Science and Innovation

Science and Innovation
A Boeing/Teaching Channel Partnership
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft
Landing: Egg Engineering
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Science and Innovation
A Boeing/Teaching Channel Partnership
The Boeing Company and Teaching Channel teamed in 2014 to create problem-based curricula
inspired by science and engineering innovations at Boeing and informed by globally competitive
science, math, and literacy standards. This two-week curriculum unit and the companion video
series are designed to help teachers in grades 4–8 integrate the engineering design process into
their classrooms. The collection of Teaching Channel curricula is one part of a collection of K–12
education resources intended to mark Boeing’s centennial anniversary and prepare the next
generation of innovators.
The materials created by this collaboration were taught by the authoring teachers in Puget Sound and
Houston. In 2016, a panel of science educators will review this content to suggest improvements,
particularly in relation to EQuIP’s Rubric for Science and the evolving NGSS. In the coming months,
we will be working with teachers around the country to improve and iterate on the units to make them
as aligned with NGSS as possible.
Partners at both the University of Washington’s Institute for Science and Math as well as Educate
Texas were instrumental in teacher recruitment for this project. Teachers and engineers in the project
received training from learning scientists at the University of Washington’s Institute for Science and
Math Education, led by Dr. Philip Bell. He and his team also created a design template to support
curricula development to promote alignment to standards and research on science learning and
Please note that the resource links provided in these lessons are intended as helpful illustrations to teachers adapting
the unit for their classrooms and are not an endorsement of specific products or organizations.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Next Generation Science Standards Checklist
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
 
 
Lesson 10
Lesson 4
Lesson 7
Lesson 3
Lesson 2
For more information and the full
description of each standard, please
Lesson 1
The lessons and activities outlined in this unit are part of a process of reaching the
performance expectations listed below. Additional supporting lessons and activities will
be required.
NGSS Performance Expectations for Engineering
MS-ETS1-1. Define the criteria and
constraints of a design problem with
sufficient precision to ensure a
successful solution.
MS-ETS1-2. Evaluate competing
design solutions using a systematic
MS-ETS1-3. Analyze data from tests
to determine similarities and
differences among several design
MS-ETS1-4. Develop a model to
generate data from iterative testing
and modification of a proposed object,
tool, or process
Science and Engineering Practices
Asking questions (science) and
defining problems (engineering)
Developing and using models
Planning and carrying out
Analyzing and interpreting data
Using mathematics and computational
Constructing explanations (science)
and designing solutions (engineering)
Engaging in argument from evidence
Obtaining, evaluating, and
communicating information
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Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 10
Lesson 9
Lesson 8
Lesson 7
Lesson 6
Lesson 5
Lesson 4
Lesson 3
Lesson 2
For more information and the full
description of each standard, please
Lesson 1
Next Generation Science Standards Checklist (cont.)
Engineering Disciplinary Core Ideas
The more precisely a design task's
criteria and constraints can be defined,
the more likely it is that the designed
solution will be successful.
Specification of constraints includes
consideration of scientific principles
and other relevant knowledge likely to
limit possible solutions.
A solution needs to be tested, and
then modified on the basis of the test
results, in order to improve it.
There are systematic processes for
evaluating solutions with respect to
how well they meet the criteria and
constraints of a problem.
Sometimes parts of different solutions
can be combined to create a solution
that is better than any of its
Models of all kinds are important for
testing solutions.
Cross Cutting Concepts
Cause and Effect
Scale, Proportion, and Quantity
Systems and Systems Models
Energy and Matter: Flows, Cycles, and
Structure and Function
Stability and Change
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
In this unit, students’ main challenge is to devise a way to protect an astronaut during
a landing. In the process, they test their ideas and assumptions and consider
alternative approaches to optimize their capsule designs. This egg drop challenge
enhances the traditional focus of this problem by incorporating an electromagnetic
release system that is built into a drop test fixture.
The challenge requires student to ensure consistent drop tests; create models; record
data and test different design features and ideas. Fundamental science concepts
include: gravity, force, shock, material science, and impulse momentum theorem
(increase time of impact to soften the blow) as well as electricity in parallel circuits and
Engineering Design in the Unit
Throughout the unit, student engineers
have many opportunities to explore
various parts of the engineering design
cycle. Early on, they learn about the
overall design challenge: how to design a
capsule drop tower that uses an
electromagnetic release switch –
triggering a capsule release where the
egg inside survives impact on landing.
Students create blueprints and models of
their egg capsule, the electromagnet
drop switch and the test tower. They then
manufacture their “builds” from the
blueprints, test their physical models and
record data. Near the end of the unit,
students write final research reports of
their engineering findings.
Copyright ©2015
Unit Authors
 Destiny Woodbury, 5th Grade Teacher, KIPP
Liberation College Preparatory School, Houston, TX
 Al Williams, Boeing Engineer, Houston, TX
 Tony Castilleja, Boeing Engineer, Houston, TX
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 1: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Grade Level
Lesson Length
Learning Goals
5th-6th Grade
One 50-minute session
1. Engage in teamwork foundation: select a team name, determine group norms and
individual roles, design a logo, and develop a team motto and jingle.
2. Explore the practices of working engineers and what happens during an engineer’s
typical day.
Lesson Overview
In this unit, students move through parts of the engineering design process as a collaborative team.
In today’s lesson, students lay the groundwork for their ongoing collaboration by selecting their
team name, determining group norms, and assigning group roles. Additionally, the students design
a logo and develop a motto and jingle for their fictitious engineering design company. The class
also learns about the daily life of an engineer.
Prior Knowledge
(Foundational science, engineering, and math knowledge students should have)
It is advantageous if students have had previous project-based learning experiences. Similarly, any
experience working in collaborative teams is beneficial.
Key Terms
(Key Terms are under review for alignment to appropriate contextual scientific definitions.)
Copyright ©2015
A person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public
The work done by, or the occupation of, an engineer.
A short slogan, verse, or tune designed to be easily remembered; frequently
used in advertising.
A sentence, phrase, or word expressing the spirit or purpose of a person,
organization, city, etc., and often inscribed on a badge,banner, etc.
Informal guidelines that govern individual behaviors in a group.
Cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting
together in the interests of a common cause.
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 1 Introduction (cont.)
Basic Teacher Preparation
This lesson sets the stage for much of the teamwork that will occur throughout the unit. Be sure to
read through the lesson plan in advance and gather all of the necessary supplies. The lesson kicks
off with use of a KLEWS chart (Know, Learn, Evidence, Wonder, and Scientific Principles). The
KLEWS chart will also be used later in the unit as you introduce the key parts of the project “build.”
The build will include 3 main components: the physical test stand, the electronic drop
controls (which use an electromagnet), and the egg capsule.
Students can generate questions (and what they want to know about the “build”) as you
demonstrate and discuss it using the KLEWS chart.
As you move into the “design build” part of the process, know that it is possible to allocate different
pieces of the design and research to different groups or even different classes.
• For example, one team could focus just on the capsule, another on the drop switch, etc.
• It is also possible to provide more (or less) support in one area to deemphasize it (or
emphasize) it. For example, you might provide the test stand already built if you wanted to
focus more heavily on circuits (in the switch) or force impacts (with the capsule).
However, this lesson plan, and the others in the unit, assume you have teams doing all
components of the design/build process.
Required Preparation
 Gather and/or purchase all required
materials for the lesson
 Determine student groupings
 Download, print, and copy the Egg
Engineering Handbook (1 per student)
Review pages 2 – 6.
o Daily Student Reflection and
Summarizing Template
o KLEWS Chart
o Team Template
 Download, print, and copy the Team Chart
Template (1 per class)
 Download and preview the Egg Engineering
Slideshow (slides # 1-12)
 Review suggested teacher preparation
 Review KLWS explanation
Copyright ©2015
Links/Additional Information
Refer to the Materials List below
Teacher Choice
Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource link]
Team Chart Template [Resource link]
Egg Engineering Slideshow [Resource link]
Refer to the Suggested Teacher Resources
section at the end of this lesson
Refer to the Suggested Teacher Resources
section at the end of this lesson
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 1 Introduction (cont.)
Materials List
Egg Engineering
Team Chart Template
Egg Engineering
Download, print, and
1 per student
copy for students to
use throughout the unit
Download, print, and
1 per class
copy 1 per class
Download and preview 1 per class
slides # 1-12
1 per student
Pencil sharpener
1 per class
Index cards
A few per student
Computer (with
projection capabilities
and PowerPoint®
installed) to play
identified videos and
Student journals
1 per class
1 per group
Copyright ©2015
1 per student
Where to Locate/Buy
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
Available in most
Available in most
Available in schools or
at grocery or office
supply stores
Available in most
Available in most
Available in schools or
at grocery or office
supply stores
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 1
Introduction (10 minutes)
Inform students that in today’s lesson, they will learn what engineering is and what engineers do
on a daily basis. By the end of the unit, they will have a greater understanding of engineering
practices and the reasons why engineers need to work as a team to effectively solve problems in
our world.
On the board or chart paper, prepare a KLEWS chart as shown below. Let students know that
today they will focus on only three parts of the chart: Know, Learn, and Wonder. In future lessons,
they will revisit the chart and add information to the Evidence and Scientific Principles sections.
Explain that the topic for the KLEWS chart is
Engineering. Ask students to individually write
Important Note
down their ideas for the Know, Learn, and
Wonder sections in their KLEWS Chart on pg.
Throughout this unit, students will have
4 of the Egg Engineering Handbook. Then in
several opportunities to add to the class
small groups, invite them to share their ideas
KLEWS chart. Be sure to keep it on the
with each other. Ask each team to share a few
board or displayed so it can be easily
of their Know, Learn, and Wonder examples
with the class. Begin a class KLEWS chart by
writing their information in the appropriate
K: Know
L: Learn
E: Evidence
What do we think What do we want What evidence
we already know to learn about
have we
about engineers this topic?
and what they
W: Wonder
S: Scientific
What do we still
wonder about
What scientific
principles have
we learned?
Explain that engineers use science and math to solve real world problems. Mention that students
will learn more about what engineers do in subsequent lessons.
Important Note
Make sure students understand that not all engineers design. Some engineers test things to
make sure they work. Others analyze testing data to see why things work (or in many cases,
why they do not work). An important part of engineering is to find and fix problems so they
can be avoided in the future.
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Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 1 (cont.)
Group Lesson and Group Sharing (10 minutes)
Choose at least two of the identified videos to
show students what engineering is about and
what engineers do on a daily basis.
Encourage students to update the KLEWS
chart based on the information contained in
the videos.
Video Links
 What Is Engineering? (2:46) [YouTube link]
 Boeing Engineer Profile: Tony Castilleja
(4:08) [Resource link]
 Celebrating Engineering at Boeing (3:46)
([Resource link]
 Job Show for Teens: Engineering Careers
(3:26) [YouTube link]
Team Assignments (2 minutes)
Place students into their assigned teams of 4 or
5 students. Before moving on to the next
activity, be sure that each student is in the
correct group and knows to report to that team
for subsequent lessons. Consider creating and
displaying a chart (example below) to use while
assigning students to their groups. If desired,
the chart can be copied and placed on team
Team 1
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Team 2
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Team 3
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Helpful Tip
Determine student groupings prior to this
first lesson. In doing so, consider factors
that will ensure team collaboration and
productivity. A Team Chart Template has
been provided.
Team 4
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Group Norms (5 minutes)
Inform students that during this unit, their teams will operate as engineering firms. Encourage
them to determine their group norms, providing examples as needed. Some possible examples
• We will share our ideas
• We will ask clarifying questions
• We will ask for help
Have students use the provided Team
Template in the Egg Engineering Handbook
(pg. 4) to list their group norms. Encourage
them to use the sentence stem “We will…” to
begin each norm. Also, provide each team with
a folder for storing all of their documents.
Copyright ©2015
Web Resource
 Egg Engineering Handbook
[Resource link]
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 1 (cont.)
Company Name (3 minutes)
Instruct each team to come up with a name for their fictitious engineering firm. If needed, provide
some examples including:
• The Engineering Divas
• Egg Engineers
• Amazing Engineers
Encourage students to be as creative as they
want, and have them add their team name to
the provided Team Template in the Egg
Engineering Handbook (pg. 4).
Web Resource
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
Company Motto and Logo (7 minutes)
Instruct students to think of a catchy motto and design a logo for their engineering firm. Share
some of the following examples of mottos and logos from familiar companies and organizations:
• Adidas:“Impossible is nothing”
• Apple Computer:“Think Different”
• McDonald’s: “I’m lovin’ it”
• Display logos from companies students will recognize
Encourage students to be as creative as they
want, and have them add their company motto
and logo to the Team Template in the Egg
Engineering Handbook (pg. 4).
Web Resource
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
Group Roles (3 minutes)
Direct students to determine which team members will assume each of these engineering roles.
Descriptions for each role can be found on the Team Template in the Egg Engineering
Handbook (pg. 5).
• Principal Investigator (PI)
• Materials Acquisition Specialist
• Lab Tech
• Scientific Journalist
• Production Schedule Manager
On the Team Template, have the groups list
the name of the student who will take on each
Copyright ©2015
Web Resource
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 1 (cont.)
Group Introductions (10 minutes)
Give the members of each team about 2 minutes to introduce themselves and state their team
name. They should also identify their team roles, talk about their selected group norms, and share
their company motto and logo.
Introduction to the Project (2 minutes)
Introduce students to the basics of the unit.
Explain that they will be presented a design
problem, which they will solve throughout the
unit by working together as engineers. As
appropriate, share how prior learning that has
taken place in your classroom can be applied
during this engineering unit.
Helpful Tip
At this point, there is no need to discuss the
types of models students will be creating.
That specific information will be revealed in
later lessons.
Have students write their company name on the
tab of their team folder, place all of their handouts inside, and then turn in their folders at the end
of class. Teachers should staple the completed Team Template sheets onto the front of each
Student Reflection (3 minutes)
Students will write in their science notebooks or
Day 1 on the Daily Student Reflection and
Summarizing Template in the Egg
Engineering Handbook (pg. 2). Possible
questions to address should include:
• What is Engineering?
• What do Engineers do?
• How does Engineering connect to the real
• Do you think that you would like to be an
Engineer? Why or Why Not?
Web Resource
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
Have students think about and make any desired changes to the company name, motto,
and logo, as well as their team norms.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 1 (cont.)
What evidence will show that students have acquired an enduring understanding of STEM and the
Engineering Design Process for this unit?
Performance Task Projects
Student mini-presentations on their
company’s name, motto, logo, as well
as their team roles and norms, serve
as a key performance task for this
Quizzes, Tests, Academic
Other Evidence
(observations, work samples,
student artifacts, etc.)
Student Self-Assessment
Community Connections
What are the connections that can be drawn between this lesson and your local community?
Many of the Boeing communities have a logical connection to this lesson and its activities.
However, engineering firms and careers are represented in almost all regions. Provide some
examples of those companies, activities, or individuals in your community that represent
engineering in action. By sharing local examples, students can better understand the important
impact of engineering in their community.
Equity in the Classroom
What strategies are suggested for equitable engagement in this lesson?
There are a lot of opportunities for individual engagement. For example, a student
might independently share ideas about what engineering is and what an engineer
does on a daily basis.
Small Group
Small groups will collaborate on several items including their team name, team
members, team roles, group norms, team motto and jingle.
Whole Group
The whole class can benefit from and respond to the team mini-presentations.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 1 (cont.)
Suggested Teacher Resources
NSTA Article on the KLEWS Process or
Methods and Strategies: KLEWS to Explanation-Building in
Video - What is Engineering
Video - Job Show for Teens: Engineering Careers
Video - PBS Learning Media Engineer Profile: Tony Castilleja
Video – Celebrating Engineering at Boeing
Egg Landing Handbook
Daily Student Reflection & Summarizing Table pgs. 2-3
KLEWS Chart Template pg. 4
Team Template pg. 5-6
Team Chart Template
Egg Engineering Slideshow (slides # 1-12)
[Web link 1]
[Web link 2]
[YouTube link]
[YouTube link]
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
KLEWS allows students to track their learning throughout an investigation, building up to the
understanding of a scientific principle. We start with K- What do we think we know? This step
extracts students’ prior knowledge and gives the teacher an idea of what each student brings to
the table (whether it’s correct or not). The next step is L- What are we learning? Students would fill
out this column while investigating with different claims they have to answer the guiding questions.
Simultaneously, students fill out E- What is our evidence? In this step, students list their
observations that they feel substantiate their claims. Next, the students come up with ideas for
further investigation or subsequent questions that came up throughout the investigation in the WWhat do we still wonder about? column. Last is S- What scientific principles/ vocabulary help
explain the phenomena? This step is the last of the investigation, once students have already made
claims and listed their observations. In this step, the teacher explains the concept behind what they
learned. It is crucial that this is the last step because students can make connections to a general
concept from their own, personal experience in the investigation. It also brings the class together at
the conclusion of an experiment. It allows the teacher to consolidate students’ knowledge in a
concise manner. Students should be the ones to dictate the scientific definitions and vocabulary
because if it is in their own words, that demonstrates that they are working with their own
knowledge and applying it, rather than just repeating a concept from a book.
The KLEWS chart moves through all the steps involved in scientific reasoning: CER. C stands for
Claims, which we make in the L section of KLEWS. Then, E stands for Evidence just as it does in
KLEWS. And last, R stands for Reasoning. In the KLEWS chart, it is the S section that involves
scientific reasoning. Throughout an investigation, students list their observations and claims to
answer a guiding question from their observations. Then, at the end, they learn science definitions
which they re-construct to explain specifically how their investigation works because of a scientific
principle. In CER, the Reasoning portion means connecting the evidence to the claim and
explaining why the evidence supports the claim. One must use scientific ideas in the reasoning
portion. The R- and S-aspects boil down to the same thing.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 1 Suggested Teacher Resources (cont.)
The Engineering Design Process
Step 1 Identify the Need or Problem
Describe the engineering design challenge to be
solved: include limits and constraints, who is the
customer, and why this is important to solve.
Step 2 Research Criteria and Constraints
Research how others have solved this or similar
problems and discover what materials have
been used. Be sure to thoroughly research the
design requirements for success.
Step 3 Brainstorm Possible Solutions
Use your knowledge and creativity to generate
as many solutions as possible. During this
brainstorming stage, do not reject any ideas.
Step 4 Select the Best Solution
Each team member presents their solution ideas
to the team. Team members annotate how each
solution does or does not meet each design
requirement. The team then agrees on the
solution that best meets the design
Step 5 Construct a Prototype
Develop an operating version of the solution.
Step 6 Test
Test your solution. Annotate the results from each test to share with your team.
Step 7 Present Results
Present the results from each test to the team.
Step 8 Redesign
The design process involves multiple iterations and redesigns. Determine a redesign to address
failure points and/or design improvements. Redesign is based on the data from your tests, your team
discussion as to the next steps to improve the design, and the engineering design process steps 1-7.
Once your team is confident of their prototype solution, you will find yourself at Step 7 where you will
finally present the results to the client.
1. The client may accept your solution as is, or
2. Ask for additional constraints and criteria to be included in the solution. At this point, you and
your team will revisit the engineering design process and begin the iterative redesign cycle –
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 2: Circuits Galore!
Grade Level
Lesson Length
Learning Goals
5th-6th Grade
One 50-minute session (although you might consider adding another day, if possible)
1. Explain that electricity flows in a closed path to form a circuit and stops when the
circuit is broken.
2. Demonstrate that electricity can produce light, heat, and sound when flowing
through a circuit.
3. Recognize that many everyday devices use electricity to produce light, heat, and
4. Recognize that energy can be transformed from one form to another. Energy cannot
be created or destroyed.
5. Demonstrate that experiments can be designed to test the effects of forces such as
gravity, friction, and magnetism on objects.
6. Recall that forces can change the movement, shape, or position of objects.
7. Discuss the effects of force that can change depending on the amount and type of
force applied to the object.
8. Infer that designing different experiments is also linked to knowing that science is
about exploration and discovery.
Lesson Overview
In today’s lesson, students are introduced to the critical science content and vocabulary they
need to know for this project: circuits (series and parallel), electromagnets, schematic diagram,
and force and motion. Students create a series and parallel circuit, as well as an electromagnet.
This lesson connects to the overall unit in that students will eventually be building test capsules
(containing an egg) and a testing fixture that uses electromagnets to release the capsule for
testing. If the test is successful, the egg does not break on impact.
Prior Knowledge
(Foundational science, engineering, and math knowledge students should have)
Although previous study of magnets, electricity, and basic circuits can be helpful for this lesson,
this content knowledge is not essential.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 2 Introduction (cont.)
Key Terms
(Key Terms are under review for alignment to appropriate contextual scientific definitions.)
power source
A path between two or more points along which an electrical current is carried.
A magnet created by passing an electric current through coils of wire. Such
magnets are widely used in electrical systems.
A tiny piece of electricity with hardly any mass. It is too small to see even with
an electron microscope. An electron has a negative charge of electricity.
To move along or out steadily and continuously in a current or stream. Fluids,
gases, and electricity can all flow.
A push or pull upon an object resulting from the object's interaction with
another object.
A device that provides power to electric machines. Examples of power sources
include a generator or a power outlet.
A device for making and breaking the connection in an electric circuit.
Basic Teacher Preparation
This lesson is designed to provide significant and important content information to students about
electricity, series and parallel circuits, electromagnets, schematic diagram, force, and motion. A
Content Review Slideshow and a structured Content Student Review have been provided to
help scaffold learning. Every key piece of information and all tasks are included in the Content
Student Review.
Consider preparing anchor charts in advance for each of the vocabulary terms. Additionally,
content background notes for the teacher are embedded in this lesson. It is critical to review all of
the identified resources ahead of time to become familiar with the content to ensure that all
requisite materials are printed and organized for effective use during the mini-lessons.
Required Preparation
 Gather and/or purchase all required materials
for the lesson
 Review suggested teacher preparation
 Consider creating anchor charts for this
lesson’s vocabulary
 Download, print, and copy the Content
Student Review for students
 Ensure students have their Egg Engineering
Handbook: Daily Student Reflection and
Summarization Table (pg. 2) from Lesson 1
 Download and preview Egg Engineering
Slideshow slides # 19-22 for use in lesson
 Download and preview Content Review
Copyright ©2015
Links/Additional Information
Refer to the Materials List below
Refer to the Suggested Teacher Resources
section at the end of this lesson
Refer to the Key Terms section above
Refer to the Suggested Teacher Resources
section at the end of this lesson
Refer to the Suggested Teacher Resources
section at the end of this lesson
Refer to the Suggested Teacher Resources
section at the end of this lesson.
Refer to the Suggested Teacher Resources
section at the end of this lesson.
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 2 Introduction (cont.)
Materials List
Switch samples
Description/Additional Information
Consider purchasing one white switch and
one ivory switch so it is easy to tell which
switch is which. For safety reasons, it is a
good idea to have the switches in parallel so
that both have to be off in order to drop the
Alternately, switches can be constructed from
nails, wire, and metal strips cut from cans.
If time allows, it is more fun to build the
electromagnet. See the information in the
Suggested Teacher Resources section at
the end of this lesson.
There are many wire options. One possibility
is to use zip cord and split it. Old extension
cords that have damage can be raided for this
kind of wire. (Also, this wire is way bigger than
necessary.) You could also use 18 or 24
gauge wire. One suggestion is to use
stranded wire since solid tends to break. For
example, the wire for speakers would work
1 per group
1 per group
1 roll per
Where to
Switch samples
Or make your
Wire [link]
Stranded wire is easiest to work with for
connections; if making an electromagnet, you
will find it easiest to work with “magnet wire”
which is solid and has a thin insulation layer.
Do not use bare wire for anything (use
insulated wire). The wire size should be thin
enough to work with but not so thin as to be
unable to handle the current. With typical
batteries and magnets something in the
AWG24‐AWG18 range is probably fine for
connections. Magnet wire will usually be AWG
Small light
Copyright ©2015
1 per group
1 per group
Scissors [link]
Light Bulbs [link]
1 per group
Batteries [link]
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 2 Materials List (cont.)
Description/Additional Information
1 box
Electrical tape
Handy to have to wrap connections.
Wire cutters
May be able to use certain scissors.
Preferred: purchase a pair of diagonal cutters
suitable for the wire being used. This can also
be used to strip wire, making separate wire
strippers unnecessary.
Download and Review slides # 13-24
Content Review
Content Review
Student Daily
Reflection and
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Download and review to determine which
slides you wish to use
Download, print, and copy 1 for each student
Pg. 2 of Egg Engineering Handbook given to
students in Lesson 1. Students will use this
resource during every lesson of the unit.
1 roll per
group or
1 roll per
group or
Where to
Bring from home
or buy at local
hardware store
Electrical tape
Wire cutters [link]
1 per class
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
1 per
1 per
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 2
Mini-Lesson and Class Discussion (8 minutes)
Refer students back to the growing KLEWS chart. Ask the class to share what they know about
circuits (both series and parallel), electromagnetic energy or electromagnets, schematic diagrams,
force, and motion. Have students write down the ideas that surface during this whole group
discussion in their KLEWS chart. The teacher should write out the student ideas on an anchor
chart, and then ask students to develop questions that can be added to the KLEWS chart.
Some possible class discussion questions to activate students’ background knowledge include:
• How does electricity travel?
• Which other forms of energy can electricity be transformed into?
• What is necessary to have energy flow through a circuit?
• What happens if some parts of the circuit are missing?
• What is a force? What are some examples of forces?
• How can forces change an object’s movement, shape, or position?
• How could you create an investigation to test the effect of a force on matter?
Show students the Series and Parallel Circuits
video. The topics of electromagnetism and
schematic diagrams are also included. After
watching the video, ask each team to add one
new idea to the KLEWS chart.
Video Link
 Series and Parallel Circuits [YouTube
Helpful Tip
Preview the video ahead of time and choose
4-5 minutes of the 11 minute video to
highlight series and parallel circuit
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 2 (cont.)
Mini-Lesson (10 minutes)
Use the provided Content Review Slideshow to
introduce students to the science concepts and
vocabulary required for this unit: series and
parallel circuits, electromagnet, schematic
diagram, force, and motion.
Distribute the Student Content Review for
students to use for taking notes. This
document also provides teachers with an
outline of key content that needs to be reviewed
during this mini-lesson. If desired, teachers can
post previously prepared anchor charts of the
key terms to post up around the classroom for
the duration of the unit if desired.
Web Resources
A slideshow and a student content
review template are provided for use
during this content overview. Be sure to
preview ahead of time to determine
which of the 34 slides you wish to use.
 Content Review Slideshow[Resource
 Student Content Review [Resource
After the mini lesson, students can use wire, batteries, and a switch to construct a simple circuit
attached to a light bulb to show that electricity produces light and heat energy.
When electricity flows to a light bulb, the filament inside becomes hot and glows. They can
substitute a buzzer in place of the light bulb in the electrical circuit to produce vibrations, which
produce sound energy. When an electric current flows to a TV, both sound and light are produced.
When electric current flows to a toaster, the heating element wires get hot enough to turn bread a
toasty brown.
Schematic Diagrams (4 minutes)
Based on the information in the Content Review
Slideshow and the Content Student Review,
have students draw a schematic diagram of a
series circuit and a parallel circuit on page 3 of
their Content Student Review handout. The
diagrams should include both symbols and
labels. Check on the teams as they work, and
ask probing questions and provide support as
needed. If desired, teachers can post previously
prepared anchor charts of schematic circuit
diagrams with symbols.
Copyright ©2015
Helpful Tip
In addition to the information contained in
the Content Review Slideshow, more details
about series and parallel circuits, including
example diagrams, can be found in the
Suggested Teacher Resources section at
the end of this lesson.
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 2 (cont.)
Create Series and Parallel Circuits (10 minutes)
Working as a group, students will use the
provided materials (wire, light bulb, battery, and
switch) to create a series circuit and a parallel
Web Resources
circuit. They should use the schematic
diagrams that they just completed, as well as
 Content Review Slideshow [Resource
the information contained in the Content
Review Slideshow and the Content Student
 Content Student Review [Resource
Review , to build their circuits. Afterward,
students should draw their complete circuits on
page 3 of the Content Student Review. The
teacher should check on the teams as they
work. Ask probing questions and provide support as needed.
After 3 minutes, have students take turns demonstrating how the circuit works with other
members of their team. Students should explain how they created their model and use scientific
vocabulary, such as electric current, to explain how the circuit works.
Venn Diagram: Series and Parallel Circuits (5 minutes)
Direct students to work individually to create a Venn diagram showing the similarities and
differences between a series circuit and a parallel circuit. This diagram should be completed on
page 4 of the Student Content Review Template. The teacher should check on the teams as they
work. Ask probing questions and provide support as needed. After 3 minutes, have students
share their Venn diagrams with their team.
Venn diagram example 
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 2 (cont.)
Create Electromagnets (10 minutes)
Show students the 5 minute video on
electromagnets. Then, have them use wire and
a nail to make an electromagnet. Afterwards,
have students draw a diagram of their model on
the page 4 of the Content Student Review. The
teacher should check on the teams as they
work, and ask probing questions and provide
support as needed.
Video Link
 Electromagnets: How Can Electricity
Create a Magnet? [YouTube link]
If time permits, have students discuss their electromagnet models with their teams. Students will
need to explain how they created their model and explain how it works using scientific vocabulary
such as electromagnets, coils, increase, decrease, etc.
Lesson Close (1 minute)
Remind students that in this unit they will be presented with a problem that they will be challenged
to solve as engineers, working in teams. Explain that they will learn more about this challenge
tomorrow. However, it will be important for students to remember what they learned today about
parallel and series circuits, electromagnetics, schematic diagrams, and the concepts of force and
motion in order to be successful.
Student Reflection (2 minutes)
Have students write their reflections in their science notebooks or on page 2 of the Egg
Engineering Handbook, Day 2 Daily Student Reflection and Summarizing Table. Possible
questions to address should include:
• How does electricity travel?
• Which other forms of energy can electricity be transformed into?
• What is necessary to have energy flow through a circuit? What happens if some parts of the
circuit are missing?
• What is a force? What are some examples of forces?
• How can forces change an object’s movement, shape, or position?
• How could an investigation test the effect of a force on matter?
At the end of the lesson, instruct students to place their Egg Engineering Handbook in their Team
Have students complete the homework assignment on circuits so they can reinforce today’s
content. (This is the last task on page 5 of the Content Student Review.)
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 2 (cont.)
What evidence will show that students have acquired an enduring understanding of STEM and the
Engineering Design Process for this unit?
Performance Task Projects
Quizzes, Tests, Academic
Other Evidence
(observations, work samples,
student artifacts, etc.)
The primary method of assessment
for this lesson will come from work
products produced by individual
students or teams, including Venn
diagrams and circuit diagrams.
Student Self-Assessment
Community Connections
What are the connections that can be drawn between this lesson and your local community?
Some students’ parents, guardians, or family members may work as electricians or in careers
involving electrical systems or energy. If so, ask those students to share insights or information
they have learned based on their conversations with their family member.
Equity in the Classroom
What strategies are suggested for equitable engagement in this lesson?
There are a lot of opportunities for individual engagement. For example, a student
might independently share ideas on electromagnets and series and parallel
Small Group
Small groups work collaboratively to create series and parallel circuits.
Whole Group
There are opportunities to have each group or team explain how they created
their circuits and electromagnets to the larger class.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 2 (cont.)
Suggested Teacher Resources
Content Student Review
Content Slideshow
Egg Engineering Slideshow (slides #13-24)
Video on Series and Parallel Circuits
Video on Electromagnets
Day 2 Daily Student Reflection and Summarizing Template
found on page 2 of the Egg Engineering Handbook
Ongoing from Lesson 1
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
[YouTube link]
[YouTube link]
Ongoing from Lesson 1
How to Create an Electromagnet
Use the nails from the electrical boxes along with a
magnet wire, although any small wire will do (small
because you need to use lots of it to wrap around the
Magnet wire is hard to strip. You need a razor or
maybe a flame in order to strip it. If you want to have
a finished look to your electromagnet, then get some
1/4" nuts and bolts (or larger) at the local hardware
store (use steel) and matching washers. The result
should look similar to the image on the right.
However, the image to the right does not have the
nuts and bolts at each end.
 Electromagnet example
You can just as well use the nails and whatever wire
you can scrounge and simply wrap the wire around
the nails.
Additional ideas for making your own electromagnets
can be found at this website: [Web link]
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 2 Suggested Teacher Resources (cont.)
Background Information for Teachers: Series and
Parallel Circuits
Understanding the difference between open and closed
electrical circuits, and how electrical energy can be
changed into light, heat, and sound energy, are essential
concepts in physical science. In most fourth grade
classrooms, students differentiate between conductors
and insulators. Most students have also previously
learned that electricity travels in a closed path, creating
an electrical circuit, and they have explored an
electromagnetic field. If students are lacking this
information, it will be necessary to do some review.
 Series circuit
Electricity is a form of energy produced when electrons
move along a path called a circuit. An atom has a
nucleus containing protons and neutrons. Surrounding
the nucleus is a cloud of electrons. Metals, such as
copper, have loosely attached electrons in their outer
orbits. These electrons roam randomly around the other
copper atoms. When these free electrons are charged
and move between the atoms, a current of electricity is
Electricity is conducted better through some materials
than others. Conductors are materials with loosely held
electrons that allow electrons to flow, such as copper,
aluminum, and steel. Insulators are materials that hold
their electrons very tightly and do not allow electrons to
flow. Examples of insulators are rubber, plastic, glass,
wood, and cloth.
A completed path or closed circuit can conduct
electricity, while an incomplete path or open circuit will
prevent electricity from flowing. In a closed circuit, a
switch is flipped on and a piece of metal closes the
pathway so that electrical current flows. In an open
circuit, a switch is flipped off, which makes the path
incomplete, and the electricity ceases to flow. A battery
or a generator produces the pressure or force (measured
in volts) that pushes the current through these wires.
Circuits can be large or quite small. Some circuits involve
huge power plants that generate electricity at one end
and send megawatts of electricity along power lines to
homes or business hundreds of miles away at the other
end. Other circuits can be incredibly small, such as those
in electronics that send information using tiny
Copyright ©2015
 Parallel circuit
 Electromagnet
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 2 Suggested Teacher Resources (cont.)
Background Information for Teachers:
Schematic Diagrams
The key idea is that in a series circuit, all the
current flows through the one “loop” and
because of that, the current is the same in each
piece. That’s a great application (and example)
of conservation of energy. If the current going in
is X then the current going out also has to be X.
So if you know the current in one spot, you
know it in every part of the series circuit.
In a parallel circuit, the current is divided (with
the path of least resistance getting the most
current). However, the voltage across the
elements is the same. So just like you know the
current in a series circuit, you know any of the
currents, and if you know the voltage on one
parallel branch, you know the voltage on all of
them. If you have advanced students with a
bug for electronics, you might challenge them
to look up Kirchoff’s laws, which are pertinent
to analyzing circuits like this.
Another key idea: in a series circuit, what
happens if one element (a bulb) is removed or
burns out? (The circuit is broken and no current
flows.) What happens in a parallel circuit? (the
current flows through the remaining elements).
 Pictorial representation of a series circuit
 Schematic diagram of a series circuit
If these were switches, they would act like the
words AND and OR. That is, a light bulb in
series with three switches would be like saying
“turn on the light when switch 1 AND switch 2
AND switch 3 are all on.” If the three switches
were in parallel (and then the bulb was in a
series) it would be like saying “turn on the light
when switch 1 OR switch 2 OR switch 3 is on.”
This will become important in an upcoming
lesson, because the students will use switches
to operate their egg drop test stand.
Much of this information is also reviewed in the
Content Review Slideshow.
Copyright ©2015
 Pictorial
of a
parallel circuit
 Schematic
of a
parallel circuit
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 3: The Engineering Design Process
Grade Level
Lesson Length
Learning Goals
5th-6th Grade
One 50-minute session (although you might consider adding another day, if possible)
1. Identify components of the engineering design cycle.
2. Describe this unit’s design challenge, team roles, etc.
Lesson Overview
In this lesson, the Engineering Design Process (EDP) is presented to students through a
slideshow, several resources, and class discussion. Students are also introduced to the Egg
Engineering design problem and conduct some preliminary research on the topic.
Prior Knowledge
(Foundational science, engineering, and math knowledge students should have)
Previous experience with basic online research and note taking is beneficial for this lesson.
Key Terms
No new terms are introduced during this lesson, but it is important to discuss and use those
introduced in Lessons 1 and 2.
Basic Teacher Preparation
This is an important lesson in which students:
• learn about the engineering design process
• explore how engineers use these same processes
• conduct some important preliminary research
To accomplish all of these goals, several tools are available to teachers and students. It is
important to access and review all of these items before teaching the lesson. For example, the
teacher might decide to share only those slides from the Egg Engineering Slideshow that are most
useful. Additionally, it is important to understand how and when each handout or resource is used
in the lesson. Handouts for students need to be copied and ready for distribution.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 3, Basic Teacher Preparation (cont.)
Required Preparation
 Gather and/or purchase all required materials
for the lesson
 Review suggested teacher preparation
resources to include Egg Engineering
Slideshow (slides # 25-35) and all video links
 Download, print, and copy the Egg
Engineering Handbook for all students
o The Engineering Design Process pg. 7
o Egg Engineering Team Challenge pgs.
o Egg Engineering Workspace pgs. 10-14
o Feedback Template pg. 15
o Daily Student Reflection & Summarizing
Table pg. 2
o KLEWS Chart pg. 4
 Ensure access to a computer lab, computer
cart, or iPads for students to conduct
Links/Additional Information
Refer to the Materials List below
Refer to the Suggested Teacher Resources
section at the end of this lesson
Egg Engineering Handbook from Lesson 1
Materials List
Description/Additional Information
Where to
technology with
Chart paper
and markers
EDP Handout
Access to a computer lab, computer cart, or
iPads is critical for students to conduct
research. Make any necessary arrangements
in advance.
For anchor charts
1 per
Egg Engineering Handbook, pg. 7.
Student challenge and project rubric. Egg
Engineering Handbook pgs. 8-9.
1 per
1 per
Student scaffolded note taking sheets. Egg
Engineering Handbook pgs. 10–14.
1 per
[Resource link]
Students complete while other teams present.
Egg Engineering Handbook pg. 15.
1 per team
[Resource link]
Copyright ©2015
As needed
Available in most
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 3, Materials List (cont.)
Day 3 Daily
Reflection &
Copyright ©2015
Description/Additional Information
Daily exit ticket – given to students during
Lesson 1. Egg Engineering Handbook pg. 2.
1 per
Given to students during Lesson 1. Egg
Engineering Handbook pg. 4.
1 per
Where to
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 3
Group Lesson and Class Discussion (3 minutes)
Refer students back to the growing KLEWS chart, and ask them what they know about the
Engineering Design Process (EDP). Have students write down ideas on their individual KLEWS
chart. Then invite students to share their ideas, with the teacher writing that information on an
anchor chart to surface critical input that emerges from the whole group. Afterward, ask students
to develop questions that can be added to the KLEWS chart.
Round out this section of the lesson by discussing some of these questions:
• What is the Engineering Design Process (EDP)?
• What are the steps in the Engineering Design Process (EDP)?
• How does Engineering Design Process (EDP) apply to real life?
Important Note
Remind students that many engineers and kids who like to tinker may not like to annotate the
process. They just want to build! However, the importance of process becomes evident when
building something large like the Space Shuttle, a jet plane, or the Space Station. With many
people working together on the same project, it is important to know who is doing what,
what is working (and what is not), and where system operations are not going as planned.
Even on smaller projects, a process can help ensure that all work gets done, that questions
have been answered, and that all options have been considered.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 3 (cont.)
Group Lesson (7 minutes)
Refer students to The Engineering Design
Process found on page 7 of the Egg
Engineering Handbook Review the Engineering
Design Process with students by either showing
sections of the 7 minute EDP video or by
explaining the process yourself. Be sure to
highlight the similarities and differences to the
scientific method.
Web Resources
 Engineering Design Process video
[YouTube link]
 Egg Engineering Handbook
[Resource link]
Have students fill in the E and S of their KLEWS
chart (from Lesson 1, found on page 4 of the
Engineering Design Handbook) throughout the
discussion. It is important that students
understand each step of the process before
they begin the Unit on Egg Engineering.
Group Lesson (10 minutes)
First, students will be introduced to the design
challenge using the Egg Engineering Slideshow
(slides # 25-35) and the Egg Engineering Team
Challenge found on pages 8-9 of the Egg
Engineering Handbook. Use slides from the
Slideshow to discuss what is meant by a design
challenge and how it impacts engineers.
Consider reviewing the Slideshow ahead of
time, as you may choose to use only certain
Web Resources
 Egg Engineering Slideshow
[Resource link]
 Egg Engineering Handbook
[Resource link]
 Orion Parachute Drop Test video
[YouTube link]
In this unit, each team (engineering company) is going to address a design challenge task. This
specific task or challenge can be found at the top of the Egg Engineering Team Challenge
Review this section with the students. After introducing the design challenge, show students the 1
minute Orion Parachute Drop Test video, which shows a real-life space capsule drop test. The
video will engage the students and get them excited to start planning their models and engage in
the real design work of the unit. Students can record what they learned from the video on the back
of their Egg Engineering Workspace found on pages 10-14 of the Egg Engineering Handbook.
(This document will be used every day to document what the students are doing as they complete
the design challenge task and research.) Have students share their ideas about the video with the
entire class.
After the video, go over the Engineering Design Process Step 2: Identify Criteria and Constraints
(pg. 7 of the Egg Engineering Handbook). Ask students to identify the design requirements
(criteria). They should also list the limits of the design due to available resources and the
environment (constraints). The teacher can show the slides in the Egg Engineering Slideshow
where they will see the Design Tradeoffs, Criteria, and Constraints of the task. The students will
also have this information on the Egg Engineering Team Challenge.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 3 (cont.)
Helpful Tip
You might need to provide specific examples for students to understand the notion of design
tradeoffs. For example, you might say, “I need to haul a lot of something to another state.
What kind of truck is best?” The students will probably answer a pickup truck, or a semitruck, or perhaps a dump truck. Then you reveal that you are trying to move, say, water or
Well for that, a tank trunk is probably best. But that would not be the best for moving, for
example, furniture. So an engineer would have (or at least should have) answered the “What
kind of truck is best” question with more questions: “What is it you have to move? How far is
it going?” Getting specific criteria is important!
Another good example to use to introduce tradeoffs is the purchase of a car. Let’s say you
want a car that is very safe, gets really good gas mileage, and is affordable. But you cannot
have all of those things at one time. A car made like a tank might be safe, but it will not get
good gas mileage and will cost a lot. A cheap car might not be very safe. So the “tradeoff” is
to balance all these competing factors to make an acceptable product. A real-life car designer
might try to find ways to make lighter and cheaper cars more safe, (e.g., air bags, crumple
zones) but at some point the car will not be as light as it should be, as cheap as it could be, or
as safe as it could be because all three factors have to be balanced.
Group Work and Sharing (20 minutes)
The next step of the Engineering Design
Process (EDP) is to Brainstorm Possible
Solutions. Today each student has the
opportunity to do research on the engineering
process, circuits, and electromagnets. They will
be provided with online links and questions that
they will need to answer as they are conducting
their research.
Web Resources
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
Students will record all of their findings in on the Egg Engineering Workspace (pgs. 10-14 of the
Egg Engineering Handbook) which contains the following research links and research questions.
For the sake of time, consider assigning one research section to each team. As teams share out,
have students take notes in their Egg Engineering Workspace.
Possible Research Links and Research Questions
Engineering links
• (whole site, really)
Engineering questions
• Name 3 kinds of engineers.
• What do engineers do?
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 3 Group Work and Sharing (cont.)
Electromagnet links
Electromagnet questions
• Why do many electromagnets have a metal core?
• Does it matter what kind of metal is used for an electromagnet?
• What happens if you connect a battery "backwards" to an electromagnet?
• A regular magnet has a North and South pole; does an electromagnet?
Circuit links
• WebQuest.htm
Circuit questions
• Name 3 conductors and 3 insulators.
• How can you tell if an unknown material is a conductor or an insulator?
• Name 3 things that have a switch in them that you have used today.
Whole Group Sharing (6 minutes)
If you assign research sections to teams, then
give each team 1 minute to share out their
findings while the other teams take notes in
their in their Egg Engineering Workspace (pgs.
10-14 of the Egg Engineering Handbook). If
each team is to complete the research on their
own, add this 6 minutes back into the above
Group Work and Sharing.
Web Resource
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
Lesson Close (1 minute)
Tell the class that without a strong process, it can be hard to keep a team working together. This
problem is worse with large projects or when teams are spread out (some engineering teams span
the country, the globe, or even extend into space). Reinforce for students that while it is natural to
want to just start building, developing a process and a plan, and doing some research, can be the
difference between a successful project and a failed project.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 3 (cont.)
Student Reflection (2 minutes)
Have students write a reflection in their science
notebooks or on the Day 3 Daily Student
Reflection and Summarizing Table found on
Web Resources
page 2 of the Egg Engineering Handbook.
Possible questions to address should include:
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
• What is the Engineering Design Process
• What are the steps in the Engineering
Design Process (EDP)?
• How does Engineering Design Process (EDP) apply to real life? What research did you find
about Egg Engineering?
• What other information do you need in order to begin creating your blueprint and model?
Ask students to place all handouts in their Team Folder.
Have students continue to conduct research on Egg Engineering at home. They will bring this
information back to class to help guide them during Lesson 4.
What evidence will show that students have acquired an enduring understanding of STEM and the
Engineering Design Process for this unit?
Performance Task Projects
Quizzes, Tests, Academic
Other Evidence
(observations, work samples,
student artifacts, etc.)
The student research findings
compiled in the Egg Engineering
Workspace is the key assessment for
this lesson.
Student Self-Assessment
Community Connections
What are the connections that can be drawn between this lesson and your local community?
Ask students to poll the adults in their homes about how they use research, constraints, tradeoffs,
and criteria on projects in their own work situations.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 3 (cont.)
Equity in the Classroom
What strategies are suggested for equitable engagement in this lesson?
Students will complete their own research collections, and they might
independently share ideas on when they have used a type of EDP in real life
Small Group
Small groups will collaborate on researching about the problem presented in the
Egg Engineering Team Challenge.
Whole Group
The entire class will participate in the discussion of the Drop Test video and at
other sharing points that emerge during the lesson.
Suggested Teacher Resources
EDP pg. 7 of Egg Engineering Handbook
Engineering Slideshow (slides #25 – 35)
Egg Engineering Team Challenge pgs. 8-9 of Egg Engineering
Egg Engineering Workspace pgs. 10-14 of Egg Engineering
Drop Test Video
Feedback Template pg. 15 of Egg Engineering Handbook
Daily Student Reflection and Summarizing Template
Video on the Engineering Design Process
Wikipedia article on engineering
MIT video on engineering
Try Engineering website
Wikipedia article on electromagnets
How Stuff Works article on electromagnets
BBC web article on electricity and magnets
Intel Education web article on circuits
Another website with links to good sites about electricity
Additional Engineering Resources
1. Engineer Profile: Tony Castilleja
2. Engineer Profile: Victoria Wilk
3. Engineer Profile: Myron Fletcher
4. Engineer Profile: Dylon Rockwell
5. Engineer Profile: Simon Bahr
6. Engineer Profile: Tricia Hevers
Copyright ©2015
Ongoing from earlier lessons
Ongoing from earlier lessons
Resource link
Resource link
Resource link
Resource link
Resource link
Ongoing from earlier lessons
YouTube link
Web link
Video link
Web link
Web link
Web link
Web link
Web link
Web link
Web link 1
Web link 2
Web link 3
Web link 4
Web link 5
Web link 6
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 4: The Blueprint
Grade Level
Lesson Length
Learning Goals
5th-6th Grade
50-minute lesson (extra time and days may be desired for this lesson)
1. Demonstrate the importance of blueprints, schematics or models as part of the
engineering design process.
2. Apply the criteria, constraints, to think deeply about possible solutions to the design
3. Create a blueprint that will lead to a more successful “build.”
Lesson Overview
In Lesson 4, students begin work on the design phase of the three components for their model:
the circuit (an electromagnetic switch), the spacecraft, and the test hardware box. Students are
required to complete a blueprint of their model with dimensions and labels. In subsequent
lessons, students will build and use the capsules (containing an egg “astronaut”) and a testing
fixture that uses electromagnets to release the capsule. A successful test protects the egg from
being broken on impact. In order to maximize a successful prototype, teams need to be able to
visualize and design, on paper, what their model will look like and provide specific dimensions
and labels that can facilitate construction.
Prior Knowledge
(Foundational science, engineering, and math knowledge students should have)
Previous work within problem solving teams (where each member contributes via a specified role)
is an advantage for this lesson and others.
Key Terms
(Key Terms are under review for alignment to appropriate contextual scientific definitions.)
Copyright ©2015
A design plan or other technical drawing.
A three-dimensional representation of a proposed structure, typically on a
smaller scale than the original or eventual structure.
A first, sample or preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from
which other forms are developed or copied.
A diagram, in particular of an electric or electronic circuit.
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 4 Introduction (cont.)
Basic Teacher Preparation
This lesson is important because students learn the value of creating a blueprint that addresses all
of the characteristics (criteria, constraints, tradeoffs, etc.) for their eventual build.
The lesson provides background information and notes that teachers can use as they convey key
concepts and directions to students. Before the lesson, it is important to read through all of the
materials in the Suggested Teacher Resources section at the end of the lesson. Additionally,
student handouts referenced in the Egg Engineering Handbook should be reviewed prior to
Required Preparation
 Gather and/or purchase all required materials
for the lesson
 Review suggested teacher preparation
 Download and review Egg Engineering
Slideshow (slides # 36-52).
Links/Additional Information
Refer to the Materials List that follows
Refer to the Suggested Teacher Resources
section at the end of this lesson
Refer to the Suggested Teacher Resources
section at the end of this lesson
Materials List
Egg Engineering
Feedback Form
Cardboard boxes
Download and preview slides # 36-52
1 per class
Where to
[Resource link]
Download and copy for teams
1 per team
[Resource link]
The larger, the better
Many per
class or
1 per group
1 per group
Bring from home
or grocery store
1 per group
Available at most
Hardware store
Description/Additional Information
Tin snips
Box cutters
Alligator clips
Copyright ©2015
Make sure that only the teacher has access
to these
Purchase or make switches: nails, wire,
strips cut from cans, paper clips, etc.
1 per
1 per group
A 6V lantern battery works well
To attach to the terminals
Purchase or make electromagnets: nails,
wire, cylindrical form like a cardboard or
plastic tube (e.g., pill bottle, thread spool,
toilet paper tube)
1 per group
1 per group
1 per group
Grocery store
Tin snips [link]
Can be recycled
from previous
Battery [link]
Clips [link]
Can be recycled
from previous
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 4 Materials List (cont.)
Description/Additional Information
Stranded wire is easiest to work with for
connections; if making electromagnet,
you will find it easiest to work with
“magnet wire” which is solid and has a
thin insulation layer. Do not use bare wire
for anything (use insulated wire). The wire
size should be thin enough to work with
but not so thin as to be unable to handle
the current. With typical batteries and
magnets something in the AWG24‐
AWG18 range is probably fine for
connections. Magnet wire will usually be
AWG 22‐30
Ziploc bags
Hot glue gun
Glue sticks for hot
glue gun
Plain white paper
Wire cutters/
Wire nuts
Electrical tape
Duct tape
Miscellaneous tools
and supplies
Copyright ©2015
If using for entire spacecraft, suggest a
larger bag. If just using it for the inner egg
holder, a smaller bag can be used
May not need this if you are using duct
tape and regular glue
If using hot glue gun
Needed for blueprint work. Legal or
larger sizes work well
Purchase a pair of diagonal cutters
suitable for the wire being used
Or some other means of connecting
wires. You may not need this (yet) if you
are building your own electromagnet and
don’t mind running the wires straight to
the battery or have a way to connect a
commercial electromagnet to the battery
with one length of wire. These should be
sized to
match your wire
Handy for wrapping connections
Useful for sticking things together. May
substitute masking tape
Depending on switches, batteries, and
electromagnets used, you may need
screwdrivers, battery holders, etc. to
facilitate building
1 roll per
Where to
Can be recycled
from previous
6 bottles
per class
1 box per
Available in most
Bring from home
Grocery store
1 per group
Office supply or
craft store
Office supply or
craft store
Available in most
Wire cutters [link]
1 bag per
1 sheet per
1 per group
or class
2-6 per
1 roll per
1 roll per
As needed
for sharing
Wire nuts [link]
Hardware store, or
bring from home
Hardware store, or
bring from home
Hardware store, or
bring from home
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 4
Introduction (2 minutes)
Distribute the team folders. Ask students to
review their Team Template group norms and
roles to make sure everyone is set up for
success during today’s lesson (pgs. 5-6 of the
Egg Engineering Handbook).
Web Resource
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
Class Discussion (3 minutes)
Refer students back to the growing KLEWS chart (class version and student version pg. 4 of the
Egg Engineering Handbook) that they have been updating for the past 3 lessons. Give them 1
minute to review the information, then lead a class discussion for 2 minutes.
Class discussion questions:
• What information from your KLEWS chart will you use today as you create your blueprint?
• What information do you still need more of?
Group Mini-Lesson and Team Work (30 minutes)
Explain to students that this lesson connects to
the overall unit because students will be
building both test capsules containing an egg
and a testing fixture that uses an electromagnet
to release the capsules for testing. A successful
test protects the egg from being broken on
impact. In order for this to be done
successfully, teams need to be able to visualize
and design, on paper, what their model will look
like with dimensions and labels.
Web Resource
 Blueprint Examples [Web link]
 Egg Engineering Slideshow [Resource
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
In today’s lesson, students begin the design
phase of their model, which includes three
components: the circuit (an electromagnetic switch), the spacecraft, and the test hardware box.
Students need to create a blueprint of their models with dimensions and labels. But before they
begin, introduce students to various Blueprint Examples found on this website. Teachers can
print these pictures out for the students to use as a reference or project pictures onto the board
from the links.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 4 Group Mini-Lesson and Team Work (cont.)
Exemplars of Blueprints
For electrical projects, you would usually draw a circuit diagram as a schematic with no actual
dimensions, except maybe for the wire going to the magnet. Students will want to draw a
schematic if they are building their own switches. If they are using pre-made switches, it is not as
Below is a sample switch schematic. This is more complicated than what the students will be
creating (i.e., they do not have to use 2 batteries and 4 switches).
 Sample switch schematic
Share the schematic example and discuss the following discussion prompts. Remind students
that drawing a schematic diagram of their own electromagnetic switch will be one expectation for
their team.
Possible Discussion Prompts about the Schematic Example:
Q: Why two batteries?
A: If one battery is dead, the other battery will hold the magnet. In practice, both batteries should
drain about equally, but the life will be about double a single battery life. However, what happens if
you have to change the battery in the middle of a test? With this setup, it is easy to replace one of
the batteries with a fresh one without interrupting the test. Could you replace the other battery
(again, without interruption) and have a fresh set of batteries while the setup was still operating?
You do not have to use more than one battery, that is a design choice (tradeoff).
Q: If the lockout switch is closed, what happens to the drop switches?
A: They don't do anything.
Q: If a drop switch is open and the lockout switch is opened, what happens?
A: A drop occurs immediately.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 4 Group Mini-Lesson and Team Work (cont.)
Q: What side of the battery is positive (with a + sign)?
A: On a schematic, the long bar is the plus side of the battery. The other side is the ‐ or ground
Q: Does it matter which battery terminal is used?
A: Yes, because there are two batteries so the + sides must be connected together for the circuit
to work properly.
Q: Could the drop switches be in the other 8' wire?
A: Yes. The circuit has to be broken but it doesn't matter if it is the + side or the ground side. In
fact, the electrons flow from ‐ to + anyway so putting in the plus side is fine, but so would be
putting them on the other side.
Q: Could you put the lockout switch on the + side and the drop switches on the ‐ side?
A: No. In this configuration, all switches would cause the spaceship to drop.
More Information about Design Tradeoffs
The idea behind a design tradeoff is that you want to balance goodness vs. badness. Let’s use a
car as an example. You want a car that costs $1, gets 1000 miles to the gallon, drives 500 miles
per hour, and will prevent you from any injury in an accident. However, the reality is you may not
be able to have all of those things. So it is not going to cost $1, it is going to cost $20,000. At that
price, one can put enough protection on it that it will be safe in a 15 mph crash and be 60%
survivable at 80 mph crash. Well, what if we want 65% survivability? That's going to cost $25,000.
So, there's an example of a “tradeoff.” Do we save money and be less safe, or be safer and raise
the cost/price?
Here’s another example related to the design project in this unit:
You could wire 4 switches to keep the electromagnet energized. One could be a lockout that stays
closed until the safety officer opens it. It is in parallel with the other 3 wired in the series. So once
the lockout is open, the magnet stays energized until any one of the 3 drop switches are opened.
But there is a cost to having 4 switches and a risk in 4 places for a potential failure. So do you use
1 switch, 2 switches, or more?
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 4 Group Mini-Lesson and Team Work (cont.)
Important Background Information About the Design Components
Following is more background information about the other two components of the build that you
will want to share with students and use for your own lesson planning.
The spacecraft should hold the egg in a Ziploc bag to prevent a mess in case of breakage. The
student drawing should show how the egg is inserted and secured. The magnets are going to
have to be strong enough to hold the spacecraft, so be careful they are not too heavy. A
minimal spacecraft can be a zip lock bag along with a tin can lid taped or glued to one side.
You might also consider a small cardboard box with a tin can lid attached. An entire tin can will
likely be too heavy.
If you use the minimal Ziploc bag design, you may want to use two zip lock bags: one just to
hold the egg and one to hold the shock-absorbing material so that if the egg breaks it doesn’t
make a big mess inside the spacecraft.
Test Hardware Box
The box provides a way to hold the spacecraft until testing. The electromagnet from the
electronics should mount to the top of the box so the spacecraft will stay put until the release
button. Typically, a removable shelf will hold the egg until the magnet is engaged and then be
removed prior to the test.
This entire structure can be as simple as a large cardboard box with window and access holes,
a slot for the shelf, and the shelf (perhaps from the cut out part of a window) along with a
mounting hole for the electromagnet. You will want the box to be tall or have provisions for
putting the box up on two closely‐spaced tables or chairs so that the egg has as much
distance as possible to drop.
If you want something even more minimal, you could use some other way to hold the magnet
assembly and the spacecraft. For example, two yard sticks across a gap between two tables
could hold the electromagnet. A variety of towers could also be built with construction toys.
Design Tradeoffs, Criteria, and Constraints
Students will be reminded of the constraints, design tradeoffs, and criteria for each model. The
teacher can show the Egg Engineering Slideshow again where they will see the Design Tradeoffs,
Criteria, and Constraints of the task. The students will also have this information on the Egg
Engineering Team Challenge found on pages 8-9 of the Egg Engineering Handbook. It is
important to stress to students that they will be graded on how well they address these three
components of the design process: the Design Tradeoffs, Criteria, and Constraints. Each of these
three components is worth 30 points each, with the final 10 points coming from the Budget for
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 4 Group Mini-Lesson and Team Work (cont.)
1. Design Tradeoffs (30 out of 100 points)
• Safety: More switches allow for safety lockouts.
• Reliability: More switches mean more possible failures.
• Cost: More switches means more cost.
• Convenience: More switches could allow for multiple operating stations.
• Protect the egg: Most important goal
• Lightweight: Less weight means a spacecraft can carry more of something else like fuel
or people
• Easy access: Should not be hard to get egg in and out
Test Hardware box:
• Portable (for example, foldable solutions are good for transporting)
• Sturdy
• Low cost (Any materials you use that isn't the box would be a negative against cost)
2. Criteria (30 out of 100 points)
• Safe; must not drop egg accidentally or due to a likely failure
• Must keep egg safe
• Must include Ziploc bag for egg
• Must include steel plate (tin can lid) to hold to magnet
Test Hardware box:
• It needs to be able to hold the spacecraft when there is no power and allow it to be
released by the magnet.
• For example, a shelf that slides under would work. It holds the craft until the magnet can
hold it and then the shelf is removed.
3. Constraints (30 out of 100 points)
• Limited number of batteries and switches and magnets and each one you use drives up
your cost.
• Less than 200 cubic inches in volume
• No side greater than 6 inches
• Maximum weight (including egg) 1200 grams
Test Hardware box:
• Dimensions: No more than 3X3X6 feet (width, depth, height)
• Must suspend egg capsule at least 5 feet in the air (may rest on chairs, etc. for height, if
• Should allow viewing of the egg drop via cut out windows
• Use only a box and cardboard along with joining materials like glue, tape, etc. (except, of
course, for the electronics).
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 4 Group Mini-Lesson and Team Work (cont.)
Important Notes
You can change the focus (and complexity) of this lesson by supplying things you don’t want
to emphasize. For example, you could provide students with preassembled components
including the test box, the circuit, or the spacecraft. You can also provide students with
ready-made switches or electromagnets, or have students build their own switches or
electromagnets. These are all possibilities to consider as they can impact the time you want
to devote to the design and build process.
The dimensions in the constraints can also be adjusted for your particular situation.
However, these are a few general requirements:
• The egg should fall a reasonable distance (at least 3 ft.) so it has a chance of breaking.
• Eggs should have astronauts drawn on them.
On the Egg Engineering Workspace, students will see the Blueprint Criteria for Success that they
will need to use when they create their blueprint (pg. 12 of the Egg Engineering Handbook). The
teacher should review the Blueprint Criteria for Success and give students the opportunity to ask
clarifying questions before the students begin drawing their blueprints.
Blueprint Criteria for Success
• You must include measurements for all 3 models: circuit, spacecraft, and test hardware box
• You must label each part of all 3 models: circuit, spacecraft, and test hardware box
• You must have sufficient detail on your blueprint that someone could build what is on your
blueprint without having to ask you questions
Important Notes
Make clear to the students that measurements are to be the measurements of the real
item, not the measurements of the lines in the drawings.
Dimensions should always have measurement units either per dimension or a note
somewhere (all dimensions are in inches or millimeters or whatever units they use)
Look for missing dimensions that you cannot deduce from other dimensions. For
example, on the test box it is common to have the outside dimensions and the
dimensions of a window, but not have the dimensions of the location of the window.
4. •
On the electrical schematic, the dimensions are not as important in most cases as the
circuit values (e.g., 6V battery). However, important dimensions might include the wire
length to the battery and the wire length to the electromagnet.
Teams work together to create their blueprints. The teacher should walk around and monitor
students as they are working, asking probing questions, and providing support if needed. Provide
students with a box of materials that they can use to build. Therefore, students can see what they
are able to use once they start to create their models.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 4 (cont.)
Whole Group Sharing (10 minutes)
After 30 minutes of creating blueprints, teams
will place their blueprints onto their table.
Students will give feedback to the other
engineering teams about their blueprints. Each
group will rotate to each group and write
feedback on the Blueprint Feedback Form for
the other teams. Each rotation will be 2
minutes. As groups are rotating, they will need
to answer the following questions.
• How did the teams create their
• What are their measurements?
• What are their constraints?
• What are their design trades?
• Did the team meet the criteria of
success for the blueprint?
Web Resource
 Blueprint Feedback Form [Resource
Important Note
The Scientific Journalist should be the
person writing the feedback and the
Principal Investigator should be asking the
questions to other teams. Every team
member should contribute to the
Students will leave the sheet of feedback on the table. After 2 minutes, the teams will rotate to a
different group.
Lesson Close (3 minutes)
There are several key concepts here you may want to point out on closing:
Engineers often work on systems of systems where there are multiple, distinct components
that have to come together. These are often built by different teams, and it is important that
things line up (e.g., the plate on the spacecraft and the magnet in the test box).
The design tradeoff concept is a fundamental part of what a design engineer does. Heavier
weight will protect the egg, but a capsule cannot be over a certain weight, and less weight is
always better.
Blueprints and diagrams are one way engineers communicate their designs. The written
word is another way. In any event, the ability to clearly and unambiguously communicate
your design to others is critical. Decision makers need to understand what you want to build.
Customers need to understand what you are building so they can decide whether or not to
buy it. Manufacturers need to be able to produce what you design. Maintenance teams need
to understand your design so they can keep it working properly.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 4 Lesson Close (cont.)
Student Reflection (3 minutes)
Have students write a reflection in their science
notebooks or Day 5 of the Daily Student
Reflection and Summarizing Table (pg. 2 of
Web Resources
the Egg Engineering Handbook). Possible
questions to address should include:
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
• What other information do you need in
order to begin creating your models?
• After receiving feedback from your
Teammates, what changes are you going to make to your blueprints?
• What was challenging about today?
• What are you going to do to ensure that you are ready to start building in the next lesson?
Ask students to place all handouts in their Team Folder.
Have students continue make modifications to their blueprints. Students will bring this
information back to the next class session to help guide then during the next stage of the Egg
Engineering Unit.
What evidence will show that students have acquired an enduring understanding of STEM and the
Engineering Design Process for this unit?
Performance Task Projects
Quizzes, Tests, Academic
Other Evidence
(observations, work samples,
student artifacts, etc.)
Student Self-Assessment
Copyright ©2015
The primary method of assessment
for this lesson will be the completed
blueprint from each team.
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 4 (cont.)
Community Connections
What are the connections that can be drawn between this lesson and your local community?
Think of several significant local or regional companies that likely use blueprints or models in their
work. Share these examples with students. Consider asking some of those companies for
examples of blueprints, models, and sketches to share with the class.
Equity in the Classroom
What strategies are suggested for equitable engagement in this lesson?
Small Group
Whole Group
There are a lot of opportunities for individual engagement. For example, students
might independently share ideas on what they think the model should look like
and why.
Most of the work in today’s lesson involves students working as productive team
members while they create their model designs (circuit, spacecraft, and test
hardware box).
There is an opportunity to deploy this for a larger group where each group can
share out their blueprints to the class for feedback and questions.
Suggested Teacher Resources
Blueprint examples links
Updated Anchor Chart Paper
Engineering PPT (slides 36-52)
Egg Engineering Team Challenge (pgs. 8-9 of Egg Engineering
Egg Engineering Workspace (pgs. 10-14 of Egg Engineering
Blueprint Feedback Form
Daily Student Reflection and Summarizing Template (pg. 2 of
Egg Engineering Handbook)
Copyright ©2015
[Web link]
Ongoing from earlier lessons
Ongoing from earlier lessons
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lessons 5, 6, and 7: Work It!
Grade Level
Lesson Length
Learning Goals
5th-6th Grade
Three 50-minute lessons
1. Engage in productive and collaborative design and build sessions.
2. Apply concepts, resources and work products from previous lessons in the
construction phase of the project.
Lesson Overview
In this multiday lesson, students will be creating their apparatus: circuit, spacecraft, and test
hardware box. Materials will be available to teams and each group can build the design they
believe best addresses criteria, constraints, and tradeoffs.
Prior Knowledge
(Foundational science, engineering, and math knowledge students should have)
In Lessons 5, 6, and 7, students must work cooperatively in lab/building settings. It is helpful if
class members have had previous experience with these types of collaborative projects.
Key Terms
No new terms are introduced for this lesson.
Basic Teacher Preparation
These three lessons are important because students actually begin to build their blueprint of the
three components for the design challenge.
The Suggested Teacher Resources section at the end of Lesson 7 contains lots of information to
help teachers convey key concepts and instructions to students as they build the various
components. It is critical to read through all of this information ahead of time. Additionally, student
handouts should be reviewed and printed and ready for distribution.
Required Preparation
 Gather and/or purchase all required materials
for the lesson
 Review suggested teacher preparation
 Egg Engineering Slideshow (slides # 53-61)
Copyright ©2015
Links/Additional Information
Refer to the Materials List that follows
Refer to the Suggested Teacher Resources
section at the end of Lesson 7
Refer to the Materials List that follows
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lessons 5, 6, and 7 Introduction (cont.)
Materials List [NOTE: Many items were already listed in Lesson 4]
Egg Engineering
Egg Engineering
Cardboard boxes
Lesson 5: slides # 53-61
1 per class
Where to
[Resource link]
Team Template pgs. 5-6
Egg Engineering Team Challenge pgs. 8-9
Expense Report Form pg. 16
The larger, the better
1 per
Provided in
lesson 1
Many per
class or
1 per group
1 per group
or share
1 per group
Bring from home
or grocery store
Description/Additional Information
Tin snips
Box cutters
Alligator clips
Make sure that only the teacher has access
to these
Purchase or make switches: nails, wire,
strips cut from cans, paper clips, etc.
1 per
1 per group
A 6V lantern battery works well
To attach to the terminals
Purchase or make electromagnets: nails,
wire, cylindrical form like a cardboard or
plastic tube (e.g., pill bottle, thread spool,
toilet paper tube)
Stranded wire is easiest to work with for
connections; if making an electromagnet,
you will find it easiest to work with “magnet
wire” which is solid and has a thin
insulation layer. Do not use bare wire for
anything (use insulated wire). The wire size
should be thin enough to work with but not
so thin as to be unable to handle the
current. With typical batteries and magnets
something in the AWG24‐AWG18 range is
probably fine for connections. Magnet wire
will usually be AWG 22‐30
1 per group
1 per group
1 per group
Ziploc bags
Copyright ©2015
If using for entire spacecraft, suggest a
larger bag. If just using it for the inner egg
holder, a smaller bag can be used
Grocery store
Tin snips [link]
Available at most
Hardware store
Can be recycled
from previous
Battery [link]
Clips [link]
Can be recycled
from previous
1 roll per
Can be recycled
from previous
6 bottles
per class
1 box per
Available in most
Bring from home
Grocery store
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lessons 5, 6, and 7, Materials List (cont.)
Hot glue gun
Glue sticks for hot
glue gun
Plain white paper
Wire cutters/
Wire nuts
Electrical tape
Duct tape
Description/Additional Information
May not need this if you are using duct
tape and regular glue
If using hot glue gun
Needed for blueprint work. Legal or larger
sizes work well
Purchase a pair of diagonal cutters suitable
for the wire being used
Or some other means of connecting wires.
You may not need this (yet) if you are
building your own electromagnet and don’t
mind running the wires straight to the
battery or have a way to connect a
commercial electromagnet to the battery
with one length of wire. These should be
sized to
match your wire
Handy to have to wrap connections
Useful for sticking things together. May
substitute masking tape
Miscellaneous tools Depending on switches, batteries, and
and supplies
electromagnets used, you may need
screwdrivers, battery holders, etc. to
facilitate building
Copyright ©2015
1 per group
1 bag per
1 sheet per
1 per group
or class
2-6 per
1 roll per
group or
1 roll per
group or
As needed
for sharing
Where to
Office supply or
craft store
Office supply or
craft store
Available in most
Wire Cutters [link]
Wire Nuts [link]
Hardware store,
or bring from
Hardware store,
or bring from
Hardware store,
or bring from
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 5
Introduction (2 minutes)
Distribute the team folders. Ask students to
review their group norms and roles found on
the Team Template to make sure everyone is
set up for success during today’s lesson (pgs.
5-6 of the Egg Engineering Handbook).
Web Resource
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
Class Discussion (3 minutes)
Refer students back to the growing KLEWS chart that they have been updating for the past 4
lessons, and give them 3 minutes to review the information (class chart and pg. 4 of the Egg
Engineering Handbook).
Class discussion questions:
• What information from your KLEWS chart will you use today as you design your apparatus?
• What information might you still need?
Team Work and Build Time (35 minutes)
Over the next three class sessions, students will
be creating their apparatus, which includes the
circuit, spacecraft, and test hardware box.
Students will use their blueprints to guide them as
they are building. Students should be sure to refer
to the Meeting Design Trades, Meeting Criteria,
and Meeting Constraints sections of the Egg
Engineering Team Challenge (pgs. 8-9 of the Egg
Engineering Handbook).
Web Resource
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
Show students the selection of materials that are available to select and work with. Refer students to
the Expense Report Form, and explain that each team’s Materials Manager must make sure his/her
team is keeping track of all of the materials that are being used (pg. 16 of the Egg Engineering
The teacher should monitor the materials station closely. When students are “purchasing” (selecting)
materials, they must bring up their Expense Report Form. This form must be signed by the teacher
every time a material has been “purchased.” Although students do not have a budget limit, at the end
of the challenge the teams will receive points for spending the least amount of money to build all
three models. This information is explained on the Egg Engineering Team Challenge (pgs. 8-9 of
the Egg Engineering Handbook).
The teacher should walk around and monitor students as they are working, asking probing questions
and providing support as needed.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 5, Team Work and Build Time (cont.)
Helpful Tips
To ensure that students are on task, project a digital clock onto the board so students
are aware of the time constraints.
Make sure students understand that everyone will need to work together in order for this
project to work. The Principal Investigator will really need to step up and be a leader. It
is crucial that all work is done by Day 7.
Make sure students are referring to their KLEWS Chart, Egg Engineering Team
Challenge, Egg Engineering Workspace, and Blueprint Feedback Form.
Make sure students know what materials they should have, what materials they will
need to share, and what materials that they will need to purchase.
Small Group (3 minutes)
Ask the teams to journal a few sentences about how well their team worked together and how
they followed the group norms. Teams should make adjustments if needed.
Lesson Close (2 minutes)
A good way to end this first build day is to invite a group that has made significant progress up to
the front of the class share their work. Also, check to see if anyone has any specific needs for the
next class session (e.g., there is no more glue, etc.).
Student Reflection (5 minutes)
Have students write a reflection in their science
notebooks or on Day 5 of the Daily Student
Reflection and Summarizing Table (pg. 2 of
the Egg Engineering Handbook). Possible
questions to address should include:
• What was challenging about today?
• What are you going to do tonight to
ensure that tomorrow your team is on
track to be done by Day 7?
Web Resources
 Egg Engineering Handbook Resource
Ask students to place all handouts in their Team
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 5 (cont.)
Have students continue to make modifications to their blueprints. Students will bring this
information back to the next class session to help guide them during the next stage of the Egg
Engineering Unit.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 6
Repeat Lesson 5 (50 minutes)
For Lesson 6, repeat the same activity sequence from Lesson 5. Make sure you begin by having
teams review their group norms from the Team Template (pgs. 5-6 of the Egg Engineering
Handbook. Then, update the KLEWS chart before using the rest of the class for building. Be sure
to save a few minutes at the end of the lesson for the Daily Summarizing and Reflection Table
activity (pg. 3 of the Egg Engineering Handbook) and to assign homework, as needed.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 7
Repeat Lessons 5 and 6 (40 minutes)
For Lesson 7, repeat the same activity sequence from Lessons 5 and 6. Make sure you begin by
having teams review their group norms from the Team Template (pgs. 5-6 of the Egg Engineering
Handbook. Then, update the KLEWS chart before using the rest of the class for building. Be sure
to save a few minutes at the end of the lesson for the Daily Summarizing and Reflection Table
activity (pg. 3 of the Egg Engineering Handbook) and to assign homework, as needed.
Lesson Close (10 minutes)
During the lesson’s close, share the following information with students
• Engineering teams rarely stick to their original designs completely. This is actually a good
thing because lots can be learned when ideas do not work out during implementation or
• Sometimes the original design needs to be updated because things do not work, because
some customer requirements have changed, or because of some other external force (e.g.,
you cannot get a specific part or material used in the design).
Knowing what they know now, ask students to think about what they would do differently if they
had to start the design process over again. Some questions to ask include:
• Would you change your budget?
• Would you make your design simpler?
• Would you think more about how the different parts would join together?
Tell students that there is an old saying that you
should build something once to see how to
build it and then throw it away and build it
again. This method is not practical, but it does
point out the value of having an engineer or
engineering team that is familiar with the kind of
problem they need to solve.
Web Resources
For more information about how engineers
learn from failure, visit these optional sites:
 Engineering Failures [Link]
 Brown’s Ferry Nuclear Power Plant
Some students in class might have tried to build
a design that was simply not possible to
achieve. Point out that during real projects,
engineers often spend a lot of time to find out
why things don’t work because that information can be very valuable when they try again later. In
fact, there are engineers called Failure Analysts who specialize in figuring out why things fail.
It can also be informative to find out which teams had the highest and lowest costs and compare
their results. Consider having the teams estimate their total project cost based on their design.
Estimation is an important part of real-life projects. It is very difficult to estimate accurately, and it
can be very expensive when estimations are off.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 7 (cont.)
What evidence will show that students have acquired an enduring understanding of STEM and the
Engineering Design Process for this unit?
Performance Task Projects
Completion of the team “build” is a
central assessment of both this lesson
as well as the unit.
Quizzes, Tests, Academic
Other Evidence
(observations, work samples,
student artifacts, etc.)
Completed budget charts and
planning handouts provide other
assessment info the teacher can
Student Self-Assessment
Community Connections
What are the connections that can be drawn between this lesson and your local community?
If any practicing engineers are willing to be guests or volunteers in the classroom during the “build”
phase, their expertise and assistance can be invaluable.
Equity in the Classroom
What strategies are suggested for equitable engagement in this lesson?
Individual students will record their own data and notes on lesson handouts and
they will also think individually before sharing with their small group or the class.
Small Group
Team planning, prioritizing, and compromise are all embedded into the team work
Whole Group
The teacher can acknowledge ideas and questions shared by students at various
reflection points during the build process. This approach allows students to pool
their collective ideas and helps to surface questions or knowledge not shared by
just a few students.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 7 (cont.)
Suggested Teacher Resources
Updated Anchor Chart Paper
Engineering Slideshow (slides # 53-61)
Egg Engineering Team Challenge (pgs. 8-9 of Egg Engineering
Egg Engineering Workspace (pgs. 10-14 of Egg Engineering
Expense Report Form (pg. 16 of Egg Engineering Handbook)
Daily Student Reflection and Summarizing Table (pg. 3 of Egg
Engineering Handbook)
Engineering Failures website
Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant article
Ongoing from earlier lessons
Ongoing from earlier lessons
Resource link
Resource link
Resource link
Resource link
Resource link
[Web link]
[Web link]
More Information About the Required Materials for This Unit
There are many different ways to build the three components for this design challenge. As a result,
the actual materials you select and use will vary accordingly. The following list contains some
specific suggestions for building the apparatus, as well as links to additional resources. Keep in
mind that these are just a few possible options.
1. Inexpensive 2-gang electrical box—Available at the local hardware store [link]
This box has two nails in it. The nails can be removed and used for the home made
2. Inexpensive single switches—Available at the local hardware store [link] (2 recommended)
This box has two nails in it. The nails can be removed and used for the home made
electromagnets. Consider purchasing one white and one ivory switch so it is easy to tell which
switch is which (although this is not overly important). To ensure safety, it is a good idea to
have the switches in parallel so that both have to be off to drop the egg.
3. Wire—Available at local hardware store [link] (stranded speaker wire recommended)
There are many wire options. One possibility is to use zip cord and split it. Old damaged
extension cords can also be raided for wire (but this wire is way bigger than necessary). You
could also use 18 or 24-gauge wire. Regardless, stranded wire (such as the speaker wire
identified above) is recommended because solid wire tends to break.
4. Wire nuts—Available at local hardware store [link] (stranded speaker wire recommended)
Wire nuts are used to connect the wires. Many options are available. Be sure to pick
something that is inexpensive and that fits the selected wire.
5. Battery—Available at local stores [link]. Use a 6V lantern battery. The brand of battery does
not matter. Alkaline batteries last longer, but regular batteries are cheaper and will last long
enough for this unit. Alkaline batteries are available at local stores for about $5.00. They are
usually located by the flashlights.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 7 Suggested Teacher Resources (cont.)
6. Electromagnet—Available online [link]
If time allows, it is possible to build the electromagnet. You can use the nails you removed
from the electrical boxes, and then you will need some magnet wire. Magnet wire is hard to
strip, but any small (thin) wire will work. Just be sure the wire is small (thin) because lots of it is
used to wrap around the nail.
You also need a razor, and maybe a flame. If you want to do a neat job, get some ¼-inch (or
larger) steel nuts and bolts at the local hardware store and matching washers. You wind up
 Electromagnet example
You can just as well use the nails and whatever wire you can scrounge, and then wrap the wire
you find. Local electronic stores sometimes have sets of inexpensive magnet wire. Another
option is to call someone who rewires motors; tell them you are a teacher, and ask for scraps.
Several websites contain information about making your own electromagnets.
7. Tin can lids
You could use one as an attach plate for the spaceship and another for the electromagnet, or
just connect the attach plate directly to the electromagnet.
8. Drop box
You need as big of a box as you can get. You will probably wind up supporting the box on two
chairs or something to give it some height. Additionally, you will need box cutters, scissors,
and markers to decorate the box. Students might also want to use duct tape to attach the
electronics and make the box stronger.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 7 Suggested Teacher Resources (cont.)
 Drop box example
9. Capsule
Many things can be used for the capsule. It is important to let students improvise. The simplest
capsule would require use of a tin can lid and an egg in a zip lock baggie. Hot glue or duct
tape the lids to the inside of the Ziploc. Students can also pack the egg in the bag with extra
shock-absorbent materials. A capsule could also be made out of an empty tissue box.
10. Other items needed
• Roll of electrical tape
• Scissors for tape
• Wire cutters
• Wire strippers or razor or knife. Wire cutters can also be used for stripping. Just place a
finger inside the handle of the wire cutters to keep them from closing fully, create a small
gap in the cutter jaws, and pull the wire through it.
• If you use magnet wire, a razor or hobby knife and maybe some emery cloth is needed
for stripping as the wire is hard to strip. A flame will also work.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 8: Feedback Is the Breakfast of Champions
Grade Level
Lesson Length
Learning Goals
5th-6th Grade
50-minute lesson
1. Use key pieces of feedback to optimize design adjustments.
2. Summarize key work progress for student colleagues and demonstrate good
listening skills.
Lesson Overview
In this lesson, students present their apparatus to their classmates and receive important
feedback. Students can use this feedback to make adjustments and improvements to their model
prior to testing in the next lesson.
Prior Knowledge
(Foundational science, engineering, and math knowledge students should have)
None required for this lesson.
Key Terms
(Key Terms are under review for alignment to appropriate contextual scientific definitions.)
To make as perfect, effective, or functional as possible.
Basic Teacher Preparation
Be sure to review the feedback protocol and the feedback handouts in advance of this lesson.
Required Preparation
 Download, print, and copy all the handouts
related to the final presentations
 Review suggested teacher preparation
 Download and preview the Egg Engineering
Slideshow (slides # 62-71)
Links/Additional Information
Refer to the Suggested Teacher Resources
section at the end of this lesson
Refer to the Suggested Teacher Resources
section at the end of this lesson
Refer to the Suggested Teacher Resources
section at the end of this lesson
Materials List
No additional materials are needed for this lesson.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 8
Introduction (2 minutes)
Distribute the team folders. Ask students to
review their group norms and roles found on
the Team Template to make sure everyone is
set up for success during today’s lesson (pgs.
5-6 of the Egg Engineering Handbook).
Web Resource
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
Class Discussion (3 minutes)
Refer students back to the growing KLEWS chart that they have been updating for the past 7
lessons, and give the students 3 minutes to review the information (class chart and pg. 4 of the
Egg Engineering Handbook).
Class discussion questions:
• What information from your KLEWS chart will you use today as you present your apparatus
to your classmates?
• What information might you still need?
Team Presentations (20 minutes)
Today, students present their apparatus to their
classmates and give and receive feedback.
Explain to the class that feedback is the
breakfast of champions. In real-world
engineering settings, engineers get feedback
from their teammates and other stakeholders to
ensure that they are creating great projects.
Begin this portion of the lesson by asking
students to comment on how they picked
between competing tradeoffs to determine their
design goals. Have students refer to the Egg
Engineering Team Challenge section of:
Web Resources
 Apparatus Feedback Form 1 [Link]
 Apparatus Feedback Form 2 [Link]
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
Meeting Design Trades, Meeting Criteria, and Meeting Constraints (pgs. 8-9 of the Egg
Engineering Handbook). Encourage other students to comment and share their own experiences
and to give feedback on what they think of the tradeoffs that were made.
Then have the teams take turns placing their apparatus and blueprints on their table. The Principal
Investigator and the Scientific Journalist will stay at their team’s table to present their apparatus
to the groups and to answer questions. Meanwhile, the other members of each team should rotate
to the other teams’ tables together. Each rotation should last 4 minutes.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 8 Team Presentations (cont.)
At each table, the Principal Investigator will provide a brief overview to each visiting team. As
each team rotates to another table, they provide oral feedback to team. The Principal
Investigator for each team answers any questions from the visiting teams. The Scientific
Journalist for the visiting team writes down the feedback on Apparatus Feedback Form 1. As
groups rotate, they might need suggestions for asking questions and providing feedback. The
teacher could project some of the questions below for all students to reference.
Sample Reflection Questions to Ask each Team:
• How did your team’s blueprints and apparatus compare?
• Did you make any changes after you started to build your apparatus?
• Did the team meet the criteria of success relative to the design tradeoffs, criteria, and
• How much money did you spend?
• Why did you choose a particular material instead of using something else?
• Are the sides of your spacecraft no greater than 6 inches?
• How many batteries did you use and why? If you used more than one battery, how are they
• Why do you think your egg will survive?
Instruct students to refer to the Egg Engineering Team Challenge section of: Meeting Design
Trades, Meeting Criteria, and Meeting Constraints to ensure that they are giving relevant
feedback for other teams to consider as they prepare to make adjustments to their apparatus
(pgs. 8-9 of the Egg Engineering Handbook). The Scientific Journalist for each team should
compile all of the feedback for his/her team using the Apparatus Feedback Form 2 (pg. 17 of the
Egg Engineering Handbook).
Small Group Sharing (15 minutes)
For 10 minutes, have the teams discuss the
feedback they received. Then have them take 5
minutes to start making any desired changes.
Teams will have 10 minutes at the beginning of
tomorrow’s lesson to finish making any
Web Resources
 Apparatus Feedback Form 1 [Resource
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
Small Group Sharing (3 minutes)
Ask the students to the use the Feedback Template - Lesson 8 to write a few sentences about
how well their team worked together and how they followed the group norms (pg. 18 of the Egg
Engineering Handbook). Teams should make adjustments as needed.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 8 (cont.)
Lesson Close (2 minutes)
Prompt students to call each other tonight to confirm the changes that they would like to make.
Students will have 10 minutes at the beginning of the next class session to implement any
feedback they received today.
Student Reflection (5 minutes)
Have students write a reflection in their science
notebooks or on Day 8 the Daily Student
Reflection and Summarizing Table (pg. 3 of
the Egg Engineering Handbook). Possible
questions to address should include:
• What was challenging about today?
• What are you going to do tonight to ensure
that tomorrow your team is on track to be
done by Day 9?
Web Resources
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
Ask students to place all handouts in their Team
Ask students to continue to think of ways to modify their apparatus. They will bring this
information back to class to help guide their team during Lesson 9. Teams will have an
additional 10 minutes to implement any feedback they received today.
What evidence will show that students have acquired an enduring understanding of STEM and the
Engineering Design Process for this unit?
Performance Task Projects
Quizzes, Tests, Academic
Other Evidence
(observations, work samples,
student artifacts, etc.)
Student Self-Assessment
Copyright ©2015
Group mini presentations on work
completed thus far.
Feedback sheets for each team are
key assessment artifacts for this
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 8 (cont.)
Community Connections
What are the connections that can be drawn between this lesson and your local community?
Consider asking students to poll their parents or adults at home to find out how they use feedback
from peers in their own work settings.
Equity in the Classroom
What strategies are suggested for equitable engagement in this lesson?
There are a lot of opportunities for individual engagement. For example, a student
might independently provide feedback and/or ask questions to the other
engineering teams.
Small Group
Small groups collaborate on how they will present their apparatus and how to
process the feedback data.
Whole Group
This lesson features a whole-group discussion about how to deal with constraints
and tradeoffs.
Suggested Teacher Resources
Updated Anchor Chart Paper
Egg Engineering Challenge (pgs. 8-9 of Egg Engineering
Apparatus Feedback Form #1
Apparatus Feedback Form 2 (pg. 17 of Egg Engineering
Copyright ©2015
Ongoing from earlier lessons
Ongoing from earlier lessons
Resource link
Resource link
Resource link
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 9: Let’s Drop That Egg!
Grade Level
Lesson Length
Learning Goals
5th-6th Grade
50-minute lesson
1. Engage in a structured testing protocol
2. Observe and record data from authentic testing situations.
Lesson Overview
In this lesson, teams will be testing the design and “builds” they have produced. The entire class
will serve as the audience as each team tests its apparatus.
Prior Knowledge
(Foundational science, engineering, and math knowledge students should have)
None required for this lesson.
Key Terms
No new terms are introduced during this lesson.
Basic Teacher Preparation
Review the testing protocol, team presentation guidelines, and all student handouts found in the
Suggested Teacher Resources section prior to the lesson.
Required Preparation
 Download, print, and copy all the handouts
related to the final presentations
 Review suggested teacher preparation
Links/Additional Information
Refer to the Suggested Teacher Resources
section at the end of this lesson
Refer to the Suggested Teacher Resources
section at the end of this lesson
Materials List
No new purchased or outside materials are necessary for this lesson.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 9
Introduction (4 minutes)
Distribute the team folders. Ask students to
review their group norms and roles found on
the Team Template to make sure everyone is
set up for success during today’s lesson (pgs.
5-6 of the Egg Engineering Handbook).
Refer each student to the Presentation Rubric,
Collaboration Rubric, and Construction of
Web Resource
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
Spacecraft, Circuit, Test Hardware
Scorecard in preparation for today’s test (pgs.
19 – 21 of the Egg Engineering Handbook).
Class Discussion (2 minutes)
Refer students back to the growing KLEWS chart that they have been updating for the past 9
days, and give the students 3 minutes to review the information (class chart and pg. 4 of the Egg
Engineering Handbook).
Class discussion questions:
• What information from your KLEWS chart will you use today as you finalize and give your
• What information might you still need?
Team Work and Build Time (10 minutes)
Refer students back to the feedback they received yesterday. Provide 10 minutes for teams to
complete making revisions to their apparatus. If teams complete their revisions, they can use this
time to practice for their presentations.
Team Presentations and Tests (30 minutes)
Tell students that today they will give a presentation about their work during this unit. Each team
will have 6 minutes to give their presentations. Their time should be structured as follows:
• 1 minute to present the team name, team members, team roles, and team motto
• 3 minutes to introduce their apparatus (one minute each apparatus)
• 2 minutes to test the apparatus
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 9, Team Presentations and Tests (cont.)
Before teams begin their presentations. Remind
them about the broad categories for rating.
• Presentation
• Constraints
• Design Trades
• Criteria
• Budget—spending the least amount of
Lesson Close (2 minutes)
Helpful Tip
If you have the time and space, have the
teams give their presentations and conduct
their tests in front of a whole grade level or
an invited audience. This will enable more
students to see the team projects and learn
about how the Engineering Design Process
and how it is used.
Prompt students to start review all their handouts and notes in their Egg Engineering Handbook.
Students will refer to these notes when they prepare their test reports in the next lesson.
Student Reflection (3 minutes)
Students will write in their science notebooks or
on Day 9 of the Daily Student Reflection and
Summarizing Table (pg. 3 of the Egg
Engineering Handbook). Possible questions to
address should include:
• What was challenging about today?
• What changes would you make if you
had the chance to do everything again?
Web Resources
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
Students will place all handouts into their Team
What evidence will show that students have acquired an enduring understanding of STEM and the
Engineering Design Process for this unit?
Performance Task Projects
The culminating presentation and test
serves as a summative evaluation for
the entire unit.
Quizzes, Tests, Academic
Other Evidence
(observations, work samples,
student artifacts, etc.)
Student Self-Assessment
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 9 (cont.)
Community Connections
What are the connections that can be drawn between this lesson and your local community?
A showcase celebration might be an interesting extension. Inviting engineers, designers, and
entrepreneurs to visit your classroom would create an authentic audience experience.
Equity in the Classroom
What strategies are suggested for equitable engagement in this lesson?
Individual students can each have a role in the final presentations.
Small Group
Team planning, discussion, data collection, decision making, and prioritizing are
all addressed as teams prepare their final presentations and tests.
Whole Group
The teacher can acknowledge ideas and questions shared by students at various
reflection points during presentations and tests.
Suggested Teacher Resources
Updated Anchor Chart Paper
Team Template (pgs. 5-6 of Egg Engineering Handbook)
Apparatus Feedback Form #1
Apparatus Feedback Form 2 (pg. 17 of Egg Engineering
Presentation Rubric (pg. 19 of Egg Engineering Handbook)
Collaboration Rubric (pg. 20 of Egg Engineering Handbook)
Construction of Spacecraft, Circuit, Test Hardware Scorecard
(pg. 21 of Egg Engineering Handbook)
Copyright ©2015
Ongoing from earlier lessons
Ongoing from earlier lessons
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
[Resource link]
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 10: Report It Out!
Grade Level
Lesson Length
Learning Goals
5th-6th Grade
50-minute lesson
1. Synthesize process observations, data, concepts and lessons learned in a testing
2. Use professional written communication to summarize findings.
Lesson Overview
In the final lesson of the unit, students summarize all of their relevant experiences and data into a
written testing report. Consider adding an additional day to the unit for students to present their
Testing Report.
Prior Knowledge
(Foundational science, engineering, and math knowledge students should have)
None required for this lesson.
Key Terms
No new terms are introduced during this lesson.
Basic Teacher Preparation
Students will use all of the data they collected as well as their testing experiences to create their
summative presentations.
Required Preparation
 Review suggested teacher preparation
Links/Additional Information
Refer to the Suggested Teacher Resources
section at the end of this lesson
Materials List
No new purchased or outside materials are necessary for this lesson.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 10
Introduction (2 minutes)
Distribute the team folders. Ask students to
review their group norms and roles found on
the Team Template to make sure everyone is
set up for success during today’s lesson (pgs.
5-6 of the Egg Engineering Handbook).
Web Resource
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
Class Discussion (3 minutes)
Refer students back to the growing KLEWS chart that they have been updating for the past 9
days, and give the students 3 minutes to review the information (class chart and pg. 4 of the Egg
Engineering Handbook).
Class discussion questions:
• What information from your KLEWS chart will you use today as you complete your model test
• What information might you still need?
Team Test Reports (35 minutes)
Today, students create their test reports based on their model. Students will use laptops to
complete this task. Student reports should include the following. For a more structured template
to the report, have student teams complete the Team Test Report Slideshow
Design Challenge with criteria, constraints, design trades, and budget
Initial Design, redesign(s) and reasoning for same
Recommendations for future designs to correct failure points and/or optimize the design
Lesson Close (7 minutes)
Tell the class that there is an old saying that you should build things twice: once to learn how to
build it and then the second time to build the thing you will actually use. Unfortunately, most
projects do not have the time or budget to build things twice.
Explain to students that regardless of whether they are successful or not, engineers always
document their results for many reasons:
• Stakeholders may require written documentation to consider the project complete.
• Future engineers can learn about what was done and why, and use that information to
improve the design the next time something similar is created.
• Engineers and technicians may need to understand the system in order to improve it,
duplicate it, or repair it.
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 10 Lesson Close (cont.)
Inform students that some engineers may not enjoy having to copiously capture results, but it is
very important to do so. Ask them to think about all of the documentation they have produced
during this unit (blueprints, test reports, etc.). How hard would it be for a new group of students to
recreate your design without having to ask you questions? Could they do it without looking at your
Even when a project fails, documenting it can be an important part of preventing others from
having the same failure. For example, consider the amount of documentation surrounding the loss
of the Challenger Space Shuttle. The Rogers Commission report, which contained details about
what happened and what could be done to ensure it would not happen again. When the Shuttle
Columbia was lost years later, there was another investigation and report.
Student Reflection (3 minutes)
Students will write in their science notebooks or
on Day 10 of the Daily Student Reflection and
Summarizing Table (pg. 3 of the Egg
Engineering Handbook). Possible questions to
address should include:
• What was challenging about today?
• What changes would you make if you had
the chance to do everything again?
Web Resources
 The Rogers Commission Report [Web
 Shuttle Columbia Report [Web link]
 Egg Engineering Handbook [Resource
Have students place all handouts in their Team
What evidence will show that students have acquired the enduring understanding of STEM and
the Engineering Design Process for this unit?
Performance Task Projects
The culminating presentation and test
serves as a summative evaluation for
the entire unit.
Quizzes, Tests, Academic
Other Evidence
(observations, work samples,
student artifacts, etc.)
Student Self-Assessment
Copyright ©2015
Science and Innovation
Unit 6: Reexamining the Soft Landing: Egg Engineering
Lesson 10 (cont.)
Community Connections
What are the connections that can be drawn between this lesson and your local community?
A showcase celebration might be an interesting extension. Inviting engineers, designers, and
entrepreneurs to visit your classroom would create an authentic audience experience.
Equity in the Classroom
What strategies are suggested for equitable engagement in this lesson?
Individual students can each have a role in the final presentations.
Small Group
Team planning, discussion, data collection, decision making, and prioritizing are
all addressed as teams prepare their final presentations.
Whole Group
The teacher can acknowledge ideas and questions shared by students at various
reflection points.
Suggested Teacher Resources
Updated Anchor Chart Paper
Egg Engineering Handbook
Team Template (pgs. 5-6 of Egg Engineering Handbook)
Team Test Report Slideshow
Copyright ©2015
Ongoing from earlier lessons
Ongoing from earlier lessons
Ongoing from earlier lessons
Resource link
Resource link