3 Ways to Draw a Face


3 Ways to Draw a Face - wikiHow

How to Draw a Face

A Female Face, Sketched Male Female Face

This tutorial will show you some techniques in drawing the face.

Method 1 of 3: A Female Face, Sketched



Make a light outline of a face.

Heads are never circular, they are oval shaped, like an egg. So sketch an oval outline that tapers down at the bottom.

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2 Add dividing lines.

The easiest way to start is to use dividing lines to map out the proportions of the face. Firstly, draw a line down the center of the oval. Then cut the oval in half again, this time horizontally.

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3 Add the nose.

Divide the lower half again with another horizontal line. The point at which this crosses the vertical line is where you should begin to draw the base of the nose. Sketch out the base of the nose and a nostril either side.

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4 Add the mouth.

Divide the bottom quarter in half again. The bottom of the lips will rest on the dividing line you have just drawn. Draw a line for where the lips meet and then draw the top lip. Now fill in the bottom of the lip.

5 Add the eyes.

Draw two big circular balls to make out the eyes across the central horizontal line. These will form the eye sockets. The top of this circle is where the eyebrow is and at the bottom is where the cheekbone sits.

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Draw the eyeball floating in the center of the socket.

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You then need to work on the shape of the eyes. Eyes are almond shaped, so bear this in mind as you sketch them (eyes come in every size and shape, so feel it out). As a rule of thumb, the distance between the two eyes is the width of another eye.

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Inside the iris, the color inside the center of the eye, draw the pupil, which is the darkest bit of the eye. Fill most of it in black and leave a little white. With your pencil flat, use a bit of shading for the base. Shade variant from medium and light in the iris, using tightly spaced short lines from the edge of the pupil to the white of the eye. Draw lighter in some areas to give it a nice effect. Draw eyebrows above. Now rub out the guidelines below the eye.

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Next, draw the top of the eyelid over the top of the almond. The base of the eyelid comes down over the top of the iris and covers the top of it slightly.

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6 Shading under the eyes.

Now, add a little shading underneath the eye and where the eye meets the nose to define the socket. For a tired look, add shading and swooped lines at a more acute angle to the bottom eyelid.

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7 Add the ears.

The base of the ear should be drawn in line with the bottom of the nose and the top of the ear in line with the eyebrows. Remember, ears should be flat against the side of the head.

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8 Add the hair.

Make sure that you draw the hair from the parting outwards.

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9 Draw the neck.

Necks are thicker than you imagine. Draw two lines coming down from roughly where the bottom horizontal line meets the edges of the face.

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10 Add the details.

Add a bit of shading under the nose and accentuate the chin.

Put expression lines around the mouth, and shading in the corners. Then outline the ridge of the nose. The more prominent you make these features, the "older" your face will look.

11 You may want to draw clothes using a style such as cross hatching.

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3 Ways to Draw a Face - wikiHow

12 Clean.

Use an eraser to remove any guidelines.

Method 2 of 3: Male



Drawing lightly, sketch a circle.

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2 Draw a line at the middle starting from the top and ending where the chin would be.

(This line determines that the face is facing towards you).

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3 Ways to Draw a Face - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Draw-a-Face


Sketch lines to define the shape of the cheeks, jaw and chin.

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4 Sketch lines to define how wide, tall, and the placement of the eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

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Sketch the shape and appearance of the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and eyebrows.

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Sketch the shape of the hair and neck.

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Use a smaller tipped drawing tool to add the finer details of the face.

8 Draw the outline using the sketch as a guide.

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Erase and remove the sketch marks to produce a clean outlined drawing.

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10 Add color to the drawing.

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Optional: add shading to the drawing if needed.

Method 3 of 3: Female Face

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1 Draw the shape of the head you have in mind.

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Add lines to determine the center of the face and the position of the eyes.

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3 Sketch lines to define how wide, tall, and the placement of the eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

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3 Ways to Draw a Face - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Draw-a-Face


Sketch the shape and appearance of the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and eyebrows.

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Sketch the shape of the hair and neck.

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Use a smaller tipped drawing tool to add the finer details of the face.

7 Draw the outline using the sketch as a guide.

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Erase and remove the sketch marks to produce a clean outlined drawing.

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9 Add color and shading to the drawing.

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Practice makes perfect.

Don't give up.

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Sources and Citations

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How to

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Face from VideoJug -- used with permission.

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How to

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Article Info

Categories: Featured Articles | Drawing People and Features

Recent edits by: Romanea, Maluniu, Jaob

In other languages:

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Rosto , Nederlands: een gezicht tekenen , Français: Comment dessiner un visage , Русский : нарисовать лицо , 中文 : 画 脸

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