OIP Recruitment Efforts - The University of Texas at Tyler

F A L L 2 0 1 5
Total Countries Represented at UT Tyler to Date
119 (122 including territories)
The OIP recently completed the task of researching and documenting the
number of countries that have been represented by international students
at UT Tyler. Since 1973, students from 119 countries and 3 territories have
studied on our campus! Many new flags will be purchased by Student
Affairs and displayed in the MET in the near future. At the end of their
project, 122 flags plus the flag of the United States and the VietnameseAmerican flag (124 flags in total) will proudly be on display.
UT Tyler International Statistics
Fall 2015
International Students: 360
(140 Undergraduate, 220 Graduate)
OPT: 145
122 countries listed below; blue = UT Tyler students currently on campus!
(22 Undergraduate, 123 Graduate)
Countries Represented: 58
Total Countries Historically: 122
———————————————————Faculty-Led Trips: 11
Students Abroad 2014-15: 85
Travel Study Countries: 8 ♦ USAC Countries: 3
Check out the WORLD MAP in the OIP ISSFS Center
located in UC 2160 to see all UT Tyler
international student countries with their flag!
International Statistics
Countries Represented
OIP Recruitment Efforts
IELI News
New - OIP Passport Services
Tyler Sister City - Japan
Engineering Recruitment in India
Engineering Design - Mercy Ships
ABET International Reviews
J-1 Exchange Visitor Program
J-1 Scholars on Campus
Model UN in Central Europe
Nursing Immersion in Taiwan
Create a Travel Study Course
Costa Rica Adventures
Maya Research Program
Belize Educator Preparation
Wuhan University Agreement
International Partnerships
Armenian Collaborations
Cambodia Service Learning
Israel Political Science Travel Study
International Fest
Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain,
Bangladesh, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria,
Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chile, China (and its territory Hong Kong and Macao), Colombia, Republic of Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Costa Rica, The Republic of Côte D'Ivoire, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, England, Equatorial Guinea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, French Guiana, Gabon, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Bailiwick of Guernsey,
Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya,
Malawi, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway,
Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Republic of the Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Samoa, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Senegal, The Republic of Serbia, Singapore, South Africa,
Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia,
Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela,
Vietnam, Yugoslavia (no longer a country), Zambia, and Zimbabwe. 58 Countries currently represented!
OIP Recruitment Efforts
OIP recruitment efforts are working toward diversifying our international student
population in the IELI and on campus. Accomplishments include:
 Created new lightweight brochures, translated into Arabic, Chinese,
Japanese, and Spanish; French and Portuguese will be ready soon!
 Online web recruitment pages in Brazil (translated into Portuguese) and
in Indonesia (translated into Indonesian).
 Ad in the premier Study Abroad magazine in Japan.
 Feature university profile pages in a new recruitment magazine to be
distributed throughout 12 African countries in January 2016 (Angola,
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Nigeria,
South Africa, Togo, Uganda and Zimbabwe).
Working with the U.S. Department of State, additional countries the OIP recruitment
campaign is focusing on include Armenia, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, India,
Israel, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan,
Vietnam, and Venezuela. Recruitment efforts are also underway at our partner universities in 13 countries. See page 5 for details!
Visit a few of the OIP pages for more information:
Brazil—http://www.estudonoexterior.com/institutes/university-of-texas-at-tyler/ and
Indonesia—http://www.belajarluarnegeri.com/institutes/university-of-texas-at-tyler/ and
Partner Universities—http://www.uttyler.edu/oip/collaborating_universities.php
Currently 7
IELI & Enrolled
at UT Tyler
1 Biology
1 Education
1 Engineering
1 Industrial
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UT Tyler Passport Acceptance Facility— OIP Now processing passport applications!
The OIP is delighted to announce that we now have a Passport Acceptance Facility available at UT Tyler! Whether you need a
passport for travel or as a superior form of I.D., you can apply for one conveniently at the UT Tyler Office of International
Programs located at 3620 Varsity Dr., right across the street from the Cowan Performing Arts Center.
We welcome walk-ins and take appointments. Along with processing your Passport Applications, we provide additional services such as taking professional passport pictures and photocopying services are also available.
Call: 903.565.6155 or email: passport@uttyler.edu to find out more!
For more information about our hours, visit our page on the official website of the
U.S. Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs.
Tyler Sister Cities Visit to UT Tyler
The Office of International Programs welcomed 19 Delegates from the City of Yachiyo, Japan on Thursday, 15 October 2015. The delegation included Mayor Syuichi Akiba
along with several businessmen, and high school and college students. Their time on campus included a traditional
BBQ meal served by Aramark on the outdoor deck of the
Ratliff Library with entertainment by UT Tyler’s Jazz Ensemble. A fantastic tour of campus was conducted by Undergraduate Admissions. UT Tyler Alumni of the Yachiyo Assistant Language Teacher program were in attendance as
were Tyler Mayor Martin Heines, Tyler Chief of Police Gary
Swindle (Tyler Sister Cities President), and Professor Tony
Tadasa from Tyler Junior College. We would like to express
our sincere gratitude to the members of the UT Tyler’s President’s Council who attended in support of the event.
International Engineering Design
Projects on Mercy Ships!
Several teams of students in the College of Engineering are
engaging in design projects to support Mercy ships. The
projects include changing refrigerant in the compressors for
the cold storage areas as required by the International Maritime Organization, improving the ventilation in the surgical
sterilization area, and improving the accommodations and
arrangements in the crew galley.
Dr. Tom Crippen and Dr. Jim Nelson
traveled to the shipyard in Durban,
South Africa in July to conduct the
survey on the Africa Mercy necessary
for the design work. The designs prepared by the students should be implemented on the Africa Mercy when
it is next in the shipyard in 2016.
Engineering/OIP Recruitment Trip - India
Dr. James Nelson, Dean of the College of Engineering,
and Ms. Nandini McClurg, from the OIP, attended the
2015 Indo-Global Education Summit on academic
collaborations and student
recruitment held in Hyderabad,
India from 13-15 November
2015. The Summit was specifically designed for university presidents, vice-chancellors, provosts,
deans, scientists, researchers,
and faculty to share information about academic and
research programs on their campuses and offered sessions on a variety of
programs such as collaborative research, joint/dual degree, twinning & transfer, faculty and student exchange, study abroad in India, distance education,
vocational education, and student recruitment.
Participants had an opportunity to have one-on-one
meetings between representatives of foreign universities and those of Indian institutions to forge academic
collaborations. After attending the Summit, meetings
took place at 5 Engineering Colleges in Mumbai and Pune and an additional 6
universities were visited in Rajkot, Ahmedabad, and
Baroda in order to help diversify the international
students population at UT Tyler. We wish Dr. Nelson
the best in his new adventure beginning next month
as Director of the Texas A&M University System
Engineering Academic Initiatives and we thank him
for his outstanding service as Chair of the International Oversight Committee. He will be missed!
College of Engineering ABET Visit - Saudi Arabia
Dr. Muthukrishnan Sathyamoorthy, College of Engineering Associate Dean and
Professor, traveled to Qassim, Saudi Arabia in early November as a senior
member of an Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) team, spending one week reviewing the mechanical engineering program at Qassim University. He
shared that “The university was very generous
to arrange a very nice tour of the city for the
team and provided opportunities for us to
enjoy the local hospitality and
culture.” In October 2014, he also visited Chihuahua in Mexico on
a similar assignment from ABET, and has been conducting ABET
accreditation visits around the world every year since 1999. He is
a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
and states “I continue to enjoy these assignments as a volunteer
professional service to ASME and ABET.”
Page 2
and Fulbright Visitors on Campus
UT Tyler welcomes international faculty and scholars for visits
ranging from a few days to an academic year. These international experts significantly enrich the educational experiences
of the UT Tyler community by leading small-group and panel
discussions, and providing presentations, seminars and guest
lectures in their areas of specialization. International scholars
also collaborate on research and scholarship activities, and
work with faculty committees in their areas of interest and
expertise. The OIP provides instructions and guidance, while
also processing all required paperwork for J visa applications.
UT Tyler’s J-1 Program began in 2012 and is continuing to grow.
UT Tyler’s Exchange Visitor Statistics to date:
2012-2013 academic year:
Invite your international
colleagues to visit UT Tyler
 1 (Mexico) Visiting Scholar
to share their expertise with
2013-2014 academic year
our campus community!
 1 (China) Visiting Scholar
 4 (South Korea) Fulbright Visitors
2014-2015 academic year
 9 (China; Mexico) Visiting Scholars
 4 (South Korea) Fulbright Visitors
2015-2016 academic year
15 (China; South Korea) Visiting
 4 (South Korea) Fulbright Visitors
Invite your colleagues from outside the United
States to participate in UT Tyler’s Exchange
Visitor Program. The process is easy!
For assistance,
contact the OIP:
Mr. Daoming Chen
“I had a relevant experience studying art in a country that values art
within its culture and sees the importance of art in its history.”
—Elizabeth Groth, UT Tyler Graduate - December 2015
USAC Summer 2015 Spain Program Participant
Congratulations to Elizabeth—selected as 1 of 4 students
to participate in a residency program in Madrid. She is
scheduled to begin graduate studies to pursue an MA in
Art from UT Tyler upon her return!
Nursing Immersion in Taiwan
Seven Doctoral Students in Nursing spent from 2 - 23 May
2015 at Tzu Chi College of Technology in Hualien, Taiwan with
Dr. Beth Mastel-Smith. Their three week on campus experience,
“Transcultural Health and Humanities: Taiwan Immersion,” featured courses covering Traditional Chinese Medicine. The courses included Philosophical Underpinnings, Diagnosis, and Treatments such as acupuncture, cupping, herbal therapy, and Tai
Chi Massage, all taught by doctors at the Tzu Chi Hospital. The
students also attended Humanities classes on the Tzu Chi College of Technology campus, including Calligraphy, Mandarin
Chinese, Buddhism, Tai Chi, Tea Ceremony, Tzu Chi’s Silent
Mentor Program, Aboriginal Culture, and Taiwan History and
Geography. Read what one of Dr. Mastel-Smith’s students had
to say about the experience in the OIP Student Newsletter!
Meet our Visiting Scholars!
Yuhua Gao — China, Nursing, Dr. Tai Wang
Zhaoling Sun — China, LITLAG, Dr. Hui Wu
Juan Xu — China, OIP IELI, Dr. Teresa Kennedy
Hee-Young Kang (Not Pictured) — South Korea, Nursing, Dr. Barbara Haas
Ping Xiao (Not Pictured) — China, LITLAG, Dr. Hui Wu
Model UN in Central Europe
Seven students and their advisor, Ms. Rebecca Jackson,
traveled to Central Europe from 11 - 29 November 2015 to
engage in academic discourse regarding international relations and experience the past and present in cultural visits
within the Czech Republic and Poland. Students participated in a mock simulation of the United Nations and worked
to overcome and solve global issues including: International Cooperation Against Terrorism, Empowering Women and Girls in the Post-2015
Development Agenda, and the Protection of UNESCO World Heritage
sites in conflict areas. The students engaged in country studies for
the entire fall semester in preparation for this valuable simulation.
A few highlights of the trip included:
 Tour of Prague, including the St. Charles Bridge and Astronomical
clock in Prague's Old Town Hall;
 Visit to Auschwitz Birkenau Concentration Camp Memorial and
 Hike up a snow-capped mountainside to marvel at Javoříčko Caves
filled with stalactites and stalagmites; and
 Medieval Times experience at Bouzov Castle.
Jackson stated, “Overall, students found themselves most impacted by
the historical conflicts, natural beauty, and various cultural traditions
that were illuminated during their visit to Central Europe. Each day a
new treasure was revealed as students became more familiar and more
apart of the Old Town Square in Olomouc—-a UNESCO World Heritage
Site where the conference was held.”
Page 3
Create a Travel/Study Course and Show your Students the World!
Faculty-Led travel study programs are academic experiences that are initiated, organized and carried out by UT Tyler faculty members, working closely with their respective departments and with assistance from staff at the OIP who provide resources to assist with proposal development, facilitate the submission and approval process, and provide guidance to assist with the completion of all required compliancerelated travel documentation. Easy steps to complete the process: http://www.uttyler.edu/oip/facultyresources/createtravelstudy.php
Research shows that programs which are approved and marketed at least two full semesters prior to the time of departure experience better recruitment and
are more successful preparing students for their experience abroad. Faculty members contemplating organizing a travel study experience for their students
are encouraged to contact the OIP as early in the process as possible (recommended at least 18 – 24 months in advance).
A few of the outstanding 2015 Faculty-Led travel study programs, as described by the faculty members leading the trips, are described
below. These trips provided diverse experiences for UT Tyler students—from learning Spanish through academic experiences at a prestigious
university or participating in service-learning experiences aimed at assisting students to learn English in a safe and fun environment in Costa
Rica, to conducting archaeological research or working in schools in Belize, to learning about the historical and political nature of Cambodia
or Israel to working in hospitals in Taiwan. The options and opportunities are limitless. Imagine a program that would fit your students’
needs and contact the OIP to see how we can help you to create the program you have envisioned!
Costa Rica Service Learning
Costa Rica Language Immersion
UT Tyler and TJC students again joined forces for the annual Dos
Ríos School beautification project on 11 - 20 May 2015 planting
trees in the nearby rainforest, creating a new
playground area and painting buildings at the
school. The group enjoyed many adventures
such as horseback riding in the rainforest,
white water rafting along the river, and enjoying the beach. Among the group were 6 UT
Tyler students, led by Dr. Kathleen Everling,
School of Education, and 3 TJC students with Mr. John Hayes.
The third annual Department of Literature and Languages travel
study trip to Costa Rica took place on 12 July - 1 August 2015. Nine
students participated in the 3-week adventure by Dr. Greg Utley.
Students participated in Spanish language
studies at the National University of Costa
Rica, stayed with host families and took weekend trips to the Poás National Volcano Park,
the La Paz Zoological and Rainforest Park, the
beach at Manuel Antonio National Park (one
of the most beautiful national parks in the
world according to Forbes), and also ventured
into the capital city of San José. Language and cultural immersion
can be challenging, but any such issues were quickly dispatched
with many students forming close bonds with
their mamás ticas (house mothers), and swiftly learning the
“ins and outs” of Heredia, their
host city, including navigating
the bus and taxi systems and
figuring out how to get to and around the campus
and the downtown area. New foods were tried
such as gallo pinto, the national dish of Costa
Rica, which consists of eggs, rice, and beans, that
is served for breakfast. Daniela, their esteemed
Spanish instructor, not only guided the students
through the intricacies of Spanish grammar, but also enlightened
them on colloquial expressions such as ¡Pura vida! (fine, great,
among other meanings) and ¡Que chiva! (cool). According to
Dr. Utley, “Certainly everyone’s language skills increased significantly and a global vision was cultivated, a central goal of all immersion
programs.” Planning for the fourth annual travel study trip to Costa
Rica is under way, tentatively scheduled for 9 - 30 July 2016. This
unique experience is open to all, and is of fundamental importance
for all Spanish majors and minors.
Maya Research Program: Belize
UT Tyler’s Center for Social Science Research and Maya Research
Program is launching the 25th annual research and training effort in
the Central American nation of Belize. Led by Dr. Tom Guderjan, the
annual project focuses on archaeology but is also a multidisciplinary
effort including geographers, architects, biologists and other scientists. Four UT Tyler students participated during the summer of
2015. This year, funded by the Botanical Research
Institute of Texas, botanist Dr. Josh Banta from UT
Tyler’s Department of Biology will join the MRP
team. UT Tyler students can join students from 40
other colleges and universities from 7 countries in
any of four two-week sessions. Students not only
receive academic credit but intensive training in
“How we know what we know about the past” that
applies to all fields, not just archaeology.
Educator Preparation Program in Belize
The annual learning experience in Belize took place from 14 - 21 June 2015, providing students enrolled in any course in
the educator preparation program with “an opportunity to look at issues covered in current academic content addressing
diversity, multiculturalism, dispositions of educators and ESL learners through a new lens,” stated Dr. Wes Hickey. The
group visited several schools in the Punta Gorda area. “The trip provided an amazing opportunity to not only see the beautiful
country, but also experience how the children of Belize learn and grow...seeing how students thrive even without everyday comforts of running water and electricity opened a new level of understanding and awareness.” Joan Otten, UT Tyler graduate student.
Page 4
Wuhan Sport University in China Partners with UT Tyler
UT Tyler’s College of Nursing and Health Sciences, led by Dr. Yong Tai Wang, hosted a delegation from Wuhan Sport University in China,
Friday, 18 September 2015, for the signing of an Agreement of Cooperation by Dr. Wan Gang Lu, President of Wuhan Sports University, and
Dr. Rodney Mabry, UT Tyler President (pictured on left). The Agreement will enable both universities to promote collaborative interests in
student and faculty mobility, teaching and research activities, and to deepen the understanding of the
economic, cultural, and social environment of both institutions.
Group Picture, Front Row (Left to Right): Dr. William Geiger, Vice Provost & Dean, Graduate
School UT Tyler; Dr. Wan Gang Lu, Wuhan Sport University; Dr. Rodney Mabry, President, UT
Tyler; & Dr. Yong Tai Wang, Dean, College of Nursing & Health Sciences, UT Tyler.
Back Row (Left to Right): Ya Dong Liang, Professor-Martial Art Department, Wuhan Sport University; Fei Hu Feng, Dean, Health Science Department, Wuhan Sport University; Dr. Teresa
Kennedy, Executive Director, Office of International Programs, UT Tyler; Gao Cai Zhao, Dean,
Theoretical Department, Wuhan Sport University; Jia Sheng Yang, Director, Audit Department,
Wuhan Sport University; Dr. Barbara Haas, Interim Associate Dean, College of Nursing and
Health Sciences, UT Tyler; Dr. David Criswell, Department Chair, Health & Kinesiology, UT Tyler; & Mr. Daoming Chen, lntl Advisor, OIP.
International Partnerships
Collaborations in Armenia
In September 2015, Dr. Colleen Marzilli
attended the 3rd Annual International Nursing
Congress at Yerevan State Armenia-American
Medical College “Erebouni” and established
UT Tyler’s 13th international agreement!
UT Tyler develops strategic partnerships that advance our
university’s mission, are institutionally-based, long-standing,
and mutually-beneficial to both institutions.
These partnerships allow UT Tyler to increase opportunities
for global studies, faculty and student exchange, and
international academic and research collaborations.
Service Learning in Cambodia
Five UT Tyler students participated in a Cambodia Service Learning Travel Study course from 11 - 31 May 2015 with their faculty leader
Dr. Robert Sterken. The students learned about traditional cultures in the region, the influence of Western values and institutions in Asia,
the socioeconomic development and political change taking place, the relationship between the institutions of the Asian states, nationalism
in the Asian region, and the importance of globalization in Asia. The students visited with at-risk youth, representatives from the Institute of
Foreign Languages at Royal University, NGOs, volunteers, and also visited many important sites. Currently, Dr. Sterken is currently serving as
a Fulbright Scholar in Burma/Myanmar conducting researching and teaching religion and politics, and human rights and international law.
Fourth Annual Israel Spring Break Travel Study in 2015
Since 2012, the College of Arts and Sciences has offered three or six credit hours in Political Science to students interested in a class that
emphasizes the study of the only political democracy in the Middle East. On 5 - 16 March 2015, the fourth annual trip led by Dr. Martin Slann and Ms. Susan Doty took 11 UT Tyler students to Israel. The upcoming 2016 Tour will add an opportunity to enroll in an upper level Economics course as well
that focuses on Israel as a “start-up” nation because of its multi-faceted technological, medical,
and scientific initiatives. Israel’s annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of nearly $300 billion is
more than the total of its immediate neighbors even though Israel’s population of 8.5 million is
only a twentieth of theirs. Classes meet weekly before leaving for Israel and an intensive ten-day
tour enables the students to meet with academics, politicians, journalists, and scientists. The
students also tour religious and archeological sites in the Golan Heights, Jerusalem, and the Dead Sea region. Each student
pursues a research topic that is selected in collaboration with one of the course’s instructors and gains valuable insights from primary
sources while in Israel. The research efforts are completed upon their return to Tyler and presented in class. The class/study tour is available to all majors in and outside of the College of Arts and Sciences and to both undergraduate and graduate students.
Page 5
International Fest 2015—Celebrating International Education Week
UT Tyler’s first International Fest was held on Thursday, 12 November 2015, in the University Center Ballroom. The Event was a huge success
with more than 500 in attendance. Over 30 students created posters displaying information about their countries and competed for prizes.
Faculty members shared information highlighting their upcoming travel study programs, and local groups, faculty
and students performed and entertained the crowd! Thank you to Kabob Lounge, World Market, Athena's Greek &
American Family Restaurant, Boba-Loompia!, The Diner, Aramark
Campus Dining, Kabayan Asian Food Market, and SuperMercado
Monterrey for donating food samples and beverages for the event.
We also thank all the faculty and staff that contributed to
making this event successful!
More pictures are included in the OIP Student Newsletter, the
OIP Face Book page, and in the article posted by the
Tyler Morning Telegraph!
Create a Travel Study Course
We are here to help you plan!
Contact our office at oip@uttyler.edu
Deadlines for submitting your travel study
proposal for
SUMMER 2016: 12 February 2016
The International SOS and Control Risks Travel
Risk Map is now available for 2016.
The Travel Risk Map displays each country’s
medical risk rating and travel security risk rating. The result is a comprehensive overview of
risks by destination to aid organizations and
staff in their travel risk mitigation efforts.
Please donate fun items to our
orientation bags distributed at the
New International Student
Orientations held each semester!
Contact oip@uttyler.edu for more
Information about how you can help.
A special Thank You goes out to all the local
businesses that provide items each semester!
Want to be More Informed about International Education?
The OIP has many international resources that you can use on site or check out to
read. From Rosetta Stone for learning basic conversation in Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish prior to a trip abroad, to resources covering security and safety, to
best selling books such as “Global Perspectives on International Joint and Double
Degree Programs,” we have resources you don’t want to miss out on—Visit the OIP!
How Popular is International Education?
The Open Doors Report provides important data relating to International Education.
Read about the number of International students studying in the United States, as
well as how many students from the United States are studying abroad. This
document would be beneficial for faculty looking to plan a travel study trip!
Visit http://www.iie.org/Research-and-Publications/Open-Doors for more information.
View the OIP Calendar of Events at
Read more about UT Tyler
International student highlights in the
student newsletter!
The OIP fosters a welcoming and inclusive environment for our international
students, scholars and visiting faculty from around the world who enrich the
diversity of our campus and engage in interactive learning opportunities
with our entire community.
Dr. Teresa Kennedy, Executive Director
Office of International Programs
Follow Us!
S T U D E N T S , S C H O L A R S , A N D F A C U L T Y , A S W E L L
T H E T Y L E R A N D E A S T T E X A S C O M M U N I T I E S .
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