Circulatory Physiology Virtual Lab

Circulatory Physiology Virtual Lab
Please go to this website and watch the short video showing the heart-beat of a water flea or daphnia
before going to the virtual website to do your lab.
Now go to the following website and perform the lab on Circulatory Physiology of Daphnia.
You will only be performing Part II of the experiment, Heart Rate in Daphnia. Read through the entire lab
procedure before you begin collecting your data. Read the information about thermoregulation and the
effect of temperature on metabolism.
Answer the question about the first graph under Measuring Temperature and Metabolic Rate. The question
is: What is the relationship between metabolic rate and a 10°C increase in temperature?
Now click the Next icon and go to the next topic. This page is about the Design of the Experiment.
Write a description of the lab design.
After completing the reading about the design of the experiment, click Take a Closer Look.
On this page you will see a Daphnia. Click animate and count the number of heart beats in 10 seconds
and record the number in 10 seconds. Multiply this number by 6 to get the number of beats per minute.
Do this for all of the different temperatures.
Record your information in a data table on your paper that looks like the one below.
Temperature in oC
10 oC
20 oC
30 oC
Heart Rate (Beats/10 sec)
Heart Rate (Beats/minute)
Construct a graph of this data using graph paper.
Calculate Q10 for the temperatures of 20 oC and 30 oC. Your rates are the beats/minute. Record the Q10
on your paper.
Take Lab Quiz II
Write the questions and then write the answer on your paper. (Don’t whine, there are only 4
Turn in your assignment.
If time permits, you may go to these websites to see other experiments done with Daphnia and caffeine
and alcohol.