Limnol. Oceanogr., 38(4), 1993, 857-871 0 1993, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. Phytoplankton nutrient limitation and food quality for Daphnia Robert W. Sterner, Douglas D. Hagemeier, William L. Smith, and Robert F. Smith Department of Biology, University of Texas at Arlington, Box 19498, Arlington 760 19 Abstract The influence of nutrient limitation on the quality of Scenedesmus acutus as food for Daphnia obtusa is examined. The nature and degree of nutrient limitation greatly influences the rate at which Daphnia converts Scenedesmus biomass into herbivore biomass. From high to low quality, Scenedesmus food is ranked moderately N limited, severely N limited, and severely P limited. Even a very high concentration (3 mg DW.liter-I) of low quality food yields slow Daphnia growth, and it appears that no amount of low quality food would support rapid Daphnia growth. Food-limited animals display lowered intercepts of length-weight regressions (prereproductive females), reduced rates of biomass gain (both males and females), increased ages at first reproduction, lowered clutch sizes, increased mortality, and lowered reproductive rate. The N and P contents and the N : P ratio of Scenedesmus all vary considerably under N and P limitation, while the N content (and possibly P content) of Daphnia is less variable and the N: P ratio of Daphnia is essentially constant. Clearance and feeding rates are lower on severely P-limited cells than on severely N-limited cells. These results indicate that the mineral nutrition of their algal food may influence the demographics of zooplankton herbivores to a degree not before realized. Herbivores face great nutritional challenges because plant matter, relative to animal tissue, is low in nutritional content (Begon et al. 1990). This statement is true from the standpoint of energetics (available calories per gram) as well as for specific elements (e.g. C : N or C : P ratios) or biomolecules (e.g. grams of protein per gram of total biomass). In addition, the biochemical composition of plants varies as growth conditions (mineral nutrition, presence of physical stresses, etc.) vary (Chapin 1980). Algae share these traits with other photosynthetic organisms. Like higher plants, algae have relatively high ratios of C : P and C : N, and under N or P limitation, the C : N : P ratio of phytoplankton varies considerably (Goldman et al. 1979; Moal et al. 1987). Such biochemical responses of algae to resource limitation should affect their quality as food for upper trophic levels. Thus, it appears that the food of herbivorous zooplankton could be characterized as generally poor, but also highly variable, in quality. A substantive body of research describing the growth of Daphnia in defined laboratory conditions has led to the construction of deAcknowledgments We thank T. Chrzanowski for measurements of algal carbon and P. Hebert for taxonomic confirmation of Daphnia obtusa. Financial support was provided by NSF grant BSR 88 17786. 857 tailed models of food intake and assimilation and of subsequent commitments of energy to maintenance, growth, and reproduction (Paloheimo et al. 1982; Lynch et al. 1986; Lynch 1989; Hallam et al. 1990; Gurney et al. 1990). These models forge an important link between Daphnia’s physiology and its demography. A common simplifying assumption to models such as ‘;hese is to equate food resources to a single parameter, either carbon or mass. For example, “. . . we regard food as a homogeneous assemblage within the water, describable by a single density, namely carbon content (or energy or dry mass) per unit volume” (McCauley et al. 1990, p. 713). The evidence in the opening paragraph, though, indicates that this assumption must be carefully scrutinized. Perhaps, additional parameters will be necessary to describe “food” more realisticallY* Daphnia’s natural food base is very heterogeneous. Algae may be the most biochemically diverse guild in nature. Differences in cell walls, storage products, and pigment types among major algal taxa are large (see any introductory phycology text). In addition, the cell contents of nitrogen, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates vary interspecifically (Moal et al. 1987). Furthermore, the biochemical composition of individual algal taxa varies widely as growth rate varies: the cellular makeup of N-, P-, or lightlimited cells generally all differ from each other as well as from unlimited cells (Caperon and 858 Sterner et al. Table 1. Composition of growth medium MPI. Compound CaCl, .2H,O MgSO,. 7H,O KC1 NaHCO, Trace metals Na,EDTA FeCl, .6H,O MnSO, -H,O ZnSO, -7H,O Na,MoO, .2H,O CoCl, *6H,O CuSO,. 5H,O I-MO, Vitamins biotin B,, thiamine W-LLSO, NaH,P04.H,0 Na,SiO, .5H,O Final medium (mg liter ‘) 75.0 50.0 3.0 150 8.0 3.38 0.608 0.172 0.048 0.024 0.024 1.00 0.00005 0.00005 0.01 as needed (see text) as needed (see text) 170 Meyer 1972; Goldman et al. 1979; Healey and Hendzel 1980; Mortensen et al. 1988). Moreover, besides algae, Daphnia ingests bacteria, detritus, protozoa, and inorganic solids. Yet, the nutritional quality and the biochemical composition of Daphnia’s food has received little attention beyond several studies on cyanobacteria (Lampert 198 1; Porter and Orcutt 1980; Holm et al. 1983; Holm and Shapiro 1984). Can such a food base be adequately represented by a single parameter, for example carbon or dry mass? This question can be recast as: are equivalent carbon or dry mass concentrations of algae nutritionally equal no matter what the biochemical composition? That question was tested by observing the demography of Daphnia reared under several dry mass concentrations of a single chlorophycean algal species grown under three growth-limiting conditions. Methods Identity of organisms-Scenedesmus acutus was from the culture collection at the Max Planck Institute of Limnology, Plan, Germany. This alga serves as the primary food for zooplankton stock cultures at the Max Planck laboratories as well as in our lab at the University of Texas at Arlington. When grown in chemostats at high flow rate, S. actus (hereafter, Scenedesmus) supports robust growth of many cladoceran species. Daphnia obtusa (strain UA) was isolated from natural populations in north-central Texas and maintained for - 1 yr previous to this study in laboratory stock cultures consisting of filtered lake water and Scenedesmusfood with monthly transfers. This strain readily switches to male and ephippium production when stock cultures become crowded. Algal culturing-Three types of Scenedesmus were grown in chemostats using two types of growth medium MPI (Table 1) with N as (NH4)2S04 and P as NaH,PO, adjusted to produce either N-limiting (200 PM N : 40 PM P, N : P = 5) or P-limiting (500 PM N : 5 PM P, N : P = 100) conditions. Double-distilled water with both NaHCO, and trace metals added was sterilized in an autoclave, and the remaining stocks were added via aseptic transfer with a 0.2~pm filter. Sterile medium was held in 15-liter glass reservoirs and pumped via a multichannel peristaltic pump into glass reaction vessels holding 1 liter of culture volume. Reaction vessels were suspended in a 20 f 0.5”C water bath and illuminated with four “coolwhite” fluorescent bulbs on a 14 : 10 L/D cycle (lights on at 0700 hours) providing PAR incident to the vessels of 200 PEinst m-* s-l during light periods. Cultures were stirred by constant aeration with 0.2~pm-filtered room air. Culture outflows were pumped out of the reaction vessels and the cells collected daily for preparation of food suspensions. Dilution rates (D, d-l) were computed as outflow volume (measured daily) divided by culture volume and time. In vivo fluorescence (IVF) was measured daily with a Turner model 112 fluorometer to ascertain periods of steady state. The resource-saturated growth rate (b) of Scenedesmuswas determined in six batch cultures in the chemostat reaction vessels with the same temperature, irradiance, and aeration as the continuous cultures. Both types of medium were used. Medium type did not affect b (t = 1.43, P = 0.23). The mean for the six cultures was 1.20 d-’ (SE = 0.02). Three types of Scenedesmus cells were used for Daphnia growth experiments: moderately N limited (MON) (D = 0.50 and N:P = 5 medium), severely N limited (LON) (D = 0.10 and N : P = 5 medium), and severely P limited Food quality and quantity (LOP) (D = 0.10 and N : P = 100 medium). Thus, both LON and LOP were growing at 8% of b and MON was growing at 42% of k. Gross cell and colony morphology varied under these conditions. Under Kohler illumination, MON cells (15 pm long x 2-4 pm wide) had a single spherically shaped, uniformly green area. LOP cells (17 x 5 pm) had a granular appearance with some internal, spherically shaped clear areas. LON cells (15 pm x 3-5 pm) had an internal appearance similar to LOP. In all food types most cells occurred as unicells or in twocell colonies. A minority of cells occurred in three- or four-cell colonies. The greatest number of these larger colonies occurred in LON. Chemical compositions of algalfoods -Algal C was measured with the wet-oxidation procedure of Strickland and Parsons (1972) with resultant CO2 measured with an infrared analyzer (Horiba PIR 2000). For P analysis, samples of cells on acid-rinsed GF/F filters were autoclaved with H2SO4 and persulfate; pH was then neutralized and soluble reactive (SRP) was determined by the ascorbic acid technique (Strickland and Parsons 1972). N was analyzed on samples on GF/F filters by the method of D’Elia et al. (1977). Blanks and standards included filters where appropriate and were digested as well. Cells were enumerated with Sedgwick-Rafter slides. At least 500 colonies were tallied for each of two replicate samples for each food type. Cell quotas (QN and Qp) were calculated from these data. day, Daphnia growth experiments-Each Scenedesmuscells were collected from the chemostat outflows between 0630 and 0800 hours, centrifuged, and resuspended in “basal MPI” prepared with only the MPI stocks CaCl,. 2H20, MgS04.7H20, KCl, and NaHCO, at their normal concentration. The spectrophotometric absorbance at 800 nm was read and compared to a precalibrated curve relating absorbance to algal concentration in milligrams dry weight per liter (mg DW liter-l). Appropriate dilutions were made with basal MPI to yield the desired concentrations for the growth experiments. Preliminary comparisons of Daphnia growth in basal MPI and filtered lake water showed no effect of water type on growth. The animals were reared in three concentrations of the three Scenedesmusfood types: 0.7 5, 1.5, and 3.0 mg DW liter-l (total of nine food regimes). Food suspensions of l-liter volume 859 were prepared in cylindrical polycarbonate tissue-culture bottles, which rotated in a horizontal plane at 1 rpm in complete darkness at 20°C. When taken from the incubator, the laboratory was dimly illuminated with incandescent bulbs. In a growth experiment, gravid females were isolated into the food regime of interest, and 75-l 00 of the neonates released within a 24-h period made up a cohort. These individuals were not necessarily monoclonal. As these animals were the first generation to be exposed to the given food regime, any maternal effects “would have been overlooked. Maternal effects should have accentuated any influence of the different food regimes. Several attempts to rear animals for more than one generation met with failure: few second generation animals lived longer than 2 d. Because the growth of the first generation was robust in certain food regimes and compared favorably with lake-water controls, we believe the frailty of the second generation does not hinder our ability to draw conclusions from the first-generation animals. At least two bottles were run for every food regime. Cohorts were reared in three groups (group one: 1.5 mg DW liter- l LOP-A, LOPB, MON-A, LON-A, and LON-B; group two: 1.5 mg DW liter - l MON-B and MON-C, and 0.75 mg DW liter-’ LOP-A, LOP-B, MONA, MON-B, LON-A, and LON-B; group three: 3.0 mg DW liter - l LOP-A, LOP-B, MON-A, MON-B, LON-A, and LON-B). Inspection of the data revealed that measurements from replicate bottles were close compared to other sources of variation; thus replicate bottles were pooled. Each day, all living animals in each bottle were tallied and transferred with a widebore pipet into fresh food mixture. Neonates and dead individuals were counted at this time. Each day 3-6 individuals were removed from each bottle, and the following data were taken on the live animals: sex, length (anterior margin of head to proximal end of tail spine), and clutch size. In addition, lipid-ovary indices (Tessier and Goulden 1982) were recorded and are reported elsewhere (Sterner et al. 1992). Individuals were then transferred to small pieces of aluminum foil, dried at 60°C > 12 h, and stored in a desiccator. Dry weights of individual animals (including eggs) were measured with a Sartorius S4 microbalance (+O. 1 pg). Growth periods lasted 1 l-l 3 d. 860 Sterner et al. Table 2. Elemental composition of three types of Scenedesmus food. Percent elemental composition on a weight basis, cell quotas (Qp and QN) on a pmol cell- ’ basis, and elemental ratios on an atomic basis (mol/mol). Food type % c O/oN % P LOP LON MON 64.5 65.7 56.1 6.42 5.40 9.43 0.076 0.506 0.977 QP QN 0.0039 0.0089 0.0155 0.749 0.210 0.342 Growth rate (g) for the first week of life was calculated from body mass as g = (In A4, - In MO)/7 where Mt is body mass (pg) at time t (d) (Gliwicz and Lampert 1990). This equation assumes that mass-specific growth is constant with time, as has been found by Tessier and Goulden (1987). Daphnia N and P contents-Following the group-two set of cohorts, surviving animals were pooled into samples of total dry weight of 0.14-0.37 mg and the N and P contents determined. Standard persulfate digestion procedures (as used for algal samples in this study) are invalid for determining N in crustaceans because chitin, which can account for up to 12% of dry weight in large animals (Lynch 1989), is not digested (Sterner pers. obs.). Therefore, we modified a digestion procedure using the Digesdahl apparatus manufactured by Hach Co. This technique gives yields similar to the Kjeldahl method on a wide variety of sample materials (Watkins et al. 1987), and it breaks chitin down completely (pers. obs.). In brief, samples are digested rapidly (- 15 min) at 440°C in the presence of concentrated H,SO, and Hz02. After cooling, the samples are titrated to the phenolphthalein end-point. P can then be analyzed as SRP. For N analyses, the commercial procedure uses a Nesslerization method, but we favored the ninhydrin-hydrindantin method, which is more sensitive (Strickland and Parsons 1972). A detailed description of this method is available from R.W.S. on request. Daphnia samples were analyzed by one-way ANOVA to see whether food type significantly altered body composition. Clearance and feeding rates- Daphnia neonates were reared for 5-9 d in filtered lake water and fed high growth rate Scenedesmus. At this time, large animals were producing large C:N C:P 11.7 14.2 6.6 N:P 2,266 346 153 193.7 24.4 22.1 clutches of eggs. These animals were then pipetted into polycarbonate roller bottles (30 individuals per bottle) that contained 1.2 liter of 0.75, 1.5, and 3.0 mg DW liter-l of LON and LOP Scenedesmus. Two bottles were run per food regime. Two control bottles were filled with algae, but no Daphnia was added. Total number of bottles was thus 14. These were incubated in the dark at 20°C and rotated at 1 rpm. Algal samples were taken at approximately t = 0.5, 4, 8, and 20 h (t = 0 when Daphnia was introduced) and preserved in acid Lugol’s fixative. The animals were filtered onto preweighed Nitex screens, dried, and weighed. Algae were counted microscopically. Leastsquares regressions of ln(cells ml-‘) vs. time (h) were calculated. The slopes of these regressions (mean r2 = 0.78), divided by mg DW of Daphnia ml- 1 gave clearance rates in ml (mg DW)- 1 h- l. These values were examined statistically with ANOVA to see whether food quantity and food type and their interaction significantly changed clearance rates. Feeding rates [dry mass of food ingested (mg DW animal biomass)- l h- l] were calculated as clearance rate times food concentration. Results Algal elemental composition - MON food showed the highest amounts of both N and P of the three food types whether expressed on Table 3. Slopes(upper) and intercepts (lower) for lengthweight regressions of nonreproductive females (in parentheses, SE). Food type MON LON LOP Food concentration 0.75 2.44(0.24) -2.27(0.03) 2.32(0.16) -2.34(0.02) 2.70(0.18) -2.28(0.03) (mg DW liter -I) 1.5 3.0 2.81(0.21) -2.20(0.03) 2.45(0.22) -2.24(0.04) 2.13(0.24) -2.38(0.04) 2.09(0.28) -2.22(0.04) 2.93(0.28) - 2.19(0.04) 2.63(0.20) -2.26(0.03) Food quality and quantity a percent-by-weight basis or as a ratio of cellular C (Table 2). Relative to MON, LOP food had somewhat reduced N content and greatly reduced P content, and LON food had the lowest N content and somewhat reduced P content. Cell quotas are affected by cell size, so they did not exhibit exactly the same trends, with QN being highest in LOP, not in LON; otherwise differences in quotas were similar to differences based on weight or C (Table 2). The percent C was very similar for all three food types (Table 2). If one takes QN in LON and Qp in LOP as the minimal cell quotas, their ratio corresponds to the “optimal N : P ratio” (Rhee and Gotham 1980). For these data, the optimal N : P ratio = 54, which is relatively high compared to other phytoplankton species (see Hecky and Kilham 1988, their table 4; in fact, this value is exceeded only by another Scenedesmus species). A high optimal N : P implies either relatively low P content under P-limiting conditions or relatively high N content under N-limiting conditions, or both. Length-weight regressions-Changes in the length-weight regressions of Daphnia differing in nutritional history have been reported by others (Lemcke and Lampert 1975; Taylor 1985). It has also been suggested that differing mass for a given length may reflect differing quantities of reproductive tissue (ovaries and eggs), but not somatic tissue (Lynch 1989; McCauley et al. 1990). In the latter case, lengthweight regressions of somatic tissue would not vary with nutritional history. Thus, nonreproductive females (as defined in Fig. 1) were first analyzed separately. ANCOVA of body mass and carapace length (both log,,-transformed) for nonreproductive females identified statistically significant effects (P < 0.01) of food quantity and food type but not of their interaction (P > 0. lo), suggesting that the relationship between somatic tissue mass and carapace length is in fact altered by food regime. Accordingly, separate regressions of body mass on carapace length were performed for each food regime. Intercepts (Table 3) were lowest under low concentrations of LON and LOP (greatest severity of food limitation, see below) and highest under high concentrations of MON and LON (least degree of food limitation, see below). Slopes (Table 3) lacked consistent patterns. However, the similarity of both the sep- 861 arate plots (Fig. 1) and the regression statistics (Table 3) indicate that food regime, although statistically significant, had only a minor effect on the length-weight regression of nonreproductive female Daphnia. Thus, a regression of all nonreproductive females (pooled over food regime) was computed (SE values in parentheses): log,,(mg DW) = - 2.27 (0.01) + 2.56 (0.07) x log,,,/ r2 = 0.70, n = 492 where I is carapace length (in mm). In the region of overlap, reproductive females had greater mass than nonreproductive females at high food concentration (Fig. 1) where clutch sizes were large (see beloll-). A pooled regression also was calculated for all females: log,,(mg DW) = -2.19 (0.01) + 3.10 (0.04) X log,,(l, mm) r2 = 0.88, n = 746. The slope of body mass vs. length for all females was larger than for nonreproductive females. It does appear that mass of reproductive tissue influences the length-weight regression to a larger extent than does mass of somatic tissue. Finally, the length-weight regression computed from all males (all food regimes pooled to achieve sufficient sample) (Fig. 2) was log,,(mg DW) = -2.15 (0.01) + 3.48 (0.19) X log,,(l, mm) r2 = 0.88, n = 78. The slope for males was greater than for females. Mortality and reproduction-Mortality rates, q,, were calculated as the number of deaths in age class x to x + 1 divided by the number of animals alive at age x (Fig. 3). Mean q, for each treatment from low to high food concentration was MON-0.013, 0.018, and 0.007; LON-0.029, 0.033, and 0.020; LOP-0.036, 0.093, and 0.054. In all three food types, mortality was greatest at intermediate concentrations. Mortality was lowest in MON food, intermediate in LON food, and highest in LOP food. In several treatment combinations, mortality was low for the youngest animals, increased to a maximum at intermediate age, and fell to low levels again for older animals. Sterner et al. 862 0.75 mg DW liter-’ 1.5 mg DW liter-’ 3.0 mg DW liter-’ . 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 s 0.5 I 1.0 I I:5 2.0 I O.-S I 1.0 II 1.5 2.0 Carapace length (mm) Fig. 1. Female body mass vs. carapace length for the nine food regimes. Nonreproductive females (individuals lacking eggs and with ovary index I 1)-O; reproductive females-m. Columns represent concentrations of food (Scenedesmus). Rows indicate types of food. This unimodal pattern may have resulted from a combination of maternal provisioning and lessened susceptibility to starvation in larger animals. Young animals in poor quality food may survive comparably well until their energy stores run out. In all food regimes, diversion of energy from growth to reproduction (as indicated by initial development of ovaries) began once the animals reached - 10 pg in body mass (Fig. l), in spite of their age. Within the growth period studied here, animals reached reproductive size Food quality and quantity in all three concentrations of MON (Fig. 1, upper row), primarily in high concentrations of LON (Fig. 1, middle row), and hardly at all in LOP (Fig. 1, bottom row). Egg-bearing females were found in all three concentrations of MON and LON, with larger clutches in higher concentration of food (Fig. 4, upper and middle rows). In contrast, egg-bearing females were rare in all three concentrations of LOP, and clutches that did occur were smaller than those seen in other food types (Fig. 4, lower row). Reproductive rates, m,, were calculated as the number of living neonates at time x born within the period x - 1 to x divided by the arithmetic mean of the number of live females at times x - 1 and x (Fig. 3). Both food concentration and food type influenced m, (Fig. 3). The influence of food quantity and food type on m, were similar to the patterns in other reproductive parameters (Figs. 1 and 4) with the exception of low values of m, at the highest concentration of MON (Fig. 3). These low values of m, resulted from high mortality of neonates. This failure of the second generation seems to be an artifact of the growth protocol (see above) and is not reflective of the value of this food regime compared to the others. No neonates were released in any of the three concentrations of LOP. Age at first reproduction varied with food type. In comparison to MON, LON-reared Daphnia reproduced later at any given food concentration. LOP-reared animals did not release any neonates during this period of growth, meaning their age at first reproduction (assuming it exists) exceeded the length of study. Body mass-Females gained mass in all nine food regimes (Fig. 5), indicating that all were above the individual threshold for food limitation where change in body mass equals zero (Lampert 1977). Still, the nine food regimes demonstrated different rates of biomass accumulation, indicating measurable food limitation in eight of nine regimes. MON-grown females (Fig. 5, upper row) in the two highest concentrations, and perhaps in the lowest concentration, showed steady growth followed by a plateau once reproduction had commenced. The body mass corresponding to the plateaus differed, with higher concentrations resulting in higher plateaus, possibly as a result of differing clutch sizes. Animals fed LON food (Fig. 863 , 25 d 20 15- /d < L .rn n n -m3 IOsm nB* mm .3 ti 8 8 . ,’ mm nnn n gd . m . 2- ‘rmm nnn I” n.’ 5- g ! 8 : n . m 1 0.50 1.25 1.50 0.25 Carapace length (mm) Fig. 2. Male body mass vs. carapace length pooled over all food regimes. 5, middle row) grew slower than those fed equivalent concentrations of MON food. Finally, LOP-grown animals (Fig. 5, bottom row) grew very slowly when compared either to MON or LON (Fig. 5). Few LOP-grown animals reached the 10 pg in body mass apparently needed for ovaries to develop. Growth rates, g, for females in the nine food regimes ranged from -0.1 to 0.5-l (Fig. 6). At the two highest concentrations, g was highest for MON, intermediate for LON, and lowest for LOP. At the low concentration, g was greatest for MON, while LON and LOP were essentially identical. Over the range of food concentrations studied here, LON yielded the widest spread in growth rates. Increasing LOP concentration increased g only slightly. Thresholds for growth (food concentration where g = 0) cannot be determined from these data because of the absence of low concentrations. Thus, we cannot say whether the different food types caused differences in food thresholds. Males were found in a subset of the food regimes (Fig. 7). The largest males (17-20 ,ug in mass) were in the higher concentrations of MON and LON algae. In low concentrations of LON and in middle and high concentrations of LOP, males grew more slowly, or not at all. These trends were the same as for female animals. 864 Sterner et al. 0.75 mg DW liter-l 1.5 mg DW liter” 3.0 mg DW liter” MON “‘” 0.2 LOP 0 Fig. 3. Mortality rates, q, (open bars), and reproductive rates, m, (closed bars), vs. age in all nine food regimes. Panels arranged as in Fig. 1. Daphnia N and P contents-Because of differences in survivorship and growth rate, sample sizes for the different food types differed (Table 4), with, unfortunately, only two samples of sufficient mass obtainable from LOPreared animals. Thus, statistical power to detect small differences in the elemental content of Daphnia was low. Nevertheless, we found a significant effect of food type on N content (F = 4.37, P = 0.02). Beyond that, neither the P content (F = 1.14, P = 0.34) nor the N:P ratio (F = 0.12, P = 0.88) were significantly influenced by food type (the internal inconsis- tency of these results can be explained by noting that the P content appeared to vary to a similar extent as N content, but it was not statistically significant). Notably, the N : P ratio was especially insensitive to food type and essentially constant (Table 4). The significant difference in N content is attributed to LOP animals, which had lower N content than either MON or LON animals (Table 4). LOP animals were, however, considerably smaller than MON or LON animals; thus, this difference in N content may reflect size structure and not food type per se; C: N declines with 865 Food quality and quantity 0.75 mg DW litef’ I A *7-----t 1.5 mg DW lite? I a I w l 3.0 mg DW liteq I Iill I. DIM n ‘8: l m- l .I ‘, 1 .I’ f : AD mm 25' A A . 20. IO5i Oo 03. l- mI:5 2 2:5 05 Carapace length (mm) Fig. 4. Clutch sizes plotted vs. carapace length for the nine food regimes. Panels arranged as in Fig. 1. increasing Daphnia size (Tessier and Consolatti 199 1). Clearance rates-Cell density did not significantly change in the control bottles (no Daphnia present). ANOVA on the other bottles found that both food quantity (F = 11.4, P=O.Oll)andfoodtype(F= 14.1,P=O.O37), but not their interaction (F = 0.49, P = 0.64) significantly influenced clearance rates. Clearance was higher in lower quantities of food than in higher quantities (Fig. 8). In addition, clearance was lower in LOP than in LON at all concentrations (Fig. 8). Additional experi- ments corroborate that clearance rate declines with decreasing food quality (Sterner and Smith in press). Feeding rates were low in all three concentrations of LOP and higher in LON, with the highest feeding rate at the highest concentration (Table 5). At 3.0 mg DW liter-’ of LON, Daphnia ingested nearly 13% of its body mass per hour. Discussion Food quantity and quality-Algae of grazeable size and lacking any obvious morphological defenses such as spines, hard outer cov- 866 Sterner et al. 0.75 mg DW liter-’ 70 6050- 1.5 mg DW liter -’ ~~~~*~ 3020 10 40:/ 0 0 : 14 70'. 60504030- * * * - * L 70 . 6050403020IOr"". 0 0 . -. . - ; 14 3.0 mg DW liter -’ 70 6050403020IO01 0 * -. - . . . . - . . - 14 7ot-----7 6040- :;: : /: I 14 0 70 6050403020'i,d. 0 * * * * * * L , 14 0 70 60504030201o01 0 14 * * * 7oi-----T . - - * * * ' - ' 14 Age (d) Body mass (mean -t-1 SE) for females of given age for the nine food regimes. Panels arranged as in Fig. 1. erings, or gelatinous sheaths normally would be considered high quality food for herbivorous zooplankton. This neglects any biochemical, nutritional differences in algal cells. Here, the quality of Scenedesmus as food for Daphnia was strongly influenced by the degree and nature of growth limitation. Moderately N-limited cells (MON) were high quality food, severely N-limited cells (LON) were intermediate, and severely P-limited cells (LOP) were greatly inferior. Severely nutrient-limited cells were inferior in quality to cells that were less limited. Note that growth rate alone did not determine food quality; the limiting resource also was important. P-limited Scenedesmus was very low quality while N-limited Scenedesmus was of moderate quality. The high optimum N : P ratio of this genus may play a part in this difference. In general, algae limited by one resource have a biochemical makeup different from limitation by other resources. It is not yet clear if food quality of all algal species will respond similarly to limitation by the same resource. With a minimum of four primary limiting resources for algal growth in natural 867 Food quality and quantity Table 4. Nitrogen and phosphorus contents (*95% C.I.) of Daphnia obtusa reared on three food types. Food tYPc N “/o N by wt % P by wt MON LON LOP 20 6 2 8.85kO.64 8.11k1.20 5.83k2.08 1.06kO.21 0.83-+0.37 0.69kO.64 Table 5. Feeding rates [(mg DW)(mg DW)-I h-l] in two food types. Corresponding clearance rates are given in Fig. 8. N : P by atoms 21.5k3.0 22.4k5.4 19.91k9.4 environments (N, P, Si, and light), and the potential for idiosyncratic adjustment by different algal taxa to the severity of limitation by those four elements, the translation of algal growth rate into food quality could prove to be complex. Adjustments to food quality owing to limitation of algal growth could have considerable relevance to natural Daphnia populations. Growth of algae in nature sometimes becomes very resource limited. Dilution assays have provided the strongest evidence of this to date. Sterner (1990b) found growth of 23-62% of fi in a suite of coexisting P-limited species in a north Texas reservoir and Sommer (1988, 1989) has reported periods of intense N, P, and Si limitation in phytoplankton taxa in north European lakes. At other times, resource limitation is much weaker. Thus, one can expect shifts in food quality during seasonal cycles. Cases where ratios of C : N : P have been thought to influence food quality for natural Daphnia populations include studies of C : N in a humic lake (Hessen 1989) and C : P in enclosures in a small, eutrophic lake (Olsen et al. 1986). Effects such as these are by no means limited to Daphnia. Scott (1980) found maximal growth-ingestion efficiency of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis when growth of Brachiomonas submarina (Chlorophyceae) was 45% of 6. At lower and higher algal growth rates, the growth : ingestion ratio declined. Kiorboe ( 1989) found that increasingly severe N limitation of the diatom Thalassiosira weissjlogii increased the algae’s C : N ratio and lowered egg production in the copepod Acartia tonsa. A differential ability to exploit low quality food could help regulate zooplankton abundance and distribution and help shape interspecific interactions among zooplankton. Previous studies of Daphnia growth on defined algal diets have identified a suite of lifehistory consequences of food limitation, where Food concentration (mg DW liter ‘) Food type 0.75 1.5 3.0 LOP LON 0.052 0.062 0.03 1 0.077 0.069 0.128 the food has consisted of algae cultured under nearly ideal conditions. On the basis of these measurements, models have been advanced to link physiology and ecology in these animals. Successful models would predict the animal’s demography given the food it has available to it. These models are concerned with descriptions of the demographics along axes of food concentration. Note though that the three food types examined here influenced many of the same aspects of Daphnia’s life history, including the rate of body mass accumulation, survivorship, age at first reproduction, clutch size, and rate of reproduction. Also, the effect of .food quantity depended to a great extent on the quality of that food (Fig. 6). Increasing the quantity of LON induced large increases in body growth rates while increasing the quantities of LOP induced very small increases in body growth rates. Extrapolations of the trends in Fig. 6 make it appear that no amount of low quality food could support rapid body growth in Daphnia. Clearly, the physiological responses to food quantity are not the same for all food types. 0.5 T; g 0.4-- - 0' 0.5 ,-+bN I 1 I 23 I 5 Food Concentration (mg DW liter’) Fig. 6. Growth rate vs. food concentration (log scale) for the three food types. 868 Sterner et al. 0.75 mg DW liter-’ 1.5 mg DW liter-’ 3.0 mg DW literwl MON 30'. . *. 30'. . . . f--c . . - c . . - ' . . . 8. 14 . LOP 30'. . . . - - L 20. 20- 'O 0 0 . 6 . . * 7 . ' 14 'O07 -0 - Fig. 7. Body mass (mean + 1 SE) for males of given age for six of the food regimes. Panels arranged as in Fig. 1. The physiological basis for food qualityHerbivores may respond in two distinct ways when feeding on food low in quality. First, assimilation efficiency may be lower than on high quality food (e.g. Kiorboe 1989). Alternatively, feeding rate may be lower (Daphnia: Butler et al. 1989; Sterner and Smith in press; copepods: Libourel Houde and Roman 1987; Butler et al. 1989). Changes in feeding rate on lower quality foods have been predicted by a theoretical analysis based on maximizing net rate of energy gain (Taghon 198 l), and studies of polychaete feeding (Taghon et al. 1990) have suggested that feeding is maximal on moderate quality foods. Feeding rate at least played a part in the results of our study: feeding on low quality food was lower than on equal concentrations of moderate quality food, meaning that less mass of low quality food was ingested per unit time than was ingested for high quality food. It is not yet known whether differences in assimilation also contributed. Changes in feeding rate may be regulated in various ways: through active alterations in feeding behavior mediated by chemoreception; through more passive, mechanical means 869 Food quality and quantity mediated by physical properties of the food cells; or through physiological adjustments of gut passage time. In the Daphnia-Scenedesmus system studied here, chemoreception must be rejected because Daphnia is believed to lack this ability (DeMott 1986). Also, mechanical differences in food collection owing to, for instance, changes in cell size seem unlikely judging from the small differences in cell size in the different treatments; Scenedesmus cells of all three types were well within the range of particles usually found to be efficiently collected by Daphnia (seeSterner 1989). The only explanation left is gut passage time. Gut passage time may be a means of enhancing assimilation of particular components in the food when those components are low in concentration. The precise physiological mechanism causing the differences in food quality in these experiments is presently unknown. In some respects, LOP-grown animals displayed the typical syndrome of food-limited traits seen before in Daphnia: reduction in the rate of somatic tissue growth in both females and males and in the clutch sizes of females. Daphnia that was reared in LOP also was comparatively sluggish in its movements and was much more easily caught in pipets than the animals in the other food types. It is likely that weakened animals would be subject to elevated mortality in the natural environment, meaning that food limitation could elevate predatorcaused mortality and intensify the effects of food quality beyond those seen here. Low quality (LOP) food also had one unusual effect on the animals: LOP-reared animals were often observed attached to an old molt at the posterior margin; attached molts were never observed in the other food types. We wonder whether a diet of LOP food somehow disrupted the molting cycle, which normally is highly regular (Vijverberg 1989). These results touch on a broad question. When “food” limits an animal’s growth, which component(s) of the food really is (are) limiting? The present data allow speculation. First, carbon concentration alone did not determine Daphnia’s demography. Identical dry mass concentrations have very similar amounts of C, and identical dry mass concentrations of MON, LON, and LOP did not give the same demographic response. Second, N (and there- 100 80 l LOP 0 LON 20 0 0.75 1.50 3.0 mg DW liter-’ Fig. 8. Clearance rates [ml (mg DW)- 1 h-l] (-t95% LSD intervals for factor means) for Daphnia feeding on (left to right) 0.75, 1.5, and 3.0 mg DW liter-’ LOP and LON. Corresponding rates of ingestion are given in Table 4. fore protein) content was lowest in LON, not in LOP, thus, N (or protein) concentration alone did not determine the quality of Scenedesmus as food. Third, lipids do not seem to provide the answer. Food-limited animals of given body length have higher lipid indices than animal less limited by food (Sterner et al. 1992). Thus, none of these single parameters (dry mass, C, N, protein, or lipid) adequately explains the differences in food quality seen in these experiments. It is possible that N or P limitation in Scenedesmus induced a deficiency of some other essential dietary component, such as an amino acid, a fatty acid, or a vitamin. Alternatively, food quality may have been determined not by the quantity of any single dietary constituent, but on the proportions of more than one constituent. One further hypothesis originates with Olsen et al. (1986), who suggested that P can become limiting to Daphnia when the food has a high C : P under intense P limitation. Limitation by P remains a possible explanation of the patterns seen here, especially in light of the extremely high C : P ratio in LOP cells. The C: N: P stoichiometry of zooplankton and algae-Harris and Riley (1956) pointed out that the N : P ratio in phytoplankton is 870 Sterner et al. more variable than it is in zooplankton. Our results confirm that the N : P ratio in N- vs. P-limited Scenedesmus (Table 2) varies much more than the N : P ratio in the herbivores feeding on these extreme food types (Table 4). This difference in the variation in N : P in different trophic levels implies a particular pattern in N and P recycling (Sterner 1989,199Oa). When feeding on algae that are P limited, where the N : P in the algae is higher than the N : P ratio in the animal tissue, Daphnia must assimilate a greater fraction of P than N. Thus, a greater fraction of the ingested N is unassimilated and returned to the environment than for P. Alternatively, Daphnia feeding on N-limited algae (N : P ratio in algae < N : P ratio in herbivore) must recycle a greater fraction of P than N. Recycling by homeostatic organisms should lead to divergence of the nutrient limitation patterns of their food. Single limitation by N or P, but not colimitation by both is the ultimate theoretical outcome (Sterner 1990a). In addition, shifts in nutrient limitation patterns resulting from shifts in herbivore species composition (Elser et al. 1988) may be explained by differing body ratios of N : P in different zooplankton (Sterner et al. 1992). Concluding remarks -Biochemical composition of algal biomass, and how that composition changes with growth rate, probably plays a larger role in determining Daphnia’s demographics than has so far been considered. The mineral nutrition of plant prey causes problems of food quality for many herbivores (e.g. insects, Dale 1988; sea urchins, Renaud et al. 1990; and ungulates, McNaughton 1988). Therefore it will not be surprising to find that herbivorous zooplankton face similar dietary challenges. References BEGON, M., J. L. HARPER, AND C. R. 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