HITFET=BTS 133 Smart Lowside Power Switch Features Product Summary • Logic Level Input Drain source voltage VDS 60 V • Input Protection (ESD) On-state resistance RDS(on) 50 mΩ •=Thermal shutdown with latch Current limit I D(lim) 21 A • Overload protection Nominal load current I D(ISO) 7 A • Short circuit protection Clamping energy EAS 2000 mJ • Overvoltage protection • Current limitation • Status feedback with external input resistor • Analog driving possible Application • All kinds of resistive, inductive and capacitive loads in switching or linear applications • µC compatible power switch for 12 V and 24 V DC applications • Replaces electromechanical relays and discrete circuits General Description N channel vertical power FET in Smart SIPMOS chip on chip technology. Fully protected by embedded protected functions. V bb + LOAD D rain 1 dv /d t lim ita tio n IN ESD O v erloa d pro te ctio n C u rre n t lim ita tio n O ve rte m pe rature p ro te ctio n M 2 O ve rvoltag e p rotection Sh ho rt circ c ircu it S ort uit pprotection ro te ctio n S o u rce 3 H IT F E T Page 1 19.05.2000 BTS 133 Maximum Ratings at Tj = 25 °C unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Value Drain source voltage VDS 60 Drain source voltage for short circuit protection Continuous input current 1) VDS(SC) 32 Unit V mA IIN -0.2V ≤ VIN ≤ 10V no limit VIN < -0.2V or VIN > 10V | IIN | ≤ 2 Operating temperature Tj - 40 ... +150 °C Storage temperature Tstg - 55 ... +150 Power dissipation Ptot 90 W EAS 2000 mJ 3000 V TC = 25 °C Unclamped single pulse inductive energy ID(ISO) = 7 A Electrostatic discharge voltage (Human Body Model) VESD according to MIL STD 883D, method 3015.7 and EOS/ESD assn. standard S5.1 - 1993 Load dump protection VLoadDump2) = VA + VS VIN=low or high; VA =13.5 V VLD td = 400 ms, RI = 2 Ω, ID =0,5*7A 90 td = 400 ms, RI = 2 Ω, ID = 7A 74 DIN humidity category, DIN 40 040 E IEC climatic category; DIN IEC 68-1 40/150/56 Thermal resistance junction - case: RthJC 1.4 junction - ambient: RthJA 75 SMD version, device on PCB: 3) RthJA 45 K/W 1In case of thermal shutdown a minimum sensor holding current of 500 µA has to be guaranteed (see also page 3). 2V Loaddump is setup without the DUT connected to the generator per ISO 7637-1 and DIN 40839 3 Device on 50mm*50mm*1.5mm epoxy PCB FR4 with 6cm 2 (one layer, 70µm thick) copper area for Drain connection. PCB mounted vertical without blown air. Page 2 19.05.2000 BTS 133 Electrical Characteristics Parameter Symbol at Tj=25°C, unless otherwise specified Values Unit min. typ. max. 60 - 73 V - - 10 µA 1.3 1.7 2.2 V - 30 55 µA 60 150 350 1000 2500 4000 Tj = 25 °C 500 - - Tj = 150 °C 300 - - Characteristics Drain source clamp voltage VDS(AZ) Tj = - 40 ...+ 150°C, ID = 10 mA Off state drain current IDSS VDS = 32 V, Tj = -40...+150 °C, VIN = 0 V Input threshold voltage VIN(th) ID = 1,4 mA Input current - normal operation, ID<ID(lim): IIN(1) VIN = 10 V Input current - current limitation mode, ID=ID(lim): IIN(2) VIN = 10 V Input current - after thermal shutdown, ID=0 A: VIN = 10 V IIN(3) Input holding current after thermal shutdown 1) IIN(H) On-state resistance RDS(on) mΩ VIN = 5 V, ID = 7 A, Tj = 25 °C - 50 60 VIN = 5 V, ID = 7 A, Tj = 150 °C - 90 120 VIN = 10 V, I D = 7 A, Tj = 25 °C - 40 50 VIN = 10 V, I D = 7 A, Tj = 150 °C - 75 100 7 - - On-state resistance RDS(on) Nominal load current (ISO 10483) ID(ISO) A VIN = 10 V, VDS = 0.5 V, TC = 85 °C 1If the input current is limited by external components, low drain currents can flow and heat the device. Auto restart behaviour can occur. Page 3 19.05.2000 BTS 133 Electrical Characteristics Parameter Symbol at Tj=25°C, unless otherwise specified Values Unit min. typ. max. ID(SCp) - 65 - ID(lim) 21 28 40 ton -- 40 100 toff -- 70 170 -dVDS/dton -- 1 3 dVDS/dtoff -- 1 3 150 165 - Characteristics Initial peak short circuit current limit A VIN = 10 V, VDS = 12 V Current limit 1) VIN = 10 V, VDS = 12 V, tm = 350 µs, Tj = -40...+150 °C Dynamic Characteristics Turn-on time VIN to 90% ID : µs RL = 2,2 Ω, VIN = 0 to 10 V, Vbb = 12 V Turn-off time VIN to 10% ID : RL = 2,2 Ω, VIN = 10 to 0 V, Vbb = 12 V Slew rate on 70 to 50% Vbb : V/µs RL = 2,2 Ω, VIN = 0 to 10 V, Vbb = 12 V Slew rate off 50 to 70% Vbb: RL = 2,2 Ω, VIN = 10 to 0 V, Vbb = 12 V Protection Functions Thermal overload trip temperature Tjt Unclamped single pulse inductive energy EAS °C mJ ID = 7 A, Tj = 25 °C, Vbb = 32 V 2000 - - ID = 7 A, Tj = 150 °C, Vbb = 32 V 450 - - - 1.08 - Inverse Diode Inverse diode forward voltage VSD V IF = 5*7A, tm = 300 µS, VIN = 0 V 1Device switched on into existing short circuit (see diagram Determination of I D(lim)). If the device is in on condition and a short circuit occurs, these values might be exceeded for max. 50 µs. Page 4 19.05.2000 BTS 133 Block Diagramm Terms Inductive and overvoltage output clamp RL I IN 1 D IN V Z D 2 ID S VDS Vbb HITFET S VIN 3 HITFET Short circuit behaviour Input circuit (ESD protection) V IN I D(SCp) IN I D(Lim) ID ESD-ZD I Source ESD zener diodes are not designed for DC current > 2 mA @ VIN >10V. t0 t0: tm t1 t2 Turn on into a short circuit tm: Measurementpoint for ID(lim) t1: Activation of the fast temperature sensor and regulation of the drain current to a level where the junction temperature remains constant. t2: Thermal shutdown caused by the second temperature sensor, achieved by an integrating measurement. Page 5 19.05.2000 BTS 133 Maximum allowable power dissipation On-state resistance Ptot = f(Tc ) RON = f(Tj ); ID=7A; VIN =10V 100 BTS 133 100 mΩ W 80 RDS(on) 80 Ptot 70 60 70 60 max. 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 °C 0 -50 160 typ. -25 0 25 50 75 100 150 Tj 150 On-state resistance Typ. input threshold voltage RON = f(Tj ); ID= 7A; VIN=5V VIN(th) = f(Tj); ID =1,4mA; VDS =12V 2.0 120 mΩ V 100 1.6 90 VIN(th) RDS(on) °C 80 70 1.4 1.2 max. 60 1.0 50 typ. 0.8 40 0.6 30 0.4 20 0.2 10 0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 °C 150 Tj 0.0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 °C 150 Tj Page 6 19.05.2000 BTS 133 Typ. transfer characteristics Typ. output characteristic ID = f(VIN); VDS =12V; Tj =25°C ID = f(VDS); Tj =25°C Parameter: VIN 25 24 10V 6V 5V A A 4V ID ID 16 15 12 10 8 Vin=3V 5 4 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 V 6 0 0 8 VIN 1 2 3 V 5 VDS Transient thermal impedance Z thJC = f (t p) parameter : D = t p/T 10 1 K/W 0 D=0.5 ZthJC 10 0.2 10 0.1 -1 0.05 0.02 10 -2 10 -3 0.01 0.005 0 10 -7 10 -6 10 -5 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 s 10 2 tP Page 7 19.05.2000 BTS 133 Application examples: Status signal of thermal shutdown by monitoring input current R St IN µC V IN D HITFET V bb S ∆V V IN thermal shutdown ∆V = RST *IIN(3) Page 8 19.05.2000 BTS 133 Package Ordering Code Package Ordering Code P-TO220-3-45 Q67060-S6501-A3 P-TO220-3-1 Q67060-S6501-A2 4.4 1.3 0.2 2.4 10.5 9.9 8 0.75 1.05 2.54 0.5 1.5 1.5 3.6 9.2 1) GPT05164 1) shear and punch direction no burrs this surface Published by Infineon Technologies AG, Bereichs Kommunikation St.-Martin-Strasse 53, D-81541 München © Infineon Technologies AG 1999 All Rights Reserved. Attention please! The information herein is given to describe certain components and shall not be considered as warranted characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to technical change reserved. We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement, regarding circuits, descriptions and charts stated herein. Infineon Technologies is an approved CECC manufacturer. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office in Germany or our Infineon Technologies Reprensatives worldwide (see address list). Warnings Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. Page 9 19.05.2000