Council Reports – Spring 2016 - American Society of Safety Engineers

Spring 2016
ASSE Strategic Goal 1: ASSE will be recognized as the thought leader of the profession by
initiating new ideas, innovations, and solutions to guide OSH professionals.
3. Promote the value of risk-based occupational safety and health decision making.
 The Risk Assessment Committee has developed plans for 7 new videos to be released
the next calendar year. Three previously planned videos are currently in production.
 The committee has also developed the outline for 2 new certificate/seminar programs,
Risk Assessment Facilitator Training (1-2 days) and Risk Assessment Management
Training (4 - 8 hours).
 The RAI website has been reviewed and is currently in the process of having content
 The Risk Assessment Committee is working on the development of a web-based tool
that could be completed online and downloaded, designed to draw more traffic to the
Risk Assessment Institute website.
 Barriers: Funding is necessary to create more videos, seminars, other training materials,
and business case studies.
ASSE Strategic Goal 2: ASSE will define the standards of professional competency and be
the authoritative resource for OSH professionals seeking training, education and development.
1. Gain consensus within the safety community on the definitions of the various levels of safety
professionals and practitioners.
 On January 29th a group of subject matter experts were brought in for a meeting to
define student learning outcomes based on core competencies defined last April. The
learning outcomes will be used to inform ABET accreditation as well as provided as a
model for all OSH programs.
3. Expand the number of accredited college and university safety and health programs.
 One new program will be seeking initial accreditation in the fall.
 ASSE has received work that Aramco is helping advance the development of a new
associate’s program in safety at a local Saudi university.
4. Grow the professionalism and career development of SH&E professionals with programs
based on criteria for professional competence and assessment of their needs.
 Coordination of the ASSE Learning Management System with the INSHPO Capability
ASSE Strategic Goal 4: ASSE will be the voice of the OSH Profession.
Increase ASSE’s influence in the development of regulations and legislation that affect the
practice of the profession or the activities of the Society.
 ASSE members James Thornton, Chair of CoPA, and Jim Smith, Senior Vice President,
represented ASSE in speaking at an OSHA meeting to announce the release of draft
Safety and Health Program Management Guidelines. ASSE was the only stakeholder
with two representatives who presented at the meeting. Comments are in the process of
being prepared by Gary Lopez, Chair of the Government Affairs Committee and will be
submitted by the February 22 deadline. President Mike Belcher will speak for ASSE at a
stakeholder meeting OSHA is holding March 10 in Washington, DC. ASSE is already
discussing with OSHA cooperative ways to promote use of the guidelines in a visible
 On February 17, President Mike Belcher will meet with leaders of CSB, NIOSH and
OSHA. A meeting is also scheduled with the office of Senator Isakson (R-GA).
 The Government Affairs Committee met October 22-23 at ASSE in Park Ridge. A
comment on OSHA’s Accurate Record Rulemaking was finalized. The Committee
decided not to engage in current efforts to require safety education in schools. The
Committee did support the Truck Safety Act [SB 1739] and the effort to adopt 6-foot fall
protection in California. The Committee engaged in a conversation on the strategic
purpose of ASSE.
 Staff has engaged in conversations to develop cooperative efforts with the International
Safety Equipment Association and the National Safety Council. Possible cooperative
efforts could, if agreed on, be developed in education, certification development,
standards, communications, international efforts and member advancement.
 ASSE supported the nominations of four members to serve on OSHA’s ACCSH and one
member to serve on the NIOSH Board of Scientific Counselors.
 ASSE submitted comments on OSHA’s Notice of Proposed Rule Clarification of
Employer’s Continuing Obligation to Make and Maintain an Accurate Record of Each
Recordable Injury and Illness, which ASSE opposed.
 ASSE submitted comments for OSHA’s Request for Information on Chemical
Management and Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs), including our recently adopted
White Paper Options for Improvement of OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs),
which supported the use of control banding to move the issue forward.
 ASSE members in California appeared before the Cal OSHA Standards Board to
support the 6-foot residential fall protection standard.
 ASSE members in Arizona have communicated with legislators about certain provisions
of an OSHA reform bill that could have a negative effect on reporting violations to the
state OSHA plan.
5. Expand the role of the safety professional in corporate social responsibility and sustainability
policy development.
The Center for Safety and Health Sustainability published a white paper entitled “The
Accounting Revolution and the New Sustainability – Implications for the OSH
Professional.” It is anticipated a number of short communication pieces will be created
from the white paper.
James Thornton
Vice President, Council on Professional Affairs
Spring 2016
ASSE Strategic Goals and Objectives
Goal 1: ASSE will be recognized as the thought leader of the profession by initiating new ideas,
innovations and solutions to guide SH&E professionals.
Planning for the 2016 Professional Development Conference is continuing with the program
complete with morning General Sessions on Monday and Tuesday, a Blockbuster Session,
Executive Summit and a Closing General Session. The program also includes an Academic
Forum, Spanish Track and over 250+ concurrent educational sessions. The International Society
for Fall Protection will hold a symposium in conjunction with the Conference beginning the
afternoon of the last day of the Conference. The marketing effort got off to an early start and
registrations to date are strong. See the graph in the dashboard. The Exposition sales are
strong and are closing in on last year’s record pace. (1.1 and 1.2)
The Fall 2015 live symposium on Construction Safety and was conducted November 12 -13 in
New Orleans. Featured sessions included presentations by the “BlackOps US Navy SEALS” on
execution, Fall Protection, and the new OSHA Confined Space Standard. There were 226 (191
paid) attendees. (1.4, 1.5)
Sales of technical publications are similar thus far this fiscal year to last year. (1.4 and 1.5)
Applications for the third annual Award for Innovation in Safety Management opened in
December 2015, and the award will be presented at Safety 2016. (1.5)
Goal 2: ASSE will define the standards of professional competency and will be the authoritative resource
for SH&E professionals seeking training, education and development.
The variety of programs in education include: the Professional Development Conference, Live
and Virtual Symposia, Certificate Programs (Safety Management, Executive Program, Global
Safety and Risk Assessment), SeminarFest, Webinars, Certification Prep (for ASP, CSP, OHST,
CHST, CHMM and STS) Workshops and Onsite Seminars. Collectively they address the breadth
and depth of the education needs of OSH professionals and reflect solutions of existing and
emerging issues. (2.4 and 2.5).
Current and recent noteworthy activity includes (2.4 and 2.5):
o SeminarFest 2016 Program is in progress as of the date of this report. A record number
of attendees are registered. See the dashboard graph.
o A virtual symposium “A New View on Safety Incentives” was conducted in January with 88
o The Risk Assessment Certificate Program continues to be very successful and is sold out
at the 2016 SeminarFest with 90+ attendees. We offer this at the PDC Pre-Conference
Seminars, several other scheduled times throughout the year and as an Onsite Program
o A revision of the Executive Program in Safety Management will be completed later this
year with a pilot delivered this Fall.
o The Certificate Program for the ISO 45001Standard Safety Management Systems
Standard is under development with progress keeping pace with development of the
standard which is due to be issued early 2017.
Goal 3: ASSE will be the recognized source of SH&E knowledge and resources.
As noted previously, Professional Development’s contribution to the BOK includes the annual
PDC Proceedings, videos, webinars as well as articles, white papers and Presentations (e.g.,
PPTs) from education events. Safety 2015’s Proceeding has been made available to the BOK.
Goal 6: ASSE will expand its sphere of influence through diverse and responsible Society growth.
We participated at the Messe Dusseldorf’s A+A Safety Tradeshow October 27-30, 2015,
Europe’s (and the World’s) largest safety and health tradeshow by exhibiting along with
presenting two sessions addressing US standards. (6.4)
The Onsite Seminar Program is continuing its strong performance in FY2016, having already
surpassed its target budget. (6.5)
The Global Certificate in Safety Management Program in conjunction with the Kuwait Chapter
was cancelled by the Kuwait Chapter.
We conducted a CSP Prep Workshop in December 2015 in Dubai in conjunction with a Fleming
Gulf event. (6.5)
Continuing the growth of the Exposition is a major goal this year with a variety of initiatives
planned to stimulate traffic to the Expo including Flash Sessions on the expo floor, a product
showcase as well as attendee activities on the expo floor.
Christine M. Sullivan, CSP, ARM
Vice President
Council on Professional Development
Spring 2016
ASSE Strategic Goal and Objective:
Goal 1: ASSE will be recognized as the thought leader of the profession by initiating new ideas,
innovations and solutions to guide SH&E professionals.
The Consultants Directory has 500+ consultants registered in the Directory. The Board
of Directors voted to go in a different direction for strategic reasons and the Directory will
be discontinued on June 1, 2016. We are currently finalizing a transition plan for
consultants registered in the Directory.
The Council will be meeting on Sunday at the PDC before the House of Delegates
Meeting in Atlanta. There is also a motion for the Winter 2016 BOD Meeting that would
permit CoPS to have three meetings per year. The cost of the meetings would be offset
by an increase in the common interest group fees.
The portals are all up and running offering a wide range of articles, updates, and blog
materials. Data indicates that the use of the portals is comparable to readership of the
past Z-MAG publications. We are working on a communication plan for CoPS to see if
use of the portals can be increased.
The ASSE Web Team created a tool that can allow for more efficient downloads of
governmental source documents. The Web Team recently imported almost 350
documents from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers into the BOK that address
occupational safety, health, and environmental management.
We continue to see interest in the concepts behind leading indicators and the impact on
OSH management practices.
Goal 2: ASSE will define the standards of professional competency and will be the authoritative
resource for SH&E professionals seeking training, education and development.
We continue to assist CoPD with webinar topics, symposium ideas, and PDC speakers.
CoPS is supporting CoPD this fall with and ISO 45001 Symposium and there have been
standards related webinars. The intent is that that our portals will provide a solid means
to publish technical content about such events and generate attendance. This continues
to provide solid partnership opportunities for ASSE with revenue, brand recognition, and
moving safety forward (2.4 and 2.5).
CoPS continues to assist CoPD as they create a training program for the pending ISO
45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Standard. The initial work
continues and the structure of the programs and courses is being reviewed. The
Technical Advisory Group will be meeting in Dallas during the last week of February.
We believe the document coming out of this meeting will be close to the final standard
being put out for vote as an ISO Draft International Standard.
Update as of February 6, 2016
CoPS continues to support the Risk Assessment Institute via the Risk Management and
Insurance Practice Specialty. Jim Newberry continues to be active with the Institute.
Jim Newberry has actively been advocating for more inclusion of risk assessment in the
proposed ISO 45001 Standard. We also will partner with CoPA to have more content
about the Institute available to members via the portals.
The ANSI/ASSE Z490 Committee proposed a new standard: BSR/ANSI/ASSE Z490.2201X “Accepted Practices for Virtual Training in Occupational Safety, Health, and
Environmental Management.” The committee is working on a scope of work and will be
submitting the document to the ASSE Standards Development Committee for approval
to launch.
Goal 3: ASSE will be the recognized source of SH&E knowledge and resources.
We continue to grow the SH&E Body of Knowledge (BOK) with approximately 10,600
assets. We concluded our summer project of reviewing and pruning the BOK of
duplicate materials and updating some of the URL sites. We have over 15,000
registered users. About 800 of the users do not belong to ASSE, which means about
37% of the Society membership are registered to use the BOK. The challenge with the
program continues to be the impact of pending new searching technologies impacting
the viability of the BOK as a cutting edge tool for safety professionals. The advantage of
using the BOK is that the current search engine allows for targeted immediate results.
As new searching related software is launched and readily available to the general
public, the concern is how this would impact the long term viability of the BOK. There is
also now some research and review taking place with potentially incorporating the BOK
into other ASSE products and services and moving forward with tying a competence
model to the BOK, (3.1).
The portals have generated a number of positive comments and have been used as a
vehicle to recruit and retain practice specialty, common interest group, and ASSE
members overall. We do not have any data yet at this point, but will continue to review.
We have had no problems with identifying content to be used on the blog sites. The
primary challenge with this program will be the submission of monthly technical content
(articles) by some of the practice specialties and common interest groups. A good
example is the Management Practice Specialty site at: If
you are not a member of the Management PS you can view the site by using this code
for access through the end of next July and can be used on all the portals: FA1516.
Our ANSI/ASSE standards program continues to move forward and become stronger
with solid results for revenue, brand recognition, and moving safety forward in the private
and public sectors. We have over 100 standards, subgroups, and over 1,500 OSH
Professionals working on consensus standards that move safety forward (3.4 and 3.5):
Safety Requirements for Construction and Demolition Operations, A10
Protection of Floor and Wall Openings, A1264
Ventilation Systems, Z9
Safety Management, Z10
Respiratory Protection, Z88
Motor Vehicle Safety, Z15
Confined Spaces, Z117
Update as of February 6, 2016
8. Control of Hazardous Energy – Lockout/Tagout Z244
9. Fall Protection, Z359
10. Safety, Health and Environmental Training, Z490, Z390
11. Competence and Certification in the Safety Profession, Z590
12. USTAG on Fall Protection
13. USTAG on Safety & Health Management Systems
14. USTAG on Risk Management
We have several high level standards moving forward with ongoing revisions of Z244.1, Z117,
and A1264.1. New versions of the Z490.1 Training Standard and the A10.4 Elevator Standard
have been released. We are still working on a pending release of the revised ANSI/ASSE Z359
Fall Protection Code during Summer 2016. Our ANSI/ASSE Standards LinkedIn site continues
to draw interest:
All of the ANSI/ASSE tech briefs can also be viewed on the standards information page:
Goal 4: ASSE will be the voice of the SH&E profession.
The proposed ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management Standard has strengthened
the ASSE brand as a global safety leader, (4.1, 4.2, and 4.5). The ASSE Web Team
developed a new website and the tech brief have helped generate interest. The global
committee (ISO PC283) will meet in Canada during early June and we hope to see
another ballot-ready draft during the early part of 2016 (Final Draft International
The new site is:
ISO 45001 Tech Brief
45001 Tech Brief #1
45001 Tech Brief #2
45001 Tech Brief #3
Our LinkedIn Sites continue to be of some value in getting out the word on the value of
belonging to a CoPS related group. Our LinkedIn sites have almost 25,000 active
participants and are continuing to grow. Our Transportation LinkedIn site continues to
draw approximately ten requests a day from people not belonging to ASSE. Anybody
turned down receives a note and solicitation asking them to become members of ASSE
and/or the appropriate practice specialty or common interest group, (4.1 and 4.2).
The WISE Common Interest Group recently held an open call that had over 180
attendees. The focus of the call was on WISE activities and how ASSE members can
get involved.
Laura Clements from CoPA has taken on management of the Common Interest Groups
in addition to her other duties. She has a passion for working with such groups and will
Update as of February 6, 2016
be working to create even more opportunities for success and continue to get these
groups better connected to ASSE overall.
Goal 5: ASSE will foster and sustain a global community among SH&E professionals.
Our various global standards activities with ISO PC 283 (safety and health), ISO TC262
(risk management), and ISO TC94/SC4 (fall protection) continue to expand. The
revision of ISO 31000 (Risk Management) could be high profile since the standard is
continuing to use on a global basis and we have had inquiries from different countries
and regions.
Our A10 Construction and Demolition Standards have been used in more than twenty
countries and the Z359 fall protection standards are also widely used in Central/South
America and the Middle East. Our Z390 H2S Training Standard is being revised and we
expect more global use when the revised standard is released (5.3).
The International Practice Specialty continues to focus its efforts on creating a network
of global OSH professionals exchanging information and ideas to help enhance safety.
The Society elections are interesting since we continue see an increase in candidates
from outside the United States. This could be a budgeting issue for the future since
travel expenses would/could increase.
Goal 6: ASSE will expand its sphere of influence through diverse and responsible Society
Common interest groups continue to support diversity within the Society. As of February
1st, our PS and CIG numbers are 23,951 and 7,489 members. We did lose a number of
complimentary student members after their graduation gift expired. However, after that
drop our number increased during Fall 2015. We will continue to get new student
members and our membership revenue also increased. The Oil and Gas PS lost 100
members. This potentially indicates the low cost of fuel is having some impact on areas
such as industry/practice groups. Business forecasts in indicate that fuel prices will rise
during the second half of 2016 and that safety will continue to be a significant issue with
the overall issue of energy generation, (6.2, 6.3, and 6.4).
We are continuing to review the sustainability of several technical branches and practice
specialties. The Branches may not have the required numbers to sustain themselves
and the Council is reviewing for future actions. This will be a topic of discussion during
the CoPS Meeting in June before the PDC. Our past model of using branches to grow
practice specialties was successful. However, our assumptions made about the
performance of past branches (Oil and Gas, Manufacturing, etc…) did not translate over
to our current offerings. The Council reached consensus that new branches will not be
created until a more extensive research is done on the possible number of participants,
industry potential, and economics.
Update as of February 6, 2016
We continue to evaluate our CoPS groups for the value they provide to their members
and the Society. Approximately 50% of ASSE members do not see the value in paying
an additional fee to be a member of a practice specialty or common interest group and
believe such groups should be part of regular membership. We will continue this
discussion during the meeting prior to the PDC, (6.3).
Update as of February 6, 2016
The Council on Region Affairs has agreed upon four areas of focus and priority for the 2015 –
2016 year. Progress in these areas is reported below.
Global Chapter Operations: With the addition of the Global RVP, global chapter operations
will be re-built – focused on Global member needs.
 The Global RVP, Ashok Garlapati has begun his transition into developing
recommendations for the Global Chapters. One of his first actions as Global RVP has been
to conduct a town hall with the Global Chapter leaders, giving them a connection to the
Global region and one another.
 The Global RVP will be facilitating a CSP preparation workshop at the upcoming Nigeria
Chapter PDC in March 2016.
 A Global Region strategy session is being held at ASSE Headquarters on February 19,
2016 with the Global RVP, VP of Region Affairs, Deputy VP of CoRA, and key staff
stakeholders. This session will focus on identifying barriers and opportunities unique to
Global Chapters, examining the criteria and performance expectations for Global chapters,
and developing goals for the Global Region.
 In June 2016 a follow-up strategy session is planned where the Global RVP will report
recommendations and findings for CoRA’s discussion and evaluation.
Increasing Efficiency: CoRA is focused on increasing efficiency for ASSE Chapters, Regions,
and Areas and their respective leaders and succession planning for the role of RVP.
 A redesigned Officer Central has launched, The redesign was led by the
Chapter Operations Committee and included research from 187 chapter officers and web
analytics. Beta testing was performed and the initial evaluation results rate the redesign, (in
terms of intuitive layout, easy to find information, answers the officer’s questions, and meets
overall expectations) an average of 4.35 on a five point scale.
 The RVP Dashboard interface has been built and data migration has been completed. The
data migration is currently being tested and the API with the COMT tool is being built.
RVP’s will begin testing the dashboard for usability in February or early March.
 The Education and Training Committee developed a face-to-face training module that is
being rolled out for the Regional Operation Committee (ROC) meetings. This module is
focused on succession planning and effective officer transition. This type of training module
will be tested at the Spring ROC’s and modified based on the officer feedback. The training
module contains, facilitator guides, training PowerPoint slides, participant exercises, take
home resources and checklists, and evaluation resources.
Region/Area Alignment: Determine the most effective and efficient model to support Chapters
through Regions and/or Areas.
 CoRA wanted to know, would it be more effective to eliminate Areas and expand Regions or
to continue with the current model of Areas? And, if we continue with Areas, what changes
do we need to make to ensure the Area model is the most effective and efficient way to
support and lead ASSE Chapters? CoRA launched a working group to perform the
research and evaluation to answer these questions.
 Based on the research conducted, CoRA has determined that continuing to leverage Areas
is the most effective model to support ASSE US Chapters. However, Areas and Area
Directors must become more engaged with the Regional Operating Committees and
CoRA has approved a motion, which has been submitted to the Board, to change the
bylaws to ensure that Regional Operating Committees include both Area Directors and
Chapter Presidents.
CoRA has determined that the most efficient model will be to institute as much consistency
as possible in the governing models amongst the various regions. CoRA is working with
Regions 1, 3, and 7 to institute Areas within these regions.
A recent proposal has been submitted to request funding for Area Director travel to the
Annual Leadership Conference. The Finance Committee is not recommending this be
funded in FY17, due to the goal of maintaining a break even budget. CoRA will investigate
the Region’s funding this initiative and also explore cost saving measures to incorporate
funding in the FY18 operational budget.
Student Initiatives: Leverage external stakeholders and research to recommend specific goals
relevant to the ASSE Student Member and Young Professional segment.
 The 11th annual Future Safety Leaders Conference was held November 5-6, 2015 at the
Westin in Lombard, Illinois. 145 students from 47 different colleges and universities from
across the U.S. attended the conference. Attendees had the opportunity to hear sessions
on real cost of safety and calculating safety ROI. The students also attended breakout
sessions covering mock interviews, resume critiques, branding yourself and thinking and
speaking on your feet. 93.4% of student attendees responded that the conference met or
exceeded their expectations and 96% surveyed would recommend the conference to a
peer. The 2016 Future Safety Leaders Conference will be held November 2-4, 2016, at the
Oak Brook Marriott.
 A webinar focused on “Enhancing Your Student Section” was held for student section
officers, faculty advisors and student affair chairs and covered topics such as officer roles
and responsibilities, Future Safety Leaders Conference, Student Membership Drive, Safety
2016, and scholarships available through the ASSE Foundation. The webinar hosted over
30 participants and the recorded session has been available to all relevant stakeholders.
In addition to the priority areas of focus, CoRA and its standing committees have also made
progress in additional areas, which have direct impact on the ASSE Strategic plan.
ASSE Strategic Goal: ASSE will expand its sphere of influence through diverse and
responsible Society growth.
As of February 1, 2016 total membership is 37,062 with a 90% FY retention rate compared to
36,669 and 92% as of February 1, 2015. See attached Addendum for additional detail.
Recent new member and retention campaigns include:
 A reinstate call campaign recently concluded, resulting in ASSE welcoming back 98
previous members. The campaign targeted members who lapsed between February and
September of 2015.
 2,458 new members joined through the 2015 Member-Get-A-Member campaign compared
with 2,701 over the same time period in 2014 (10% behind the 2014 performance) with 811
sponsors participating, compared with 899 in 2014 (11% behind last year’s numbers).
Nearly $2,500 was raised for the Member-Get-A-Member scholarship fund in 2015. The
2016 Member Get a Member Campaign is being re-branded to refresh the design,
messaging, incentives, and strategies in efforts to make up the performance gap we saw in
2015 compared to previous year’s performance.
ASSE has welcomed 110 new members who have qualified for a complimentary one year
ASSE membership, associated with their Seminarfest registration. (Any non-member 2016
Seminarfest registrant who has never been an ASSE member, and who spent over $750 in
registration dues). ASSE has seen a 45% retention rate for Seminarfest complimentary
Seminarfest attendees who have previously been ASSE members or non-members who did
not qualify for a free membership are being targeted in a variety of channels as membership
A test campaign was developed that is targeting non-member Chapter meeting participants.
To date 400 non-members have been targeted and 4 have joined.
244 new student members were recruited in the fall student membership drive, compared to
160 in the previous year’s membership drive resulting in a 52% performance increase.
Ongoing campaigns continue to launch actively recruiting prospects who have had some
interaction with ASSE. This could be in the form of a purchase (besides membership), a web
form, an incomplete application or an event registration. Email and direct sales approaches
are being utilized.
A new initiative was launched in October 2015 to engage new members through the first 6
months of their membership. This engagement is in the form of a series of communications
that introduces the member to various aspects of the Society. So far the engagement level
with the email series is positive, with an average email open rate of 35% and an average
click through rate of 9.6%. First year renewal rates will be tracked with the ultimate goal
being that the renewal rates increase due to a more engaged member.
The Membership Development Committee is testing two new initiatives to aide in member
recruitment and communication of member value. The MDC will be hosting a prospective
membership webinar, to communicate value to prospective members and organizations.
The committee is also developing a Regional membership drive to integrate leadership
recruitment efforts.
Chapter & Student Section Operations
 A group of members in Pakistan, under the advisement of Global Ambassadors Ashok
Garlapati and Jitu Patel have submitted a Chapter charter request for an ASSE Pakistan
Chapter. CoRA has reviewed and approved. The Charter proposal will now be evaluated
by the Board of Directors.
 The Arkansas - Northwest Arkansas Community College student section closed in
November 2015, due to inactivity. Regions III have welcomed the three remaining members
to the local Chapter and will continue to engage them on a local level.
 Rocky Mountain – Colorado State University & New Jersey – New Jersey Institute of
Technology have both formed an ASSE Student Section. These groups are highly engaged
with their Region and local Chapters and Society staff is developing relationships with their
faculty advisor and student section leaders.
 The Maine, Stateline, and Michiana Chapter have been struggling and with the leadership of
their RVP and help from the Region and Society re-organization plans have been developed
for each of these Chapters.
 The East Tennessee Chapter, Philippines Chapter, and Mexico & Ecuador sections are also
struggling to meet Chapter requirements. These groups do not yet have a plan in place for
course correction or dissolution.
There is an opportunity for two additional student sections, Louisiana State University and
Arizona State University. Local leaders and Society staff are working to determine need and
In the last Board report, we reported concerns with inactivity for 5 India student sections.
After working with Global Ambassadors and India Leadership, two of the student sections,
NICMAR Hyderabad and UPES Dehradun have made progress with both membership and
activity. HNGU Patan, RLI Chennai, TMA Tarapur continue to struggle. Professional staff
will be working with the Chapter leadership in India to determine the root cause of why these
sections are struggling and the appropriate next steps.
Maribeth Anderson, MPA, CSP
Vice President, Region Affairs
Membership Statistics – February 1, 2016
Membership Dashboard
4/1/15 - 2/1/16
New Members
4/1/14 - 2/1/15
New Members by Membership Type Fiscal Year to Date
4/1/15 - 2/1/16
4/1/14 - 2/1/15
Professional Member
International Member
Total Membership by Membership Category
4/1/15 - 2/1/16
International Member
*Retention calculation includes reinstating members.
4/1/14 - 2/1/15
Percent Change
Percent Change
Percent Change