2009 International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing Modeling and Analysis of DC Traction System in Light of Recent Innovations from HPC and Virtual Reality ┼ ╫ ┼ Satyadhar Joshi , Rohit Pathak , Anil Jain ┼ Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology & Science, Indore, M.P., India Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore, M.P., India satyadhar_joshi@yahoo.com, xrohit@hotmail.com, anil.jain128@gmail.com ╫ Abstract- We have developed a library for simulation of DC traction system. The modeling, installation and reliability aspects of Traction system in purview of current developments in HPC and Virtual reality are being implemented. We have proposed a model to predict and analyze traction system more comprehensively and put a computational structure regarding the same. Distribution of various computations is shown in an HPC setup and has been implemented. The advantages of Virtual reality in installation in city and intercity, driving has been implemented on C# for an HPC setup. Installation of VR framework for installation of DC traction thus has been implemented in the current technologies of HPC and VR. I. locomotive pantograph on a DC railway system are considered and shown in [8]. Modeling and numerical solution of multi branched DC rail traction power systems is an area which has seen some interesting work in recent years [9]. A complex multi ladder, multi branched DC traction power system has been modeled and solved using different circuit solution methods [10], thus its form a part for the modeling aspects of the system .Development in DC traction power supply rectifiers has been shown in [10]. Light Rail Transit DC Traction Power System Surge Overvoltage Protection is another important parameter [11]. Once of recent example of application of modern techniques is Fuzzy logic based study for traction system [4]. Importance of our work in light of recent work in DC Traction System is implemented in this project. INTRODUCTION Traction system plays a very important role in current hybrid electrical cars and also in railways installations. The importance of Hybrid cars is eminent, and the needs to install rail metros are important to lessen the burden from conventional oil based transport system. The need of traction system under current scenarios is undoubted and thus a strong modeling aspect needs to be built. As we can see from the recent innovations we have the analysis where we have various innovations in different domains which need to be interlinked. 1500V DC Traction System for the North East Line for Singapore state has been described in [1], which shows about the power supply and other important features, it was installed in 2004. It is one of the first driverless steel-wheel mass rapid transit systems operating in the world. Overview of DC Traction Protection Scheme for Singapore Rapid Transit System has been described in [2] where DC specific protection has been discussed. Fuel cells hybrid system for railways has been shown in [19], in this work experimental Study on a PEMFC Fed Railway Vehicle Motor Drive System is performed. Some aspects of Modeling of Electric Traction Motor Drives for Hybrid Electric Vehicle have been shown in [18]. Regeneration inverter system for DC traction has been discussed in [3]. In [5], a model for DC traction regeneration inverter to regenerate extra power to the AC power source and reduce harmonics in rectification mode has been proposed. In this project fuzzy logic has been implemented in the area of system protection. It has been proposed that the combination of fuzzy logic will improve the safety of the operations. The electrical behavior of the sample steel traction rails is analyzed, considering the resistance and internal inductance in [6]. DC traction system grounding has been shown in [7], thus grounding plays a very important role in this regard. Various grounding methods for various elements are also shown. The main sources of variations of the impedance at the 978-0-7695-3845-7/09 $26.00 $25.00 © 2009 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ARTCom.2009.229 II. MODELING OF TRACTION SYSTEM USING HPC AND VIRTUAL REALITY Virtual reality for industrial building construction has been shown in [16], this has been done in 2008. Application of virtual reality has been shown for interactive city exploration has been shown in [17] which have been done in 2008. HPC can be used for modeling, installation and implementation of DC traction system where many complex computation need to be taken into consideration. Parts of Traction, environmental implications, reliability calculations for long termed analysis can be done on HPC also can be aided with virtual reality. Power source modeling also play an important role in this regard. Use of advanced materials and reduction of maintenance are the areas that can be worked upon. We can feed the date from Google earth in the system and work all in virtual reality about the place elevations, cutting though other parts There are many new implementation and computations that needs to be done in a modern traction system, like modern complex analysis of behavior of Traction system. Reliability under various working environments can be calculated by using the model. Installation and modeling of DC traction system in metros and intercity installations can be aided by the use of this engine in Virtual reality to simulate the environment. Modeling thermal analysis on HPC can also be done using the engine developed. Also the effect of Power usage, Power Systems Distributions and power supply calculations can be performed. Modeling libraries in Matlab can be used to implement the project. But HPC Matlab Toolbox is not as good in performance and system level implementation cannot be performed. Virtual reality XNA .Net framework C# is shown below. In table I we have shown the various parameters that can be 525 Authorized licensed use limited to: Shri Vaishnav Inst of Tech and Science. Downloaded on November 19, 2009 at 02:12 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. distributed, recent research in reliability engineering for traction can prove to be useful and the results can be modeled using this architecture [12, 13, and 15]. Virtual Reality Framework Microsoft C# TABLE I VARIOUS CALCULATIONS FOR HPC Area Property and theory Reliability and maintenance[12, 13] Reliability is complex Electrical calculations Thermal Calculations Environmental calculations ex. Corrosion [14] Advanced materials Complex calculations Long term thermal effects Seasonal effects Composite materials TABLE 2 VIRTUAL REALITY PARAMETERS FOR TRACTION SYSTEMS Area of virtual reality Property Installation of Traction system (image processing) Accident Calamity detection and post calamity computations Use of satellite and VR Driving of train (physics and graphics ) Use of VR for driving Diverting to HPC setup HPC can be attached to VR setup Extreme Optimization Numerical Library for .NET Computation Engine Microsoft .NET Framework MPI .NET Microsoft XNA Framework Supercomputing Engine Virtual Reality Engine Graphics Engine Use of HPC for predicting reliability Fig. 2. Framework used for the development of the Library and merging it with HPC on C Sharp. The above modeling is done in XNA on Visual Studios 2005, and the model is comprehensive in itself to predict all parameters of DC traction system and perform extreme complex computation. Screenshots of City for DC traction installations has been shown. Intercity Traction installations can be taken from satellite and prediction of traction system can be fed directly into the system. For example Google earth photos can be used as shown in fig.1. If we assume installation of traction system in Indore we can move ahead on our proposed method collecting data as shown below. These are the views from Google Earth of Indore a city in Central India where we proposed to use this Virtual reality engine to perform complex computation on HPC system for traction installations. III. VIRTUAL REALITY ENGINE We have shown a virtual reality engine to installation and control of Traction systems which will use HPC setup to perform the complex computation. This engine can be used for various calculations for traction systems, by gathering photos which is converted into virtual reality system as shown. The way it is different from any other engine is that it is capable to use resources from an HPC setup and has all the features of the DC traction system. Fig. 1. Merging of VR Engine from the Data taken from Google Earth to the VR models and showing planning placement of installations. The framework has four main engines namely Computation Engine, Graphics Engine, Super-Computing Engine and Virtual Reality Engine. Computation Engine is the module that handles all the computations involved in running the Virtual Reality Framework. This engine uses Extreme Optimization Numerical Library for .NET. Details of the architecture are shown in Fig.2. Fig. 3. Building of System for the desired purpose, which has been the out of the 3D HPC VR setup developed. We can take various pictures at different zoom levels and can feed them to get a 3D outline for the installations, thus 526 Authorized licensed use limited to: Shri Vaishnav Inst of Tech and Science. Downloaded on November 19, 2009 at 02:12 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. this would require high computation power. Thus the output of the system is shown in Fig.3. IV. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE [14] Applications of HPC and virtual reality have been shown in doing comprehensive analysis of various parameters Traction systems. With the advent of HPC in calculating various parameters and their distribution has been shown for various areas for simulation of large DC traction system, 3D engine, physics calculations etc. Future scope lies with use of nanotechnology based materials and fuel cells for more efficient and hybrid tractions and drives. We clearly see the importance of using Virtual reality and its advantages in DC traction system in this paper. HPC is being implemented and it can be expanded to get more complex computation done. Diverting of calculations for a Virtual reality system to an HPC setup has been shown. 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