Training program SDN 6-15

Somfy Training Program
Somfy Digital Network (SDN)
Partner with Somfy Systems and learn the fundamentals of design and specification using
intelligent motor and control solutions. This program will provide attendees a competitive
advantage and enable leadership in the automated shading industry with instruction on how
to properly design and build efficient automated shading systems in residential or commercial
projects. See reverse for details on the Somfy Digital Network training options available.
SDN Overview:
Comprehensive SDN:
Technical Sales Training
Length: ½ - 1 day
Location: Any Somfy location
Complete Technical Training
Length: 3 full days
Location: Somfy North America Headquarters
Day 1:
Understand the power and benefits of Somfy Digital Network solutions
SDN System Overview
SDN network, discover Somfy motors, user interfaces and bus distribution components
Plan a building
Learn SDN wiring topology
Design a virtual SDN system for a 10 story building
Physical Connections
Review each device in the SDN system and understand wiring requirements
Stand-alone SDN or animeo® IP?
Compare stand-alone SDN to animeo® IP and learn how to choose the right system for the job
animeo® IP Overview
Experience the power of an SDN network when combined with animeo® IP
Day 2:
Stand-alone SDN System design
Learn how to plan groups for easy installation and maintenance
Stand-alone SDN motor features
Look into an SDN motor to understand the intelligence
Stand-alone SDN Software introduction
Use the RS485 Demo tool to discover motors and set limits
SDN motor configuration software: used for motor programming
Somfy Keypad configuration software: program SDN keypad button actions
Stand-alone SDN hands on
Use SDN software to complete hands on exercises with real motors and keypads
SDN Troubleshooting
Learn best practices for troubleshooting and correcting problems with an “under the hood” discussion of technology
SDN Third party Integration
Learn how SDN integrates with third party systems and the technologies used to do it
Day 3:
SDN Third party integration
Introduction to the SDN BMS Interface - integrate with BACnet, ModBus, and others
Introduction to BACnet
BMS Programming Demo
Introduction to the Somfy Connect - Integrate with Lutron
Somfy Connect programming demonstration
Somfy Connect hands on
animeo® IP Visual Configuration detailed demonstration
animeo® IP hands on
Program an animeo® IP system from start to finish
Training Review
Somfy Systems, Inc.
North America Headquarters
121 Herrod Blvd,
Dayton, NJ 08810
P: (800) 22-SOMFY (76639)
NJ: (609) 395-1300
F: (609) 395-1776
15291 Barranca Pkwy
Irvine, CA 92618-2201
P: (800) 22-SOMFY (76639)
F: (949) 727-3775
6100 Broken Sound Pkwy. N. W.
Suite 14
Boca Raton, FL 33487
P: (800) 22-SOMFY (76639)
F: (561) 995-7502
Somfy ULC
Somfy Canada Division
5178 Everest Drive,
Mississauga, Ontario L4W2R4
P: (800) 66-SOMFY (76639)
CN: (905) 564-6446
F: (905) 238-1491