in Digitally Minimum Phase Response Controlled Boost and Flyback Converters Vahid Yousefzadeh, Mariko Shirazi and Dragan Maksimovic Colorado Power Electronics Center ECE Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0425 { Vahid. Yousefzadeh, Mariko. Shirazi, maksimov I @ colorado. edu Abstract- This paper addresses modeling and control issues related to practical high-frequency digital PWM control of constant-frequency boost, buck-boost and flyback converters. Discrete-time models, including the effects of A/D sampling and delays in the digital control loop, are derived for two cases: output voltage A/D sampling during transistor off time in combination with trailing-edge (TE) DPWM, and A/D sampling during transistor on time in combination with leading-edge (LE) DPWM. We show that off-time sampling with TE-DPWM, which is a common approach in digital controller realizations, can result in desirable minimum-phase responses, thus simplifying compensator design in wide bandwidth closed-loop voltage regulators based on boost or flyback converters. The results are verified by simulation and experimental results on a boost converter prototype. I. account A/D sampling, modulator sampling, and delays in the digital control loop [5]. Discrete-time models are derived for two cases: (a) A/D sampling during transistor off time in combination with trailing-edge PWM, and (b) A/D sampling during transistor on time in combination with leading-edge PWM. Corresponding control to output frequency responses are found in Section III and compared to predictions of the averaged small signal models. Approximate closed-form results are derived for the zero in the discrete-time control-tooutput transfer function, leading to conditions for minimumphase responses. Section IV presents experimental results that illustrate validity of the modeling results for a digitally controlled boost converter prototype. INTRODUCTION lL Much of the work reported so far in the area of digital control of high-frequency switching power converters has been related to point-of-load synchronous buck converters, while fewer references (e.g. [1, 2]) focused on boost and other DC-DC converters. In this paper, we consider modeling and control issues related to practical high-frequency digital control of constant-frequency boost and flyback (including buck-boost) converters shown in Fig. 1. Based on averaged-switch or state-space averaging models, it is well known that a constant-frequency trailing-edge (TE) pulse-width modulated (PWM) boost or flyback converter exhibits a right-half-plane (RHP) zero in the control-to-output frequency response [3]. The presence of a RHP zero tends to destabilize wide-bandwidth feedback loops, because during a transient the output initially changes in a wrong direction. With a non-minimum-phase control-to-output response, it is difficult to obtain an adequate phase margin in conventional single-loop voltage regulators having wide bandwidth. An interesting result was reported in [4] where it was shown that leading edge (LE) pulse-width modulation can lead to minimum-phase responses of boost and flyback converters with analog voltage-mode control. The objective of this paper is to show how sampling and modulation in a standard constant-frequency voltage-mode digital PWM controller shown in Fig. l(c) can be arranged to achieve desirable minimum-phase responses leading to improved closed-loop performance of digitally controlled boost or flyback voltage regulators. Section II summarizes a small-signal discrete-time modeling approach that takes into 1-4244-0714-1/07/$20.00 C 2007 IEEE. (a) Boost converter (b) Flyback converter _IFV0 H H v0 compensator 'M d .4- Gc() IFtVole AIDre e -4 (c) Digital PWM controller Figure 1. Digital voltage mode PWM control of boost and flyback converters. 865 II. DISCRETE-TIME MODELING OF DIGITALLY CONTROLLED DC-DC CONVERTERS *x(t)+x~(t) This section summarizes small-signal discrete-time models for constant-frequency digitally controlled PWM converters operating in continuous conduction mode where A/D sampling of the output voltage occurs once per switching period [5]. The models in [5] take into account A/D sampling, modulator sampling and a delay td in the digital control loop, which is an extension of discrete-time modeling described in [6] and elsewhere (e.g. [7-9]). It should be noted that the modeling approach described in [10], which makes use of the modified Z-transform, also correctly accounts for sampling instants and delays. The derivation, however, is straightforwardly applicable only to buck-type converters. To examine the effects of A/D and modulation sampling instants in the responses of boost and flyback converters, we consider two cases: (a) A/D sampling of the output voltage during transistor off time ("off-time sampling") in combination with trailing-edge (TE) DPWM, and (b) A/D sampling of the output voltage during transistor on time ("ontime sampling") in combination with leading-edge (LE) DPWM. xi[n- l] 2 (n -)T +tdl (1) ^ =[C2^[n] PO) L[ VC + where: 'D DTo0 ~ ~~~ ST, dnTs-50) RIIR Rload Rload +esr = e A2 (T, -td )e *Qposition o nTs coincide with the modulated edge of g(t) [6, 7]. The total delay td in the digital control loop is the time between the A/D sampling and the modulated edge of the DPWM. It consists of a delay tdl (indicative of A/D conversion time and computation delays) between the sampling point nTs, and the start point of the PWM saw-tooth ramp signal, and the modulator delay DTs. The total delay td = tdl + DTs is less than the switching period TS. Figure 3 illustrates how perturbations in a state variable propagate over a switching period. The resulting small-signal discrete-time model is [5]: x[n] = a24ln-1] + Yad[n - 1] (2) a= j i (n -I)T, +DT + tdl changes in the pulsating switch control signal g(t) in response to changes in the duty-cycle command d affect the converter waveforms as a stream of delta functions -p. This means that the PWM operates as a sampler with sampling instants that where q = 1 corresponds to transistor on time, q = 2 corresponds to transistor off time, and the states x include the capacitor voltage v, and the inductor current iL. V -1l]Ts Figure 3. Evolution of a state perturbation during a switching period for a digital controller with TE-DPWM and off-time A/D sampling. q are: v0 (t) = CqX(t) + EqVg ~-dd[n 2 (n-I)Ts i[n] lxl 'dtdl±DT Consider a constant-frequency PWM switching converter operating in continuous conduction mode. The state-space equations for the switching converter in the switching position Aqx(t) + BqVgI ydn1 ~~~~X i A. Discrete-time modeling for trailing-edge DPWM with AID sampling during transistor off time dt dlt~~ ResrII load II -L (3) esriL A1DT, e A2 (td -DTs) (4) A2(T -td)aT (5) (A1 A2)XP + (b1 b2)Vg - - (6) and Xp is the vector of steady-state state variables at the end of transistor on time. It is important to note how the delay td affects the model parameters in (2), (4) and (5), and how (3) takes into account A/D sampling of the output voltage during during transistor off time (position 2). B. Discrete-time model for leading-edge DPWM with AID sampling during transistor on time Figure 4 shows a timing diagram of the saw-tooth ramp in a leading-edge DPWM. The A/D converter of the digital controller samples the output voltage at times ts = nTs, during transistor on time (position 1). The resulting small-signal discrete-time model is [5]: X[n] = Dbx[n-l] + ybd[n l] (7) _ (n+I)T, t nTs + td + £' (nz-I)Ts + td + 6' Figure 2. Timing diagram for a digital controller having a trailing-edge digital pulse-width modulator (TE-DPWM) and A/D sampling of the output voltage during transistor off time. Figure 2 shows a timing diagram of the saw-tooth ramp in a trailing-edge DPWM. The A/D converter of the digital controller samples the output voltage at times ts = nTs, during transistor off time (position 2). In the small-signal limit, - ol 866 ~~~~Rload +Resr [0lviLLicv L load (8) where: = e Al (T, -td) eA2D T, e Al (td transfer function GVd (s) = vo2d having a RHP zero at the frequency -DiT ) (9) 'D (10) yb= e Al ( T -td )aT, and a can be again found from (6) where Xp is the vector of steady-state state variables at the end of transistor off time. D2 f, PO- - 2 (11) D'Rload 2zL It should be noted that the averaged model also predicts a lefthalf-plane zero at 11(22tCResr) due to the capacitor ESR. Vm i 0X *: position (.) g(t) Rload I i dI, niT dnTsg('() Figure 5. Small-signal averaged equivalent circuit model of the boost converter in Fig. 1(a). (n+1)T, From (2)-(3), the discrete-time control-to-output transfer function for off-time sampling with TE-DPWM can be found t (n-1)T, + td + £ lnTs + [d±+ 6 Figure 4. Timing diagram for a digital controller having a leading-edge digital pulse-width modulator (LE-DPWM) and A/D sampling of the output voltage during transistor on time. as: (12) GVd-a(z)=C2(zI -a)YIa Similarly, from (7)-(8), the discrete-time control-to-output transfer function for on-time sampling with LE-DPWM is given by It is of interest to compare the small-signal model for offtime sampling with TE-DPWM (2)-(5) to the model for ontime sampling with LE-DPWM (7)-(10). The key differences are in how the duty-cycle perturbations affect the state perturbations (Eq. (5) versus Eq. (10)) and when the output voltage is sampled (Eq. (3) versus Eq. (8)). In particular, notice that off-time sampling (3) results in output voltage samples that depend on capacitor voltage and inductor current. In contrast, on-time sampling (8) results in output voltage samples approximately equal to capacitor voltage samples only. As discussed further in the next section, these differences can result in dramatically different zero locations in the control-to-output responses. Finally, we again note that the models (2)-(5) and (7)-(10) include the effects of A/D and modulator sampling instants, as well as the delay td in the digital control loop. These effects, which are not taken into account in standard averaged converter models, are important for understanding control-to-output responses of digitally controlled boost or flyback converters even at relatively low frequencies. Gvd b (Z) = C1 (ZI -b ) Yb (13) As an example, let us consider a boost converter with the following parameters: f, = 1/T, = 100 kHz, L =40 gH, Vg= 10V, C=240gF, Resr=50 mfQ, RL= 10 mQ, Rload = 10 Q, D = D'= 0.5, and tdi 0. Since D = D'= 0.5, the total delay in both considered cases is the same, td = tdl+0.5Ts 0.5Ts. Figure 6 compares numerically computed magnitude and = phase responses of: (1) GVd(s), (2) G,d a(Z), and (3) Gvd b(Z). In the response (1) from the averaged model, the contributions of the RHP zero and the ESR zero nearly cancel out in the phase response. Interestingly, however, the response of GVd for offtime sampling with TE-DPWM in the digitally controlled boost converter shows even less phase lag than the response obtained from the averaged model, even though the discretetime model includes effects of the delay td in the digital control loop. On the other hand, the phase lag in the response of GVd b for on-time sampling with LE-DPWM is significantly a III. CONTROL-TO-OUTPUT RESPONSES worse. To explain the magnitude and phase plots observed in Fig. 6, and to examine conditions for minimum-phase responses, we In this section, control-to-output frequency responses based on discrete-time models described in Section II are evaluated and compared to frequency responses obtained from the converter apply the linear-ripple approximation ( eAt I + At ) to the matrix exponentials in (4)-(5) and (9)-(10), and further standard continuous-time averaged small-signal model. A. Boost converter Figure 5 shows a small-signal averaged model for the boost converter of Fig. 1(a), including the effects of inductor series resistance RL and the capacitor equivalent series resistance Resr. The averaged model predicts a second-order control-to-output simplify the results assuming RL << Rload, and Resr << Rload. The poles of the control-to-output transfer functions are the same in all cases, but the zeros can differ dramatically. We focus on finding expressions for the location of the zero in the discrete-time control-to-output response: a zero outside the unit circle corresponds to a non-minimum phase response (equivalent to a RHP zero in a continuous-time model); a zero 867 minimum-phase response facilitated by off-time sampling with trailing edge DPWM in a digital controller. Let us now examine the zero location in the case of on-time sampling with LE-DPWM. An approximate closed-form expression for the zero in the discrete-time model is: 4C -e 2CI C. D'2Rload16) L (16) L As expected, on-time sampling results in a zero that is always on the positive axes outside the unit circle, corresponding to non-minimum phase response (i.e. a RHP zero in s-domain). zero b -20 C tce 0 B. Flyback converter -go For the flyback converter shown in Fig. 1(b), in the case of off-time sampling and TE-DPWM, we get the following approximate expression for the zero in the discrete-time model: ,- 18C -270 -360 zero Frequency (Hz) Figure 6. Magnitude and phase responses of the control-to-output transfer functions: (1) GVd(s) from the averaged model in Fig. 5, (2) GVd a(z) from the discrete-time model for off-time sampling with TEDPWM, and (3) G,d b(Z) from the discrete-time model for on-time sampling with LE-DPWM. inside the unit circle on the positive axes RC- results in desirable ReSrC> a T~ 1+ R C> es on D D D'Rioad In the case of a buck-boost phase condition (18) becomes on the positive axis inside n2 (18) n (Dn 2 + D') converter, n = 1, the minimum- R es C> DL load td (19) For the case of on-time sampling with LE-DPWM, it can be shown that the zero in the discrete-time model of a flyback converter is always outside the unit circle. ResrC-DR Since Ts - td> 0, the zero (14) is the unit circle as long as n2 DL DRlad (Dn2 + D') Since T, - td > 0, the zero (17) is the unit circle as long as For the case of off-time sampling with TE-DPWM we get the following approximate closed-form result for the zero: (14) 1 zero T,-td a 1+ minimum-phase response. Z (17) 1 IC I the positive axis inside IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS L DR (15) An experimental digitally controlled boost converter is shown in Fig. 7. The converter parameters are the same as in It is interesting to note that the minimum-phase condition (15) obtained from the discrete-time model for off-time sampling with trailing-edge DPWM agrees with the result in [4], which discussed leading-edge pulse-width modulation in an analog controller as a way to achieve minimum-phase response. In light of the discrete-time modeling approach of Section II, we can offer the following explanation: a leading-edge modulator in the analog controller simply facilitates off-time sampling of the analog control signal, which in turn (for a sufficiently large voltage drop across the capacitor ESR) leads to minimum-phase response observed by the controller. A step up in duty-cycle command still results in a temporary drop in the capacitor voltage. However, as long as the output voltage is sampled during transistor off time, the contribution of the voltage drop across the capacitor ESR proportional to inductor current obscures the drop in capacitor voltage (see Eq. (3)). As a result, the change in the wrong direction is simply not "seen" by the controller. Essentially the same explanation holds for onverter oard Figure 7. Experimental digitally controlled boost converter: f = lTS = 100lkHz, L = 40 uH, C = 240 uF, Resr = 50 mQ, RL lOmQ, Vg= 1OV,Rload= 1OQ,D =D'= 0.5,andtdl 0. 868 the example discussed in Section lIIIA. Digital controller is implemented on a Xilinx Virtex II development board. Exactly the same hardware is used to test open-loop and closed-loop responses for two cases: (a) off-time A/D sampling with TE-DPWM, and (b) on-time A/D sampling with LE-DPWM. Figure 8 shows open-loop output voltage response to a step increase in duty-cycle command d. The effects of sampling the output voltage are clearly visible: a dip, i.e. a temporary change in the wrong direction can be observed if the output voltage is sampled during transistor on time. In contrast, no such dip can be observed if the output voltage waveform is sampled during transistor off time. Closed-loop operation includes a discrete-time PID TeK Run' 2.SOMS/S Hi Res compensator, 653z2 6.35(z 1.985z +0.987 (0 i )(z -0.8008) The magnitude and phase responses of the loop gains for offtime sampling with TE-PWM, and for on-time sampling with LE-PWM are shown in Fig. 9 based on discrete-time models derived in Section II. Exactly the same compensator (20) is applied in both cases, and the cross-over frequencies are nearly the same, f. 4 kHz. However, there is a dramatic difference in phase margins: off-time sampling with TE-PWM results in 0 Trail = 450, while on-time sampling with LE-PWM results in a much lower phase margin 0 lead of only 80. The corresponding step-reference transient responses shown in Fig. 10 are in good agreement with the modeling predictions. G~(z) Gcz) (0 .....1... --1 Tek Run. 2SOkS/s; Step d' command i. Hi Res ..- Step command, ---j m In itl .I 500m.-iwv -2 5.00V M 20.01Rps C 6 2 lv Figure 8. Open-ioop output voltage response to a step increase in dutycycle command. am00OMV) TeK Run: 250kS/S 3C z 10 = Hi Res (a) .-.Ti.. Step. command kHIz 10 -2C -3C I- C~ .9c 2 27 .36 1o~ Chl I Frequency 10IC (Hz' Figure 9. Magnitude sampling time sampling and phase with TE-DPWM responses of the loop gain (phase margin (phase margin with LE-DPWM M 200OIS ChiI ~ -240MV (b) Figure with time 200 V SOOMVNv 450), 05 led for (1) off- and (2) Closed-loop step TE-DPWM, and reference responses for step reference command indicator. Lower on- voltage =80). 869 (a) off-time sampling (b) on-time sampling with LE-DPWM. Upper v,(t). trace: ac trace: coupled output The digital controller implementation and experimental results reconfirm the conclusion that the presence or absence of a non-minimum phase zero (RHP zero in s-domain, or zero outside the unit circle in z-domain) depends on the output voltage sampling instant rather than the type of modulation (trailing edge or leading edge). Sampling during transistor off time in combination with standard trailing-edge modulation, which is the most common situation in digital controller realizations, can result in desirable minimum-phase responses (provided that conditions (15) or (18) are met), and simplifies compensator design for wide bandwidth feedback loops around boost or flyback converters. by simulation and experimental results on a boost converter prototype. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by industrial sponsors of the Colorado Power Electronics Center. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] V. CONCLUSIONS The paper presents discrete-time models of boost and flyback switching converters with digital control, including the effects of A/D and modulator sampling and delays in the control loop, for two cases: trailing-edge DPWM with A/D sampling of the output voltage during transistor off time, and leading-edge DPWM with A/D sampling during transistor on time. We show that the sampling instant rather than the type of modulation is the key to achieving desirable minimum-phase responses in boost or flyback converters. Off-time sampling with trailing-edge DPWM, which is a common approach in digital controller realizations, can result in desirable minimum-phase responses, thus simplifying compensator design in wide bandwidth closed-loop voltage regulators based on boost or flyback converters. The results are verified [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] 870 C. Kranz, "Complete digital control method for PWM DCDC boost converter," IEEE PESC 2003. P. Mattavelli, "Digital control of DC-DC boost converters with inductor current estimation," IEEE APEC 2004. R.W.Erickson, D. Maksimovic, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, 2nd edition, Springer 2001, Chapter 7 and Section 8.2. D.M. Sable, B.H. Cho, R.B. 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