International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016 Common-Mode Voltage Eliminated 2-level PWM Inverter Based on a Cascaded 3-level Inverter Chandini G S., Shiny G., M.R.Baiju Power Electronics Research Laboratory Dept. of Electronics and Communication College of Engineering Trivandrum, Kerala, India Abstract— Conventional Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) inverters create common mode voltage with high frequency anddv⁄dt. Common-mode voltage causes motor shaft voltage, bearing current and electromagnetic interference (EMI) in the induction motor drive system. In this paper, a common-mode voltage eliminated 2-level space vector pulse width modulation scheme based on a cascaded 3-level inverter is presented. When the inverter is controlled by PWM, the common-mode voltage dropped between the neutral point of the motor and the negative terminal of the inverter supply is of alternating nature. In the proposed scheme, inverter voltage vectors having the same common mode voltage are used to generate the PWM signal. This eliminates alternating common-mode voltage and its adverse effects. The scheme is experimentally verified using a 3-level inverter realized by connecting two 2-level inverters in cascade configuration and experimental results are presented to validate the scheme. Keywords— Common-mode voltage elimination, Cascade inverter, Bearing current, Shaft voltage I. INTRODUCTION Multilevel inverter technology has developed as a solution for high power medium voltage industrial applications because of its inherent advantages offered [1]. Conventional PWM inverters produce alternating common-mode voltage (CMV) in the induction motor drive system [2,3]. This CMV builds up through capacitive coupling between stator and rotor frame results in current flow through motor bearings [2-5]. Frequent occurrence of bearing current causes premature failure of motor bearings, due to electric discharge machining. Electrostatic methods to reduce voltage build up by weakening the capacitive coupling can result in low CMV [2-4]. The PWM inverters with modulators resulting in low or zero CMV are suggested as solution with the help of additional hardware [5]. These inverters also generate both conducted and radiated EMI. When multilevel inverters are used, the EMI effect can be reduced due to the low frequency, low voltage switching which results in low ⁄ [2-4]. PWM inverters which do not produce common-mode voltage are recommended as solution to eradicate these adverse effects [6-11]. A modulation scheme for elimination of CMV in neutral point clamped 3-level inverter using exclusive voltage space vectors which do not cause common-mode voltage is 978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE presented in [7]. In [8] a 3-level PWM scheme using an H-bridge 5-level inverter is proposed to reduce common-mode voltage. But this method requires six isolated power supplies. A space vector PWM scheme for the complete elimination of alternating common-mode voltage in a dual inverter fed open end winding induction motor drive is proposed in [9]. Vectors of individual inverters are selected so as to avoid alternating common-mode voltage in the drive system and 2-level space vector is deduced from 3-level space vector diagram. A 3- level inverter scheme from 5-level inverter scheme with complete elimination of alternating CMV is proposed in [10] for open end winding configuration. A hybrid 5-level inverter topology for the elimination of CMV using space vector PWM based switching scheme is suggested in [11]. This topology uses single dc source and different voltage levels are generated by means of floating capacitors. This paper presents a scheme based on 3-level inverter realized by cascading two 2-level inverters [12], for the elimination of alternating CMV using space vector PWM. This topology does not experience neutral point fluctuations and no need of clamping diodes [12]. This scheme uses inverter voltage vectors having same common-mode voltage, to generate PWM signal. Two groups of space vector combinations are identified for the 2-level common-mode eliminated structure from 3-level structure. From this one group of space vector combinations having minimum common-mode voltage is selected for PWM generation. The proposed method is experimentally verified on a 2HP, 3-phase induction motor drive in open loop v/f control for different modulation indices. II. PRINCIPLE AND MECHANISM OF COMMON-MODE VOLTAGE Common-mode voltage generated by 2-level and multi level PWM inverters results in motor and drive application problems [2]. Due to common-mode voltage, motor shaft voltage will build up through electro static couplings between rotor and stator windings and between the rotor and the frame. This results in extreme bearing current due to large shaft voltage. This bearing current results in untimely motor bearing failures. The bearing damage can be observed as the pits in the bearing race. In the three phase PWM inverter-motor system shown in Fig.1, the pole voltages with respect to negative DC bus O are VAO, VBO and VCO. These pole voltages can be decomposed into V V V V V V III. PROPOSED CMV ELIMINATION SCHEME FOR CASCADED INVERTER TOPOLOGY (1) Where VAN, VBN and VCN are phase voltages and VNO is the common-mode voltage of the system, given by (2) At lower switching frequency of the inverter, induction machine will experience the differential mode voltage only i.e., phase voltage or line to line voltage. Once the switching frequency of an inverter is increased to higher levels, the homogeneous allocation of windings along with the stator surface enhances parasitic capacitive coupling effect. Thus machine windings begin to behave capacitive [3]. From the experimental measurement of bearing currents, two types of bearing currents, namely conduction mode bearing current and discharge mode bearing current are found to exist in PWM inverters [4]. Conduction mode bearing current is the current flowing in bearings during their peak conductivity period of time. With low inverter output frequency and low motor speed, there is only conduction mode bearing current. Discharge mode bearing current is the large bearing current spike due to the loss of conductivity of bearings for a short period of time [4]. Fig.2 shows the 3-level inverter topology realized by connecting two 2-level inverters in cascade, where inverter-1 and inverter-2 are conventional 2-level inverters [12]. In this configuration, the points A1, B1 and C1 (Fig. 2) of inverter-1 are connected to the positive DC rail of corresponding phase of inverter-2. The pole voltages of inverter-1 are VA1O, VB1O and VC1O and that of inverter-2 are VA2O, VB2O and VC2O.The terminals A2, B2 and C2 of inverter-2 are connected to the phase windings of induction motor. The pole voltage of inverter-2 can assume any one of the three possible values 0, Vdc/2 and Vdc, which are the characteristics of 3-level inverter. In terms of pole voltages, the space vector Vs can be represented by / / (3) Fig.3 shows space vector diagram of a 3-level inverter. It can be viewed as a hexagonal structure having 24 sectors. There are 64 space vector combinations for a 3-level cascaded inverter, which are located at 19 space vector locations as shown in Fig.4. The common-mode voltage generated in the pole voltage of cascade inverter is expressed as In summary the main causes of bearing current are parasitic coupling capacitances and common- mode voltages. Solution for the reduction of common- mode voltages reported in the literature involves additional hardware [5]. Complete elimination of CMV is reported in [9-11]. In this paper a 2-level PWM inverter based on a cascaded 3-level inverter is proposed to eliminate alternating CMV. Fig. 1. Three phase 2-level PWM inverter-motor system Fig. 2. Cascaded 3-level inverter fed induction motor drive (4) Some space vector combinations of the 3- level inverter generate same common-mode voltage in the phase voltage of the induction motor. Space vector locations such as 201,210,120,021,012 and 102 of 3-level space vector diagram (Fig.3) are all having same common-mode voltage. For example take the space vector combination 201, where vector 2 represents voltage Vdc, 0 represents voltage zero and 1 represents voltage Vdc/2.Then common-mode voltage VNO is given by 0 VNO (201) = /2 /3 /2 Similarly for space vector combination 210, /2 VNO (210) = 0 /3 /2 From space vector diagram of cascade inverter (Fig.4) it can be seen that combinations 16’ and 26’ are located in 201, 12’ and 62’ are located in 210 and so on. The combination 16’ means inverter-1 is in switching position 1(100) and inverter-2 is in switching position 6’ (101).Similarly for combination 26’ means inverter-1 is in switching position 2(110) and inverter-2 is in switching position 6’ (101). Fig. 3. Voltage space vector representation of a 3-level inverter Common-mode voltage for 1(100), /2 VNO (100) = 0 0 /3 /6, for 6’(101), /2 VNO (101) = 0 /2 /3 /3 Then for combination 16’, VNO (16’) =Vdc/2 Similarly for combination 26’ VNO (110) = /2 VNO (101) = /2 /2 0 0 /3 /3 /2 /3 /3 VNO (26’) = 2Vdc/3 Table 1 represents two groups of phasor combinations. Each group is having same CMV. From which, group 1 with minimum CMV is selected for PWM generation. If only these space vector combinations are used for inverter switching, the alternating common-mode voltage is eliminated, thereby removing the adverse effects of ⁄ switching. There are seven such vector combinations which can be realized by using the combinations 16’, 12’, 32’, 34’, 54’, 56’ and 87’. These space vector combinations represent a 2-level structure, as shown in Fig.5. The individual inverters assume four states 1(100), 3(010), 5(001) and 8(000) for inverter-1 and 2’ (110), 4’ (011), 6’ (101) and 7’ (111) for inverter-2. In the proposed topology, the active voltage space vectors are generated by switching the individual voltage space vectors, which are located at 60o apart. The maximum amplitude of the reference space vector that can be synthesized by the drive with the proposed PWM scheme is given by (Fig. 5) | | max = √ √ (Vdc) = Vdc ------------------- (5) Fig. 4. Voltage space vector combinations of cascaded inverter It can be seen from Fig. 5 that the space vector diagram of the proposed 2-level structure is leading by an angle 30o, compared to that of conventional 2-level space vector diagram. The switching vectors of the proposed PWM strategy is generated from the instantaneous amplitude of the three phase reference sinusoid [13]. The dwell time calculations are determined from conventional equations for 2-level inverter [14]. IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The proposed modulation strategy is experimentally verified on a 2HP, 3 phase induction motor drive in open loop configuration with v/f control for different modulation indices. To generate the driving signals for the inverters, dSPACE DS 1104 RTI platform is used. The driving signals are captured using TLA 5201B logic analyzer. TABLE 1: Two groups common- mode voltage of phasor combinations Group1 Vector Phasor combination 201 having same Group2 CMV Phasor combination CMV 16’ Vdc/2 26’ 2Vdc/3 210 12’ Vdc/2 62’ 2Vdc/3 120 32’ Vdc/2 42’ 2Vdc/3 021 34’ Vdc/2 24’ 2Vdc/3 012 54’ Vdc/2 64’ 2Vdc/3 102 56’ Vdc/2 46’ 2Vdc/3 The driving signals for modulation index, m=0.3 are shown in Fig.6. The pole voltage, phase voltage and commonmode voltage of cascade inverter for m=0.3 are shown in top trace, middle trace and bottom trace of Fig.7 respectively. The shape of pole voltage waveform and phase voltage waveform are same because common-mode voltage is absent in the pole voltage. Fig. 6. Driving signals of inverter-1(top three traces), inverter-2 (bottom three traces) for m=0.3 The driving signals for m =0.85 are shown in Fig.8 and the pole voltage, phase voltage and common-mode voltage of proposed scheme are shown in top trace, middle trace and bottom trace of Fig.9. The motor is run under over modulation region (m =1.1) and the driving signals are shown in Fig.10. The pole voltage, phase voltage and common-mode voltage for over modulation operation are shown in top trace, middle trace and bottom trace of Fig.11. As the pole voltage do not have common-mode voltage component, the difference between the pole voltages (line to line voltage) is equal to the motor phase voltage, which is a six step waveform as shown in Fig.12, for m =0.85. Fig.13 and Fig.14 show motor phase current waveforms for m =0.85 and m =1.1 respectively. Fig. 7. Pole voltage (top trace), phase voltage (middle trace) and common-mode voltage (bottom trace) for m=0.3 Scale : X axis: 1 div =10ms, Y axis: 1 div =100V Fig. 8. Driving signals of inverter-1(top three traces), inverter-2 (bottom three traces) for m =0.85 Fig. 5. Space vector combinations for active vectors and zero vector used in the proposed work. Fig. 9. Pole voltage (top trace), phase voltage (middle trace) and common-mode voltage (bottom trace) for m =0.85 Scale : X axis: 1 div =10ms, Y axis: 1 div =100V Fig. 10. Driving signals of inverter-1 (top three traces), inverter-2 (bottom three traces) for m =1.1 Fig. 11. Pole voltage (top trace), phase voltage (middle trace), common-mode voltage (bottom trace) for m=1.1 Scale: X axis: 1 div =10ms, Y axis: 1 div =100V Fig. 12. Line to line voltage for m=0.85 Scale: X axis: 1 div =10ms, Y axis: 1 div =50V Fig. 13. Motor Phase Current for m=0.85 Scale: X axis: 1 div =20ms, Y axis: 1 div =1A Fig. 14. Motor phase current for modulation index=1.1 Scale: X axis: 1 div =10ms, Y axis: 1 div =1A V. CONCLUSION A scheme for the elimination of alternating common-mode voltage for a 3-level inverter is proposed. The elimination of common mode voltage reduces neutral point fluctuations in the topology. With the absence of the common-mode voltage in the drive, the problems related to the motor such as shaft voltage, electro static coupling, bearing current, fluting and conducted EMI etc are eliminated. The proposed scheme can be applied to higher levels of multilevel inverters. The scheme is developed and experimentally tested with a 2-HP induction motor drive. The experimental results are presented including operation in over modulation region for a 3-level inverter in cascaded configuration. [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Akira Nabae, I. Takahashi and H.Akagi, “A New Neutral-PointClamped PWM Inverter” IEEE Trans.Ind.Applicat.,vol 1A17,no.5,sep/oct.1981,pp.518-523. 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