potential long-term macroeconomic impact as well as considerable confusion in the
resulting economic analysis. The recent contraction in the
British money supply, for example, appears to be caused by
the combination of a high default rate and the Basel 3 requirement for the banks to increase their capital holdings,
temporarily inhibiting their ability to increase lending.
Table 1: Amount of new lending from loan repayment vs.
monetary expansion with $1,000,000 total
New Lending
originating from
Capital Repayment
Monetary Expansion
to create equivalent
10 years
25 years
40 years
100 years
Within a hypothetically stable banking system where loan
securitization is not allowed18—maintaining a constant supply of money and credit—the amount of new lending or
investment provided by the banking system would depend
entirely on the amount of capital repayment on existing
loans, as well as the ‘quantum buffer’ offered by loss provisions and income, and loan defaults. Unless loan securitization is involved, if the total quantity of bank-originated
lending is increasing, there is necessarily an accompanying
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2 2015
increase in the liability deposit money supply. It is instructive to consider the quantities involved. Table 1 shows the
amount of annual new lending from loan repayment versus the monetary expansion required for the same amount
of new loans, assuming loan repayment is evenly distributed and all loans within the banking system are made for
the same duration. By comparison, the annual expansion of
the US M2 monetary measurement was 7 per cent between
March 2012 and 2013. Even with relatively low rates of monetary expansion, new lending created by monetary expansion of liability deposits dominates over that made available
from loan repayment.
The economic conundrum is that the two are intertwined.
Whatever role credit creation plays in the economy, when
it originates in the banking system it is necessarily accompanied by monetary creation.19 When it comes from elsewhere, for example from government borrowing, then there
is no accompanying money creation. There is consequently
a significant difference between the monetary impact of increased government borrowing directly from its citizens,
versus increased borrowing from/lending by commercial
banks, a difference that seems to have escaped many economists, including Keynes.
As is not uncommon with complex systems, there can be far
more causes of failure than there are symptoms. While the
bank run receives the most attention in the literature, banking failure can have multiple causes. Even a well-run bank
is at the mercy of long-term monetary flows within the system, and a pattern of asymmetric lending from one region
to another can easily set up unbalanced monetary flows that
will over decades cause bank failure due to liquidity failure
as it loses asset money to another bank. Rules surrounding
non-performing loans are also critical: a bank may appear
to be solvent, and indeed be able to cover its day-to-day expenses from a small amount of interest income, but no longer be able to supply new loans, as capital is no longer being
repaid—the ‘zombie bank’ phenomenon.
Lending effects within the banking system are however
not confined to the liability side of the banking sheet. Shortterm loans of asset money are also made between banks to
cover day-to-day reserve fluctuations, and these create the
possibility of systemic cascade failures in the event of bank
failure, requiring government intervention to prevent monetary collapse. In the modern banking system, the relatively
clean divide between asset lending and liability money on
The parallel development of the banking system and modern
economic theory has meant that the former has been subjected to several divergent evolutionary forces. Initially the
most critical was the ability of individual banks to learn to
manage the complex set of relationships described above,
and to prevent failure from short-term liquidity failures if
more physical cash or gold was demanded than they could
satisfy. This led to the empirical discovery, and later to the
requirement for minimum reserve requirements, typically
25 per cent or more in the 19th century. 21 It also introduced
the role of the central bank as the lender of last resort so as
to backstop short-term shortages of asset money (liquidity), which could be expected to be resolved over time as the
bank received more funds from its existing loan portfolio,
as compared with actual insolvency issues which could not.
An understandable desire by society to prevent bank failures from causing economy-wide cascade failures through
their impact on commerce, and also to prevent use of these
mechanisms for deliberate fraud, led to demands for regulation and reform throughout the 19th century. Successful regulation of the banking system would however have required
a systemic and complete understanding of its operations,
and as we will see this was not available. Rather each participant in the system argued for their perceived local interests. While banks do not profit directly from the creation of
money involved in lending, they ‘grow’ as a result, and over
time receive more total interest income from the increased
loan book: while banks may make money, they earn income.
Inevitably there was and is an intrinsic conflict between the
banking sector’s objective in fulfilling its capitalist role to
earn money, and society’s desire for a stable monetary system, which requires control over the actual process of manufacturing it.
The full implications of double-entry bookkeeping operations within a system of banks—in conjunction with the dif-
ferent regulatory frameworks in use—never appear to have
been fully integrated into economic theory. As present discussions of ‘money is debt’ and ‘credit theories of money’
show and multiple definitions of key financial terms such
as ‘capital’ make clear that—uniquely among the sciences—
economics never developed an atomic theory consolidating
and clearly defining the operations embedded in one of its
fundamental systems. While the deposit creation process
was clarified by Keynes and others, other critical operations
in the banking system such as loan default and interest repayment, and the problem of positive and negative feedback
loops within the regulatory mechanisms, were left largely
unexamined. Economic reasoning proceeded on statements
made about the behaviour of high-level abstract concepts,
such as investment, liquidity and so on, without any detailed description of the precise mechanics involved in these
mechanisms. Equally overlooked was the vital question of
whether a distinction needed to be made between lending
originating from within the banking system and outside it.
As a consequence, economic analysis continued without
detailed consideration of the banking system, even as the
banking system was modified, in no small part due to the influence of economic analysis. In considering Keynesian and
other economic theories, we have to not only consider that
they were based on an incorrect understanding of their own
period’s banking system, but also that the banking systems of
that time behaved differently from their counterparts today.
The origin of the description of the banking system found
in economics textbooks appears to be the Macmillan Report
to the British Parliament (1931), in all probability written by
John Maynard Keynes as reported by Stamp (1931). Taken
in its entirety, the Macmillan Report is an interesting and
comprehensive review of the banking and economic issues
of its time and place. It provides detailed descriptions of the
operations of the banking system, the structure of the central
bank’s balance sheet, and other details that demonstrate an
intimate understanding of the finer details of banking mechanics. However, its contents also reflect an unwarranted
confidence by at least one of its authors 22 in their understanding of the long-term behaviour of the system for which
no strong theoretical basis could be extracted from the academic debates of the period.
It is on page 34 (ibid.) that we find the paragraph that
would inadvertently do such lasting damage to economic
understanding of the practices of banking:
General Disequilibrium: the Hidden Conflict between Fractional Reserve Banking and Economic Theory
19th century balance sheets has been broken down by the
extension of these originally short-term measures to longer
duration loans within the ‘capital markets’ of asset money
which banks then re-lend. Not only does this increase the
system’s intrinsic instability, but it has increased the need for
government intervention to prevent a collapse of the entire
system, as the asset side of the bank’s balance sheet, which is
considerably leveraged, is far more vulnerable to individual
loan defaults than the liability side.20
A simple illustration, in which it will be convenient to
assume that all banking is concentrated in one bank23,
will make this clear. Let us suppose that a customer has
paid into the bank £1,000 in cash and that it is judged
from experience that only the equivalent of 10 per
cent of the bank deposit need be held actually in cash
to meet the demands of customers; then the £1,000
cash received will obviously support deposits amount
to £10,000. Suppose that the bank then grants a loan
of £900; it will open a credit of £900 for its customer,
and when the customer draws a cheque for £900 upon
the credit so opened that cheque will, on our hypothesis, be paid into the account of another of the bank’s
customers. The bank now holds both the original deposit of £1,000 and the £900 paid in by the second customer. Deposits have thus increased to £1,900 and the
bank holds against its liability to pay out this sum (a)
the original £1,000 of cash deposit and (b) the obligation of a customer to repay the loan of £900. The same
result follows if the bank, instead of lending £900 to
a customer, purchases an investment of that amount.
The cheque which it draws upon itself in payment for
the investment is paid into the seller’s bank account
and creates a deposit of that amount in his name. The
bank, in this latter case, holds against its total liability
for £1,900 (a) the original £1,000 of cash and (b) the
investment which it has purchased. The bank can carry
on the process of lending, or purchasing investments,
until such time as the credits created or investments
purchased, represent nine times the amount of the
original deposit of £1,000 in cash. (Macmillan Report
to the British Parliament, 1931: 34)
In its precise details, this description is entirely correct.
However, the details must be carefully observed. In particular, all actions must occur in one bank, avoiding the critical complications that arise from the transfer of money from
one bank to another. It is equally critical to maintain the difference between the physical deposit of cash (listed on the
balance sheet as an asset), and the liability deposit entered
against it. What is particularly problematic about this description, in both its original and later forms, is the implied
convergence to stability under conditions of sufficient loan
demand, which not inconsequentially also provided support
for Keynes’ more elaborate theories of macroeconomic control. This was not supported even by the data provided in the
Macmillan report itself; tables on pages 35 and 37 showed,
respectively, a small but steady decline in the English clearVOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2 2015
ing banks’ reserve accounts at the Bank of England and cash
in hand, against a steadily increasing amount of total deposits in the banking system between 1919 and 1930.
The 1844 Bank Charter Act had required British banks to
publish their deposit and reserve information on a weekly
basis in national newspapers between 1844 until its partial
repeal in 1928. Consequently, 19th century Britain enjoyed a
level of transparency about the weekly flows within its banking system that is not available today. As Higonnet (1957)
shows, this data demonstrated that there was a continuous
expansion in the amount on deposit in the English banking
system in the 19th century. This took place against a backdrop of prices that were perceived to cyclically increase and
decrease over long periods, a temporal pattern that gained
the label of the business cycle. A question that formed part of
the difference between the Austrian and Keynesian schools,
not apparently recognized at the time, was the nature of the
variation of the money and the corresponding loan supply
from the banking sector. An assumption that it was naturally
increasing and decreasing in response to loan demand is
quite different from an assumption that its normal state was
continuously increasing, with variations in the rate of expansion, and occasional sharp contractions triggered by cascade
failures, which is what the long time series statistics available
today clearly show, as illustrated by Laidler (2003).
This is a sensitive question. The co-dependent relationship
between new money and debt has wide-reaching implications, both for the control of the system and for its economic
influence. Intervening to prevent monetary contraction is
a quite different proposition from intervening to support
a continued expansion whose immediate benefits are increasingly unevenly distributed in the economy as a direct
result of the long-term dynamic process that is thereby triggered. The implication that the source of debt would matter, and that indeed bank lending might well enjoy a subtle
long-term advantage over other forms of lending, was also
a difficult one to address. Indeed without a clear description
of the detailed mechanisms of the banking system at any
given time and place, it is impossible to answer these kinds
of questions. For example, was the 19th century money supply increase due to a slow increase in gold asset deposits, a
faster increase in deposit liability money, or a subtle interaction between the price of gold, used as a regulatory control,
and the growth in bank deposits? Each of these might cause
similar macroeconomic affects on the price level, but require
very different policy interventions to correct adverse consequences.
Table 2: Textbook description of deposit expansion with a 10%
reserve requirement
Source: Mankiw (1997)
Consequently, this example no longer represents the actual process that occurs within the banking system, and indeed
is also internally inconsistent. For example, if we assume
that the amount deposited is cash, which is a necessary assumption since a reserve from cash is clearly being withheld,
then double-entry bookkeeping defines physical cash as an
asset, a loan as an asset, and a central bank reserve account
(or a reserve of physical cash) also as an asset, thus breaking
the fundamental accounting equation in Equation 1. This
assumption would then lead to the loan creating a cash deposit, which is equally incorrect. But then the first amount
deposited cannot be a liability deposit, without an accompanying asset deposit, and so while classifying ‘Amount deposited’ as a liability would maintain the accounting equation,
with the amounts and reserve requirement stated, it would
not in fact be possible for bank A to make any more loans, as
it would already be at its 10 per cent reserve ratio limit.
Alternately we have this passage in a popular European
textbook, the 6th edition of Burda and Wyplosz (2013):
An even more interesting and less well-understood
fact about banks is that they actually create money
when they grant loans—when they create credit. To see
why, consider the case of Ms A who receives €1,000 in
cash from abroad and deposits it in her bank. Bank No.
1 lends this money as soon as possible to Mr B, another
trustworthy customer. Mr B needs the money to buy
a sofa. Soon enough, the €1,000, initially deposited by
Ms A will be handed over to the store that sold the sofa
to Mr B. The shopkeeper now owns this €1,000. Ms A
too owns €1,000. As far as she is concerned, her money
is in the bank. In fact, she owns a deposit in her bank
which is backed by a loan in the amount of €1,000,
but the €1,000 in currency is long gone. (Borda and
Wyplosz 2013) Precisely for this reason, modern banking is often called a ‘fractional reserve banking system.’
If the bank figures out that, say, only 10 per cent of the
sums that will be deposited will be withdrawn at any
point in time, all it needs to do is keep 10 per cent of its
deposits in reserves, and it can then lend out the rest.
In the case of Ms A’s deposit, the bank will keep €100
in cash and lend the remaining €900. In that case, the
initial amount of money created is only €900. After it
is deposited in Bank No. 2, a new loan of €810 (this is
€900 less 10%), will be arranged, and the process will
go on as shown.
This restatement of Keynes’ description is truer to the
original, and clearer in terms of the cash-deposit difference.
In one important respect it is erroneous, though. It is incorrect regarding the loan of money to another bank’s customer.
As with Mankiw´s example, as soon as loan repayments begin, Bank B and any other banks involved in the “process”
will become illiquid. Keynes pointed out part of the problem
in the next paragraph in the Macmillan Report:
There is however, a limitation on this process. A bank
which is actively creating deposits in this way will
naturally find that a considerable part of the cheques
drawn against them will be in favour of other banks.
It will thus lose part of its cash reserve to those banks
and must proceed to limit its loan operations if its normal cash ratio is to be maintained. (Macmillan Report,
1931: 34)
Interestingly, while this is a correct description of a shortterm problem that can occur when the loan is made, a larger
issue is that exactly the opposite occurs over the long term.
Over the entire period of the loan, more money in interest
and capital repayments will be received by the originating
General Disequilibrium: the Hidden Conflict between Fractional Reserve Banking and Economic Theory
If we compare and contrast with the description typically
found in popular US undergraduate textbooks (e.g. Mankiw
1997), which is shown here as Table 2, we can see that several changes have crept in, presumably in an attempt to clarify
the original example. The example given no longer restricts
the process to a single bank. Rather a sequence of operations
is shown, where loans are being re-deposited between banks,
and the important distinction between the physical cash as
an asset and the customer’s liability deposit has been lost.
bank than it originally lends. If it comes from other banks
then its reserves will grow at their expense, providing one
explanation for why over time banking systems with large
numbers of small banks become systems with small numbers of large banks.
We can only speculate why economic theory took the path
it did, and increasingly ignored these fine points of the intricate machinery that is modern banking. It is clear that the
description in the Macmillan report could have provided the
basis for the development of a far deeper and more complete
understanding of its operation, paralleling the contemporary
developments in physical science. This might have led to a
science of economic systems that rested on solid and demonstrable causal foundations, albeit rather complex ones, rather
than a series of assumptions derived from purely empirical
observations of a complex system being continuously modified by its own intrinsic behaviour, and that of its observers.
One of many instances where such clarification would
have avoided considerable debate can be found in Keynes’
and other authors’ writings on the ‘liquidity preference,’ a
preference for holding money over other forms of investment. Here once again, the definition of money is important—in a gold standard system, with strict relationships
between physical bank notes, bank deposits, and gold holdings, a preference for holding physical cash could indeed alter the behaviour of the banking system, particularly given
the multiplier relationships involved. Cash withdrawals and
flows of gold in international trade not only affect a bank’s
asset liquidity, but also its ability to lend. In modern banking
systems this explicit tie between physical cash and banking
system operation has been largely severed, primarily by the
reduction in the general use of physical cash. Bank runs in
the era of digital transactions are conducted through electronic transfers. The ‘liquidity preference’ stays in the banking system; it is simply moved to another bank. There is thus
no change in the total quantity on deposit in the entire banking system.
What though did the originator of this term actually
mean? According to Keynes:
The primary effect of a change in the quantity of money on the quantity of effective demand is through its
influence on the rate of interest. If this were the only
reaction, the quantitative effect could be derived from
three elements—(a) the schedule of liquidity-preference, which tells us by how much the rate of interest
will have to fall in order that the new money may be
absorbed by willing holders, (b) the schedule of marVOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2 2015
ginal efficiencies which tells us by how much a given
fall in the rate of interest will increase investment, and
(c) the investment multiplier which tells us by how
much a given increase in investment will increase effective demand as a whole. (Keynes, 1936: 298)
This passage is hard to interpret without a clear description of the banking operations involved, and clarification of
the definition of money being used. A change in the quantity
of money originating from the banking system must perforce derive from an increase in lending, so the borrower has
already been sourced when this occurs. An increase in the
quantity of money and credit from the banking system can
also be presumed to affect the price level—so the claim that
interest rates ‘will have to fall’ rests on a hidden assumption
of price stability. Credit bubbles have demonstrated repeatedly that price rises can have the opposite effect when there
is a general perception of more to come. An increase in asset
money on the other hand, as a result of government printing, will trigger an expansion in money and lending, but
as many governments have discovered to their cost, the resulting multiplier expansion of deposits within the banking
system rapidly overwhelms the monetary system, leading to
In addition, if a regulatory limit on loan supply has already
been reached within the banking system, supply side restrictions will determine new lending, not demand. It is the rate
of excess lending over repayment that causes monetary expansion from the banking system, not the interest rate per
If Keynes meant that—contrary to his description—loan
demand could influence the monetary expansion rate of the
banking system, then there is a secondary issue with these
assumptions that relates to the composition of bank lending.
The British banking system relies on variable rate lending,
which is linked to the interest rate of the Bank of England.
Changes in that rate affect interest payments across the entire country within weeks. The US Banking system developed differently, with a preference for fixed rate loans over
long periods—in the low interest rate environment of 2013
30-year mortgage loans were available at under 4 per cent
per year. Iceland’s attempt to deal with hyperinflation caused
by government seignorage uses loans whose outstanding
capital is indexed-linked (see Mallett [2013] for details on
the rather unusual arrangements of the Icelandic monetary
system). There are significant and systemic differences in
the behaviour of these banking systems, and by extension
the larger economy, arising from these differences in the fi-
Objectively, analysis of the complex of operations and side
effects at the core of the monetary system has always posed
considerable challenges, especially at the macroeconomic
level of analysis. It is formally and mathematically incorrect
to equate like with unlike, and yet this is what economists
have been forced to do when trying to develop mathematical
descriptions of high level abstractions such as investment or
capital, or even lower ones such as interest, if they ignore the
presence of significant side effects, depending on whether or
not the accompanying monetary operations are performed
by an institution performing fractional reserve lending.
Economic understanding in the 21st century monetary
system consequently rests on a vacuum, lacking the solid
foundation of structural understanding that underpins other
fields. The problem is not that there is an absence of economic theories about the monetary system, quite the contrary. Rather the problem is determining which of the many
are correct, and to which of the equally large number of different banking systems they apply. As is common with many
complex systems, empirical data and even mathematical reasoning can be used to support many differing explanations
of a system’s observed behaviour.
On the other hand we have the banking system itself, a
complex and extraordinarily advanced distributed system.
It is a moving target for analysis, and it is one that has simultaneously influenced both economic development and
the development of economics. Added to this is the problem
of what the banking system does to money, which is that it
causes its quantity to continuously expand. Consequently
measurements made with money are seen to behave like
other physical measurements. Government expenditures
‘grow’ over time, health costs ‘rise,’ GDP ‘grows.’ However,
the units of other measurements are constant: a centimetre today is the same length as that of a centimetre in 1799.
How much of economically measured ‘growth’ is a result of
increased production as opposed to increases in the money
supply cannot be determined purely from price data, even if
inflation compensations are included. Nor can we say with
any certainty that any of the purely theoretical economic arguments—such as general equilibrium theory that implicitly
assume a constant money supply—are also applicable to a
system where the money supply is continuously increasing.
The real world as it appears to economics is very much a special case.
The complexity of these issues has been acknowledged before, if not necessarily in the context of the micro-structure
of the banking system. Keynes freely acknowledged the presence of multiple complicating and inter-related factors as
supply and demand factors play out in his General Theory,
but expressed a faith in simultaneous equations to solve
them that experience with the mathematics of non-linear
dynamic systems would have quickly disabused him from.
But with this problem we can only sympathize; economics
has long laboured under significant analytical difficulties,
stemming from the absence of formal methods for treating
the inherently recursive nature of the relationships that the
banking system and the larger economy embody. Recursion,
and many of the other techniques used to analyse complex
distributed systems, would not be developed until the second half of the 20th century. They came far too late to assist
the theories of banking system behaviour that are currently
in use.
Ultimately there is only one way out of this collision of impasses: it is to return to the fundamentals of the monetary
system and the banking system, armed finally with a 21st
century appreciation of complex distributed systems. Only
by reassessing what we believe we know about the monetary
system, in the context of a far more detailed and thoroughly
grounded understanding of the short and long-term influences of the banking system on the economy, can we resolve
the long-standing question of which, if any, of the theoretical
constructs we have of the monetary system, and its accompanying assumptions, are grounded in reality.
General Disequilibrium: the Hidden Conflict between Fractional Reserve Banking and Economic Theory
nancial instruments being used for ‘investment.’ A general
theory that makes claims about the monetary effects of interest rate manipulation without accounting for these structural differences is necessarily at best a general theory of the
British monetary economy, not of monetary systems in general.
Had Keynes provided us with specific mechanisms to
back up his argument, we would be far better able to judge
what he was saying. We would for example know what type
of money he was referring to, and we would also be able to
judge the applicability of his mechanisms to today’s quite
different banking and monetary systems. He did not, his
field did not, and we are left dealing with the complex behaviours of a 21st century financial system with the help of 19th
century analytical techniques.
1 USA Federal Reserve Statistics Series H.6 Money Stock
2 Bank of England Statistical series LPQVWYH (UK
estimate of EMU M2) shows M2 as 2,100,420 in June
2010, falling to 2,021,130 in June 2012 and recovering to
2,091,037 in June 2013.
3 Wicksell (1935) provides an overview of some of these
issues in his Lectures on Political Economy, Volume II,
Chapter 2, and Klebaner (1990) provides a useful overview of the situation in the United States.
4 Referenced by Arnon (2011: 178) as a memorandum in
1836 and an addendum to Tooke in 1829.
5 See Arndt (2004) for a detailed discussion of information and its measurement within computer science.
6 Strictly, this would require performing a credit to the
asset account, and a credit to the deposit account, and
all double-entry bookkeeping operations must be performed as a [credit, debit] tuple.
7 Forward error correction techniques introduce extra information into a message that allow a limited number of
errors to be detected and corrected without retransmission of the original data.
8 See Quinn (1994) for an excellent overview of the prebanking goldsmith arrangements.
9 The Five Bells in Lombard Street, London (Nevin and
Davis, 1970).
10 The banking industry was an important source of finance for both the early computing and networking
industries, with mainframe computers being developed
for processing their daily accounting transactions, and
X.25 networks in particular developed for inter-bank
payments and financial handling. As a result its operations also played a role in the development of computer
science, with the development of real-time systems, network and database theory all being heavily influenced
by its requirements.
11 Illustrated examples of all double entry bookkeeping
operations used in this paper can be found in Mallett
12 Mechanical issues arising from asset money shortages
within banking literature are usually referred to as ‘liquidity,’ the complication is that these balances can also
play a regulatory role on deposit expansion.
13 In double entry bookkeeping, the arithmetic operations
accompanying credit and debit depend on the status of
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2 2015
the ledger they are applied to. Operations on the right
hand side of the ledger (liabilities and equity) follow
their English usage; operations on the asset side are opposite. For example, a credit to an asset account reduces
its total, and a credit to a liability or equity account increases it.
14 Deposits for the 10 banks are shown increasing from
£7,984,000 in 1844 to £88,604,000 in 1874. This is an approximately 30% annual growth rate.
15 Equally, unscrupulous competitors could start rumours
of liquidity issues that were liable to rapidly become
self-fulfilling—see Sykes (1867) and Klebaner (1990) for
an overview of the far more interesting, and considerably less stable, banking environment that developed in
the 19th century United States.
16 Although this process is typically described with respect
to the expansion of liability deposits, the potential exists for a more limited form to occur through interbank
lending on the asset side of the bank’s balance sheet.
17 At this point a bank’s situation as a day-to-day manager
of funds is typically no longer tenable without outside
intervention. Over time though as income continues to
be received on its remaining assets it will usually be capable of being wound up with relatively small absolute
losses. Nor is intervention always as straightforward as
it might appear, replacing non-performing loans as assets for example risks interfering with long term reserve
regulation mechanisms if they exist.
18 Loan securitization by banks increases the amount of
bank-sourced lending, but does not increase the deposit
money supply, unlike normal bank lending.
19 Unless the loan is securitized.
20See Shin (2009) for a description of the Northern Rock
failure due to this cause.
21 Nineteenth century banking systems appear to have
been just as unstable with 25% reserve requirements, as
21st century ones with 2% reserve requirements or less.
22 Pages 239-281 of the report consist of reservations on its
contents expressed by five of its authors.
23 Author’s emphasis.
24 Keynes (1936: 298).
25 Under Basel capital regulations, interest rates may have
a second-order effect on the behaviour of the system, in
that bank capital is now a regulatory control over lending limits, and can generally only be increased from
profits. However, this relationship is the inverse to that
which Keynes is referring to, i.e. if increasing interest rates positively impacts bank profitability, it would
Arnon, A. (2011). Monetary Theory and Policy from Hume and Smith
to Wicksell. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Arndt, C. (2004). Information Measures: Information and its
Description in Science and Engineering. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Burda, M. and C. Wyplosz (2013). Macroeconomics: A European Text.
Oxford: Oxford University Press (6th edition).
Campbell-Kelly, M. (2010). Victorian data processing. Communications
of the ACM, 53(10): 19-21.
Dun, J. (1876). The banking institutions, bullion reserves, and nonlegal-tender note circulation of the United Kingdom statistically
investigated. Journal of the Statistical Society of London, 39(1): 1-197.
Dunbar, C. F. (1987). Deposits as currency. Quarterly Journal of
Economics, 1(4): 401-19.
Fetter, F. W. (1965). Development of British Monetary Orthodoxy, 17971875. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Greenlaw, R. W. (1958). The Economic Origins of the French Revolution:
Poverty or Prosperity. Washington, D.C.: Heath and Company.
Higonnet, R. P. (1957). Bank deposits in the United Kingdom, 18701914. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 71(3): 329-67.
Katz, S. L. (1971). Devaluation bias and the Bretton Woods System.
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General Disequilibrium: the Hidden Conflict between Fractional Reserve Banking and Economic Theory
increase lending expansion rates through increased
supply, although this would also depend on the bank’s
management of the difference between the interest rate
paid to savers as opposed to that received from borrowers. Interestingly, Wicksell (1898) also comments that it
is a matter of record that price increases are greater with
higher interest rates than lower ones.