752 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 31, NO. 4, AUGUST 2003 Examining by the Rayleigh–Fourier Method the Cylindrical Waveguide With Axially Rippled Wall Joaquim José Barroso, Joaquim Paulino Leite Neto, and Konstantin G. Kostov Abstract—Axially corrugated cylindrical waveguides with wall radius described by 0 (1 + cos 2 ), where 0 is the average radius of the periodically rippled wall with period and amplitude , have been largely used as slow-wave structures in highpower microwave generators operating in axisymmetric transverse magnetic (TM) modes. On the basis of a wave formulation whereby the TM eigenmodes are represented by a Fourier–Bessel expansion of space harmonics, this paper investigates the electrodynamic properties of such structures by deriving a dispersion equation through which the relationship between eigenfrequencies and corrugation geometry is explored. Accordingly, it is found that for 1 a stopband always exists at any value of ; the con0 dition 0 = 1 gives the widest first stopband with the band narrowing as the ratio 0 increases. For 0 = 0 5 the stopband sharply reduces and becomes vanishingly small when 0.10. Illustrative example of such properties is given on considering a corrugated structure with 0 = 1 0 = 2 2 cm, and = 0 1, which yields a stopband of 1.5-GHz width with the central frequency at 8.4 GHz; it is shown that in a ten-period corrugated guide, the attenuation coefficient reaches 165 dB/m, which makes such structures useful as an RF filter or a Bragg reflector. It is also discussed that by varying 0 and we can find a variety of mode patterns that arise from the combination of surface and volume modes; this fact can be used for obtaining a particular electromagnetic field configuration to favor energy extraction from a resonant cavity. Index Terms—Periodic slow-wave systems, periodic waveguide, space harmonics. I. INTRODUCTION R ELEVANT to frequency-selective mode reflectors as well as to high-power microwave generators employing slow-wave structures, this paper investigates the electrodynamical properties of the sinusoidally rippled wall cylindrical waveguide. Instead of having attenuation only for a low frequency below the cutoff value as with an ordinary guide, the periodically corrugated guide features passband–stopband characteristics with alternating bands of propagation and attenuation, which render this structure useful as an electric filter. And in connection with the periodically varying nature of the boundary wall, the electromagnetic fields supported by the corrugated guide result from the superposition of Fourier Manuscript received November 18, 2002; revised April 9, 2003. This work was supported by the Research Assisting Foundation of the State of São Paulo (FAPESP), Brazil. J. J. Barroso and J. P. L. Neto are with the Associated Plasma Laboratory, National Institute for Space Research (INPE), 12201-970 São José dos Campos, Brazil (e-mail: barroso@plasma.inpe.br). K. G. Kostov is with the Department of General Physics, Sofia University, Sofia 1164, Bulgaria. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2003.815482 components, all having the same frequency and group velocity but with individual amplitudes and phase velocities, with some waves (or space harmonics) traveling at velocities less than the speed of light. A conspicuous feature of periodically corrugated guides, the retardation effect is used in growing-wave tubes, such as the traveling-wave tube (TWT) and the backward-wave oscillator (BWO), which require that the electron beam velocity should be equal (Cherenkov synchronism) or nearly equal to the phase velocity of the retarded wave. A practical example of this is found in high-power BWO experiments [1]–[4] that employ a sinusoidally rippled wall guide as the slow-wave structure wherein the selected eigenmode consists of slow space harmonics. By considering that the electron beam—under the action of a sufficiently strong external magnetic field so as to propagate in the axial direction—interacts only with azimuthally symmetric transverse magnetic (TM) waves, many works [5]–[13] have discussed the electromagnetic properties of the sinusoidally rippled guide, but giving special emphasis on particular geometries appropriate to their experiments. Although extensive but overlooking the filtering aspect of such slow-wave structures, these studies fall short of exploring quantitatively the general question as how the TM -mode critical frequencies rely on the geometry of the corrugated wall. A direct procedure to determine these frequencies is important in the design of slow-wave structures and also in filtering considerations, as the critical frequencies—located at the edges of the dispersion curve of the periodic guide—give the breadth and the width of the pass- and stopbands, respectively. In view of this lack of generalization, the present work presents a comprehensive picture of the electrodynamical properties of the cylindrical waveguide with rippled by examining how axial profile the guide propagation characteristics are altered upon varying the geometric parameters of the corrugated wall, namely, the about the corrugation period and the ripple amplitude . Through a systematic variation of the corrumean radius gation variables, results of the frequency parametrization are displayed in a set of plots, which, in addition to being useful tools in the design of such slow-wave structures with required characteristics, make apparent the role played by the corrugation geometry in establishing the propagation properties of the structure. On the basis of the Rayleigh hypothesis, this is achieved by numerically solving the dispersion relation of the sinusoidally periodic guide, for which the fields are expanded in a space harmonic series as formulated in Section II that also illustrates through specific examples the two distinguishable classes of harmonic fields, i.e., surface and volume harmonics. General 0093-3813/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE BARROSO et al.: EXAMINING BY THE RAYLEIGH–FOURIER METHOD THE CYLINDRICAL WAVEGUIDE properties of the sinusoidally corrugated guide are discussed in Section III, and to get further insight into the electrodynamic problem, an analytic treatment follows in Section IV by expanding the dispersion relation up to second-order terms in the small parameter ; then it is shown that both analytical and nu0.1. merical methods provide identical solutions as long as After discussing in Section V the validity of the Rayleigh hypothesis, the accuracy of the results encompassed in this study is assessed in Section VI through electromagnetic computer simulation of a ten-section corrugated guide acting as a stopband filter, giving central frequency and bandwidth that closely agree with those obtained from the Rayleigh–Fourier (RF) dispersion relation. Summary of the paper and final remarks are contained in Section VII. II. DISPERSION RELATION OF THE CYLINDRICAL WAVEGUIDE WITH SINUSOIDALLY RIPPLED WALL The corrugated structure that we consider consists of a cylindrical waveguide with perfectly conducting wall of radius sinusoidally rippled about the mean radius , as that commonly employed in high-power BWO experiments [8], [9], i.e., 753 electric field tangential to the corrugated surface must vanish, i.e., (6) Substituting (2)–(3) in (6) and expanding the resulting expres, we find an infinite system sion in a Fourier integral over of algebraic equations for the amplitude coefficients (7) where (8) The existence of a nontrivial solution to the amplitudes of the space harmonics requires that the determinant of the homogeneous set of (7) be zero. Thus, setting (9) (1) with and defining the amplitude and period of the corrugation, respectively. Due to the spatial periodicity of the structure along the axial coordinate , azimuthally symmetric TM can electric fields in the cylindrical corrugated system be expanded in spatially harmonic series according to Floquet’s theorem as (2) (3) where (4) denotes the longitudinal wavenumber of the th space harand to monic, which is related to the angular frequency through transverse wavenumber (5) Assuming as the reference propagation constant, the elecin moving from to tric field phase shifts by (at fixed and ), with the determination of , and, hence, , as function of the angular frequency being the central problem of a slow-wave structure. The dispersion equation that determines the dependence of on the angular frequency follows the reference wavenumber from the boundary condition requiring that the component of the yields the eigenvalue equation for at given corrugated param, and . If we normalize the dispersion relation and eters as a function of then the periodic strucsolve for . ture is described by two dimensionless parameters, and Although (9) involves an infinite matrix, in practice we truncate the system to an adequate finite rank to obtain an approximation of the exact eigenvalue equation. We have verified that a 9 9 matrix gives (for the same structure) eigenfrequencies differing by 0.1% from those calculated with a higher order matrix. Therefore, in the ensuing calculations the rank of the matrix in ) is truncated at 9 . (9) (with Once the dispersion relation (9) is solved, the ratios of the are determined from (7). With a known set coefficients the field components and are calculated from of (2) and (3). As an illustrative example of this approach, let us consider a corrugated waveguide characterized by corrugation and . For this strucparameters (zero phase shift per period), there ture operating at corresponds the discrete set of normalized frequencies , with Fig. 1 displaying the mode pattern associated with the third eigenvalue. The electric field lines shown in Fig. 1 arise from the combination of harmonics. To examine further the nine harmonic composition in Fig. 1, we combine (4) and (5) to obtain the following relation: (10) which quantifies the number of fast space harmonics that propin a periodic agate at the normalized frequency structure characterized by the corrugation parameters and . Using (10) for the third eigenfrequency we find if . This indicates 754 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 31, NO. 4, AUGUST 2003 Fig. 1. Electric field line pattern corresponding to normalized eigenfrequency !~ = !R =c = 6:9792 at = 0 in a sinusoidally corrugated guide with ripple amplitude = 0:20 and period-to-average radius ratio L=R = 1. Fig. 3. Electric field lines at ! ~ = 6:2711 for a periodic phase shift ~ = 0:5 and = 0:05. in a guide with L L= Fig. 4. Radial distribution of the electric field axial component at z = 0 in the corrugated guide of Fig. 3. Fig. 2. Spatial structure of the norm of the electric field parallel to the tangent of the rippled boundary in Fig. 1. that the wave composition in Fig. 1 contains three volumetric harmonics, including propagating forward and backward while components as identified by the indices the remaining harmonics are all evanescent. For such volume are real with modes the transversal propagation constants the corresponding radial eigenfunctions given by oscillatory . In fact, we see in Fig. 1 that, due Bessel functions to the presence of volumetric harmonics, the resultant axial electric field vanishes on the cylindrical surface at and reverses sign twice over a radial excursion from the guide . This oscillatory feature axis to the corrugation’s crest at is also illustrated by Fig. 2, which shows the two-dimensional of the component of distribution of the norm parallel to the tangent drawn through the point on the rippled wall, i.e., (11) vanishes on the boundary, thus In fact, it is apparent that testifying the effectiveness of the present method in determining the eigenfrequency and field amplitudes of a set of TM harmonics as required by a corrugated guide with a rippled amplitude as high as 0.20. Next, let us consider a periodic structure with at . In this example, the inequality sign in (10) does not hold for any integer, and, therefore, no oscillatory components enter into the composition of the required set of harmonics. All the components are slow harmonics, on exception and , for both of of the low-order harmonics with which the transverse propagation constant becomes zero, since For these the equality sign in (10) holds true for special harmonics, this implies that the associated radial distribution of the electric field is a constant. To illustrate this feagiving ture, a structure was synthesized with at . First, as shown in Fig. 3 the electric field lines corresponding to families of harmonics and with periodic phase shift, respectively, of and 3 are clearly apparent. Nearly uniform over a large radial ex, the radial variation of the resultant electent at the plane tric field plotted in Fig. 4 demonstrates that the low order com, and, therefore, with , predomiponents nate in the bulk of the guide over the higher order surface harmonics, whose radial distribution is given by the . modified Bessel function Therefore, when we compare with the uniform circular guide, the periodically corrugated structure may be viewed as a generalized guide that offers an interesting variety of field patterns arising form the superposition of volume and surface harmonics, BARROSO et al.: EXAMINING BY THE RAYLEIGH–FOURIER METHOD THE CYLINDRICAL WAVEGUIDE 755 with each component having the appropriate amplitude coefficient and axial wavenumber as required by the boundary condition on the rippled wall. This feature can be explored to give an adequate field pattern that favors energy extraction from a cavity resonator operating in the desired mode without reducing the efficiency of conversion of dc beam to ac output power in microwave generators [14]. In concluding this section, we describe in the following the method used for generating the field lines of the electric field . First, we look for a scalar point function such that (12) Since the gradient is normal to a curve , then the contour plots of i.e., lines. From (12) , give the field Fig. 5. Calculated normalized frequencies (filled circles) as function of the ~ = 1:5 and periodic phase shift L in a sinusoidally corrugated guide with L = 0:025. Dashed lines are shifted TM-mode dispersion curves for the circular cylindrical waveguide. (13) and noting that at we arrive (14) Then using the field expressions (2) and (3) in true instantaneous an exact difform and multiplying (14) by to render ferential, we finally obtain (15) derived in Therefore, isolevel contours of the function (15) give a map of the field lines, which can be easily generated, for instance, by using the built-in command ContourPlot of the Mathematica package [15]. III. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF THE SINUSOIDALLY CORRUGATED PERIODIC GUIDE First, we discuss the dispersion characteristics of a corrugated with a small but nonvanguide with normalized period , by illustrating in Fig. 5 ishing corrugation amplitude a set of frequencies calculated at evenly spaced values of the , in the range . Displaced periodic phase per section, , also are shown in Fig. 5 dispersion curves versus by 2 for TM modes in a circular cylindrical guide, that is (16) denotes the th root of . In addition to the where close match between frequency points and dispersion curves, , where dashed curves we notice on the vertical line intersect, that a frequency splitting manifests itself as a result of the interaction of traveling backward and forward waves. Such frequency splitting due to the coupling of two modes ~ = 1:0 and = 0:15, Fig. 6. Corresponding to a corrugated guide with L dispersion curves (solid lines) trigonometrically fitted to calculated points (filled circles) superimposed to TM-mode dispersion diagram for the circular cylindrical guide. through their spatial harmonics becomes more apparent on considering a larger corrugation parameter so that coupling becomes stronger. Referring to a corrugated guide with and , this is shown in Fig. 6 which displays frequency points that far deviate from the corresponding TM-mode dispersion curves as frequency goes up. The solid lines give equally spaced frethe least-squares trigonometric fit to , namely, , quency points in and where is a with fundamental period . Justification to performing this fitting whole number relies on the fact that the guide is symmetrical in both axial directions and, as such, both correspond to the same frequency . Since two field harmonics with propagation are associated with the same , constant according to Floquet’s theorem [cf. (2)–(4)], then it follows curve (solid lines) is symmetrical around that each and and must, therefore, have zero both slope there. Zero slope implies no power flow along the guide. No power flow means a resonance condition in each cell, such 756 Fig. 7. Electric field line pattern with a phase between cells at half-wave ~ = 1 and (a) short- and (b) open-circuit resonances in a corrugated guide with L = 0:15. that every zero or phase shift frequency is also a resonant frequency of a unit cell. To illustrate this feature, Fig. 7 shows the electric field patterns for the third and fourth -resonance and , labeled frequencies at as the lower and the higher splitting frequencies, by , respectively. Normal to the cross sections at in Fig. 7(a), the electric field lines (of cosine-like character ) reverse direction at each period, and, thus, correspond to a half-wave short-circuit resonance with a phase between cells. In complementary fashion, and as disof sine-like played in Fig. 7(b), the accompanying mode character resonates within single cells bounded by magnetic . In addition, we note that the and planes at frequency points alternate themselves along the line. Similarly and having the effect of producing stop bands in various frequency ranges, frequency splitting also occurs at . This is illustrated by Fig. 8 which shows the electric . field patterns for the third and fourth resonances at Fig. 8(a) refers to resonance in short-circuited cells where the amplitudes of forward and backward space harmonics are sym; in the complementary case metrically related, i.e., of open-circuit cell resonance [Fig. 8(b)] the wave components . Both modes are standing rather are related by than traveling waves because a progressive wave, under such symmetry conditions, is completely reflected as it propagates along the guide. Regarding a mode that travels along the guide at the with a nonzero group velocity, we take fourth dispersion curve in Fig. 6. This example is given by and in the electric field patterns plotted in Fig. 9(a) at Fig. 9(b) at one-quarter period later. In both plots, the pattern down the waveguide. repeats itself at each IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 31, NO. 4, AUGUST 2003 Fig. 8. Electric field line pattern corresponding to zero phase shift at (a) short~ =1 circuit and (b) open-circuit cell resonances in a corrugated guide with L and = 0:15. Fig. 9. Electric field line pattern corresponding to the propagation constant = (2=3)=L in a sinusoidally corrugated guide with L~ = 1 and = 0:15 at (a) !t = 0 and (b) !t = =2. IV. ANALYTICAL DISPERSION EQUATION AND HOW RELATES WITH THE CORRUGATION GEOMETRY To derive an analytical dispersion relation for the sinusoidally corrugated waveguide, we begin by expanding around and retaining terms of order up to the Bessel function in the integrand of coefficients BARROSO et al.: EXAMINING BY THE RAYLEIGH–FOURIER METHOD THE CYLINDRICAL WAVEGUIDE in (8). Performing the integral over the structure period, becomes then the coefficient (17) and is the Kronecker delta. On the where must vanish, cf. (9), and by concondition that , we arrive at the sidering three space harmonics following relation: (18) We see that in the limit of a vanishingly small ripple amplitude , (18) reduces to the relation which can be interpreted as coupling of the zeroth order space with the first backward and forharmonic traveling space harmonics. These solutions have ward been represented in Fig. 5 by the corresponding dashed lines, closely matching the dispersion curves for a corrugated guide . with a small ripple of To verify the degree of accuracy provided by the approximate dispersion equation, we compare for some periodic lengths and ripple amplitudes the eigenfrequencies calculated at from (18) with those obtained by the numerical method formulated in Section 3. This comparison is presented in the parameterized plots of Fig. 10 which shows as function as a parameter. of with Continuous lines refer to the analytic dispersion relation, and whereas scattered points (labeled as triangles for ) are associated with the more accurate, numercircles for ical approach. It is apparent that for the lower -resonance , and to be justified later, the anaat the shortest 0.10 lytic dispersion fails to give accurate results for 757 [Fig. 10(a)], yet we see that in general both results correlate quite well with agreement improving as increases. The sequence of plots in Fig. 10(a)–(c) clearly demonstrates the frequency splitting of -modes (open circles) that starts at and leads to a frequency that increases with separation . In this way constitutes a stopband, in which no real power can flow at the operating frequencies lying within for a chosen . We remark that for longer periodic lengths , Figs. 10(b)–(d), stays entirely confined between curves. By complementarity, a passband is given the by the frequency range bounded by adjacent and curves. Hence, a passband curve should flatten as increases. case [Fig. 10(a)], the For the shorter length curve—thus lower -frequency curve overlaps with a as producing narrow stopbands even for a high [Fig. 10(b)], the shown in Fig. 11(a). However, for lies halfway the two coalescing frequency , i.e., zero-phase-shift frequencies at and . In this case, the two at each in comparison splitting curves produce the widest cases. As illustrated in Fig. 11(b), the stopwith the corresponding to with extends about band frequencies. half the range between the upper and lower In the following, we explain why the eigenfrequencies obtained through the analytic dispersion relation match more closely those calculated from the numerical formulation as the becomes longer. Rooted in the expansion periodic length up to terms , the discrepancy arises from of inappropriately large values of the transverse wavenumber , because not only the smallness of but also (over which the approximate function the range of is used) controls the accuracy of the approximation achieved. the approximate begins to Quantitatively, for from the exact function with increasingly diverge at , above 3%; for relative error, defined here by , the relative error is as high as the imaginary value 17.5%. For a corrugated guide with a given , a longer period implies lower frequency, which translates into smaller . In associated with (at fact, the wavenumber and ) is , a value relatively small that renders the approximation accurate. However, for the shorter period , at and , the corresponding assumes a large value for which wavenumber the expansion fails, as captured by Fig. 10(a). V. DISCUSSION In this section we discuss the validity of representing the fields in a corrugated waveguide by a single expansion applicable everywhere inside the guide so as to identify some quantitative criteria to check the accuracy of the calculated results. Then we consider the tangential component of the -th space harmonic, which from (2), (3), and (6) is written in the form (19) 758 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 31, NO. 4, AUGUST 2003 Fig. 10. Eigenfrequencies for zero (denoted by triangles) and (open circles) phase shift per period as function of the normalized corrugation amplitude with ~ as a parameter: (a) L ~ = 0:5; (b) L ~ = 1:0; (c) L ~ = 1:5; and (d) L ~ = 2:0. Continuous curves are calculated from the analytic dispersion (18). the periodic L This expression is an even periodic function on the interval whose Fourier expansion coefficients are just given by of the th column of the matrix , cf. (8) the elements (20) Fig. 11. First two TM-mode dispersion curves for a sinusoidally corrugated ~ = 0:5; = 0:15 and (b) L ~ = 1:0; = 0:20. In waveguide with (a) L ~ also is shown the light line ! = c . normalized form ! ~ =( L=) = =L Through quantitative examples we attempt to identify the conditions that allow the prescribed analytical function in (19) to be closely approximated by the harmonic expansion in (20). With , this is verified by examining two field with : the first, for , solutions at , and the with corresponding eigenfrequency for a deeper corrugated guide second solution . Curves comparing with its cosine repwith resentation (20) are shown in Fig. 12(a) and (b) for and , respectively. For the shallow corrugation the is accurately matched by the cosine expansion function [Fig. 12(a)], yet a poor reconstruction is achieved in the deeper corrugation case. This is explained by looking at the wavenumber spectrum for in Fig. 13(a) which disof waveform plays as many harmonics (five) as the number of nondegenerate terms due terms in the cosine expansion, which provides . For the deeper corrugation to the evenness of , however, the corresponding spectrum [Fig. 13(b)] contains more harmonics than that available (in number of five) for signal. However, an obvious reconstructing the original question can arise. Why not increase the rank N of the matrix so that a larger number of cosine terms be at hand to re? At high , however, as the index construct is made larger, the shape of the function becomes increasingly more complex (Fig. 14), as illustrated by BARROSO et al.: EXAMINING BY THE RAYLEIGH–FOURIER METHOD THE CYLINDRICAL WAVEGUIDE Fig. 12. Functions T (z ) (continuous curves) for L=R = 1 with (a) 0:10, (b) = 0:20 and the cosine expansions (20), broken curves. Fig. 13. 759 Fig. 14. Functions T (z ) (continuous curves) for L=R = 1 with (a) = = 0:10, (b) = 0:20, and the cosine expansions (20), broken curves. Wavenumber spectra of waveforms T (z ) in Fig. 12. the corresponding wavenumber spectra in Fig. 15, with its harcosine terms. Being monics outnumbering the available [Fig. 15(a)], the number of harstill close to 5 at increases to 10 at monics in the spectrum of [Fig. 15(b)] and, as we have verified, this number amounts to . Then we conclude that for low 12 when a small suffices for the functions to be accurately reconstructed, consistent with the fact that the analytic dispersion well fits the numerical data for relation (18) derived at as displayed in Fig. 10. Here, we deal with a problem different from those usually by a found in expanding a known continuous function of a basis function through linear combination Fig. 15. Wavenumber spectra of waveforms T (z ) in Fig. 14. , hoping that approaches as closely as we please by taking N large enough. However, and the shape of itself in our problem the coefficients demanding in a catalytic way a both depend on , with number of expansion terms larger than the limit N. Despite this injunction, we shall see that useful solutions can be obtained even though the series (2) diverges. First, we note in Fig. 14 that , continuous line) and the reconstructing the prescribed ( —the loca(dotted line) curves mostly disagree at tions where the corrugated profile reaches its maximum radius. This nicely illustrates a peculiarity of the so-called Rayleigh hypothesis [16]–[21]. Emerged from theoretical considerations of plane-wave scattering by a rough surface, this hypothesis, postulated by Rayleigh [19], assumes that the scattered field may 760 Fig. 16. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 31, NO. 4, AUGUST 2003 Electric field pattern at 1:67=1:5. = 0 in a guide with = 0:27 and L=R = be analytically continued to the corrugated surface so that the scattered mode amplitudes are determined from the boundary conditions. By following this assumption in the context of the present problem, the field representation (2)–(3), strictly valid , is extended to the corrugated cylindrical for . As pointed out as by Millar [16] and discussed surface by Neviere et al. [22], the validity of the Rayleigh hypothesis is conditioned by the presence and localization of singularities of a conformal mapping that transforms a sinusoidal curve into a straight line. A general explicit criterion for the validity of the Rayleigh theory is still missing, but limits of convergence set out by Petit and Cadilhac [23] and Hill and Celli [24] as 0.072 and 0.094 respectively for one- and two-dimensional sinusoidal surfaces render the Rayleigh hypothesis rigorously valid as addressed by van den Berg and Fokkema [25]. Further, Berman and Perkins [26] have demonstrated that the Rayleigh method with boundary conditions being projected in the Fourier space gives accurate results well beyond the domain of validity of the original Rayleigh hypothesis when applied to a Dirichlet sinusoidal surface, with the method breaking . As the domain of anadown at deeper grooves lyticity of the plane-wave Floquet’s expansion depends on the angle of incidence, such criteria for the sinusoidal grating have obtained assuming normal incidence. In cylindrical geometry this translates into an influence of the waveguide radius. Accordingly, we show below that the criterion for the validity of the RF method when applied to the cylindrical rippled guide, , in addition to relying on the ripple-to-periodic length ratio depends on the waveguide radius as well. To this end, we consider a sinusoidally rippled guide which has been manufactured and experimentally tested. Intended for applications in relativistic BWOs, the guide has the normalized with average radius cm ripple amplitude cm [9], [12]. With the guide operating and period , the correin the second passband at sponding electric field lines and the associated distribution of the tangential component of the electric field are shown, respectively, in Figs. 16 and 17, where the tangential field diverges noticeably near the crests of the guide’s profile. However, for this same guide operating (in the second passband) at , the tangential field neatly matches the sinusoidal boundary as illustrated by Figs. 18 and 19. Characterized by cross sections magnetically shorted at the maximum radius of the guide, this kind of field configuration (designated resonance) favors the RF method in that the elechere as the tric field lines reach the guide’s crests radially (Fig. 18). And in configuration in which the eleccomparison with the Fig. 17. Spatial structure of the electric field parallel to the tangent to the guide boundary in Fig. 16. Fig. 18. L=R Electric field lines at = 1:67=1:5. = =L in a guide with = 0:27 and Fig. 19. Spatial structure of the electric field parallel to the tangent to the guide boundary in Fig. 18. tric field lines curl inside the groove (Fig. 16), the RF method pattern, which relaxes proves to work better for the the calculation from numerical divergence by lacking axial electric field component at the guide’s crest, the location where the Rayleigh hypothesis becomes weakest. To quantitatively assess the accuracy of the numerical , with solutions, we take the ratio denoting the electric field, tangent to the boundary, averaged over a corrugation period, and the maximum electric field on-axis, as a measure of the error BARROSO et al.: EXAMINING BY THE RAYLEIGH–FOURIER METHOD THE CYLINDRICAL WAVEGUIDE 761 Fig. 21. Simulation electric vector field plot corresponding to the guide in ~ = 6:9792). Fig. 1 ( = 0; ! Fig. 20. Error ratios along the boundary of the guides in (a) Fig. 18 and (b) Fig. 16. incurred. For the solution, this ratio gives 2.3% as becomes maximal at the indicated in Fig. 20(a), where and essentially vanishes on the central period ends . For the case, although region the error ratio is as high as 1.4 [Fig. 20(b)] the calculated GHz agrees frequency remarkably well—to better than 0.2%—with the experimental value of 14.29 GHz measured by Guo et al. [12] and also with that obtained (14.28 GHz) from a state-vector numerical technique [7], [12]. Regarding some particular features of the RF solutions, we patterns depicted in Figs. 1–2 and focus on the two 16–17. Although both solutions correspond to corrugated guides and , rewith similar ripple ratios of diverges catastrophispectively, the solution for cally in Fig. 17, whereas such a behavior does not unfold at all , cf. Fig. 2. While having only one volumetric for , cf. (10) with ) in component ( its composition of space harmonics, the remaining components, , grow exall of which are surfaces harmonics ponentially faster than the decay of the expansion coefficients , and so the solution diverges. By contrast, the presence of facilthree volumetric harmonics in the solution at itates from the numerical point of view the cancellation of the tangential electric field along the boundary (Fig. 2). To support but keeping this conclusion at a deeper corrugation with , we have verified that for the holds three volumetric harmonics solution found entailing a reasonably small error ratio of 4.0%, which makes this a useful solution. To ascertain the field quantities provided by the RF method, , we perform on the guide of Fig. 1 by using the code KARAT [27], a time-domain electromagwith the RF-calculated eigenfrenetic simulation at as a benchmark parameter. In the simuquency lation, a single short-circuited cell (Fig. 21) with average radius Fig. 22. Frequency spectrum of the electric field in the guide of Fig. 21. cm, and, hence, GHz, is excited by an ac current-driven electric probe placed on the cavity axis. With the input frequency ranging from 15.00 GHz, but kept unchanged in each run, then by a search procedure the trial frequency is varied until steadily growing fields are observed over a few hundreds of the oscillation period in the simulation. The excitation frequency has shown to be slightly dependent on the size of the square grid used, with 1 2- and 1 5-mm grid sizes giving resonant frequencies of 15.050 and 15.105 GHz, respectively. Howmm the excitaever, decreasing further the mesh size to tion frequency rapidly converges to 15.145 GHz, as seen in the frequency spectrum of Fig. 22, in excellent agreement with the predicted value of 15.147 GHz. We note in addition the obvious correlation between the simulated electric vector field pattern in Fig. 21 and the RF-method-calculated field lines as displayed in Fig. 1. Finally, we compare electric field profiles obtained from electromagnetic simulation and RF calculation along the radial co[Fig. 23(a)] and running across ordinate at constant [Fig. 23(b)]. In its radial exthe cavity at fixed changes cursion [Fig. 23(a)], the longitudinal field exactly lying on sign twice, with the second zero at the largest circular cylinder that fits the guide, a picture consistent with the contour plot in Fig. 1. In passing out of the inner into the groove region volume 762 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 31, NO. 4, AUGUST 2003 ~ = 1 and Fig. 24. Simulation configuration for the corrugated guide (with L = 0:2) into which a TM wave is injected from the left open boundary and completely absorbed by the resistive disk on the right termination. Also shown is the power distribution along the system on steady state; the geometry is cylindrical with the z -axis corresponding to the axis of symmetry. Fig. 23. (a) Radial and (b) axial electric field distributions in the guide of Fig. 21. both solutions keep agreeing, and only at distance close to the guide wall does the RF solution (solid line) begin to diverge. An accurate fitting of RF to KARAT field profiles is also obtained in Fig. 23(b), with the RF solution for departing slightly from the the radial component KARAT curve (dashed line) past midway its excursion across the groove. VI. FILTERING ASPECTS In this section, we examine the selective properties of the sinusoidally rippled waveguide through numerical electromagand netic simulation of a periodic structure with cm. As given in Fig. 10, the splitting average radius corresponding to short(normalized) frequencies at and open-circuit resonances are, respectively, and which give, according to the normalization relation , a stopband in the range 7.7600–9.1716 GHz. Thus, we should expect a strong attenuation at the central frequency of 8.4658 GHz. To verify this we perform, by using the computer code KARAT [27], a time-domain electromagnetic simulation of the structure shown in Fig. 24. Discretized with square cells 1-mm size, the structure comprises a corrugated section connected on both ends to a 10-cm-long smooth-walled guide. At the right of the short-circuited termination, a resistive disk is placed to completely absorb eventual incident waves without reflection back to the corrugated section. From the left open boundary a TM wave is launched into the system at drive frequencies within the 6.5–10.5 GHz range to ascertain the frequency-response characteristics of the guide in such a stopband. This is done by determining the attenuation coefficient from the steady-state power distribution along the guide, where is the peak power at (Fig. 24). Results from this numerical the injection plane experiment are displayed in Fig. 25 showing the attenuation as a function of frequency for a ten-section periodic guide, together with the attenuation curve calculated from the dispersion relation (9) at complex wavenumber and real frequency. Thus, we Fig. 25. Frequency-dependent attenuation as determined from simulation (squares) on a ten-section guide and on an inifinite-length guide from the RF method (circles). Fig. 26. Dependence of attenuation on the number of corrugated sections at 8.4 GHz. see that the maximal attenuation of 165.0 dB/m on the simulation curve occurs at the frequency of 8.4085 GHz, in agreement with the stopband center frequency of 8.4658 GHz as anticipated earlier for the infinitely long corrugated guide. This is supported further by Fig. 26 giving the attenuation as a function of the number of periodic sections, where we note that the attenuation curve tends to saturate when the number of sections increases. This picture is consistent with Fig. 25 as the ten-section curve lies little below the infinite-length guide curve, which in addition falls from its maximum at a steeper gradient than the simulation curve does. BARROSO et al.: EXAMINING BY THE RAYLEIGH–FOURIER METHOD THE CYLINDRICAL WAVEGUIDE Acting like mirrors in the usual laser cavity, the arrangement depicted in Fig. 24 constitutes a Bragg reflector, which has been recognized as an ideal element for free-electron lasers (FEL) [28] and cyclotron autoresonance masers (CARM) [29]. By providing frequency selective feedback of overmoded high-power microwave oscillations, the corrugation scatters a forward wave coherently into a backward wave as long as the corrugation pe. riod satisfies the Bragg condition, i.e., VII. CONCLUSION This paper has investigated the electromagnetic properties of the periodic waveguide with sinusoidally varying wall radius operating in axisymmetric TM modes. As exclusively considered in BWO experiments, just these modes are able to perturb the axial velocity and electron density on rectilinear beams confined by an external magnetic field in slow-wave systems. Suited for a corrugation geometry of continuously rippled wall—which is more resistant to RF electric breakdown when compared with corrugation having rectangular slots and ridges of sharp edges—the analysis has developed on the basis of the Rayleigh hypothesis whereby the field solution is represented by a single expansion of TM eigenmodes with the boundary conditions projected in the Fourier space. This so-called RF method has been verified by some authors [18], [20], [26] as the one (among the least-squares and the integral methods) giving by far the best overall description of wave scattering from sinusoidally corrugated surfaces. Demonstrated here for the cylindrical guide, the RF method has shown excellent performance as the error incurred in calculating eigenfrequencies and electric field distributions is small enough to be disregarded in most practical applications as long as , noting that the larger the number of volumetric harmonics, the better the method works. The influence of the and corrugation parameters (normalized periodic length ripple amplitude ) has been carefully investigated in the light of their causal relation to the dispersion characteristics, with a parameterized study indicating that the width of the stopband , where denotes the normalized scales as cutoff frequency of the corresponding smooth-walled circular waveguide. Furthermore, the favorable comparison of theoretical predictions with computer simulated data for a ten-section corrugated guide well indicates the suitability of the numerical tools presented here for the design and analysis of rippled wall waveguides. Complementing the numerical results, the analytic dispersion equation so far derived has given frequencies almost coincident with those calculated from the rank-9 matrix formulafor periodic lengths ranging from 0.5 to tion up to 2 in steps of 0.5. The situation in which the analytical relation utterly failed to reproduce the numeric-matrix results refers to with opguides of short periodic lengths erating on the lower branch of the -mode splitting frequency curves, for which decreases with increasing . So long as over this branch, all the space harmonics are evanes. Then, the transverse wavenumcent waves since bers all assume imaginary values with the fields growing exponentially in the radial direction. While considering three space 763 harmonics , this has introduced numerical difficulties as there are no zeros available to meet the required boundary conditions. However, we remark that devices using high-current relativistic electron beams demand relatively weak % as in wall modulation on the rippled structure (typically overmoded slow-wave devices), and in this regard the analytic relation proves to be useful and efficient with respect to both accuracy and computation time. 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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 31, NO. 4, AUGUST 2003 Joaquim José Barroso received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering and the M.Sc. degree in plasma physics, both from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA), São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil. in 1976 and 1980, respectively. In 1988, he received the Doctor degree in plasma physics from the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), São José dos Campos. He has remained at INPE since 1982, and has been involved in the design and construction of high-power microwave tubes. From 1989 to 1990, he was a Visiting Scientist at the Plasma Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. His current interests include microwave electronics and plasma technology. Joaquim Paulino Leite Neto received the B.S. degree in physics and the M.S. degree in plasma physics from the State University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, in 1978 and 1984, respectively. He has been with the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), São José dos Campos, Brazil, since 1982, where he has worked on numerical simulation of electron cyclotron resonance heating, Currently, his research activities concentrate on conceptual studies of high-power mucrowave generators in connection with slow-wave structures. Konstantin G. Kostov was born in Sofia, Bulgaria, on February 5, 1962. He received the B.S. degree in physics, the M.S. degree in plasma physics, and the Ph.D. degree in plasma physics, from Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria, in 1984, 1986, and 1994, respectively. In 1986, he joined the Plasma Electronics Laboratory, Sofia University, as a Research Assistant. From 1995 to 1996, he was a Visiting Scientist at the University of Brasilia, Bras Lia, Brazil. In July 1996, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow with Department of Engineering Physics, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada. From September, 1997 to September, 1998, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the National Space Research Institute (INPE), São José dos Campos, Brazil. Since 1999, he has been an Assistant Professor with Department of General Physics, Sofia University. From 2000 to 2001, he was a Visiting Scientist at the Associated Plasma Laboratory, National Institute for Space Research. His current research interests include high-power microwave sources as gyrotrons, monotrons and vircators, high-current electron beams, and plasma industrial applications.