NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CERTIFICATION IN ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES 888-476-4238 Inspection and Testing of Water-Based Systems Standard Model/Computer-Based Testing Level II Content Outline The candidate for NICET certification at Level II in the Inspection and Testing of WaterBased Systems should have the knowledge and experience to: Under limited supervision, inspect and test wet pipe and dry pipe sprinkler systems; inspect standpipe systems, fire pumps, tanks, and fire mains for evidence of damage, deficiency, or impairment; and complete standard reports. There are three exams listed at Level II; all three plus the two listed at Level I are required for certification at Level II. Note: For each exam, the skills and knowledge listed under each task are suggestive of those involved in that task, but are not intended to constitute an exhaustive listing. Test # 10019: Level II Inspection 2.1 Inspection (Questions related to these tasks makeup 100% of the exam) 2.1.1 Knowledge: NFPA 25: 5.2.1,,, Function and appearance of the parts of a sprinkler Minimum clearance rules for sprinklers Skills: Differentiate between markings/paint applied at the factory and those applied after installation. Recognize damage and other conditions that affect the operation of a sprinkler. Recognize violations of sprinkler clearance rules. Determine whether an adequate supply of spare sprinklers has been provided. 2.1.2 Skills: Determine inspection frequencies by referring to NFPA 25: Table Verify that the scope of an inspection can be fulfilled in conformance with NFPA 25: 8.2. Inspect pump houses for conditions that could affect proper operation of the enclosed fire pump. Inspect a pump system for indications of conditions that could affect its proper functioning. Inspect a fire pump electrical system for indications of conditions that could affect the pump’s proper functioning. Inspect a fire pump diesel system for indications of conditions that could affect the pump’s proper functioning. Perform visual inspection of installed sprinklers for damage and visually apparent operational deficiencies or impairments, and verify presence of an adequate supply of spare sprinklers. 2.1.3 Inspect fire pumps and fire pump system components for damage and visually apparent operational deficiencies or impairments. Knowledge: NFPA 25: 8.2 and Table A.8.2.2 Function and appearance of the major parts of each type of fire pump system Approved December 1, 2014 Inspect tanks for water levels, air pressures, or temperatures that are outside of expected ranges. Knowledge: Units of measure for temperature NFPA 25: Skills: Use NFPA 25: 9.2.1, 9.2.2, 9.2.4, and Table to determine inspection frequencies. Page 1 of 7 NICET © 2014 No Derivative Works. = May be reproduced but do not alter, transform, or build upon this work. NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CERTIFICATION IN ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES 888-476-4238 Recognize indicators of the correct fill level and/or desired air pressure for a tank. Read thermometers and water level and air pressure gauges. Identify visible damage to a thermometer or gauge, or readings that are outside of the expected range. 2.1.4 2.1.7 Approved December 1, 2014 Visually inspect the interior of opened and drained alarm, dry pipe, deluge, and swing check valves, and strainers for any conditions that might limit proper functioning, and to clean strainers. Knowledge: NFPA 25:,,,, and Which preaction, deluge and dry pipe valves need to be opened to be reset Internal components of alarm, dry pipe, deluge, and swing check valves and their functioning Skills: Use NFPA 25: Table to determine inspection frequencies. Reset alarm valves, dry pipe valves, and check valves. Locate, remove, clean, and replace strainers. Recognize damage to components or other indicators of limited functionality Identify visible damage or deficiencies that could limit or threaten the functionality of the valve or strainer. Inspect fire mains, including hydrants, post indicator valves (PIVs), exterior hose houses, monitor nozzles, and mainline strainers for damage and apparent operating condition. Knowledge: NFPA-25: Chapter 7.2, and 13.3.2 Skills: Determine inspection frequencies from NFPA 25: Table Identify hydrant outlets. Identify externally visible deficiencies that could limit or threaten the functionality of fire mains. Identify externally visible deficiencies that could limit or threaten the functionality of wet barrel or dry barrel hydrants. Identify externally visible deficiencies that could limit or threaten the functionality of post indicator valves. Identify externally visible deficiencies that could limit or threaten the functionality of hose houses. Identify externally visible deficiencies that could limit or threaten the functionality of monitor nozzles. Visually inspect the interior of drained and opened pipes for evidence of foreign material. Knowledge: NFPA 25: 14.2, 14.3 Methods for inspecting pipe interiors Indicators of the presence of foreign material Skills: Use NFPA 25: 14.2 and 14.3 to determine inspection frequencies. Identify obstructions such as sludge, rocks, coupons, slime, MIC, rust, scale, corrosion, trash, zebra mussels, sediment, etc. Visually inspect pipe interiors. Visually inspect standpipe and hose systems for damage and visually apparent operational deficiencies or impairments. Knowledge: Function and appearance of major components of standpipe systems NFPA 25: Table”Inspection” Scope of NFPA 1962 Skills: Use NFPA 25: Table to determine inspection frequencies. Verify that the scope of an inspection can be fulfilled in conformance with NFPA 25: Table 6.1.2, first column (except “Hose”). Determine whether hose is present and properly stored. Identify external deficiencies that limit or threaten the functionality of a standpipe system, except for hoses. Use NFPA 25: Table to determine inspection frequencies for standpipe valves. 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.8 Verify the presence of correct system signage. Knowledge: NFPA 25: 4.1.8, 5.2.8, 13.3.1, and Skills: Verify that correct signage is in place and provides needed information. Report signage deficiencies. Page 2 of 7 NICET © 2014 No Derivative Works. = May be reproduced but do not alter, transform, or build upon this work. NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CERTIFICATION IN ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES 888-476-4238 Test # 10020: Level II Testing 2.2 Testing (Questions related to these tasks makeup 100% of the exam) 2.2.1 2.2.3 Determine whether sprinklers and gauges are due for testing or replacement. Knowledge: NFPA 25: 5.3.1 testing and replacement requirements for sprinklers NFPA 25: 5.3.2 testing and replacement requirements for gauges Appearances of the types of sprinklers for which NFPA 25: 5.3.1 lists specific testing or replacement requirements Types of markings that are found on sprinklers indicating type and age Skills: Use NFPA 25: Table to determine testing frequencies. Use markings and physical characteristics to determine sprinkler types. Use markings on sprinklers to determine their ages. Use information on gauges to determine their ages. Review available testing records. Recommend testing or replacement of sprinklers and gauges. 2.2.2 Knowledge: NFPA 25: 13.3.3 Appearances and functions of various types of control valves, including butterfly, indicating, non-rising stem gate, and OS & Y valves Appearances and purposes of spanner wrenches and roadway box keys Skills: Use NFPA 25: Table to determine testing frequencies. Locate control valves. Conduct valve tests, including torsion tests and range of motion tests. Evaluate functioning per NFPA 25: and Record and report test results. 2.2.4 Perform a main drain test. Knowledge: Purpose of main drain test Problems that can arise during, or as a result of, the test procedure Skills: Use NFPA 25: 13.2.5,, and Table to determine testing frequencies. Obtain records of the acceptance main drain test and any subsequent main drain tests. Locate points in system at which testing procedures will be conducted. Survey the surrounding area for potential discharge damage issues prior to testing. Conduct a main drain test. Evaluate the test results. Record the test results and any conditions that suggest further investigation. Approved December 1, 2014 Test control valves for proper function. Perform priming water, low air pressure, and quick-opening device tests on dry pipe systems. Knowledge: NFPA 25:,, and Various trim arrangements used for dry-pipe valves Quick-opening device (QOD) operation Skills: Determine testing frequencies. Locate, read, and interpret manufacturers’ instructions. Conduct a priming water test and evaluate results. Conduct a low air pressure test and evaluate results. Conduct a QOD trip test and evaluate results. Identify damage to components. Record and report test results and any observed component damage. Page 3 of 7 NICET © 2014 No Derivative Works. = May be reproduced but do not alter, transform, or build upon this work. NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CERTIFICATION IN ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES 888-476-4238 2.2.5 2.2.6 Perform a partial flow trip test on a dry pipe system. 2.2.7 Perform a waterflow alarm test on a sprinkler system. Knowledge: Testing frequencies listed in NFPA 25: and Procedures required to return a system to service Tools required for procedure Skills: Use tools required for testing. Determine when a partial flow trip test is mandated or allowed. Locate the points at which test procedures are to be conducted. Perform a dry pipe system partial flow trip test per NFPA 25: A. Identify problems that can arise during or as a result of the testing procedures, and take steps to prevent or resolve them. Return system to service. Record and report test results. Knowledge: NFPA 25: 5.3.3, including pass/fail criteria Alarm connections of various systems Appearances and functions of the major components of fixed wet pipe or dry pipe sprinkler systems Problems that can arise during, or as a result of, the test procedure Skills: Use NFPA 25: 5.3.3 to determine testing frequencies. Identify the alarm company and AHJ for notification. Survey surrounding area for potential discharge damage issues prior to testing. Identify any undesired consequences that could result from an alarm signal. Conduct a waterflow alarm test to verify water flow and alarm activation. Document and report test results and any deficiencies identified. Perform a full flow trip test on a dry pipe system 2.2.8 to determine whether a change in the water delivery time has occurred, and a dry pipe system air leakage test. Test supervisory signaling devices such as valve tamper switches, low air pressure, and low temperature to verify proper signal transmission and reception. Knowledge: NFPA 25: – for testing frequencies and scheduling considerations Tools and equipment needed for the testing procedures Skills: Locate points in the system that will be used in the test procedures. Identify problems that can arise during or as a result of the testing procedures, and take steps to prevent or resolve them. Use the tools and equipment required for the testing procedures. Conduct a full flow trip test of a dry pipe system consistent with NFPA 25:, –, and A. Conduct a dry pipe system air leakage test consistent with NFPA 25: Note any damage to parts of the system, or any conditions that could limit its functionality. Return system to service. Determine the water delivery time and compare with records from past tests. Record and report test results and any deficiencies. Knowledge: Tools required for tests Appearances and functions of the major parts of various supervisory signaling devices Environmental, system, or other conditions required for a successful test Skills: Use NFPA 25: Table to determine testing frequencies. Identify alarm and AHJ contacts for notification of testrelated signals. Identify the various supervisory signaling devices requiring testing. Procure and use the tools needed for testing. Test devices in accordance with manufacturer instructions to verify proper signal transmission and reception. Locate, read, and interpret manufacturers’ instructions. Approved December 1, 2014 Page 4 of 7 NICET © 2014 No Derivative Works. = May be reproduced but do not alter, transform, or build upon this work. NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CERTIFICATION IN ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES 888-476-4238 2.2.9 Perform no-flow (churn) and weekly tests on a fire pump. Knowledge: NFPA 25: 8.3.1, 8.3.2, and Testing frequency in NFPA 25: Table Functions and appearances of the parts of each type of fire pump Controller isolation switch safety precautions Skills: Identify alarm and AHJ contacts for notification of testrelated signals. Locate and identify fire pumps and controllers. Conduct a churn test of an electric fire pump. Conduct a churn test of a diesel fire pump. Determine rated churn pressure. Identify unique pump characteristics (e.g. reducedvoltage / soft-start, variable speed, etc.) and modify test procedures/criteria accordingly. Recognize and resolve any problems that arise while the fire pump is operating in the no flow condition. Use test outcomes and observations to determine the operational readiness of the fire pump. Identify any damage to the pump system equipment, and any conditions or problems encountered during testing that could limit or threaten the pump system’s functionality. Record and report test results. Approved December 1, 2014 2.2.10 Test antifreeze solutions to determine their freezing points. Knowledge: NFPA-25: Section 5.3.4 and Table (a) and (b) Purpose, parts, and operation of a handheld refractometer Purpose, parts, and operation of a hydrometer Skills: Identify the system’s capacity. Determine the number of test samples required. Identify the target freezing point for the antifreeze solution. Locate the points for the test procedure. Obtain a sample of the antifreeze solution. Measure the specific gravity of the antifreeze solution using a hydrometer. Measure the specific gravity of the antifreeze solution using a refractometer. Identify the solution and its freezing point. Record and report test results. 2.2.11 Identify system conditions discovered during inspection and/or testing that would prompt an obstruction investigation. Knowledge: NFPA 25: Skills: Identify the conditions that indicate that an obstruction investigation should be recommended. Identify the nature and possible sources of obstructing material. Record and report observations and recommendations. Page 5 of 7 NICET © 2014 No Derivative Works. = May be reproduced but do not alter, transform, or build upon this work. NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CERTIFICATION IN ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES 888-476-4238 Test # 10021: Level II Work Practices 2.3 Documentation 2.5 Work Management (Questions related to these tasks makeup 12-16% of the exam) (Questions related to these tasks makeup 68-72% of the exam) 2.3.1 2.5.1 Prepare formal reports for work under the scope of Level II. Knowledge: Information, documents, and tools required for each task Sequence of testing that makes sense and maximizes efficiency Steps involved in each task Frequencies/scheduling of inspection tasks Support required from fitters, alarm technicians, or other qualified personnel Equipment requirements for various procedures Skills: Coordinate impairments and/or work area disruptions. Determine support required from fitters, alarm technicians, or other qualified personnel. Determine priorities among various considerations. Plan placement and/or movement of equipment. Develop the sequence. Knowledge: NFPA 25: 4.3 Role of the inspector/tester in determining the status of a water-based fire protection system Retention requirements as listed in NFPA 25: 4.3 Skills: Determine which information must be included in reports. Identify which party or parties should receive the final report. Complete reports on Level II inspection and testing activities, results, and observations. 2.4 Safety (Questions related to these tasks makeup 14-18% of the exam) 2.4.1 2.5.2 Follow safe practices for Level II inspections and tests. Knowledge: NFPA 25: 4.9 OSHA 29 CFR 1926.32 (f) Lock out/Tag Out procedures (OSHA 29 CFR, 1910.147 (a)(1)(i)) Confined space entry precautions (OSHA 29 CFR, 1910.146) Fall protection requirements (OSHA 29 CFR, 1926.104) Skills: Locate, read, and interpret the manufacturers’ recommendations for proper use of testing equipment. Recognize other potentially unsafe conditions at a worksite and obtain a determination and a resolution on how to proceed. Determine whether contained liquids or gases are under pressure. Determine whether electrical circuits are energized. Identify potentially hazardous equipment deficiencies. Identify situations that require lock-out/tag-out. Ensure that correct procedures are followed during entry into confined spaces. Approved December 1, 2014 Plan a sequence of inspection and testing tasks. Identify the tools and equipment required for Level II inspection or testing of water-based fire protection systems. Knowledge: NFPA 25 NFPA 291 Names and appearances of tools required for performance of standard inspection and testing procedures Skills: Identify the tools required for specific inspection and testing procedures. Recognize when test equipment needs recalibration or equipment. 2.5.3 Identify records from the contractor’s and the owner’s files related to the system to be inspected. Knowledge: NFPA 25: 4.3 Fire protection system terminology Representation of building elements and system components in fire protection system plans Purposes/scope of various types of plans and reports Types of documents/information required Possible alternate sources of required information Skills: Read and interpret fire protection system plans, acceptance test reports, and inspection and testing reports. Page 6 of 7 NICET © 2014 No Derivative Works. = May be reproduced but do not alter, transform, or build upon this work. NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CERTIFICATION IN ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES 888-476-4238 2.5.4 Knowledge: Inspection and testing procedures and frequencies for various systems and components Time required for performance of various inspection and testing procedures Scheduling considerations for various inspection and testing procedures Skills: Identify the alarm monitoring company and AHJ. Coordinate access to the facility and/or system components. Coordinate disruptive aspects of inspection and testing procedures with the facility’s work processes. Coordinate any support needed for property damage avoidance. Read the scope of the contract. Communicate clearly and professionally. 2.5.5 Skills: Identify the alarm monitoring company and AHJ contacts for notification. Plan for the beginning and end of the impairment. Plan for potential fire hazards that could arise during the impairment. Establish notification procedures before and after the impairment. Estimate the time required for the pre-planned impairment. Utilize valve shut-off/impairment tags. Encourage the owner to limit operations during impairment. Develop a plan so that systems can be returned to service immediately if a problem arises. Manage work processes during the impairment to minimize its duration. Respond to an emergency impairment. Conduct a pre-inspection conference with the owner. 2.5.7 Notify applicable parties about test-related fire alarm and supervisory signals. Knowledge: Role of system monitoring service Types of monitoring services (protected premises, central station, proprietary, remote, and fire command) Skills: Follow-up after testing to confirm receipt of signals. Notify the monitoring service that testing has been completed. 2.5.6 Work with the owner to plan and implement an impairment procedure. Conduct a post-inspection conference with the owner. Knowledge: NFPA 25: 4.1.4, 15.5, 15.6, 15.7, A.4.1.4 Conditions that constitute an emergency impairment Deficiencies that affect the functionality of the system Skills: Explain inspection and test results to the owner. Provide notifications in response to an impairment and/or system deficiency. Recommend corrective actions. Advise the owner that the system has been restored. Communicate clearly and professionally. Knowledge: NFPA 25: 15.3, 15.5 – 15.7 Planned and Emergency Impairments types Potential consequences to system operation while impaired Tagging procedures Approved December 1, 2014 Page 7 of 7 NICET © 2014 No Derivative Works. = May be reproduced but do not alter, transform, or build upon this work.