1 Effects of Relative Humidity and Applied Force on Atomic Force Microscopy Images of the Filamentous Phage fd Xiaolong Ji§, Jeong Oh, A. Keith Dunker, and K. W. Hipps* Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-4630 IN PRESS: Ultramicroscopy *Corresponding author: K. W. Hipps, Department of Chemistry, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-4630 (hipps@wsu.edu) §Permanent Address: Department of Pathology, People's Liberation Army Hospital, Beijing, China ABSTRACT The filamentous phage fd was studied by both contact and tapping mode atomic force microscopy under conditions of controlled variations in relative humidity and changes in the applied tip force. By spin-coating freshly cleaved mica with phage containing solutions having very low salt content followed by rapid humidity control, stable and reliable sample preparation was achieved. The apparent height of the phage varied by about 10-fold with a quadratic dependence on the stabilized relative humidity, extrapolating to 73% of the accepted x-ray diffraction-based height at 0% relative humidity. The variation in measured height with relative humidity largely reconciles previous widely varying atomic force microscopy estimates of this dimension for the filamentous phage. Our finding that contact mode images of phage are more difficult to analyze than those acquired in tapping mode are consistent with previously published results on other biological specimens such as DNA. INTRODUCTION Bacteriophage fd is a class I filamentous phage of the Ff family; two other members of this family are M13 and f1 [1]. Each of these phage contain a circular, single-strand DNA molecule enclosed in a cylindrical protein sheath constructed of 5 types of proteins [2], with many copies of a highly elongated major coat protein, which are regularly arranged along the length of the filament [2,3] and with a few copies each of four different minor coat proteins, two sets of which cap each end [4]. The asymmetric major coat proteins, also called pVIII because they are encoded by gene 8, have their long axes nearly parallel to the filament axis [1,5]. The many copies of the pVIII molecules overlap along the length of the phage like scales on a fish. 2 The pVIII subunits constitute about 87% of the total virion mass. The pVIII sequence is identical in fd and f1 virions and differs by only a single amino acid residue from that of M13: the carboxyl group of the aspartate at position 12 in the fd and f1 pVIII protein is replaced by the amide group of the asparagine in M13. There has been a large body of structural work on the Ff family, including fiber Xray and neutron diffraction [6,7], solid-state NMR spectroscopy [8,9], solution Raman spectroscopy [10], solution CD spectroscopy [11,12,13], and polarized Raman spectroscopy on fibers [14]. The results from these studies show that the asymmetric pVIII subunits are almost entirely α-helical and layered about the filament axis with both 5-fold rotational symmetry and an approximate 2-fold screw axis. Adjacent groups of 5 pVIII molecules are shifted relative to each other by 1.6 nm along the filament axis and rotated by 33.23° [15] (note that, for a true 2-fold screw with 5 fold symmetry, the twist is 180/5 = 36° which is near the observed value of 33.23). Repeated application of the 5fold and approximate 2-fold screw symmetry operations accounts for the structure of the phage capsid. The fd filament is structurally stable, withstanding prolonged incubation at 75 °C [16] and not exhibiting significant loss in infectivity until about 90 °C [17]. Furthermore, the phage is resistant to exposure to various detergents, high salt concentrations, 8M urea [18], or various pH values over the range 2 to 11.5 [1,19,20]. Overall, the filamentous phage is one of the more stable nucleo-protein assemblies. Given the large amounts of material that derive from the ease of growth and purification of the fd phage and given the exceptional stability of this phage, it has been possible to achieve remarkable consistency in the various physical and chemical measurements on this phage. For example, the length of the fd phage has been measured by three methods: ordinary transmission electron microscopy gave 880 ± 30 nm [21]; scanning transmission electron microscopy gave 883 ± 24 [22,23], and atomic force microscopy (AFM) of particles in air gave 883 ± 33 nm [24]. A further indication of the consistency of measurements on fd phage is provided by the observation that the number of pVIII molecules per phage estimated from the measured lengths coupled with the known phage symmetry is very similar to the number estimated from physico-chemical solution measurements. That is, from the value of the length, L, of the phage and the symmetry of the particle, the number, N, of pVIII molecules/phage is given approximately by N = 0.98 [(L - l')/(1.6)] x 5, where the factor 0.98 is introduced to roughly correct for the minor proteins using their overall mass contributions, where l' is the projection of the length of one coat protein molecule along the fiber axis, and where 1.6 and 5 come of course from the symmetry of the particle. With L = 881± 29 nm obtained by averaging the length estimates given above and l' = 7.0 nm obtained by assuming a 50 amino acid helix inclined by 20° from the filament axis, then N = 0.98 [(881 ± 29 - 7)/(1.6)] x 5 = 2,680 ± 90; this value is essentially 3 indistinguishable from 2,700 ± 200 pVIII molecules/phage determined from physicochemical measurements [11]. The length measurements by electron microscopy were carried out in vacuum and the AFM measurements were done in air, whereas the physico-chemical measurements were carried out in solution. The agreement in the estimates of the number of coat protein molecules per particle between the methods suggest that the phage length changes very little upon drying. This is consistent with a relatively small change in the meridional diffraction spacing as a function of relative humidity (RH) [25] and has been further supported by comparison of lengths of individual particles in air and under water by AFM; as noted above, the former gave length estimates of 883 ± 33 nm in air, which was indistinguishable from the value of 883 ± 72 nm obtained under water [24]. In contrast to the highly consistent results described above, two AFM measurements of the heights of filamentous phages gave dramatically different values. A height of 5.4 nm [24] was reported from AFM measurements on M13 phage, whereas a more than 10-fold smaller value, about 0.5 nm, was reported for fd phage [26]. The close structural similarity of fd and M13 phage is not consistent with this large disparity in measured heights. Indeed, the diameter of the fd filament determined from the lattice spacing in x-ray diffraction experiments on exhaustively dried fibers was 5.5 nm [27]; this value for fd is close to the AFM-measured height for M13. Furthermore, x-ray diffraction comparisons of fibers of fd and M13 phages yield essentially indistinguishable diameters for the two phages [4,7]. Thus, the widely differing values for the AFMdetermined heights of the fd and M13 phages represent a substantial disparity. The purpose of the present work is three-fold: 1. development of sample preparation techniques that yield isolated and uncontaminated phage; 2. clarification of factors affecting the measured heights of the filamentous phage; and 3. evaluation of the reliability of contact versus tapping mode AFM studies of filamentous virus particles. The results we obtained largely explain the previous differences in measured heights and suggest that the tapping mode is more reliable than the contact mode for studying the structure of filamentous phage. EXPERIMENTAL Phage and bacterial strains: The fd phage was originally obtained from Don Marvin, who carried out the original isolation of the fd phage [28]. DNA sequencing of the pVIII gene confirms that the wild-type phage has been maintained over 20 years without mutation, at least with regard to the major coat protein. This fd phage was grown on Escherichia coli MV1190, obtained from cloning kits supplied by Biorad. Filamentous phage growth and purification: Methods for growth and purification of phage followed standard procedures, which included centrifugation to remove the host 4 cells, 5% polyethylene glycol precipitation from 0.1M NaCl, differential centrifugation, and equilibrium centrifugation on KBr density gradients. Bands from the density gradients corresponding to the fd phage were then dialyzed at 4°C into a mixture 0.015 M boric acid and 0.1M NaCl solution for 2 to 3 days to remove KBr. The resulting phage was judged to be essentially free of contaminating protein or nucleic acid from the absorbance ratio at 268 and 243 nm (A268/A243) of 1.33. The purified phage was stored in a mixture of 0.015 M boric acid and 0.1 M NaCl at pH 8.2 at 4 °C. AFM sample preparation: In order to reduce the chance of salt crystal formation upon drying, samples of stored fd phage solutions were diluted about 1000-fold immediately before use into low concentrations of a ammonium bicarbonate, which is volatile. Small aliquots of these diluted phage samples, about 10 µL containing 0.001M NH4HCO3 and 1012 fd phage/mL, were placed on the 1 cm2 surface of a freshly cleaved piece of mica. The mica substrate had previously been attached to a metal sample puck and placed on a holder mounted on the shaft of a Dremel Moto-tool. Through variac control (typically 40 volts) of the Dremel tool, the rotational velocity of the sample (set off-center, about 2.5 cm from the axis of rotation) was adjusted to rapidly remove the solvent layer while allowing the fd phage to remain on the surface (about 10,000 rpm). This speed was found by trial and error. Faster speeds caused the phage to be thrown from the mica surface; while slower speeds left excess solution that dried to produce relatively large salt deposits despite our efforts to reduce the salt content in solution. Thus, by controlling the spin rate and buffer concentration, one can control both the number of phage per unit area and the relative cleanliness of the sample. Once a sample had been spun dry, it was immediately placed in a closed container over a given solution of a salt. Relative humidity control and measurement: Placement of the sample in the atmosphere above a salt solution yields a stable relative humidity (RH). Samples were maintained in such fixed RH environments overnight (e.g. for at least 12 hours), both for convenience and to assure equilibration. Use of appropriately chosen salt solutions for different samples gave fixed RH values that spanned the range from 10% to 90% [29]. Samples were not removed from these containers until they were mounted in the AFM. Humidity control within the AFM was accomplished through the use of a commercial insert, the "HumPlug" sold by BioForce Laboratory Inc. (Santa Barbara, CA) and a constant flow of nitrogen gas that had been bubbled through the same solution of salt [29] used during the equilibration step. The RH just above the sample was measured by the sensor included with the HumPlug and those values are reported here. We note that the HumPlug sensor values, the values determined with other sensors available to us, and also the tabulated values for the equilibrated atmospheres above the various salt solutions were all in generally good agreement ( ± 5%). AFM instrumentation: The AFM used was a Digital Instruments, DI, Nanoscope III with multimode head. Both contact (using Digital Instruments Si3N4 tips) and tapping 5 mode (using DI silicon tips) were employed in this study. In contact mode, only the longest (200 µm) and thinnest cantilevers were used. According to DI literature, this cantilever has a nominal Hook's law force constant of 0.06 N/m and the tip diameter ranges from 10 to 40 nm. The tapping mode tips had a cantilever length of 127 µm and were specified as having a tip diameter in the range from 5 to 10 nm and a force constant of the order of 50 N/m. The standard DI software was used for image acquisition and for capturing force calibration curves. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Reproducible sample preparation: One of our earliest concerns centered on the difficulty of reproducing phage images, especially in the context of variable features that were not due to phage itself. These latter features, it turned out, could be traced back to the buffer and very low level impurities in the water used to make the phage suspension. Dramatic changes in AFM images due to tip force and scanning time variation have already been documented by others [30,31,32]. These changes were produced by salt/impurity layers forming on the mica surface when buffer solutions of 10 mM to 100 mM were used. While our buffer concentration was deliberately reduced to 1 mM in an attempt to avoid this, simple solvent evaporation still results in significant residue. Figure 1. Typical contact mode images of a portion of two phage taken in Trace and in Retrace modes at 20% relative humidity. The significant difference here is that in one direction the tip is being pushed along the surface while in the opposite direction it is being pulled along. The difference in contrast is a result of changes in cantilever bend as a function of surface friction. In order to further reduce salts and impurities, we employed a spin coating technique long used in inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy [33]. This procedure is described in the Experimental Section. It was found that, with proper application of the spinning method, and by maintaining total salt and impurity concentrations of the order of 1 mM, mica surfaces having an occasional phage and a few very small salt islands could 6 be formed reproducibly. Moreover, similar small salt islands were present on mica alone at higher humidity, indicating that they are a result of leaching and/or reactions with atmospheric carbonate. Figures 1 and 2 are representative of the sample cleanliness that can be obtained by these procedures in contact and in tapping mode. Figure 2. Typical Tapping mode images taken in Trace and in Retrace mode. Because the tip is only touching the surface for a very small part of the total scan time, frictional differences play a very much smaller role in the contrast obtained. We also note that we took great pains to use mica that had been cleaved only seconds before the spin doping occurred. As is well known, freshly cleaved mica is very hydroscopic but mica exposed to atmosphere for a short time has a finite contact angle (7 to 15°) [34,35,36]. This rapid increase in contact angle is also accompanied by a large change in surface free energy [34,36] clearly indicating that atmospheric adsorbates have a marked effect on the mica surface. We only used samples where the solution had spread freely upon the surface. Comparison of images obtained by contact and tapping modes: Figure 1 shows the effect that scan direction has on contact mode images of phage on mica obtained in a 20% relative humidity, RH, environment. As Thundat has proposed and demonstrated, this scan direction dependence of the apparent height in contact mode is due to changing flexion, or buckling, of the cantilever as a function of the relative friction between the sample surface and the tip [32]. The resulting changes in the curvature of the cantilever are incorrectly reported as changes in height by the AFM. In the remaining contact mode work reported here, the scan direction was set to give a maximum apparent phage height. In tapping mode, where the tip only touches the surface for a very small fraction of the scan time, this effect should be much less significant. As can be seen in Figure 2, this is in fact the case. The sample in Figure 2 is the same 20% RH phage sample as studied by contact mode in Figure 1. The phage height in the taping mode image (as determined 7 from scope mode images of trace and retrace), however, is higher and the contrast is not scan direction dependent. Effects of tip force on images of fd phage: The apparent height difference obtained for the same sample in contact mode relative to tapping mode, suggests that the virus may be partially compressed by the vertical force of the tip. To address this issue, and to study the relative toughness of the virus to compression as a function of RH, a series of AFM images were acquired at progressively greater force (set point), starting with the minimum force necessary to acquire an image reliably. At the end of the series, the force was reduced to the initial value and the AFM image re-scanned. In every case, an internal control was used. That is, the initial scan area included two or three phage, the image region was zoomed to include a single phage and then images of that phage were acquired at progressively higher set point. At some point, usually after significant reduction in measured height, the set point was reduced to its original value and the larger area containing several phage was again scanned. Figure 3. Before and after AFM images taken at 15% RH. In the initial (A) scan, the applied (Hookean) tip force was <0.8 nN. Image B was taken (at <0.8 nN) after the phage on the upper right had been scanned with an applied (Hookean) tip force of about 36 nN. The adhesive force was 25 nN±5nN. Figure 3 is representative of the results of the experiments described above. Using the manufacturers published values for the cantilever force constant and the measured set point-sample displacement curve on a phage free part of the sample, tip forces in nN can be computed. The reported forces are all Hookian forces. That is, no correction for the adhesive contribution was made. However, the adhesive force determined from the Setpoint-distance curve was about 25 nN±5nN for data in the 15% to 60% RH range. In trace A of Figure 3, the Hookean force used was less than 0.8 nN. A 8 smaller scan region enclosing only the phage particle in the upper right was then initiated. For this sample, images were taken at progressively greater force up to a maximum of 36 nN. The force was then reduced to the original (<0.8 nN) value and the original area was scanned to produce image 3B. Comparison of these images shows that the phage that experienced the high force scan has been dramatically reduced in height. Figure 4. Apparent height of phage as a function of maximum applied (Hookean) tip force. Results obtained from samples prepared and measured at 15% RH and at 60% RH are shown. The adhesive force was 25 nN±5nN. This reduction in height does not occur uniformly with increasing tip force. Figure 4 provides the evolution in measured height with Hookean force observed from samples prepared and measured at 15% and 60% relative humidity. The height values are averages taken from at least 5 different cross sectional measurements taken from several phage. At both low and high humidity it appears that there is an initial small compression with applied force followed by a plateau. Eventually, this plateau gives way to a rather sharp drop in measured height with applied force. This last drop in height is irreversible (as seen in Figure 3), with the structure of the virus suffering permanent change. The measured width of the phage also changes with humidity, but this effect is masked by tip-surface interactions and tip width effects that result in measured widths that are about 10 times too large at low tip force. This kind of broadening is similar to that observed by Thundat et al [32] for DNA, by Lyubchenko et al for phage and for DNA [26], and by Yang et al for DNA [37]. There are at least two sources for this broadening -- convolution of finite tip width into the image and the size of the water meniscus carried by the tip because of capillary forces. The Si3N4 contact tips used in this study are known to be from 10 to 40 nm in diameter, and the existence of a 'neck' of water about the tip contact with the surface is also well studied [32,37,38,39]. Thus, the width of fd-phage determined in the same experiments as used to define Figure 4 is about 50 nm for forces up to about 35 nN where the width jumps to about 100 nm. While a width of 50 nm might be explained by the broadening effects discussed above, the jump 9 to 100 nm at 15% RH cannot. Thus, the relatively dry phage appears to be irreversibly crushed by high tip forces. One can convert the tip force to pressure by dividing the applied force by contact area. Assuming that the full tip width bears on a long rectangular section, with the long direction defined by the tip diameter (ó40 nm) and the short direction defined by the true phage width (ò5.5 nm [25] ), then the bearing surface is roughly 300nm2. At 36 nN force, the pressure is 1.0x108 N/m2, or about 1,000 atmospheres. If one includes the entire adhesive force (25 nN) in the calculation [37], the total possible pressure rises to about 1,700 atmospheres. Because the conversion of random coil protein into folded structures usually involves a positive volume change, high pressures typically induce protein unfolding. Hydrostatic pressures in the range of 2,000 to 5,000 atmospheres have been shown to cause such unfolding for a variety of proteins [40,41]. Given the uncertainties in the tip pressure estimates, the pressures on fd phage in the AFM experiments of figure 4 could easily approach the values that induce protein unfolding, which in turn would facilitate the observed morphological changes. The hydrostatic pressures leading to protein unfolding are isometric, whereas the tip pressures are localized; thus, the latter include substantial shear forces whereas the former do not. It seems reasonable to suppose that shifts of proteins relative to one another should occur at lower pressures as compared to those that induce protein unfolding. Given that the phage protein sheath is composed of a series of overlapping rod-like protein subunits, such subunit shifts would lead to overall structural collapse under extreme pressure. Following such a structural change, the final height would be expected to be on the order of a single protein, corresponding to about 0.8 nm for the αhelical pVIII molecule. While a value corresponding to the diameter of an α-helix is roughly what is observed for the 'crushed' phage at 15% relative humidity, it is much larger than the observed value at 60% RH. The anomalously small values at higher relative humidity are probably due to differential changes in cantilever flexion and changes in the adhesion forces over the mica and phage surfaces. X-ray diffraction studies indicate that the overall diameter of dry phage is 5.5 nm [25]. As can be seen from Figure 4, the largest height observed in contact mode, on the other hand, was about a factor of 4 too small. Further, both the apparent height at low tip force and the force required to cause the sharp drop in height are strong functions of the relative humidity in which the phage is equilibrated. These overly small heights might be due to a number of factors, including: 1) Changes in binding of the phage to mica as a function of RH, 2) changes in the mechanical properties and/or structure of the phage associated with adsorption of water, 3) changes in the tip-phage and tip-mica adhesion forces, 4) buildup of a water layer on the mica surface that the tip somehow fails to penetrate, and 5) buildup of a salt layer on the entire mica surface that engulfs the phage. 10 We immediately discount possibility 5, that of an overall salt covering. Lyubchenko et al [26], eliminated this on the grounds that their height measurements under water were not significantly different than observed in dry samples. In our case, we have used 30 times lower salt concentrations and applied the sample by spin coating. Thus, the residual solution salts in our samples should be two to four orders of magnitude less than those present in Lyubchenko's [26] studies. Possibility 4 above also is extremely unlikely since the high tip forces present in the plateau region of the heightforce curve would certainly have resulted in penetration of any water layer present. Moreover, as we shall see later, the water layer is too thin at 60% RH to account for the discrepancy in height. Figure 5. Tapping mode AFM images obtained from fd phage on mica measured at 25% humidity (RH) at two extreme values of set point. The set point for image A was 90% of the free amplitude while that for image B was only 10% of the free amplitude. The gray scale extends over 5 nm in height. Information regarding possibility 3 can be obtained by comparing tapping and contact mode data. As shown by comparison of Figures 1 and 2, tapping mode imaging is less sensitive to changes in adhesion forces than is contact mode. It also turns out that the normal forces associated with the tapping mode have much less effect on biological samples than might be expected based solely upon the cantilever spring constant and tapping amplitude [42] because of visco-elastic effects play a significant role in most biological samples [42,43]. In fact, it has been shown that cell walls are extremely hard when tested with impulsive force lasting about 1 millisecond or less [43]. The resistance of phage to tapping mode forces can be seen from Figure 5, where images of the same phage are compared at the extreme values of set point. The left hand image was taken with the set point just at the upper margin of image formation while the right hand image 11 was acquired with too much damping - a set point of only 10% of the free oscillation amplitude. Sectional analysis gives a phage height of 2.8 and 2.2 nm for the left and right images, respectively. In the broad region of set point values between these obvious extremes, the height averaged 2.6 nm. Figure 6. Tapping mode AFM images obtained from fd phage on mica measured at 15% and 98% relative humidity (RH) respectively. To provide information regarding possibilities 1 and 2, a systematic study of phage images as a function of relative humidity was needed. Based on the observations presented in figures 4, it is expected that tapping mode images will be relatively free of the set point sensitivity seen in contact mode imaging. We therefore measured the heights of several (5-10) different phage at 5 positions well-spaced along the filament lengths under various humidity conditions using tapping mode. Representative gray scale images of the extremes in humidity conditions are presented in Figure 6. Figure 7 reports the measured heights at various relative humidity values determined by these tapping mode measurements. The smooth curve connecting the points in figure 7 is an empirically fit quadratic function, 3.95 -0.076(%RH) + 0.00040(%RH)2 nm. The limiting value of height measured at zero RH is therefore 4.0 nm, which is somewhat less than the X-ray diffraction value of 5.5 nm. The possibility that the tip does not penetrate a mica covering water layer in tapping mode must again be considered. However, Beaglehole [44] has shown that the adsorbed water layer on mica is quite thin. Figure 7 also reproduces Beaglehole's results for water layer thickness as a function of RH. Even assuming that the water layer was impenetrable to the tip, there is just not enough water 12 on the mica surface to account for the smaller height value compared to the estimates from diffraction. Van Noort has recently demonstrated that mica surfaces in air appear to be 'stickier' than many organic layers [35]. This relative adhesive force can affect the tapping mode cantilever motion and can produce height anomalies of the order of 1 to 10 nm, with the stickier surface appearing to be relatively higher [35]. Thus even a very thin water layer might produce some reduction in apparent phage height. Figure 7. Phage height, as measured by tapping mode AFM, plotted versus relative humidity. The standard deviation of every point was less than 15% of the plotted value. The smooth curve is a quadratic function. Also shown is the statistical thickness of adsorbed water on mica based on the work of Beaglehole and coworkers. Another source of height reduction is through adhesive forces between the mica and phage. Consider a cylinder composed of protein subunits on a smooth, flat mica surface. Certainly there would be some flattening due to adhesive forces between the surface and the cylinder. Flattening from a perfect cylinder to an ellipsoid with an a/b ratio of about 1.9 nm would be required to account for a height of 4 rather than 5.5 nm, assuming no compression during the contact with the tip. This degree of flattening seems entirely reasonable, and is depicted in Figure 8a, where the idealized circular cross section and more realistic elliptical section are shown. Also shown in the Figure is the ionic solution layer discussed below. 20.0 nm Salt layer 4.0 nm 5.5 nm Figure 8. Schematic cross sectional view of phage on the mica surface. On the left, is the situation as we envisage it at very low relative humidity. On the right, is the idealized case of phage unaffected by surface forces with dimensions based on intra-phage spacing as determined by X-ray diffraction. 13 In our several hundred measurements of the height of fd phage at various humidity values, the largest observed value was 3.6 nm at 15% RH - our lowest controlled humidity value. This is less than the value of 5.4 nm reported previously for M13 at "less than 20% RH" [24]. We cannot explain the previous, high value for M13 in terms of differences in sample or experimental conditions. The differences are especially curious given the fact that contact mode measurements were used in the case of the M13 study [24], and the current work strongly suggests that contact mode AFM studies on biological samples generally gives height values that are too low. Given the rapidly evolving nature of AFM, the difference between our maximum value of 3.6 nm and the value of 5.4 nm reported for M13 may be due to differences in instrumentation and data analysis protocols. The nearly perfect quadratic nature of the drop in height with increasing relative humidity is difficult to understand. That there should be some decrease in observed height with RH is consistent with the calculations of Van Noort et al., but their results are not sufficiently quantitative to predict the form of the variation with RH [35]. Curiously, there is another example of a nearly quadratic variation with humidity in the phage literature. Marvin [45] measured the a-axis (phage separation) lattice parameter of the crystalline regions of fd fibers as a function of relative humidity and found that the lattice spacing increased with increasing humidity, with rapid rise occurring above about 40% RH. If that data is fit to a quadratic curve, it fits nicely and is of the form : a(nm) = 0.0125RH2 - 0.39RH + 5.6. The similarity is probably fortuitous, however, since there is little change in the a lattice parameter below 30%, while the AFM height has dropped by a factor of 2 in this same range. To our knowledge, the only published detailed humidity versus image attribute studies of a biological samples are concerned with DNA [32,37]. Both of these studies used contact mode exclusively. In the first study [32], the height of DNA was found to be relatively insensitive to humidity until it exceeded about 30%, after which it dropped linearly with RH. In the second study [37], the apparent height of DNA decreased sharply when the humidity increased from 5% to 15%, but then did not change upon increase to 23%. While our results are in sharp contrast, we are not suggesting that this previous work is in error. Phage is structurally much more complex than DNA. Its interaction with water, with the surface of mica, and with the tip are all likely to be different than occurs with DNA. The measured widths of phage in tapping mode are more a function of tip choice than of relative humidity, and average about 45 nm. This value is very close to the 50 nm measured in contact mode under low force conditions. Thus, tip width effects may be playing a relatively small role in determining the apparent phage width since tapping mode tips are generally sharper than contact mode tips. This suggests the possibility of a meniscus like layer of water containing ions (presumably from the ammonium bicarbonate buffer, potassium and hydroxyl ions from the mica surface, and carbonate from the air) surrounding the phage and helping to neutralize the negative surface charge [1] on the phage. As the relative humidity increases, water would be preferentially 14 adsorbed into this ionic solution, thereby changing the equilibrium configuration of the phage-mica, phage-solution, and phage-air interfaces. This picture is consistent with the fact that the phage height decreases to its equilibrium value in only about 8 minutes with a step increase in humidity (20% to 60% RH); but, it remains at the high RH value 9 hours after being returned to a 20% RH environment. Interestingly, if the same sample is then heated to 70 °C in a vacuum oven followed by measurement in air at about 20% RH, the observed height is found to be 2.8 nm, which is close to the value observed before exposure to higher humidity. In the limit of zero relative humidity, the ionic salt residue would continue to cause an apparent increased width in each phage. This hypothetical situation is illustrated in a very schematic form in Figure 8. While the above picture of an ionic solution meniscus between the sides of the phage and the mica surface can account for the large observed width and some change in height as the phage collapses towards the mica surface, it is more difficult to see how it produces a dramatic height reduction and why that reduction is quadratic. The fact that vacuum drying restores the measured phage height clearly indicates that the phage is not being unraveled in some fashion. Further, the measured heights at very high relative humidity are clearly un-physically small being less than the diameter of the DNA strand that runs through the phage. It is likely that visco-elastic effects of the type discussed by Van Noort [35] are playing a significant role in the imaging process. CONCLUSIONS Use of AFM for the study of biological molecules is increasing rapidly. Although relative humidity has been known for some time to alter the appearance of AFM images, the complex nature of these changes has been poorly appreciated. The studies presented here on the filamentous phage fd may be the first controlled study on the effects of RH on AFM images of biological structure as complex as a virus. The demonstration that humidity changes can result in an approximately 10-fold change in the measured height of the structurally stable fd phage, and that approximately correct heights are only obtained after careful extrapolation to zero relative humidity, provides compelling data for the need to make multiple measurements of height under varying conditions of RH during investigations of biological structure by AFM. Moreover, the fact that height measurements on phage are extremely sensitive to RH over the range from below 15% to 100%, while those on DNA appear to be insensitive to humidity values in the range of 15% to 30% strongly suggests that further careful humidity studies on biological samples are needed. Fd phage was studied by both contact and tapping mode AFM. It was found that the height measurements made in contact mode were never reliable, but that reliable height values could be obtained by extrapolation of tapping mode results. In tapping mode, the relative humidity in which the sample had equilibrated and was measured is a critical factor in the accuracy of the measured height. Well dried samples gave the tallest 15 images, and the height extrapolated to zero relative humidity was in satisfactory agreement with crystallographic results. The apparent height of the phage in tapping mode varied quadratically with the stabilized relative humidity. The measured height of the phage in contact mode varied with both relative humidity and applied tip force. Sample preparation also played a critical role in the quality of results obtained. Uncoated and undoped, freshly cleaved mica served as an effective substrate provided that a spin-coating procedure with very low salt content solutions was used. Humidity control was also a key element in achieving stable and reliable sample preparation. While the AFM images responded rapidly to increases in relative humidity, decreases in humidity were not reflected in the AFM for periods of tens of hours. The measured height reported in the literature for the M13 phage (5.4 nm) [24] is in reasonable agreement with our determination for fd phage (4.0 nm), as is expected based on the similarity of their structures. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Miss Jeniffer Uehara for her efforts during early stages of this project, the National Science Foundation for financial support (Grant 9205197), and Stanley Van and Molecular Kinetics for their support of X. Ji during his stay at Washington State University. REFERENCE 1 D. A. Marvin and B. Hohn, Bacteriol. Rev. 33 (1969) 172-209 D. A. Marvin, W. J. Pigram, R. L. Wiseman, E. J. Wachtel, and F.J. Marvin, J. Mol. Biol. 88 (1974) 581-598 3 L. Makowski, L. in The Structures of Biological Macromolecules," (1984) pp 203253, Wiley, New York. 4 D. A. Marvin, R. D. Hale, C. Nave, and M. Helmer-Citterich, J. Mol. Biol. 235 (1994) 260-286. 5 P. Model, and M. Russel, in ”The Bacteriophages" (Calendar, R., Ed.) (1988) pp 375456, Plenum Publishing Corp., New York. 6 K.C. Holmes in "Structural Molecular Biology" (eds Davies, D. B., Saenger, W. & Danyluk, S. S.) 475-505 (Plenum, NY., 1982). 7 M. J. Gluckman, S. Bhattacharjee, and L. Makowski, J. Mol. 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