Epilepsici, 37(9):892-901, 1996 Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia 0 International League Against Epilepsy Properties of a Delayed Rectifier Potassium Current in Dentate Granule Cells Isolated from the Hippocampus of Patients with Chronic Temporal Lobe Epilepsy “H. Beck, TI. Blumcke, ST. Kral, $H. Clusmann, SJ. Schramm, 9U. Heinemann, and *C. E. Elger to. D. Wiestler, Departments of *Epileptology, fNeuropathology, and $Neurosurgery, University of Bonn Medical Center, Bonn; und §Department of Physiology, Charit4 Berlin, Berlin, Germany Summary: Purpose: Properties of potassium outward currents were investigated in human hippocampal dentate gyrus granule cells from 1 1 hippocampal specimens obtained from patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) during resective surgery. Methods: Dentate granule cells were isolated enzymatically and outward currents analyzed by using the wholecell configuration of the patch-clamp method. Hippocampal specimens were classified neuropathologically with respect to severe segmental cell loss, gliosis, and axonal sprouting (Ammon’s horn sclerosis, AHS), or the presence of a focal lesion in the adjacent temporal lobe. Results: A delayed rectifier outward currtnt (I,), but not an A-type potassium current (I,) or inwardly rectifying potassium currents, was observed in all cells. The average current density of I,, the time-dependent decay of I,, and the resting membrane characteristics were not significantlydifferent between patients with and without AHS. The voltage of half-maximal activation V,/z(act)was 5.4 * 1.8 mV in AHS compared with - 2.9 2 1.8 mV in lesion-associated epilepsy (NS). In contrast, VI/2(inact) was shifted in a hyperpolarizing direction in AHS ( - 67.7 ? 0.6 mV) compared with that in hippocampi not showing AHS (-47.7 * 2.6 mV; p = 0.0017). C o nc lu s ions : T h e a I t e red s t e ad y - s tat e v o It age dependence of I, may result in abnormal excitability of dentate granule cells in AHS and exert a marked influence on input-output properties of the dentate gyrus. Key Words: Human-Acutely isolated granule cellHippocampus-Temporal lobe epilepsy-Ammon’s horn sclerosis. The hippocampus is a critical brain region that has been associated with the pathogenesis of human temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Considerable research has focused on morphologic and functional alterations in the hippocampal formation in patients with TLE. The dentate gyrus is particularly interesting for the study of excitability in the mesial temporal lobe, as it is situated critically to regulate information transfer from the entorhinal cortex to the hippocampus proper (1). Various lines of evidence indicate that the dentate gyrus serves as an adjustable relay station limiting excitatory neurotransmission into the hippocampus proper ( 2 4 ) . Electrophysiologic and morphologic data obtained from surgically resected hippocampal specimens show that the dentate gyrus is a site of major synaptic reorganization and plasticity. Such changes include mossy fiber sprouting into the inner molecular layer (5-8), changes in neuronal structure (9), and regulation of neurotransmitter receptor expression (10,ll). These changes are present to a high degree in patients with Ammon’s horn sclerosis (AHS), which is characterized by marked loss of principal neurons in CA1, CA3, and CA4 with relative sparing of CA2 and the granule cell layer (12). Although morphologic alterations and the synaptic connectivity of dentate granule cells in drug-resistant TLE (13-15) have been\described in detail, there is little information about the properties and density of voltage-dependent ionic currents. At the cellular level, potassium currents are an important intrinsic inhibitory determinant. Indeed, treatment of hippocampal slices or experimental animals with various potassium channel blockers results in severe and prologed epileptiform discharges Received January 4, 1996; revision accepted May 15, 1996. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. H . Beck at Department of Epileptology, University of Bonn Medical Center, Sigmund-Freud Str. 25, D-53105 Bonn, Germany. 892 I K I N H U M A N HIPPOCAMPAL G R A N U L E CELLS (16-21). Potassium currents in the dentate gyrus have been characterized in the rat. Interestingly, granule cells show both developmental and metabolic regulation of a delayed rectifier potassium current (IK; 22,23). Similar changes in pathophysiologic conditions such as T L E would be of interest as they could have a marked influence on input-output characteristics of the dentate gyrus. Because of the lack of control material, the study of epilepsyrelated alterations is not straightforward. However, patients with AHS and those with morphologic lesions in the temporal lobe differ considerably with respect to neuropathologic criteria (24,25). Hippocampi showing AHS display significantly greater amounts of mossy fiber sprouting, synaptic reorganization, and neuronal cell loss. Therefore comparison of hippocampal specimens from these two groups of patients may allow the analysis of intrinsic cellular correlates of neuropathologic changes observed in AHS. In our study, we analyzed the characteristics of potassium currents in acutely isolated human dentate granule cells. Acutely isolated cells are an ideal substrate for the study of voltagedependent ion currents because they are electrotonically compact, and space-clamp artifacts are small (26,27). METHODS Patient data The mean duration of epilepsy in our patients was 19.7 k 7.7 (mean k SD) years. The mean age at onset of seizures was 10.8 k 6.0 years. All patients 893 except one (L3, Table 1) had complex partial seizures (CPSs); the exception had only simple partial seizures (SPSs). Seven patients also had additional secondarily generalized seizures (sGSs). There were no differences in the clinical characteristics with AHS (A1-AS) and patients with lesions of the temporal lobe ( L L L 4 ) . None of the patients had had episodes of status epilepticus. Eleven surgical specimens from patients with drug-resistant T L E were obtained for electrophysiologic analysis. The epileptogenic focus was localized to the temporal lobe in all patients by noninvasive and invasive diagnostic procedures, as described elsewhere (28-30). In all patients, surgical removal of the hippocampus was indicated clinically. The following surgical procedures were used: standard temporal lobe resection (two cases), lesionectomy with amygdalohippocampectomy (three cases), and selective amygdalohippocampectomy (six cases): Informed consent was obtained from all patients to perform additional histopathologic and electrophysiologic studies. All patients except one (L4) were seen for follow-up at 3 months. All patients except L4 were either seizure free (patients A1-3, A5, L1-3, and D1) o r had had a markedly reduced frequency of CPSs (>75%, patients A4 and D2). All procedures were approved by the ethics committee of the University of Bonn Medical Center. Neuropathologic classification For routine neuropathologic evaluation, a coronal block of the hippocampal specimens was immer- TABLE 1. Clinical data of patients from which viable neurons could he ohtuined for patch-clamp analysis Code Pathologic condition Age (yr) AHS Al 48 A2 39 A3 29 A4 34 A5 33 Lesion LI 14 L2 35 L3 27 L4 25 Dual pathologic condition DI 19 D2 35 OP, side AHS AHS AHS AHS AHS sAHx, sAHx, sAHx, sAHx, sAHx, Cortical dysplasia Migrational anomaly Porencephalic cyst Porencephalic cyst Lesx. sAHx Lesx. sAHx. 1 213 TLx, I ext. Lesx. sAHx., r Angioma, AHS GNH, end folium sclerosis Lesx, sAHx. I 2/3 TLx, I r I r I r Onset age (yr) No. CPS per mo Seizure type 42 25 16 16 10 1-2 4-8 6 7 2-3 2wo I 3 12 26 26 22 3-5 CPS. SGS SPS, CPS. SGS SPS SPS, CPS 12 20 7 15 -4 4-1 CPS, SGS CPS 6 14 13 18 21 L 9 I4 4 4 90-120* CPS, SGS SPS. CPS. SGS SPS, CPS SPS, CPS, SGS SPS, CPS, SGS Age: Age of the patients at surgery (average 31 ? 7); Onset: age at which a first epileptic seizure could be observed (average 12 ? 6); Duration: duration of the epileptic disorder; Frequency CPS: frequency of complex partial seizures per month. One patient (L4) had only simple partial seizures with a frequency of 9G120/month (asterisk). Patients were classified according to the presence of AHS without evidence for a focal lesion (Al-A5) and the presence of only a focal lesion in the temporal lobe not involving the hippocampus proper (LLL4). Two patients showed a dual pathology, i.e., an angioma in the temporal lobe and AHS (DI), or neuron loss in CA4 with dispersion of granule cells and glioneuronal hamartia (D2). AHS, Ammon’s horn sclerosis; GNH, glioneuronal hamartoma; sAHx, selective amygdalohippocampectomy; Lesx, lesionectomy ; TLx, temporal lobe resection with amygdalohippocampectomy; r/l, right and left hemisphere; CPS, complex partial seizure; SPS, simple partial seizure; SGS, secondarily generalized seizure. Epilepsiu, Vol. 37, N o . 9, 1996 894 H . BECK ET AL. sion-fixed in 4% buffered formalin at room temperature for 8 h to 3 days and embedded in paraffin. Specimens were classified with respect to the presence of either a focal lesion in the temporal lobe or a histopathologic diagnosis of AHS with severe neuronal loss in the CAI, CA3, and CA4 subfield and relative sparing of CA2. Two patients had dual pathologic conditions (D1 and 2). One patient had had an angioma in the temporal lobe with additional AHS (DI), and another showed evidence of moderate cell loss in CA4 with dispersion of granule cells (D2, end folium sclerosis). None of the focal lesions directly involved the hippocampal formation. Hematoxylin and eosin, Nissl, and combined hematoxylin-eosin and luxol fast blue stains were available for all specimens. Immunohistochemistry for GAP-43 was performed according to standard procedures by using the capillary gap method. In brief, a monoclonal mouse antibody GAP-43/B-50 (Clone 91El 2) was purchased from Boehringer Mannheim Biochemica (Mannheim, F.R.G.). For immunohistochemistry, it was diluted 1500. Control reactions were performed by omitting the primary antibodies. Negative controls for GAP-43 included equal concentrations of nonimmunized immunoglobulin G (IgG) fractions or normal mouse serum (DAKO, Glastrup, Denmark). Paraffin sections were cut at 4 pm, mounted on slides coated with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.), air-dried overnight in an incubator at 42"C, and stored until further use. All slides were stained under identical conditions by using the capillary gap method as described previously (31). The reactions were carried out in a moist chamber. The sections were deparaffinated and incubated in 2% hydrogen peroxide diluted in methanol for 15 min. Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with 1% bovine serum albumin (BSA; Serva, Heidelberg, F.R.G.) and 0.25% BRIJ was used for the subsequent washes and dilutions, unless otherwise specified. To improve the binding of the monoclonal antibodies, the sections were transferred into citric acid (0.01 M, pH = 6.0) and boiled 2 x 5 min in a microwave oven at 600 W. Thereafter these slides were incubated for 2 x 20 min with an avidin-biotin blocking kit according to the manufacturer's protocol (Vector Labs, Burlingame, CA, U.S.A.). In addition, nonspecific binding of the antibodies was inhibited with a solution containing 5% normal rabbit serum (DAKO, Glastrup, Denmark), 3% nonfat dry milk (Bio-Rad, Hempstead, U.K.), and 10% fetal calf serum (FCS; Seromed, Berlin, F.R.G.) for 2 h at 42°C. The primary antibodies were incubated overnight at room temperature. Bound antibodies were Epilepsiu, Vol. 37, N o . 9 , 1996 visualized with t h e avidin-biotin peroxidase method and an ABC Elite Kit (Vector Labs). The reaction was developed in a substrate solution containing 0.05% 3',3-diaminobenzidine (ICN, Cleveland, OH, U.S.A.) and 0.01% hydrogen peroxide (Merck, Darmstadt, F.R.G.) in 0.05 M TRIS-HCI, pH = 7.4, and the sections were lightly counterstained with hematoxylin, dehydrated in ethanol, and mounted in Corbit (1. Hecht, Kiel-Hassee, F.R.G.). Preparation of acutely isolated dentate granule cells Hippocampal specimens were placed in ice-cold artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF; all concentrations millimolar) containing NaCI, 125; KCI, 3; CaCI,, 2; MgCI,, 2; NaH,PO,, 1.25; glucose, 10; and NaHCO,, 26; (pH 7.4; 95% CO,, 5% 0,) immediately after surgical removal. A 4- to 5-mm-thick coronal segment of the corpus of the hippocampus was prepared with a razor-blade, and the tissue block was transferred to the stage of a vibratome (Campden Instruments, Longborough, UK). The corpus of the hippocampus was identified by gross neuropathologic criteria by an experienced neuropathologist (I.B.). Coronal slices (400 Fm) were prepared and transferred to a storage chamber with warmed ACSF (95% O,, 5% CO,) for preparation of acutely isolated neurons. After an equilibration period of 30 min, the first section was transferred to a conical polystyrene tube with 10 ml of incubation medium containing NaCI, 125; KCI, 5.4; CaCI,, 1.8; MgCI,, I ; piperazine-N,N-bis-2-ethanesulfonicacid (PIPES), 10; and glucose, 25 mM (35"C, pH 7.4, 100% 0,). Pronase (2-3 mg/ml) was added to the oxygenated medium. After incubation for 30 min, the slice was washed in ice-cold trituration medium containing NaCI, 125; KCI, 3; CaCI,, I ; MgCI,, 10; PIPES, 10; glucose, 10; and EGTA, 10 mM (pH 7.4, 100% 0,). The dentate gyrus was dissected under a binocular microscope and triturated in 2 ml of icecold trituration solution with fire-polished glass pipettes. The cell suspension was then placed in a petri dish for subsequent patch-clamp recordings. Isolated cells showed a round or ovoid small soma with a single process. This appearance is reminiscent of granule cell structure in situ and identical to acutely isolated granule cells from the rat hippocampus (22). Another type of neuron occurring in low numbers in the acutely isolated preparation showed a multipolar structure with several processes emanating from the soma. Only neurons with a granule cell-like structure were included in our study. The isolated cells were superfused with an extracellular solution containing NaCI, 120; KCI, 5.4; CaCI,, 1.8; MgCI,, 2; glucose, 25; and N-2- I , IN HUMAN HIPPOCAMPAL GRANULE CELLS hydoxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonicacid (HEPES), 10 mM (pH 7.4). In some experiments, 1 pM tetrodotoxin (TTX) was added to the recording solution. The amplitude of sodium currents was measured in most cells to exclude a contamination of the cell preparation by glial cells. Sodium currents with amplitudes < 1 .O nA were never encountered. Patch pipettes were fabricated from borosilicate glass capillaries (outer diameter, 1.5 mm; inner diameter, 1 mm). They usually had a resistance of 3-5 MOhm. The pipettes were filled with an intracellular solution containing KCI, 120; CaCI,, 1; MgCl,, 2; EGTA, 11.5; HEPES, 10; and glucose, 20 mM (pH 7.4). Tight-seal whole-cell recordings were obtained according to Hamill et al. (32). Membrane currents were recorded by using a patch-clamp amplifier (EPC9, H E K A Elektronik, Lambrecht/ Pfalz) and collected on-line with the TIDA for Windows acquisition and analysis program. The membrane capacitance was measured by using the EPC9 capacitance cancellation according to Sigworth et al. (33). This estimate can yield results slightly better than those obtained with sine-wave techniques (33,34). The currents shown subsequently were not leak corrected. Leak components were small and could be estimated from hyperpolarizing prepulses, because no hyperpolarizationactivated inward current could be demonstrated in these cells. Statistical analysis Comparison of electrophysiologic data among the two patient groups (AHS and lesional epilepsy) was carried out with the aid of an analysis of variance (ANOVA). Because this test assumes normally dis- 895 tributed samples, a nonparametric test was carried out in addition (Mann-Whitney U , Wilcoxon Rank test). All statistical tests were carried out with the program SPSS Vers. 6.1.2. (SPSS Inc., Munchen, F.R.G.). All results were expressed as mean values SEM. * RESULTS Neuropathologic characterization of hippocampal specimens One group of hippocampal specimens examined in this study showed a marked loss of principal neurons in the CA1, CA3, and CA4 fields of the Ammon’s horn with relative sparing of CA2 and an accompanying severe astrogliosis. These changes were classified as AHS (specimens AI-A5). The second group of hippocampal specimens had an extrahippocampal focal lesion and showed a less severe and more homogeneous pattern of neuronal loss (specimens L1-L4, Table 1). One patient had an angioma in the anterior temporal lobe and additional AHS (D1, Table 1). This patient showed a pattern of hippocampal neuron loss that was comparable with that of patients with AHS only. A further patient (D2) also had dual pathologies with moderate cell loss in CA4, some dispersion of granule cells, and a prominent glioneuronal hamartoma of the temporal lobe. Immunohistochemical staining for growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43) revealed a distinct staining pattern in specimens with AHS, particularly in the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus (DG-ML). I n patients with lesionassociated TLE (L1-L4) and in one patient with dual pathology (patient D2; Fig. lB), the supragranular zone of the DG-ML was virtually devoid of FIG. 1. Growth-associated protein (GAP)-43 immunoreactivity in the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus molecular layer (DG-ML). A: Twenty-nine-year-old patient (A3, Table 1) with a histopathologic finding of severe Amman's horn sclerosis. GAP-43 immunoreactivity is observed throughout the entire DGML. Note the densely labeled inner molecular layer (IML) adjacent to the granule cell layer (GC). B: Patient with a glioneuronal hamartoma in the temporal lobe and neuron loss in the CA4 segment (D2, Table 1). In addition, some dispersion of granule cells can be observed. The IML shows significantly less staining intensity than that observed in A, whereas the outer portion of the molecular layer (OML) showed a similar staining. This significant difference with respect to patterns of synaptic reorganization could be consistently observed between the two patient groups. Scale bar in B, 50 pm; scaling in A and B is identical. Epilepsiu, Vol. 37, No. 9 , 1996 896 H . BECK ET A L . GAP-43 immunoreactivity with an adjacent band of GAP-43-stained neuropil in the inner molecular layer (DG-IML). In contrast, patients with AHS and one patient with dual pathology (DI, Table 1) displayed a dense and homogeneous immunolabeling throughout the entire DG-ML (Fig. IA). As patients with and without AHS were remarkably distinct with respect to neuropathologic findings, electrophysiologic characteristics were compared between these neuropathologically defined groups. Patient DI, who had both AHS and a focal lesion, was very similar to patients with only AHS with respect to neuron loss and GAP-43 immunoreactivity. This patient was therefore included in the AHS group for electrophysiologic analyses. Patient D2 did not show neuronal cell loss in any hippocampal subfield except in CA4. In addition, there was dispersion of granule cells, and the GAP-43 immunoreactivity pattern was markedly similar to those observed in patients with lesions only. Therefore this patient was tentatively included in the lesionassociated epilepsy group. Passive membrane properties of human dentate granule cells Because inwardly rectifying currents could not be elicited in dentate granule cells, hyperpolarizing voltage commands from a -50 mV holding potential can be used to calculate the input resistance of these cells. The average input resistance was 557 142 MOhrn. The resting membrane potential was on average -50.7 k 10.6 mV. The mean membrane capacitance was 14.2 k 4.3 p F (n = 17, 1 I patients). When these characteristics were determined separately for the patient groups with and without AHS, no significant intergroup differences could be found (see Table 2). * Outward current pattern in human dentate granule cells Recordings from acutely isolated dentate granule cells were obtained between 5 and 30 min after isolation. The cells displayed a slowly activating and ldq-T:----. -. 600 ms ~ Ab 4OmV ; - I* 11 nA 40 0 20 40 m 80 inactivating outward current in response to depolarizing voltage commands (Fig. 2A and B). When a conditioning prepulse of 1 s was applied before depolarization of the cell, current amplitudes were markedly enhanced (Fig. 2A and B). As this current shows characteristics of a delayed outward rectifier, it will be termed I,. Neither an inwardly rectifying current nor a transient A-type current could be observed in any of the analyzed neurons. The maximal current amplitude of 1, measured with a voltage protocol (as shown in Fig. 2A) and command pulses to +30 mV were related to the membrane capacitance of each individual neuron, thus yielding a measure of current density. The average current density was 169 k 117 pA/pF (186 & 118 Lesionh , 12.2 f 3.1 157.6 f 111.8 -50.8 2 12.0 516.5 f 108.1 All 14.2 169.3 -50.7 557.3 2 2 2 k 4.3 116.8 10.6 141.7 Data reported as mean f SEM. AHS, Ammon's horn sclerosis; V,,,, membrane potential; Rinp,input resistance; Cap, membrane capacitance. " A patient with dual pathology (DI, Table I ) was included in the AHS group. Patient D2 was included in the lesional group. Epilcpsiu, Vol. 37, N o . 9, 1996 -20 w m m m d pulse potenti1 (mv) 260 mr FIG. 2. Outward current families in granule cells isolated from the hippocampus of a 35-year-old woman with lesionassociated epilepsy (patient L2, Table 1). This patient was seizure free after the operation (follow-up, 3 months). Wholecell currents were elicited with the voltage clamp protocols, as shown in the inserts. Recordings were performed directly after breaking into the cell. Aa: 2,000 ms depolarizing voltage commands preceded by a conditioning prepulse of 1,000 ms to -120 mV, holding potential (HP) -50 rnV. Ab: Depolarizing voltage steps of 1,000-ms duration applied directly from a holding potential of -50 mV. Note the substantial reduction in current amplitude without a conditioning prepulse. B: Chord condu,ctance/voltage relation. Conductance was calc.ulated by transforming peak currents (symbols in Aa and Ab) by using the equation G, = V(V - V), where I is the peak amplitude at a given potential (V) and V, equals the potassium-reversal potential. A calculated potassium-equilibrium potential of -81.5 mV was used for calculation. Chord conductance (G,) of each cell was normalized to 1.0 by its maximum conductance, averaged, and plotted versus command pulse voltage (abscissa). AHS 17.0 f 6.8 186.8 2 118.3 -50.3 & 7.9 614.5 f 187.4 t. - TABLE 2. Passive membrane characteristics of human dentate granule cells Capacitance (pF) I,,,,/cap (PAIPF) V,,, (mv) Rinp( M O W 0.4 C tmmv 897 I , IN HUMAN HIPPOCAMPAL GRANULE CELLS pA/pF for patients with AHS and 158 k 112 pA/pF for patients with lesion-associated epilepsy). These intergroup differences were not significant. Steady-state inactivation behavior The marked enhancement of I, by a conditioning prepulse (Fig. 2A vs. B) can be attributed to a strong influence of the holding potential on the current amplitude in the range of -50 to - 120 mV. This reflects the steady-state voltage-dependent inactivation behavior of I,. The voltage-dependent inactivation of I, was examined with the voltage protocol shown in Fig. 3A. Maximal current amplitudes were normalized and averaged. Peak current values were transformed into chord conductance G, by using the equation GK = V(V - VK) (1) where I represents the peak amplitude at a given potential (V), and V, equals the assumed potassium-reversal potential. These data points could then be fitted with a Boltzmann equation (1 - IssYIM,t,x = [1 + exp(Vl/t(inact)- v ) / K ) I ~I (2) where I is the total current amplitude; IMAX,the maximal current amplitude; V the prepulse potential; VI12(inact), the prepulse voltage of half-maximal steady-state inactivation; and K, the slope factor. A steady-state component I,, had to be introduced because I, could not be fully inactivated even with an conditioning prepulses S +30 mV. For Vlh(inact), average value of - 55.1 5.8 mV was determined, 1.2 (n = 16. 10 the slope factor was K = -5.98 * * patients). The steady-state voltage-dependent inactivation showed marked differences between patients with AHS and patients with lesion-associated was shifted by -20 mV epilepsy (Fig. 3B). Vli2(inact) in a hyperpolarizing direction in AHS ( - 67.7 2 0.6 mV; n = 8, five patients) when compared with neurons isolated from patients with lesion-associated epilepsy (-48.7 k 1 . 1 mV; n = 8, five patients). These differences were highly significant with both the ANOVA (p < 0.0001) and the Mann-Whitney U test (p < 0.005; z = -3.14). In lesional epilepsy, the residual steady-state component I,, composed compared with 16.1 on average 32.3 k 4.4% of I,, k 5.4% in patients with AHS (ANOVA, p < 0.01; Mann-Whitney U test, p = 0.01; z = -2.74). As patient D2 showed end folium sclerosis, and therefore the classification as lesional may be erroneous, the statistical analysis was repeated after omitting this patient from the lesional group. Differences in VI,2(inact) (ANOVA; p < 0.0001; Mann-Whitney U test, p < 0.01; z = -2.86) and I,, (ANOVA, p = 0.01; Mann-Whitney U Test, p = 0.028; z = - 2.68) remained significant. Vlh(inact) of the voltage-dependent inactivation was markedly constant in neurons derived from individual patients (patient AS; Fig. 3C). A shift in the steady-state inactivation curve in a hyperpolarizing direction after prolonged recording in the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique could be observed in two neurons derived from two different patients with lesion-associated epilepsy (patients L1 and L3; see Fig. 3D). As this run-down phenomenon could falsify data used for intergroup comparison between patients with AHS and those with lesion-associated FIG. 3. Steady-state voltage-dependent inactiB A I i + 6 O m V vation of delayed rectifier outward current (IK). A: Patient L2, as in Fig. 2 (see Table 1). Current families were elicited 5 min after establishing m 500 m s the whole-cell configuration by clamping the noAHS membrane voltage at various values ranging A AHS from - 140 to +30 mV for 5,000 ms with a subsequent depolarizing command pulse to +50 mV. B: Chord conductance-voltage relation. -150 -100 -50 0 50 Peak conductances of each cell were normalpotential (mV) D ized to 1.O by the maximal conductance and averaged and plotted versus the prepulse voltage. Conductance-voltage relations were analyzed separately for patients with AHS (squares) and patients with lesion-associated epilepsy (circles). C: Examples of three different neurons from patient 5 with AHS (see Table 1). Voltage of half-maximal activation (Vlin(inact)) was - 63.8 + mV, - 65.7 mV, and - 67.4 mV, respectively. The 50 -150 -100 -50 0 50 data points in B and C were fitted with a Boltzpotential (mV) mann equation l/IMAx = [I + exp(V1,2(inact)V)/K)] - 1, where I is the voltage-dependent current amplitude; IMAX, the maximal current amplitude; V, the prepulse potential, Vl,n(,nact): the prepulse voltage of half-maximal inactivation; and K, the slope factor. Best Boltzrnann fits are superimposed on the data points in B and C. D: Shift of Vl/2(inact)in hyperpolarizing direction in a dentate granule cell derived from patient L1 with lesion-associated epilepsy (see Table 1). Squares, data points were collected 5 min after establishing the whole-cell configuration; circles, data points were collected 25 min after establishing the whole-cell configuration. f id L - 4 Epilepsia, Vol. 37, N o . 9 , 1996 H . BECK ET A L . 898 epilepsy, all recordings used for these comparisons were obtained at an identical time 5 min after establishing the whole-cell configuration. Steady-state voltage-dependent activation For analysis of the steady-state voltage-dependent activation behavior, various voltage steps of 2,000-ms duration after a 1,000-ms conditioning prepulse to - 120 mV were used (Fig. 4). Peak current values were then transformed into chord conductance GK by using Eq. 1 . Data points could be fitted with a Boltzmann equation, as described previously (see Eq. 1). The voltage of half-maximal steady1.8 mV with a state activation Vl,z(act)was -0.2 slope factor K of - 12.5 & 1.4 (n = 18, 10 patients). V1,2(act) assumed slightly more depolarized values in AHS (5.4 1.8 mV as opposed to - 2.9 f 1.8 mV in lesion-associated epilepsy). The slope factor K was 14.3 1.4 in AHS and 12.0 1.4 in lesionassociated epilepsy. These differences were, however, not significant (Fig. 4). * * * * Time-dependent inactivation The data in Fig. 2 demonstrate that I, shows a time-dependent inactivation during the command pulse. To study the properties of time-dependent inactivation of I,, we investigated decay kinetics of outward currents evoked by 2-s voltage commands after a 1-s hyperpolarizing prepulse to - 120 mV (Fig. 5A). The decay of the current traces during a 2,000-ms command pulse could be fitted with the following biexponential equation: I(t) = A, , + A , x exp( - t/T,) + A, X exp( - t/T2) (3) with A, being constant and A , + A, representing the amplitudes of I, with the decay time constants TI and T,. Best fits are shown superimposed on the time-dependent decay of I, (Fig. 5B). This procedure yielded time constants of 254 2 120 ms and of command pulse potential FIG. 4. Steady-state voltage-dependent activation of delayed rectifier outward current (IK). Chord-conductance/ voltage relation. Peak current values were obtained from voltage protocols as in Fig. 2. The chord conductance was determined as stated previously. Normalized and averaged values were fitted with a Boltzmann equation, according to Eq. 1. Epilepsiu, Vol. 37, N o . 9, 1996 A B z3.0 51.6 0 -\ oa--- 1 .o 2 .o command pulse dumtion ( t ) FIG. 5. Time-dependent inactivation of delayed rectifier outward current &). A: Time-dependent decay was studied during a 2-s voltage command after a 1-s hyperpolarizing prepulse to -120 mV. B: Decay of the current traces in A were fitted with the biexponential equation: I(t) = A,, + A, x exp( - tlT,) + A, x exp( - tlT,) with A0 being constant and A, + A, being the amplitudes of IKwith the decay time constants TI and T., Best fits are superimposed on current traces. * 1,372 397 ms on average (n = 18, 10 patients). There were no significant differences between neurons isolated from hippocampi with AHS or those associated with a lesion. The time-dependent activation properties were not investigated in these experiments because -a contamination by an inward sodium current could not be excluded in most neurons. DISCUSSION In this study, we analyzed the kinetic properties of potassium currents in acutely isolated human dentate granule cells from patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. A delayed rectifier current (I,) could be observed in all granule cells, but A-currents or inwardly rectifying currents were absent. Although resting membrane characteristics did not show characteristic differences beween patients with AHS and lesion-associated epilepsy, the steadystate voltage dependence of I, was substantially different. Various voltage- and calcium-dependent potassium conductances are thought to play an important role in controling neuronal excitability, and alterations of these membrane currents may be involved in epileptogenesis. Indeed, blocking potassium currents in in vitro slice preparations (16-19) and in intact animals (20,21) results in pronounced seizurelike activity. Only a few studies have addressed the possibility of chronically altered voltage-dependent potassium conductances in epileptogenic tissue. The properties of delayed rectifier potassium currents in pyramidal cells of the CA1 region seem to be unchanged after kindling epileptogenesis in rats (35). On the other hand, messenger RNAs (mRNAs) for delayed rectifier potassium channels are downregulated in the hippocampus after seizure-like activity (36). Comparison between human and rat dentate granule cells The current pattern in acutely isolated human granule cells was comparable to that found in nor- I , IN HUMAN HIPPOCAMPAL GRANULE CELLS ma1 adult rat dentate granule cells. Whereas immature dentate granule cells possess a transient A-type current in addition to I,, adult rat dentate granule cells show a dominating delayed rectifier component (22). As in rat dentate granule cells (37), inwardly rectifying potassium current components could not be found in human hippocampi. Theoretically, absence of I, and of inwardly rectifying currents may be attributable to rundown of these current components. However, lAremains remarkably stable toward whole-cell perfusion in acutely isolated rat granule cells (22,37). The steady-state voltage-dependent inactivation behavior of I, in human dentate granule cells is likewise reminiscent of data obtained in rats (22,37), showing a marked increase in I, current amplitudes on application of hyperpolarizing prepulses before depolarization of the cell. As in rats, changes in membrane potential to more hyperpolarized levels could thereby exert a strong control over the amplitude of repolarizing outward currents. This could result in a marked influence of steady-state membrane potential on the integration properties of these cells during excitatory input. V,,2(,nact) of inactivation was somewhat more depolarized than were juvenile rat dentate granule cells ( - 70 mV) directly after establishing the whole-cell configuration (22). Interestingly, time-dependent hyperpolarizing could be observed in two granule shifts of VI,2(,nact) cells from two different patients with lesionassociated epilepsy. Similar shifts have been observed for I, in cells similar to stellate cells isolated from the entorhinal cortex (38) and rat dentate granule cells and have been attributed to the washout of a regulatory cofactor. Future analysis with perforated-patch recordings will clarify whether this is also the case in human dentate granule cells. The observed potential for metabolic regulation of IK both in rat and human granule cells raises the question whether the observed differences in voltage dependence can be attributed to regulation of I, or rather to the regulation of potassium-channel subunit expression. This issue can be decided only by further study of the mechanisms governing potassium-current expression and regulation in the human dentate gyrus. Differences between AHS and lesion-associated epilepsy A marked shift of half-maximal activation and inactivation of I, in a hyperpolarizing direction could be observed in hippocampi showing AHS compared with hippocampi associated with a lesion. These differences in steady-state inactivation of I, should result in less repolarizing potassium current being 899 available in a critical membrane potential range of - 80 to - 30 mV in AHS. The reduced availability of 1, may facilitate propagation of epileptiform discharges in the dentate gyrus. In contrast to the voltage-dependent inactivation behavior, other kinetic characteristics of 1, showed no significant differences between the two neuropathologically defined patient groups. Similarly, resting membrane characteristics did not show any significant intergroup differences and were not significantly different from those measured in acutely isolated rat dentate granule cells (unpublished observations). The membrane potential measured with sharp microelectrodes in the kindling model of epilepsy (39) o r in hippocampal slices from patients with T L E (13,40) was slightly more hyperpolarized but did not show any significant differences from that in normal mammalian controls. The differences in the steady-state properties of I, are of particular interest, considering that alterations of neurotransmitter receptor density and synaptic reorganization in the DG-ML are present to a markedly higher degree in AHS as compared with lesion-associated epilepsy (24,25). This could be confirmed in each individual specimen by GAP-43 immunohistochemistry, showing markedly increased immunoreactivity in the DG-IML in patients with AHS. A correlation between mossy fiber sprouting into the DG-ML and electrophysiologic characteristics of granule cells has been demonstrated with sharp microelectrodes both in human subjects with TLE (13,41) and kainate-treated rats (42,43). In both cases, excitability of granule cells was significantly enhanced, as evidenced by an increased sensitivity to antidromic stimulation of dentate granule cells under conditions of y-aminobutyric acid (GABA,) blockade. Although the observed stimulation-induced and spontaneous (42) burst discharges are compatible with an increased intrinsic and synaptic excitability, the significance of altered voltage-dependent ion channels for the excitability of individual neurons in TLE remains unclear. Additional studies using intracellular recordings will be necessary to assess the impact of altered properties of potassium currents on granule cell excitability. Caution must be exercized in discussing the causal relation of alterations in I, to neuropathologic alterations, as both changes could represent a consequence as well as the cause of the epileptogenic process. In addition, the small numbers of patients included in the study and other methodologic considerations preclude generalization of these results. For instance, all patients with AHS underwent a selective amygdalohippocampectomy, whereas patients with lesion-associated epiEpilepsiu, V o l . 37, No. 9, 1996 H . BECK ET AL. 900 lepsy underwent different surgical procedures (see Table l ) , possibly resulting in differing times of ischemia. Nevertheless, we speculate that phenomena of synaptic reorganization are accompanied by simultaneous changes in voltage-dependent membrane currents that may further modulate excitability in the dentate gyrus. Acknowledgment: This research was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Science and Education, Northrhine-Westfalia, and a University of Bonn Center grant BONFOR 11 1/2. I.B. is supported by the Helmholtz Foundation of the German Ministerium fur Forschung und Technologie. We thank Prof. Zentner for providing neurosurgical specimens and B. 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